1//===---- MachineOutliner.cpp - Outline instructions -----------*- C++ -*-===//
3// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
9/// \file
10/// Replaces repeated sequences of instructions with function calls.
12/// This works by placing every instruction from every basic block in a
13/// suffix tree, and repeatedly querying that tree for repeated sequences of
14/// instructions. If a sequence of instructions appears often, then it ought
15/// to be beneficial to pull out into a function.
17/// The MachineOutliner communicates with a given target using hooks defined in
18/// TargetInstrInfo.h. The target supplies the outliner with information on how
19/// a specific sequence of instructions should be outlined. This information
20/// is used to deduce the number of instructions necessary to
22/// * Create an outlined function
23/// * Call that outlined function
25/// Targets must implement
26///   * getOutliningCandidateInfo
27///   * buildOutlinedFrame
28///   * insertOutlinedCall
29///   * isFunctionSafeToOutlineFrom
31/// in order to make use of the MachineOutliner.
33/// This was originally presented at the 2016 LLVM Developers' Meeting in the
34/// talk "Reducing Code Size Using Outlining". For a high-level overview of
35/// how this pass works, the talk is available on YouTube at
37/// https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yorld-WSOeU
39/// The slides for the talk are available at
41/// http://www.llvm.org/devmtg/2016-11/Slides/Paquette-Outliner.pdf
43/// The talk provides an overview of how the outliner finds candidates and
44/// ultimately outlines them. It describes how the main data structure for this
45/// pass, the suffix tree, is queried and purged for candidates. It also gives
46/// a simplified suffix tree construction algorithm for suffix trees based off
47/// of the algorithm actually used here, Ukkonen's algorithm.
49/// For the original RFC for this pass, please see
51/// http://lists.llvm.org/pipermail/llvm-dev/2016-August/104170.html
53/// For more information on the suffix tree data structure, please see
54/// https://www.cs.helsinki.fi/u/ukkonen/SuffixT1withFigs.pdf
57#include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineOutliner.h"
58#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
59#include "llvm/ADT/SmallSet.h"
60#include "llvm/ADT/Statistic.h"
61#include "llvm/ADT/Twine.h"
62#include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineFunction.h"
63#include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineModuleInfo.h"
64#include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineOptimizationRemarkEmitter.h"
65#include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineRegisterInfo.h"
66#include "llvm/CodeGen/Passes.h"
67#include "llvm/CodeGen/TargetInstrInfo.h"
68#include "llvm/CodeGen/TargetSubtargetInfo.h"
69#include "llvm/IR/DIBuilder.h"
70#include "llvm/IR/IRBuilder.h"
71#include "llvm/IR/Mangler.h"
72#include "llvm/InitializePasses.h"
73#include "llvm/Support/CommandLine.h"
74#include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
75#include "llvm/Support/SuffixTree.h"
76#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
77#include <functional>
78#include <tuple>
79#include <vector>
81#define DEBUG_TYPE "machine-outliner"
83using namespace llvm;
84using namespace ore;
85using namespace outliner;
87STATISTIC(NumOutlined, "Number of candidates outlined");
88STATISTIC(FunctionsCreated, "Number of functions created");
90// Set to true if the user wants the outliner to run on linkonceodr linkage
91// functions. This is false by default because the linker can dedupe linkonceodr
92// functions. Since the outliner is confined to a single module (modulo LTO),
93// this is off by default. It should, however, be the default behaviour in
94// LTO.
95static cl::opt<bool> EnableLinkOnceODROutlining(
96    "enable-linkonceodr-outlining", cl::Hidden,
97    cl::desc("Enable the machine outliner on linkonceodr functions"),
98    cl::init(false));
100/// Number of times to re-run the outliner. This is not the total number of runs
101/// as the outliner will run at least one time. The default value is set to 0,
102/// meaning the outliner will run one time and rerun zero times after that.
103static cl::opt<unsigned> OutlinerReruns(
104    "machine-outliner-reruns", cl::init(0), cl::Hidden,
105    cl::desc(
106        "Number of times to rerun the outliner after the initial outline"));
108namespace {
110/// Maps \p MachineInstrs to unsigned integers and stores the mappings.
111struct InstructionMapper {
113  /// The next available integer to assign to a \p MachineInstr that
114  /// cannot be outlined.
115  ///
116  /// Set to -3 for compatability with \p DenseMapInfo<unsigned>.
117  unsigned IllegalInstrNumber = -3;
119  /// The next available integer to assign to a \p MachineInstr that can
120  /// be outlined.
121  unsigned LegalInstrNumber = 0;
123  /// Correspondence from \p MachineInstrs to unsigned integers.
124  DenseMap<MachineInstr *, unsigned, MachineInstrExpressionTrait>
125      InstructionIntegerMap;
127  /// Correspondence between \p MachineBasicBlocks and target-defined flags.
128  DenseMap<MachineBasicBlock *, unsigned> MBBFlagsMap;
130  /// The vector of unsigned integers that the module is mapped to.
131  std::vector<unsigned> UnsignedVec;
133  /// Stores the location of the instruction associated with the integer
134  /// at index i in \p UnsignedVec for each index i.
135  std::vector<MachineBasicBlock::iterator> InstrList;
137  // Set if we added an illegal number in the previous step.
138  // Since each illegal number is unique, we only need one of them between
139  // each range of legal numbers. This lets us make sure we don't add more
140  // than one illegal number per range.
141  bool AddedIllegalLastTime = false;
143  /// Maps \p *It to a legal integer.
144  ///
145  /// Updates \p CanOutlineWithPrevInstr, \p HaveLegalRange, \p InstrListForMBB,
146  /// \p UnsignedVecForMBB, \p InstructionIntegerMap, and \p LegalInstrNumber.
147  ///
148  /// \returns The integer that \p *It was mapped to.
149  unsigned mapToLegalUnsigned(
150      MachineBasicBlock::iterator &It, bool &CanOutlineWithPrevInstr,
151      bool &HaveLegalRange, unsigned &NumLegalInBlock,
152      std::vector<unsigned> &UnsignedVecForMBB,
153      std::vector<MachineBasicBlock::iterator> &InstrListForMBB) {
154    // We added something legal, so we should unset the AddedLegalLastTime
155    // flag.
156    AddedIllegalLastTime = false;
158    // If we have at least two adjacent legal instructions (which may have
159    // invisible instructions in between), remember that.
160    if (CanOutlineWithPrevInstr)
161      HaveLegalRange = true;
162    CanOutlineWithPrevInstr = true;
164    // Keep track of the number of legal instructions we insert.
165    NumLegalInBlock++;
167    // Get the integer for this instruction or give it the current
168    // LegalInstrNumber.
169    InstrListForMBB.push_back(It);
170    MachineInstr &MI = *It;
171    bool WasInserted;
172    DenseMap<MachineInstr *, unsigned, MachineInstrExpressionTrait>::iterator
173        ResultIt;
174    std::tie(ResultIt, WasInserted) =
175        InstructionIntegerMap.insert(std::make_pair(&MI, LegalInstrNumber));
176    unsigned MINumber = ResultIt->second;
178    // There was an insertion.
179    if (WasInserted)
180      LegalInstrNumber++;
182    UnsignedVecForMBB.push_back(MINumber);
184    // Make sure we don't overflow or use any integers reserved by the DenseMap.
185    if (LegalInstrNumber >= IllegalInstrNumber)
186      report_fatal_error("Instruction mapping overflow!");
188    assert(LegalInstrNumber != DenseMapInfo<unsigned>::getEmptyKey() &&
189           "Tried to assign DenseMap tombstone or empty key to instruction.");
190    assert(LegalInstrNumber != DenseMapInfo<unsigned>::getTombstoneKey() &&
191           "Tried to assign DenseMap tombstone or empty key to instruction.");
193    return MINumber;
194  }
196  /// Maps \p *It to an illegal integer.
197  ///
198  /// Updates \p InstrListForMBB, \p UnsignedVecForMBB, and \p
199  /// IllegalInstrNumber.
200  ///
201  /// \returns The integer that \p *It was mapped to.
202  unsigned mapToIllegalUnsigned(
203      MachineBasicBlock::iterator &It, bool &CanOutlineWithPrevInstr,
204      std::vector<unsigned> &UnsignedVecForMBB,
205      std::vector<MachineBasicBlock::iterator> &InstrListForMBB) {
206    // Can't outline an illegal instruction. Set the flag.
207    CanOutlineWithPrevInstr = false;
209    // Only add one illegal number per range of legal numbers.
210    if (AddedIllegalLastTime)
211      return IllegalInstrNumber;
213    // Remember that we added an illegal number last time.
214    AddedIllegalLastTime = true;
215    unsigned MINumber = IllegalInstrNumber;
217    InstrListForMBB.push_back(It);
218    UnsignedVecForMBB.push_back(IllegalInstrNumber);
219    IllegalInstrNumber--;
221    assert(LegalInstrNumber < IllegalInstrNumber &&
222           "Instruction mapping overflow!");
224    assert(IllegalInstrNumber != DenseMapInfo<unsigned>::getEmptyKey() &&
225           "IllegalInstrNumber cannot be DenseMap tombstone or empty key!");
227    assert(IllegalInstrNumber != DenseMapInfo<unsigned>::getTombstoneKey() &&
228           "IllegalInstrNumber cannot be DenseMap tombstone or empty key!");
230    return MINumber;
231  }
233  /// Transforms a \p MachineBasicBlock into a \p vector of \p unsigneds
234  /// and appends it to \p UnsignedVec and \p InstrList.
235  ///
236  /// Two instructions are assigned the same integer if they are identical.
237  /// If an instruction is deemed unsafe to outline, then it will be assigned an
238  /// unique integer. The resulting mapping is placed into a suffix tree and
239  /// queried for candidates.
240  ///
241  /// \param MBB The \p MachineBasicBlock to be translated into integers.
242  /// \param TII \p TargetInstrInfo for the function.
243  void convertToUnsignedVec(MachineBasicBlock &MBB,
244                            const TargetInstrInfo &TII) {
245    unsigned Flags = 0;
247    // Don't even map in this case.
248    if (!TII.isMBBSafeToOutlineFrom(MBB, Flags))
249      return;
251    // Store info for the MBB for later outlining.
252    MBBFlagsMap[&MBB] = Flags;
254    MachineBasicBlock::iterator It = MBB.begin();
256    // The number of instructions in this block that will be considered for
257    // outlining.
258    unsigned NumLegalInBlock = 0;
260    // True if we have at least two legal instructions which aren't separated
261    // by an illegal instruction.
262    bool HaveLegalRange = false;
264    // True if we can perform outlining given the last mapped (non-invisible)
265    // instruction. This lets us know if we have a legal range.
266    bool CanOutlineWithPrevInstr = false;
268    // FIXME: Should this all just be handled in the target, rather than using
269    // repeated calls to getOutliningType?
270    std::vector<unsigned> UnsignedVecForMBB;
271    std::vector<MachineBasicBlock::iterator> InstrListForMBB;
273    for (MachineBasicBlock::iterator Et = MBB.end(); It != Et; ++It) {
274      // Keep track of where this instruction is in the module.
275      switch (TII.getOutliningType(It, Flags)) {
276      case InstrType::Illegal:
277        mapToIllegalUnsigned(It, CanOutlineWithPrevInstr, UnsignedVecForMBB,
278                             InstrListForMBB);
279        break;
281      case InstrType::Legal:
282        mapToLegalUnsigned(It, CanOutlineWithPrevInstr, HaveLegalRange,
283                           NumLegalInBlock, UnsignedVecForMBB, InstrListForMBB);
284        break;
286      case InstrType::LegalTerminator:
287        mapToLegalUnsigned(It, CanOutlineWithPrevInstr, HaveLegalRange,
288                           NumLegalInBlock, UnsignedVecForMBB, InstrListForMBB);
289        // The instruction also acts as a terminator, so we have to record that
290        // in the string.
291        mapToIllegalUnsigned(It, CanOutlineWithPrevInstr, UnsignedVecForMBB,
292                             InstrListForMBB);
293        break;
295      case InstrType::Invisible:
296        // Normally this is set by mapTo(Blah)Unsigned, but we just want to
297        // skip this instruction. So, unset the flag here.
298        AddedIllegalLastTime = false;
299        break;
300      }
301    }
303    // Are there enough legal instructions in the block for outlining to be
304    // possible?
305    if (HaveLegalRange) {
306      // After we're done every insertion, uniquely terminate this part of the
307      // "string". This makes sure we won't match across basic block or function
308      // boundaries since the "end" is encoded uniquely and thus appears in no
309      // repeated substring.
310      mapToIllegalUnsigned(It, CanOutlineWithPrevInstr, UnsignedVecForMBB,
311                           InstrListForMBB);
312      InstrList.insert(InstrList.end(), InstrListForMBB.begin(),
313                       InstrListForMBB.end());
314      UnsignedVec.insert(UnsignedVec.end(), UnsignedVecForMBB.begin(),
315                         UnsignedVecForMBB.end());
316    }
317  }
319  InstructionMapper() {
320    // Make sure that the implementation of DenseMapInfo<unsigned> hasn't
321    // changed.
322    assert(DenseMapInfo<unsigned>::getEmptyKey() == (unsigned)-1 &&
323           "DenseMapInfo<unsigned>'s empty key isn't -1!");
324    assert(DenseMapInfo<unsigned>::getTombstoneKey() == (unsigned)-2 &&
325           "DenseMapInfo<unsigned>'s tombstone key isn't -2!");
326  }
329/// An interprocedural pass which finds repeated sequences of
330/// instructions and replaces them with calls to functions.
332/// Each instruction is mapped to an unsigned integer and placed in a string.
333/// The resulting mapping is then placed in a \p SuffixTree. The \p SuffixTree
334/// is then repeatedly queried for repeated sequences of instructions. Each
335/// non-overlapping repeated sequence is then placed in its own
336/// \p MachineFunction and each instance is then replaced with a call to that
337/// function.
338struct MachineOutliner : public ModulePass {
340  static char ID;
342  /// Set to true if the outliner should consider functions with
343  /// linkonceodr linkage.
344  bool OutlineFromLinkOnceODRs = false;
346  /// The current repeat number of machine outlining.
347  unsigned OutlineRepeatedNum = 0;
349  /// Set to true if the outliner should run on all functions in the module
350  /// considered safe for outlining.
351  /// Set to true by default for compatibility with llc's -run-pass option.
352  /// Set when the pass is constructed in TargetPassConfig.
353  bool RunOnAllFunctions = true;
355  StringRef getPassName() const override { return "Machine Outliner"; }
357  void getAnalysisUsage(AnalysisUsage &AU) const override {
358    AU.addRequired<MachineModuleInfoWrapperPass>();
359    AU.addPreserved<MachineModuleInfoWrapperPass>();
360    AU.setPreservesAll();
361    ModulePass::getAnalysisUsage(AU);
362  }
364  MachineOutliner() : ModulePass(ID) {
365    initializeMachineOutlinerPass(*PassRegistry::getPassRegistry());
366  }
368  /// Remark output explaining that not outlining a set of candidates would be
369  /// better than outlining that set.
370  void emitNotOutliningCheaperRemark(
371      unsigned StringLen, std::vector<Candidate> &CandidatesForRepeatedSeq,
372      OutlinedFunction &OF);
374  /// Remark output explaining that a function was outlined.
375  void emitOutlinedFunctionRemark(OutlinedFunction &OF);
377  /// Find all repeated substrings that satisfy the outlining cost model by
378  /// constructing a suffix tree.
379  ///
380  /// If a substring appears at least twice, then it must be represented by
381  /// an internal node which appears in at least two suffixes. Each suffix
382  /// is represented by a leaf node. To do this, we visit each internal node
383  /// in the tree, using the leaf children of each internal node. If an
384  /// internal node represents a beneficial substring, then we use each of
385  /// its leaf children to find the locations of its substring.
386  ///
387  /// \param Mapper Contains outlining mapping information.
388  /// \param[out] FunctionList Filled with a list of \p OutlinedFunctions
389  /// each type of candidate.
390  void findCandidates(InstructionMapper &Mapper,
391                      std::vector<OutlinedFunction> &FunctionList);
393  /// Replace the sequences of instructions represented by \p OutlinedFunctions
394  /// with calls to functions.
395  ///
396  /// \param M The module we are outlining from.
397  /// \param FunctionList A list of functions to be inserted into the module.
398  /// \param Mapper Contains the instruction mappings for the module.
399  bool outline(Module &M, std::vector<OutlinedFunction> &FunctionList,
400               InstructionMapper &Mapper, unsigned &OutlinedFunctionNum);
402  /// Creates a function for \p OF and inserts it into the module.
403  MachineFunction *createOutlinedFunction(Module &M, OutlinedFunction &OF,
404                                          InstructionMapper &Mapper,
405                                          unsigned Name);
407  /// Calls 'doOutline()' 1 + OutlinerReruns times.
408  bool runOnModule(Module &M) override;
410  /// Construct a suffix tree on the instructions in \p M and outline repeated
411  /// strings from that tree.
412  bool doOutline(Module &M, unsigned &OutlinedFunctionNum);
414  /// Return a DISubprogram for OF if one exists, and null otherwise. Helper
415  /// function for remark emission.
416  DISubprogram *getSubprogramOrNull(const OutlinedFunction &OF) {
417    for (const Candidate &C : OF.Candidates)
418      if (MachineFunction *MF = C.getMF())
419        if (DISubprogram *SP = MF->getFunction().getSubprogram())
420          return SP;
421    return nullptr;
422  }
424  /// Populate and \p InstructionMapper with instruction-to-integer mappings.
425  /// These are used to construct a suffix tree.
426  void populateMapper(InstructionMapper &Mapper, Module &M,
427                      MachineModuleInfo &MMI);
429  /// Initialize information necessary to output a size remark.
430  /// FIXME: This should be handled by the pass manager, not the outliner.
431  /// FIXME: This is nearly identical to the initSizeRemarkInfo in the legacy
432  /// pass manager.
433  void initSizeRemarkInfo(const Module &M, const MachineModuleInfo &MMI,
434                          StringMap<unsigned> &FunctionToInstrCount);
436  /// Emit the remark.
437  // FIXME: This should be handled by the pass manager, not the outliner.
438  void
439  emitInstrCountChangedRemark(const Module &M, const MachineModuleInfo &MMI,
440                              const StringMap<unsigned> &FunctionToInstrCount);
442} // Anonymous namespace.
444char MachineOutliner::ID = 0;
446namespace llvm {
447ModulePass *createMachineOutlinerPass(bool RunOnAllFunctions) {
448  MachineOutliner *OL = new MachineOutliner();
449  OL->RunOnAllFunctions = RunOnAllFunctions;
450  return OL;
453} // namespace llvm
455INITIALIZE_PASS(MachineOutliner, DEBUG_TYPE, "Machine Function Outliner", false,
456                false)
458void MachineOutliner::emitNotOutliningCheaperRemark(
459    unsigned StringLen, std::vector<Candidate> &CandidatesForRepeatedSeq,
460    OutlinedFunction &OF) {
461  // FIXME: Right now, we arbitrarily choose some Candidate from the
462  // OutlinedFunction. This isn't necessarily fixed, nor does it have to be.
463  // We should probably sort these by function name or something to make sure
464  // the remarks are stable.
465  Candidate &C = CandidatesForRepeatedSeq.front();
466  MachineOptimizationRemarkEmitter MORE(*(C.getMF()), nullptr);
467  MORE.emit([&]() {
468    MachineOptimizationRemarkMissed R(DEBUG_TYPE, "NotOutliningCheaper",
469                                      C.front()->getDebugLoc(), C.getMBB());
470    R << "Did not outline " << NV("Length", StringLen) << " instructions"
471      << " from " << NV("NumOccurrences", CandidatesForRepeatedSeq.size())
472      << " locations."
473      << " Bytes from outlining all occurrences ("
474      << NV("OutliningCost", OF.getOutliningCost()) << ")"
475      << " >= Unoutlined instruction bytes ("
476      << NV("NotOutliningCost", OF.getNotOutlinedCost()) << ")"
477      << " (Also found at: ";
479    // Tell the user the other places the candidate was found.
480    for (unsigned i = 1, e = CandidatesForRepeatedSeq.size(); i < e; i++) {
481      R << NV((Twine("OtherStartLoc") + Twine(i)).str(),
482              CandidatesForRepeatedSeq[i].front()->getDebugLoc());
483      if (i != e - 1)
484        R << ", ";
485    }
487    R << ")";
488    return R;
489  });
492void MachineOutliner::emitOutlinedFunctionRemark(OutlinedFunction &OF) {
493  MachineBasicBlock *MBB = &*OF.MF->begin();
494  MachineOptimizationRemarkEmitter MORE(*OF.MF, nullptr);
495  MachineOptimizationRemark R(DEBUG_TYPE, "OutlinedFunction",
496                              MBB->findDebugLoc(MBB->begin()), MBB);
497  R << "Saved " << NV("OutliningBenefit", OF.getBenefit()) << " bytes by "
498    << "outlining " << NV("Length", OF.getNumInstrs()) << " instructions "
499    << "from " << NV("NumOccurrences", OF.getOccurrenceCount())
500    << " locations. "
501    << "(Found at: ";
503  // Tell the user the other places the candidate was found.
504  for (size_t i = 0, e = OF.Candidates.size(); i < e; i++) {
506    R << NV((Twine("StartLoc") + Twine(i)).str(),
507            OF.Candidates[i].front()->getDebugLoc());
508    if (i != e - 1)
509      R << ", ";
510  }
512  R << ")";
514  MORE.emit(R);
517void MachineOutliner::findCandidates(
518    InstructionMapper &Mapper, std::vector<OutlinedFunction> &FunctionList) {
519  FunctionList.clear();
520  SuffixTree ST(Mapper.UnsignedVec);
522  // First, find all of the repeated substrings in the tree of minimum length
523  // 2.
524  std::vector<Candidate> CandidatesForRepeatedSeq;
525  for (auto It = ST.begin(), Et = ST.end(); It != Et; ++It) {
526    CandidatesForRepeatedSeq.clear();
527    SuffixTree::RepeatedSubstring RS = *It;
528    unsigned StringLen = RS.Length;
529    for (const unsigned &StartIdx : RS.StartIndices) {
530      unsigned EndIdx = StartIdx + StringLen - 1;
531      // Trick: Discard some candidates that would be incompatible with the
532      // ones we've already found for this sequence. This will save us some
533      // work in candidate selection.
534      //
535      // If two candidates overlap, then we can't outline them both. This
536      // happens when we have candidates that look like, say
537      //
538      // AA (where each "A" is an instruction).
539      //
540      // We might have some portion of the module that looks like this:
541      // AAAAAA (6 A's)
542      //
543      // In this case, there are 5 different copies of "AA" in this range, but
544      // at most 3 can be outlined. If only outlining 3 of these is going to
545      // be unbeneficial, then we ought to not bother.
546      //
547      // Note that two things DON'T overlap when they look like this:
548      // start1...end1 .... start2...end2
549      // That is, one must either
550      // * End before the other starts
551      // * Start after the other ends
552      if (std::all_of(
553              CandidatesForRepeatedSeq.begin(), CandidatesForRepeatedSeq.end(),
554              [&StartIdx, &EndIdx](const Candidate &C) {
555                return (EndIdx < C.getStartIdx() || StartIdx > C.getEndIdx());
556              })) {
557        // It doesn't overlap with anything, so we can outline it.
558        // Each sequence is over [StartIt, EndIt].
559        // Save the candidate and its location.
561        MachineBasicBlock::iterator StartIt = Mapper.InstrList[StartIdx];
562        MachineBasicBlock::iterator EndIt = Mapper.InstrList[EndIdx];
563        MachineBasicBlock *MBB = StartIt->getParent();
565        CandidatesForRepeatedSeq.emplace_back(StartIdx, StringLen, StartIt,
566                                              EndIt, MBB, FunctionList.size(),
567                                              Mapper.MBBFlagsMap[MBB]);
568      }
569    }
571    // We've found something we might want to outline.
572    // Create an OutlinedFunction to store it and check if it'd be beneficial
573    // to outline.
574    if (CandidatesForRepeatedSeq.size() < 2)
575      continue;
577    // Arbitrarily choose a TII from the first candidate.
578    // FIXME: Should getOutliningCandidateInfo move to TargetMachine?
579    const TargetInstrInfo *TII =
580        CandidatesForRepeatedSeq[0].getMF()->getSubtarget().getInstrInfo();
582    OutlinedFunction OF =
583        TII->getOutliningCandidateInfo(CandidatesForRepeatedSeq);
585    // If we deleted too many candidates, then there's nothing worth outlining.
586    // FIXME: This should take target-specified instruction sizes into account.
587    if (OF.Candidates.size() < 2)
588      continue;
590    // Is it better to outline this candidate than not?
591    if (OF.getBenefit() < 1) {
592      emitNotOutliningCheaperRemark(StringLen, CandidatesForRepeatedSeq, OF);
593      continue;
594    }
596    FunctionList.push_back(OF);
597  }
600MachineFunction *MachineOutliner::createOutlinedFunction(
601    Module &M, OutlinedFunction &OF, InstructionMapper &Mapper, unsigned Name) {
603  // Create the function name. This should be unique.
604  // FIXME: We should have a better naming scheme. This should be stable,
605  // regardless of changes to the outliner's cost model/traversal order.
606  std::string FunctionName = "OUTLINED_FUNCTION_";
607  if (OutlineRepeatedNum > 0)
608    FunctionName += std::to_string(OutlineRepeatedNum + 1) + "_";
609  FunctionName += std::to_string(Name);
611  // Create the function using an IR-level function.
612  LLVMContext &C = M.getContext();
613  Function *F = Function::Create(FunctionType::get(Type::getVoidTy(C), false),
614                                 Function::ExternalLinkage, FunctionName, M);
616  // NOTE: If this is linkonceodr, then we can take advantage of linker deduping
617  // which gives us better results when we outline from linkonceodr functions.
618  F->setLinkage(GlobalValue::InternalLinkage);
619  F->setUnnamedAddr(GlobalValue::UnnamedAddr::Global);
621  // Set optsize/minsize, so we don't insert padding between outlined
622  // functions.
623  F->addFnAttr(Attribute::OptimizeForSize);
624  F->addFnAttr(Attribute::MinSize);
626  // Include target features from an arbitrary candidate for the outlined
627  // function. This makes sure the outlined function knows what kinds of
628  // instructions are going into it. This is fine, since all parent functions
629  // must necessarily support the instructions that are in the outlined region.
630  Candidate &FirstCand = OF.Candidates.front();
631  const Function &ParentFn = FirstCand.getMF()->getFunction();
632  if (ParentFn.hasFnAttribute("target-features"))
633    F->addFnAttr(ParentFn.getFnAttribute("target-features"));
635  // Set nounwind, so we don't generate eh_frame.
636  if (llvm::all_of(OF.Candidates, [](const outliner::Candidate &C) {
637        return C.getMF()->getFunction().hasFnAttribute(Attribute::NoUnwind);
638      }))
639    F->addFnAttr(Attribute::NoUnwind);
641  BasicBlock *EntryBB = BasicBlock::Create(C, "entry", F);
642  IRBuilder<> Builder(EntryBB);
643  Builder.CreateRetVoid();
645  MachineModuleInfo &MMI = getAnalysis<MachineModuleInfoWrapperPass>().getMMI();
646  MachineFunction &MF = MMI.getOrCreateMachineFunction(*F);
647  MachineBasicBlock &MBB = *MF.CreateMachineBasicBlock();
648  const TargetSubtargetInfo &STI = MF.getSubtarget();
649  const TargetInstrInfo &TII = *STI.getInstrInfo();
651  // Insert the new function into the module.
652  MF.insert(MF.begin(), &MBB);
654  MachineFunction *OriginalMF = FirstCand.front()->getMF();
655  const std::vector<MCCFIInstruction> &Instrs =
656      OriginalMF->getFrameInstructions();
657  for (auto I = FirstCand.front(), E = std::next(FirstCand.back()); I != E;
658       ++I) {
659    MachineInstr *NewMI = MF.CloneMachineInstr(&*I);
660    if (I->isCFIInstruction()) {
661      unsigned CFIIndex = NewMI->getOperand(0).getCFIIndex();
662      MCCFIInstruction CFI = Instrs[CFIIndex];
663      (void)MF.addFrameInst(CFI);
664    }
665    NewMI->dropMemRefs(MF);
667    // Don't keep debug information for outlined instructions.
668    NewMI->setDebugLoc(DebugLoc());
669    MBB.insert(MBB.end(), NewMI);
670  }
672  // Set normal properties for a late MachineFunction.
673  MF.getProperties().reset(MachineFunctionProperties::Property::IsSSA);
674  MF.getProperties().set(MachineFunctionProperties::Property::NoPHIs);
675  MF.getProperties().set(MachineFunctionProperties::Property::NoVRegs);
676  MF.getProperties().set(MachineFunctionProperties::Property::TracksLiveness);
677  MF.getRegInfo().freezeReservedRegs(MF);
679  // Compute live-in set for outlined fn
680  const MachineRegisterInfo &MRI = MF.getRegInfo();
681  const TargetRegisterInfo &TRI = *MRI.getTargetRegisterInfo();
682  LivePhysRegs LiveIns(TRI);
683  for (auto &Cand : OF.Candidates) {
684    // Figure out live-ins at the first instruction.
685    MachineBasicBlock &OutlineBB = *Cand.front()->getParent();
686    LivePhysRegs CandLiveIns(TRI);
687    CandLiveIns.addLiveOuts(OutlineBB);
688    for (const MachineInstr &MI :
689         reverse(make_range(Cand.front(), OutlineBB.end())))
690      CandLiveIns.stepBackward(MI);
692    // The live-in set for the outlined function is the union of the live-ins
693    // from all the outlining points.
694    for (MCPhysReg Reg : make_range(CandLiveIns.begin(), CandLiveIns.end()))
695      LiveIns.addReg(Reg);
696  }
697  addLiveIns(MBB, LiveIns);
699  TII.buildOutlinedFrame(MBB, MF, OF);
701  // If there's a DISubprogram associated with this outlined function, then
702  // emit debug info for the outlined function.
703  if (DISubprogram *SP = getSubprogramOrNull(OF)) {
704    // We have a DISubprogram. Get its DICompileUnit.
705    DICompileUnit *CU = SP->getUnit();
706    DIBuilder DB(M, true, CU);
707    DIFile *Unit = SP->getFile();
708    Mangler Mg;
709    // Get the mangled name of the function for the linkage name.
710    std::string Dummy;
711    llvm::raw_string_ostream MangledNameStream(Dummy);
712    Mg.getNameWithPrefix(MangledNameStream, F, false);
714    DISubprogram *OutlinedSP = DB.createFunction(
715        Unit /* Context */, F->getName(), StringRef(MangledNameStream.str()),
716        Unit /* File */,
717        0 /* Line 0 is reserved for compiler-generated code. */,
718        DB.createSubroutineType(DB.getOrCreateTypeArray(None)), /* void type */
719        0, /* Line 0 is reserved for compiler-generated code. */
720        DINode::DIFlags::FlagArtificial /* Compiler-generated code. */,
721        /* Outlined code is optimized code by definition. */
722        DISubprogram::SPFlagDefinition | DISubprogram::SPFlagOptimized);
724    // Don't add any new variables to the subprogram.
725    DB.finalizeSubprogram(OutlinedSP);
727    // Attach subprogram to the function.
728    F->setSubprogram(OutlinedSP);
729    // We're done with the DIBuilder.
730    DB.finalize();
731  }
733  return &MF;
736bool MachineOutliner::outline(Module &M,
737                              std::vector<OutlinedFunction> &FunctionList,
738                              InstructionMapper &Mapper,
739                              unsigned &OutlinedFunctionNum) {
741  bool OutlinedSomething = false;
743  // Sort by benefit. The most beneficial functions should be outlined first.
744  llvm::stable_sort(FunctionList, [](const OutlinedFunction &LHS,
745                                     const OutlinedFunction &RHS) {
746    return LHS.getBenefit() > RHS.getBenefit();
747  });
749  // Walk over each function, outlining them as we go along. Functions are
750  // outlined greedily, based off the sort above.
751  for (OutlinedFunction &OF : FunctionList) {
752    // If we outlined something that overlapped with a candidate in a previous
753    // step, then we can't outline from it.
754    erase_if(OF.Candidates, [&Mapper](Candidate &C) {
755      return std::any_of(
756          Mapper.UnsignedVec.begin() + C.getStartIdx(),
757          Mapper.UnsignedVec.begin() + C.getEndIdx() + 1,
758          [](unsigned I) { return (I == static_cast<unsigned>(-1)); });
759    });
761    // If we made it unbeneficial to outline this function, skip it.
762    if (OF.getBenefit() < 1)
763      continue;
765    // It's beneficial. Create the function and outline its sequence's
766    // occurrences.
767    OF.MF = createOutlinedFunction(M, OF, Mapper, OutlinedFunctionNum);
768    emitOutlinedFunctionRemark(OF);
769    FunctionsCreated++;
770    OutlinedFunctionNum++; // Created a function, move to the next name.
771    MachineFunction *MF = OF.MF;
772    const TargetSubtargetInfo &STI = MF->getSubtarget();
773    const TargetInstrInfo &TII = *STI.getInstrInfo();
775    // Replace occurrences of the sequence with calls to the new function.
776    for (Candidate &C : OF.Candidates) {
777      MachineBasicBlock &MBB = *C.getMBB();
778      MachineBasicBlock::iterator StartIt = C.front();
779      MachineBasicBlock::iterator EndIt = C.back();
781      // Insert the call.
782      auto CallInst = TII.insertOutlinedCall(M, MBB, StartIt, *MF, C);
784      // If the caller tracks liveness, then we need to make sure that
785      // anything we outline doesn't break liveness assumptions. The outlined
786      // functions themselves currently don't track liveness, but we should
787      // make sure that the ranges we yank things out of aren't wrong.
788      if (MBB.getParent()->getProperties().hasProperty(
789              MachineFunctionProperties::Property::TracksLiveness)) {
790        // The following code is to add implicit def operands to the call
791        // instruction. It also updates call site information for moved
792        // code.
793        SmallSet<Register, 2> UseRegs, DefRegs;
794        // Copy over the defs in the outlined range.
795        // First inst in outlined range <-- Anything that's defined in this
796        // ...                           .. range has to be added as an
797        // implicit Last inst in outlined range  <-- def to the call
798        // instruction. Also remove call site information for outlined block
799        // of code. The exposed uses need to be copied in the outlined range.
800        for (MachineBasicBlock::reverse_iterator
801                 Iter = EndIt.getReverse(),
802                 Last = std::next(CallInst.getReverse());
803             Iter != Last; Iter++) {
804          MachineInstr *MI = &*Iter;
805          for (MachineOperand &MOP : MI->operands()) {
806            // Skip over anything that isn't a register.
807            if (!MOP.isReg())
808              continue;
810            if (MOP.isDef()) {
811              // Introduce DefRegs set to skip the redundant register.
812              DefRegs.insert(MOP.getReg());
813              if (UseRegs.count(MOP.getReg()))
814                // Since the regiester is modeled as defined,
815                // it is not necessary to be put in use register set.
816                UseRegs.erase(MOP.getReg());
817            } else if (!MOP.isUndef()) {
818              // Any register which is not undefined should
819              // be put in the use register set.
820              UseRegs.insert(MOP.getReg());
821            }
822          }
823          if (MI->isCandidateForCallSiteEntry())
824            MI->getMF()->eraseCallSiteInfo(MI);
825        }
827        for (const Register &I : DefRegs)
828          // If it's a def, add it to the call instruction.
829          CallInst->addOperand(
830              MachineOperand::CreateReg(I, true, /* isDef = true */
831                                        true /* isImp = true */));
833        for (const Register &I : UseRegs)
834          // If it's a exposed use, add it to the call instruction.
835          CallInst->addOperand(
836              MachineOperand::CreateReg(I, false, /* isDef = false */
837                                        true /* isImp = true */));
838      }
840      // Erase from the point after where the call was inserted up to, and
841      // including, the final instruction in the sequence.
842      // Erase needs one past the end, so we need std::next there too.
843      MBB.erase(std::next(StartIt), std::next(EndIt));
845      // Keep track of what we removed by marking them all as -1.
846      std::for_each(Mapper.UnsignedVec.begin() + C.getStartIdx(),
847                    Mapper.UnsignedVec.begin() + C.getEndIdx() + 1,
848                    [](unsigned &I) { I = static_cast<unsigned>(-1); });
849      OutlinedSomething = true;
851      // Statistics.
852      NumOutlined++;
853    }
854  }
856  LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "OutlinedSomething = " << OutlinedSomething << "\n";);
857  return OutlinedSomething;
860void MachineOutliner::populateMapper(InstructionMapper &Mapper, Module &M,
861                                     MachineModuleInfo &MMI) {
862  // Build instruction mappings for each function in the module. Start by
863  // iterating over each Function in M.
864  for (Function &F : M) {
866    // If there's nothing in F, then there's no reason to try and outline from
867    // it.
868    if (F.empty())
869      continue;
871    // There's something in F. Check if it has a MachineFunction associated with
872    // it.
873    MachineFunction *MF = MMI.getMachineFunction(F);
875    // If it doesn't, then there's nothing to outline from. Move to the next
876    // Function.
877    if (!MF)
878      continue;
880    const TargetInstrInfo *TII = MF->getSubtarget().getInstrInfo();
882    if (!RunOnAllFunctions && !TII->shouldOutlineFromFunctionByDefault(*MF))
883      continue;
885    // We have a MachineFunction. Ask the target if it's suitable for outlining.
886    // If it isn't, then move on to the next Function in the module.
887    if (!TII->isFunctionSafeToOutlineFrom(*MF, OutlineFromLinkOnceODRs))
888      continue;
890    // We have a function suitable for outlining. Iterate over every
891    // MachineBasicBlock in MF and try to map its instructions to a list of
892    // unsigned integers.
893    for (MachineBasicBlock &MBB : *MF) {
894      // If there isn't anything in MBB, then there's no point in outlining from
895      // it.
896      // If there are fewer than 2 instructions in the MBB, then it can't ever
897      // contain something worth outlining.
898      // FIXME: This should be based off of the maximum size in B of an outlined
899      // call versus the size in B of the MBB.
900      if (MBB.empty() || MBB.size() < 2)
901        continue;
903      // Check if MBB could be the target of an indirect branch. If it is, then
904      // we don't want to outline from it.
905      if (MBB.hasAddressTaken())
906        continue;
908      // MBB is suitable for outlining. Map it to a list of unsigneds.
909      Mapper.convertToUnsignedVec(MBB, *TII);
910    }
911  }
914void MachineOutliner::initSizeRemarkInfo(
915    const Module &M, const MachineModuleInfo &MMI,
916    StringMap<unsigned> &FunctionToInstrCount) {
917  // Collect instruction counts for every function. We'll use this to emit
918  // per-function size remarks later.
919  for (const Function &F : M) {
920    MachineFunction *MF = MMI.getMachineFunction(F);
922    // We only care about MI counts here. If there's no MachineFunction at this
923    // point, then there won't be after the outliner runs, so let's move on.
924    if (!MF)
925      continue;
926    FunctionToInstrCount[F.getName().str()] = MF->getInstructionCount();
927  }
930void MachineOutliner::emitInstrCountChangedRemark(
931    const Module &M, const MachineModuleInfo &MMI,
932    const StringMap<unsigned> &FunctionToInstrCount) {
933  // Iterate over each function in the module and emit remarks.
934  // Note that we won't miss anything by doing this, because the outliner never
935  // deletes functions.
936  for (const Function &F : M) {
937    MachineFunction *MF = MMI.getMachineFunction(F);
939    // The outliner never deletes functions. If we don't have a MF here, then we
940    // didn't have one prior to outlining either.
941    if (!MF)
942      continue;
944    std::string Fname = std::string(F.getName());
945    unsigned FnCountAfter = MF->getInstructionCount();
946    unsigned FnCountBefore = 0;
948    // Check if the function was recorded before.
949    auto It = FunctionToInstrCount.find(Fname);
951    // Did we have a previously-recorded size? If yes, then set FnCountBefore
952    // to that.
953    if (It != FunctionToInstrCount.end())
954      FnCountBefore = It->second;
956    // Compute the delta and emit a remark if there was a change.
957    int64_t FnDelta = static_cast<int64_t>(FnCountAfter) -
958                      static_cast<int64_t>(FnCountBefore);
959    if (FnDelta == 0)
960      continue;
962    MachineOptimizationRemarkEmitter MORE(*MF, nullptr);
963    MORE.emit([&]() {
964      MachineOptimizationRemarkAnalysis R("size-info", "FunctionMISizeChange",
965                                          DiagnosticLocation(), &MF->front());
966      R << DiagnosticInfoOptimizationBase::Argument("Pass", "Machine Outliner")
967        << ": Function: "
968        << DiagnosticInfoOptimizationBase::Argument("Function", F.getName())
969        << ": MI instruction count changed from "
970        << DiagnosticInfoOptimizationBase::Argument("MIInstrsBefore",
971                                                    FnCountBefore)
972        << " to "
973        << DiagnosticInfoOptimizationBase::Argument("MIInstrsAfter",
974                                                    FnCountAfter)
975        << "; Delta: "
976        << DiagnosticInfoOptimizationBase::Argument("Delta", FnDelta);
977      return R;
978    });
979  }
982bool MachineOutliner::runOnModule(Module &M) {
983  // Check if there's anything in the module. If it's empty, then there's
984  // nothing to outline.
985  if (M.empty())
986    return false;
988  // Number to append to the current outlined function.
989  unsigned OutlinedFunctionNum = 0;
991  OutlineRepeatedNum = 0;
992  if (!doOutline(M, OutlinedFunctionNum))
993    return false;
995  for (unsigned I = 0; I < OutlinerReruns; ++I) {
996    OutlinedFunctionNum = 0;
997    OutlineRepeatedNum++;
998    if (!doOutline(M, OutlinedFunctionNum)) {
999      LLVM_DEBUG({
1000        dbgs() << "Did not outline on iteration " << I + 2 << " out of "
1001               << OutlinerReruns + 1 << "\n";
1002      });
1003      break;
1004    }
1005  }
1007  return true;
1010bool MachineOutliner::doOutline(Module &M, unsigned &OutlinedFunctionNum) {
1011  MachineModuleInfo &MMI = getAnalysis<MachineModuleInfoWrapperPass>().getMMI();
1013  // If the user passed -enable-machine-outliner=always or
1014  // -enable-machine-outliner, the pass will run on all functions in the module.
1015  // Otherwise, if the target supports default outlining, it will run on all
1016  // functions deemed by the target to be worth outlining from by default. Tell
1017  // the user how the outliner is running.
1018  LLVM_DEBUG({
1019    dbgs() << "Machine Outliner: Running on ";
1020    if (RunOnAllFunctions)
1021      dbgs() << "all functions";
1022    else
1023      dbgs() << "target-default functions";
1024    dbgs() << "\n";
1025  });
1027  // If the user specifies that they want to outline from linkonceodrs, set
1028  // it here.
1029  OutlineFromLinkOnceODRs = EnableLinkOnceODROutlining;
1030  InstructionMapper Mapper;
1032  // Prepare instruction mappings for the suffix tree.
1033  populateMapper(Mapper, M, MMI);
1034  std::vector<OutlinedFunction> FunctionList;
1036  // Find all of the outlining candidates.
1037  findCandidates(Mapper, FunctionList);
1039  // If we've requested size remarks, then collect the MI counts of every
1040  // function before outlining, and the MI counts after outlining.
1041  // FIXME: This shouldn't be in the outliner at all; it should ultimately be
1042  // the pass manager's responsibility.
1043  // This could pretty easily be placed in outline instead, but because we
1044  // really ultimately *don't* want this here, it's done like this for now
1045  // instead.
1047  // Check if we want size remarks.
1048  bool ShouldEmitSizeRemarks = M.shouldEmitInstrCountChangedRemark();
1049  StringMap<unsigned> FunctionToInstrCount;
1050  if (ShouldEmitSizeRemarks)
1051    initSizeRemarkInfo(M, MMI, FunctionToInstrCount);
1053  // Outline each of the candidates and return true if something was outlined.
1054  bool OutlinedSomething =
1055      outline(M, FunctionList, Mapper, OutlinedFunctionNum);
1057  // If we outlined something, we definitely changed the MI count of the
1058  // module. If we've asked for size remarks, then output them.
1059  // FIXME: This should be in the pass manager.
1060  if (ShouldEmitSizeRemarks && OutlinedSomething)
1061    emitInstrCountChangedRemark(M, MMI, FunctionToInstrCount);
1063  LLVM_DEBUG({
1064    if (!OutlinedSomething)
1065      dbgs() << "Stopped outlining at iteration " << OutlineRepeatedNum
1066             << " because no changes were found.\n";
1067  });
1069  return OutlinedSomething;