2<HEAD><TITLE>APR Canonical Filenames</TITLE></HEAD>
4<h1>APR Canonical Filename</h1>
8<p>APR porters need to address the underlying discrepancies between
9file systems.  To achieve a reasonable degree of security, the
10program depending upon APR needs to know that two paths may be
11compared, and that a mismatch is guaranteed to reflect that the
12two paths do not return the same resource</p>.
14<p>The first discrepancy is in volume roots.  Unix and pure derivatives
15have only one root path, "/".  Win32 and OS2 share root paths of
16the form "D:/", D: is the volume designation.  However, this can
17be specified as "//./D:/" as well, indicating D: volume of the 
18'this' machine.  Win32 and OS2 also may employ a UNC root path,
19of the form "//server/share/" where share is a share-point of the
20specified network server.  Finally, NetWare root paths are of the
21form "server/volume:/", or the simpler "volume:/" syntax for 'this'
22machine.  All these non-Unix file systems accept volume:path,
23without a slash following the colon, as a path relative to the
24current working directory, which APR will treat as ambiguous, that
25is, neither an absolute nor a relative path per se.</p>
27<p>The second discrepancy is in the meaning of the 'this' directory.
28In general, 'this' must be eliminated from the path where it occurs.
29The syntax "path/./" and "path/" are both aliases to path.  However,
30this isn't file system independent, since the double slash "//" has
31a special meaning on OS2 and Win32 at the start of the path name,
32and is invalid on those platforms before the "//server/share/" UNC
33root path is completed.  Finally, as noted above, "//./volume/" is
34legal root syntax on WinNT, and perhaps others.</p>
36<p>The third discrepancy is in the context of the 'parent' directory.
37When "parent/path/.." occurs, the path must be unwound to "parent".
38It's also critical to simply truncate leading "/../" paths to "/",
39since the parent of the root is root.  This gets tricky on the
40Win32 and OS2 platforms, since the ".." element is invalid before
41the "//server/share/" is complete, and the "//server/share/../"
42sequence is the complete UNC root "//server/share/".  In relative
43paths, leading ".." elements are significant, until they are merged
44with an absolute path.  The relative form must only retain the ".."
45segments as leading segments, to be resolved once merged to another
46relative or an absolute path.</p>
48<p>The fourth discrepancy occurs with acceptance of alternate character
49codes for the same element.  Path separators are not retained within
50the APR canonical forms.  The OS filesystem and APR (slashed) forms
51can both be returned as strings, to be used in the proper context.
52Unix, Win32 and Netware all accept slashes and backslashes as the
53same path separator symbol, although unix strictly accepts slashes.
54While the APR form of the name strictly uses slashes, always consider
55that there could be a platform that actually accepts slashes as a
56character within a segment name.</p>
58<p>The fifth and worst discrepancy plagues Win32, OS2, Netware, and some
59filesystems mounted in Unix.  Case insensitivity can permit the same
60file to slip through in both it's proper case and alternate cases.
61Simply changing the case is insufficient for any character set beyond
62ASCII, since various dialectic forms of characters suffer from one to
63many or many to one translations.  An example would be u-umlaut, which
64might be accepted as a single character u-umlaut, a two character
65sequence u and the zero-width umlaut, the upper case form of the same,
66or perhaps even a capital U alone.  This can be handled in different
67ways depending on the purposes of the APR based program, but the one
68requirement is that the path must be absolute in order to resolve these
69ambiguities.  Methods employed include comparison of device and inode
70file uniqifiers, which is a fairly fast operation, or querying the OS
71for the true form of the name, which can be much slower.  Only the
72acknowledgement of the file names by the OS can validate the equality
73of two different cases of the same filename.</p>
75<p>The sixth discrepancy, illegal or insignificant characters, is especially 
76significant in non-unix file systems.  Trailing periods are accepted
77but never stored, therefore trailing periods must be ignored for any
78form of comparison.  And all OS's have certain expectations of what
79characters are illegal (or undesirable due to confusion.)</p>
81<p>A final warning, canonical functions don't transform or resolve case
82or character ambiguity issues until they are resolved into an absolute
83path.  The relative canonical path, while useful, while useful for URL
84or similar identifiers, cannot be used for testing or comparison of file 
85system objects.</p>
89<h2>Canonical API</h2>
91Functions to manipulate the apr_canon_file_t (an opaque type) include:
94<li>Create canon_file_t (from char* path and canon_file_t parent path)
95<li>Merged canon_file_t (from path and parent, both canon_file_t)
96<li>Get char* path of all or some segments
97<li>Get path flags of IsRelative, IsVirtualRoot, and IsAbsolute
98<li>Compare two canon_file_t structures for file equality
101<p>The path is corrected to the file system case only if is in absolute 
102form.  The apr_canon_file_t should be preserved as long as possible and 
103used as the parent to create child entries to reduce the number of expensive 
104stat and case canonicalization calls to the OS.</p>
106<p>The comparison operation provides that the APR can postpone correction
107of case by simply relying upon the device and inode for equivalence.  The
108stat implementation provides that two files are the same, while their
109strings are not equivalent, and eliminates the need for the operating
110system to return the proper form of the name.</p>
112<p>In any case, returning the char* path, with a flag to request the proper
113case, forces the OS calls to resolve the true names of each segment.  Where
114there is a penalty for this operation and the stat device and inode test
115is faster, case correction is postponed until the char* result is requested.
116On platforms that identify the inode, device, or proper name interchangably
117with no penalties, this may occur when the name is initially processed.</p>
121<h2>Unix Example</h2>
123<p>First the simplest case:</p>
126Parse Canonical Name 
127accepts parent path as canonical_t
128        this path as string
130Split this path Segments on '/'
132For each of this path Segments
133  If first Segment
134    If this Segment is Empty ([nothing]/)
135      Append this Root Segment (don't merge)
136      Continue to next Segment
137    Else is relative
138      Append parent Segments (to merge)
139      Continue with this Segment
140  If Segment is '.' or empty (2 slashes)
141    Discard this Segment
142    Continue with next Segment
143  If Segment is '..'
144    If no previous Segment or previous Segment is '..'
145      Append this Segment
146      Continue with next Segment
147    If previous Segment and previous is not Root Segment
148      Discard previous Segment
149    Discard this Segment
150    Continue with next Segment
151  Append this Relative Segment
152  Continue with next Segment        