1//===-- clang-format/ClangFormat.cpp - Clang format tool ------------------===//
3// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
9/// \file
10/// This file implements a clang-format tool that automatically formats
11/// (fragments of) C++ code.
15#include "clang/Basic/Diagnostic.h"
16#include "clang/Basic/DiagnosticOptions.h"
17#include "clang/Basic/FileManager.h"
18#include "clang/Basic/SourceManager.h"
19#include "clang/Basic/Version.h"
20#include "clang/Format/Format.h"
21#include "clang/Rewrite/Core/Rewriter.h"
22#include "llvm/Support/CommandLine.h"
23#include "llvm/Support/FileSystem.h"
24#include "llvm/Support/InitLLVM.h"
25#include "llvm/Support/Process.h"
27using namespace llvm;
28using clang::tooling::Replacements;
30static cl::opt<bool> Help("h", cl::desc("Alias for -help"), cl::Hidden);
32// Mark all our options with this category, everything else (except for -version
33// and -help) will be hidden.
34static cl::OptionCategory ClangFormatCategory("Clang-format options");
36static cl::list<unsigned>
37    Offsets("offset",
38            cl::desc("Format a range starting at this byte offset.\n"
39                     "Multiple ranges can be formatted by specifying\n"
40                     "several -offset and -length pairs.\n"
41                     "Can only be used with one input file."),
42            cl::cat(ClangFormatCategory));
43static cl::list<unsigned>
44    Lengths("length",
45            cl::desc("Format a range of this length (in bytes).\n"
46                     "Multiple ranges can be formatted by specifying\n"
47                     "several -offset and -length pairs.\n"
48                     "When only a single -offset is specified without\n"
49                     "-length, clang-format will format up to the end\n"
50                     "of the file.\n"
51                     "Can only be used with one input file."),
52            cl::cat(ClangFormatCategory));
53static cl::list<std::string>
54    LineRanges("lines",
55               cl::desc("<start line>:<end line> - format a range of\n"
56                        "lines (both 1-based).\n"
57                        "Multiple ranges can be formatted by specifying\n"
58                        "several -lines arguments.\n"
59                        "Can't be used with -offset and -length.\n"
60                        "Can only be used with one input file."),
61               cl::cat(ClangFormatCategory));
62static cl::opt<std::string>
63    Style("style", cl::desc(clang::format::StyleOptionHelpDescription),
64          cl::init(clang::format::DefaultFormatStyle),
65          cl::cat(ClangFormatCategory));
66static cl::opt<std::string>
67    FallbackStyle("fallback-style",
68                  cl::desc("The name of the predefined style used as a\n"
69                           "fallback in case clang-format is invoked with\n"
70                           "-style=file, but can not find the .clang-format\n"
71                           "file to use.\n"
72                           "Use -fallback-style=none to skip formatting."),
73                  cl::init(clang::format::DefaultFallbackStyle),
74                  cl::cat(ClangFormatCategory));
76static cl::opt<std::string> AssumeFileName(
77    "assume-filename",
78    cl::desc("Override filename used to determine the language.\n"
79             "When reading from stdin, clang-format assumes this\n"
80             "filename to determine the language."),
81    cl::init("<stdin>"), cl::cat(ClangFormatCategory));
83static cl::opt<bool> Inplace("i",
84                             cl::desc("Inplace edit <file>s, if specified."),
85                             cl::cat(ClangFormatCategory));
87static cl::opt<bool> OutputXML("output-replacements-xml",
88                               cl::desc("Output replacements as XML."),
89                               cl::cat(ClangFormatCategory));
90static cl::opt<bool>
91    DumpConfig("dump-config",
92               cl::desc("Dump configuration options to stdout and exit.\n"
93                        "Can be used with -style option."),
94               cl::cat(ClangFormatCategory));
95static cl::opt<unsigned>
96    Cursor("cursor",
97           cl::desc("The position of the cursor when invoking\n"
98                    "clang-format from an editor integration"),
99           cl::init(0), cl::cat(ClangFormatCategory));
101static cl::opt<bool> SortIncludes(
102    "sort-includes",
103    cl::desc("If set, overrides the include sorting behavior determined by the "
104             "SortIncludes style flag"),
105    cl::cat(ClangFormatCategory));
107static cl::opt<bool>
108    Verbose("verbose", cl::desc("If set, shows the list of processed files"),
109            cl::cat(ClangFormatCategory));
111// Use --dry-run to match other LLVM tools when you mean do it but don't
112// actually do it
113static cl::opt<bool>
114    DryRun("dry-run",
115           cl::desc("If set, do not actually make the formatting changes"),
116           cl::cat(ClangFormatCategory));
118// Use -n as a common command as an alias for --dry-run. (git and make use -n)
119static cl::alias DryRunShort("n", cl::desc("Alias for --dry-run"),
120                             cl::cat(ClangFormatCategory), cl::aliasopt(DryRun),
121                             cl::NotHidden);
123// Emulate being able to turn on/off the warning.
124static cl::opt<bool>
125    WarnFormat("Wclang-format-violations",
126               cl::desc("Warnings about individual formatting changes needed. "
127                        "Used only with --dry-run or -n"),
128               cl::init(true), cl::cat(ClangFormatCategory), cl::Hidden);
130static cl::opt<bool>
131    NoWarnFormat("Wno-clang-format-violations",
132                 cl::desc("Do not warn about individual formatting changes "
133                          "needed. Used only with --dry-run or -n"),
134                 cl::init(false), cl::cat(ClangFormatCategory), cl::Hidden);
136static cl::opt<unsigned> ErrorLimit(
137    "ferror-limit",
138    cl::desc("Set the maximum number of clang-format errors to emit before "
139             "stopping (0 = no limit). Used only with --dry-run or -n"),
140    cl::init(0), cl::cat(ClangFormatCategory));
142static cl::opt<bool>
143    WarningsAsErrors("Werror",
144                     cl::desc("If set, changes formatting warnings to errors"),
145                     cl::cat(ClangFormatCategory));
147static cl::opt<bool>
148    ShowColors("fcolor-diagnostics",
149               cl::desc("If set, and on a color-capable terminal controls "
150                        "whether or not to print diagnostics in color"),
151               cl::init(true), cl::cat(ClangFormatCategory), cl::Hidden);
153static cl::opt<bool>
154    NoShowColors("fno-color-diagnostics",
155                 cl::desc("If set, and on a color-capable terminal controls "
156                          "whether or not to print diagnostics in color"),
157                 cl::init(false), cl::cat(ClangFormatCategory), cl::Hidden);
159static cl::list<std::string> FileNames(cl::Positional, cl::desc("[<file> ...]"),
160                                       cl::cat(ClangFormatCategory));
162namespace clang {
163namespace format {
165static FileID createInMemoryFile(StringRef FileName, MemoryBuffer *Source,
166                                 SourceManager &Sources, FileManager &Files,
167                                 llvm::vfs::InMemoryFileSystem *MemFS) {
168  MemFS->addFileNoOwn(FileName, 0, Source);
169  auto File = Files.getFile(FileName);
170  return Sources.createFileID(File ? *File : nullptr, SourceLocation(),
171                              SrcMgr::C_User);
174// Parses <start line>:<end line> input to a pair of line numbers.
175// Returns true on error.
176static bool parseLineRange(StringRef Input, unsigned &FromLine,
177                           unsigned &ToLine) {
178  std::pair<StringRef, StringRef> LineRange = Input.split(':');
179  return LineRange.first.getAsInteger(0, FromLine) ||
180         LineRange.second.getAsInteger(0, ToLine);
183static bool fillRanges(MemoryBuffer *Code,
184                       std::vector<tooling::Range> &Ranges) {
185  IntrusiveRefCntPtr<llvm::vfs::InMemoryFileSystem> InMemoryFileSystem(
186      new llvm::vfs::InMemoryFileSystem);
187  FileManager Files(FileSystemOptions(), InMemoryFileSystem);
188  DiagnosticsEngine Diagnostics(
189      IntrusiveRefCntPtr<DiagnosticIDs>(new DiagnosticIDs),
190      new DiagnosticOptions);
191  SourceManager Sources(Diagnostics, Files);
192  FileID ID = createInMemoryFile("<irrelevant>", Code, Sources, Files,
193                                 InMemoryFileSystem.get());
194  if (!LineRanges.empty()) {
195    if (!Offsets.empty() || !Lengths.empty()) {
196      errs() << "error: cannot use -lines with -offset/-length\n";
197      return true;
198    }
200    for (unsigned i = 0, e = LineRanges.size(); i < e; ++i) {
201      unsigned FromLine, ToLine;
202      if (parseLineRange(LineRanges[i], FromLine, ToLine)) {
203        errs() << "error: invalid <start line>:<end line> pair\n";
204        return true;
205      }
206      if (FromLine > ToLine) {
207        errs() << "error: start line should be less than end line\n";
208        return true;
209      }
210      SourceLocation Start = Sources.translateLineCol(ID, FromLine, 1);
211      SourceLocation End = Sources.translateLineCol(ID, ToLine, UINT_MAX);
212      if (Start.isInvalid() || End.isInvalid())
213        return true;
214      unsigned Offset = Sources.getFileOffset(Start);
215      unsigned Length = Sources.getFileOffset(End) - Offset;
216      Ranges.push_back(tooling::Range(Offset, Length));
217    }
218    return false;
219  }
221  if (Offsets.empty())
222    Offsets.push_back(0);
223  if (Offsets.size() != Lengths.size() &&
224      !(Offsets.size() == 1 && Lengths.empty())) {
225    errs() << "error: number of -offset and -length arguments must match.\n";
226    return true;
227  }
228  for (unsigned i = 0, e = Offsets.size(); i != e; ++i) {
229    if (Offsets[i] >= Code->getBufferSize()) {
230      errs() << "error: offset " << Offsets[i] << " is outside the file\n";
231      return true;
232    }
233    SourceLocation Start =
234        Sources.getLocForStartOfFile(ID).getLocWithOffset(Offsets[i]);
235    SourceLocation End;
236    if (i < Lengths.size()) {
237      if (Offsets[i] + Lengths[i] > Code->getBufferSize()) {
238        errs() << "error: invalid length " << Lengths[i]
239               << ", offset + length (" << Offsets[i] + Lengths[i]
240               << ") is outside the file.\n";
241        return true;
242      }
243      End = Start.getLocWithOffset(Lengths[i]);
244    } else {
245      End = Sources.getLocForEndOfFile(ID);
246    }
247    unsigned Offset = Sources.getFileOffset(Start);
248    unsigned Length = Sources.getFileOffset(End) - Offset;
249    Ranges.push_back(tooling::Range(Offset, Length));
250  }
251  return false;
254static void outputReplacementXML(StringRef Text) {
255  // FIXME: When we sort includes, we need to make sure the stream is correct
256  // utf-8.
257  size_t From = 0;
258  size_t Index;
259  while ((Index = Text.find_first_of("\n\r<&", From)) != StringRef::npos) {
260    outs() << Text.substr(From, Index - From);
261    switch (Text[Index]) {
262    case '\n':
263      outs() << "&#10;";
264      break;
265    case '\r':
266      outs() << "&#13;";
267      break;
268    case '<':
269      outs() << "&lt;";
270      break;
271    case '&':
272      outs() << "&amp;";
273      break;
274    default:
275      llvm_unreachable("Unexpected character encountered!");
276    }
277    From = Index + 1;
278  }
279  outs() << Text.substr(From);
282static void outputReplacementsXML(const Replacements &Replaces) {
283  for (const auto &R : Replaces) {
284    outs() << "<replacement "
285           << "offset='" << R.getOffset() << "' "
286           << "length='" << R.getLength() << "'>";
287    outputReplacementXML(R.getReplacementText());
288    outs() << "</replacement>\n";
289  }
292static bool
293emitReplacementWarnings(const Replacements &Replaces, StringRef AssumedFileName,
294                        const std::unique_ptr<llvm::MemoryBuffer> &Code) {
295  if (Replaces.empty())
296    return false;
298  unsigned Errors = 0;
299  if (WarnFormat && !NoWarnFormat) {
300    llvm::SourceMgr Mgr;
301    const char *StartBuf = Code->getBufferStart();
303    Mgr.AddNewSourceBuffer(
304        MemoryBuffer::getMemBuffer(StartBuf, AssumedFileName), SMLoc());
305    for (const auto &R : Replaces) {
306      SMDiagnostic Diag = Mgr.GetMessage(
307          SMLoc::getFromPointer(StartBuf + R.getOffset()),
308          WarningsAsErrors ? SourceMgr::DiagKind::DK_Error
309                           : SourceMgr::DiagKind::DK_Warning,
310          "code should be clang-formatted [-Wclang-format-violations]");
312      Diag.print(nullptr, llvm::errs(), (ShowColors && !NoShowColors));
313      if (ErrorLimit && ++Errors >= ErrorLimit)
314        break;
315    }
316  }
317  return WarningsAsErrors;
320static void outputXML(const Replacements &Replaces,
321                      const Replacements &FormatChanges,
322                      const FormattingAttemptStatus &Status,
323                      const cl::opt<unsigned> &Cursor,
324                      unsigned CursorPosition) {
325  outs() << "<?xml version='1.0'?>\n<replacements "
326            "xml:space='preserve' incomplete_format='"
327         << (Status.FormatComplete ? "false" : "true") << "'";
328  if (!Status.FormatComplete)
329    outs() << " line='" << Status.Line << "'";
330  outs() << ">\n";
331  if (Cursor.getNumOccurrences() != 0)
332    outs() << "<cursor>" << FormatChanges.getShiftedCodePosition(CursorPosition)
333           << "</cursor>\n";
335  outputReplacementsXML(Replaces);
336  outs() << "</replacements>\n";
339// Returns true on error.
340static bool format(StringRef FileName) {
341  if (!OutputXML && Inplace && FileName == "-") {
342    errs() << "error: cannot use -i when reading from stdin.\n";
343    return false;
344  }
345  // On Windows, overwriting a file with an open file mapping doesn't work,
346  // so read the whole file into memory when formatting in-place.
347  ErrorOr<std::unique_ptr<MemoryBuffer>> CodeOrErr =
348      !OutputXML && Inplace ? MemoryBuffer::getFileAsStream(FileName)
349                            : MemoryBuffer::getFileOrSTDIN(FileName);
350  if (std::error_code EC = CodeOrErr.getError()) {
351    errs() << EC.message() << "\n";
352    return true;
353  }
354  std::unique_ptr<llvm::MemoryBuffer> Code = std::move(CodeOrErr.get());
355  if (Code->getBufferSize() == 0)
356    return false; // Empty files are formatted correctly.
358  StringRef BufStr = Code->getBuffer();
360  const char *InvalidBOM = SrcMgr::ContentCache::getInvalidBOM(BufStr);
362  if (InvalidBOM) {
363    errs() << "error: encoding with unsupported byte order mark \""
364           << InvalidBOM << "\" detected";
365    if (FileName != "-")
366      errs() << " in file '" << FileName << "'";
367    errs() << ".\n";
368    return true;
369  }
371  std::vector<tooling::Range> Ranges;
372  if (fillRanges(Code.get(), Ranges))
373    return true;
374  StringRef AssumedFileName = (FileName == "-") ? AssumeFileName : FileName;
375  if (AssumedFileName.empty()) {
376    llvm::errs() << "error: empty filenames are not allowed\n";
377    return true;
378  }
380  llvm::Expected<FormatStyle> FormatStyle =
381      getStyle(Style, AssumedFileName, FallbackStyle, Code->getBuffer());
382  if (!FormatStyle) {
383    llvm::errs() << llvm::toString(FormatStyle.takeError()) << "\n";
384    return true;
385  }
387  if (SortIncludes.getNumOccurrences() != 0)
388    FormatStyle->SortIncludes = SortIncludes;
389  unsigned CursorPosition = Cursor;
390  Replacements Replaces = sortIncludes(*FormatStyle, Code->getBuffer(), Ranges,
391                                       AssumedFileName, &CursorPosition);
392  auto ChangedCode = tooling::applyAllReplacements(Code->getBuffer(), Replaces);
393  if (!ChangedCode) {
394    llvm::errs() << llvm::toString(ChangedCode.takeError()) << "\n";
395    return true;
396  }
397  // Get new affected ranges after sorting `#includes`.
398  Ranges = tooling::calculateRangesAfterReplacements(Replaces, Ranges);
399  FormattingAttemptStatus Status;
400  Replacements FormatChanges =
401      reformat(*FormatStyle, *ChangedCode, Ranges, AssumedFileName, &Status);
402  Replaces = Replaces.merge(FormatChanges);
403  if (OutputXML || DryRun) {
404    if (DryRun) {
405      return emitReplacementWarnings(Replaces, AssumedFileName, Code);
406    } else {
407      outputXML(Replaces, FormatChanges, Status, Cursor, CursorPosition);
408    }
409  } else {
410    IntrusiveRefCntPtr<llvm::vfs::InMemoryFileSystem> InMemoryFileSystem(
411        new llvm::vfs::InMemoryFileSystem);
412    FileManager Files(FileSystemOptions(), InMemoryFileSystem);
413    DiagnosticsEngine Diagnostics(
414        IntrusiveRefCntPtr<DiagnosticIDs>(new DiagnosticIDs),
415        new DiagnosticOptions);
416    SourceManager Sources(Diagnostics, Files);
417    FileID ID = createInMemoryFile(AssumedFileName, Code.get(), Sources, Files,
418                                   InMemoryFileSystem.get());
419    Rewriter Rewrite(Sources, LangOptions());
420    tooling::applyAllReplacements(Replaces, Rewrite);
421    if (Inplace) {
422      if (Rewrite.overwriteChangedFiles())
423        return true;
424    } else {
425      if (Cursor.getNumOccurrences() != 0) {
426        outs() << "{ \"Cursor\": "
427               << FormatChanges.getShiftedCodePosition(CursorPosition)
428               << ", \"IncompleteFormat\": "
429               << (Status.FormatComplete ? "false" : "true");
430        if (!Status.FormatComplete)
431          outs() << ", \"Line\": " << Status.Line;
432        outs() << " }\n";
433      }
434      Rewrite.getEditBuffer(ID).write(outs());
435    }
436  }
437  return false;
440} // namespace format
441} // namespace clang
443static void PrintVersion(raw_ostream &OS) {
444  OS << clang::getClangToolFullVersion("clang-format") << '\n';
447// Dump the configuration.
448static int dumpConfig() {
449  StringRef FileName;
450  std::unique_ptr<llvm::MemoryBuffer> Code;
451  if (FileNames.empty()) {
452    // We can't read the code to detect the language if there's no
453    // file name, so leave Code empty here.
454    FileName = AssumeFileName;
455  } else {
456    // Read in the code in case the filename alone isn't enough to
457    // detect the language.
458    ErrorOr<std::unique_ptr<MemoryBuffer>> CodeOrErr =
459        MemoryBuffer::getFileOrSTDIN(FileNames[0]);
460    if (std::error_code EC = CodeOrErr.getError()) {
461      llvm::errs() << EC.message() << "\n";
462      return 1;
463    }
464    FileName = (FileNames[0] == "-") ? AssumeFileName : FileNames[0];
465    Code = std::move(CodeOrErr.get());
466  }
467  llvm::Expected<clang::format::FormatStyle> FormatStyle =
468      clang::format::getStyle(Style, FileName, FallbackStyle,
469                              Code ? Code->getBuffer() : "");
470  if (!FormatStyle) {
471    llvm::errs() << llvm::toString(FormatStyle.takeError()) << "\n";
472    return 1;
473  }
474  std::string Config = clang::format::configurationAsText(*FormatStyle);
475  outs() << Config << "\n";
476  return 0;
479int main(int argc, const char **argv) {
480  llvm::InitLLVM X(argc, argv);
482  cl::HideUnrelatedOptions(ClangFormatCategory);
484  cl::SetVersionPrinter(PrintVersion);
485  cl::ParseCommandLineOptions(
486      argc, argv,
487      "A tool to format C/C++/Java/JavaScript/Objective-C/Protobuf/C# code.\n\n"
488      "If no arguments are specified, it formats the code from standard input\n"
489      "and writes the result to the standard output.\n"
490      "If <file>s are given, it reformats the files. If -i is specified\n"
491      "together with <file>s, the files are edited in-place. Otherwise, the\n"
492      "result is written to the standard output.\n");
494  if (Help) {
495    cl::PrintHelpMessage();
496    return 0;
497  }
499  if (DumpConfig) {
500    return dumpConfig();
501  }
503  bool Error = false;
504  if (FileNames.empty()) {
505    Error = clang::format::format("-");
506    return Error ? 1 : 0;
507  }
508  if (FileNames.size() != 1 &&
509      (!Offsets.empty() || !Lengths.empty() || !LineRanges.empty())) {
510    errs() << "error: -offset, -length and -lines can only be used for "
511              "single file.\n";
512    return 1;
513  }
514  for (const auto &FileName : FileNames) {
515    if (Verbose)
516      errs() << "Formatting " << FileName << "\n";
517    Error |= clang::format::format(FileName);
518  }
519  return Error ? 1 : 0;