1//===- BuildTree.cpp ------------------------------------------*- C++ -*-=====//
3// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
8#include "clang/Tooling/Syntax/BuildTree.h"
9#include "clang/AST/Decl.h"
10#include "clang/AST/DeclBase.h"
11#include "clang/AST/RecursiveASTVisitor.h"
12#include "clang/AST/Stmt.h"
13#include "clang/Basic/LLVM.h"
14#include "clang/Basic/SourceLocation.h"
15#include "clang/Basic/SourceManager.h"
16#include "clang/Basic/TokenKinds.h"
17#include "clang/Lex/Lexer.h"
18#include "clang/Tooling/Syntax/Nodes.h"
19#include "clang/Tooling/Syntax/Tokens.h"
20#include "clang/Tooling/Syntax/Tree.h"
21#include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h"
22#include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
23#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
24#include "llvm/Support/Allocator.h"
25#include "llvm/Support/Casting.h"
26#include "llvm/Support/Compiler.h"
27#include "llvm/Support/FormatVariadic.h"
28#include "llvm/Support/MemoryBuffer.h"
29#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
30#include <map>
32using namespace clang;
35static bool isImplicitExpr(clang::Expr *E) { return E->IgnoreImplicit() != E; }
37/// A helper class for constructing the syntax tree while traversing a clang
38/// AST.
40/// At each point of the traversal we maintain a list of pending nodes.
41/// Initially all tokens are added as pending nodes. When processing a clang AST
42/// node, the clients need to:
43///   - create a corresponding syntax node,
44///   - assign roles to all pending child nodes with 'markChild' and
45///     'markChildToken',
46///   - replace the child nodes with the new syntax node in the pending list
47///     with 'foldNode'.
49/// Note that all children are expected to be processed when building a node.
51/// Call finalize() to finish building the tree and consume the root node.
52class syntax::TreeBuilder {
54  TreeBuilder(syntax::Arena &Arena) : Arena(Arena), Pending(Arena) {
55    for (const auto &T : Arena.tokenBuffer().expandedTokens())
56      LocationToToken.insert({T.location().getRawEncoding(), &T});
57  }
59  llvm::BumpPtrAllocator &allocator() { return Arena.allocator(); }
61  /// Populate children for \p New node, assuming it covers tokens from \p
62  /// Range.
63  void foldNode(llvm::ArrayRef<syntax::Token> Range, syntax::Tree *New);
65  /// Must be called with the range of each `DeclaratorDecl`. Ensures the
66  /// corresponding declarator nodes are covered by `SimpleDeclaration`.
67  void noticeDeclaratorRange(llvm::ArrayRef<syntax::Token> Range);
69  /// Notifies that we should not consume trailing semicolon when computing
70  /// token range of \p D.
71  void noticeDeclaratorWithoutSemicolon(Decl *D);
73  /// Mark the \p Child node with a corresponding \p Role. All marked children
74  /// should be consumed by foldNode.
75  /// (!) when called on expressions (clang::Expr is derived from clang::Stmt),
76  ///     wraps expressions into expression statement.
77  void markStmtChild(Stmt *Child, NodeRole Role);
78  /// Should be called for expressions in non-statement position to avoid
79  /// wrapping into expression statement.
80  void markExprChild(Expr *Child, NodeRole Role);
82  /// Set role for a token starting at \p Loc.
83  void markChildToken(SourceLocation Loc, NodeRole R);
85  /// Finish building the tree and consume the root node.
86  syntax::TranslationUnit *finalize() && {
87    auto Tokens = Arena.tokenBuffer().expandedTokens();
88    assert(!Tokens.empty());
89    assert(Tokens.back().kind() == tok::eof);
91    // Build the root of the tree, consuming all the children.
92    Pending.foldChildren(Arena, Tokens.drop_back(),
93                         new (Arena.allocator()) syntax::TranslationUnit);
95    auto *TU = cast<syntax::TranslationUnit>(std::move(Pending).finalize());
96    TU->assertInvariantsRecursive();
97    return TU;
98  }
100  /// getRange() finds the syntax tokens corresponding to the passed source
101  /// locations.
102  /// \p First is the start position of the first token and \p Last is the start
103  /// position of the last token.
104  llvm::ArrayRef<syntax::Token> getRange(SourceLocation First,
105                                         SourceLocation Last) const {
106    assert(First.isValid());
107    assert(Last.isValid());
108    assert(First == Last ||
109           Arena.sourceManager().isBeforeInTranslationUnit(First, Last));
110    return llvm::makeArrayRef(findToken(First), std::next(findToken(Last)));
111  }
112  llvm::ArrayRef<syntax::Token> getRange(const Decl *D) const {
113    auto Tokens = getRange(D->getBeginLoc(), D->getEndLoc());
114    if (llvm::isa<NamespaceDecl>(D))
115      return Tokens;
116    if (DeclsWithoutSemicolons.count(D))
117      return Tokens;
118    // FIXME: do not consume trailing semicolon on function definitions.
119    // Most declarations own a semicolon in syntax trees, but not in clang AST.
120    return withTrailingSemicolon(Tokens);
121  }
122  llvm::ArrayRef<syntax::Token> getExprRange(const Expr *E) const {
123    return getRange(E->getBeginLoc(), E->getEndLoc());
124  }
125  /// Find the adjusted range for the statement, consuming the trailing
126  /// semicolon when needed.
127  llvm::ArrayRef<syntax::Token> getStmtRange(const Stmt *S) const {
128    auto Tokens = getRange(S->getBeginLoc(), S->getEndLoc());
129    if (isa<CompoundStmt>(S))
130      return Tokens;
132    // Some statements miss a trailing semicolon, e.g. 'return', 'continue' and
133    // all statements that end with those. Consume this semicolon here.
134    if (Tokens.back().kind() == tok::semi)
135      return Tokens;
136    return withTrailingSemicolon(Tokens);
137  }
140  llvm::ArrayRef<syntax::Token>
141  withTrailingSemicolon(llvm::ArrayRef<syntax::Token> Tokens) const {
142    assert(!Tokens.empty());
143    assert(Tokens.back().kind() != tok::eof);
144    // (!) we never consume 'eof', so looking at the next token is ok.
145    if (Tokens.back().kind() != tok::semi && Tokens.end()->kind() == tok::semi)
146      return llvm::makeArrayRef(Tokens.begin(), Tokens.end() + 1);
147    return Tokens;
148  }
150  /// Finds a token starting at \p L. The token must exist.
151  const syntax::Token *findToken(SourceLocation L) const;
153  /// A collection of trees covering the input tokens.
154  /// When created, each tree corresponds to a single token in the file.
155  /// Clients call 'foldChildren' to attach one or more subtrees to a parent
156  /// node and update the list of trees accordingly.
157  ///
158  /// Ensures that added nodes properly nest and cover the whole token stream.
159  struct Forest {
160    Forest(syntax::Arena &A) {
161      assert(!A.tokenBuffer().expandedTokens().empty());
162      assert(A.tokenBuffer().expandedTokens().back().kind() == tok::eof);
163      // Create all leaf nodes.
164      // Note that we do not have 'eof' in the tree.
165      for (auto &T : A.tokenBuffer().expandedTokens().drop_back()) {
166        auto *L = new (A.allocator()) syntax::Leaf(&T);
167        L->Original = true;
168        L->CanModify = A.tokenBuffer().spelledForExpanded(T).hasValue();
169        Trees.insert(Trees.end(), {&T, NodeAndRole{L}});
170      }
171    }
173    ~Forest() { assert(DelayedFolds.empty()); }
175    void assignRole(llvm::ArrayRef<syntax::Token> Range,
176                    syntax::NodeRole Role) {
177      assert(!Range.empty());
178      auto It = Trees.lower_bound(Range.begin());
179      assert(It != Trees.end() && "no node found");
180      assert(It->first == Range.begin() && "no child with the specified range");
181      assert((std::next(It) == Trees.end() ||
182              std::next(It)->first == Range.end()) &&
183             "no child with the specified range");
184      It->second.Role = Role;
185    }
187    /// Add \p Node to the forest and attach child nodes based on \p Tokens.
188    void foldChildren(const syntax::Arena &A,
189                      llvm::ArrayRef<syntax::Token> Tokens,
190                      syntax::Tree *Node) {
191      // Execute delayed folds inside `Tokens`.
192      auto BeginExecuted = DelayedFolds.lower_bound(Tokens.begin());
193      auto It = BeginExecuted;
194      for (; It != DelayedFolds.end() && It->second.End <= Tokens.end(); ++It)
195        foldChildrenEager(A, llvm::makeArrayRef(It->first, It->second.End),
196                          It->second.Node);
197      DelayedFolds.erase(BeginExecuted, It);
199      // Attach children to `Node`.
200      foldChildrenEager(A, Tokens, Node);
201    }
203    /// Schedule a call to `foldChildren` that will only be executed when
204    /// containing node is folded. The range of delayed nodes can be extended by
205    /// calling `extendDelayedFold`. Only one delayed node for each starting
206    /// token is allowed.
207    void foldChildrenDelayed(llvm::ArrayRef<syntax::Token> Tokens,
208                             syntax::Tree *Node) {
209      assert(!Tokens.empty());
210      bool Inserted =
211          DelayedFolds.insert({Tokens.begin(), DelayedFold{Tokens.end(), Node}})
212              .second;
213      (void)Inserted;
214      assert(Inserted && "Multiple delayed folds start at the same token");
215    }
217    /// If there a delayed fold, starting at `ExtendedRange.begin()`, extends
218    /// its endpoint to `ExtendedRange.end()` and returns true.
219    /// Otherwise, returns false.
220    bool extendDelayedFold(llvm::ArrayRef<syntax::Token> ExtendedRange) {
221      assert(!ExtendedRange.empty());
222      auto It = DelayedFolds.find(ExtendedRange.data());
223      if (It == DelayedFolds.end())
224        return false;
225      assert(It->second.End <= ExtendedRange.end());
226      It->second.End = ExtendedRange.end();
227      return true;
228    }
230    // EXPECTS: all tokens were consumed and are owned by a single root node.
231    syntax::Node *finalize() && {
232      assert(Trees.size() == 1);
233      auto *Root = Trees.begin()->second.Node;
234      Trees = {};
235      return Root;
236    }
238    std::string str(const syntax::Arena &A) const {
239      std::string R;
240      for (auto It = Trees.begin(); It != Trees.end(); ++It) {
241        unsigned CoveredTokens =
242            It != Trees.end()
243                ? (std::next(It)->first - It->first)
244                : A.tokenBuffer().expandedTokens().end() - It->first;
246        R += llvm::formatv("- '{0}' covers '{1}'+{2} tokens\n",
247                           It->second.Node->kind(),
248                           It->first->text(A.sourceManager()), CoveredTokens);
249        R += It->second.Node->dump(A);
250      }
251      return R;
252    }
254  private:
255    /// Implementation detail of `foldChildren`, does acutal folding ignoring
256    /// delayed folds.
257    void foldChildrenEager(const syntax::Arena &A,
258                           llvm::ArrayRef<syntax::Token> Tokens,
259                           syntax::Tree *Node) {
260      assert(Node->firstChild() == nullptr && "node already has children");
262      auto *FirstToken = Tokens.begin();
263      auto BeginChildren = Trees.lower_bound(FirstToken);
264      assert((BeginChildren == Trees.end() ||
265              BeginChildren->first == FirstToken) &&
266             "fold crosses boundaries of existing subtrees");
267      auto EndChildren = Trees.lower_bound(Tokens.end());
268      assert(
269          (EndChildren == Trees.end() || EndChildren->first == Tokens.end()) &&
270          "fold crosses boundaries of existing subtrees");
272      // (!) we need to go in reverse order, because we can only prepend.
273      for (auto It = EndChildren; It != BeginChildren; --It)
274        Node->prependChildLowLevel(std::prev(It)->second.Node,
275                                   std::prev(It)->second.Role);
277      // Mark that this node came from the AST and is backed by the source code.
278      Node->Original = true;
279      Node->CanModify = A.tokenBuffer().spelledForExpanded(Tokens).hasValue();
281      Trees.erase(BeginChildren, EndChildren);
282      Trees.insert({FirstToken, NodeAndRole(Node)});
283    }
284    /// A with a role that should be assigned to it when adding to a parent.
285    struct NodeAndRole {
286      explicit NodeAndRole(syntax::Node *Node)
287          : Node(Node), Role(NodeRole::Unknown) {}
289      syntax::Node *Node;
290      NodeRole Role;
291    };
293    /// Maps from the start token to a subtree starting at that token.
294    /// Keys in the map are pointers into the array of expanded tokens, so
295    /// pointer order corresponds to the order of preprocessor tokens.
296    /// FIXME: storing the end tokens is redundant.
297    /// FIXME: the key of a map is redundant, it is also stored in NodeForRange.
298    std::map<const syntax::Token *, NodeAndRole> Trees;
300    /// See documentation of `foldChildrenDelayed` for details.
301    struct DelayedFold {
302      const syntax::Token *End = nullptr;
303      syntax::Tree *Node = nullptr;
304    };
305    std::map<const syntax::Token *, DelayedFold> DelayedFolds;
306  };
308  /// For debugging purposes.
309  std::string str() { return Pending.str(Arena); }
311  syntax::Arena &Arena;
312  /// To quickly find tokens by their start location.
313  llvm::DenseMap</*SourceLocation*/ unsigned, const syntax::Token *>
314      LocationToToken;
315  Forest Pending;
316  llvm::DenseSet<Decl *> DeclsWithoutSemicolons;
319namespace {
320class BuildTreeVisitor : public RecursiveASTVisitor<BuildTreeVisitor> {
322  explicit BuildTreeVisitor(ASTContext &Ctx, syntax::TreeBuilder &Builder)
323      : Builder(Builder), LangOpts(Ctx.getLangOpts()) {}
325  bool shouldTraversePostOrder() const { return true; }
327  bool WalkUpFromDeclaratorDecl(DeclaratorDecl *D) {
328    // Ensure declarators are covered by SimpleDeclaration.
329    Builder.noticeDeclaratorRange(Builder.getRange(D));
330    // FIXME: build nodes for the declarator too.
331    return true;
332  }
333  bool WalkUpFromTypedefNameDecl(TypedefNameDecl *D) {
334    // Also a declarator.
335    Builder.noticeDeclaratorRange(Builder.getRange(D));
336    // FIXME: build nodes for the declarator too.
337    return true;
338  }
340  bool VisitDecl(Decl *D) {
341    assert(!D->isImplicit());
342    Builder.foldNode(Builder.getRange(D),
343                     new (allocator()) syntax::UnknownDeclaration());
344    return true;
345  }
347  bool WalkUpFromTagDecl(TagDecl *C) {
348    // FIXME: build the ClassSpecifier node.
349    if (C->isFreeStanding()) {
350      // Class is a declaration specifier and needs a spanning declaration node.
351      Builder.foldNode(Builder.getRange(C),
352                       new (allocator()) syntax::SimpleDeclaration);
353      return true;
354    }
355    return true;
356  }
358  bool WalkUpFromTranslationUnitDecl(TranslationUnitDecl *TU) {
359    // (!) we do not want to call VisitDecl(), the declaration for translation
360    // unit is built by finalize().
361    return true;
362  }
364  bool WalkUpFromCompoundStmt(CompoundStmt *S) {
365    using NodeRole = syntax::NodeRole;
367    Builder.markChildToken(S->getLBracLoc(), NodeRole::OpenParen);
368    for (auto *Child : S->body())
369      Builder.markStmtChild(Child, NodeRole::CompoundStatement_statement);
370    Builder.markChildToken(S->getRBracLoc(), NodeRole::CloseParen);
372    Builder.foldNode(Builder.getStmtRange(S),
373                     new (allocator()) syntax::CompoundStatement);
374    return true;
375  }
377  // Some statements are not yet handled by syntax trees.
378  bool WalkUpFromStmt(Stmt *S) {
379    Builder.foldNode(Builder.getStmtRange(S),
380                     new (allocator()) syntax::UnknownStatement);
381    return true;
382  }
384  bool TraverseCXXForRangeStmt(CXXForRangeStmt *S) {
385    // We override to traverse range initializer as VarDecl.
386    // RAV traverses it as a statement, we produce invalid node kinds in that
387    // case.
388    // FIXME: should do this in RAV instead?
389    if (S->getInit() && !TraverseStmt(S->getInit()))
390      return false;
391    if (S->getLoopVariable() && !TraverseDecl(S->getLoopVariable()))
392      return false;
393    if (S->getRangeInit() && !TraverseStmt(S->getRangeInit()))
394      return false;
395    if (S->getBody() && !TraverseStmt(S->getBody()))
396      return false;
397    return true;
398  }
400  bool TraverseStmt(Stmt *S) {
401    if (auto *DS = llvm::dyn_cast_or_null<DeclStmt>(S)) {
402      // We want to consume the semicolon, make sure SimpleDeclaration does not.
403      for (auto *D : DS->decls())
404        Builder.noticeDeclaratorWithoutSemicolon(D);
405    } else if (auto *E = llvm::dyn_cast_or_null<Expr>(S)) {
406      // (!) do not recurse into subexpressions.
407      // we do not have syntax trees for expressions yet, so we only want to see
408      // the first top-level expression.
409      return WalkUpFromExpr(E->IgnoreImplicit());
410    }
411    return RecursiveASTVisitor::TraverseStmt(S);
412  }
414  // Some expressions are not yet handled by syntax trees.
415  bool WalkUpFromExpr(Expr *E) {
416    assert(!isImplicitExpr(E) && "should be handled by TraverseStmt");
417    Builder.foldNode(Builder.getExprRange(E),
418                     new (allocator()) syntax::UnknownExpression);
419    return true;
420  }
422  bool WalkUpFromNamespaceDecl(NamespaceDecl *S) {
423    auto Tokens = Builder.getRange(S);
424    if (Tokens.front().kind() == tok::coloncolon) {
425      // Handle nested namespace definitions. Those start at '::' token, e.g.
426      // namespace a^::b {}
427      // FIXME: build corresponding nodes for the name of this namespace.
428      return true;
429    }
430    Builder.foldNode(Tokens, new (allocator()) syntax::NamespaceDefinition);
431    return true;
432  }
434  // The code below is very regular, it could even be generated with some
435  // preprocessor magic. We merely assign roles to the corresponding children
436  // and fold resulting nodes.
437  bool WalkUpFromDeclStmt(DeclStmt *S) {
438    Builder.foldNode(Builder.getStmtRange(S),
439                     new (allocator()) syntax::DeclarationStatement);
440    return true;
441  }
443  bool WalkUpFromNullStmt(NullStmt *S) {
444    Builder.foldNode(Builder.getStmtRange(S),
445                     new (allocator()) syntax::EmptyStatement);
446    return true;
447  }
449  bool WalkUpFromSwitchStmt(SwitchStmt *S) {
450    Builder.markChildToken(S->getSwitchLoc(),
451                           syntax::NodeRole::IntroducerKeyword);
452    Builder.markStmtChild(S->getBody(), syntax::NodeRole::BodyStatement);
453    Builder.foldNode(Builder.getStmtRange(S),
454                     new (allocator()) syntax::SwitchStatement);
455    return true;
456  }
458  bool WalkUpFromCaseStmt(CaseStmt *S) {
459    Builder.markChildToken(S->getKeywordLoc(),
460                           syntax::NodeRole::IntroducerKeyword);
461    Builder.markExprChild(S->getLHS(), syntax::NodeRole::CaseStatement_value);
462    Builder.markStmtChild(S->getSubStmt(), syntax::NodeRole::BodyStatement);
463    Builder.foldNode(Builder.getStmtRange(S),
464                     new (allocator()) syntax::CaseStatement);
465    return true;
466  }
468  bool WalkUpFromDefaultStmt(DefaultStmt *S) {
469    Builder.markChildToken(S->getKeywordLoc(),
470                           syntax::NodeRole::IntroducerKeyword);
471    Builder.markStmtChild(S->getSubStmt(), syntax::NodeRole::BodyStatement);
472    Builder.foldNode(Builder.getStmtRange(S),
473                     new (allocator()) syntax::DefaultStatement);
474    return true;
475  }
477  bool WalkUpFromIfStmt(IfStmt *S) {
478    Builder.markChildToken(S->getIfLoc(), syntax::NodeRole::IntroducerKeyword);
479    Builder.markStmtChild(S->getThen(),
480                          syntax::NodeRole::IfStatement_thenStatement);
481    Builder.markChildToken(S->getElseLoc(),
482                           syntax::NodeRole::IfStatement_elseKeyword);
483    Builder.markStmtChild(S->getElse(),
484                          syntax::NodeRole::IfStatement_elseStatement);
485    Builder.foldNode(Builder.getStmtRange(S),
486                     new (allocator()) syntax::IfStatement);
487    return true;
488  }
490  bool WalkUpFromForStmt(ForStmt *S) {
491    Builder.markChildToken(S->getForLoc(), syntax::NodeRole::IntroducerKeyword);
492    Builder.markStmtChild(S->getBody(), syntax::NodeRole::BodyStatement);
493    Builder.foldNode(Builder.getStmtRange(S),
494                     new (allocator()) syntax::ForStatement);
495    return true;
496  }
498  bool WalkUpFromWhileStmt(WhileStmt *S) {
499    Builder.markChildToken(S->getWhileLoc(),
500                           syntax::NodeRole::IntroducerKeyword);
501    Builder.markStmtChild(S->getBody(), syntax::NodeRole::BodyStatement);
502    Builder.foldNode(Builder.getStmtRange(S),
503                     new (allocator()) syntax::WhileStatement);
504    return true;
505  }
507  bool WalkUpFromContinueStmt(ContinueStmt *S) {
508    Builder.markChildToken(S->getContinueLoc(),
509                           syntax::NodeRole::IntroducerKeyword);
510    Builder.foldNode(Builder.getStmtRange(S),
511                     new (allocator()) syntax::ContinueStatement);
512    return true;
513  }
515  bool WalkUpFromBreakStmt(BreakStmt *S) {
516    Builder.markChildToken(S->getBreakLoc(),
517                           syntax::NodeRole::IntroducerKeyword);
518    Builder.foldNode(Builder.getStmtRange(S),
519                     new (allocator()) syntax::BreakStatement);
520    return true;
521  }
523  bool WalkUpFromReturnStmt(ReturnStmt *S) {
524    Builder.markChildToken(S->getReturnLoc(),
525                           syntax::NodeRole::IntroducerKeyword);
526    Builder.markExprChild(S->getRetValue(),
527                          syntax::NodeRole::ReturnStatement_value);
528    Builder.foldNode(Builder.getStmtRange(S),
529                     new (allocator()) syntax::ReturnStatement);
530    return true;
531  }
533  bool WalkUpFromCXXForRangeStmt(CXXForRangeStmt *S) {
534    Builder.markChildToken(S->getForLoc(), syntax::NodeRole::IntroducerKeyword);
535    Builder.markStmtChild(S->getBody(), syntax::NodeRole::BodyStatement);
536    Builder.foldNode(Builder.getStmtRange(S),
537                     new (allocator()) syntax::RangeBasedForStatement);
538    return true;
539  }
541  bool WalkUpFromEmptyDecl(EmptyDecl *S) {
542    Builder.foldNode(Builder.getRange(S),
543                     new (allocator()) syntax::EmptyDeclaration);
544    return true;
545  }
547  bool WalkUpFromStaticAssertDecl(StaticAssertDecl *S) {
548    Builder.markExprChild(S->getAssertExpr(),
549                          syntax::NodeRole::StaticAssertDeclaration_condition);
550    Builder.markExprChild(S->getMessage(),
551                          syntax::NodeRole::StaticAssertDeclaration_message);
552    Builder.foldNode(Builder.getRange(S),
553                     new (allocator()) syntax::StaticAssertDeclaration);
554    return true;
555  }
557  bool WalkUpFromLinkageSpecDecl(LinkageSpecDecl *S) {
558    Builder.foldNode(Builder.getRange(S),
559                     new (allocator()) syntax::LinkageSpecificationDeclaration);
560    return true;
561  }
563  bool WalkUpFromNamespaceAliasDecl(NamespaceAliasDecl *S) {
564    Builder.foldNode(Builder.getRange(S),
565                     new (allocator()) syntax::NamespaceAliasDefinition);
566    return true;
567  }
569  bool WalkUpFromUsingDirectiveDecl(UsingDirectiveDecl *S) {
570    Builder.foldNode(Builder.getRange(S),
571                     new (allocator()) syntax::UsingNamespaceDirective);
572    return true;
573  }
575  bool WalkUpFromUsingDecl(UsingDecl *S) {
576    Builder.foldNode(Builder.getRange(S),
577                     new (allocator()) syntax::UsingDeclaration);
578    return true;
579  }
581  bool WalkUpFromUnresolvedUsingValueDecl(UnresolvedUsingValueDecl *S) {
582    Builder.foldNode(Builder.getRange(S),
583                     new (allocator()) syntax::UsingDeclaration);
584    return true;
585  }
587  bool WalkUpFromUnresolvedUsingTypenameDecl(UnresolvedUsingTypenameDecl *S) {
588    Builder.foldNode(Builder.getRange(S),
589                     new (allocator()) syntax::UsingDeclaration);
590    return true;
591  }
593  bool WalkUpFromTypeAliasDecl(TypeAliasDecl *S) {
594    Builder.foldNode(Builder.getRange(S),
595                     new (allocator()) syntax::TypeAliasDeclaration);
596    return true;
597  }
600  /// A small helper to save some typing.
601  llvm::BumpPtrAllocator &allocator() { return Builder.allocator(); }
603  syntax::TreeBuilder &Builder;
604  const LangOptions &LangOpts;
606} // namespace
608void syntax::TreeBuilder::foldNode(llvm::ArrayRef<syntax::Token> Range,
609                                   syntax::Tree *New) {
610  Pending.foldChildren(Arena, Range, New);
613void syntax::TreeBuilder::noticeDeclaratorRange(
614    llvm::ArrayRef<syntax::Token> Range) {
615  if (Pending.extendDelayedFold(Range))
616    return;
617  Pending.foldChildrenDelayed(Range,
618                              new (allocator()) syntax::SimpleDeclaration);
621void syntax::TreeBuilder::noticeDeclaratorWithoutSemicolon(Decl *D) {
622  DeclsWithoutSemicolons.insert(D);
625void syntax::TreeBuilder::markChildToken(SourceLocation Loc, NodeRole Role) {
626  if (Loc.isInvalid())
627    return;
628  Pending.assignRole(*findToken(Loc), Role);
631void syntax::TreeBuilder::markStmtChild(Stmt *Child, NodeRole Role) {
632  if (!Child)
633    return;
635  auto Range = getStmtRange(Child);
636  // This is an expression in a statement position, consume the trailing
637  // semicolon and form an 'ExpressionStatement' node.
638  if (auto *E = dyn_cast<Expr>(Child)) {
639    Pending.assignRole(getExprRange(E),
640                       NodeRole::ExpressionStatement_expression);
641    // (!) 'getRange(Stmt)' ensures this already covers a trailing semicolon.
642    Pending.foldChildren(Arena, Range,
643                         new (allocator()) syntax::ExpressionStatement);
644  }
645  Pending.assignRole(Range, Role);
648void syntax::TreeBuilder::markExprChild(Expr *Child, NodeRole Role) {
649  if (!Child)
650    return;
652  Pending.assignRole(getExprRange(Child), Role);
655const syntax::Token *syntax::TreeBuilder::findToken(SourceLocation L) const {
656  auto It = LocationToToken.find(L.getRawEncoding());
657  assert(It != LocationToToken.end());
658  return It->second;
661syntax::TranslationUnit *
662syntax::buildSyntaxTree(Arena &A, const TranslationUnitDecl &TU) {
663  TreeBuilder Builder(A);
664  BuildTreeVisitor(TU.getASTContext(), Builder).TraverseAST(TU.getASTContext());
665  return std::move(Builder).finalize();