2 **************************************************************************
3 *                       DHRYSTONE 2.1 BENCHMARK PC VERSION
4 **************************************************************************
5 *
6 *                   "DHRYSTONE" Benchmark Program
7 *                   -----------------------------
8 *
9 *  Version:    C, Version 2.1
10 *
11 *  File:       dhry.h (part 1 of 3)
12 *
13 *  Date:       May 25, 1988
14 *
15 *  Author:     Reinhold P. Weicker
16 *                      Siemens AG, AUT E 51
17 *                      Postfach 3220
18 *                      8520 Erlangen
19 *                      Germany (West)
20 *                              Phone:  [+49]-9131-7-20330
21 *                                      (8-17 Central European Time)
22 *                              Usenet: ..!mcsun!unido!estevax!weicker
23 *
24 *            Original Version (in Ada) published in
25 *            "Communications of the ACM" vol. 27., no. 10 (Oct. 1984),
26 *            pp. 1013 - 1030, together with the statistics
27 *            on which the distribution of statements etc. is based.
28 *
29 *            In this C version, the following C library functions are used:
30 *            - strcpy, strcmp (inside the measurement loop)
31 *            - printf, scanf (outside the measurement loop)
32 *            In addition, Berkeley UNIX system calls "times ()" or "time ()"
33 *            are used for execution time measurement. For measurements
34 *            on other systems, these calls have to be changed.
35 *
36 *  Collection of Results:
37 *              Reinhold Weicker (address see above) and
38 *
39 *              Rick Richardson
40 *              PC Research. Inc.
41 *              94 Apple Orchard Drive
42 *              Tinton Falls, NJ 07724
43 *                      Phone:  (201) 389-8963 (9-17 EST)
44 *                      Usenet: ...!uunet!pcrat!rick
45 *
46 *      Please send results to Rick Richardson and/or Reinhold Weicker.
47 *      Complete information should be given on hardware and software used.
48 *      Hardware information includes: Machine type, CPU, type and size
49 *      of caches; for microprocessors: clock frequency, memory speed
50 *      (number of wait states).
51 *      Software information includes: Compiler (and runtime library)
52 *      manufacturer and version, compilation switches, OS version.
53 *      The Operating System version may give an indication about the
54 *      compiler; Dhrystone itself performs no OS calls in the measurement
55 *      loop.
56 *
57 *      The complete output generated by the program should be mailed
58 *      such that at least some checks for correctness can be made.
59 *
60 **************************************************************************
61 *
62 *  This version has changes made by Roy Longbottom to conform to a common
63 *  format for a series of standard benchmarks for PCs:
64 *
65 *  Running time greater than 5 seconds due to inaccuracy of the PC clock.
66 *
67 *  Automatic adjustment of run time, no manually inserted parameters.
68 *
69 *  Initial display of calibration times to confirm linearity.
70 *
71 *  Display of results within one screen (or at a slow speed as the test
72 *  progresses) so that it can be seen to have run successfully.
73 *
74 *  Facilities to type in details of system used etc.
75 *
76 *  All results and details appended to a results file.
77 *
78 *
79 *  Roy Longbottom
80 *  101323.2241@compuserve.com
81 *
82 **************************************************************************
83 *
84 *  For details of history, changes, other defines, benchmark construction
85 *  statistics see official versions from ftp.nosc.mil/pub/aburto where
86 *  the latest table of results (dhry.tbl) are available. See also
87 *  netlib@ornl.gov
88 *
89 **************************************************************************
90 *
91 * Defines:     The following "Defines" are possible:
92 *              -DREG=register          (default: Not defined)
93 *                      As an approximation to what an average C programmer
94 *                      might do, the "register" storage class is applied
95 *                      (if enabled by -DREG=register)
96 *                      - for local variables, if they are used (dynamically)
97 *                        five or more times
98 *                      - for parameters if they are used (dynamically)
99 *                        six or more times
100 *                      Note that an optimal "register" strategy is
101 *                      compiler-dependent, and that "register" declarations
102 *                      do not necessarily lead to faster execution.
103 *              -DNOSTRUCTASSIGN        (default: Not defined)
104 *                      Define if the C compiler does not support
105 *                      assignment of structures.
106 *              -DNOENUMS               (default: Not defined)
107 *                      Define if the C compiler does not support
108 *                      enumeration types.
109 ***************************************************************************
110 *
111 *  Compilation model and measurement (IMPORTANT):
112 *
113 *  This C version of Dhrystone consists of three files:
114 *  - dhry.h (this file, containing global definitions and comments)
115 *  - dhry_1.c (containing the code corresponding to Ada package Pack_1)
116 *  - dhry_2.c (containing the code corresponding to Ada package Pack_2)
117 *
118 *  The following "ground rules" apply for measurements:
119 *  - Separate compilation
120 *  - No procedure merging
121 *  - Otherwise, compiler optimizations are allowed but should be indicated
122 *  - Default results are those without register declarations
123 *  See the companion paper "Rationale for Dhrystone Version 2" for a more
124 *  detailed discussion of these ground rules.
125 *
126 *  For 16-Bit processors (e.g. 80186, 80286), times for all compilation
127 *  models ("small", "medium", "large" etc.) should be given if possible,
128 *  together with a definition of these models for the compiler system used.
129 *
130 **************************************************************************
131 *                Examples of Pentium Results
132 *
133 * Dhrystone Benchmark  Version 2.1 (Language: C)
134 *
135 * Month run            4/1996
136 * PC model             Escom
137 * CPU                  Pentium
138 * Clock MHz            100
139 * Cache                256K
140 * Options              Neptune chipset
141 * OS/DOS               Windows 95
142 * Compiler             Watcom C/ C++ 10.5 Win386
143 * OptLevel             -otexan -zp8 -fp5 -5r
144 * Run by               Roy Longbottom
145 * From                 UK
146 * Mail                 101323.2241@compuserve.com
147 *
148 * Final values         (* implementation-dependent):
149 *
150 * Int_Glob:      O.K.  5
151 * Bool_Glob:     O.K.  1
152 * Ch_1_Glob:     O.K.  A
153 * Ch_2_Glob:     O.K.  B
154 * Arr_1_Glob[8]: O.K.  7
155 * Arr_2_Glob8/7: O.K.     1600010
156 * Ptr_Glob->
157 *   Ptr_Comp:       *  98008
158 *   Discr:       O.K.  0
159 *   Enum_Comp:   O.K.  2
160 *   Int_Comp:    O.K.  17
162 * Next_Ptr_Glob->
163 *   Ptr_Comp:       *  98008 same as above
164 *   Discr:       O.K.  0
165 *   Enum_Comp:   O.K.  1
166 *   Int_Comp:    O.K.  18
168 * Int_1_Loc:     O.K.  5
169 * Int_2_Loc:     O.K.  13
170 * Int_3_Loc:     O.K.  7
171 * Enum_Loc:      O.K.  1
172 * Str_1_Loc:     O.K.  DHRYSTONE PROGRAM, 1'ST STRING
173 * Str_2_Loc:     O.K.  DHRYSTONE PROGRAM, 2'ND STRING
174 *
175 * Register option      Selected.
176 *
177 * Microseconds 1 loop:          4.53
178 * Dhrystones / second:      220690
179 * VAX MIPS rating:            125.61
180 *
181 *
182 * Dhrystone Benchmark  Version 2.1 (Language: C)
183 *
184 * Month run            4/1996
185 * PC model             Escom
186 * CPU                  Pentium
187 * Clock MHz            100
188 * Cache                256K
189 * Options              Neptune chipset
190 * OS/DOS               Windows 95
191 * Compiler             Watcom C/ C++ 10.5 Win386
192 * OptLevel                 No optimisation
193 * Run by               Roy Longbottom
194 * From                 UK
195 * Mail                 101323.2241@compuserve.com
196 *
197 * Final values         (* implementation-dependent):
198 *
199 * Int_Glob:      O.K.  5
200 * Bool_Glob:     O.K.  1
201 * Ch_1_Glob:     O.K.  A
202 * Ch_2_Glob:     O.K.  B
203 * Arr_1_Glob[8]: O.K.  7
204 * Arr_2_Glob8/7: O.K.      320010
205 * Ptr_Glob->
206 *   Ptr_Comp:       *  98004
207 *   Discr:       O.K.  0
208 *   Enum_Comp:   O.K.  2
209 *   Int_Comp:    O.K.  17
211 * Next_Ptr_Glob->
212 *   Ptr_Comp:       *  98004 same as above
213 *   Discr:       O.K.  0
214 *   Enum_Comp:   O.K.  1
215 *   Int_Comp:    O.K.  18
217 * Int_1_Loc:     O.K.  5
218 * Int_2_Loc:     O.K.  13
219 * Int_3_Loc:     O.K.  7
220 * Enum_Loc:      O.K.  1
221 * Str_1_Loc:     O.K.  DHRYSTONE PROGRAM, 1'ST STRING
222 * Str_2_Loc:     O.K.  DHRYSTONE PROGRAM, 2'ND STRING
223 *
224 * Register option      Not selected.
225 *
226 * Microseconds 1 loop:         20.06
227 * Dhrystones / second:       49844
228 * VAX MIPS rating:             28.37
229 *
230 **************************************************************************
231 */
233/* Compiler and system dependent definitions: */
235#ifndef TIME
236#define TIMES
238                /* Use times(2) time function unless    */
239                /* explicitly defined otherwise         */
241#ifdef TIMES
242/* #include <sys/types.h>
243   #include <sys/times.h> */
244                /* for "times" */
247#define Mic_secs_Per_Second     1000000.0
248                /* Berkeley UNIX C returns process times in seconds/HZ */
251#define structassign(d, s)      memcpy(&(d), &(s), sizeof(d))
253#define structassign(d, s)      d = s
256#ifdef  NOENUM
257#define Ident_1 0
258#define Ident_2 1
259#define Ident_3 2
260#define Ident_4 3
261#define Ident_5 4
262  typedef int   Enumeration;
264  typedef       enum    {Ident_1, Ident_2, Ident_3, Ident_4, Ident_5}
265                Enumeration;
267        /* for boolean and enumeration types in Ada, Pascal */
269/* General definitions: */
271#include <stdio.h>
272#include <string.h>
274                /* for strcpy, strcmp */
276#define Null 0
277                /* Value of a Null pointer */
278#define true  1
279#define false 0
281typedef int     One_Thirty;
282typedef int     One_Fifty;
283typedef char    Capital_Letter;
284typedef int     Boolean;
285typedef char    Str_30 [31];
286typedef int     Arr_1_Dim [50];
287typedef int     Arr_2_Dim [50] [50];
289typedef struct record
290    {
291    struct record *Ptr_Comp;
292    Enumeration    Discr;
293    union {
294          struct {
295                  Enumeration Enum_Comp;
296                  int         Int_Comp;
297                  char        Str_Comp [31];
298                  } var_1;
299          struct {
300                  Enumeration E_Comp_2;
301                  char        Str_2_Comp [31];
302                  } var_2;
303          struct {
304                  char        Ch_1_Comp;
305                  char        Ch_2_Comp;
306                  } var_3;
307          } variant;
308      } Rec_Type, *Rec_Pointer;