1Posix says we should execute the command as if run by system(3)
2Expect 'Hello,' and 'World!'
5a command
6a command prefixed by '+' executes even with -n
7another command
8make -n
9echo a command
10echo "a command prefixed by '+' executes even with -n"
11a command prefixed by '+' executes even with -n
12echo another command
13make -n -j1
14{ echo a command
15} || exit $?
16echo "a command prefixed by '+' executes even with -n"
17a command prefixed by '+' executes even with -n
18{ echo another command
19} || exit $?
20Now we expect an error...
21*** Error code 1 (continuing)
22`all' not remade because of errors.
23exit status 0