1//===-- UnwindLLDB.cpp -------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
3// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
9#include "lldb/Core/Module.h"
10#include "lldb/Symbol/FuncUnwinders.h"
11#include "lldb/Symbol/Function.h"
12#include "lldb/Symbol/UnwindPlan.h"
13#include "lldb/Target/ABI.h"
14#include "lldb/Target/Process.h"
15#include "lldb/Target/RegisterContext.h"
16#include "lldb/Target/Target.h"
17#include "lldb/Target/Thread.h"
18#include "lldb/Utility/Log.h"
20#include "RegisterContextLLDB.h"
21#include "UnwindLLDB.h"
23using namespace lldb;
24using namespace lldb_private;
26UnwindLLDB::UnwindLLDB(Thread &thread)
27    : Unwind(thread), m_frames(), m_unwind_complete(false),
28      m_user_supplied_trap_handler_functions() {
29  ProcessSP process_sp(thread.GetProcess());
30  if (process_sp) {
31    Args args;
32    process_sp->GetTarget().GetUserSpecifiedTrapHandlerNames(args);
33    size_t count = args.GetArgumentCount();
34    for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i++) {
35      const char *func_name = args.GetArgumentAtIndex(i);
36      m_user_supplied_trap_handler_functions.push_back(ConstString(func_name));
37    }
38  }
41uint32_t UnwindLLDB::DoGetFrameCount() {
42  if (!m_unwind_complete) {
43//#define DEBUG_FRAME_SPEED 1
45#define FRAME_COUNT 10000
46    using namespace std::chrono;
47    auto time_value = steady_clock::now();
49    if (!AddFirstFrame())
50      return 0;
52    ProcessSP process_sp(m_thread.GetProcess());
53    ABI *abi = process_sp ? process_sp->GetABI().get() : nullptr;
55    while (AddOneMoreFrame(abi)) {
57      if ((m_frames.size() % FRAME_COUNT) == 0) {
58        const auto now = steady_clock::now();
59        const auto delta_t = now - time_value;
60        printf("%u frames in %.9f ms (%g frames/sec)\n", FRAME_COUNT,
61               duration<double, std::milli>(delta_t).count(),
62               (float)FRAME_COUNT / duration<double>(delta_t).count());
63        time_value = now;
64      }
66    }
67  }
68  return m_frames.size();
71bool UnwindLLDB::AddFirstFrame() {
72  if (m_frames.size() > 0)
73    return true;
75  ProcessSP process_sp(m_thread.GetProcess());
76  ABI *abi = process_sp ? process_sp->GetABI().get() : nullptr;
78  // First, set up the 0th (initial) frame
79  CursorSP first_cursor_sp(new Cursor());
80  RegisterContextLLDBSP reg_ctx_sp(new RegisterContextLLDB(
81      m_thread, RegisterContextLLDBSP(), first_cursor_sp->sctx, 0, *this));
82  if (reg_ctx_sp.get() == nullptr)
83    goto unwind_done;
85  if (!reg_ctx_sp->IsValid())
86    goto unwind_done;
88  if (!reg_ctx_sp->GetCFA(first_cursor_sp->cfa))
89    goto unwind_done;
91  if (!reg_ctx_sp->ReadPC(first_cursor_sp->start_pc))
92    goto unwind_done;
94  // Everything checks out, so release the auto pointer value and let the
95  // cursor own it in its shared pointer
96  first_cursor_sp->reg_ctx_lldb_sp = reg_ctx_sp;
97  m_frames.push_back(first_cursor_sp);
99  // Update the Full Unwind Plan for this frame if not valid
100  UpdateUnwindPlanForFirstFrameIfInvalid(abi);
102  return true;
105  Log *log(GetLogIfAllCategoriesSet(LIBLLDB_LOG_UNWIND));
106  if (log) {
107    LLDB_LOGF(log, "th%d Unwind of this thread is complete.",
108              m_thread.GetIndexID());
109  }
110  m_unwind_complete = true;
111  return false;
114UnwindLLDB::CursorSP UnwindLLDB::GetOneMoreFrame(ABI *abi) {
115  assert(m_frames.size() != 0 &&
116         "Get one more frame called with empty frame list");
118  // If we've already gotten to the end of the stack, don't bother to try
119  // again...
120  if (m_unwind_complete)
121    return nullptr;
123  Log *log(GetLogIfAllCategoriesSet(LIBLLDB_LOG_UNWIND));
125  CursorSP prev_frame = m_frames.back();
126  uint32_t cur_idx = m_frames.size();
128  CursorSP cursor_sp(new Cursor());
129  RegisterContextLLDBSP reg_ctx_sp(new RegisterContextLLDB(
130      m_thread, prev_frame->reg_ctx_lldb_sp, cursor_sp->sctx, cur_idx, *this));
132  uint64_t max_stack_depth = m_thread.GetMaxBacktraceDepth();
134  // We want to detect an unwind that cycles erroneously and stop backtracing.
135  // Don't want this maximum unwind limit to be too low -- if you have a
136  // backtrace with an "infinitely recursing" bug, it will crash when the stack
137  // blows out and the first 35,000 frames are uninteresting - it's the top
138  // most 5 frames that you actually care about.  So you can't just cap the
139  // unwind at 10,000 or something. Realistically anything over around 200,000
140  // is going to blow out the stack space. If we're still unwinding at that
141  // point, we're probably never going to finish.
142  if (cur_idx >= max_stack_depth) {
143    LLDB_LOGF(log,
144              "%*sFrame %d unwound too many frames, assuming unwind has "
145              "gone astray, stopping.",
146              cur_idx < 100 ? cur_idx : 100, "", cur_idx);
147    return nullptr;
148  }
150  if (reg_ctx_sp.get() == nullptr) {
151    // If the RegisterContextLLDB has a fallback UnwindPlan, it will switch to
152    // that and return true.  Subsequent calls to TryFallbackUnwindPlan() will
153    // return false.
154    if (prev_frame->reg_ctx_lldb_sp->TryFallbackUnwindPlan()) {
155      // TryFallbackUnwindPlan for prev_frame succeeded and updated
156      // reg_ctx_lldb_sp field of prev_frame. However, cfa field of prev_frame
157      // still needs to be updated. Hence updating it.
158      if (!(prev_frame->reg_ctx_lldb_sp->GetCFA(prev_frame->cfa)))
159        return nullptr;
161      return GetOneMoreFrame(abi);
162    }
164    LLDB_LOGF(log, "%*sFrame %d did not get a RegisterContext, stopping.",
165              cur_idx < 100 ? cur_idx : 100, "", cur_idx);
166    return nullptr;
167  }
169  if (!reg_ctx_sp->IsValid()) {
170    // We failed to get a valid RegisterContext. See if the regctx below this
171    // on the stack has a fallback unwind plan it can use. Subsequent calls to
172    // TryFallbackUnwindPlan() will return false.
173    if (prev_frame->reg_ctx_lldb_sp->TryFallbackUnwindPlan()) {
174      // TryFallbackUnwindPlan for prev_frame succeeded and updated
175      // reg_ctx_lldb_sp field of prev_frame. However, cfa field of prev_frame
176      // still needs to be updated. Hence updating it.
177      if (!(prev_frame->reg_ctx_lldb_sp->GetCFA(prev_frame->cfa)))
178        return nullptr;
180      return GetOneMoreFrame(abi);
181    }
183    LLDB_LOGF(log,
184              "%*sFrame %d invalid RegisterContext for this frame, "
185              "stopping stack walk",
186              cur_idx < 100 ? cur_idx : 100, "", cur_idx);
187    return nullptr;
188  }
189  if (!reg_ctx_sp->GetCFA(cursor_sp->cfa)) {
190    // If the RegisterContextLLDB has a fallback UnwindPlan, it will switch to
191    // that and return true.  Subsequent calls to TryFallbackUnwindPlan() will
192    // return false.
193    if (prev_frame->reg_ctx_lldb_sp->TryFallbackUnwindPlan()) {
194      // TryFallbackUnwindPlan for prev_frame succeeded and updated
195      // reg_ctx_lldb_sp field of prev_frame. However, cfa field of prev_frame
196      // still needs to be updated. Hence updating it.
197      if (!(prev_frame->reg_ctx_lldb_sp->GetCFA(prev_frame->cfa)))
198        return nullptr;
200      return GetOneMoreFrame(abi);
201    }
203    LLDB_LOGF(log,
204              "%*sFrame %d did not get CFA for this frame, stopping stack walk",
205              cur_idx < 100 ? cur_idx : 100, "", cur_idx);
206    return nullptr;
207  }
208  if (abi && !abi->CallFrameAddressIsValid(cursor_sp->cfa)) {
209    // On Mac OS X, the _sigtramp asynchronous signal trampoline frame may not
210    // have its (constructed) CFA aligned correctly -- don't do the abi
211    // alignment check for these.
212    if (!reg_ctx_sp->IsTrapHandlerFrame()) {
213      // See if we can find a fallback unwind plan for THIS frame.  It may be
214      // that the UnwindPlan we're using for THIS frame was bad and gave us a
215      // bad CFA. If that's not it, then see if we can change the UnwindPlan
216      // for the frame below us ("NEXT") -- see if using that other UnwindPlan
217      // gets us a better unwind state.
218      if (!reg_ctx_sp->TryFallbackUnwindPlan() ||
219          !reg_ctx_sp->GetCFA(cursor_sp->cfa) ||
220          !abi->CallFrameAddressIsValid(cursor_sp->cfa)) {
221        if (prev_frame->reg_ctx_lldb_sp->TryFallbackUnwindPlan()) {
222          // TryFallbackUnwindPlan for prev_frame succeeded and updated
223          // reg_ctx_lldb_sp field of prev_frame. However, cfa field of
224          // prev_frame still needs to be updated. Hence updating it.
225          if (!(prev_frame->reg_ctx_lldb_sp->GetCFA(prev_frame->cfa)))
226            return nullptr;
228          return GetOneMoreFrame(abi);
229        }
231        LLDB_LOGF(log,
232                  "%*sFrame %d did not get a valid CFA for this frame, "
233                  "stopping stack walk",
234                  cur_idx < 100 ? cur_idx : 100, "", cur_idx);
235        return nullptr;
236      } else {
237        LLDB_LOGF(log,
238                  "%*sFrame %d had a bad CFA value but we switched the "
239                  "UnwindPlan being used and got one that looks more "
240                  "realistic.",
241                  cur_idx < 100 ? cur_idx : 100, "", cur_idx);
242      }
243    }
244  }
245  if (!reg_ctx_sp->ReadPC(cursor_sp->start_pc)) {
246    // If the RegisterContextLLDB has a fallback UnwindPlan, it will switch to
247    // that and return true.  Subsequent calls to TryFallbackUnwindPlan() will
248    // return false.
249    if (prev_frame->reg_ctx_lldb_sp->TryFallbackUnwindPlan()) {
250      // TryFallbackUnwindPlan for prev_frame succeeded and updated
251      // reg_ctx_lldb_sp field of prev_frame. However, cfa field of prev_frame
252      // still needs to be updated. Hence updating it.
253      if (!(prev_frame->reg_ctx_lldb_sp->GetCFA(prev_frame->cfa)))
254        return nullptr;
256      return GetOneMoreFrame(abi);
257    }
259    LLDB_LOGF(log,
260              "%*sFrame %d did not get PC for this frame, stopping stack walk",
261              cur_idx < 100 ? cur_idx : 100, "", cur_idx);
262    return nullptr;
263  }
264  if (abi && !abi->CodeAddressIsValid(cursor_sp->start_pc)) {
265    // If the RegisterContextLLDB has a fallback UnwindPlan, it will switch to
266    // that and return true.  Subsequent calls to TryFallbackUnwindPlan() will
267    // return false.
268    if (prev_frame->reg_ctx_lldb_sp->TryFallbackUnwindPlan()) {
269      // TryFallbackUnwindPlan for prev_frame succeeded and updated
270      // reg_ctx_lldb_sp field of prev_frame. However, cfa field of prev_frame
271      // still needs to be updated. Hence updating it.
272      if (!(prev_frame->reg_ctx_lldb_sp->GetCFA(prev_frame->cfa)))
273        return nullptr;
275      return GetOneMoreFrame(abi);
276    }
278    LLDB_LOGF(log, "%*sFrame %d did not get a valid PC, stopping stack walk",
279              cur_idx < 100 ? cur_idx : 100, "", cur_idx);
280    return nullptr;
281  }
282  // Infinite loop where the current cursor is the same as the previous one...
283  if (prev_frame->start_pc == cursor_sp->start_pc &&
284      prev_frame->cfa == cursor_sp->cfa) {
285    LLDB_LOGF(log,
286              "th%d pc of this frame is the same as the previous frame and "
287              "CFAs for both frames are identical -- stopping unwind",
288              m_thread.GetIndexID());
289    return nullptr;
290  }
292  cursor_sp->reg_ctx_lldb_sp = reg_ctx_sp;
293  return cursor_sp;
296void UnwindLLDB::UpdateUnwindPlanForFirstFrameIfInvalid(ABI *abi) {
297  // This function is called for First Frame only.
298  assert(m_frames.size() == 1 && "No. of cursor frames are not 1");
300  bool old_m_unwind_complete = m_unwind_complete;
301  CursorSP old_m_candidate_frame = m_candidate_frame;
303  // Try to unwind 2 more frames using the Unwinder. It uses Full UnwindPlan
304  // and if Full UnwindPlan fails, then uses FallBack UnwindPlan. Also update
305  // the cfa of Frame 0 (if required).
306  AddOneMoreFrame(abi);
308  // Remove all the frames added by above function as the purpose of using
309  // above function was just to check whether Unwinder of Frame 0 works or not.
310  for (uint32_t i = 1; i < m_frames.size(); i++)
311    m_frames.pop_back();
313  // Restore status after calling AddOneMoreFrame
314  m_unwind_complete = old_m_unwind_complete;
315  m_candidate_frame = old_m_candidate_frame;
316  return;
319bool UnwindLLDB::AddOneMoreFrame(ABI *abi) {
320  Log *log(GetLogIfAllCategoriesSet(LIBLLDB_LOG_UNWIND));
322  // Frame zero is a little different
323  if (m_frames.empty())
324    return false;
326  // If we've already gotten to the end of the stack, don't bother to try
327  // again...
328  if (m_unwind_complete)
329    return false;
331  CursorSP new_frame = m_candidate_frame;
332  if (new_frame == nullptr)
333    new_frame = GetOneMoreFrame(abi);
335  if (new_frame == nullptr) {
336    LLDB_LOGF(log, "th%d Unwind of this thread is complete.",
337              m_thread.GetIndexID());
338    m_unwind_complete = true;
339    return false;
340  }
342  m_frames.push_back(new_frame);
344  // If we can get one more frame further then accept that we get back a
345  // correct frame.
346  m_candidate_frame = GetOneMoreFrame(abi);
347  if (m_candidate_frame)
348    return true;
350  // We can't go further from the frame returned by GetOneMore frame. Lets try
351  // to get a different frame with using the fallback unwind plan.
352  if (!m_frames[m_frames.size() - 2]
353           ->reg_ctx_lldb_sp->TryFallbackUnwindPlan()) {
354    // We don't have a valid fallback unwind plan. Accept the frame as it is.
355    // This is a valid situation when we are at the bottom of the stack.
356    return true;
357  }
359  // Remove the possibly incorrect frame from the frame list and try to add a
360  // different one with the newly selected fallback unwind plan.
361  m_frames.pop_back();
362  CursorSP new_frame_v2 = GetOneMoreFrame(abi);
363  if (new_frame_v2 == nullptr) {
364    // We haven't got a new frame from the fallback unwind plan. Accept the
365    // frame from the original unwind plan. This is a valid situation when we
366    // are at the bottom of the stack.
367    m_frames.push_back(new_frame);
368    return true;
369  }
371  // Push the new frame to the list and try to continue from this frame. If we
372  // can get a new frame then accept it as the correct one.
373  m_frames.push_back(new_frame_v2);
374  m_candidate_frame = GetOneMoreFrame(abi);
375  if (m_candidate_frame) {
376    // If control reached here then TryFallbackUnwindPlan had succeeded for
377    // Cursor::m_frames[m_frames.size() - 2]. It also succeeded to Unwind next
378    // 2 frames i.e. m_frames[m_frames.size() - 1] and a frame after that. For
379    // Cursor::m_frames[m_frames.size() - 2], reg_ctx_lldb_sp field was already
380    // updated during TryFallbackUnwindPlan call above. However, cfa field
381    // still needs to be updated. Hence updating it here and then returning.
382    return m_frames[m_frames.size() - 2]->reg_ctx_lldb_sp->GetCFA(
383        m_frames[m_frames.size() - 2]->cfa);
384  }
386  // The new frame hasn't helped in unwinding. Fall back to the original one as
387  // the default unwind plan is usually more reliable then the fallback one.
388  m_frames.pop_back();
389  m_frames.push_back(new_frame);
390  return true;
393bool UnwindLLDB::DoGetFrameInfoAtIndex(uint32_t idx, addr_t &cfa, addr_t &pc,
394                                       bool &behaves_like_zeroth_frame) {
395  if (m_frames.size() == 0) {
396    if (!AddFirstFrame())
397      return false;
398  }
400  ProcessSP process_sp(m_thread.GetProcess());
401  ABI *abi = process_sp ? process_sp->GetABI().get() : nullptr;
403  while (idx >= m_frames.size() && AddOneMoreFrame(abi))
404    ;
406  if (idx < m_frames.size()) {
407    cfa = m_frames[idx]->cfa;
408    pc = m_frames[idx]->start_pc;
409    if (idx == 0) {
410      // Frame zero always behaves like it.
411      behaves_like_zeroth_frame = true;
412    } else if (m_frames[idx - 1]->reg_ctx_lldb_sp->IsTrapHandlerFrame()) {
413      // This could be an asynchronous signal, thus the
414      // pc might point to the interrupted instruction rather
415      // than a post-call instruction
416      behaves_like_zeroth_frame = true;
417    } else if (m_frames[idx]->reg_ctx_lldb_sp->IsTrapHandlerFrame()) {
418      // This frame may result from signal processing installing
419      // a pointer to the first byte of a signal-return trampoline
420      // in the return address slot of the frame below, so this
421      // too behaves like the zeroth frame (i.e. the pc might not
422      // be pointing just past a call in it)
423      behaves_like_zeroth_frame = true;
424    } else {
425      behaves_like_zeroth_frame = false;
426    }
427    return true;
428  }
429  return false;
433UnwindLLDB::DoCreateRegisterContextForFrame(StackFrame *frame) {
434  lldb::RegisterContextSP reg_ctx_sp;
435  uint32_t idx = frame->GetConcreteFrameIndex();
437  if (idx == 0) {
438    return m_thread.GetRegisterContext();
439  }
441  if (m_frames.size() == 0) {
442    if (!AddFirstFrame())
443      return reg_ctx_sp;
444  }
446  ProcessSP process_sp(m_thread.GetProcess());
447  ABI *abi = process_sp ? process_sp->GetABI().get() : nullptr;
449  while (idx >= m_frames.size()) {
450    if (!AddOneMoreFrame(abi))
451      break;
452  }
454  const uint32_t num_frames = m_frames.size();
455  if (idx < num_frames) {
456    Cursor *frame_cursor = m_frames[idx].get();
457    reg_ctx_sp = frame_cursor->reg_ctx_lldb_sp;
458  }
459  return reg_ctx_sp;
463UnwindLLDB::GetRegisterContextForFrameNum(uint32_t frame_num) {
464  RegisterContextLLDBSP reg_ctx_sp;
465  if (frame_num < m_frames.size())
466    reg_ctx_sp = m_frames[frame_num]->reg_ctx_lldb_sp;
467  return reg_ctx_sp;
470bool UnwindLLDB::SearchForSavedLocationForRegister(
471    uint32_t lldb_regnum, lldb_private::UnwindLLDB::RegisterLocation &regloc,
472    uint32_t starting_frame_num, bool pc_reg) {
473  int64_t frame_num = starting_frame_num;
474  if (static_cast<size_t>(frame_num) >= m_frames.size())
475    return false;
477  // Never interrogate more than one level while looking for the saved pc
478  // value. If the value isn't saved by frame_num, none of the frames lower on
479  // the stack will have a useful value.
480  if (pc_reg) {
481    UnwindLLDB::RegisterSearchResult result;
482    result = m_frames[frame_num]->reg_ctx_lldb_sp->SavedLocationForRegister(
483        lldb_regnum, regloc);
484    return result == UnwindLLDB::RegisterSearchResult::eRegisterFound;
485  }
486  while (frame_num >= 0) {
487    UnwindLLDB::RegisterSearchResult result;
488    result = m_frames[frame_num]->reg_ctx_lldb_sp->SavedLocationForRegister(
489        lldb_regnum, regloc);
491    // We descended down to the live register context aka stack frame 0 and are
492    // reading the value out of a live register.
493    if (result == UnwindLLDB::RegisterSearchResult::eRegisterFound &&
494        regloc.type ==
495            UnwindLLDB::RegisterLocation::eRegisterInLiveRegisterContext) {
496      return true;
497    }
499    // If we have unwind instructions saying that register N is saved in
500    // register M in the middle of the stack (and N can equal M here, meaning
501    // the register was not used in this function), then change the register
502    // number we're looking for to M and keep looking for a concrete  location
503    // down the stack, or an actual value from a live RegisterContext at frame
504    // 0.
505    if (result == UnwindLLDB::RegisterSearchResult::eRegisterFound &&
506        regloc.type == UnwindLLDB::RegisterLocation::eRegisterInRegister &&
507        frame_num > 0) {
508      result = UnwindLLDB::RegisterSearchResult::eRegisterNotFound;
509      lldb_regnum = regloc.location.register_number;
510    }
512    if (result == UnwindLLDB::RegisterSearchResult::eRegisterFound)
513      return true;
514    if (result == UnwindLLDB::RegisterSearchResult::eRegisterIsVolatile)
515      return false;
516    frame_num--;
517  }
518  return false;