SAQUERY 8 "October 19, 2008" "OpenIB" "OpenIB Diagnostics"
saquery - query InfiniBand subnet administration attributes
saquery [-h] [-d] [-p] [-N] [--list | -D] [-S] [-I] [-L] [-l] [-G] [-O] [-U] [-c] [-s] [-g] [-m] [-x] [-C ca_name] [-P ca_port] [--smkey val] [-t(imeout) <msec>] [--src-to-dst <src:dst>] [--sgid-to-dgid <sgid-dgid>] [--node-name-map <node-name-map>] [<name> | <lid> | <guid>]

saquery issues the selected SA query. Node records are queried by default.


-p get PathRecord info

-N get NodeRecord info

--list | -D get NodeDescriptions of CAs only

-S get ServiceRecord info

-I get InformInfoRecord (subscription) info

-L return the Lids of the name specified

-l return the unique Lid of the name specified

-G return the Guids of the name specified

-O return the name for the Lid specified

-U return the name for the Guid specified

-c get the SA's class port info

-s return the PortInfoRecords with isSM or isSMdisabled capability mask bit on

-g get multicast group info

-m get multicast member info. If a group is specified, limit the output to the group specified and print one line containing only the GUID and node description for each entry. Example: saquery -m 0xc000

-x get LinkRecord info

--src-to-dst get a PathRecord for <src:dst> where src and dst are either node names or LIDs

--sgid-to-dgid get a PathRecord for sgid to dgid where both GIDs are in an IPv6 format acceptable to inet_pton (3).

-C <ca_name> use the specified ca_name.

-P <ca_port> use the specified ca_port.

--smkey <val> use SM_Key value for the query. Will be used only with "trusted" queries. If non-numeric value (like 'x') is specified then saquery will prompt for a value.

-t, -timeout <msec> Specify SA query response timeout in milliseconds. Default is 100 milliseconds. You may want to use this option if IB_TIMEOUT is indicated.

--node-name-map <node-name-map> Specify a node name map. The node name map file maps GUIDs to more user friendly names. See ibnetdiscover(8) for node name map file format. Only used with the -O and -U options.

Supported query names (and aliases): ClassPortInfo (CPI) NodeRecord (NR) PortInfoRecord (PIR) [[lid]/[port]] SL2VLTableRecord (SL2VL) [[lid]/[in_port]/[out_port]] PKeyTableRecord (PKTR) [[lid]/[port]/[block]] VLArbitrationTableRecord (VLAR) [[lid]/[port]/[block]] InformInfoRecord (IIR) LinkRecord (LR) [[from_lid]/[from_port]] [[to_lid]/[to_port]] ServiceRecord (SR) PathRecord (PR) MCMemberRecord (MCMR) LFTRecord (LFTR) [[lid]/[block]] MFTRecord (MFTR) [[mlid]/[position]/[block]]

-d enable debugging

-h show help


Ira Weiny < >

Hal Rosenstock < >