2% Version: CMPL 1.1
4% The contents of this file are subject to the Cisco-style Mozilla Public
5% License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
6% in compliance with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License
7% at www.eclipse-clp.org/license.
9% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
10% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.  See
11% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
12% under the License. 
14% The Original Code is  The ECLiPSe Constraint Logic Programming System. 
15% The Initial Developer of the Original Code is  Cisco Systems, Inc. 
16% Portions created by the Initial Developer are
17% Copyright (C) 2006 Cisco Systems, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
19% Contributor(s): 
23:- comment(alias, "Directives").
24:- comment(summary, "Directives that can only appear in compiled files").
25:- comment(categories, ["Built-In Predicates"]).
27:- tool(include / 1).
28:- tool(comment / 2).
30:- comment(pragma / 1, [
31	summary:"Enable or disable compilation or other source processing options.",
32	index: [debug,expand,opt_level,system,skip,warnings],
33	amode:(pragma(+) is det),
34	desc:html("\
35   The pragma/1 directive allows to control various compiler options, or
36   other source processing options.  A pragma can only be used as a
37   directive in source files or lists given to compile_term/1,2.
38   The effect of a pragma is local to a source file (unlike set_flag/2).
39   Settings are in effect until the next pragma that overrides it or until
40   the end of the file.
42    Option     Effect
43   ---------------------------------------------------------------
44    [no]debug        generate debuggable code
45    [no]expand       do goal expansion/inline compilation
46    opt_level(N)     set optimizer level (N>=0)
47    [no]skip         set the skipped flag for all compiled predicates
48    system           set the type of all compiled predicates to 'built_in'
49    [no]warnings     generate compiler warnings
51   The default for debug/nodebug depends on the global flag debug_compile
52   and the debug compiler option.
53   The default for expand/noexpand depends on the global flag goal_expansion
54   and the expand_goals compiler option.
55   The default for opt_level depends on the opt_level compiler option.
56   The default for skip is off. The default for warnings is on.
57   The global flags are set with set_flag/2 and tested with get_flag/2.
59   Pragmas which the compiler does not recognise are silently ignored by
60   the compiler, but are recorded and can be retrieved using current_pragma/1.
61   Such pragmas can be atoms or structures with arbitrary arguments.
64	args:["Option" : "An atom."],
65	exceptions:[148 : "An unknown Option was given."],
66	eg:"
67:- pragma(debug).
68:- pragma(expand).
69twice(X, Y) :-      % this is compiled into debuggable
70    Y is 2*X.       % code with expanded arithmetic
75	see_also:[compile / 1, env / 0, get_flag / 2, get_flag / 3, pred / 1, set_flag / 3, set_flag / 2, (skipped) / 1, (unskipped) / 1, current_pragma/1]]).
77:- comment(comment/2,
80summary: "Adding documentational information to ECLiPSe files.",
82index: ["Literate programming"],
84args: ["Type": "Comment type",
85       "Information": "Information for Type"],
87amode:(comment(++,+) is det),
92desc: html("\
93The comment/2 predicate allows documentational information to be added to
94ECLiPSe modules which can then be extracted and processed automatically by
95using the document tools in the document library.  Please note that any
96reference to `comment' in the rest of this description means the comment
97predicate, not the normal ECLiPSe comment (% and /* ... */).
99Operationally, comment/2 always succeeds, so it is a no-op and is
100ignored by ECLiPSe when executed. In order to be processed by the
101document tools, it should appear as a directive in the program, i.e. as
103:- comment(Type, Information).
105A comment directive provides information on various aspects of the module
106in which the comment occurs. The Type argument specifies what the aspect
107is, and Information gives the information associated with that aspect. Some
108restrictions should be observed to the placement of comments to allow automatic
109processing to correctly process the comments. These are listed at the end.
111The documentation generation tools and the tkeclipse library browser tool
112make use of the comments to generate documentations for modules. They
113recognise several comment types as specified by the Type argument and
114extract the information accordingly.
115The comments can occur in any order inside the module, and none
116are compulsory; if they are missing, then the information they could have
117provided is simply not used in the documentation generation. Most comment
118type should only occur at most once per module unless marked *multiple* in
119the following description. In the case of *multiple*, all occurrence of the
120comments of the type are processed by the documentation tools. Otherwise,
121only the first textual occurrence will be used.
123The documentation tools recognise the following module-level comments:
125<DT><STRONG>comment(summary, String)</STRONG>
126   <DD>String is a short (one line) summary of the module.
128<DT><STRONG>comment(desc, Description)</STRONG>
129   <DD>Description is a longer Text (see below) describing the module in more
130   detail than summary.
132<DT><STRONG>comment(alias, String)</STRONG>                           *once* per file
133   <DD>String is used to override the module name used by the document
134   processing for the comments in the file. This allows the user to
135   generate groupings of comments in the documentation other than the
136   module in which the comments resides.
138<DT><STRONG>comment(status, String)</STRONG>
139   <DD>String is a single word, describing the status of the library.
140   Classification used in ECLiPSe: prototype, evolving, stable, phase_out,
141   deprecated.
143<DT><STRONG>comment(author, String)</STRONG>
144   <DD>String is the name of author(s) of the module.
146<DT><STRONG>comment(copyright, String)</STRONG>
147   <DD>String is the copyright notice that the documentation library will
148   generate for the documentations it produce from the comments.
150<DT><STRONG>comment(date, String)</STRONG>
151   <DD>This is designed for version control.  String is a time-stamp
152   for the file.  With CVS version control software, the string can
153   initially be set to \"&#36;Date&#36;\", which will be expanded by
154   CVS into the actual date each time the file is checked in.
156<DT><STRONG>comment(include, FileNames)</STRONG>                      *multiple*
157   <DD>FileNames is either one file name or a list of file names. The file
158   name is either a string or an atom. These are names of files in which
159   additional comments for the module are located. They are only processed
160   by the document library tools.
162<DT><STRONG>comment(index, ListOfStrings)</STRONG>
163   <DD>The strings are used by the documentation generation process to provide
164   pointers in the document index to the module: each string is added to
165   the index pointing at the module description. This is used to add extra
166   entries in the index in addition to the ones that are automatically
167   generated.
169<DT><STRONG>comment(categories, ListOfStrings)</STRONG>
170   <DD>A list of strings describing into which categories the library
171   belongs.  This is used to generate a classified index page.
172   While the category names can be freely chosen, it is recommended
173   to stick to the predefined ones: \"Algorithms\", \"Compatibility\",
174   \"Constraints\", \"Data Structures\", \"Development Tools\",
175   \"Interfacing\", \"Programming Utilities\", \"Techniques\",
176   \"Visualisation\".
178In addition, it is possible to comment individual predicates and
179structures, using comment directives of the form:
181<DT><STRONG>comment(Name/Arity, ListofProperties)</STRONG>            *once* for each Name/Arity
182   <DD>Name and Arity are the specification for a predicate in the module and
183   ListofProperties is a list of information for the predicate. The entries
184   are described below.
185   <P>
186   Instead of a list of properties, the atom 'hidden' can be specified.
187   This will prevent an undocumented, exported predicate from showing up
188   in the generated library documentation.
190<DT><STRONG>comment(struct(Name), ListofProperties)</STRONG>            *once* for each structure
191   <DD>Name is the name of a structure and ListofProperties is a list
192   of information for the structure.  The entries are described below
193   (admissible properties are: summary, fields, desc, see_also,
194   eg, index).
196In these comments, the ListOfProperties is a list of properties of the form:
198    PropertyName: PropertyInformation
200The properties can occur in any order in the list.
201The following ones are recognized by the document tools:
203<DT><STRONG>amode: FunctorTemplate</STRONG> *multiple*
204   <DD>FunctorTemplate is a structure corresponding to the functor of
205   the predicate with the arguments filled in with the modes admissible
206   for a call to the predicate.  The valid modes are those generally
207   recognised by ECLiPSe (++, +, -, ?), with the following meaning:
208   <PRE>
209   	++	ground (fully instantiated, not containing variables)
210   	+	instantiated (not a variable)
211   	-	variable
212   	?	any
213   </PRE>
214   The amode field can also be used to specify the determinism of a
215   call with a specific mode. In this case, the format is
216   <PRE>
217   amode:(FunctorTemplate is Determinism)
218   </PRE>
219   where FunctorTemplate is as above, and Determinism is an atom specifying
220   the determinism behaviour of a call with the particular mode. Determinism
221   can be one of: erroneous, failure, det, semidet, multi, nondet.  Their
222   meaning is as defined for the Mercury programming language and can be
223   summarised as follows:
224   <PRE>
225                   |   Maximum number of solutions
226       Can fail?   |   0               1               > 1
227       ------------+------------------------------------------
228       no          |   erroneous       det             multi
229       yes         |   failure         semidet         nondet
230   </PRE>
231   The amode property can occur multiple times, each giving a
232   different mode for the predicate.  The document tools
233   will generate the multiple modes description in the detail
234   description of the predicate, but will combine the modes by
235   generalising all the amodes to produce a general template
236   for the predicate in any summary description of the predicate.
238<DT><STRONG>args: ListofArgs</STRONG>
239   <DD>ListofArgs is a list of the argument descriptions describing the
240   argument. The length of the list should correspond to the arity of the
241   predicate. The argument description is of the form:
242    <PRE>
243      ArgName: Description
244    </PRE>
245   where both ArgName and Description are strings. If present, ArgName will
246   be used in the mode template.
248<DT><STRONG>desc: Description</STRONG>
249   <DD>Description is a Text (see below) giving a long description of the
250   predicate.
252<DT><STRONG>eg: Description</STRONG>
253    <DD>Description is a Text (see below) for examples of using the
254    predicate. This is used to generate the Examples section of the
255    predicate description.
257<DT><STRONG>exceptions: ListofErrors</STRONG>
258   <DD>ListofErrors is a list of error description of the form:
259    <PRE>
260      Int: Text
261    </PRE>
262   where Int is a error code for an error that can occur with the predicate
263   and Text describes the error. This is used to generate the
264   `Exceptions' section of the predicate description.
266<DT><STRONG>fail_if: Text</STRONG>
267   <DD>Text is a string describing the fail conditions for the predicate. It
268   is used to generate the `Fail Conditions' section of the predicate
269   description.
271<DT><STRONG>fields: ListofFields</STRONG>	*structures only*
272   <DD>ListofFields is a list of the field descriptions describing the
273   structure fields. A field description is of the form:
274    <PRE>
275      FieldName: Description
276    </PRE>
277   where FieldName is an atom or string and Description is a Text.
279<DT><STRONG>index: ListofStrings</STRONG>
280   <DD>Each string in ListofString will be added to the index generated by the
281   document tools, pointing at the predicate. This is used to add
282   additional index entries for the predicate in addition to the predicate
283   names that is generated automatically.
285<DT><STRONG>resat: Resatisfiable</STRONG>
286   <DD>Resatisfiable is either yes or no, specifying if the predicate is
287   resatisfiable. This is used to generate the `Resatisfiable' section of
288   the predicate description.
290<DT><STRONG>see_also: ListofSpecs</STRONG>
291   <DD>ListofSpecs is a list of items, referring to other predicates
292   and libraries which are related to the commented predicate.  This
293   is used to generate the `See Also' section of the predicate description.
294   The specs can be of the form Name/Arity, LibName:Name/Arity,
295   library(LibName).  Name, Arity and LibName can be uninstantiated,
296   in which case links to every matching predicate or library will be
297   generated.  The form link(URL,Text) can be used to insert arbitrary
298   hyperlinks.
300<DT><STRONG>summary: String</STRONG> *compulsory*
301    <DD>String is a short (one line) summary of the predicate.
303<DT><STRONG>template: String or list of strings</STRONG>
304    <DD>This is normally not needed.  It is only useful to override
305    the most general default template that will otherwise be
306    automatically generated from the predicate name, the arguments and
307    and the amode information.
309<DT><STRONG>kind: ListofKinds</STRONG>
310    <DD>ListofKinds is a list of 'kind' information about the commented
311    predicate. Unlike the other fields, the kind information is not intended
312    for the generated documentation for the predicate, but instead, it is 
313    intended for producing meta-information about the predicate that can
314    then be processed by ECLiPSe programs. Each item in the ListofKinds
315    has the following form:
316    <PRE>
317    Kind
318    </PRE>
319    or
320    <PRE>
321    Kind:Info
322    </PRE>
323    where Kind is an atom specifying some classification of the predicate
324    (e.g. constraint). Info is a list of further information about the 
325    predicate, and can be the following:
326    <PRE>
327    root: Root
328    extra: Extra
329    </PRE>
330    where Root is an atom, the name of the 'root' module for the predicate.
331    If it is not specified, the root module is taken to be the module in
332    which the predicate is defined.
333    Extra is a list of Kind-specific information about the predicate.
335    Each item in the ListofKinds will be processed by the document tools into 
336    an ECLiPSe fact, and facts gathered from all the processed comment files 
337    will be placed into a file after the processing. The fact is of the form:  
338    <PRE>
339    kind(Kind, Name, Arity, Root, Module, Extra)
340    </PRE>
341    where Name and Arity is the name and arity of the predicate, and Module is
342    the module the predicate is defined in.
344Note that only the 'summary' property is compulsory, and apart from
345'amode', each property should occur at most once.
347For the longer descriptions in the comments, a `Text' is allowed. 
348This is either a normal ascii string or a string in a document markup
349language.  In the latter case, the string must be enclosed in a
350wrapper.  Currently the following are supported:
353    <DD>String is in HTML format and can contain HTML tags.
354    Special characters must be written using HTML notation.
355    The string must be embeddable into an HTML document,
356    i.e. there should be no &lt;html&gt; .. &lt;/html&gt; and
357    no headings.
359    <DD>String is in ascii format. It will be rendered using a proportional
360    font and spacing and line breaks will be lost.
362    <DD>String is in ascii format. It can consist of multiple lines
363    and will be rendered using a fixed width font with all spacing and
364    line breaks being preserved.
365    (To break lines without inserting a significant line break,
366    precede the line break with a '\\').
368    <DD>The same as ascii_fmt(String), except in the 'eg' field
369    where it is interpreted as ascii(String).
371In order to allow automatic processing, the following should be observed
372with the placement of comments:
374  <LI> A comment should occur in a file.
376  <LI> A comment must occur as a directive.
378  <LI> A comment applies to a module, so it should occur textually inside
379     a module, i.e. after any module declarations. If the program does
380     not contain any module declarations, the file name (without suffix)
381     is assumed to be the module.
383  <LI> The file containing comments should only have a single module defined.
385Note that in addition to allowing automatic documentation generation, the
386comment predicates can also be used to provide information on the module
387itself when the user reads the program. Thus it can also act as comments in
388the same way as the traditional comments, but in a more structured way.
392% comments for the document library
393:- comment(summary, \"Automatic document generation library\").
395:- comment(index, [\"Literate programming\",
396                   \"automatic documentation generation\"]).
398% comment for comment/2
399:- comment(comment/2, [
401    summary: \"Adding documentational information to ECLiPSe files.\",
403    index: [\"Literate programming\"],
405    args: [\"Type\": \"Comment type\",
406       \"Information\": \"Information for Type\"],
408    amode: comment(+,+),
410    resat: no,
412    fail_if: \"None. Always succeed.\",
414    see_also:
415	[icompile/1,icompile/2,eci_to_html/3,ecis_to_htmls/0,ecis_to_htmls/3],
417    desc: html(\"\
418    The comment/2 predicate allows documentational information to be added to
419    .....
420    \"),
422    eg: \"\
424    % comments for the document library
425    :- comment(summary, \\\"Automatic document generation library\\\").
427    ....the other examples you are seeing now
428    \"
430    ]).  % end of comment directive for comment/2
433% other examples
434:- comment(fcompile/2, [
435    summary: \"Generates an object file from the ECLiPSe source File in module Module.\",
436    args: [\"File\":\"Name of source file (Atom or string)\",
437              \"Module\":\"Name of module (Atom)\"],
438   amode: fcompile(+,+)
439    ]).
442:- comment(atom_string/2, [
443    summary: \"Conversion between an atom and a string.\",
444    args: [\"Atom\": \"Atom or variable\",
445       \"String\": \"String or variable\"],
446    amode:(atom_string(+,-) is det),
447    amode:(atom_string(-,+) is det),
448    desc: \"\\
449    If Atom is instantiated, converts it to a string String.
450    If String is instantiated, converts it to an atom Atom.\",
452    resat: no,
454    fail_if: \"\\
455    Fails if the string String does not unify with the string version of the
456    atom Atom.\",
458    exceptions: [5: \"Atom is instantiated, but not to an atom.\",
459	5: \"String is instantiated, but not to a string.\",
460	4: \"Neither Atom nor String are instantiated.\"]
461    ]).
464]).  % end of comment directive
467:- comment(include/1, [
468     summary: "Include other files as part of the program source.",
469     args: ["FileSpec": 
470              "File name(s) (atom/string or list of atoms/strings)"
471           ],
472     amode:(include(+) is det),
473     see_also: ['.'/2,comment/2,library(source_processor)],
474     desc: html("\
476     Include the contents of other file(s) as if the contents of those
477     file(s) had been inserted in place of the directive. If more than
478     one file is specified, they are included in the order in which they
479     appear in the list FileSpec. 
481     Included files can contain clauses, directives and queries, but should
482     not contain module/1,3 directives (they would be interpreted as
483     occurring within the including file, and the included module would
484     not end at the end of the included file).  The correct way to use
485     another module is via the use_module/1 directive.
487     The square bracket notation [File] can be used as a synonym
488     for include(File) when used as a directive.
490     To include files that contain only comment/2 directives, it is
491     preferable to use comment(include, File) - the file will then only
492     be included (and needed) by the comment processor, not the compiler.
494     The rules for expanding the include file names are the same as
495     those used in compile/1,2 regarding suffixes and paths.
500:- comment(if/1, [
501     summary: "Conditional compilation directive.",
502     args: ["Goal":"Goal to be tested" ],
503     amode:(if(+) is det),
504     see_also: [elif/1,else/0,endif/0,library(source_processor)],
505     desc: html("\
507    The compiler and other source-processing tools recognise the conditional
508    compilation directives if/1, elif/1, else/0 and endif/0. The first two
509    take a goal as their argument, and parts of the program source can be
510    included or excluded depending of the satisfiability of that goal.
512    Note that these directives are the only ones that are not treated as
513    predicate separators and can be placed around individual clauses of
514    a predicate.
515    "),
516    eg:"
517    :- if(get_flag(hostarch,\"i386_nt\")).
519	...Windows-specific code...
521    :- elif( (get_flag(version_as_list,Version), Version @>= [6,0]) ).
523	...code for version 6.0 and later...
525    :- else.
527	...alternative code...
529    :- endif.
530    "
534:- comment(elif/1, [
535     summary: "Conditional compilation directive.",
536     args: ["Goal":"Goal to be tested" ],
537     amode:(elif(+) is det),
538     see_also: [if/1,else/0,endif/0],
539     desc: html("See if/1 for details.")
542:- comment(else/0, [
543     summary: "Conditional compilation directive.",
544     amode:(else is det),
545     see_also: [if/1,elif/1,endif/0],
546     desc: html("See if/1 for details.")
549:- comment(endif/0, [
550     summary: "Conditional compilation directive.",
551     amode:(endif is det),
552     see_also: [if/1,elif/1,else/0],
553     desc: html("See if/1 for details.")