1% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
3% Version: CMPL 1.1
5% The contents of this file are subject to the Cisco-style Mozilla Public
6% License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
7% in compliance with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License
8% at www.eclipse-clp.org/license.
10% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
11% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.  See
12% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
13% under the License.
15% The Original Code is  The ECLiPSe Constraint Logic Programming System.
16% The Initial Developer of the Original Code is  Cisco Systems, Inc.
17% Portions created by the Initial Developer are
18% Copyright (C) 1995-2006 Cisco Systems, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
20% Contributor(s): ECRC GmbH
21% Contributor(s): IC-Parc, Imperal College London
25% System:	ECLiPSe Constraint Logic Programming System
26% Version:	$Id: apply_macros.pl,v 1.4 2013/02/09 20:27:57 jschimpf Exp $
27% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
29:- module(apply_macros).
31:- comment(categories, ["Algorithms","Programming Utilities"]).
32:- comment(summary, "Utilities to apply a predicate to all elements of a list resp. all subterms of a term").
33:- comment(author, "Joachim Schimpf, ECRC Munich").
34:- comment(copyright, "Cisco Systems, Inc").
35:- comment(date, "$Date: 2013/02/09 20:27:57 $").
36:- comment(desc, html("
37    Note that this library is largely superseded by the do-loop construct!
38    <P>
39    A collection of utilities to apply a predicate to
40    all elements of a list resp. all subterm of a term.
41    To avoid performance degradation due to apply/2,
42    they are implemented as macros, i.e. they are specialized
43    into auxiliary predicates without metacalls, and the
44    calls are translated into calls of the auxiliary predicates.")
45    ).
47:- export
48	fromto/4,
49	maplist/3,
50	mapstream/3,
51	mapargs/3,
52	appnodes/2,
53	sumargs/4,
54	checklist/2,
55	applist/2,
56	selectlist/3,
57	sumlist/4,
58	sumnodes/4.
61:- comment(fromto/4, [template:"fromto(+From, +To, +Step, +Pred)",
62    summary:"Call Pred with the numbers From..To in increments of Step"
63    ]).
64:- comment(maplist/3, [template:"maplist(+Pred, +ListIn, ?ListOut)",
65    summary:"Create new list by applying a predicate to all list elements",
66    eg:"maplist(times(3), [1,2,3,4], [3,6,9,12])."
67    ]).
68:- comment(mapstream/3, [template:"mapstream(+Pred, ?ListIn, ?ListOut)",
69    summary:"Like maplist/3, but delays if ListIn is not complete"
70    ]).
71:- comment(mapargs/3, [template:"mapargs(+Pred, +TermIn, ?TermOut)",
72    summary:"Create new term by applying a predicate to all arguments",
73    eg:"mapargs(atom_string, s(a,b,c), s(\"a\",\"b\",\"c\"))."
74    ]).
75:- comment(appnodes/2, [template:"appnodes(+Pred, +Term)",
76    summary:"Call Pred on all Subterms of Term (depth-first and left-to-right order)"
77    ]).
78:- comment(sumargs/4, [template:"sumargs(+Pred, +Term, ?AccIn, ?AccOut)",
79    summary:"Call Pred on all arguments of Term and collect a result in Accumulator",
80    desc:"The traversal order is unspecified!"
81    ]).
82:- comment(checklist/2, [template:"checklist(+Pred, +List)",
83    summary:"Apply a predicate to all list elements",
84    eg:"checklist(<(0), [1,2,3])."
85    ]).
86:- comment(applist/2, [template:"applist(+Pred, +List)",
87    summary:"Apply a predicate to all list elements",
88    eg:"applist(<(0), [1,2,3])."
89    ]).
90:- comment(selectlist/3, [template:"selectlist(+Pred, +ListIn, ?ListOut)",
91    summary:"Creates output list of all list elements that pass a given test",
92    eg:"selectlist(<(0), [1,0,-2,3], [1,3])."
93    ]).
94:- comment(sumlist/4, [template:"sumlist(+Pred, +List, ?AccIn, ?AccOut)",
95    summary:"Call Pred on all element of List and collect a result in Accumulator",
96    eg:"
97	sumlist(plus, [1,2,3,4], 1, 10).
98	sumlist(times, [1,2,3,4], 1, 24)."
99    ]).
100:- comment(sumnodes/4, [template:"sumnodes(+Pred, +Term, ?AccIn, ?AccOut)",
101    summary:"Call Pred on all Subterms of Term and collect a result in Accumulator",
102    desc:"The traversal is depth-first and left-to-right",
103    eg:"
104	sumnodes(vars, s(1,t(X,2),[Y]), [], [X,Y]).
105	where
106	    vars(X, Vars, [X|Vars]) :- var(X), !.
107	    vars(_, Vars, Vars).
109	or even more elegant using grammar rules:
111	sumnodes(vars, s(1,t(X,2),[Y]), [X,Y], []).
112	where
113	    vars(X) --> {var(X)} -> [X];[]."
114    ]).
117:- inline(fromto/4, t_fromto/3).
118:- inline(maplist/3, t_maplist/3).
119:- inline(mapstream/3, t_mapstream/3).
120:- inline(mapargs/3, t_mapargs/3).
121:- inline(appnodes/2, t_appnodes/3).
122:- inline(sumargs/4, t_sumargs/3).
123:- inline(checklist/2, t_checklist/3).
124:- inline(applist/2, t_applist/3).
125:- inline(selectlist/3, t_selectlist/3).
126:- inline(sumlist/4, t_sumlist/3).
127:- inline(sumnodes/4, t_sumnodes/3).
130t_maplist(maplist(Pred, In, Out), NewGoal, Module) :-
131	callable(Pred),
132	!,
133	analyse_pred(Pred, VarArgs, GenPred, GenVarArgs, Pattern),
134	aux_pred_name(maplist, Pattern, NewName),
135	append(VarArgs, [In, Out], NewGoalArgs),	% make new goal
136	NewGoal =.. [NewName|NewGoalArgs],
137	append_args(NewName, GenVarArgs, HeadPrefix),	% make new predicate
138	append_args(HeadPrefix, [[], []], NilClause),
139	append_args(HeadPrefix, [[Old|Olds], [New|News]], LoopHead),
140	append_args(GenPred, [Old, New], Apply),
141	append_args(HeadPrefix, [Olds, News], Recursion),
142	compile_aux([
143		NilClause,
144		(LoopHead :- Apply, Recursion)
145	], Module).
148t_fromto(fromto(From, To, Step, Pred), NewGoal, Module) :-
149	callable(Pred),
150	number(Step),
151	!,
152	analyse_pred(Pred, VarArgs, GenPred, GenVarArgs, Pattern),
153	aux_pred_name(fromto, (Step,Pattern), NewName),
154	append(VarArgs, [From,To], NewGoalArgs),	% make new goal
155	NewGoal =.. [NewName|NewGoalArgs],
156	append_args(NewName, GenVarArgs, HeadPrefix),	% make new predicate
157	append_args(HeadPrefix, [From0, To0], LoopHead),
158	append_args(GenPred, [From0], Apply),
159	append_args(HeadPrefix, [From1,To0], Recursion),
160	( Step >= 0 -> Cond = (From0=<To0) ; Cond = (From0>=To0) ),
161	compile_aux([
162		(LoopHead :-
163		    ( Cond ->
164		    	Apply, From1 is From0+Step, Recursion
165		    ;
166		    	true
167		    )
168		)
169	], Module).
172% similar to maplist, but with a delay clause
174t_mapstream(mapstream(Pred, In, Out), NewGoal, Module) :-
175	callable(Pred),
176	!,
177	analyse_pred(Pred, VarArgs, GenPred, GenVarArgs, Pattern),
178	aux_pred_name(mapstream, Pattern, NewName),
179	append(VarArgs, [In, Out], NewGoalArgs),	% make new goal
180	NewGoal =.. [NewName|NewGoalArgs],
181	append_args(NewName, GenVarArgs, HeadPrefix),	% make new predicate
182	append_args(HeadPrefix, [[], []], NilClause),
183	append_args(HeadPrefix, [InStream, _], DelayHead),
184	append_args(HeadPrefix, [[Old|Olds], News], LoopHead),
185	append_args(GenPred, [Old, New], Apply),
186	append_args(HeadPrefix, [Olds, News0], Recursion),
187	compile_aux([
188		(delay DelayHead if var(InStream)),
189		NilClause,
190		(LoopHead :- Apply, News = [New|News0], Recursion)
191	], Module).
195% selectlist/3 creates output list of all list elements that pass a given test
196% e.g. selectlist(<(0), [5,-3,0,2,-7], [5, 2])
198t_selectlist(selectlist(Pred, In, Out), NewGoal, Module) :-
199	callable(Pred),
200	!,
201	analyse_pred(Pred, VarArgs, GenPred, GenVarArgs, Pattern),
202	aux_pred_name(selectlist, Pattern, NewName),
203	append(VarArgs, [In, Out], NewGoalArgs),	% make new goal
204	NewGoal =.. [NewName|NewGoalArgs],
205	append_args(NewName, GenVarArgs, HeadPrefix),	% make new predicate
206	append_args(HeadPrefix, [[], []], NilClause),
207	append_args(HeadPrefix, [[Old|Olds], News], LoopHead),
208	append_args(GenPred, [Old], Apply),
209	append_args(HeadPrefix, [Olds, News0], Recursion),
210	compile_aux([
211		NilClause,
212		(LoopHead :-
213			(Apply -> News = [Old|News0] ; News = News0),
214			Recursion)
215	], Module).
219t_applist(applist(Pred, List), NewGoal, Module) :-
220	callable(Pred),
221	!,
222	analyse_pred(Pred, VarArgs, GenPred, GenVarArgs, Pattern),
223	aux_pred_name(applist, Pattern, NewName),
224	append(VarArgs, [List], NewGoalArgs),		% make new goal
225	NewGoal =.. [NewName|NewGoalArgs],
226	append_args(NewName, GenVarArgs, HeadPrefix),	% make new predicate
227	append_args(HeadPrefix, [[]], NilClause),
228	append_args(HeadPrefix, [[Old|Olds]], LoopHead),
229	append_args(GenPred, [Old], Apply),
230	append_args(HeadPrefix, [Olds], Recursion),
231	compile_aux([
232		NilClause,
233		(LoopHead :- Apply, Recursion)
234	], Module).
237t_checklist(checklist(Pred, List), NewGoal, Module) :-
238	t_applist(applist(Pred, List), NewGoal, Module).
240t_sumlist(sumlist(Pred, List, AccIn, AccOut), NewGoal, Module) :-
241	callable(Pred),
242	!,
243	analyse_pred(Pred, VarArgs, GenPred, GenVarArgs, Pattern),
244	aux_pred_name(sumlist, Pattern, NewName),
245	append(VarArgs, [List, AccIn, AccOut], NewGoalArgs),	% make new goal
246	NewGoal =.. [NewName|NewGoalArgs],
247	append_args(NewName, GenVarArgs, HeadPrefix),	% make new predicate
248	append_args(HeadPrefix, [[], Acc0, Acc0], NilClause),
249	append_args(HeadPrefix, [[Old|Olds], Acc10, Acc12], LoopHead),
250	append_args(GenPred, [Old, Acc10, Acc11], Apply),
251	append_args(HeadPrefix, [Olds, Acc11, Acc12], Recursion),
252	compile_aux([
253		NilClause,
254		(LoopHead :- Apply, Recursion)
255	], Module).
258t_mapargs(mapargs(Pred, In, Out), NewGoal, Module) :-
259	callable(Pred),
260	!,
261	analyse_pred(Pred, VarArgs, GenPred, GenVarArgs, Pattern),
262	aux_pred_name(mapargs, Pattern, NewName),
263	append(VarArgs, [In, Out], NewGoalArgs),	% make new goal
264	NewGoal =.. [NewName|NewGoalArgs],
265	append_args(NewName, GenVarArgs, HeadPrefix),	% make new predicate
266	append_args(HeadPrefix, [Old, New], TopHead),
267	append_args(HeadPrefix, [_, _, 0], NullHead),
268	append_args(HeadPrefix, [Old, New, N0], LoopHead),
269	append_args(GenPred, [OldArg, NewArg], Apply),
270	append_args(HeadPrefix, [Old, New, N], Recursion),
271	compile_aux([
272		(TopHead :-
273			functor(Old, F, N),
274			functor(New, F, N),
275			Recursion
276			),
277		(NullHead :- !),
278		(LoopHead :-
279			arg(N0, Old, OldArg),
280			arg(N0, New, NewArg),
281			N is N0-1,
282			Apply,
283			Recursion)
284	], Module).
287% appnodes(Pred, Term)
288% call Pred on all Subterms of Term
289% traversal is depth-first and left-to-right
291t_appnodes(appnodes(Pred, Term), NewGoal, Module) :-
292	callable(Pred),
293	!,
294	analyse_pred(Pred, VarArgs, GenPred, GenVarArgs, Pattern),
295	aux_pred_name(appnodes, Pattern, NewName),
296	aux_pred_name(appnodes_list, Pattern, NewNameList),
297	append(VarArgs, [Term], NewGoalArgs),	% make new goal
298	NewGoal =.. [NewName|NewGoalArgs],
299	append_args(NewName, GenVarArgs, HeadPrefix),	% make new predicate
300	append_args(NewNameList, GenVarArgs, HeadPrefixList),
301	append_args(HeadPrefix, [T], HeadA1),
302	append_args(GenPred,    [T], Apply),
303	append_args(HeadPrefixList, [[]], HeadL1),
304	append_args(HeadPrefixList, [[T|Args]], HeadL2),
305	append_args(HeadPrefixList, [T], RecList),
306	append_args(HeadPrefixList, [Args], RecListA),
307	compile_aux([
308		(HeadA1 :-
309			(atomic(T); var(T)),
310			Apply
311			),
312		(HeadA1 :-
313			compound(T),
314			T = [_|_],
315			!,
316			Apply,
317			RecList),
318		(HeadA1 :-
319			compound(T),
320			Apply,
321			T =.. [_|Args],
322			RecListA),
323		HeadL1,
324		(HeadL2 :-
325			HeadA1,
326			RecListA)
327	], Module).
330% sumnodes(Pred, Term, AccIn, AccOut)
331% call Pred on all Subterms of Term and collect a result in Accumulator
332% traversal is depth-first and left-to-right
334t_sumnodes(sumnodes(Pred, Term, AccIn, AccOut), NewGoal, Module) :-
335	callable(Pred),
336	!,
337	analyse_pred(Pred, VarArgs, GenPred, GenVarArgs, Pattern),
338	aux_pred_name(sumnodes, Pattern, NewName),
339	append(VarArgs, [Term, AccIn, AccOut], NewGoalArgs),	% make new goal
340	NewGoal =.. [NewName|NewGoalArgs],
341	append_args(NewName, GenVarArgs, HeadPrefix),	% make new predicate
342	append_args(HeadPrefix, [T, A0, A2], Head0),
343	append_args(GenPred,    [T, A0, A1], Apply),
344	append_args(HeadPrefix, [T, A1, A2, 0, N], Call0),
345	append_args(HeadPrefix, [T, A1, A3, N0, Ar], Head1),
346	append_args(HeadPrefix, [Arg, A1, A2], Call1),
347	append_args(HeadPrefix, [T, A2, A3, N, Ar], Recursion),
348	compile_aux([
349		(Head0 :-
350			Apply,
351			(compound(T) ->
352			    functor(T, _, N),
353			    Call0
354			;
355			    A1 = A2
356			)),
357		(Head1 :-
358			N0 < Ar ->
359			    N is N0 + 1,
360			    arg(N, T, Arg),
361			    Call1,
362			    Recursion
363			;
364			    A1 = A3)
365	], Module).
368% sumargs(Pred, Term, AccIn, AccOut)
369% call Pred on all arguments of Term and collect a result in Accumulator
370% traversal order is unspecified!
372t_sumargs(sumargs(Pred, Term, AccIn, AccOut), NewGoal, Module) :-
373	callable(Pred),
374	!,
375	analyse_pred(Pred, VarArgs, GenPred, GenVarArgs, Pattern),
376	aux_pred_name(sumargs, Pattern, NewName),
377	append(VarArgs, [Term, AccIn, AccOut], NewGoalArgs),	% make new goal
378	NewGoal =.. [NewName|NewGoalArgs],
379	append_args(NewName, GenVarArgs, HeadPrefix),	% make new predicate
380	append_args(HeadPrefix, [T, A0, A1], Head0),
381	append_args(HeadPrefix, [T, A0, A1, N], Call0),
382	append_args(HeadPrefix, [_, A0, A1, 0], NullHead),
383	append_args(HeadPrefix, [T, A1, A3, N], Head1),
384	append_args(GenPred,    [Arg, A1, A2], Apply),
385	append_args(HeadPrefix, [T, A2, A3, N1], Recursion),
386	compile_aux([
387		(Head0 :-
388			functor(T, _, N),
389			Call0),
390		(NullHead :-
391			!, A0 = A1),
392		(Head1 :-
393			arg(N, T, Arg),
394			N1 is N - 1,
395			Apply,
396			Recursion)
397	], Module).
401% utilities
403compile_aux(Clauses, Module) :-
404	Clauses = [Clause|_],
405	( Clause = (Head :- _) -> true
406	; Clause = (delay Head if _) -> true
407	; Clause = Head ),
408	functor(Head, F, N),
409	( is_predicate(F/N)@Module ->
410%	    printf("*** Reusing auxiliary predicate %Qw\n%b", [F/N]),
411	    true
412	;
413	    printf("*** Creating auxiliary predicate %Qw\n%b", [F/N]),
414%	    write_clauses(Clauses),
415	    sepia_kernel:nested_compile_term(Clauses)@Module,
416	    set_flag(F/N, auxiliary, on)@Module
417	).
420write_clauses([C|Cs]) :-
421	writeclause(C),
422	write_clauses(Cs).
425append_args(Term, Args, NewTerm) :-
426	atom(Term),
427	NewTerm =.. [Term|Args].
428append_args(Term, Args, NewTerm) :-
429	compound(Term),
430	Term =.. OldList,
431	append(OldList, Args, NewList),
432	NewTerm =.. NewList.
435:- mode analyse_pred(+,-,-,-,-).
436analyse_pred(Pred, VarArgs, GenPred, GenVarArgs, Pattern) :-
437	functor(Pred, F, N),
438	functor(Pattern, F, N),
439	functor(GenPred, F, N),
440	analyse_arg(Pred, VarArgs, GenPred, GenVarArgs, Pattern, 0, N).
442:- mode analyse_arg(+,-,+,-,+,+,+).
443analyse_arg(_Pred, [], _GenPred, [], _Pattern, Ar, Ar) :- !.
444analyse_arg(Pred, VarArgs, GenPred, GenVarArgs, Pattern, N0, Ar) :-
445	N is N0+1,
446	arg(N, Pred, Arg),
447	( nonground(Arg) ->
448	    arg(N, Pattern, '_'),
449	    VarArgs = [Arg|VarArgs0],
450	    GenVarArgs = [_Var|GenVarArgs0],
451	    arg(N, GenPred, _Var)
452	;
453	    arg(N, Pattern, Arg),
454	    arg(N, GenPred, Arg),
455	    VarArgs = VarArgs0,
456	    GenVarArgs = GenVarArgs0
457	),
458	analyse_arg(Pred, VarArgs0, GenPred, GenVarArgs0, Pattern, N, Ar).
461aux_pred_name(Name, Pattern, NewName) :-
462	open("", string, S),
463	printf(S, "%a(%w)", [Name, Pattern]),
464	get_stream_info(S, name, NewNameS),
465	close(S),
466	atom_string(NewName, NewNameS).
471%  Definitions for Metacalls
475:- local maplist_body/4.	% hide the one from lib(lists)
476:- tool(maplist/3, maplist_body/4).
478maplist_body(_, [], [], _).
479maplist_body(Pred, [In|ListIn], [Out|ListOut], Module) :-
480    call(Pred, In, Out)@Module,
481    maplist_body(Pred, ListIn, ListOut, Module).
483:- tool(mapstream/3, mapstream_body/4).
485delay mapstream_body(_, L, _, _) if var(L).
486mapstream_body(_, [], [], _).
487mapstream_body(Pred, [In|ListIn], [Out|ListOut], Module) :-
488    call(Pred, In, Out)@Module,
489    mapstream_body(Pred, ListIn, ListOut, Module).
491:- tool(mapargs/3, mapargs_body/4).
493mapargs_body(Pred, TermIn, TermOut, Module) :-
494    functor(TermIn, F, N),
495    functor(TermOut, F, N),
496    mapargs_args(Pred, TermIn, TermOut, N, Module).
498mapargs_args(_, _, _, 0, _) :- !.
499mapargs_args(Pred, TermIn, TermOut, I, Module) :-
500    arg(I, TermIn, InArg),
501    arg(I, TermOut, OutArg),
502    I1 is I-1,
503    call(Pred, InArg, OutArg)@Module,
504    mapargs_args(Pred, TermIn, TermOut, I1, Module).
506:- tool(appnodes/2, appnodes_body/3).
508appnodes_body(Pred, Term, Module) :-
509    (atomic(Term); var(Term)),
510    call(Pred, Term)@Module.
511appnodes_body(Pred, Term, Module) :-
512    compound(Term),
513    Term = [_|_],
514    !,
515    call(Pred, Term)@Module,
516    appnodes_list(Pred, Term, Module).
517appnodes_body(Pred, Term, Module) :-
518    compound(Term),
519    call(Pred, Term)@Module,
520    Term =.. [_|Args],
521    appnodes_list(Pred, Args, Module).
523appnodes_list(_, [], _).
524appnodes_list(Pred, [Term|Args], Module) :-
525    appnodes_body(Pred, Term, Module),
526    appnodes_list(Pred, Args, Module).
528:- tool(sumargs/4, sumargs_body/5).
530sumargs_body(Pred, Term, A0, A1, Module) :-
531    functor(Term, _, N),
532    sumargs(Pred, Term, A0, A1, N, Module).
534sumargs(_, _, A0, A1, 0, _) :-
535    !,
536    A0 = A1.
537sumargs(Pred, Term, A1, A3, N, Module) :-
538    arg(N, Term, Arg),
539    N1 is N - 1,
540    call(Pred, Arg, A1, A2)@Module,
541    sumargs(Pred, Term, A2, A3, N1, Module).
543:- tool(applist/2, applist_body/3).
544:- tool(checklist/2, applist_body/3).
546applist_body(_, [], _).
547applist_body(Pred, [In|ListIn], Module) :-
548    append_args(Pred, [In], Goal),
549    call(Goal)@Module,
550    applist_body(Pred, ListIn, Module).
552:- tool(selectlist/3, selectlist_body/4).
554selectlist_body(_, [], [], _).
555selectlist_body(Pred, [In|ListIn], ListOut, Module) :-
556    (call(Pred, In)@Module ->
557	ListOut = [In|NewListOut]
558    ;
559	ListOut = NewListOut
560    ),
561    selectlist_body(Pred, ListIn, NewListOut, Module).
563:- tool(sumlist/4, sumlist_body/5).
565sumlist_body(_, [], Acc, Acc, _).
566sumlist_body(Pred, [H|T], AccIn, AccOut, Module) :-
567    call(Pred, H, AccIn, A1)@Module,
568    sumlist_body(Pred, T, A1, AccOut, Module).
570:- tool(sumnodes/4, sumnodes_body/5).
572sumnodes_body(Pred, Term, A0, A2, Module) :-
573    call(Pred, Term, A0, A1)@Module,
574    (compound(Term) ->
575	functor(Term, _, N),
576	sumnodes(Pred, Term, A1, A2, 0, N, Module)
577    ;	% simple term or variable
578	A1 = A2
579    ).
581sumnodes(Pred, Term, A1, A3, N0, Ar, Module) :-
582    N0 < Ar ->
583	N is N0+1,
584	arg(N, Term, Arg),
585	sumnodes_body(Pred, Arg, A1, A2, Module),
586	sumnodes(Pred, Term, A2, A3, N, Ar, Module)
587    ;
588	A1 = A3.
590:- tool(fromto/4, fromto_body/5).
592fromto_body(From, To, Step, Pred, Module) :-
593	( sgn(Step) =:= sgn(From-To) ->
594	    true
595	;
596	    call(Pred, From)@Module,
597	    From1 is From+Step,
598	    fromto_body(From1, To, Step, Pred, Module)
599	).