2// Version: CMPL 1.1
4// The contents of this file are subject to the Cisco-style Mozilla Public
5// License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
6// in compliance with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License
7// at www.eclipse-clp.org/license.
9// Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
10// basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.  See
11// the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
12// under the License.
14// The Original Code is  The ECLiPSe Constraint Logic Programming System.
15// The Initial Developer of the Original Code is  Cisco Systems, Inc.
16// Portions created by the Initial Developer are
17// Copyright (C) 2000 - 2006 Cisco Systems, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
19// Contributor(s): Stefano Novello / Josh Singer, Parc Technologies
23//Title:        Java/ECLiPSe interface
24//Version:      $Id: CompoundTermImpl.java,v 1.1 2006/09/23 01:54:08 snovello Exp $
25//Author:       Stefano Novello / Josh Singer
26//Company:      Parc Technologies
27//Description:  Class for constructing Java objects representing ECLiPSe compound terms.
28package com.parctechnologies.eclipse;
31 * An ECLiPSe compound term. This concrete class can be used to construct objects
32 * which implement the CompoundTerm interface.
33 * @see CompoundTerm
34 */
35public class CompoundTermImpl extends AbstractCompoundTerm implements CompoundTerm
37  /**
38   * Element 0 of term is the functor String, the remaining elements are the
39   * compound term's arguments. Arity is therefore term.length - 1
40   *
41   */
42  private Object term[];
44  /**
45   * Construct a compound term from an Object array. In this constructor the
46   * functor (which should be a String)
47   * is passed in as element 0 of the array parameter, the other arguments,
48   * which can
49   * be instances of any Java classes/interfaces representing ECLiPSe types,
50   * are the remaining elements of the array. The arity is
51   * therefore the size of the array - 1.
52   */
53  public CompoundTermImpl(Object[] term)
54  {
55    // call AbstractCompoundTerm constructor setting up functor and arity
56    super((String) term[0], term.length - 1);
57    this.term = term;
58  }
60  /**
61   * Construct a compound term from a String and an Object array. User
62   * supplies functor and an array of argument objects.
63   * Arity of the resulting compound term is <code>args.length</code>.
64   */
65  public CompoundTermImpl(String functor, Object[] args)
66  {
67    // call AbstractCompoundTerm constructor setting up functor and arity
68    super(functor, args.length);
69    int i;
70    term = new Object[args.length + 1];
71    term[0] = functor;
72    for(i = 0; i < args.length; i++)
73    {
74      term[i+1] = args[i];
75    }
76  }
78  /**
79   * Convenience constructor for compound terms with arity 1.
80   */
81  public CompoundTermImpl(String functor,Object a1)
82  {
83    this(new Object[] {functor,a1});
84  }
85  /**
86   *  Convenience constructor for terms with arity 2.
87   */
88  public CompoundTermImpl(String functor,Object a1,Object a2)
89  {
90    this(new Object[] {functor,a1,a2});
91  }
93  /**
94   *  Convenience constructor for compound terms with arity 3.
95   */
96  public CompoundTermImpl(String functor,Object a1,Object a2,Object a3)
97  {
98    this(new Object[] {functor,a1,a2,a3});
99  }
101  /**
102   *  Convenience constructor for compound terms with arity 4.
103   */
104  public CompoundTermImpl(String functor,Object a1,Object a2,Object a3,Object a4)
105  {
106    this(new Object[] {functor,a1,a2,a3,a4});
107  }
108  /**
109   *  Convenience constructor for compound terms with arity 5.
110   */
111  public CompoundTermImpl(String functor,Object a1,Object a2,Object a3,Object a4,Object a5)
112  {
113    this(new Object[] {functor,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5});
114  }
116  /**
117   * Return one of the term's arguments. These may be instances of any Java
118   * class/interface representing an ECLiPSe type.
119   * @param i the argument index. This may vary between 1 and <code>arity()</code> inclusive.
120   *
121   */
122  public Object arg(int i)
123  {
124    if(i == 0 || i > arity())
125    {
126      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Argument index must be between 1 and "+
127                                         arity()+" inclusive.");
129    }
130    return term[i];
131  }
133  /**
134   * Return the argument at position <code>i</code>, as a CompoundTermImpl.
135   * This operation is the same as arg, except that it tries to cast the result
136   * to a CompoundTermImpl. Useful for extracting nested objects: eg.
137   * <code>a = result.argCT(1).argCT(3).argCT(3);</code>
138   * @param i may vary between 1 and <code>arity()</code>
139   */
140  public CompoundTermImpl argCT(int i)
141  {
142    return((CompoundTermImpl) arg(i));
143  }
145  public String toString()
146  {
147    String result = this.getClass().getName() + " with [";
148    result += "functor="+functor();
149    result += " arity="+arity();
150    for(int i = 1; i <= arity(); i++)
151    {
152      result += " arg("+i+")="+arg(i);
153    }
154    result +="]";
155    // System.err.println("WARNING: toString called on"+result);
156    return(result);
157  }