2% Version: CMPL 1.1
4% The contents of this file are subject to the Cisco-style Mozilla Public
5% License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
6% in compliance with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License
7% at www.eclipse-clp.org/license.
9% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
10% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.  See
11% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
12% under the License. 
14% The Original Code is  The ECLiPSe Constraint Logic Programming System. 
15% The Initial Developer of the Original Code is  Cisco Systems, Inc. 
16% Portions created by the Initial Developer are
17% Copyright (C) 2006 Cisco Systems, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
19% Contributor(s): Joachim Schimpf and Kish Shen, IC-Parc
23% Description:	ECLiPSe/CPLEX interface
25% System:	ECLiPSe Constraint Logic Programming System
26% Author/s:	Joachim Schimpf, IC-Parc
27%               Kish Shen,       IC-Parc
28% Version:	$Id: eplex_.ecl,v 1.17 2015/01/14 01:31:08 jschimpf Exp $
30% TODO:
31%	- cplex_change_col_type: accept list
32%	- elimiate cplex_type_code/2 (use atoms)
33%	- review role of our own probtype flag (only for probes?)
36:- lib(linearize).
37%:- lib(var_name).	% load only if needed!
38:- lib(hash).
39:- lib(constraint_pools).
41%:- set_flag(toplevel_module,eplex).	% debugging
44% Ranged Variables ----------
46:- export deletemostfract/4.	% deletemostfract(-Var, +List, +Handle, -Rest)
47:- export deletefract/5.	% deletefract(-Var, +List, +Handle, +Tolerance, -Rest)
48:- export int_tolerance/1.
50% Constraints ----------
52:- export add_constraint/1.	% add_constraint(+Constraint)
53:- export lp_add_constraints/3.	% lp_add_constraints(+Handle, +Constraints, +Integers)
54:- export lp_add_constraints/4. % lp_add_constraints(+Handle, +Constraints, +Int, -Indices)
55:- export lp_add_cutpool_constraints/4. % lp_add_cutpool_constraints(+Handle, +Constraints, +Options, -Indices).
56:- tool(add_constraint/1, add_pool_constraint/2).
58% Versions and licensing ----------
60:- export lp_get_license/0.	% lp_get_license
61:- export lp_get_license/2.	% lp_get_license(+LicStr, +LicNum)
62:- export lp_release_license/0.	% lp_release_license
63:- export lp_get_license_challenge/1. % lp_get_license_challenge(-Challenge)
65:- skipped lp_get_license/2.	% hide licensing-related stuff
66:- untraceable lp_get_license/2.
67:- untraceable lp_get_license_challenge/1.
69% Simplified high-level solver invocation ----------
71:- export optimize/2.		% optimize(+Objective, -Cost)
72:- export optimize/3.		% optimize(+Objective, +Options, -Cost)
74:- tool(optimize/2, optimize_body/3).
75:- tool(optimize/3, optimize_body/4).
77% Constraints manipulation ----------
79:- export normalise_cstrs/3.	% normalise_cstrs(+Constraints,
80				%	-NormConstraints, -NonlinConstraints)
81:- export collect_lp_constraints_norm/1.
82				% collect_lp_constraints_norm(-NormConstraints)
83:- export collect_integers/1.	% collect_integers(-Integers)
84:- export collect_reals/1.	% collect_reals(-Reals)
85:- export normalise_cstr/2.
86:- export renormalise_cstrs/2.
87:- export renormalise_cstr/2.
88:- export denormalise_cstr/2.
90% Explicit solver handling ----------
92:- export lp_setup/4.		% lp_setup(+NormConstraints, +Objective,
93				%		+Options, -Handle)
94:- export lp_add/3.		% lp_add(+Handle, +NormConstraints, +Integers)
95:- export lp_cleanup/1.		% lp_cleanup(+Handle)
96:- export lp_get/3.		% lp_get(+Handle, +What, -Data)
97:- export lp_set/3.		% lp_set(+Handle, +What, +Data).
98:- export lp_solve/2.		% lp_solve(+Handle, -Cost)
99:- export lp_probe/3.		% lp_probe(+Handle, +TmpObjective, -Cost).
101:- export lp_add_indexed/4.     % lp_add_indexed(+Handle, +NormConstraints, +Ints, -Indices)
102:- export lp_add_vars/2.        % lp_add_vars(+Handle, +Vars)
103:- export lp_add_columns/2.     % lp_add_columns(+Handle, +VarCols)
105:- export lp_demon/5.		% lp_demon(+Handle, ?Cost, +PreGoal, +PostGoal, +Module)
106:- export lp_demon_setup/5.     % lp_demon_setup(+Objective, ?Cost, +Options,
107                                %	+TriggerModes, -Handle[,+Module])
108:- export lp_demon_setup/6.     % obsolete
109:- export lp_write/3.		% lp_write(+Handle, +Format, +File)
110:- export lp_read/3.		% lp_read(+File, +Format, -Handle)
112:- export lp_set/2.		% lp_set(+Param, +Value)
113:- export lp_get/2.		% lp_get(+Param, -Value)
114:- export lp_var_get/3.		% lp_var_get(+Var, +What, -Value) obsolete
115:- export lp_var_get/4.		% lp_var_get(+Handle, +Var, +What, -Value)
116:- export lp_var_solution/2.	% lp_var_solution(+Var,-Value) obsolete
117:- export lp_var_solution/3.	% lp_var_solution(+Handle, +Var, -Value)
118:- export lp_var_occurrence/3.	% lp_var_occurrence(+Var, -Handle, -Index)
120:- export lp_var_set_bounds/4.  % lp_var_set_bounds(+Handle, +Var, +Lo, +Hi)
121:- export lp_var_non_monotonic_set_bounds/4.
122                                % lp_var_non_monotonic_set_bounds(+Handle, +Var, +Lo, +Hi)
123:- export lp_var_get_bounds/4.  % lp_var_get_bounds(+Handle, +Var, -Lo, -Hi)
125:- export lp_get_iis/5.		% lp_get_iis(+Handle, -NCstrs, -NCVars, -CCstrIdxs, -CVarStats)
126:- export lp_verify_solution/3. % lp_verify_solution(+Handle, -ViolatedCstrs, -ViolatedVars)
128:- tool(lp_demon_setup/6,lp_demon_setup_body/7).
129:- tool(lp_demon_setup/5,lp_demon_setup_body/6).
130:- tool(lp_setup/4,lp_setup_body/5).
132:- export solution_out_of_range/1.	% solution_out_of_range(+Handle)
133:- export instantiation_deviates/1.	% instantiation_deviates(+Handle)
136% Handler ----------
138:- export lp_var_print/2.
140:- meta_attribute(eplex, [
141	print:lp_var_print/2,
142	unify:unify_eplex/2,
143	get_bounds:lp_attr_get_bounds/3,
144	set_bounds:lp_attr_set_bounds/3,
145	suspensions:suspensions_eplex/3]).
148:- set_event_handler(lp_obj_nobounds_warning, lp_obj_nobounds_warning/0).
151% Change variable support
152:-export suspend_on_change/3.    % (+Var, +Susp, +Pool)
153:-export get_changeable_value/3. % (+Var,-Val, +Pool)
154:-export lp_suspend_on_change/3.    % (+Handle, +Var, +Susp)
155:-export lp_get_changeable_value/3. % (+Handle, +Var, -Val,)
157% Pools  -----------
159:- export eplex_instance/1.	% eplex_instance(+PoolName)
161% Predicates with pool argments (don't reexport these in eplex!)
162:- export lp_eq/3.		% =:=/2
163:- export lp_ge/3.		% >=/2
164:- export lp_le/3.		% =</2
165:- export lp_interval/3.        % ::/2, $::/2
166:- export integers/2.		% integers/1
167:- export reals/2.              % reals/1
168:- export eplex_get/3.		% eplex_get/2
169:- export eplex_set/3.		% eplex_set/2
170:- export eplex_read/3.		% eplex_read/2
171:- export eplex_write/3.	% eplex_write/2
172:- export eplex_cleanup/1.	% eplex_cleanup/0
173:- export eplex_probe/3.	% eplex_probe/2
174:- export eplex_solve/2.	% eplex_solve/1
175:- export eplex_var_get/4.	% eplex_var_get/3
176:- export eplex_var_get_bounds/4.  % eplex_var_get_bounds/3.
177:- export eplex_add_constraints/3. % eplex_add_constraints/2
178:- export eplex_get_iis/5.	% eplex_get_iis/4
179:- export eplex_verify_solution/3. % eplex_verify_solution/2.
181:- local struct(constraint_type(integers,reals,linear,sos,idc)).
182:- local struct(probes(obj,sense,ints,rhs,bounds)). % types of probe in lp/eplex_probe
184% These operators are a subset of those in lib(ic)
185:- export op(700, xfx, [$>=, $=, $=<, $::]).
186:- export op(780, yfx, [=>]).
187:- export op(750, fx, [neg]).
189:- local struct(cp_options(group,active,add_initially)). % cutpool cstrs options
191valid_cp_opt(group, group of cp_options) :- !.
192valid_cp_opt(active, active of cp_options) :- !.
193valid_cp_opt(add_initially, add_initially of cp_options).
195valid_cp_optval(group, Name, Handle, PIdx) ?-
196        get_named_cp_index(Handle, Name, PIdx).
197valid_cp_optval(active, InVal, _, OutVal) ?- 
198        ( InVal == 1 ; InVal == 0 ), !,
199        InVal = OutVal.
200valid_cp_optval(add_initially, InVal, _, OutVal) ?-
201        ( InVal == 1 ; InVal == 0 ), !,
202        InVal = OutVal.
205% Initialisation and licencing
207% When lib(eplex) is loaded, we also load one of the solver interfaces.
209% Several solver interfaces (cplex/xpress, different versions) might
210% be installed. Only one can be loaded, using the following criteria:
212% Preferences can be specified by loading one of the specific
213% dummy libraries eplex_<solver>_<version> or eplex_<solver>.
214% lib(eplex) tests for the existence of modules of this name.
216% When there is an eplex_lic_info.ecl file, we load the solver that
217% corresponds to the first matching entry in this file.
219% If there is no eplex_lic_info.ecl file (runtime systems for example),
220% then we load any of the installed solvers.
222% After loading, we try to obtain a license for the loaded solver.
223% If that is not possible, a warning is printed.
226:- import
227	symbol_address/2,
228	replace_attribute/3
229    from sepia_kernel.
231:- local variable(licence_data, none).	% 'none' or held(LicStr,LicNum)
232:- local variable(loaded_solver, none).	% 'none' or loaded(Solver,Version)
233:- local variable(presolve_default, 1).	% 1 or 0
234:- local variable(timeout_default, 0.0). % non-negative float, 0.0 no timeout
236:- pragma(nodebug).		% the licensing code should be untraceable!
240optimizer_code(osi).  % treat the solver used as versions of OSI
243% selected_solver(-Solver, -Version) is det.
245selected_solver(Solver, Version) :-
246	current_module(EplexSolverVersion),
247	atom_string(EplexSolverVersion, EplexSolverVersionString),
248	split_string(EplexSolverVersionString, "_", "_", ["eplex",SolverS,VersionS]),
249	atom_string(Solver, SolverS),
250	optimizer_code(Solver),
251	atom_string(Version, VersionS),
252	!.
253selected_solver(Solver, _Version) :-
254	current_module(EplexSolver),
255	atom_string(EplexSolver, EplexSolverString),
256	split_string(EplexSolverString, "_", "_", ["eplex",SolverS]),
257	atom_string(Solver, SolverS),
258	optimizer_code(Solver),
259	!.
260selected_solver(_Solver, _Version).
263% licensed_solver(?Solver, ?Version, -LicStr, -LicNum) is nondet.
264% Return licensed solvers on backtracking (in order of preference)
266licensed_solver(Solver, Version, LicStr, LicNum) :-
267	get_flag(hostname, HostnameString),
268	atom_string(Hostname, HostnameString),
269	get_flag(installation_directory, EclipseDir),
270	concat_string([EclipseDir,'/lib/eplex_lic_info.ecl'], LicInfo),
271	get_file_info(LicInfo,readable,on),	% may fail
272	open(LicInfo,read,S),
273	repeat,
274	read(S, T),
275	( T == end_of_file -> close(S), !, fail ; true ),
276	T = licence(Hostname, Solver, Version, LicStr, LicNum).
279% installed_solver(?Solver, ?Version, -File) is nondet.
280% Return matching installed solvers on backtracking
281% secplexXY.so or sexpressXY.so are expected in the Arch subdirectory.
282% Must be called with the current directory being the library directory.
284installed_solver(Solver, Version, File) :-
285	get_flag(hostarch, Arch),
286	get_flag(object_suffix, O),
287	optimizer_code(Solver),
288	concat_string(["se",Solver], ESolver),
289	concat_string([ESolver,"*.",O], Pattern),
290	read_directory(Arch, Pattern, _, Files),
291	member(File, Files),
292	pathname(File, _, Base, _),
293	once append_strings(ESolver, VersionString, Base),
294	atom_string(Version, VersionString).
297% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
298% Try to load a solver interface
299% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
301% If the external solver is a dynamic library,
302% try to load it explicitly to avoid PATH problems (otherwise fail)
304load_external_solver(Arch, Solver, Version, Suffix) :-
305	( Solver = cplex ; Solver == gurobi ), !,
306        concat_string([Solver,Version,".",Suffix], SolverLibName),
307        ( concat_string([Arch,/,SolverLibName], SolverLib)
308        ; concat_string([Arch,"/e",Solver,Version,/,SolverLibName], SolverLib) ),
309	exists(SolverLib),
310        catch(load(SolverLib), abort, fail).
311load_external_solver(Arch, xpress, Version, "dll") ?- !,
312	atom_string(Version, VersionString),
313	( substring(VersionString, "13", 1) ->
314	    concat_string([Arch,"/express",Version,"/xprs.dll"], SolverLib),
315	    exists(SolverLib),
316	    catch(load(SolverLib), abort, fail)
317	;
318	    concat_string([Arch,"/express",Version,"/xprl.dll"], SolverLib1),
319	    exists(SolverLib1),
320	    catch(load(SolverLib1), abort, fail),
321	    concat_string([Arch,"/express",Version,"/xprs.dll"], SolverLib2),
322	    exists(SolverLib2),
323	    catch(load(SolverLib2), abort, fail)
324	).
325load_external_solver(Arch, xpress, Version, "so") ?-
326	atom_string(Version, VersionString),
327	\+ substring(VersionString, "13", 1), !, % assume this means > 13
328        % unfortunately Solaris needs the version specific .so files 
329        % (i.e. *.so.<Version>). So the directory should contain only
330        % one version of each lib file 
331        concat_string([Arch, "/express",Version], SolverDir),
332        read_directory(SolverDir, "libxprl.so*", _, [LicLib|_]),
333        concat_string([SolverDir, "/", LicLib], LicPath),
334        load(LicPath),
335        read_directory(SolverDir, "libxprs.so*", _, [SolverLib|_]),
336        concat_string([SolverDir, "/", SolverLib], SolverPath),
337        load(SolverPath).
338load_external_solver(_, _, _, _).
341    % we want one of the solvers that have been asked for
342    % in order of preference (if specified in eplex_lic_info.ecl)
343    findall(solver(Solver, Version), (
344	    selected_solver(Solver, Version),
345	    ( licensed_solver(Solver,Version,_LS,_LN) ; true )
346	),
347	Candidates),
348    (
349	% find the first installed candidate
350	member(solver(Solver, Version), Candidates),
351	installed_solver(Solver, Version, ObjFile),
353	get_flag(hostarch, Arch),
354	concat_string([Arch,/,ObjFile], DirObjFile),
356	( symbol_address(p_cpx_init, _) ->
357	    true	% already loaded
358	;
359	    printf(log_output, "loading %A %s ... %b", [Solver,Version]),
360	    get_flag(object_suffix, O),
361	    ( load_external_solver(Arch, Solver, Version, O) -> true ; true ),
362	    ( O = "o" ->
363	       concat_string([Arch,/,ObjFile,' -lm'], Load)
364	    ;
365	       concat_string([Arch,/,ObjFile], Load)
366	    ),
367            % loading might abort because of stupid library
368            % incompatibilities, etc., so fail to try other alternatives
369	    catch(load(Load), abort, fail),
370	    writeln(log_output, done)
371	)
372    ->
373	external(lp_get_license_challenge/1, p_cpx_challenge),
374	external(cplex_init/3, p_cpx_init),
375	external(cplex_exit/0, p_cpx_exit),
376	external(cplex_prob_init/8, p_cpx_prob_init),
377	external(cplex_lo_hi/2, p_cpx_lo_hi),
378	external(cplex_set_rhs_coeff/4, p_cpx_set_rhs_coeff),
379	external(cplex_set_obj_coeff/3, p_cpx_set_obj_coeff),
380	external(cplex_set_qobj_coeff/4, p_cpx_set_qobj_coeff),
381	external(cplex_init_type/3, p_cpx_init_type),
382	external(cplex_init_bound/4, p_cpx_init_bound),
383	external(cplex_new_obj_coeff/3, p_cpx_new_obj_coeff),
384	external(cplex_new_qobj_coeff/4, p_cpx_new_qobj_coeff),
385	external(cplex_flush_obj/1, p_cpx_flush_obj),
386	external(cplex_get_param/3, p_cpx_get_param),
387	external(cplex_get_prob_param/3, p_cpx_get_prob_param),
388	external(cplex_set_param/3, p_cpx_set_param),
389	external(cplex_set_matbeg/4, p_cpx_set_matbeg),
390	external(cplex_set_matval/4, p_cpx_set_matval),
391	external(cplex_get_row/4, p_cpx_get_row),
392	external(cplex_get_col_coef/5, p_cpx_get_col_coef),
393	external(cplex_get_obj_coef/3, p_cpx_get_obj_coef),
394	external(cplex_get_rhs/5, p_cpx_get_rhs),
395	external(cplex_loadprob/1, p_cpx_loadprob),
396	external(cplex_loadbase/3, p_cpx_loadbase),
397	external(cplex_loadorder/3, p_cpx_loadorder),
398	external(cplex_add_new_sos/4, p_cpx_add_new_sos),
399	external(cplex_flush_sos/1, p_cpx_flush_sos),
400	external(cplex_optimise/10, p_cpx_optimise),
401	external(cplex_get_objval/2, p_cpx_get_objval),
402	external(cplex_cleanup/1, p_cpx_cleanup),
403	external(cplex_lpwrite/3, p_cpx_lpwrite),
404	external(cplex_lpread/4, p_cpx_lpread),
405	external(cplex_output_stream/3, p_cpx_output_stream),
406	external(cplex_add_coeff/4, p_cpx_add_coeff),
407	external(cplex_flush_new_rowcols/2, p_cpx_flush_new_rowcols),
408	external(cplex_load_varname/3, p_cpx_load_varname),
409	external(cplex_change_col_type/3, p_cpx_change_col_type),	% bt
410	external(cplex_change_lp_to_mip/1, p_cpx_change_lp_to_mip),	% bt
411        external(cplex_change_obj_sense/2, p_cpx_change_obj_sense),
412        external(cplex_change_rhs/4, p_cpx_change_rhs),
413        external(cplex_change_cols_bounds/5, p_cpx_change_cols_bounds),
414        external(cplex_set_problem_type/3, p_cpx_set_problem_type),
416	external(create_darray/2, p_create_darray),
417	external(darray_size/2, p_darray_size),
418	external(get_darray_element/3, p_get_darray_element),
419	external(set_darray_element/3, p_set_darray_element),
420	external(darray_list/3, p_darray_list),
422        % column generation (adapted from AE 25/10/02)
423	external(cplex_new_row/5, p_cpx_new_row),
425	external(cplex_new_row_idc/5, p_cpx_new_row_idc),
426	external(cplex_flush_idcs/1, p_cpx_flush_idcs),
428        external(create_extended_iarray/3, p_create_extended_iarray),
429        external(create_extended_darray/3, p_create_extended_darray),
430        external(copy_extended_column_basis/4, p_copy_extended_column_basis),
431        external(copy_extended_arrays/6, p_copy_extended_arrays),
432        external(decode_basis/2, p_decode_basis),
434        % external(cplex_get_feas_result_array/3, p_cpx_get_feas_result_array),
435        external(create_iarray/2, p_create_iarray),
436        external(iarray_size/2, p_iarray_size),
437        external(get_iarray_element/3, p_get_iarray_element),
438        external(set_iarray_element/3, p_set_iarray_element),
439        external(iarray_list/2, p_iarray_list),
441        % standalone eplex
442        external(cplex_matrix_base/1, p_cpx_matrix_base),
443        external(cplex_matrix_offset/1, p_cpx_matrix_offset),
444	external(cplex_get_col_type/3, p_cpx_get_col_type),
445	external(cplex_impose_col_lwb/5, p_cpx_impose_col_lwb),		% bt
446	external(cplex_impose_col_upb/5, p_cpx_impose_col_upb),		% bt
447	external(cplex_impose_col_bounds/7, p_cpx_impose_col_bounds),	% bt
448	external(cplex_get_col_bounds/4, p_cpx_get_col_bounds),
449        external(cplex_set_new_cols/6, p_cpx_set_new_cols),
451        % global constraint pools
452        external(cplex_get_cutpool_size/3, p_cpx_get_cutpool_size),
453        external(cplex_reset_cutpool_size/3, p_cpx_reset_cutpool_size),
454        external(cplex_init_cpcstr/5, p_cpx_init_cpcstr),
455        external(cplex_get_named_cp_index/4, p_cpx_get_named_cp_index),
456        external(cplex_get_named_cpcstr_indices/3, p_cpx_get_named_cpcstr_indices),
457        external(cplex_get_cpcstr_info/4, p_cpx_get_cpcstr_info),
458        external(cplex_set_cpcstr_cond/4, p_cpx_set_cpcstr_cond),
460        setval(loaded_solver, loaded(Solver,Version))
461    ;
462	writeln(error, "Eplex error: Could not find any of the solver interfaces:"),
463	writeln(error, Candidates)
464	% we used to abort here - it's no longer done to allow the library
465	% to fcompile/icompile during installation despite missing solver
466    ).
469% lp_get_license(+LS, +LN)
470% LS is 'default' or path in OS syntax
471lp_get_license(default, LN) ?-
472	% If LS is 'default' we set it to point to the directory
473	% where we keep the XPRESS-MP OEM version password files.
474	getval(loaded_solver, loaded(Solver,Version)),
475	!,
476	get_flag(installation_directory, EclipseDir),
477	get_flag(hostarch, Arch),
478	concat_atom([EclipseDir,/,lib,/,Arch,/,e,Solver,Version], LS),
479	os_file_name(LS, OSLS),
480	lp_get_license(OSLS, LN).
481lp_get_license(LS, LN) :-
482	getval(licence_data, Held),		% already holding this one?
483	Held == held(LS,LN),
484	!.
485lp_get_license(LS, LN) :-
486	getval(loaded_solver, loaded(_Solver,_Version)),
487	!,
488	lp_release_license,			% possibly free other licence
489	unchecked_get_license(LS, LN).		% may fail
490lp_get_license(LS, LN) :-
491	printf(error, "Eplex error: No solver loaded in %w%n", lp_get_license(LS, LN)),
492	fail.
495lp_get_license :-
496	getval(licence_data, held(_,_)),	% already holding one?
497	!.
498lp_get_license :-
499	getval(loaded_solver, loaded(Solver,Version)),
500	!,
501	( licensed_solver(Solver,Version,LS,LN) ->
502	    lp_get_license(LS, LN)
503	;
504            (lp_get_license("",0) ->
505                true /* initialised successfully with no license info */
506            ;
507                get_flag(installation_directory, EclipseDir),
508                concat_string([EclipseDir,'/lib/eplex_lic_info.ecl'], LicInfo),
509                writeln(warning_output, "Eplex warning: No licensing information available."),
510                writeln(warning_output, "Use lp_get_license/2 or update license info database"),
511                writeln(warning_output, LicInfo),
512                fail
513            )
514	).
515lp_get_license :-
516	printf(error, "Eplex error: No solver loaded in %w%n", lp_get_license),
517	% don't abort here because lp_get_license/0 is called in a query
518	% below, and we don't want to abort loading the whole library.
519	fail.
521    get_solver_subdir(xpress, Version, SubDir) ?- !,
522        get_flag(installation_directory, EclipseDir),
523        get_flag(hostarch, Arch),
524        concat_string([EclipseDir,"/lib/",Arch,"/express",Version], SubDir).
525    get_solver_subdir(_, _, "").
527    unchecked_get_license(LS, LN) :-
528        getval(loaded_solver, loaded(Solver,Version)),
529        get_solver_subdir(Solver,Version, SD),
530        may_start_license_manager(Solver, Version, LS, SD),
531        % SD needed for the Xpress 15 sh command ran during initialisation
532        os_file_name(SD, OSSD),
533	cplex_init(LS,LN,OSSD),			% may fail
534        setval(licence_data, held(LS,LN)),
536	% Initialisation that can only be done after getting a license:
538%	get_stream(output, OutS),
539%	cplex_output_stream(0, 1, OutS),	% cpxresults
540	get_stream(error, ErrS),
541	cplex_output_stream(1, 1, ErrS),	% cpxerror
542%	get_stream(log_output, LogS),
543%	cplex_output_stream(3, 1, LogS),	% log
544	get_stream(warning_output, WarnS),
545	cplex_output_stream(2, 1, WarnS).	% cpxwarning
547    may_start_license_manager(xpress, Version, LicLoc, SolverDir) :-
548        atom_string(Version, VersionString),
549	substring(VersionString, "15", 1), !,
550        get_flag(tmp_dir, TDir),
551        get_user_name(User),
552        concat_string([TDir, "eclipse_xpress_",User,".log"], XPLog),
553        os_file_name(XPLog, OSXPLog),
554        concat_string([SolverDir, "/lmgrd"], LicMan),
555        % LicLoc is already in OS-specific form
556        exec([LicMan, "-c", LicLoc, "-l", OSXPLog], []).
557    may_start_license_manager(_, _, _, _).
559    get_user_name(User) :- /* Unix */
560        getenv("USER", User), !.
561    get_user_name(User) :- /* Windows */
562        getenv("USERNAME", User), !.
563    get_user_name("user").
565lp_release_license :-
566	getval(licence_data, held(_LS,_LN)),
567	!,
568	cplex_exit,
569	setval(licence_data, none).
572% cleanup when exiting
573:- local finalization(is_predicate(lp_release_license/0) -> lp_release_license ; true).
576:- pragma(debug).	% allow debugging for the rest of the code
578% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
579% Problem handle structure
581%	cplex_handle - pointer to C problem handle. This must be the
582%		first argument (assumed by cplex_prob_init and cplex_cleanup)!
583%	vars - a list of all variables involved
584%	ints - a list of variables that the solver should consider
585%		to be integers
586%	sols,pis,slacks,djs,cbase,rbase - arrays holdings results
587%		exported from cplex
588%	obj - constant offset of the objective function
589%	objcoeffs - objective coefficients
590%	method, node_method - cplex main solving method (default, primal ...)
591%       aux_method, node_aux_method - cplex auxiliary solving method
592% The interface works as follows: As constraints occur in the program,
593% they are first delayed (except when they are already ground).
594% When later lp_setup is called, the linear ones are collected
595% and processed, i.e. bounds and coefficients are computed for the
596% variables, rows and colunms are counted, the right hand sides extracted.
598% For the result arrays we use:
599%	_	the field should not be retrieved from CPLEX
600%	[]	no value yet
601%	else	array of values
602% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
604% ***When adding new fields, remember to check both lp_setup *AND* lp_read!!
605:- export struct(
606	prob(
607% The first 2 fields are accessed by the C code and must be here in this order
608	    cplex_handle,	% handle to C data structure
609	    stamp,		% timestamp of last add/del trail
610% Input:
611	    vars,		% list of problem vars (reverse col order)
612	    ints,		% [Xi1,...Xik]: list of integer variables
613	    objsense,		% 1 for minimize, -1 for maximize
614	    presolve,           % 1 for yes, 0 for no
615	    obj,		% float: constant part of objective function
616	    linobj,		% list of C*X pairs (for delayed setup)
617	    quadobj,		% list of [C,X,Y] triplets (for delayed setup)
618	    objcoeffs,		% list of Index:Coeff pairs (for resetting)
619	    qobjcoeffs,		% list of q(I,J,Coeff) triplets (for resetting)
620	    method,		% int: cplex solving method (primal, dual...)
621            aux_method,         % int: cplex auxiliary solving method 
622            node_method,        % int: cplex solving method (for MIP)
623            node_aux_method,    % int: cplex auxiliary solving method (MIP)
624	    demon_tol_int,	% float: tolerable deviation of instantiation
625	    demon_tol_real,	% float:  ... to simplex solution.
626	    option_vnames,      % atom: yes,no
627            timeout,            % float: seconds, 0.0 no timeout
629            post_equality,      % atom: yes,no: post equality constr
630            option_dump,        % dump problem before solving (no or
631                                % write_before_solve/2)
632            option_mipstart,    % in [none,all,integers]
633% Solver demon
634	    solver_id,          % int: Eplex's id for solver
635	    suspension,		% suspension or variable
636            sync_bounds,        % atom: yes,no
637	    nc_trigger,         % atom: yes,no (yes implies nonvar(suspension))
638            bd_trigger,         % atom: no,bounds,deviating_bounds
639	    triggermodes,	% list of atoms
640	    aux_susps,          % extra suspensions associated with handle
641	    pool,		% associated pool if any, else var
642            change_suspensions, % list of suspensions to schedule on solution
643% Handler Goal
644            caller_module,      % module from which eplex/lp setup was called
645            subopth,            % suboptimal state handler, else var
646            unboundh,           % unbounded state handler, else var
647            unkh,               % unknown state handler, else var
648            aborth,             % abort state handler, else var
649            infeash,		% infeasible state handler, else var
650% Output (from last solve):
651            mr,                 % int: number of user rows 
652                                % m = (mr + nccpr)
653%            ncpr,               % int: number of uncond. cutpool cstrs
654%            nccpr,              % int: number of active cond. cutpool cstrs
655            % results from last solve
656            status,		% return status of last successful invocation
657	    cost,		% float: objval of the current solution
658            bestbound,          % float: best bound on objval for current sol.
659            worstbound,         % float: worst bound on objval for current sol.
660% Output arrays (must start with sols and remain consecutive - accessed from C!)
661            sols,		% array[n] of raw solutions (or [] or _)
662	    pis,		% array[m] of dual values (or [] or _)
663	    slacks,		% array[m] of slacks (or [] or _)
664	    djs,		% array[n] of reduced costs (or [] or _)
665	    cbase,		% iarray[n] of basis status (or [] or _)
666	    rbase,		% iarray[m] of basis status (or [] or _)
667            cp_cond_map,        % array of mapping from conditional pool
668                                % to added conditional constraints index
669            iis_rows,		% iarray[cm] of conflict row ids (or [] or _)
670            iis_cols,		% iarray[cn] of conflict col ids (or [] or _)
671            iis_colstats	% string[cn] of conflict col status (or [] or _)
672	)
673    ).
675% temporary data needed only during solver setup
676:-  local struct(temp_prob(
677	    sos,		% list of sos1(Vars) or sos2(Vars)
678            extra_vars,         % list of extra problem variables
679            use_copy            % 1 for yes, 0 for no
680        )).
682:- export portray(prob/(property(arity) of prob), lp_handle_tr_out/2, []).
683:- export lp_handle_tr_out/2.
684lp_handle_tr_out(prob{solver_id: Id}, lp_handle(Id)).
687array(X) :- string(X).
690% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
691% The variables
695:- export struct(
696	eplex(
697            stamp,      % time stamp for variable in this solver
698	    solver,	% A solver that this variable occurs in (prob Handle)
699	    idx,	% The column number in that solver's matrix
700	    intol_inst,	% Suspension list to be woken on intolerable
701	    		%   instantiation, for simplex demons
702	    next        % can point to a different eplex attribute for another
703	                % handler, or the atom 'end'
704	)
705    ).
708get_lp_attr(X{eplex:Attr0}, Handle, Attr) ?-
709	Handle = prob{solver_id:SId},
710	( var(Attr0) -> 
711	     new_lp_attr(X, Handle, Attr)
712	;
713             Attr0 = eplex{solver:prob{solver_id:SId0},next:Next},
714             % should not fail unless Attr0 incorrect
715             (SId0 == SId ->    
716                  Attr = Attr0
717             ;
718                  get_lp_attr1(Next, Attr0, Handle, SId, Attr)
719             )
720	).
721get_lp_attr(X, Handle, Attr) :-			% make a new eplex-variable
722	free(X),
723	new_lp_attr(X, Handle, Attr).
725    get_lp_attr1(ThisAttr, Attr0, Handle, _SId, Attr) :-
726	atom(ThisAttr), !, % chain terminated by atom 'end'
727	new_lp_attrstruct(Handle, Attr),
728	setarg(next of eplex, Attr0, Attr).
729    get_lp_attr1(ThisAttr, _Attr0, Handle, SId, Attr) :-
730	compound(ThisAttr), 
731        ThisAttr = eplex{solver:prob{solver_id:SId0},next:NextAttr},
732	(SId0 = SId ->
733	     Attr = ThisAttr
734	;    
735	     get_lp_attr1(NextAttr, ThisAttr, Handle, SId, Attr)
736        ).
738    new_lp_attr(X, Handle, Attr) :-	% make a new eplex-variable:
739	new_lp_attrstruct(Handle, Attr),
740	add_attribute(X, Attr, eplex).	% and add an eplex-attribute
742:- mode new_lp_attrstruct(+,-).
743new_lp_attrstruct(Handle, Attr) :-
744	Attr = eplex{solver:Handle,next:end},
745        sepia_kernel: timestamp_update(Attr, stamp of eplex),
746	init_suspension_list(intol_inst of eplex, Attr).
749% From an lp_attr, searches for the attribute corresponding to that for the
750% first argument. Fails if none found. 
751get_lp_attr_for_handle(Handle, Attr0, Attr) :-
752	Handle = prob{solver_id:SId},
753        compound(Attr0), 
754	get_lp_attr_for_sid(SId, Attr0, Attr).
756get_lp_attr_for_sid(SId, Attr0, Attr) :-
757        % no need to test for var(Attr0) in chain
758        Attr0 = eplex{solver:prob{solver_id:SId0},next:NextAttr},
759	(SId0 == SId ->
760	     Attr0 = Attr
761	;    
762	     get_lp_attr_for_sid(SId, NextAttr, Attr)
763	).
766% Update bounds
768% the user accessible lp_var_set_bounds/4 raises a range error if variable
769% not in problem represented by Handle
770lp_var_set_bounds(Handle, V, Lo0, Hi0) :- var(Handle), !,
771	error(4, lp_var_set_bounds(Handle, V, Lo0, Hi0)).
772lp_var_set_bounds(Handle, V, Lo0, Hi0) :-
773        Handle = prob{solver_id:SId},
774	!,
775	( get_var_index(V, SId, I) ->
776            Lo is float(Lo0),
777            Hi is float(Hi0),
778            get_lp_attr(V, Handle, Attr),
779            lp_impose_col_bounds(Handle, Attr, I, Lo, Hi),
780            wake
781	; number(V) ->
782            V >= Lo0,
783            V =< Hi0
784        ;
785            printf(error, "Eplex error: variable %w is not a problem"
786                          " variable for handle %w:%n",[V,Handle]),
787            error(6, lp_var_set_bounds(Handle, V, Lo0, Hi0))
789        ).
790lp_var_set_bounds(Handle, V, Lo0, Hi0) :-
791        printf(error, "Eplex error: invalid problem handle %w:%n",[Handle]), 
792        error(5, lp_var_set_bounds(Handle, V, Lo0, Hi0)).
795% Update bounds
797% the user accessible lp_var_non_monotonic_set_bounds/4 raises a range
798% error if variable not in problem represented by Handle
799% note we do not allow this for instances or handles with trigger
800% conditions and demons, so there is no need to schedule wakings after
801% the bound change as there can be none
802lp_var_non_monotonic_set_bounds(Handle, V, Lo0, Hi0) :- var(Handle), !,
803	error(4, lp_var_non_monotonic_set_bounds(Handle, V, Lo0, Hi0)).
804lp_var_non_monotonic_set_bounds(Handle, V, Lo0, Hi0) :-
805        Handle = prob{solver_id:SId, pool: Pool, suspension:S},
806        ((is_suspension(S) ; nonvar(Pool)) ->
807             printf(error, "Eplex error: problem cannot be modified by %w "
808                    "(has trigger conditions or is an eplex instance).%n",
809                    [lp_var_non_monotonic_set_bounds(Handle, V, Lo0, Hi0)]),
810             abort
811        ;
812             true
813        ),
814        !,
815	(get_unique_var_index(V, SId, I) ->
816              Lo is float(Lo0),
817	      Hi is float(Hi0),
818	      get_lp_attr(V, Handle, Attr),
819	      cplex_impose_col_bounds(Handle, Attr, I, 0, Lo, Hi, _Changed)
820	;
821              % raise an error if variable is not a problem variable or
822              % has merged columns
823              printf(error, "Eplex error: %w is either not a problem"
824                     " variable or it represents more than one column:%n", [V]),
825              error(6, lp_var_non_monotonic_set_bounds(Handle, V, Lo0,Hi0))
826	).
827lp_var_non_monotonic_set_bounds(Handle, V, Lo0, Hi0) :-
828        printf(error, "Eplex error: invalid problem handle %w:%n", [Handle]),
829        error(5, lp_var_non_monotonic_set_bounds(Handle, V, Lo0, Hi0)).
832eplex_var_get_bounds(V, Lo, Hi, Pool) :-
833        get_pool_handle(Handle,Pool), !,
834        lp_var_get_bounds(Handle, V, Lo, Hi).
835eplex_var_get_bounds(V, Lo, Hi, Pool) :-
836	printf(error, "Eplex error: instance %w has no associated solver:%n",[Pool]),
837        error(5, eplex_var_get_bounds(V, Lo, Hi)).
839lp_var_get_bounds(Handle, V, Lo, Hi) :- var(Handle), !,
840	error(4, lp_var_get_bounds(Handle, V, Lo, Hi)).
841lp_var_get_bounds(Handle, V, Lo, Hi) :-
842        Handle = prob{cplex_handle:CPH,solver_id:SId},
843	!,
844	( get_first_var_index(V, SId, I) -> % first index has the tightest bounds
845            cplex_get_col_bounds(CPH, I, Lo, Hi)
846	; number(V) ->
847            Lo is float(V), 
848            Hi is float(V)
849        ;
850            printf(error, "Eplex error: %w is not a problem variable for"
851                   " handle %w:%n", [V,Handle]),
852            error(6, lp_var_get_bounds(Handle, V, Lo,Hi))
853        ).
854lp_var_get_bounds(Handle, V, Lo, Hi) :-
855        printf(error, "Eplex error: Invalid problem handle %w:%n", [Handle]),
856        error(5, lp_var_get_bounds(Handle, V, Lo, Hi)).
859% may throw(abort) indicating error
860lp_impose_col_bounds(Handle, Attr, [I|_], Lo, Hi) :-
861        cplex_impose_col_bounds(Handle, Attr, I, 1, Lo, Hi, Changed),
862        schedule_demon_if_bounds_changed(Handle, I, Changed).
865    impose_col_bounds(Handle, Attr, I, Bound, Changed, (>=))  :-
866        cplex_impose_col_lwb(Handle, Attr, I, Bound, Changed).
867    impose_col_bounds(Handle, Attr, I, Bound, Changed, (=<)) :-
868        cplex_impose_col_upb(Handle, Attr, I, Bound, Changed).
869    impose_col_bounds(Handle, Attr, I, Bound, Changed, (=:=)) :-
870        cplex_impose_col_bounds(Handle, Attr, I, 1, Bound, Bound, Changed).
873% Number the variables from the end of list, from Col0 to ColN-1
875set_var_indices(Xs, Handle, Col0, Length, ColN) :-
876        length(Xs, Length), % create or count Xs
877	ColN is Col0 + Length,
878	( foreach(X, Xs),
879	  for(I, ColN-1, Col0, -1),
880	  param(Handle) do
881	    set_var_index(X, Handle, I)
882	).
884    set_var_index(X, _Handle, _) :- nonvar(X).
885    set_var_index(X, Handle, J) :- var(X),
886	get_lp_attr(X, Handle, A),
887        % type error if already has an index (should not happen)
888	( arg(idx of eplex, A, [J]) -> true
889        ; error(5, set_var_index(X, Handle, J))
890        ).
894% Retrieve the variable's column for problem represented by SId. 
895% Index will be in the form of a list
897get_first_var_index(V, SId, Index) :-
898        get_var_index(V, SId, Is), Is = [Index|_].
900get_unique_var_index(V, SId, Index) :-
901        get_var_index(V, SId, Is), Is = [Index].
904              SId, Index) ?- 
905	(SId0 == SId -> I = Index ; get_var_index1(Next, SId, Index)).
907    get_var_index1(eplex{idx:I,solver:prob{solver_id:SId0},next:Next}, SId, Index) ?-
908	(SId0 == SId -> I=Index ; get_var_index1(Next, SId, Index)).
912lp_var_occurrence(X, Handle, Index) :-
913        var(Handle),
914        lp_var_occurrence1(X, Handle, Index).
915lp_var_occurrence(X, Handle, Index) :-
916        % returns the first col index
917        nonvar(Handle),
918        Handle = prob{solver_id:SId},
919	get_first_var_index(X, SId, Index).
922   lp_var_occurrence1(_{eplex:Attr}, Handle, Index) ?-
923	lp_var_attrs(Attr, Handle, Index).
925   :- mode lp_var_attrs(+,-,-).
926   lp_var_attrs(eplex{solver:H,idx:[I|_],next:Next}, Handle, Index) ?-
927	(H=Handle, 
928	 I = Index 
929	;
930	 lp_var_attrs(Next, Handle, Index)
931	).
935lp_var_solution(Handle, _{eplex:Attr0}, Sol) ?-
936	get_lp_attr_for_handle(Handle, Attr0, Attr),
937	lp_attr_solution(Attr, Sol).
938lp_var_solution(_, X, Sol) :-
939	integer(X),
940	Sol is float(X).
941lp_var_solution(_, X, Sol) :-
942	real(X),
943	X = Sol.
945lp_var_typed_solution(Handle, _{eplex:Attr0}, TSol) ?-
946	get_lp_attr_for_handle(Handle, Attr0, Attr),
947        Attr = eplex{idx:[J|_],solver:prob{cplex_handle:CPH,sols:SolArr}},
948	array(SolArr),
949        darray_size(SolArr, Size), J < Size,
950        get_typed_solution_for_col(CPH, J, SolArr, TSol).
951lp_var_typed_solution(_, X, Sol) :-
952	integer(X),
953	X = Sol.
954lp_var_typed_solution(_, X, Sol) :-
955	real(X),
956	X = Sol.
959get_typed_solution_for_col(CPH, J, SolArr, TSol) :-
960        get_darray_element(SolArr, J, Sol),
961        cplex_get_col_type(CPH, J, TypeCode),
962        cplex_type_code(T, TypeCode),
963	( T == integer ->
964	    TSol is fix(round(Sol))
965	;
966	    % The following is necessary due to solver's limited precision...
967            % (assumes col bounds have not changed; otherwise solution
968            % value may be changed slightly if it is close to the new bounds)
969            cplex_get_col_bounds(CPH, J, XL, XH),
970            % use cplex_get_param here to access the feasibility_tol for
971            % the (possibly local) value for this CPH 
972            ( Sol < XL,Sol >= XL-cplex_get_param(CPH,feasibility_tol) ->
973                TSol=XL
974            ; Sol > XH,Sol =< XH+cplex_get_param(CPH,feasibility_tol) ->
975                TSol=XH
976            ; 
977                TSol=Sol 
978            )
979	).
982lp_var_type(Handle, _{eplex:Attr0}, Type) ?-
983	get_lp_attr_for_handle(Handle, Attr0, Attr),
984	Attr = eplex{idx:[J|_],solver:prob{cplex_handle:CPH}},
985	cplex_get_col_type(CPH, J, TCode),
986	cplex_type_code(Type, TCode).
987lp_var_type(_, X, Type) :-
988	integer(X),
989	Type = integer.
990lp_var_type(_, X, Type) :-
991	real(X),
992	Type = real.
994lp_var_redcost(Handle, _{eplex:Attr}, Val) ?-
995	get_lp_attr_for_handle(Handle, Attr, eplex{idx:Idxs,solver:prob{djs:Array}}),
996	array(Array),
997        (Idxs = [J] -> 
998            % one column only, can get reduced cost for column
999            darray_size(Array, Size), J < Size,
1000            get_darray_element(Array, J, Val)
1001        ;
1002            % more than one column presented by variable, the simple safe 
1003            % reduced cost to return is 0
1004            Val = 0.0
1005        ).
1006lp_var_redcost(_Handle, X, Val) :-
1007	number(X),
1008	Val = 0.0.
1010lp_attr_itol(eplex{solver:prob{demon_tol_int:Tol0}}, Tol) ?-
1011	Tol=Tol0.
1013lp_attr_rtol(eplex{solver:prob{demon_tol_real:Tol0}}, Tol) ?-
1014	Tol=Tol0.
1016lp_attr_solution(eplex{idx:[J|_],solver:prob{sols:SolArr}}, Sol) ?-
1017        % solution value is the same for unified columns, just get from one
1018        array(SolArr),
1019        darray_size(SolArr, Size), J < Size,
1020	get_darray_element(SolArr, J, Sol).
1023eplex_var_get(X, What, Val, Pool) :-
1024	get_pool_item(Pool, Handle), 
1025	( Handle == 0 ->
1026	    printf(error, "Eplex error: instance has no solver set up in %w%n",
1027		[Pool:eplex_var_get(X, What, Val)]),
1028	    abort
1029	;
1030	    lp_var_get1(Handle, X, What, Val)
1031	).
1034lp_var_get(Handle, X, What, Val) :- var(Handle), !,
1035	error(4, lp_var_get(Handle, X, What, Val)).
1036lp_var_get(Handle, X, What, Val) :- compound(Handle), !,
1037	 lp_var_get1(Handle, X, What, Val).
1038lp_var_get(Handle, X, What, Val) :-
1039	error(5, lp_var_get(Handle, X, What, Val)).
1042    lp_var_get1(Handle, X, solution, Val) :- !,
1043	(lp_var_solution(Handle, X, Val) ->
1044             true 
1045        ; 
1046             fail_if_valid_var_get(lp_var_get(Handle,X,solution,Val),
1047                                   X, Handle, sols of prob)
1048        ).
1049    lp_var_get1(Handle, X, typed_solution, TVal) :- !,
1050	(lp_var_typed_solution(Handle, X, TVal) ->
1051	     true
1052        ;
1053             fail_if_valid_var_get(lp_var_get(Handle,X,typed_solution,TVal),
1054                                   X, Handle, sols of prob)
1055        ).
1056    lp_var_get1(Handle, X, type, Type) :- !,
1057	(lp_var_type(Handle, X, Type) ->
1058	     true
1059        ;
1060             printf(error, "Eplex error: %w not a problem variable:%n", [X]), 
1061             error(6, lp_var_get(Handle, X, type, Type))
1062        ).
1063    lp_var_get1(Handle, X, reduced_cost, Val) :- !,
1064 	(lp_var_redcost(Handle, X, Val) ->
1065	      true
1066	;
1067	      fail_if_valid_var_get(lp_var_get(Handle,X,reduced_cost,Val),
1068				    X, Handle, djs of prob)
1069        ).
1070    lp_var_get1(Handle, X, What, Val) :-
1071	error(6, lp_var_get(Handle, X, What, Val)).
1074    % fails only if the variable is a problem variable for Handle and
1075    % there is a value array at Pos waiting to be filled. Error otherwise
1076    fail_if_valid_var_get(Goal, X, Handle, Pos) :-
1077        arg(solver_id of prob, Handle, SId),
1078        (get_var_index(X, SId, _) ->
1079             arg(Pos, Handle, Array),
1080             var(Array),  % fails silently otherwise
1081             writeln(error, "Eplex error: information not requested at"
1082                    " solver setup:"),
1083             error(6, Goal)
1084        ;
1085             writeln(error, "Eplex error: not accessing an eplex problem variable:"), 
1086             error(6, Goal)
1087        ).
1089% obsolete
1090lp_var_get(X{eplex:eplex{solver:Handle,next:Next}}, What, Val) ?- !,
1091	( Next == end ->
1092	    lp_var_get(Handle, X, What, Val)
1093	;
1094	    writeln(error, "Eplex error: more than one solver handle in lp_var_get/3 - use lp_var_get/4"),
1095	    abort
1096	).
1097lp_var_get(X, What, Sol) :-
1098	number(X),
1099	lp_var_get1(_Handle, X, What, Sol).
1101% obsolete
1102lp_var_solution(X, Val) :-
1103	lp_var_get(X, solution, Val).
1107% Debugging
1108checkvar(X) :-
1109	var(X), !,
1110	var_type(X, Type),
1111	var_range(X, Lo, Hi),
1112	(
1113	    Type == integer,
1114	    (abs(Lo-round(Lo)) > 0.000001 ; abs(Hi-round(Hi)) > 0.000001)
1115	->
1116	    writeq(error, checkvar(X)),nl(error)
1117%	;
1118%	    Lo >= Hi
1119%	->
1120%	    writeq(error, checkvar(X)),nl(error)
1121	;
1122	    true
1123	).
1124checkvar([]) :- !.
1125checkvar([X|Xs]) :- !,
1126	checkvar(X),
1127	checkvar(Xs).
1132% Unify handler:
1133% With var/var binding of two eplex variables, their eplex attributes are
1134% merged. Existing eplex attribute chains should each represent different
1135% solver. On merging, the two variables may contain attributes for different
1136% columns of the same solver, in which case, the attribute representing one
1137% of the columns is lost.
1139unify_eplex(_Term, Attr) :-
1140	var(Attr).		% Ignore if no attribute for this extension
1141unify_eplex(Term, Attr) :-
1142	compound(Attr),
1143	unify_term_eplex(Term, Attr).
1145:- mode unify_term_eplex(?, +).
1146unify_term_eplex(Y{eplex:AttrY}, AttrX) :-
1147	-?->
1148	unify_eplex_eplex(Y, AttrX, AttrY).
1149unify_term_eplex(X, Attr) :-
1150	integer(X),		% The variable was instantiated
1151	unify_number_eplex(X, Attr).
1152unify_term_eplex(X, Attr) :-
1153	real(X),		% The variable was instantiated
1154	unify_number_eplex(X, Attr).
1156unify_eplex_eplex(Y, AttrX, AttrY) :-
1157	var(AttrY),		% No attribute for this extension
1158	AttrX = AttrY,		% Transfer the attribute
1159	notify_constrained(Y).
1160unify_eplex_eplex(Y, AttrX, AttrY) :-
1161	nonvar(AttrY),
1162	( nonvar(AttrX) ->
1163	     AttrY = eplex{idx:IdxY,solver:prob{solver_id:SIdY}},
1164	     (AttrX = eplex{idx:IdxY,solver:prob{solver_id:SIdY}} ->
1165		  true   % same attribute, do nothing
1166	     ;
1167                  % merge X's attributes into Y
1168		  hash_create(HashY),
1169		  attributes_to_hash(AttrY, HashY, LastAttrY),
1170		  setarg(next of eplex, LastAttrY, AttrX),
1171		  remove_and_merge_hashed_occurences(AttrX, LastAttrY, Y, HashY),
1172		  notify_constrained(Y)
1173	     )
1174	;    
1175	   notify_constrained(Y)
1176	).
1179unify_number_eplex(X0, Attr) :-
1180        compound(Attr),
1181        Attr = eplex{solver:Handle, idx:Is},
1182        X is float(X0),
1183        % impose the column bounds the first column only
1184        lp_impose_col_bounds(Handle, Attr, Is, X, X),
1185	( lp_attr_solution(Attr, S) ->
1186            arg(cplex_handle of prob, Handle, CPH),
1187	    lp_attr_tol(CPH, Is, Attr, Tol),
1188	    ( abs(S-X) =< Tol ->
1189		true
1190	    ;
1191		schedule_suspensions(intol_inst of eplex, Attr)
1192	    )
1193	;
1194	    true
1195	),
1196	Attr = eplex{next:NextAttr},
1197        unify_number_eplex(X, NextAttr).
1198unify_number_eplex(_X, end) ?- true.
1200   lp_attr_tol(CPH, [I|_], Attr, Tol) :-
1201        % look at first col only: col types of all merged col are the same
1202        cplex_get_col_type(CPH, I, TC),
1203        (cplex_type_code(integer, TC) -> 
1204             lp_attr_itol(Attr, Tol)
1205        ;
1206             lp_attr_rtol(Attr, Tol)
1207        ).
1209attributes_to_hash(Attr, Hash, LastAttr) :-
1210        Attr = eplex{next:Next,solver:prob{solver_id:SId}},
1211        hash_add(Hash, SId, Attr),
1212        (Next == end ->
1213             LastAttr = Attr ; attributes_to_hash(Next, Hash, LastAttr)
1214        ).
1216remove_and_merge_hashed_occurences(Attr, PrevAttr, Var, Hash) :-
1217        Attr = eplex{next:Next,idx:Idx,solver:Handle},
1218        Handle = prob{solver_id:SId,cplex_handle:CPH,post_equality:PostEq},
1219        (hash_find(Hash, SId, MergedAttr) ->
1220            % MergedAttr represents other column(s) in the matrix. Merge
1221            % the information from Attr into it
1222            (PostEq == no ->
1223                Scheduled = no
1224             ;
1225                add_equality_constraint(Var, Attr, Scheduled)
1226            ),
1227            merge_and_check_cols(CPH, Handle, Idx, MergedAttr, Scheduled),
1228            merge_suspension_lists(intol_inst of eplex, Attr, 
1229                                   intol_inst of eplex, MergedAttr),
1230            % remove Attr from chain
1231            setarg(next of eplex, PrevAttr, Next),
1232            PrevAttr1 = PrevAttr
1233        ;
1234            PrevAttr1 = Attr
1235        ),
1236        remove_and_merge_hashed_occurences(Next, PrevAttr1, Var, Hash).
1237remove_and_merge_hashed_occurences(end, _, _, _) ?- true.
1240    merge_and_check_col_bounds(CPH, Handle, [I0|_], [I1|_], Attr0, Scheduled) :-
1241        cplex_get_col_bounds(CPH, I0, Lo0, Hi0),
1242        cplex_get_col_bounds(CPH, I1, Lo1, Hi1),
1244        (Lo0 =:= Lo1 -> 
1245            NewLo = Lo0
1246        ;
1247            NewLo is max(Lo0, Lo1),
1248            Changed = 1
1249        ),
1250        (Hi0 =:= Hi1 -> 
1251            NewHi = Hi0
1252        ;
1253            NewHi is min(Hi0, Hi1),
1254            Changed = 1
1255        ),
1256        NewHi >= NewLo,
1257        (Changed == 1 ->
1258            % impose new bound on first column
1259            cplex_impose_col_bounds(Handle, Attr0, I0, 1, NewLo, NewHi, _),
1260            (Scheduled \== yes ->
1261                % not already scheduled due to new_constraints trigger.
1262                schedule_demon_if_bounds_changed(Handle, 1.0Inf, 1)
1263                % with col number set to 1.0Inf, trigger test for deviating
1264                % bounds will fail and so not trigger
1265            ;
1266                true
1267            )
1268        ;
1269            true
1270        ).
1272    % merge the column(s) represented by Idx into Attr0
1273    merge_and_check_cols(CPH, Handle, Idx1, Attr0, Scheduled) :-
1274        Attr0 = eplex{idx:Idx0},
1275        merge_col_type(CPH, Handle, Idx0, Idx1),
1276        merge_and_check_col_bounds(CPH, Handle, Idx0, Idx1, Attr0, Scheduled),
1277        % Idx0 should be in front in the MergedIdx to preserve the same
1278        % first idx for Attr0
1279        append(Idx0, Idx1, MergedIdx),
1280        setarg(idx of eplex, Attr0, MergedIdx).
1282    merge_col_type(CPH, Handle, Idx0, Idx1) :-
1283        % make sure all merged columns have the same type.
1284        % note that as we do this every time we merge columns, so
1285        % if Idx0 and Idx1 are multiple columns, they must have the same
1286        % type across the multiple columns 
1287        Idx0 = [I0|_], 
1288        Idx1 = [I1|_],
1289        cplex_get_col_type(CPH, I0, TypeCode0),
1290        cplex_type_code(Type0, TypeCode0),
1291        cplex_get_col_type(CPH, I1, TypeCode1),
1292        cplex_type_code(Type1, TypeCode1),
1293        (Type0 \== Type1 ->
1294            % one of the column is of integer type. Make the other column(s)
1295            % the same integer type
1296            (Type0 == integer -> /* Idx0 is integer */
1297                Idxs = Idx1,
1298                TypeCode = TypeCode0
1299            ; /* assume Idx1 is integer */
1300                Idxs = Idx0,
1301                TypeCode = TypeCode1
1302            ),
1303            (foreach(I, Idxs), param(Handle,TypeCode) do
1304                cplex_change_col_type(Handle, I, TypeCode)	% backtrackable
1305            )
1306        ;
1307            true /* column types same, no need to change column types */
1308        ).
1311    add_equality_constraint(X1, X2Att, Trigger) :-
1312	% two variables in the same solver are unified, send an equality
1313        % constraint for the two columns to the external solver.
1314	% Use a dummy variable as `container' for the attribute X2Att,
1315        % as original X2 is not available to the unification handler
1316        % X1 must contain an attribute which has the same solver
1317        % as X2Att. 
1318	normalise_cstr((X1 =:= X2), Norm),
1319	add_attribute(X2, X2Att, eplex),
1320	X2Att = eplex{solver:Handle},
1321	Handle = prob{solver_id:SId, cplex_handle:CPH, nc_trigger:Trigger,
1322                      suspension:Susp},
1323	setup_new_rows(CPH, SId, 0, _, [Norm], _),
1324        clear_result(Handle, cbase of prob), % added a new row
1325	clear_result(Handle, rbase of prob),
1326	cplex_flush_new_rowcols(Handle, 0),
1327        (Trigger == yes -> 
1328            schedule_suspensions(1, s([Susp]))
1329        ;
1330            true
1331        ).
1334suspensions_eplex(_{eplex:Attr}, Susps, Susps0) ?-
1335	( var(Attr) -> 
1336	      Susps0=Susps ; collect_suspensions_eplex(Attr, Susps, Susps0)
1337	).
1339collect_suspensions_eplex(end, Susps, Susps0) ?- Susps=Susps0.
1340collect_suspensions_eplex(eplex{intol_inst:S, next:NextAttr}, 
1341                          Susps, Susps0) ?-
1342        Susps = [S|Susps1],
1343        collect_suspensions_eplex(NextAttr, Susps1, Susps0).
1347	    bd_trigger:TrigCond,cplex_handle:CPH,suspension:Susp,
1348	    demon_tol_real:RT,demon_tol_int:IT,sols:SolArr}, I, 1) ?-
1349        check_if_should_trigger(TrigCond, CPH, RT, IT, SolArr, I),
1350        !,
1351        schedule_suspensions(1, s([Susp])).
1356	    bd_trigger:TrigCond,cplex_handle:CPH,
1357	    demon_tol_real:RT,demon_tol_int:IT,sols:SolArr}, I) ?-
1358        check_if_should_trigger(TrigCond, CPH, RT, IT, SolArr, I).
1362check_if_should_trigger(deviating_bounds, CPH, RT, IT, SolArr, I) :-
1363        array(SolArr),
1364        darray_size(SolArr, Size), I < Size,
1365        get_darray_element(SolArr, I, S),
1366        cplex_get_col_bounds(CPH, I, Lo, Hi),
1367        \+ tolerable_range_var(S, Lo, Hi, CPH, I, RT, IT).
1373% Print handler
1374lp_var_print(_{eplex:Attr}, Printed) ?-
1375	nonvar(Attr),
1376	lp_var_print1(Attr, Sols),
1377        % fails and print nothing if Sols is []
1378        (Sols = [Printed] -> true ;  Sols = [_|_], Sols = Printed).
1380   lp_var_print1(Attr, SolsIn0) :-
1381        Attr = eplex{next:NextAttr, idx:[I|_],
1382                           solver:prob{cplex_handle:CPH}},
1383        nonvar(CPH),  % we do have the low-level information
1384        catch(cplex_get_col_bounds(CPH, I, L, H),_,
1385              (L='?', H='?') ), /* catch case when var not yet in solver */
1386	(lp_attr_solution(Attr, Sol) ->
1387	     SolsIn0 = [L..H@Sol|SolsIn1] 
1388        ; 
1389             SolsIn0 = [L..H|SolsIn1]
1390	),
1391        lp_var_print1(NextAttr, SolsIn1).
1392   lp_var_print1(end, SolsIn1) ?- SolsIn1 = [].
1395% Find the variable with the most fractional lp-solution.
1396% Never fails on a non-empty list.
1398deletemostfract(BestX, [X|Xs], Handle, Rest) :-
1399	nonvar(Handle),
1400        lp_var_solution(Handle, X, Val),
1401        Diff is abs(Val - round(Val)),
1402        deletemostfract(Xs, X, Handle, Diff, BestX, Rest).
1403deletemostfract(BestX, Xs, Handle, Rest) :-
1404        var(Handle),
1405        error(4, deletemostfract(BestX, Xs, Handle, Rest)).
1408deletemostfract([], BestX, _Handle, _BestDiff, BestX, []).
1409deletemostfract([X|Xs], BestX, Handle, BestDiff, Res, Rest) :-
1410	lp_var_solution(Handle, X, Val),
1411	Diff is abs(Val - round(Val)),
1412	( Diff > BestDiff ->
1413	    Rest = [BestX|Rest0],
1414	    deletemostfract(Xs, X, Handle, Diff, Res, Rest0)
1415	;
1416	    Rest = [X|Rest0],
1417	    deletemostfract(Xs, BestX, Handle, BestDiff, Res, Rest0)
1418	).
1421% Find the first variable whose lp-solution deviates more than Tolerance
1422% from the nearest integer. Fails if there is no such variable in the list.
1424deletefract(BestX, Xs, Handle, Tolerance, Rest) :-
1425	nonvar(Handle),
1426        deletefract1(BestX, Xs, Handle, Tolerance, Rest).
1427deletefract(BestX, Xs, Handle, Tolerance, Rest) :-
1428        var(Handle),
1429	error(4, deletefract(BestX, Xs, Handle, Tolerance, Rest)).
1431   deletefract1(BestX, [X|Xs], Handle, Tolerance, Rest) :-
1432	lp_var_solution(Handle, X, Val),
1433	( abs(Val - round(Val)) > Tolerance ->
1434	    BestX = X,
1435	    Rest = Xs
1436	;
1437	    Rest = [X|Rest0],
1438	    deletefract1(BestX, Xs, Handle, Tolerance, Rest0)
1439	).
1441% set_bounds handler
1443lp_attr_set_bounds(_{eplex:Attr}, Lo, Hi) ?-
1444	% Attr guaranteed to be nonvar
1445        lp_attr_set_bounds1(Attr, Lo, Hi).
1447    lp_attr_set_bounds1(Attr, Lo0, Hi0) ?-
1448        Attr = eplex{solver:Handle,idx:I, next:Next},
1449        Lo is float(Lo0),
1450        Hi is float(Hi0),
1451        lp_impose_col_bounds(Handle, Attr, I, Lo, Hi),
1452        lp_attr_set_bounds1(Next, Lo, Hi).
1453    lp_attr_set_bounds1(end, _, _) ?-
1454    	wake.
1457% get_bounds handler
1459lp_attr_get_bounds(_{eplex:Attr}, Lo, Hi) ?-
1460	% Attr guaranteed to be nonvar
1461        lp_attr_get_bounds1(Attr, -1.0Inf, 1.0Inf, Lo, Hi).
1463    lp_attr_get_bounds1(eplex{solver:prob{cplex_handle:CPH},idx:[I|_],next:Next},
1464                        Lo0, Hi0, Lo, Hi) ?-
1465        cplex_get_col_bounds(CPH, I, Lo1, Hi1),
1466	Lo2 is max(Lo0, Lo1),
1467	Hi2 is min(Hi0, Hi1),
1468        lp_attr_get_bounds1(Next, Lo2, Hi2, Lo, Hi).
1469    lp_attr_get_bounds1(end, Lo0, Hi0, Lo, Hi) ?-
1470        Lo0 = Lo, Hi0 = Hi.
1472% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1473% The user-level constraints
1474% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1476:- local reference(lp_info).
1477:- local struct(lp_info(newid,    % int: next handler id  
1478			pending   % suspension: lp_pending's suspension
1479	 )).
1481lp_impose_interval(Vs, Interval, Pool) :-
1482	(range(Interval, Lo, Hi) -> Hi >= Lo 
1483        ;  throw(abort)
1484        ),
1485        extract_vars(Vs, Lo, Hi, no, [], VList), % may abort
1486        get_pool_item(Pool, Handle), 
1487        (Handle == 0 ->
1488             (foreach(V, VList), param(Pool, Lo, Hi) do
1489                  % just post constraints (no solver to add to yet)
1490                  cplex_lo_hi(MInf, PInf),
1491                  (Lo < MInf -> Lo1 = MInf ; Lo1 = Lo),
1492                  (Hi > PInf -> Hi1 = PInf ; Hi1 = Hi),
1493                  (Lo1 == Hi1 ->
1494                       add_pool_constraint(V=:=Lo1, Pool)
1495                  ;
1496                       add_pool_constraint(V>=Lo1, Pool),
1497                       add_pool_constraint(V=<Hi1, Pool)
1498                  )
1499             )
1500        ;
1501	     lp_add_vars_interval(Handle, VList, Lo, Hi)
1502        ).
1505lp_interval(Vs, Interval, Pool) :-
1506        catch(lp_impose_interval(Vs, Interval, Pool), Tag,
1507		colon_interval_warning((::), Vs, Interval, Tag)).
1509    % warn about: poolname:X::1..N
1510    colon_interval_warning(Functor, Vs, Interval, abort) :- !,
1511	Goal =.. [Functor,Vs,Interval],
1512	( nonvar(Vs), Vs = (_:_) ->
1513	    printf(error, "Eplex error: invalid syntax detected in %w; missing"
1514		     " brackets perhaps?%n", [Goal]),
1515	    throw(abort)
1516	;
1517            error(5, Goal)
1518        ).
1519    colon_interval_warning(_Functor, _Vs, _Interval, Tag) :-
1520	throw(Tag).
1522    :- mode range(?,-,-).
1523    range(L..H, Lo, Hi) ?- 
1524	bound(L, Lo),
1525	bound(H, Hi).
1526    range([L..H], Lo, Hi) ?-  % for IC/FD compatability
1527	bound(L, Lo),
1528	bound(H, Hi).
1530    bound(L, _) :- var(L), !, fail.
1531    bound(L, Lo) :- integer(L), !, Lo is float(L).
1532    bound(L, Lo) :- rational(L), !, Lo is float(L).
1533    bound(L, Lo) :- real(L), !, Lo=L.
1534    bound(-inf, Lo) :- !, Lo = -1.0Inf.
1535    bound(inf, Hi) :- !, Hi = 1.0Inf.
1536    bound(+inf, Hi) :- !, Hi = 1.0Inf.
1537    bound(E, Bnd) :-
1538        catch((Bnd0 is E), _, fail),
1539	Bnd is float(Bnd0).
1541% may throw(abort) indicating error
1542extract_vars(V, _, _, _, VList0, VList) :-
1543        var(V), !,
1544        VList = [V|VList0].
1545extract_vars(V, Lo, Hi, CheckInt, VList0, VList) :-
1546        number(V), !,
1547        (CheckInt == yes -> integer(V) ; true),
1548        V >= Lo, V =< Hi,
1549        VList = VList0.
1550extract_vars([], _, _, _, VList0, VList) :- !, VList0 = VList.
1551extract_vars([X|Xs], Lo, Hi, CheckInt, VList0, VList) :- !,
1552        extract_vars(X, Lo, Hi, CheckInt, VList0, VList1),
1553        extract_vars(Xs, Lo, Hi, CheckInt, VList1, VList).
1554extract_vars(subscript(Array,Index), Lo, Hi, CheckInt, VList0, VList) :- 
1555        subscript(Array, Index, E), !,
1556        extract_vars(E, Lo, Hi, CheckInt, VList0, VList).
1557extract_vars(_,_,_,_,_,_) :- throw(abort). 
1560% Add constraint of any type (linear,sos,idc) to Pool
1561add_pool_constraint(Cstr, Pool) :-
1562	( get_pool_handle(Handle, Pool) ->
1563	    lp_add_constraints(Handle, [Cstr], [])
1564	;
1565	    % We don't have a solver yet: post constraints to pool.
1566	    % For linear constraints, normalise and ground check them first.
1567	    post_constraint_to_pool(Cstr, Pool)
1568	).
1570% Add constraints of any type (linear,sos,idc) to Pool
1571eplex_add_constraints(Cstrs, Ints, Pool) :-
1572        (get_pool_handle(Handle, Pool) ->
1573            lp_add_constraints(Handle, Cstrs, Ints)
1574        ;
1575            (foreach(C, Cstrs), param(Pool) do
1576		post_constraint_to_pool(C, Pool)
1577	    ),
1578            integers(Ints, Pool)
1579        ).
1582    % Post linear, sos or idc constraints to Pool.
1583    % Linear ones get normalised and ground checked first.
1584    post_constraint_to_pool(Cstr, Pool) :- var(Cstr), !,
1585	error(4, post_constraint_to_pool(Cstr, Pool)).
1586    post_constraint_to_pool(Cstr, Pool) :- Cstr=sos1(_), !,
1587	post_typed_pool_constraint(Pool, sos of constraint_type, Cstr),
1588	set_lp_pending.
1589    post_constraint_to_pool(Cstr, Pool) :- Cstr=sos2(_), !,
1590	post_typed_pool_constraint(Pool, sos of constraint_type, Cstr),
1591	set_lp_pending.
1592    post_constraint_to_pool(Cstr, Pool) :- Cstr=(_=>_), !,
1593	post_typed_pool_constraint(Pool, idc of constraint_type, Cstr),
1594	set_lp_pending.
1595    post_constraint_to_pool(Cstr, Pool) :-
1596	normalise_cstr(Cstr, Norm0),
1597	!,
1598	try_ground_check(Norm0, Norm),	% may fail
1599	( var(Norm) ->
1600	    true			% simplified away
1601	;
1602	    post_typed_pool_constraint(Pool, linear of constraint_type, Norm),
1603	    set_lp_pending
1604	).
1605    post_constraint_to_pool(Cstr, Pool) :-
1606	error(5, post_constraint_to_pool(Cstr, Pool)).
1609lp_eq(X, Y, Pool) :- add_pool_constraint(X=:=Y, Pool).
1611lp_ge(X, Y, Pool) :- add_pool_constraint(X>=Y, Pool).
1613lp_le(X, Y, Pool) :- add_pool_constraint(X=<Y, Pool).
1615sos1(Xs, Pool) :- add_pool_constraint(sos1(Xs), Pool).
1617sos2(Xs, Pool) :- add_pool_constraint(sos2(Xs), Pool).
1619indicator_constraint(Cond, Cstr, Pool) :- add_pool_constraint(Cond=>Cstr, Pool).
1622% Can handle only linear constraints, returns indexes
1623lp_add_constraints(Handle, Cstrs, Ints, Idxs) :-
1624	( nonvar(Handle), nonvar(Cstrs), nonvar(Ints) -> true ;
1625	    error(4, lp_add_constraints(Handle,Cstrs,Ints,Idxs))
1626	),
1627	normalise_and_check_linear_nonground(Cstrs, NormCs, lp_add_constraints),
1628        lp_add_indexed(Handle, NormCs, Ints, Idxs).
1631% Can handle only linear constraints, returns indexes
1632lp_add_cutpool_constraints(Handle, Cstrs, Opts, Idxs) :-
1633	( nonvar(Handle), nonvar(Cstrs) -> true ;
1634            error(4, lp_add_cutpool_constraints(Handle, Cstrs, Opts, Idxs))
1635	),
1636	normalise_and_check_linear_nonground(Cstrs, NormCs, lp_add_cutpool_constraints),
1637	OptSet = cp_options{group:Name,active:Act,add_initially:Add},
1638	( (foreach(O:V, Opts), param(OptSet,Handle) do
1639            valid_cp_opt(O, OPos),
1640            valid_cp_optval(O, V, Handle, OVal),
1641            arg(OPos, OptSet, OVal)
1642	  ) ->
1643            true
1644        ;
1645            printf(error, "Eplex error: Invalid option for"
1646                   " lp_add_cutpool_constraints: %w%n", [Opts]),
1647            abort
1648        ),
1649	(var(Name) -> Name = [] ; true),
1650	(var(Act)  ->  Act =  1 ; true),
1651	(var(Add)  ->  Add =  1 ; true),
1652        Handle = prob{solver_id:SId,cplex_handle:CPH},
1653        cplex_get_cutpool_size(CPH, NRows, NNzs), 
1654        cplex_get_prob_param(CPH, 15, MaxVIdx),
1655        constraint_type_code(condcp, CType),
1656        get_named_cp_index(Handle, Name, NIdx),
1657        (setup_new_rows(CPH, SId, CType, MaxVIdx, NormCs, Idxs) ->
1658            (foreach(I,Idxs), param(CPH,NIdx,Act,Add) do
1659                rawidx_cstridx(_, RawI, I),
1660                cplex_init_cpcstr(CPH, RawI, NIdx, Act, Add)
1661            )
1662        ;
1663            % NormCs has non-orginal variables - reset global constraints
1664            % pool and abort
1665            cplex_reset_cutpool_size(CPH, NRows, NNzs),
1666            printf(error, "Eplex error: trying to post cutpool constraints"
1667                   " that contain new variables in %w.%n",
1668                   [lp_add_cutpool_constraints(Handle, Cstrs, Opts, Idxs)]),
1669            abort
1670        ).
1673normalise_and_check_linear_nonground(Cstrs, NormCs, PredCall) :-
1674        ( normalise_cstrs(Cstrs, NormCs, NonLins) -> true ;
1675            printf(error, "Eplex error: unknown constraint in %w:%n%w%n", [PredCall,Cstrs]),
1676	    abort
1677	),
1678	( NonLins = [Example|_] ->
1679            printf(error, "Eplex error: no nonlinear constraints allowed in %w:%n%w%n", [PredCall,Example]),
1680            abort
1681	;
1682	    true
1683	),
1684        % check that there are no ground constraints
1685        ( (foreach(_:[_,_|_], NormCs) do true) -> true ;
1686            printf(error, "Eplex error: no ground constraints allowed in %w:%n%w%n", [PredCall,Cstrs]),
1687	    abort
1688	).
1690all_nonground(NormCs) :-
1691        ( foreach(_:[_,_|_], NormCs) do true ).
1694% Add constraints of any type (linear,sos,idc) to existing Handle
1695lp_add_constraints(_Handle, [], []) :- !.
1696lp_add_constraints(Handle, Cstrs, Ints) :-
1697	( nonvar(Handle), nonvar(Ints), nonvar(Cstrs) -> true ;
1698	     error(4, lp_add_constraints(Handle,Cstrs,Ints)) 
1699	),
1700	normalise_cstrs(Cstrs, NormCs0, NonLins),
1701	!,
1702	% analyse the nonlinear part
1703	(
1704	    foreach(NonLin,NonLins),
1705	    fromto(SOSs,SOSs1,SOSs2,[]),
1706	    fromto(IDCs3,IDCs1,IDCs2,[]),
1707	    fromto(NLs,NLs1,NLs2,[])
1708	do
1709	    ( var(NonLin) ->
1710	    	SOSs1=SOSs2, IDCs1=IDCs2, NLs1 = [NonLin|NLs2]
1711	    ; NonLin = sos1(_) ->
1712	    	SOSs1 = [NonLin|SOSs2], IDCs1=IDCs2, NLs1=NLs2
1713	    ; NonLin = sos2(_) ->
1714	    	SOSs1 = [NonLin|SOSs2], IDCs1=IDCs2, NLs1=NLs2
1715	    ; NonLin = (_=>_), normalise_idc(NonLin, NormIDC) ->
1716	    	SOSs1=SOSs2, IDCs1 = [NormIDC|IDCs2], NLs1=NLs2
1717	    ; SOSs1=SOSs2, IDCs1=IDCs2, NLs1 = [NonLin|NLs2]
1718	    )
1719	),
1720	( NLs = [Example|_] ->
1721	    printf(error, "Unknown or nonlinear constraint in lp_add_constraints/3:%n%w%n", [Example]),
1722	    abort
1723	;
1724	    true
1725	),
1726	% preprocess the indicator constraints (may lead to new linear ones)
1727	(
1728	    foreach(IDC,IDCs3),
1729	    fromto(IDCs,IDCs4,IDCs5,[]),
1730	    fromto(NormCs3,NormCs2,NormCs1,NormCs0)
1731	do
1732	    preprocess_idc(IDC, IDCs4, IDCs5, NormCs2, NormCs1)
1733	),
1734	% preprocess the linear constraints
1735	(
1736	    foreach(Norm0, NormCs3),
1737	    fromto(NormCs,NC0,NC1,[]),
1738	    fromto(BoundCs,BC0,BC1,[])
1739	do
1740	    preprocess_norm_cstr(Norm0, NC0, NC1, BC0, BC1)
1741	),
1742        lp_add_normalised(Handle, NormCs, BoundCs, Ints, SOSs, IDCs, _, OldInts, ChangedCols),
1743	wake_solver_if_needed(Handle, NormCs, OldInts, ChangedCols).
1744lp_add_constraints(Handle, Cstr, Ints) :-
1745	error(5, lp_add_constraints(Handle, Cstr, Ints)).
1748integers(Xs, Pool) :-
1749        catch(extract_vars(Xs, -1.0Inf, 1.0Inf, yes, VarsTail, Vars), abort,
1750              error(5, integers(Xs, Pool))),
1751	store_integers(Vars, VarsTail, Pool).
1753reals(Xs, Pool) :-
1754        catch(extract_vars(Xs, -1.0Inf, 1.0Inf, no, VsTail, Vs), abort,
1755              error(5, reals(Xs, Pool))),
1756        get_pool_item(Pool, Handle),
1757        add_pool_vars(Handle, Pool, Vs, VsTail).
1760add_pool_vars(0, Pool, Xs, Tail) :- !, 
1761% solver instance not yet created
1762        get_typed_pool_constraints(Pool, reals of constraint_type, Tail),
1763        set_typed_pool_constraints(Pool, reals of constraint_type, Xs).
1764add_pool_vars(Handle, _Pool, Xs, []) :-
1765        lp_add_vars(Handle, Xs).
1767lp_add_vars(Handle, Xs) :-
1768        nonvar(Handle),
1769        Handle = prob{solver_id:SId, cplex_handle:CPH,option_vnames:VNames},
1770        filter_and_index_new_vars(Handle, Xs, VarList, _OldXs, OldCols, NAdded),
1771        setup_new_cols(Handle, [], [], [], [], OldCols, NAdded, 0),
1772        cplex_flush_new_rowcols(Handle, 0),
1773	% Technically, variables without constraints do not need to trigger
1774	% a solver, but it would be difficult to add the triggers later...
1775	lp_add_var_triggers(Handle, VarList, NAdded),
1776        load_varnames(VNames, NAdded, CPH, SId, VarList).
1779% Add bound constraints to new or old variables. Lo and Hi are floats.
1780lp_add_vars_interval(Handle, Xs, Lo, Hi) :-
1781        nonvar(Handle),
1782	Handle = prob{solver_id:SId, cplex_handle:CPH,option_vnames:VNames},
1783	filter_and_index_new_vars(Handle, Xs, VarList, OldVs, OldCols, NAdded),
1785	% Add new variables with bounds and names
1786	% (we could pass bounds right here, but would need lists)
1787	setup_new_cols(Handle, [], [], [], [], OldCols, NAdded, 0),
1788	% set bounds on new variables
1789	(
1790	    count(_,1,NAdded),
1791	    fromto(VarList,[X|Xs1],Xs1,_),
1792	    param(SId,CPH,Lo,Hi)
1793	do
1794	    get_unique_var_index(X, SId, J),
1795	    cplex_init_bound(CPH, J, (>=), Lo),
1796	    cplex_init_bound(CPH, J, (=<), Hi)
1797	),
1798	cplex_flush_new_rowcols(Handle, 0),
1799	lp_add_var_triggers(Handle, VarList, NAdded),
1800	load_varnames(VNames, NAdded, CPH, SId, VarList),
1802	% update intervals for old columns
1803	( foreach(X, OldVs), param(Handle, Lo, Hi) do
1804	    get_lp_attr(X, Handle, Attr),
1805	    Attr = eplex{idx: Is},
1806	    lp_impose_col_bounds(Handle, Attr, Is, Lo, Hi)
1807	),
1808	wake.
1811% Constraints with 1 or more variables and Integers are collected in 
1812% constraint pool(s). lp_pending/0 is used to indicate that there might
1813% be pending constraints in the pools.
1814% The auxiliary lp_pending_cleanup/1 delays on 'postponed' and kills
1815% itself and the lp_pending/0 when woken.
1820set_lp_pending :-   % setup lp_pending suspension if needed
1821	get_lp_info(LPInfo),
1822	LPInfo = lp_info{pending:Pending},
1823	(is_suspension(Pending) -> 
1824	     true
1825	;
1826	     make_suspension(lp_pending, 12, NewPending),
1827	     setarg(pending of lp_info, LPInfo, NewPending),
1828	     suspend(lp_pending_cleanup(S), 11, trigger(postponed), S)
1829	).
1831:- demon lp_pending_cleanup/1.
1832lp_pending_cleanup(Susp) :-
1833	recorded(lp_pools, PoolName),
1834	\+ pool_is_empty(PoolName),
1835	!,
1836	% some constraints pending, kill only cleanup's suspension.
1837	kill_suspension(Susp).
1838lp_pending_cleanup(Susp) :-
1839	kill_suspension(Susp),
1840	get_lp_info(lp_info{pending:PSusp}), 
1841	( is_suspension(PSusp) -> kill_suspension(PSusp) ; true ).
1843:- local portray(lp_pending/0, tr_out/2, [goal]).
1844:- export tr_out/2.
1845tr_out(lp_pending, Goals) :-
1846	recorded_list(lp_pools, PoolNames),
1847	(foreach(Pool, PoolNames), fromto(GoalList, GsIn,GsOut, []) do
1848	     get_typed_pool_constraints(Pool, integers of constraint_type, Integers),
1849             get_typed_pool_constraints(Pool, reals of constraint_type, Reals),
1850	     get_typed_pool_constraints(Pool, linear of constraint_type, NormCstrs),
1851	     get_typed_pool_constraints(Pool, sos of constraint_type, SOSs),
1852	     get_typed_pool_constraints(Pool, idc of constraint_type, IDCs),
1853             ( Integers == [] -> GsIn=Gs0 ; GsIn=[Pool:integers(Integers)|Gs0]),
1854	     ( Reals == [] -> Gs0=Gs1 ; Gs0=[Pool:reals(Reals)|Gs1]),
1855	     ( foreach(SOS,SOSs), fromto(Gs1,[Goal|Goal1],Goal1,Gs2), param(Pool) do
1856		    Goal = Pool:SOS
1857	     ),
1858	     ( foreach(IDC,IDCs), fromto(Gs2,[Goal|Goal1],Goal1,Gs3), param(Pool) do
1859		    Goal = Pool:IDC
1860	     ),
1861	     ( foreach(NormCstr,NormCstrs), fromto(Gs3,[Goal|Goal1],Goal1,GsOut), param(Pool) do
1862		    denormalise_cstr(NormCstr, Cstr),
1863		    Goal = Pool:Cstr
1864	     )
1865	),
1866	(fromto(GoalList, [Goal|GL0],GL0, [LastGoal]), 
1867	 fromto(Goals, (Goal,Goals0),Goals0, LastGoal) do true
1868	).
1871% collect variables declared by reals/1
1872collect_reals(Vars) :-
1873	collect_typed_pool_constraints(eplex, reals of constraint_type, Vars).
1875collect_integers(Integers) :-
1876	collect_typed_pool_constraints(eplex, integers of constraint_type, Integers).
1878store_integers(NewIntegers, Tail, Pool) :-
1879        (get_pool_handle(Handle, Pool) -> 
1880             % if there is a solver store the integer constraint
1881             Tail = [],
1882	     lp_add_normalised(Handle, [], [], NewIntegers, [], [], _, OldInts, _BdChgs),
1884             Handle = prob{suspension:Susp, nc_trigger: NCTrigger},
1885	     % wake demon if a old variable is made integer
1886	     % and new_constraint trigger condition is defined
1887	     ( OldInts \== [], NCTrigger == yes ->
1888		    schedule_suspensions(1, s([Susp])),
1889		    wake
1890	     ;
1891		    true
1892	     )
1893        ;
1894	     set_lp_pending,
1895             get_typed_pool_constraints(Pool, integers of constraint_type, OldIntegers),
1896             set_typed_pool_constraints(Pool, integers of constraint_type, NewIntegers),
1897             Tail = OldIntegers
1898        ).
1900collect_lp_constraints_norm(CstrsNorm) :-
1901	collect_typed_pool_constraints(eplex, linear of constraint_type, CstrsNorm).
1905% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1906% The black-box solver
1907% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1909optimize_body(OptExpr, ObjVal, Caller) :-
1910	optimize_body(OptExpr, [], ObjVal, Caller).
1912optimize_body(OptExpr, Options, ObjVal, Caller) :-
1913	get_pool_item(eplex, 0),	% may fail
1914	!,
1915	collect_lp_constraints_norm(Cstr),
1916	collect_integers(Ints),
1917	lp_setup_body(Cstr, OptExpr, [integers(Ints)|Options], Handle, Caller),
1918%	lp_write(Handle, lp, 'eplex_lastprob'),
1919	lp_solve(Handle, ObjVal),
1920	lp_get(Handle, vars, VArr),
1921	lp_get(Handle, typed_solution, SolutionVector),
1922	VArr = SolutionVector,			% do the bindings
1923	lp_cleanup(Handle).
1924optimize_body(OptExpr, _Options, ObjVal, _) :-
1925	printf(error, "Eplex error: instance 'eplex' already has an associated solver in %w%n",
1926	    [optimize(OptExpr, ObjVal)]),
1927	abort.
1930% for the manual:
1931optimize(OptExpr, ObjVal) :-
1932	eplex:eplex_solver_setup(OptExpr),
1933	eplex:eplex_solve(ObjVal),
1934	eplex:eplex_get(vars, VArr),
1935	eplex:eplex_get(typed_solution, SolutionVector),
1936	VArr = SolutionVector,			% do the bindings
1937	eplex:eplex_cleanup.
1940% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1941% Invoking the LP-solver as a demon
1942% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1943:- local struct(demon_opts(collect_from,initial_solve,priority)).
1946:- tool(eplex_solver_setup_cbody/6, eplex_solver_setup_body/7). % compatibility
1947eplex_solver_setup_body(OptExpr, Cost, Options, Prio, TriggerModes, Pool, CallerModule) :-
1948        eplex_solver_setup_body(OptExpr, Cost, [priority(Prio)|Options],
1949                                TriggerModes, Pool, CallerModule).
1952:- tool(eplex_solver_setup_cbody/5, eplex_solver_setup_body/6).
1953eplex_solver_setup_body(OptExpr, Cost, Options, TriggerModes, Pool, CallerModule) :-
1954	lp_demon_setup_body(OptExpr, Cost, [collect_from(pool(Pool))|Options], TriggerModes, _Handle, CallerModule).
1956:- tool(eplex_solver_setup/2, eplex_solver_setup/3).
1957eplex_solver_setup(OptExpr, Pool, CallerModule) :-
1958	lp_demon_setup_body(OptExpr, _Cost, [priority(0),collect_from(pool(Pool))], [], _Handle, CallerModule).
1961% compatibility 
1962lp_demon_setup_body(OptExpr, Cost, Options, Prio, TriggerModes, Handle, CallerModule) :-
1963        lp_demon_setup_body(OptExpr, Cost, [priority(Prio)|Options], 
1964                            TriggerModes, Handle, CallerModule).
1966lp_demon_setup_body(OptExpr, Cost, Options0, TriggerModes, Handle, CallerModule) :-
1967	set_default_demon_options(DemonOptions, TriggerModes),
1968	clean_options(Options0, Options, DemonOptions),
1969	DemonOptions = demon_opts{collect_from:CollectCstrs,priority:Prio,
1970					initial_solve:InitSolve},
1971	(CollectCstrs = pool(Pool) ->
1972	     % Pool should not already have an associated solver
1973             pool_has_no_solver(Pool),
1974	     collect_typed_pool_constraints(Pool, linear of constraint_type, Cstr),
1975	     collect_typed_pool_constraints(Pool, integers of constraint_type, Ints),
1976             collect_typed_pool_constraints(Pool, reals of constraint_type, PVars),
1977             collect_typed_pool_constraints(Pool, sos of constraint_type, SOSs),
1978             collect_typed_pool_constraints(Pool, idc of constraint_type, IDCs)
1979        ;
1980	     Ints = [], Cstr = [], PVars = [], SOSs = [], IDCs = []
1981	),
1982	append(SOSs, Options, SOSsOptions),
1983	lp_setup_body(Cstr, OptExpr, [reals(PVars),integers(Ints)|SOSsOptions], 
1984                      Handle, CallerModule),
1985	% indicator constraints not accepted by lp_setup, add now
1986	lp_add_constraints(Handle, IDCs, []),
1988        % associate solver with pool (must be done after lp_setup)
1989	(CollectCstrs = pool(Pool) -> lp_pool_associate_solver(Pool, Handle) ; true),
1991        % rearranged code so that various initialisations are still done
1992        % with TriggerModes = [] as PostGoal must be initialised for
1993        % any initial solving 
1994        Handle = prob{vars:VList,suspension:Susp},
1995        (TriggerModes \== [] ->
1996             (cannot_impose_bound(Cost) ->
1997                  event(lp_obj_nobounds_warning)
1998             ;
1999                  true
2000             ),
2002             make_suspension(lp_demon(Handle, Cost, PreGoal, PostGoal, CallerModule), Prio, Susp)
2003        ;
2004             % No trigger modes, no need to create the demon!
2005             true
2006        ),
2008        ( global_triggers(TriggerModes, Handle, Susp, PreGoal, PostGoal, [], VarTriggerModes),	
2009          var_triggers(VarTriggerModes, Handle, Susp, VList)
2010        ->
2011            true
2012        ;
2013            printf(error, "Eplex error: invalid trigger conditions"
2014                   " specified while setting up problem:%w%n", [TriggerModes]),
2015            abort
2016        ),
2017        setarg(triggermodes of prob, Handle, VarTriggerModes),
2019	!,
2020	(InitSolve == yes ->
2021	     lp_solve(Handle, _LpCost),
2022             post_lp_demon_solve(Handle, Cost, PostGoal, CallerModule)
2023	;
2024	     true
2025	).
2028    :- mode global_triggers(?,+,+,-,-,+,-).
2029    global_triggers(X, _, _, _, _, _, _) :- var(X), !, fail.
2030    global_triggers([], _, _, Pre, Post, VTM, VTM) :- !,
2031    	( Pre=true -> true ; true ),
2032    	( Post=true -> true ; true ).
2033    global_triggers([TM|TMs], H, S, Pre, Post, VTMs0, VTMs) :- !,
2034	global_triggers(TM, H, S, Pre, Post, VTMs0, VTMs1),
2035	global_triggers(TMs, H, S, Pre, Post, VTMs1, VTMs).
2036    global_triggers(new_constraint, H, _, _, _, VTM, VTM) :- !,
2037    	setarg(nc_trigger of prob, H, yes).
2038    global_triggers(pre(Goal), _, _, Goal, _, VTM, VTM) :- !.
2039    global_triggers(post(Goal), _, _, _, Goal, VTM, VTM) :- !.
2040    global_triggers(trigger(Atom), _, S, _, _, VTM, VTM) :- !,
2041	attach_suspensions(Atom, S).
2042    global_triggers(suspension(S), _, S, _, _, VTM, VTM) :- !.
2043    global_triggers(VTM, _, _, _, _, VTMs, [VTM|VTMs]).
2045    var_triggers([], _H, _S, _Vars) ?- true.
2046    var_triggers([TM|TMs], H, S, Vars) ?-
2047	var_triggers(TM, H, S, Vars),
2048	var_triggers(TMs, H, S, Vars).
2049    var_triggers(inst, _H, S, Vars) ?- 
2050	insert_suspension(Vars, S, inst of suspend, suspend).
2051    var_triggers(deviating_inst, H, S, Vars) ?-
2052	(foreach(V, Vars), param(S, H) do
2053	     (var(V) ->
2054		  get_lp_attr(V, H, Attr),
2055		  enter_suspension_list(intol_inst of eplex, Attr, S)
2056	     ;    true
2057	     )
2058	).
2059    var_triggers(bounds, Handle, _S, _Vars) ?-
2060        setarg(bd_trigger of prob, Handle, bounds).
2061    var_triggers(deviating_bounds, Handle, _S, _Vars) ?-
2062        setarg(bd_trigger of prob, Handle, deviating_bounds).
2063    var_triggers(Module:Field, _H, S, Vars) ?-
2064	( atom(Field) ->
2065	    sepia_kernel:tr_of(no_macro_expansion(Field of Module), Index, Module)
2066	;
2067	    integer(Field), Index = Field
2068	),
2069	insert_suspension(Vars, S, Index, Module).
2071    set_default_demon_options(demon_opts{collect_from:pool(eplex),
2072    		initial_solve:InitialSolve, priority:0}, TriggerModes) :-
2073    	( TriggerModes == [] -> InitialSolve = no ; InitialSolve = yes ).
2075:- demon(lp_demon/5).
2076:- set_flag(lp_demon/5, priority, 5).
2077lp_demon(Handle, Cost, PreGoal, PostGoal, CallerModule) :-
2078	( call(PreGoal)@CallerModule ->
2079	    lp_solve(Handle, _LpCost),
2080            post_lp_demon_solve(Handle, Cost, PostGoal, CallerModule)
2081	;
2082	    true
2083	).
2085post_lp_demon_solve(Handle, Cost, PostGoal, CallerModule) :-
2086        call(PostGoal)@CallerModule,
2087        arg(bestbound of prob, Handle, BestBound),
2088        % bestbound is always a valid bestbound on Cost 
2089        ( lp_get(Handle, sense, min) ->
2090            LpBound is BestBound - lp_get(Handle, optimizer_param(feasibility_tol)),
2092            set_var_bounds(Cost, LpBound, 1.0Inf)
2093        ;
2094            LpBound is BestBound + lp_get(Handle, optimizer_param(feasibility_tol)),
2095            set_var_bounds(Cost, -1.0Inf, LpBound)
2096        ),
2097        wake.
2100lp_obj_nobounds_warning :- 
2101        writeln(warning_output, "Warning: Setting up an lp_demon with a cost variable that cannot"),
2102        writeln(warning_output, "have bounds imposed. Consider using a domain variable.").
2104% succeed if the argument cannot have a bound imposed (from branch_and_bound)
2105cannot_impose_bound(X) :- free(X).
2106cannot_impose_bound(X) :- meta(X),
2107	get_var_bounds(X, L, H),
2108	H =:= 1.0Inf,
2109	L =:= -1.0Inf,
2110	% try imposing a bound and check if it worked
2111	call_priority((
2112		set_var_bounds(X, L, 0),
2113		get_var_bounds(X, _, H1),
2114		H1 =:= 1.0Inf
2115	    ), 1).
2121instantiation_deviates(Handle) :-
2122	Handle = prob{vars:VList, sols:OldSolution,
2123				demon_tol_real:RT, demon_tol_int:IT},
2124	not tolerable_inst(VList, OldSolution, _, RT, IT).
2126    tolerable_inst([], _, N, _, _) :- !, N = 0.
2127    tolerable_inst([X|Xs], SArr, N1, RT, IT) :-
2128        tolerable_inst(Xs, SArr, N, RT, IT),
2129        N1 is N + 1,
2130	get_darray_element(SArr, N, S),
2131	tolerable_inst(X, S, RT, IT).
2133    tolerable_inst(X, S, _, IT) :-
2134	integer(X),
2135	X-IT =< S, S =< X+IT.
2136    tolerable_inst(X, S, RT, _) :-
2137	real(X),
2138	X-RT =< S, S =< X+RT.
2139    tolerable_inst(X, _S, _RT, _IT) :-
2140	var(X).
2143solution_out_of_range(Handle) :-
2144	Handle = prob{vars:VList, sols:OldSolution,
2145                      cplex_handle:CPH, 
2146                      demon_tol_real:RT, demon_tol_int:IT},
2147	not tolerable_range(VList, OldSolution, CPH, Handle, _, RT, IT).
2150tolerable_range([], _, _, _, N, _, _) :- !, cplex_matrix_base(N).
2151tolerable_range([X|Xs], SArr, CPH, Handle, N1, RT, IT) :-
2152        tolerable_range(Xs, SArr, CPH, Handle, N, RT, IT),
2153        % cannot rely on getting col. no. from X as it may be non-var 
2154	get_darray_element(SArr, N, S),
2155        lp_var_get_bounds(Handle, X, Min, Max),
2156        N1 is N + 1,
2157	tolerable_range_var(S, Min, Max, CPH, N, RT, IT).
2160% Bounds Min, Max supplied to allow caller of tolerable_range_var to chose
2161% how bounds are obtained
2162tolerable_range_var(S, Min, Max, CPH, I, RT, IT) :-
2163	cplex_get_col_type(CPH, I, TC),
2164        cplex_type_code(T, TC),
2165	( T = integer ->
2166	    Min-IT =< S, S =< Max+IT
2167	;
2168	    Min-RT =< S, S =< Max+RT
2169	).
2172% If Handle has a delayed solver, check 4 waking conditions:
2173% - We have the 'new_constraint' trigger (nc_trigger=yes) and
2174%   not all constraints are satisfied with their current solutions.
2175% - We have the 'new_constraint' trigger (nc_trigger=yes) and
2176%   any variable had its type changed (integrality imposed)
2177% - We have the 'bounds' trigger and any bound changed
2178% - We have the 'deviating_bounds' trigger and any bound change
2179%   excluded the current solution
2180wake_solver_if_needed(Handle, NormCstrs, TypeChangedVars, ChangedCols) :-
2181	Handle = prob{suspension:Susp, nc_trigger:NcTrigger},
2182	(
2183	    is_suspension(Susp),
2184	    (
2185		NcTrigger == yes,
2186		TypeChangedVars = [_|_]
2187	    ;
2188		NcTrigger == yes,
2189		member(Norm, NormCstrs),
2190		\+satisfied_now(Norm, Handle)
2191	    ;
2192		member(I, ChangedCols),
2193		bound_change_requires_scheduling(Handle, I)
2194	    )
2195	->
2196	    schedule_suspensions(1, s([Susp])),
2197	    wake
2198	;
2199	    true
2200	).
2203% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
2204% Preprocessing - treat the trivial constraints:
2205% Check the ground ones, turn single-variable constraints into bound updates.
2206% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
2209preprocess_norm_cstr(NormIn, Linears, Linears0, Bounds, Bounds0) :-
2210	NormIn = Sense:[Cst*_|Lhs],
2211	( Lhs = [] ->			        % ground: check immediately
2212	    satisfied(Sense, Cst),
2213	    Bounds = Bounds0,
2214	    Linears = Linears0
2215	; Lhs = [_C*_X] ->			% single var
2216	    Bounds = [NormIn|Bounds0],
2217	    Linears = Linears0
2218	;				
2219	    Linears = [NormIn|Linears0],
2220	    Bounds = Bounds0
2221	).
2223try_ground_check(NormIn, NormOut) :-
2224	NormIn = Sense:[Cst*_|Lhs],
2225	( Lhs = [] ->			        % ground: check immediately
2226	    satisfied(Sense, Cst)
2227	;				
2228	    NormIn = NormOut
2229	).
2232% Filter out degenerate indicator constraints (Bool 0 or 1)
2233% We do not further check the Bool variable here: must be done later.
2234% May fail if Bool instantiated, but not to 0 or 1 (of any numerical type)
2235preprocess_idc(IDC, IDCs, IDCs0, NormCs, NormCs0) :-
2236	IDC = idc(Cpl,BoolExpr,LinNorm),
2237	( var(BoolExpr) ->
2238	    IDCs = [IDC|IDCs0], NormCs = NormCs0
2239	;
2240	    Bool is BoolExpr,		% evaluate subscripts etc
2241	    ( var(Bool) ->
2242		IDCs = [idc(Cpl,Bool,LinNorm)|IDCs0], NormCs = NormCs0
2243	    ; Bool =:= Cpl ->		% constraint is void
2244		IDCs = IDCs0, NormCs = NormCs0
2245	    ; Bool =:= 1-Cpl ->		% degenerates to plain linear
2246		IDCs = IDCs0, NormCs = [LinNorm|NormCs0]
2247	    ;
2248		fail
2249	    )
2250	).
2253    renormalise_and_check_simple([], [], []).
2254    renormalise_and_check_simple([Sense:Expr|Cstrs], RemCstrs, BdCstrs) :-
2255	linrenorm(Expr, NormExpr0),
2256        preprocess_norm_cstr(Sense:NormExpr0, RemCstrs, RemCstrs1, BdCstrs, BdCstrs1), % may fail
2257	renormalise_and_check_simple(Cstrs, RemCstrs1, BdCstrs1).
2260% Process a list of normalised constraints and turn them into matrix
2261% coefficients (filled into the Cols array) and a list of the right hand sides.
2262% Bounds (single var) constraints are extracted into a separate list.
2263% Ground constraints are checked for consistency and may lead to failure.
2264% We also count the true constraints (rows) and the nonzero coefficients.
2266%process_constraints(+Cstrs, -Rhss, -Bs, +SId, +RowNr0, -RowNr, +NZ0, -NZ, +Colz)
2267process_constraints([], [], [], _, Rows, Rows, NonZeros, NonZeros, _).
2268process_constraints([Cstr|Cstrs], Rhss, Bs, SId, Rows0, Rows, N0, N, Cols) :-
2269	Cstr = Sense:[Cst*_|Lhs],
2270	Rhs is -Cst,
2271	( Lhs = [] ->  % ground: check immediately
2272              Rows1 = Rows0, 
2273              N1 = N0,
2274              Bs1 = Bs,
2275              Rhss1 = Rhss,
2276              satisfied(Sense, Cst)
2277        ; Lhs = [_] ->	% collect bounds constraints for later
2278              Rows1 = Rows0, 
2279              N1 = N0,
2280              Rhss = Rhss1,
2281	      Bs = [Cstr|Bs1]
2282	;
2283              Rows1 is Rows0+1,
2284              add_coeffs(Lhs, Cols, SId, Rows0, N0, N1),
2285              %	writeln(Lhs-Sense-Rhs)
2286              Rhss = [Sense:Rhs|Rhss1],
2287              Bs1 = Bs
2288        ),
2289	process_constraints(Cstrs, Rhss1, Bs1, SId, Rows1, Rows, N1, N, Cols).
2291    satisfied((=<), C) :- C =< 0.
2292    satisfied((>=), C) :- C >= 0.
2293    satisfied((=:=), C) :- C =:= 0.
2295    swap_sense(C, (=<), (>=)) :- C < 0, !.
2296    swap_sense(C, (>=), (=<)) :- C < 0, !.
2297    swap_sense(_, S, S).
2300    add_coeffs([], _, _, _, N, N).
2301    add_coeffs([C*X|More], Cols, SId, Row, N0, N) :-
2302        % if there are merged cols, the coeff C should be put on
2303        % *one* of the columns only
2304        get_first_var_index(X, SId, J),
2305	J1 is J+cplex_matrix_offset,
2306	arg(J1, Cols, Col0),
2307	( var(Col0) -> arg(J1, Cols, [Row:C])
2308	; setarg(J1, Cols, [Row:C|Col0]) ),
2309	N1 is N0+1,
2310	add_coeffs(More, Cols, SId, Row, N1, N).
2313satisfied_now(Sense:Lhs, Handle) :-
2314	eval_lhs(0.0, Handle, Lhs, ValLhs),
2315	satisfied(Sense, ValLhs).
2317    eval_lhs(Cst,_,[],Cst).
2318    eval_lhs(Cst0,H,[C*V|Vs],N) :-
2319	lp_var_solution(H, V, Val),    % can fail if V has no attribute
2320	Cst is Cst0 + C * Val,
2321	eval_lhs(Cst,H,Vs,N).
2323% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
2324% Setup the LP solver
2326% lp_setup - All the constraints are passed explicitly in the list Cstr.
2327%	Also, the variables may have bounds already. The constraints are
2328%	first simplified and converted into coefficients (and possibly
2329%	bound updates). This data is then copied into cplex arrays.
2331%	Accepts normalised linear constraints, and option integers(Ints).
2332%	For backward compatibility, it also accepts sos[12](Xs) options.
2333%	We don't accept indicator constraints, they must be added later.
2334% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
2336:- pragma(noexpand).	% because of compiler bug
2338lp_setup_body(Cstr, OptExpr, Options, Handle, CallerModule) :-
2339	( getval(licence_data, none) ->
2340            writeln(error, "Eplex error: cannot use solver: no license"
2341                    " information available."),
2342            abort
2343        ; var(OptExpr) -> error(4, lp_setup(Cstr, OptExpr, Options, Handle))
2344	; cplex_objsense(OptExpr, Sense, Expr) -> true
2345	; printf(error, "Eplex error: optimisation direction not specified "
2346                 "for objective.%n Should be min(%w) or max(%w)%n",
2347                 [OptExpr,OptExpr]),
2348          error(5, lp_setup(Cstr, OptExpr, Options, Handle))
2349        ),
2351        Handle = prob{vars:Vars, ints:Ints, obj:ObjConst, objsense:Sense, 
2352                      linobj:LinObjFunct, quadobj:QuadObjFunct,
2353                      solver_id:SId, caller_module:CallerModule,
2354                      mr:0, sols:[]},
2355        TempData = temp_prob{sos:[],extra_vars:[],use_copy:1},
2356        % Initialise some fields in the handle...
2357	new_solver_id(SId), 
2358	init_suspension_list(aux_susps of prob, Handle),
2360	catch(process_options(Options, Handle, TempData), % read options
2361               abort, error(6, lp_setup(Cstr, OptExpr, Options, Handle)) 
2362        ),
2363        fill_in_defaults(Handle),
2365	renormalise_cstrs(Cstr, CstrNorm),
2366	quadnorm(Expr, ObjConst, LinObjFunct, QuadObjFunct),	% After propagate!
2367        arg(extra_vars of temp_prob, TempData, ExtraVars),
2368        % Ints extracted from Options: could contain vars not in Cstr
2369        % use the *ObjFunct instead of Expr to avoid large structres
2370        % which may crash term_variables/2 
2371	term_variables([ExtraVars,Ints,LinObjFunct,QuadObjFunct|CstrNorm], Vars),
2373        % setup change_suspension list
2374        init_suspension_list(change_suspensions of prob, Handle),
2375	low_level_setup(Handle, TempData, CstrNorm).
2379new_solver_id(SId) :-
2380	get_lp_info(LPInfo),
2381	LPInfo = lp_info{newid:SId},
2382	SId1 is SId + 1,
2383	setarg(newid of lp_info, LPInfo, SId1).
2386get_lp_info(LPInfo) :-
2387	getval(lp_info, LPInfo0),
2388	(LPInfo0 = lp_info{} -> 
2389	     LPInfo0 = LPInfo 
2390        ; 
2391             LPInfo = lp_info{newid:0,pending:none},
2392             setval(lp_info, LPInfo)
2393	).
2395:- pragma(expand).	% because of compiler bug
2398% Low-level solver setup
2400low_level_setup(Handle, TempData, CstrNorm) :-
2401	Handle = prob{  vars:VarList,	        % in
2402			ints:Ints,		% in
2403			linobj:LinObjFunct,	% in
2404			quadobj:QuadObjFunct,	% in
2405			objsense:Sense,		% in
2406			presolve:PreSolve,	% in
2407                        option_vnames:VNames,   % in 
2408			solver_id:SId,          % in
2409			objcoeffs:ObjCoeffs,		% out
2410			qobjcoeffs:QuadObjCoeffs	% out
2411		},
2412        TempData = temp_prob{use_copy:UseCopy,sos:SOSs},
2414        % convert constraints into matrix coefficients and rhs
2415        cplex_matrix_base(MBase), % starting column number
2416        set_var_indices(VarList, Handle, MBase, _, Cols),
2417        functor(ColCoeffs, '', Cols),
2418        process_constraints(CstrNorm, Rhs, BdCstrs, SId, MBase, Rows, 0, NonZeros, ColCoeffs),
2419        get_flag(tmp_dir, TDir),
2420        os_file_name(TDir,OSTDir),
2421        % solver setup, will cleanup on failure
2422        cplex_prob_init(PreSolve, UseCopy, Rows, Cols, NonZeros, OSTDir,
2423                        Sense, Handle),
2424        arg(cplex_handle of prob, Handle, CPH),	% after cplex_prob_init
2425	set_initial_bounds(CPH, SId, BdCstrs),	% may fail
2426        obj_coeffs(LinObjFunct, SId, ObjCoeffs),
2427        set_obj_coeffs(CPH, ObjCoeffs),
2428        qobj_coeffs(QuadObjFunct, SId, QuadObjCoeffs),
2429        set_qobj_coeffs(CPH, QuadObjCoeffs),
2430        set_rhs(CPH, Rhs, 0),
2431        set_type_integer(CPH, SId, Ints),	% may change prob type to MIP
2432        set_mat(CPH, ColCoeffs, 0, 0, Cols),
2433        set_sos(Handle, SOSs),			% may change prob type to MIP
2434        cplex_loadprob(CPH),
2435        load_varnames(VNames, Cols, CPH, SId, VarList).
2438% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
2439% Adding constraints and variables
2440% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
2442lp_add(Handle, Cstr, Integers) :-
2443        (var(Handle) ; var(Cstr) ; var(Integers)),  !, 
2444        error(4, lp_add(Handle, Cstr, Integers)).
2445lp_add(Handle, Cstr, Integers) :-
2446	renormalise_and_check_simple(Cstr, CstrNorm, BdCstrs),
2447        lp_add_normalised(Handle, CstrNorm, BdCstrs, Integers, [], [], _RowIdxs, _TypeChgs, _BdChgs).
2448	% don't wake here (as documented - but why?)
2451lp_add_var_triggers(Handle, AllVarsNewFirst, NAdded) :-
2452	nonvar(Handle), Handle = prob{suspension:Susp, triggermodes:VarTriggerModes},
2453	( var(Susp) ->
2454	    true
2455	; VarTriggerModes = [] ->
2456	    true
2457	;
2458	    ( count(_,1,NAdded), fromto(AllVarsNewFirst,[X|Xs],Xs,_), foreach(X,NewVars) do
2459		true
2460	    ),
2461	    var_triggers(VarTriggerModes, Handle, Susp, NewVars)
2462	).
2465% This is the core predicate for adding constraints.
2466% It will add CstrNorm as proper rows (without further checking
2467% or simplification, even when they are ground or single-variable).
2468% The single-variable BdCstrs will be added as bound updates.
2469% Integers will be added as integrality constraints.
2470% All of {CstrNorm,BdCstrs,Integers} may contain new variables.
2471% Returns indices of added rows, new variables, and a list of
2472% old variables that had integrality imposed.
2473% No waking is done here (but the necessary information is returned).
2474% New variables get row indices, but no suspensions.
2476% lp_add_normalised(+Handle,+CstrNorm,+BdCstrs,+Integers,+SOSs,+IDCs,-RowIdxs,-TypeChanges,-ChangedCols)
2477lp_add_normalised(Handle, CstrNorm, BdCstrs, Integers, SOSs, IDCs, RowIdxs, TypeChanges, ChangedCols) :-
2478	Handle = prob{cplex_handle:CPH, solver_id:SId, 
2479		     ints:ExistingInts,option_vnames:VNames},
2481	% Split single-var constraints into new and old var ones
2482	% this must be done before new vars are given indices!
2483	filter_new_vars(SId, Integers, NewIntegers, TypeChanges),
2484	filter_new_vars_bc(SId, BdCstrs, NewBCs, OldBCs),
2485	% make a list that contains at least all new variables
2486        term_variables([](CstrNorm,NewBCs,NewIntegers,SOSs,IDCs), Vars),
2487	% give indices to the new variables (OldCols..OldCols+AddedCols-1)
2488	% Varlist will start with AddedCols new variables
2489	filter_and_index_new_vars(Handle, Vars, VarList, _, OldCols, AddedCols),
2491	% destroy saved basis, if necessary
2492	( AddedCols == 0, CstrNorm == [] -> true ;
2493	    clear_result(Handle, cbase of prob),
2494	    clear_result(Handle, rbase of prob)
2495	),
2497	% allocate and initialise buffer arrays (for columns)
2498	setup_new_cols(Handle, [], [], [], [], OldCols, AddedCols, 0),
2499	% set bounds on new variables
2500	set_initial_bounds(CPH, SId, NewBCs),	% may fail
2502	% update bounds on old variables
2503	update_bounds(Handle, OldBCs, ChangedCols),	% may fail
2505	( Integers == [] -> true ;
2506	    % we need to change problem type first before adding
2507	    % integers; as cplex_init_type/3 also sets the
2508	    % problem type to MIP (non-backtrackably)
2509	    cplex_change_lp_to_mip(Handle),	% backtrackable
2511	    % set integer type on new variables
2512	    set_type_integer(CPH, SId, NewIntegers),
2514	    % change old variables to integers
2515	   (foreach(Old, TypeChanges), param(Handle,CPH,SId),
2516	    % OldIntegers1: existing prob. vars. which were not
2517	    % of type integer already
2518	    fromto([], OldInts0,OldInts1, OldIntegers1) do
2519		get_var_index(Old, SId, Is),	% must exist
2520		Is = [FirstI|_],
2521		cplex_get_col_type(CPH, FirstI, OldTypeCode),
2522		cplex_get_col_bounds(CPH, FirstI, Lo, Hi),
2523		cplex_type_code(OldType, OldTypeCode),
2524		(OldType \== integer -> 
2525		     OldInts1 = [Old|OldInts0],
2526		     type_to_cplex_type(integer, Lo, Hi, TypeCode),
2527		     (foreach(I, Is), param(Handle,TypeCode) do
2528			 cplex_change_col_type(Handle, I, TypeCode)	% backtrackable
2529		     )
2530		;
2531		     OldInts1 = OldInts0 
2532		)
2533	   ),
2534	   append(NewIntegers, ExistingInts, AllIntegers0),
2535	   append(OldIntegers1, AllIntegers0, AllIntegers),
2536	   setarg(ints of prob, Handle, AllIntegers)
2537	),
2539	% new constraints and number of new variables
2540	setup_new_rows(CPH, SId, 0, _, CstrNorm, RowIdxs),
2541	cplex_flush_new_rowcols(Handle, 0),
2543	% flush SOSs after new columns
2544	( SOSs == [] -> true ;
2545	    cplex_change_lp_to_mip(Handle),	% backtrackable
2546	    set_sos(Handle, SOSs),
2547	    cplex_flush_sos(Handle)
2548	),
2549	( IDCs == [] -> true ;
2550	    cplex_change_lp_to_mip(Handle),	% backtrackable
2551	    setup_new_idcs(Handle, IDCs),
2552	    cplex_flush_idcs(Handle)
2553	),
2554	load_varnames(VNames, AddedCols, CPH, SId, VarList),
2555	lp_add_var_triggers(Handle, VarList, AddedCols).
2558    % Split var list into new and old (known by solver SId) variables
2559    :- mode filter_new_vars(+,+,-,-).
2560    filter_new_vars(_, [], [], []).
2561    filter_new_vars(SId, [X|Xs], NewXs, OldXs) :-
2562	( get_var_index(X, SId, _) ->
2563	    OldXs = [X|OldXs0],
2564	    filter_new_vars(SId, Xs, NewXs, OldXs0)
2565	;
2566	    NewXs = [X|NewXs0],
2567	    filter_new_vars(SId, Xs, NewXs0, OldXs)
2568	).
2570    % Split bound-constraint list into new and old (known by solver SId)
2571    :- mode filter_new_vars_bc(+,+,-,-).
2572    filter_new_vars_bc(_, [], [], []).
2573    filter_new_vars_bc(SId, [BC|BCs], NewBCs, OldBCs) ?-
2574	BC = _Sense:[_Rhs,_C*X],
2575	( get_var_index(X, SId, _) ->
2576	    OldBCs = [BC|OldBCs0],
2577	    filter_new_vars_bc(SId, BCs, NewBCs, OldBCs0)
2578	;
2579	    NewBCs = [BC|NewBCs0],
2580	    filter_new_vars_bc(SId, BCs, NewBCs0, OldBCs)
2581	).
2583% filter_and_index_new_vars(+Handle, +Xs, -NewVarList, -OldXs, -Index, -NAdded)
2584%   separate the variables in Xs into new and old variables (OldXs). Index
2585%   the new variables and add them (in reverse order) to the Handle's 
2586%   variable list (NewVarList). NAdded is the number of added variables;
2587%   Index is the start index of the added variables (original number of cols)
2588filter_and_index_new_vars(Handle, Xs, VarList, OldXs, I0, NAdded) :-
2589        Handle = prob{vars:VarList0, cplex_handle:CPH, solver_id:SId},
2590        cplex_get_prob_param(CPH, 1, I0),
2591        ( foreach(X, Xs), fromto(I0, I1,I2, I),
2592          fromto(VarList0, NewXs0,NewXs1, VarList),
2593          fromto(OldXs, OldXs1,OldXs0, []),
2594          param(SId), param(Handle) do
2595              ( get_var_index(X, SId, _) ->
2596                    % old variable
2597                    NewXs0 = NewXs1,
2598                    I1 = I2,
2599                    OldXs1 = [X|OldXs0]
2600              ; var(X) ->
2601                    % new variable
2602                    set_var_index(X, Handle, I1), 
2603                    NewXs1 = [X|NewXs0],
2604                    I2 is I1 + 1,
2605                    OldXs1 = OldXs0
2606              ; number(X),
2607                    % ignore
2608                    NewXs0 = NewXs1,
2609                    I1 = I2,
2610                    OldXs1 = OldXs0
2611              )
2612        ),
2613        NAdded is I - I0,
2614        setarg(vars of prob, Handle, VarList).
2616% setup_new_rows(+CPH, +SId, +CType, +MaxIdx, +CstrNorm, -RowIdxs)
2617% setup new constraints (rows in matrix) of type CType (normal,
2618% unconditional + conditional cutpools) and return their row indices
2619% MaxIdx is used to test if the variables are `original' problem variables
2620% (for cutpools only)
2621setup_new_rows(_CPH, _SId, _CType, _MaxIdx, [], []).
2622setup_new_rows(CPH, SId, CType, MaxIdx, [Cstr|Cstrs], [Idx|Idxs]) :-
2623	Cstr = Sense:[Cst*_|Lhs],
2624	Rhs is -Cst,
2625	cplex_new_row(CPH, Sense, Rhs, CType, Idx0),
2626        rawidx_cstridx(CType, Idx0, Idx),
2627	add_row_coeffs(CPH, SId, CType, MaxIdx, Lhs),
2628	setup_new_rows(CPH, SId, CType, MaxIdx, Cstrs, Idxs).
2630    add_row_coeffs(_CPH, _SId, _CType, _MaxIdx, []).
2631    add_row_coeffs(CPH, SId, CType, MaxIdx, [C*X|CXs]) :-
2632        get_valid_var_index(CType, MaxIdx, X, SId, J),
2633	cplex_add_coeff(CPH, J, C, CType),
2634	add_row_coeffs(CPH, SId, CType, MaxIdx, CXs).
2636    get_valid_var_index(0, _, X, SId, J) :- !, /* normal constraints */
2637        % if there are merged cols, the coeff C should be put on
2638        % *one* of the columns only
2639	get_first_var_index(X, SId, J).
2640    get_valid_var_index(_CType, MaxIdx, X, SId, J) :- /* global cut pool */
2641        get_var_index(X, SId, Js),
2642        % fails if X is not an original problem variable -- need to check
2643        % all merged column indices. Return in J a valid original index
2644        check_original_index(Js, MaxIdx, J).
2646    check_original_index([J|Js], MaxIdx, J0) ?-
2647        /* < MaxIdx: MaxIdx is actual maximum used index + 1 */
2648        (J < MaxIdx -> J0 = J ; check_original_index(Js, MaxIdx, J0)).
2651setup_new_idcs(Handle, IDCs) :-
2652	Handle = prob{cplex_handle:CPH,solver_id:SId},
2653	% Set up indcator row data (similar to setup_new_rows)
2654	( foreach(idc(Cpl,Bool,Cstr),IDCs), param(CPH,SId) do
2655	    Cstr = Sense:[Cst*_|Lhs],
2656	    Rhs is -Cst,
2657	    CType = 0,
2658	    get_first_var_index(Bool, SId, J),
2659	    cplex_new_row_idc(CPH, Sense, Rhs, Cpl, J),
2660	    add_row_coeffs(CPH, SId, CType, _MaxIdx, Lhs)
2661	).
2664% added by AE 25/10/02
2665% this is for adding rows whose index in the external
2666% solver we want to know for sure - when we get duals
2667% in colgen we really have to know we are getting the right
2668% ones associated with the sp cost function vars
2670lp_add_indexed(Handle, Cstr, Ints, Indices) :-
2671        (var(Handle) ; var(Cstr) ; var(Ints)), !,
2672        error(4, lp_add_indexed(Handle, Cstr, Ints, Indices)).
2673lp_add_indexed(Handle, Cstr, Ints, Indices) :-
2674	lp_add_normalised(Handle, Cstr, [], Ints, [], [], Indices, _, _).
2677/*  Added by AE 22/10/02
2678 *  VarCols should now be a list of [Var:Col]s, where Col is a list of 
2679 *  RowIdx:Value pairs. For the first element, RowIdx can be obj (objective)
2680 */
2681lp_add_columns(Handle, VarCols) :-
2682        ((nonvar(Handle), nonvar(VarCols)) -> true 
2683        ; error(4, lp_add_columns(Handle, VarCols))),
2684        Handle = prob{cbase:CBase,
2685                      cplex_handle:CPH, solver_id:SId,
2686                      vars:Vars0, objcoeffs:ObjCoeffs0, option_vnames:VNames,
2687                      pool: Pool, suspension:S},
2688        ((is_suspension(S) ; nonvar(Pool)) ->
2689             printf(error, "Eplex error: problem cannot be modified by %w "
2690                    "(has trigger conditions or is an eplex instance).%n",
2691                    [lp_add_columns(Handle, VarCols)]),
2692             abort
2693        ;
2694             true
2695        ),
2696        cplex_get_prob_param(CPH, 1,NCols0),
2697        (
2698            foreach(Var:Col0, VarCols),
2699	    foreach(Obj, NewObjCoeffs),
2700            foreach(Lo, NewLos),
2701            foreach(Hi, NewHis),
2702	    foreach(Col, NewColCoeffs),
2703            fromto(Vars0, Vs,[Var|Vs], Vars1),
2704            fromto(ObjCoeffs0, OCs0, OCs1, ObjCoeffs),
2705            fromto(0, NZ0,NZ1, NonZeros),
2706            fromto(NCols0, I0,I1, NCols),
2707            param(SId, Handle, VarCols)
2708        do
2709            ( get_var_index(Var, SId, _) ->
2710                  printf(error, "Eplex error: adding existing variable %w"
2711                         " in%n", [Var]),
2712                  error(5, lp_add_columns(Handle, VarCols))
2713            ;
2714                  (Col0 = [obj:Obj|Col1] -> true ; Obj = 0.0, Col0 = Col1),
2715                  (Col1 = [lo:Lo, hi:Hi|Col] -> true ; Lo = -1.0Inf, Hi = 1.0Inf, Col1 = Col ),
2716                  set_var_index(Var, Handle, I0),
2717                  (Obj =\= 0 -> OCs1 = [I0:Obj|OCs0] ; OCs1 = OCs0),
2718                  I1 is I0 + 1,
2719                  NZ1 is NZ0 + length(Col)
2720            )
2721        ),
2722        AddedCols is NCols - NCols0,
2723        setarg(vars of prob, Handle, Vars1),
2724        setarg(objcoeffs of prob, Handle, ObjCoeffs),
2725        setup_new_cols(Handle, NewObjCoeffs, NewLos, NewHis, NewColCoeffs, NCols0, AddedCols, NonZeros),
2726        cplex_flush_new_rowcols(Handle, 1),
2727        load_varnames(VNames, AddedCols, CPH, SId, Vars1),
2728        ( array(CBase) ->
2729              extend_array(CBase, AddedCols, NewLos, NewHis, NewCBase),
2730              setarg(cbase of prob, Handle, NewCBase)
2731        ;
2732              true
2733        ).
2736% setup_new_cols(+Handle, +NewObjCoeffs, +NewLos, +NewHis, +NewColCoeffs, 
2737%                +OldCols, +AddedCols, +NonZeros)
2738%  setups the buffer arrays for the new columns. The new variables have
2739%  already been indexed and added to the Handle.
2740%    NewObjCoeffs, NewLos, NewHis, NewColCoeffs are either all nil or
2741%    length AddedCols 
2742%    NonZeros must correspond to the number of coeffs in NewColCoeffs 
2743%    (i.e. length of flattened NewColCoeffs)
2744setup_new_cols(Handle, NewObjCoeffs, NewLos, NewHis, NewColCoeffs, OldCols, AddedCols, NonZeros) :-
2745        Handle = prob{cplex_handle:CPH},
2747        (AddedCols > 0 ->
2748             clear_result(Handle, cbase of prob)
2749        ;
2750             true
2751        ),
2752        % allocate the buffer arrays
2753        cplex_set_new_cols(CPH, AddedCols, NewObjCoeffs, NewLos, NewHis, NonZeros),
2754        % fill the buffer arrays
2755        (foreach(ColCs, NewColCoeffs), 
2756         count(I, OldCols, _), 
2757         fromto(0, K0,K3, _NonZeros), 
2758         param(CPH) do
2759             (foreach(J:C, ColCs), fromto(K0, K1,K2, K3), param(CPH) do
2760                  cplex_set_matval(CPH, K1, J, C),
2761                  K2 is K1 + 1
2762             ),
2763             cplex_set_matbeg(CPH, I, K0, K3)
2764        ).
2767    extend_array(Array, Added, NewLos, NewHis, ExtendedArray) :-
2768        create_extended_iarray(Array, Added, ExtendedArray),
2769        copy_extended_column_basis(Array, NewLos, NewHis, ExtendedArray).
2771    extend_primal_arrays(OldBase, OldSol, OldDjs, AddedCols,
2772                         ExtendedBase, ExtendedSol, ExtendedDjs) :-
2773        create_extended_iarray(OldBase, AddedCols, ExtendedBase),
2774        create_extended_darray(OldSol, AddedCols, ExtendedSol),
2775        create_extended_darray(OldDjs, AddedCols, ExtendedDjs),
2776        copy_extended_arrays(OldBase, OldSol, OldDjs,
2777                             ExtendedBase, ExtendedSol, ExtendedDjs).
2779% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
2780% Solving
2781% lp_solve - cplex optimisation is invoked. When it finds a
2782%	solution, succeed, return cost and store solution in handle.
2783% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
2785eplex_solve(Result, Pool) :-
2786	get_pool_handle(Handle, Pool), 
2787	!,
2788	lp_solve(Handle, Result).
2789eplex_solve(Result, Pool) :-
2790	printf(error, "Eplex instance %w has no associated solver.%n", [Pool]),
2791	error(5, eplex_solve(Result)).
2793lp_solve(Handle, ObjVal) :- var(Handle), !,
2794        error(4, lp_solve(Handle, ObjVal)).
2795lp_solve(Handle, ObjVal) :-
2796	Handle = prob{vars:VList,cplex_handle:CPH, timeout:TO,
2797                      option_dump:DumpOpt, sync_bounds:SyncBounds,
2798                      option_mipstart:MipStartOpt,
2799                      method:M, aux_method:AM, 
2800                      node_method:NM, node_aux_method:NAM,
2801                      obj:ObjConst,cbase:CBase,rbase:RBase,
2802                      iis_rows:IISRows},
2803        cplex_get_prob_param(CPH, 10, ProbState),
2804        ( ProbState = 0 ->			% DESCR_EMPTY
2805            printf(error, "Eplex error: no problem loaded in %w.%n",
2806                   [lp_solve(Handle, ObjVal)]),
2807            abort
2808        ; sync_bounds_mat(SyncBounds, VList, Handle, CPH)
2809        ),
2810        ( array(CBase) ->			% use basis if available
2811%	    writeln(log_output, 'loading basis'),
2812            cplex_loadbase(CPH, CBase, RBase)
2813        ;
2814            true
2815        ),
2816        ( nonvar(IISRows) ->
2817            /* have a previous iis result from failure, clear it */
2818            clear_result(Handle, iis_rows of prob),
2819            clear_result(Handle, iis_cols of prob),
2820            clear_result(Handle, iis_colstats of prob)
2821        ;
2822            true
2823        ),
2825        cplex_optimise(Handle, m(M,AM,NM,NAM), TO, DumpOpt, MipStartOpt,
2826		sols of prob, Result, Stat, Worst, Best), 
2827        set_lp_handle_value(Handle, status of prob, Stat),
2828        BestBound is ObjConst + Best,
2829        WorstBound is ObjConst + Worst,
2830        set_lp_handle_value(Handle, worstbound of prob, WorstBound),
2831        set_lp_handle_value(Handle, bestbound of prob, BestBound),
2832        cplex_get_prob_param(CPH, 0, MRows),
2833        set_lp_handle_value(Handle, mr of prob, MRows),
2834/*        cplex_get_prob_param(CPH, 16, NCP),
2835        set_lp_handle_value(Handle, ncpr of prob, NCP),
2837        cplex_get_prob_param(CPH, 18, NAct),
2838        set_lp_handle_value(Handle, occpr of prob, NAct),
2840        consider_status(Result, Handle, ObjVal).
2843set_lp_handle_value(Handle, ArgPos, New) :-
2844        arg(ArgPos, Handle, Old),
2845        ( var(Old) -> Old = New
2846        ; setarg(ArgPos, Handle, New)).
2848    % Note: redundant cuts here because of compiler indexing problem
2849    :- mode consider_status(++,+,?).
2850    consider_status(2, Handle, ObjVal) :- !,
2851        Handle = prob{cplex_handle:CPH,obj:ObjConst},
2852	ObjVal is ObjConst + cplex_get_objval(CPH),	% DESCR_SOLVED_SOL
2853        set_lp_handle_value(Handle, cost of prob, ObjVal),
2854        % Schedule variable suspensions
2855        schedule_suspensions(change_suspensions of prob, Handle),
2856        wake.
2858    consider_status(3, Handle, _) :- !,			% DESCR_SOLVED_NOSOL
2859        Handle = prob{infeash:G,caller_module:Caller},
2860        set_lp_handle_value(Handle, cost of prob, _), % not known!
2861        (nonvar(G) ->
2862             call(G)@Caller
2863        ;
2864             error(eplex_infeasible, lp_solve(Handle, _ObjVal))
2865        ).
2867    consider_status(4, Handle, ObjVal) :- !,		% DESCR_ABORTED_SOL
2868    	Handle = prob{cplex_handle:CPH,obj:ObjConst,
2869                      subopth:G,caller_module:Caller},
2870	ObjVal is ObjConst + cplex_get_objval(CPH),
2871        % set the cost etc. in the handle *before* the handler G is called
2872        % so that the handler can get at the cost, best/worst bounds etc.
2873        set_lp_handle_value(Handle, cost of prob, ObjVal),
2874        schedule_suspensions(change_suspensions of prob, Handle),
2875        (nonvar(G) ->
2876             call(G)@Caller
2877        ;
2878             error(eplex_suboptimal, lp_solve(Handle, ObjVal))
2879        ).
2881    consider_status(6, Handle, ObjVal) :- !,		% DESCR_UNBOUNDED_NOSOL
2882    	Handle = prob{objsense:Sense,unboundh:G,caller_module:Caller},
2883	( cplex_objsense(min, Sense) -> ObjVal = -1.0Inf ; ObjVal = 1.0Inf ),
2884        set_lp_handle_value(Handle, cost of prob, ObjVal),
2885        (nonvar(G) ->
2886             call(G)@Caller
2887        ;
2888             error(eplex_unbounded, lp_solve(Handle, ObjVal))
2889        ).
2891    consider_status(7, Handle, ObjVal) :- !,		% DESCR_UNKNOWN_NOSOL
2892    	Handle = prob{unkh:G,caller_module:Caller},
2893        set_lp_handle_value(Handle, cost of prob, _), % not known!
2894        (nonvar(G) ->
2895             call(G)@Caller
2896        ;
2897             error(eplex_unknown, lp_solve(Handle, ObjVal))
2898        ).
2900    consider_status(5, Handle, ObjVal) :-		% DESCR_ABORTED_NOSOL
2901    	Handle = prob{aborth:G,caller_module:Caller},
2902        set_lp_handle_value(Handle, cost of prob, _), % not known!
2903        (nonvar(G) ->
2904             call(G)@Caller
2905        ;
2906             error(eplex_abort, lp_solve(Handle, ObjVal))
2907        ).
2910% default behaviour for the unclear results
2912eplex_result_handler(eplex_suboptimal, lp_solve(prob{status:Stat}, _)) :-
2913	printf(warning_output, "event(eplex_suboptimal): Suboptimal solution (optimizer status = %d)%n", [Stat]).
2915eplex_result_handler(eplex_unbounded, lp_solve(prob{status:Stat}, _)) :-
2916	printf(warning_output, "event(eplex_unbounded): Problem unbounded, no solution values! (optimizer status = %d)%n", [Stat]).
2918eplex_result_handler(eplex_unknown, lp_solve(prob{status:Stat}, _)) :-
2919	printf(warning_output, "event(eplex_unknown): Infeasible or unbounded - failing (optimizer status = %d)%n", [Stat]),
2920	fail.
2922eplex_result_handler(eplex_abort, lp_solve(prob{status:Stat}, _)) :-
2923	printf(error, "event(eplex_abort): Optimization aborted (optimizer status = %d)%n", [Stat]),
2924	throw(abort).
2926eplex_result_handler(eplex_infeasible, lp_solve(_,_)) :-
2927        fail.
2929:- set_event_handler(eplex_suboptimal,	eplex_result_handler/2).
2930:- set_event_handler(eplex_unbounded,	eplex_result_handler/2).
2931:- set_event_handler(eplex_unknown,	eplex_result_handler/2).
2932:- set_event_handler(eplex_abort,	eplex_result_handler/2).
2933:- set_event_handler(eplex_infeasible,	eplex_result_handler/2).
2936% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
2937% Run the solver with a temporary altered problem, fail if no bound
2938% can be computed (infeasible or unbounded).
2940% The alternative solution would be to allow problem to be modified
2941% explicitly. But we couldn't allow that with a solver demon because that would
2942% make the cost non-monotonic. So it seems safer to encapsulate probing.
2943% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
2945eplex_probe(ProbeSpec, Result, Pool) :-
2946	get_pool_handle(Handle, Pool), 
2947	!,
2948	lp_probe(Handle, ProbeSpec, Result).
2949eplex_probe(ProbeSpec, Result, Pool) :-
2950	printf(error, "Eplex error: instance %w has no associated"
2951               " solver:%n", [Pool]),
2952        error(5, eplex_probe(ProbeSpec, Result)).
2955lp_probe(Handle, ProbeSpec, Result) :-
2956	( var(ProbeSpec) -> error(4, lp_probe(Handle, ProbeSpec, Result))
2957        ; var(Handle) ->  error(4, lp_probe(Handle, ProbeSpec, Result))
2958	; true
2959        ),
2960        extract_probes(ProbeSpec, Probes, Extracted),
2961        set_probes(Handle, Probes, Extracted, SetProbes),
2962        block_with_probes(lp_solve(Handle, Result), Handle, SetProbes),
2963        unset_probes(Handle, SetProbes).
2965extract_probes(ProbeSpec, Probes, ExtractSorted) :-
2966        ( ProbeSpec = [_|_] ->
2967              ( foreach(Probe, ProbeSpec), param(Probes), 
2968                fromto(Extracted, Extracted0,Extracted1, []) do
2969                    nonvar(Probe), 
2970                    extract_one_probe(Probe, Probes, Extracted0, Extracted1)
2971              )
2972        ;
2973              extract_one_probe(ProbeSpec, Probes, Extracted, [])
2974        ), !,
2975        % Extracted Probes should be done in order of their priorities
2976        sort(2, =<, Extracted, ExtractSorted).
2977extract_probes(ProbeSpec, _, _) :-
2978        printf(error, "Eplex error: incorrect probe specification(s) found"
2979               " in: %w%n", [ProbeSpec]),
2980        abort.
2982    % Extracted is a list of the extracted probe types in the form 
2983    % Type - Prio, where Prio is used to determine the order the
2984    % probe will be set: probes with a lower value for Prio are set 
2985    % first. Currently only two priority levels are used: 1 and 3,
2986    % as the only ordering requirement is that ints probe need to
2987    % be done last, as they can change the problem to the fixed/relaxed
2988    % type that the other probes do not deal with, and also because
2989    % CPLEX does not allow a fixed problem to be changed further.
2990    extract_one_probe(ObjExpr, Probes, Extracted0, Extracted) :-
2991        cplex_objsense(ObjExpr, Sense, Expr),
2992        !,
2993        % we need to do this before the ints probe. Can change problem type
2994        Extracted0 = [obj-1,sense-1|Extracted],
2995        Probes = probes{obj:objexpr(Expr), sense:Sense}.
2996    extract_one_probe(objsense(ObjSense), Probes, Extracted0, Extracted) :-
2997        cplex_objsense(ObjSense, Sense), 
2998        Extracted0 = [sense-1|Extracted],
2999        Probes = probes{sense:Sense}.
3000    extract_one_probe(objexpr(Expr), Probes, Extracted0, Extracted) :-
3001        % we need to do this before the ints probe. Can change problem type
3002        Extracted0 = [obj-1|Extracted],
3003        Probes = probes{obj:objexpr(Expr)}.
3004    extract_one_probe(perturb_obj(Deltas), Probes, Extracted0, Extracted) :-
3005        is_list_or_nil(Deltas),
3006        % linear coeffs only for now -- cannot change problem type
3007        Extracted0 = [obj-1|Extracted],
3008        Probes = probes{obj:objdeltas(Deltas)}.
3009    extract_one_probe(bounds(Bounds), Probes, Extracted0, Extracted) :-
3010        is_list_or_nil(Bounds), 
3011        Extracted0 = [bounds-1|Extracted],
3012        Probes = probes{bounds:Bounds}.
3013    extract_one_probe(fixed, Probes, Extracted0, Extracted) :- 
3014        Probes = probes{ints:fixed},
3015        Extracted0 = [ints-3|Extracted].
3016    extract_one_probe(relaxed, Probes, Extracted0, Extracted) :- 
3017        Probes = probes{ints:relaxed},
3018        Extracted0 = [ints-3|Extracted].
3019    extract_one_probe(rhscoeffs(Rhs), Probes, Extracted0, Extracted) :-
3020        is_list_or_nil(Rhs), 
3021        Probes = probes{rhs:Rhs},
3022        Extracted0 = [rhs-1|Extracted].
3025set_probes(Handle, Probes, Extracted, SetProbes) :-
3026        (foreach(ProbeType - _, Extracted), param(Probes, Handle),
3027         fromto([], Set0,Set1, SetProbes) do
3028               block_with_probes(set_one_probe(ProbeType, Handle, Probes, Set0, Set1),
3029                                 Handle, Set0)
3030        ).
3033block_with_probes(Goal, Handle, SetProbes) :-
3034        ( catch(Goal, Tag,
3035                   ( unset_probes(Handle, SetProbes),
3036                     throw(Tag)
3037                   )
3038               )
3039             ->
3040                 true
3041             ;
3042                 unset_probes(Handle, SetProbes),
3043                 fail
3044        ).
3047set_one_probe(obj, Handle, Probes, Set0, Set1) ?-
3048        Probes = probes{obj:Obj},
3049        set_obj_probe(Handle, Obj, Set0, Set1).
3050set_one_probe(sense, Handle, Probes, Set0, Set1) ?-
3051        Probes = probes{sense:Sense},
3052        set_objsense_probe(Handle, Sense, Set0, Set1).
3053set_one_probe(ints, Handle, Probes, Set0, Set1) ?-
3054        Probes = probes{ints:IntProbe},
3055        set_ints_probe(Handle, IntProbe, Set0, Set1).
3056set_one_probe(rhs, Handle, Probes, Set0, Set1) ?-
3057        Probes = probes{rhs:Rhs},
3058        set_rhs_probe(Handle, Rhs, Set0, Set1).
3059set_one_probe(bounds, Handle, Probes, Set0, Set1) ?-
3060        Probes = probes{bounds:Bounds},
3061        set_bounds_probe(Handle, Bounds, Set0, Set1).
3064set_obj_probe(Handle, objexpr(Expr), Set0, Set1) ?- !,
3065        Handle = prob{cplex_handle:CPH, obj:OldObjConst, solver_id:SId, 
3066                      objcoeffs:OldLinObjCoeffs, qobjcoeffs:OldQuadObjCoeffs},
3068        quadnorm(Expr, NewObjConst, NewLinObj, NewQuadObj),
3070        obj_coeffs(NewLinObj, SId, NewLinObjCoeffs),
3071        qobj_coeffs(NewQuadObj, SId, NewQuadObjCoeffs),
3072        change_objective(CPH, OldLinObjCoeffs, NewLinObjCoeffs, OldQuadObjCoeffs, NewQuadObjCoeffs),
3073        Set1 = [obj(OldObjConst, NewLinObjCoeffs, OldLinObjCoeffs, 
3074                    NewQuadObjCoeffs, OldQuadObjCoeffs)|Set0],
3075        setarg(obj of prob, Handle, NewObjConst).	% needed by lp_solve/2
3076%	lp_get(Handle, objective, TmpObj),
3077%	writeln(TmpObj),
3078set_obj_probe(Handle, objdeltas(ObjDeltas), Set0, Set1) ?- !,
3079        Handle = prob{cplex_handle:CPH,solver_id:SId},
3080        hash_create(Hash),
3081        (foreach(DSpec, ObjDeltas), param(SId,Hash) do
3082            (nonvar(DSpec), DSpec = V:Delta1,
3083             get_first_var_index(V, SId, J), number(Delta1) -> 
3084                true
3085            ;
3086                printf(error, "Eplex error: incorrect probe specification(s)"
3087                       " found for perturb_obj probe: %w%n", [DSpec]),
3088                abort
3089            ),
3090            (hash_get(Hash, J, Delta0) ->
3091                Delta is Delta0 + Delta1  % accumulate the deltas
3092            ;
3093                Delta = Delta1
3094            ),
3095            hash_set(Hash, J, Delta)
3096        ),
3097        hash_list(Hash, Idxs, Deltas),
3098        (foreach(J, Idxs), foreach(Delta, Deltas), param(CPH),
3099         foreach(J:NewC, NewObjs), foreach(J:OldC,OldObjs) do
3100            cplex_get_obj_coef(CPH, J, OldC),
3101            NewC is OldC + Delta
3102        ),
3103        Set1 = [objc(OldObjs)|Set0],
3104        chg_obj_coeffs(CPH, NewObjs).
3107set_objsense_probe(Handle, NewSense, Set0, Set1) :- 
3108        Handle = prob{cplex_handle:CPH},
3109        Set1 = [sense|Set0],
3110        cplex_change_obj_sense(CPH, NewSense).
3113set_bounds_probe(Handle, Bounds, Set0, [bounds(N,Js,OldLs,OldHs)|Set0]) :-
3114        Handle = prob{cplex_handle:CPH,solver_id:SId},
3115        (foreach(BSpec, Bounds), param(SId,CPH), 
3116         fromto(Js, Js0,Js1, []), fromto(0, N0,N1, N),
3117         fromto(OldLs, OldLs0,OldLs1, []),
3118         fromto(OldHs, OldHs0,OldHs1, []),
3119         fromto(NewLs, NewLs0,NewLs1, []),
3120         fromto(NewHs, NewHs0,NewHs1, []) do
3122            (nonvar(BSpec), BSpec = (V $:: Range),
3123             range(Range, L, H), get_var_index(V, SId, J0) ->
3124                (foreach(J, J0), count(_, 1, NumJ0s), param(CPH,L,H),
3125                 fromto(Js0, JTail0,JTail1, Js1), 
3126                 fromto(OldLs0, OldLTail0,OldLTail1, OldLs1),
3127                 fromto(OldHs0, OldHTail0,OldHTail1, OldHs1),
3128                 fromto(NewLs0, NewLTail0,NewLTail1, NewLs1),
3129                 fromto(NewHs0, NewHTail0,NewHTail1, NewHs1)
3130                do 
3131                    JTail0 = [J|JTail1],
3132                    NewLTail0 = [L|NewLTail1],
3133                    NewHTail0 = [H|NewHTail1],
3134                    cplex_get_col_bounds(CPH, J, OldL, OldH),
3135                    OldLTail0 = [OldL|OldLTail1],
3136                    OldHTail0 = [OldH|OldHTail1]
3137                ),
3138                N1 is N0 + NumJ0s
3139            ;
3140                printf(error, "Eplex error: incorrect probe specification(s)"
3141                       " found for bounds probe: %w%n", [BSpec]),
3142                abort
3143            )
3144        ),
3145        cplex_change_cols_bounds(CPH, N, Js, NewLs, NewHs).
3148set_rhs_probe(Handle, Rhs, Set0, [rhs(N,Is,OldRs)|Set0]) :-
3149        Handle = prob{cplex_handle: CPH},
3150        (foreach(RSpec, Rhs), foreach(I, Is), foreach(R, Rs), 
3151         foreach(OldR, OldRs), count(_, 1, N), param(CPH) do
3152            (nonvar(RSpec), RSpec = I:R,
3153             integer(I), number(R) ->
3154                true
3155            ;
3156                printf(error, "Eplex error: incorrect probe specification(s)"
3157                       " found for rhscoeffs probe: %w%n", [RSpec]),
3158                abort
3159            ),
3160            cplex_get_rhs(CPH, 0, I, _, OldR)
3161        ), 
3162        cplex_change_rhs(CPH, N, Is, Rs).
3165set_ints_probe(Handle, Probe, SetProbes0, SetProbes) :-
3166        arg(cplex_handle of prob, Handle, CPH),
3167        cplex_get_prob_param(CPH, 4, OldProbCode),
3168        SetProbes = [ints(OldProbCode)|SetProbes0],
3169        cplex_problem_code(OldProbType, OldProbCode),
3170        (ints_problem_code(OldProbType, Probe,  ProbeProbCode) ->
3171             true
3172        ;
3173             printf(error, "Eplex error: cannot use %w probe with %w"
3174                    " problems.%n", [Probe, OldProbType]),
3175             abort
3176        ),
3177        cplex_set_problem_type(CPH, ProbeProbCode, 0).
3179     ints_problem_code(mip, ProbeType, ProbCode) ?-
3180        ( ProbeType == fixed ->
3181            cplex_problem_code(fixedlp, ProbCode)
3182        ; ProbeType == relaxed ->
3183            cplex_problem_code(relaxedlp, ProbCode)
3184        ;
3185            fail
3186        ).
3187     ints_problem_code(miqp, ProbeType, ProbCode) ?-
3188        ( ProbeType == fixed ->
3189            cplex_problem_code(fixedqp, ProbCode)
3190        ; ProbeType == relaxed ->
3191            cplex_problem_code(relaxedqp, ProbCode)
3192        ;
3193            fail
3194        ).
3195     /* for qp/lp problems, just solve as qp/lp */
3196     ints_problem_code(lp, ProbeType, ProbCode) ?-
3197        ( ProbeType == fixed ->
3198            cplex_problem_code(lp, ProbCode)
3199        ; ProbeType == relaxed ->
3200            cplex_problem_code(lp, ProbCode)
3201        ;
3202            fail
3203        ).
3204     ints_problem_code(qp, ProbeType, ProbCode) ?-
3205        ( ProbeType == fixed ->
3206            cplex_problem_code(qp, ProbCode)
3207        ; ProbeType == relaxed ->
3208            cplex_problem_code(qp, ProbCode)
3209        ;
3210            fail
3211        ).
3213unset_probes(Handle, SetProbes) :-
3214        ( foreach(Set, SetProbes), param(Handle) do
3215              unset_one_probe(Handle, Set)
3216        ).
3219     unset_one_probe(Handle, obj(OldObjConst, NewLinObjCoeffs, OldLinObjCoeffs,
3220                                NewQuadObjCoeffs, OldQuadObjCoeffs)) :- 
3221        !,
3222        arg(cplex_handle of prob, Handle, CPH),
3223        setarg(obj of prob, Handle, OldObjConst),
3224        change_objective(CPH, NewLinObjCoeffs, OldLinObjCoeffs,
3225                         NewQuadObjCoeffs, OldQuadObjCoeffs).
3226     unset_one_probe(Handle, objc(OldObjsC)) :-
3227        !,
3228        arg(cplex_handle of prob, Handle, CPH),
3229        chg_obj_coeffs(CPH, OldObjsC).
3230     unset_one_probe(Handle, sense) :-
3231        !,
3232        Handle = prob{cplex_handle:CPH, objsense:OldSense},
3233        cplex_change_obj_sense(CPH, OldSense).
3234     unset_one_probe(Handle, rhs(N,Is,OldRs)) :-
3235        !,
3236        arg(cplex_handle of prob, Handle, CPH),
3237        cplex_change_rhs(CPH, N, Is, OldRs).
3238     unset_one_probe(Handle, ints(OldType)) :-
3239        !,
3240        arg(cplex_handle of prob, Handle, CPH),
3241        cplex_set_problem_type(CPH, OldType, 1).
3242     unset_one_probe(Handle, bounds(N,Idxs,Ls,Hs)) :-
3243        arg(cplex_handle of prob, Handle, CPH),
3244        cplex_change_cols_bounds(CPH, N,Idxs, Ls, Hs).
3246    change_objective(CPH, OldLinCoeffs, NewLinCoeffs, OldQuadCoeffs, NewQuadCoeffs) :-
3247	clr_obj(CPH, OldLinCoeffs),
3248	chg_obj_coeffs(CPH, NewLinCoeffs),
3249	clr_qobj(CPH, OldQuadCoeffs),
3250        % change prob. type here as CPLEX only allows changing qobj for
3251        % quadratic problems
3252        change_prob_type_if_needed(CPH, OldQuadCoeffs, NewQuadCoeffs),
3253	chg_qobj_coeffs(CPH, NewQuadCoeffs).
3255change_prob_type_if_needed(CPH, [], [_|_]) ?- !,
3256        % no existing quad. coeffs -> is currently linear
3257        cplex_get_prob_param(CPH, 4, LinCode),
3258        cplex_problem_code(LinType, LinCode),
3259        linear_quadratic(LinType, QuadType),
3260        cplex_problem_code(QuadType, QuadCode),
3261        cplex_set_problem_type(CPH, QuadCode, 1).
3262change_prob_type_if_needed(CPH, [_|_], []) ?- !,
3263        cplex_get_prob_param(CPH, 4, QuadCode),
3264        cplex_problem_code(QuadType, QuadCode),
3265        linear_quadratic(LinType, QuadType),
3266        cplex_problem_code(LinType, LinCode),
3267        cplex_set_problem_type(CPH, LinCode, 1).
3268change_prob_type_if_needed(_CPH, _, _).  % no change
3271% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
3272% Various predicates to access the solver's state
3273% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
3275eplex_write(Format, File, Pool) :-
3276	get_pool_handle(Handle, Pool), 
3277	!,
3278	lp_write(Handle, Format, File).
3279eplex_write(Format, File, Pool) :-
3280	printf(error, "Eplex error: instance %w has no associated"
3281               " solver:%n", [Pool]),
3282        error(5, eplex_write(Format, File)).
3285lp_write(prob{cplex_handle:CPH}, Format, File) ?-
3286        cplex_lpwrite(File, Format, CPH),
3287	!.
3288lp_write(Handle, Format, File) :-
3289	error(6, lp_write(Handle, Format, File)).
3292eplex_cleanup(Pool) :-
3293	get_pool_handle(Handle, Pool),
3294	!,
3295	collect_all_pool_constraints(Pool, Cstrs),	% empty the pool, just in case
3296	( Cstrs = [] ->
3297	    true
3298	;
3299	    printf(warning_output, "Eplex warning: constraint pool not empty in %w%n",
3300	    	[eplex_cleanup(Pool)])
3301	),
3302	lp_cleanup(Handle).
3303eplex_cleanup(Pool) :-
3304        % pool still needs to be emptied even if there is no solver!
3305        collect_all_pool_constraints(Pool, Cstrs),	% empty the pool, just in case
3306	( Cstrs = [] ->
3307	    true
3308	;
3309	    printf(warning_output, "Eplex warning: constraint pool not empty in %w%n",
3310	    	[eplex_cleanup(Pool)])
3311	).
3315lp_cleanup(Prob) :-
3316        Prob = prob{vars:VList,suspension:Susp,
3317                    solver_id:SId,aux_susps:AuxSusps,pool:Pool}, 
3318	kill_suspension(Susp),	% if any
3319	( atom(Pool) -> set_pool_item(Pool, 0) ; true ),
3320	(foreach(AS, AuxSusps) do kill_suspension(AS)), 
3321	cleanup_attributes(VList,SId), 
3322        % delay any possible garbage of Prob until after cplex_cleanup/1 call
3323        arg(cplex_handle of prob, Prob, CPH),
3324        cplex_cleanup(CPH).
3326   cleanup_attributes(Vars, SId) :-
3327	(foreach(V, Vars), param(SId) do 
3328	     cleanup_lp_attribute_chain(V, SId)
3329        ).
3331   % Some variables may share the same attribute if they've been unified
3332   cleanup_lp_attribute_chain(V{eplex:Attr}, SId) ?- 
3333	(nonvar(Attr) -> 
3334	     Attr = eplex{next:Next0,solver:prob{solver_id:ThisId}},
3335	     (SId == ThisId ->
3336		  (compound(Next0) -> Next0 = Next ; true/*Next is var */),
3337		  replace_attribute(V, Next, eplex)
3338	     ;
3339		  remove_lp_attribute_from_chain(Next0, Attr, SId)
3340	     )
3341	;
3342	     true % var(Attr), attr already removed
3343	).
3344   cleanup_lp_attribute_chain(V, _) :-
3345        free(V).
3346   cleanup_lp_attribute_chain(N, _) :-
3347        number(N).
3349   remove_lp_attribute_from_chain(ThisAt, PrevAt, SId) :-
3350	(compound(ThisAt) ->
3351	     ThisAt = eplex{next:NextAt,solver:prob{solver_id:ThisId}},
3352	     (SId == ThisId ->
3353		  setarg(next of eplex, PrevAt, NextAt)
3354	     ;
3355		  remove_lp_attribute_from_chain(NextAt, ThisAt, SId)
3356	     )
3357	;
3358	     true % attribute not found, already removed
3359	).
3362% check that options is a proper list, remove and warn over obsolete options,
3363% and separate out options which applies to lp_demon_setup only
3364clean_options([], CO, _DOpts) ?- !, CO = [].
3365clean_options([integers(_)|Os], COs, DOpts) ?- !,
3366	writeln(warning_output, "Eplex warning: integers(...) option no longer supported (ignored)"),
3367	writeln(warning_output, "	use eplex:integers(...) instead."),
3368	clean_options(Os, COs, DOpts).
3369clean_options([collect_from(none)|Os], COs, DOpts) ?- !,
3370	setarg(collect_from of demon_opts, DOpts, none),
3371        clean_options(Os, COs, DOpts).
3372clean_options([collect_from(pool(Pool))|Os], COs, DOpts) ?- !,
3373	setarg(collect_from of demon_opts, DOpts, pool(Pool)),
3374        clean_options(Os, COs, DOpts).
3375clean_options([initial_solve(YesNo)|Os], COs, DOpts) ?- 
3376        (YesNo == yes ; YesNo == no), !,
3377	setarg(initial_solve of demon_opts, DOpts, YesNo),
3378        clean_options(Os, COs, DOpts).
3379clean_options([priority(N)|Os], COs, DOpts) ?- 
3380        integer(N), N>=0, N =< 12, !,
3381	setarg(priority of demon_opts, DOpts, N),
3382        clean_options(Os, COs, DOpts).
3383clean_options([O|Os], Options, DOpts) ?- !,
3384	Options = [O|COs],
3385	clean_options(Os, COs, DOpts).
3386clean_options(_Options0, Options, _DOpts) :-
3387	writeln(warning_output, "Eplex warning: demon solver setup options not proper list. Ignored."),
3388	Options = [].
3391process_options([], _, _) ?- !, true.
3392process_options([O|Os], Handle, Temp) ?- !,
3393	process_option(O, Handle, Temp),
3394	process_options(Os, Handle, Temp).
3395process_options(_NonList, _, _) :-
3396	writeln(warning_output, "Eplex warning: solver setup options not proper list. Ignored.").
3398process_option(solution(YesNo), Handle, _) ?- !,
3399	lp_set(Handle, solution, YesNo).
3400process_option(dual_solution(YesNo), Handle, _) ?- !,
3401	lp_set(Handle, dual_solution, YesNo).
3402process_option(slack(YesNo), Handle, _) ?- !,
3403	lp_set(Handle, slack, YesNo).
3404process_option(reduced_cost(YesNo), Handle, _) ?- !,
3405	lp_set(Handle, reduced_cost, YesNo).
3406process_option(keep_basis(YesNo), Handle, _) ?- !,
3407	lp_set(Handle, keep_basis, YesNo).
3408process_option(cache_iis(YesNo), Handle, _) ?- !,
3409	lp_set(Handle, cache_iis, YesNo).
3410process_option(timeout(Lim0), Handle, _) ?- !,
3411        lp_set(Handle, timeout, Lim0).
3412process_option(sync_bounds(YesNo), Handle, _) ?- !,
3413	lp_set(Handle, sync_bounds, YesNo).
3414process_option(presolve(yes), Handle, _) ?- !,
3415        arg(presolve of prob, Handle, 1).
3416process_option(presolve(no), Handle, _) ?- !,
3417        arg(presolve of prob, Handle, 0).
3418process_option(mip_use_copy(yes), _Handle, Temp) ?- !,
3419        setarg(use_copy of temp_prob, Temp, 1).
3420process_option(mip_use_copy(no), _Handle, Temp) ?- !,
3421        setarg(use_copy of temp_prob, Temp, 0).
3422process_option(integers(Ints0), Handle, _) ?- 
3423        is_list_or_nil(Ints0), !, 
3424	Handle = prob{cplex_handle:CPH,ints:Ints},
3425        (foreach(X, Ints0), param(CPH) do % loop may fail, so need to cut first
3426            ( var(X) -> true
3427            ; integer(X) -> true
3428            ; number(X) ->
3429                % number: make sure it's sufficiently integral
3430	        abs(round(X) - X) =< cplex_get_param(CPH, integrality)
3431            ;
3432                printf(error, "Eplex error: integer variable unified to"
3433                            " a non-number: %w%n", [X]),
3434                throw(abort)
3436            )
3437        ),
3438        term_variables(Ints0, Ints). % eliminate duplicates and numbers
3439process_option(reals(Vars), _Handle, Temp) ?-
3440        (foreach(V, Vars) do 
3441            ( number(V) -> true
3442            ; var(V)    -> true
3443            ;
3444                printf(error, "Eplex error: problem variable unified to"
3445                            " a non-number: %w%n", [V]),
3446                throw(abort)
3447            )
3448        ), !,
3449        setarg(extra_vars of temp_prob, Temp, Vars).
3450process_option(method(M), Handle, _) ?- !,
3451	lp_set(Handle, method, M).
3452process_option(node_method(M), Handle, _) ?- !,
3453	lp_set(Handle, node_method, M).
3454process_option(demon_tolerance(RT,IT), Handle, _) ?- !,
3455	lp_set(Handle, demon_tolerance, (RT,IT)).
3456process_option(use_var_names(YesNo), Handle, _) ?- !,
3457	lp_set(Handle, use_var_names, YesNo).
3458process_option(write_before_solve(Format,File), Handle, _) ?- !,
3459        setarg(option_dump of prob, Handle, write_before_solve(Format,File)).
3460process_option(sos1(Vars), _Handle, Temp) ?- !,
3461	arg(sos of temp_prob, Temp, SosList),
3462	setarg(sos of temp_prob, Temp, [sos1(Vars)|SosList]).
3463process_option(sos2(Vars), _Handle, Temp) ?- !,
3464	arg(sos of temp_prob, Temp, SosList),
3465	setarg(sos of temp_prob, Temp, [sos2(Vars)|SosList]).
3466process_option(post_equality_when_unified(YesNo), Handle, _) ?- !,
3467	lp_set(Handle, post_equality_when_unified, YesNo).
3468process_option(suboptimal_handler(Goal), Handle, _) ?- !,
3469        lp_set(Handle, suboptimal_handler, Goal).
3470process_option(unbounded_handler(Goal), Handle, _) ?- !,
3471        lp_set(Handle, unbounded_handler, Goal).
3472process_option(unknown_handler(Goal), Handle, _) ?- !,
3473        lp_set(Handle, unknown_handler, Goal).
3474process_option(abort_handler(Goal), Handle, _) ?- !,
3475        lp_set(Handle, abort_handler, Goal). 
3476process_option(infeasible_handler(Goal), Handle, _) ?- !,
3477        lp_set(Handle, infeasible_handler, Goal). 
3478process_option(mipstart(MipStart), Handle, _) ?- !,
3479        lp_set(Handle, mipstart, MipStart). 
3480process_option(NoOpt, _Handle, _) :-
3481	writeln(error, "Eplex error: Invalid option for setup":NoOpt),
3482        abort.
3485fill_in_defaults(prob{ints:Ints, method:Method, aux_method:AuxMethod, 
3486                node_method:NMethod, node_aux_method:NAuxMethod, timeout:TO,
3487                sync_bounds:SyncBds, bd_trigger:BdTrigger, triggermodes:TModes,
3488                option_vnames:VNames, presolve:PreSolve, option_dump:Dump,
3489		nc_trigger:NCTrigger, post_equality:PostEq,
3490		option_mipstart:MipStartOpt,
3491		demon_tol_real:RT, demon_tol_int:IT, cp_cond_map:CPMap}) :-
3492	( var(RT) -> RT = 0.00001 ; true ),	%%% preliminary
3493	( var(IT) -> IT = 0.5 ; true ),
3494	( var(Ints) -> Ints = [] ; true ),
3495        ( var(CPMap) -> CPMap = "" ; true), % no solved state yet
3496        ( var(TO) -> getval(timeout_default,TO) ; true ),  
3497	( var(PreSolve) -> getval(presolve_default,PreSolve) ; true),
3498	( var(VNames) -> VNames = no ; true),
3499	( var(NCTrigger) -> NCTrigger = no ; true),
3500	( var(BdTrigger) -> BdTrigger = no ; true),
3501        ( var(TModes) -> TModes = [] ; true),
3502	( var(Method) -> cplex_method_codes(default, Method, AuxMethod) ; true ),
3503	( var(NMethod) -> cplex_method_codes(default, NMethod, NAuxMethod) ; true ),
3504        ( var(PostEq) -> PostEq = yes ; true),
3505        ( var(Dump) -> Dump = no ; true),
3506	( var(MipStartOpt) -> mipstart_code(none, MipStartOpt) ; true ),
3507	( var(SyncBds) -> SyncBds = no ; true).
3510% Accessing external solver's parameters
3511% The external solvers organises their parameters in two ways:
3512%       1. Global to all problems (CPLEX, pre-13 XPRESS)
3513%       2. Local to each problems (XPRESS 13 onwards)
3514% In Eplex we allow the access of the parameters without specifying a
3515% problem handle (`global', lp_get/set/2) 
3516% and via a problem handle (local, lp_get/set/3).
3518% A problem handle may be a C-level handle if the the problem has been
3519% setup at the external solver, or a variable if the external solver does
3520% not yet have the problem (because the problem was empty at setup time).
3522% All the accesses to the external parameters are done with a handle
3523% parameter in cplex_get/set_param/3. This handle can be in 3 states:
3524%  1.    positive integer  (essentially pointer to C-level representation)
3525%  2.    variable     (no C level problem representation)
3526%  3.    0            (`global')
3528%  `global' values are handled differently by Eplex depending on if the
3529%  solver's parameters are global or not: if they are, then the global
3530%  values are accessed, otherwise, the `global default', the values 
3531%  that will be given to a new problem upon setup, will be accessed.
3533%  Summary of the type of values accessed:
3535%  Handle               Local parameters      Global parameters
3536% =============================================================
3537%  positive int         problem's value       global
3538%     0                 global default        global
3539%  variable             global default        global
3541%  Note:
3542%  1. We raise an exception at the C level for *setting* local parameters
3543%     if the solver has global parameters. 
3544%  2. `presolve' is a special parameter that is always local to a problem,
3545%      regardless of if the solver's parameters are global or local.
3546%      lp_get/set/2 will set the global default value.   
3547%      It does not map directly onto the external solver's presolve parameter
3548%      (XPRESS 13+ has more than one, and they may take multiple values;
3549%       CPLEX does not have local parameters. The solver's presolve 
3550%       parameter(s) can be accessed directly as with other parameters.
3553% lp_get(+Handle, +What, -Data)  ------------------------------
3555eplex_get(What, Data, Pool) :-
3556	get_pool_handle(Handle, Pool), 
3557	!,
3558	lp_get(Handle, What, Data).
3559eplex_get(What, Data, Pool) :-
3560	printf(error, "Eplex error: instance %w has no associated"
3561               " solver:%n", [Pool]),
3562        error(5, eplex_get(What, Data)).
3565lp_get(Handle, What, Value) :- var(Handle), !,
3566	error(4, lp_get(Handle, What, Value)).
3567lp_get(Handle, What, Value) :- 
3568        lp_get1(Handle, What, Value).
3570lp_get1(Handle, What, Value) :- var(What), !,
3571	error(4, lp_get(Handle, What, Value)).
3572lp_get1(Handle, vars, VArr) :- !,
3573	Handle = prob{vars:Vars0},
3574        reverse(Vars0, Vars), % Vars0 are stored in reverse order from arrays
3575        VArr =.. [''|Vars].
3576lp_get1(Handle, ints, Ints) :- !,
3577	Handle = prob{ints:Ints}.
3578lp_get1(Handle, solution, RawArr) :- !,		% undocumented
3579	Handle = prob{sols:RawArr},
3580	array(RawArr).
3581lp_get1(Handle, cbasisarr, Arr) :- !,		% undocumented
3582	Handle = prob{cbase:RawArr},
3583	array(RawArr),
3584	decode_basis(RawArr, Arr).
3585lp_get1(Handle, cbasis, RawArr) :- !,		% undocumented
3586	Handle = prob{cbase:RawArr},
3587	array(RawArr).
3588lp_get1(Handle, rbasis, RawArr) :- !,		% undocumented
3589	Handle = prob{rbase:RawArr},
3590	array(RawArr).
3591lp_get1(Handle, typed_solution, SolArr) :- !,
3592	Handle = prob{cplex_handle:CPH, sols:RawArr},
3593	array(RawArr),
3594        darray_size(RawArr, N),
3595	functor(SolArr, '', N),
3596	raw_to_typed_solution(CPH, N, RawArr, SolArr).
3597lp_get1(Handle, reduced_cost, Array) :- !,		% undocumented
3598	Handle = prob{djs:Array},
3599	nonvar(Array).
3600lp_get1(Handle, constraints, Constraints) :- !,
3601	lp_get1(Handle, constraints_norm, NC),
3602	denormalise_cstr(NC, Constraints).
3603lp_get1(Handle, constraints_norm, Constraints) :- !,
3604	Handle = prob{cplex_handle:CPH},
3605        cplex_get_prob_param(CPH, 0, Rows),
3606        retrieve_constraints(Handle, Rows, Constraints).
3607lp_get1(Handle, constraints_norm(Is), Constraints) :- !,
3608	Handle = prob{cplex_handle:CPH,vars:VList},
3609        VArr =.. [''|VList],
3610        (foreach(I,Is), param(CPH,VArr), foreach(NC,Constraints) do
3611	    rawidx_cstridx(CType, RawI, I),
3612            construct_one_constraint(CPH, CType, RawI, VArr, NC)
3613	).
3614lp_get1(Handle, constraints(Is), Constraints) :- !,
3615        lp_get1(Handle, constraints_norm(Is), NCs),
3616        denormalise_cstr(NCs, Constraints).
3617lp_get1(Handle, cutpool_info(Select,IType), Info) :- 
3618        cutpool_selection_to_rawidxs(Select, Handle, RawIdxs), 
3619	constraint_type_code(condcp, CType),
3620        lp_get_cutpool_info(IType, CType, RawIdxs, Handle, Info), !.
3621lp_get1(Handle, slack, List) :- !,
3622	Handle = prob{slacks:Array,mr:MRows},
3623	(array(Array) ->
3624            darray_list(Array, MRows, List)
3625        ;
3626            var(Array), 
3627            write(error, "Eplex error: information not requested at solver setup: "),
3628            error(6, lp_get(Handle, slack, List))
3629        ).
3630lp_get1(Handle, slack(Indices), List) :- 
3631        is_list_or_nil(Indices), 
3632        !,
3633        Handle = prob{slacks:Array},
3634        (array(Array) ->
3635            darray_size(Array, Size),
3636            (
3637                foreach(Idx, Indices),
3638                foreach(Pi, List),
3639                param(Array, Handle, Size)
3640            do
3641                convert_to_row_index(Idx, Handle, RIdx),
3642                RIdx < Size,
3643                get_darray_element(Array, RIdx, Pi)
3644            )
3645        ;
3646            var(Array),
3647            write(error, "Eplex error: information not requested at solver setup: "),
3648            error(6, lp_get(Handle, slack(Indices), List))
3649        ).
3650lp_get1(Handle, dual_solution, List) :- !,
3651	Handle = prob{pis:Array,mr:MRows},
3652	(array(Array) ->
3653            darray_list(Array, MRows, List)
3654        ;
3655            var(Array),
3656            write(error, "Eplex error: information not requested at solver setup: "),
3657            error(6, lp_get(Handle, dual_solution, List))
3658        ).         
3659lp_get1(Handle, dual_solution(Indices), List) :- 
3660        is_list_or_nil(Indices), 
3661        !,
3662        Handle = prob{pis:Array},
3663        (array(Array) ->
3664            darray_size(Array, Size),
3665            (
3666                foreach(Idx, Indices),
3667                foreach(Pi, List),
3668                param(Array, Handle, Size)
3669            do
3670                convert_to_row_index(Idx, Handle, RIdx),
3671                RIdx < Size,
3672                get_darray_element(Array, RIdx, Pi)
3673            )
3674        ;
3675            var(Array),
3676            write(error, "Eplex error: information not requested at solver setup: "),
3677            error(6, lp_get(Handle, dual_solution(Indices), List))
3678        ).
3679lp_get1(Handle, objective, Obj) :- !,
3680	Handle = prob{obj:ObjConst, objsense:Sense},
3681	retrieve_objective(Handle, NExpr),
3682	linrenorm([ObjConst*1|NExpr], NExpr1),
3683	delinearize(NExpr1, Expr),
3684	cplex_objsense(Obj, Sense, Expr).
3685lp_get1(Handle, norm_objective, Obj) :- !,
3686	Handle = prob{obj:ObjConst, objsense:Sense},
3687	retrieve_objective(Handle, NExpr),
3688	cplex_objsense(Obj, Sense, [ObjConst*1|NExpr]).
3689lp_get1(Handle, sense, MinMax) :- !,			% undocumented
3690	Handle = prob{objsense:Code},
3691	cplex_objsense(MinMax, Code).
3692lp_get1(Handle, status, Stat) :- !,
3693	Handle = prob{status:Stat}.
3694lp_get1(Handle, method, M) :- !,
3695	Handle = prob{method:Code, aux_method:AuxCode},
3696	cplex_method_codes(M, Code, AuxCode).
3697lp_get1(Handle, node_method, M) :- !,
3698	Handle = prob{node_method:Code, node_aux_method:AuxCode},
3699	cplex_method_codes(M, Code, AuxCode).
3700lp_get1(Handle, demon_tolerance, (RT,IT)) :- !,
3701	Handle = prob{demon_tol_real:RT, demon_tol_int:IT}.
3702lp_get1(Handle, cost, C) :- !,
3703        % do not unify directly as C may be a number of different type from C0
3704	Handle = prob{cost:C0},
3705        number(C0),
3706	(number(C) -> C =:= C0 ; C = C0).
3707lp_get1(Handle, best_bound, B) :- !,
3708        Handle = prob{bestbound:B0},
3709        nonvar(B0),
3710        B = B0.
3711lp_get1(Handle, worst_bound, B) :- !,
3712        Handle = prob{worstbound:B0},
3713        nonvar(B0),
3714        B = B0.
3715lp_get1(Handle, statistics, List) :- !,
3716	Handle = prob{cplex_handle:CPH},
3717        List = [Successes,Failures,Aborts],
3718        cplex_get_prob_param(CPH, 5, Successes),
3719        cplex_get_prob_param(CPH, 6, Failures),
3720        cplex_get_prob_param(CPH, 7, Aborts).
3721lp_get1(Handle, simplex_iterations, N) :- !,
3722	Handle = prob{cplex_handle:CPH},
3723	cplex_get_prob_param(CPH, 8, N).
3724lp_get1(Handle, node_count, N) :- !,
3725	Handle = prob{cplex_handle:CPH},
3726	cplex_get_prob_param(CPH, 9, N).
3727lp_get1(Handle, problem_type, Value) :- !,
3728	Handle = prob{cplex_handle:CPH},
3729        cplex_get_prob_param(CPH, 4, Code),
3730        cplex_problem_code(Value, Code).
3731lp_get1(prob{cplex_handle:CPH}, num_rows, N) :- !,
3732	cplex_get_prob_param(CPH, 0, N).
3733lp_get1(prob{cplex_handle:CPH}, num_cols, N) :- !,
3734	cplex_get_prob_param(CPH, 1, N).
3735lp_get1(prob{cplex_handle:CPH}, num_nonzeros, N) :- !,
3736	cplex_get_prob_param(CPH, 12, N).
3737lp_get1(prob{cplex_handle:CPH}, num_ints, N) :- !,
3738	cplex_get_prob_param(CPH, 13, N).
3739lp_get1(prob{cplex_handle:CPH}, num_quads, N) :- !,
3740	cplex_get_prob_param(CPH, 14, N).
3741lp_get1(prob{cplex_handle:CPH}, optimizer_param(Param), Value) ?- 
3742        atom(Param), 
3743        cplex_get_param(CPH, Param, Value), !.
3744lp_get1(prob{timeout:Value0}, timeout, Value) ?- !,
3745	Value = Value0.
3746lp_get1(Handle, post_equality_when_unified, Value) ?- !,
3747	Handle = prob{post_equality:Value}.
3748lp_get1(Handle, handle, Value) :- !,
3749	Value = Handle.
3750lp_get1(Handle, pool, Pool) :- !,
3751	Handle = prob{pool:Pool},
3752	nonvar(Pool).
3753lp_get1(prob{option_mipstart:MipStartOpt}, mipstart, MipStart) :- !,
3754	mipstart_code(MipStart, MipStartOpt).
3755lp_get1(Handle, What, Value) :-
3756	error(6, lp_get(Handle, What, Value)).
3759% convert the index to an actual row index in the last solved matrix 
3760convert_to_row_index(Idx0, Handle, RowIdx) :- % normal row index 
3761        rawidx_cstridx(TypeCode, RawIdx, Idx0),
3762        constraint_type_code(CType, TypeCode),
3763        convert_rawidx_to_row_index(CType, Handle, RawIdx, RowIdx).
3765    convert_rawidx_to_row_index(norm, Handle, RawIdx, Idx) ?-
3766        arg(mr of prob, Handle, MR),
3767        RawIdx =< MR, 
3768        RawIdx = Idx.
3770    convert_rawidx_to_row_index(permcp, Handle, RawIdx, Idx) ?-
3771        Handle = prob{mr:MR,ncpr:NCP},
3772        RawIdx =< NCP, 
3773        Idx is RawIdx + MR.
3775    convert_rawidx_to_row_index(condcp, Handle, RawIdx, Idx) ?-
3776        Handle = prob{mr:MR,cp_cond_map:Map},
3777        iarray_size(Map, Size),
3778        RawIdx < Size,
3779        get_iarray_element(Map, RawIdx, Delta),
3780        Delta >= 0,  % -ve if row was not added
3781        Idx is MR + Delta.
3785% lp_get(+Handle, +What, +Index, -Data)  ------------------------------
3787%lp_get(Handle, solution, I, Value) :- !, 
3788%	Handle = prob{sols:Array}, array(Array),
3789%	get_darray_element(Array, I, Value).
3790%lp_get(Handle, reduced_cost, I, Value) :- !, 
3791%	Handle = prob{djs:Array}, array(Array),
3792%	get_darray_element(Array, I, Value).
3793%lp_get(Handle, slack, I, Value) :- !, 
3794%	Handle = prob{slacks:Array}, array(Array),
3795%	get_darray_element(Array, I, Value).
3796%lp_get(Handle, dual_solution, I, Value) :- !, 
3797%	Handle = prob{pis:Array}, array(Array),
3798%	get_darray_element(Array, I, Value).
3799%lp_get(Handle, What, I, Value) :-
3800%	error(6, lp_get(Handle, What, I, Value)).
3803% lp_set(+Handle, +What, +Data)  ------------------------------
3805eplex_set(What, Data, Pool) :-
3806        get_pool_handle(Handle, Pool), 
3807	!,
3808	lp_set(Handle, What, Data).
3809eplex_set(What, Data, Pool) :-
3810	printf(error, "Eplex error: instance %w has no associated solver.%n", [Pool]),
3811	error(5, eplex_set(What, Data)).
3814lp_set(Handle, What, Value) :-
3815        var(What), !,
3816        error(4, lp_set(Handle, What, Value)).
3817lp_set(Handle, What, Value) :- 
3818        lp_set1(Handle, What, Value).
3820lp_set1(Handle, What, Value) :-
3821        var(Value), !,
3822        error(4, lp_set(Handle, What, Value)).
3823lp_set1(Handle, method, M) :-
3824	cplex_method_codes(M, Code, AuxCode), !,
3825	setarg(method of prob, Handle, Code),
3826        setarg(aux_method of prob, Handle, AuxCode).
3827lp_set1(Handle, node_method, M) :-
3828	cplex_method_codes(M, Code, AuxCode), !,
3829	setarg(node_method of prob, Handle, Code),
3830	setarg(node_aux_method of prob, Handle, AuxCode).
3831lp_set1(Handle, demon_tolerance, (RT,IT)) :- -?->
3832	float(RT), float(IT), !,
3833	setarg(demon_tol_real of prob, Handle, RT),
3834	setarg(demon_tol_int of prob, Handle, IT).
3835lp_set1(Handle, slack, YesNo) :-
3836	select_result(Handle, slacks of prob, YesNo), !.
3837lp_set1(Handle, solution, YesNo) :-
3838	select_result(Handle, sols of prob, YesNo), !.
3839lp_set1(Handle, dual_solution, YesNo) :-
3840	select_result(Handle, pis of prob, YesNo), !.
3841lp_set1(Handle, reduced_cost, YesNo) :-
3842	select_result(Handle, djs of prob, YesNo), !.
3843lp_set1(Handle, keep_basis, YesNo) :-
3844	select_result(Handle, cbase of prob, YesNo),
3845	select_result(Handle, rbase of prob, YesNo), !.
3846lp_set1(Handle, cache_iis, YesNo) :- !,
3847        select_result(Handle, iis_rows of prob, YesNo),
3848        select_result(Handle, iis_cols of prob, YesNo),
3849        select_result(Handle, iis_colstats of prob, YesNo).
3850lp_set1(Handle, sync_bounds, yes) :- !, 
3851	setarg(sync_bounds of prob, Handle, yes).
3852lp_set1(Handle, sync_bounds, no) :- !, 
3853	setarg(sync_bounds of prob, Handle, no).
3854lp_set1(Handle, use_var_names, yes) :- !,
3855	setarg(option_vnames of prob, Handle, yes).
3856lp_set1(Handle, use_var_names, no) :- !,
3857	setarg(option_vnames of prob, Handle, no).
3858lp_set1(Handle, write_before_solve, no) ?- !,
3859	setarg(option_dump of prob, Handle, no).
3860lp_set1(Handle, write_before_solve, (Format,File)) ?- !,
3861	setarg(option_dump of prob, Handle, write_before_solve(Format,File)).
3862lp_set1(Handle, post_equality_when_unified, yes) :- !, 
3863	setarg(post_equality of prob, Handle, yes).
3864lp_set1(Handle, post_equality_when_unified, no) :- !, 
3865	setarg(post_equality of prob, Handle, no).
3866lp_set1(Handle, mipstart, MipStart) :-
3867	mipstart_code(MipStart, MipStartOpt), !,
3868	setarg(option_mipstart of prob, Handle, MipStartOpt).
3869lp_set1(Handle, order, SpecList) :-
3870	Handle = prob{cplex_handle:CPH,solver_id:SId},
3871	make_order_list(SpecList, SId, OrderList, 0, Length),
3872	!,
3873	cplex_loadorder(CPH, Length, OrderList).
3874lp_set1(Handle, cbasis, RawArr) :-		% undocumented
3875	array(RawArr), !,
3876	( arg(cbase of prob, Handle, RawArr) -> true
3877	; setarg(cbase of prob, Handle, RawArr) ).
3878lp_set1(Handle, rbasis, RawArr) :-		% undocumented
3879	array(RawArr), !,
3880	( arg(rbase of prob, Handle, RawArr) -> true
3881	; setarg(rbase of prob, Handle, RawArr) ).
3882lp_set1(Handle, suboptimal_handler, Spec) :- !,
3883        lp_set_state_handler(Handle, subopth of prob, Spec).
3884lp_set1(Handle, unbounded_handler, Spec) :- !,
3885        lp_set_state_handler(Handle, unboundh of prob, Spec).
3886lp_set1(Handle, unknown_handler, Spec) :- !,
3887        lp_set_state_handler(Handle, unkh of prob, Spec).
3888lp_set1(Handle, abort_handler, Spec) :- !,
3889        lp_set_state_handler(Handle, aborth of prob, Spec).
3890lp_set1(Handle, infeasible_handler, Spec) :- !,
3891        lp_set_state_handler(Handle, infeash of prob, Spec).
3892lp_set1(Handle, timeout, Value0) :-
3893	number(Value0),
3894	Value is float(Value0),
3895        Value >= 0,
3896        !,
3897        setarg(timeout of prob, Handle, Value).
3898lp_set1(Handle, optimizer_param(Param), Value) :-
3899        Handle = prob{cplex_handle:CPH},
3900        atom(Param), !,
3901        (cplex_set_param(CPH, Param, Value) ->
3902             true
3903        ;
3904             printf(warning_output, "Eplex warning: unknown parameter, setting ignored in %w%n",
3905		[lp_set(Handle, optimizer_param(Param), Value)])
3906        ).
3907lp_set1(Handle, cutpool_option(Idx,Opt), Value) :-
3908        nonvar(Idx), nonvar(Value), nonvar(Opt),
3909        lp_set_cp_option(Opt, Handle, Idx, Value), !.
3910lp_set1(Handle, cutpool_name, Name) :-
3911        atom(Name),
3912        arg(cplex_handle of prob, Handle, CPH), !,
3913        % create cutpool name if new
3914        cplex_get_named_cp_index(CPH, Name, 1, _). 
3915lp_set1(Handle, Param, Value) :-
3916	error(6, lp_set(Handle, Param, Value)).
3918    select_result(Handle, Arg, yes) :- !,
3919	( arg(Arg, Handle, []) -> true ; true ).
3920    select_result(Handle, Arg, clear) :- !,
3921	( arg(Arg, Handle, []) -> true ; setarg(Arg, Handle, []) ).
3922    select_result(Handle, Arg, no) :- !,
3923	arg(Arg, Handle, Old),
3924	( nonvar(Old) -> setarg(Arg, Handle, _) ; true ).
3926    clear_result(Handle, Arg) :-
3927	arg(Arg, Handle, Arr),
3928	( var(Arr) -> true ; Arr = [] -> true ; setarg(Arg, Handle, []) ).
3930    make_order_list([], _, [], N, N).
3931    make_order_list([order(Vars,Prio,Dir)|In], SId, OutList, N0, N) :-
3932	integer(Prio), integer(Dir),
3933	vars_to_colnos(Vars, SId, Prio, Dir, OutList, OutList0, N0, N1),
3934	make_order_list(In, SId, OutList0, N1, N).
3936    :- mode vars_to_colnos(+,+,+,+,+,-,+,-).
3937    vars_to_colnos([], _, _, _, L, L, N, N).
3938    vars_to_colnos([V|Vs], SId, Prio, Dir, OutList, OutList0, N0, N) :-
3939	( var(V) ->
3940	    get_first_var_index(V, SId, Index),
3941	    OutList = [order(Index,Prio,Dir)|OutList1],
3942	    N1 is N0+1,
3943	    vars_to_colnos(Vs, SId, Prio, Dir, OutList1, OutList0, N1, N)
3944	;
3945	    vars_to_colnos(Vs, SId, Prio, Dir, OutList, OutList0, N0, N)
3946	).
3948lp_set_state_handler(Handle, Pos, Goal) :-
3949        ( Goal == default -> 
3950              arg(Pos, Handle, S),
3951              ( var(S) -> true ; setarg(Pos, Handle, _))
3952        ; 
3953              setarg(Pos, Handle, Goal)
3954        ).
3957% lp_set(+ParameterName, +Value)  ------------------------------
3959lp_set(Param, Value) :- var(Param), !,
3960	error(4, lp_set(Param, Value)).
3961lp_set(result_channel, S) :- !, lp_set_channel(0, S).
3962lp_set(error_channel, S) :- !, lp_set_channel(1, S).
3963lp_set(warning_channel, S) :- !, lp_set_channel(2, S).
3964lp_set(log_channel, S) :- !, lp_set_channel(3, S).
3965lp_set(presolve, YesNo) :- !,
3966	((YesNo == 1 ; YesNo == 0) ->
3967	     setval(presolve_default, YesNo)
3968	;
3969	     error(6, lp_set(presolve, YesNo))
3970	).
3971lp_set(timeout, Value0) :-
3972	number(Value0),
3973	Value is float(Value0),
3974        Value >= 0,
3975        !,
3976        setval(timeout_default, Value).
3977lp_set(optimizer_param(Param), Value) :-
3978        atom(Param), !,
3979        (cplex_set_param(0, Param, Value) ->
3980             true
3981        ;
3982             printf(warning_output, "Eplex warning: unknown parameter, setting ignored in %w%n",
3983		[lp_set(optimizer_param(Param), Value)])
3984        ).
3985lp_set(Param, Value) :-
3986	error(5, lp_set(Param, Value)).
3988    lp_set_channel(Ch, +(S)) ?- !,
3989	get_stream(S, SNr),
3990	cplex_output_stream(Ch, 1, SNr).
3991    lp_set_channel(Ch, -(S)) ?- !,
3992	get_stream(S, SNr),
3993	cplex_output_stream(Ch, 0, SNr).
3994    lp_set_channel(Ch, S) :-
3995	get_stream(S, SNr),
3996	cplex_output_stream(Ch, 1, SNr).
3999% lp_get(+ParameterName, -Value)  ------------------------------
4001lp_get(optimizer, Value) ?-		!, cplex_get_param(0, -1, Value).
4002lp_get(optimizer_version, Value) ?-	!, cplex_get_param(0, -2, Value).
4003lp_get(has_qp, Value) ?-		!, cplex_get_param(0, -3, Value).
4004lp_get(has_miqp, Value) ?-		!, cplex_get_param(0, -4, Value).
4005lp_get(has_indicator_constraints, Value) ?- !, cplex_get_param(0, -5, Value).
4006lp_get(standalone, Value) ?-		!, Value = yes.
4007lp_get(presolve, Value) ?-		!, getval(presolve_default, Value).
4008lp_get(timeout, Value) ?-		!, getval(timeout_default, Value).
4009lp_get(optimizer_param(Param), Value) ?-
4010	atom(Param), 
4011	cplex_get_param(0, Param, Value), !.
4012lp_get(Param, Value) :-
4013	error(6, lp_get(Param, Value)).
4016% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
4017% Code for reading problems from files
4018% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
4020:- tool(eplex_read/3, eplex_read_body/4).
4022eplex_read_body(Format, File, Pool, Caller) :-
4023        \+ get_pool_handle(_, Pool), !,
4024        lp_read_body(File, Format, Handle, Caller),
4025        lp_pool_associate_solver(Pool, Handle).
4026eplex_read_body(Format, File, Pool, _Caller) :-
4027        printf(error, "Eplex error: instance %w already has an associated solver.%n",
4028	    [Pool]),
4029	error(5, eplex_read(Format, File)).
4031:- tool(lp_read/3, lp_read_body/4).
4033lp_read_body(File, Format, Handle, Caller) :-
4034	var(Handle),
4035	getval(presolve_default, PreSolve),
4037        % fill in fields that are different/not filled in by
4038        % fill_in_defaults/1
4039	Handle = prob{vars:VList, ints:Ints, sols:[], 
4040		objsense:ObjSense, obj:0.0, objcoeffs:ObjCoeffs,
4041		solver_id:SId, 
4042		presolve:PreSolve, % fill in as we have it anyway
4043		% linobj,quadobj only used during setup
4044		qobjcoeffs:[], % incorrect for quadratic problems! (b435)
4045                caller_module:Caller
4046                % pool: set by eplex_read/2
4047                % subopth:_,unboundh:_,unkh:_,aborth:_,
4048		% suspension:_,status:_,cost:_,
4049                % pis:_,slacks:_,djs:_,cbase:_,rbase:_
4050		},
4051	new_solver_id(SId), 
4052	init_suspension_list(aux_susps of prob, Handle),
4053        init_suspension_list(change_suspensions of prob, Handle),
4054	cplex_lpread(File, Format, PreSolve, Handle),
4056	arg(cplex_handle of prob, Handle, CPH),
4057        cplex_get_prob_param(CPH, 1, NCols),
4058        cplex_matrix_base(Base),
4059	set_var_indices(VList, Handle, Base, NCols, _Cols),
4060	retrieve_ints(CPH, SId, VList, Ints),
4062	fill_in_defaults(Handle),  % needs to be after Ints filled in
4063	cplex_get_prob_param(CPH, 3, ObjSense),
4064	retrieve_objective(Handle, ObjNorm),
4065	obj_coeffs(ObjNorm, SId, ObjCoeffs).
4068retrieve_constraints(_Handle, 0, []) :- !.
4069retrieve_constraints(Handle, Rows, Constraints) :-
4070	Handle = prob{cplex_handle:CPH,vars:VList},
4071        VArr =.. [''|VList], % need random access to variables
4072        cplex_matrix_base(Base),
4073        MaxRow is Rows - cplex_matrix_offset,
4074        constraint_type_code(norm, CType),
4075        (for(I,Base,MaxRow), param(VArr,CPH,CType),
4076	 foreach(C, Constraints) do 
4077            construct_one_constraint(CPH, CType, I, VArr, C)
4078        ).
4081construct_one_constraint(CPH, CType, I, VArr, Cstr) :-
4082        cplex_get_row(CPH, CType, I, Delta),
4083        retrieve_one_constraint(CPH, CType, Delta, VArr, Lhs),
4084        cplex_get_rhs(CPH, CType, I, Sense, Rhs),
4085        Const is -Rhs,
4086        Cstr = Sense: [Const*1|Lhs].
4088    retrieve_one_constraint(CPH, CType, Base, VArr, Term) :-
4089	( cplex_get_col_coef(CPH, CType, Base, J, C) ->
4090	    arg(J, VArr, X), Term = [C*X|Term0],
4091	    retrieve_one_constraint(CPH, CType, Base, VArr, Term0)
4092	;
4093	    Term = []
4094	).
4096retrieve_objective(Handle, Term) :-
4097	Handle = prob{cplex_handle:CPH,vars:VList},
4098        warn_if_quadratic(CPH),
4099        MaxIdx is cplex_get_prob_param(CPH, 1) - 1,
4100        (foreach(X,VList), fromto(MaxIdx, Idx0, Idx1, _),
4101         % don't get Idx directly from X as X may be instantiated
4102         fromto([], Term0,Term1, Term), param(CPH) do
4103             cplex_get_obj_coef(CPH, Idx0, C),
4104             Idx1 is Idx0 - 1,
4105             ( C = 0.0 -> Term1 = Term0 ; Term1 = [C*X|Term0] )
4106        ).
4108% retrieve integer variables from a newly read-in problem from lp_read
4109retrieve_ints(CPH, SId, VList, Ints) :-
4110        (foreach(X, VList), fromto([], Ints0,Ints1, Ints), param(CPH,SId) do
4111            get_unique_var_index(X, SId, J), % these are new vars => no merged cols
4112             cplex_get_col_type(CPH, J, Tcode), 
4113             cplex_type_code(Type, Tcode),
4114             ( Type = integer -> Ints1 = [X|Ints0] ; Ints1 = Ints0 )
4115	).
4117   warn_if_quadratic(CPH) :-
4118        cplex_get_prob_param(CPH, 4, Code),
4119        cplex_problem_code(Type, Code),
4120        (problem_is_quadratic(Type) ->
4121            writeln(warning_output, "Eplex warning: the quadratic component of the objective is not retrieved.")
4122        ;
4123            true
4124        ).
4127% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
4128% Extras
4129% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
4131:- export reduced_cost_pruning/2.
4132reduced_cost_pruning(Handle, IpCost) :-
4133	call_priority(reduced_cost_pruning1(Handle, IpCost), 2).
4135% called under priority to make bound updates atomic
4136reduced_cost_pruning1(Handle, IpCost) :-
4137%	writeln(reduced_cost_pruning(IpCost)),
4138	Handle = prob{
4139%		cplex_handle:CPH,
4140		objsense:Sense,		% min:1, max:-1
4141		djs:Djs,
4142		vars:VList},
4143	get_var_bounds(IpCost, IpCostL, IpCostH),
4144	lp_get(Handle, cost, LpCost),
4145	% The gap size is rounded up by FeasibilityTol (a bit arbitrary).
4146	% When the reduced cost/objective function gradient is very shallow,
4147	% small rounding errors can have a large effect on the bound pruning.
4148	% By increasing the gap, we also allow the more uncertainty the
4149	% shallower the gradient is, which should be sensible.
4150	lp_get(Handle, optimizer_param(feasibility_tol), FeasibilityTol),
4151	( Sense > 0 ->	% minimizing
4152	    Gap is IpCostH-LpCost+FeasibilityTol
4153	;		% maximizing
4154	    Gap is LpCost-IpCostL+FeasibilityTol
4155	),
4156	( Gap < FeasibilityTol -> 
4157	    % Gap should be reasonably big to do this
4158	    true
4159	;
4160	    ( nonvar(Djs) ->		% we have the reduced costs anyway
4161                MFeasibilityTol is -FeasibilityTol,
4162                (% loop through the variable list
4163                    foreach(Var, VList),
4164                    param(FeasibilityTol,MFeasibilityTol,Gap,Handle)
4165                do
4166                    lp_var_get(Handle, Var, reduced_cost, RC),
4167                    ( RC > FeasibilityTol ->	% at lower bound
4168                          %		    var_range(Var, L, H),
4169                          lp_var_get_bounds(Handle, Var, L, H),
4170                          NewH is L + Gap/RC,
4171                          ( NewH >= H ->
4172                                true
4173                          ; NewH >= L ->
4174                                %			writeln(log_output, (x(I):(L..H),sol=Sol,rc=RC,obj=ObjC)),
4175                                %		    	writeln(log_output, update_possible:(H->NewH)),
4176                                lp_var_set_bounds(Handle, Var, L, NewH)
4177                          ;
4178                                writeln(warning_output, "Eplex warning: reduced_cost_pruning would cause failure"),
4179                                writeln(warning_output, (Var:(L..H)->(L..NewH),gap=Gap,rc=RC))
4180                          )
4181                    ; RC < MFeasibilityTol ->	% at upper bound
4182                          %		    var_range(Var, L, H),
4183                          lp_var_get_bounds(Handle, Var, L, H),
4184                          NewL is H + Gap/RC,
4185                          ( NewL =< L ->
4186                                true
4187                          ; NewL =< H ->
4188                                %			writeln(log_output, (x(I):(L..H)->(NewL..H),sol=Sol,rc=RC,obj=ObjC)),
4189                                %			writeln(log_output, update_possible:(L->NewL)),
4190                                lp_var_set_bounds(Handle, Var, NewL, H)
4191                          ;
4192                                writeln(warning_output, "Eplex warning: reduced_cost_pruning would cause failure"),
4193                                writeln(warning_output, (Var:(L..H)->(NewL..H),gap=Gap,rc=RC))
4194                          )
4195                    ;
4196                          true
4197                    )
4198                )
4199            ;
4200                writeln(warning_output, "Eplex warning: Reduced costs not available; cannot do reduced_cost_pruning...")
4201            )
4202        ).
4204eplex_verify_solution(VCs, VVs, Pool) :-
4205        get_pool_handle(Handle, Pool), !,
4206        lp_verify_solution(Handle, VCs, VVs).
4207eplex_verify_solution(VCs, VVs, Pool) :-
4208        printf(error, "Eplex error: instance %w has no associated"
4209                      " solver:%n", [Pool]),
4210        error(5, eplex_verify(VCs, VVs, Pool)).
4213lp_verify_solution(Handle, VCs, VVs) :-
4214        Handle = prob{cplex_handle:CPH,vars:VList,sols:SolArr},
4215        cplex_get_param(CPH, feasibility_tol, Tol),
4216        cplex_get_param(CPH, integrality, IntTol),
4217        cplex_get_prob_param(CPH, 0, Rows),
4218        VArr =.. [''|VList], % need random access to variables
4219        cplex_matrix_base(Base),
4220        MaxRow is Rows - cplex_matrix_offset,
4221        ( for(I,Base,MaxRow), param(VArr,CPH,Tol,Handle), 
4222          fromto(VCs, VC0,VC1, VCT1)
4223        do
4224            construct_and_verify_one_constraint(I,VArr,CPH,norm,Tol,Handle,VC0,VC1)
4225        ),
4226        get_last_solved_rawidxs(Handle, CPIdxs, _, _),
4227        ( foreach(I, CPIdxs), param(VArr,CPH,Tol,Handle), 
4228          fromto(VCT1, VC0,VC1, [])
4229        do
4230            construct_and_verify_one_constraint(I,VArr,CPH,condcp,Tol,Handle,VC0,VC1)
4231        ),
4232        cplex_get_prob_param(CPH, 1, Cols),
4233        ( foreacharg(V, VArr, I), param(CPH, Cols, Base, Tol, IntTol, SolArr), 
4234          fromto(VVs, VV0,VV1, []) 
4235        do
4236            VIdx is Cols - I + Base, %Vars are in reverse column order
4237            cplex_get_col_bounds(CPH, VIdx, Lo, Hi),
4238            get_darray_element(SolArr, VIdx, Val),
4239            (Val >= Lo - Tol, Val =< Hi + Tol -> 
4240                cplex_get_col_type(CPH, VIdx, TypeCode),
4241                cplex_type_code(T, TypeCode),
4242                (T == integer ->
4243                    Diff is abs(round(Val) - Val),
4244                    (Diff > IntTol -> VV0 = [vio(int,Diff,VIdx,V)|VV1] ; VV1 = VV0)
4245                ;
4246                    VV0 = VV1 
4247                )
4248            ; 
4249                (Val < Lo - Tol -> VioBound = lower ; VioBound = upper),
4250                (Val < Lo -> Diff is Lo - Val ; Diff is Val - Hi),
4251                VV0 = [vio(VioBound,Diff,VIdx,V)|VV1]
4252            )
4253        ).
4255   construct_and_verify_one_constraint(I, VArr, CPH, Type, Tol, Handle, VC0, VC1) :-
4256        constraint_type_code(Type, TypeCode),
4257        construct_one_constraint(CPH, TypeCode, I, VArr, C),
4258        term_variables(C, CVs),
4259        copy_term((C,CVs), (CCopy,CVsCopy), _), % omit attributes!
4260        ( foreach(V, CVs), foreach(VCopy, CVsCopy),
4261          param(Handle) do
4262            lp_var_solution(Handle, V, VCopy)
4263        ),
4264        verify_one_constraint(CCopy, Tol, Diff),
4265        (Diff == satisfied -> 
4266            VC0 = VC1 
4267        ; 
4268            convert_rawidx_to_row_index(Type, Handle, I, RowIdx),
4269            VC0 = [vio(Type,Diff,RowIdx,C)|VC1]
4270        ).
4272   verify_one_constraint(Sense:[Cst*1|Lhs], Tol, Diff) :-
4273        Rhs is -Cst,
4274        LhsSum is sum(Lhs),
4275        Expr =.. [Sense,LhsSum,Rhs],
4276        (call(Expr) ->
4277            Diff = satisfied
4278        ;
4279            Diff0 is abs(LhsSum - Rhs),
4280            (Diff0 > Tol -> Diff = Diff0 ; Diff = satisfied)
4282        ).    
4284% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
4285% Interface to the C procedures
4286% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
4288cplex_objsense(min(Expr), 1, Expr).
4289cplex_objsense(max(Expr), -1, Expr).
4291cplex_objsense(min, 1).
4292cplex_objsense(max, -1).
4294% V <Op> Bound
4295cplex_bound_code((=<),  1).
4296cplex_bound_code((=:=), 0).
4297cplex_bound_code((>=), -1).
4299cplex_problem_code(lp,   0).
4300cplex_problem_code(mip,  1).
4301cplex_problem_code(qp,   2).
4302cplex_problem_code(miqp, 3).
4303cplex_problem_code(fixedlp, 4).
4304cplex_problem_code(fixedqp, 5).
4305cplex_problem_code(relaxedlp, 6).
4306cplex_problem_code(relaxedqp, 7).
4308cplex_mip_code(1).	% mip
4309cplex_mip_code(3).	% miqp
4311% correspondance between linear and quad. problems
4312linear_quadratic(lp, qp).
4313linear_quadratic(mip, miqp).
4314linear_quadratic(fixedlp, fixedqp).
4315linear_quadratic(relaxedlp, relaxedqp).
4317% quadratic problem types
4324% Superset of possible methods (i.e. supported by at least one solver)
4325% cplex_method_codes(+Name, -MethCode, -AuxMethCode)
4326% cplex_method_codes(-Name, +MethCode, +AuxMethCode)
4327% Code must correspond to METHOD_XXX definitions in C
4328cplex_method_codes(default,		-1, -1) :- !.
4329cplex_method_codes(auto,		0, -1) :- !.
4330cplex_method_codes(primal,		1, -1) :- !.
4331cplex_method_codes(dual,		2, -1) :- !.
4332cplex_method_codes(net,			3, -1) :- !.
4333cplex_method_codes(net(default),	3, -1) :- !.
4334cplex_method_codes(net(auto),		3,  0) :- !.
4335cplex_method_codes(net(primal),		3,  1) :- !.
4336cplex_method_codes(net(dual),		3,  2) :- !.
4337cplex_method_codes(net_primal,		3,  1) :- !.	% backward compatbility
4338cplex_method_codes(net_dual,		3,  2) :- !.	% backward compatbility
4339cplex_method_codes(barrier,		4, -1) :- !.
4340cplex_method_codes(barrier(default),	4, -1) :- !.
4341cplex_method_codes(barrier(auto),	4,  0) :- !.
4342cplex_method_codes(barrier(primal),	4,  1) :- !.
4343cplex_method_codes(barrier(dual),	4,  2) :- !.
4344cplex_method_codes(barrier(none),	4,  8) :- !.
4345cplex_method_codes(barrier_primal,	4,  1) :- !.	% backward compatbility
4346cplex_method_codes(barrier_dual,	4,  2) :- !.	% backward compatbility
4347cplex_method_codes(sifting,		5, -1) :- !.
4348cplex_method_codes(sifting(default),	5, -1) :- !.
4349cplex_method_codes(sifting(auto),	5,  0) :- !.
4350cplex_method_codes(sifting(primal),	5,  1) :- !.
4351cplex_method_codes(sifting(dual),	5,  2) :- !.
4352cplex_method_codes(sifting(net),	5,  3) :- !.
4353cplex_method_codes(sifting(barrier),	5,  4) :- !.
4354cplex_method_codes(concurrent,		6, -1) :- !.
4355cplex_method_codes(concurrent_det,	7, -1) :- !.
4358:- mode cplex_type_code(-, ++).
4359cplex_type_code(integer, 0'B).
4360cplex_type_code(integer, 0'I).
4361cplex_type_code(real, 0'C).
4363:- mode type_to_cplex_type(?,++,++,-).
4364type_to_cplex_type(T, _, _, 0'C) :- var(T), !.
4365type_to_cplex_type(integer, Lo, Hi, T) :-
4366	( Lo=0.0, Hi=1.0 ->
4367	    T = 0'B
4368	;
4369	    T = 0'I
4370	).
4371type_to_cplex_type(real, _, _, 0'C).
4374constraint_type_code(norm,    0).  % normal problem constraint
4375constraint_type_code(permcp,  1).  % unconditional cutpool constraint
4376constraint_type_code(condcp,  2).  % conditional cutpool constraint
4378% status code for cutpool constraints -- must correspond to the CSTR_STATE_*
4379% macros in the C code. These apply to cutpool constraints that have not 
4380% been added to the problem.
4381cp_cstr_state_code(violated, -1).
4382cp_cstr_state_code(satisfied, -2).
4383cp_cstr_state_code(binding, -3).
4384cp_cstr_state_code(invalid, -4).
4385cp_cstr_state_code(inactive, -5).
4387% cutpool constraint conditions that can be set. Code (second arg)
4388% must correspond to C code in cplex_set_cpcstr_cond()
4389cp_cond_code(active, 1).
4390cp_cond_code(add_initially, 2).
4392mipstart_code(none, 0).
4393mipstart_code(all, 1).
4394mipstart_code(integers, 2).
4397:- mode set_qobj_coeffs(+,++).
4398set_qobj_coeffs(CPH, QObjCoeffs0) :-
4399        (lp_get(optimizer, osi) ->
4400            % sort for OSI, as quadratic terms need to be in sparse matrix form
4401            sort(1, =<, QObjCoeffs0, QObjCoeffs)
4402        ;
4403            QObjCoeffs0 = QObjCoeffs
4404        ),
4405        set_qobj_coeffs_r(CPH, QObjCoeffs).
4408:- mode set_qobj_coeffs(+,++).
4409set_qobj_coeffs_r(_CPH, []).
4410set_qobj_coeffs_r(CPH, [q(I,J,C)|CXs]) :-
4411	cplex_set_qobj_coeff(CPH, I, J, C),
4412	set_qobj_coeffs_r(CPH, CXs).
4414:- mode obj_coeffs(+,+,-).
4415obj_coeffs([], _,[]).
4416obj_coeffs([C*X|CXs], SId, [J:C|JCs]) :-
4417        % need to place new obj. coeffs to one column only
4418        (get_first_var_index(X, SId, J) -> 
4419             true
4420        ;
4421             printf(error, "Eplex error: a non-problem variable %w occurs"
4422                    " in the objective.%n", [X]),
4423             flush(error),
4424             abort
4425        ),
4426	obj_coeffs(CXs, SId, JCs).
4428:- mode set_obj_coeffs(+,++).
4429set_obj_coeffs(_, []).
4430set_obj_coeffs(CPH, [J:C|JCs]) :-
4431	cplex_set_obj_coeff(CPH, J, C),
4432	set_obj_coeffs(CPH, JCs).
4434:- mode chg_obj_coeffs(+,++).
4435chg_obj_coeffs(CPH, []) :-
4436	cplex_flush_obj(CPH).
4437chg_obj_coeffs(CPH, [J:C|JCs]) :-
4438	cplex_new_obj_coeff(CPH, J, C),
4439	chg_obj_coeffs(CPH, JCs).
4441:- mode clr_obj(+,++).
4442clr_obj(CPH, []) :-
4443	cplex_flush_obj(CPH).
4444clr_obj(CPH, [J:_C|JCs]) :-
4445	cplex_new_obj_coeff(CPH, J, 0),
4446	clr_obj(CPH, JCs).
4448:- mode qobj_coeffs(+,+,-).
4449qobj_coeffs([], _, []).
4450qobj_coeffs([[C,X,Y]|CXs], SId, [q(I,J,C)|JCs]) :-
4451        % qobj coeffs added to one pair of cols only
4452        (get_first_var_index(X, SId, I),
4453         get_first_var_index(Y, SId, J) ->
4454             qobj_coeffs(CXs, SId, JCs)
4455        ;
4456             printf(error, "Eplex error: a non-problem variable %w or %w occurs"
4457                    " in the quadratic objective.%n", [X,Y]),
4458             flush(error),
4459             abort
4460        ).
4462:- mode chg_qobj_coeffs(+,++).
4463chg_qobj_coeffs(_CPH, []).
4464chg_qobj_coeffs(CPH, [q(I,J,C)|JCs]) :-
4465	cplex_new_qobj_coeff(CPH, I, J, C),
4466	chg_qobj_coeffs(CPH, JCs).
4468:- mode clr_qobj(+,++).
4469clr_qobj(_CPH, []).
4470clr_qobj(CPH, [q(I,J,_C)|JCs]) :-
4471	cplex_new_qobj_coeff(CPH, I, J, 0),
4472	clr_qobj(CPH, JCs).
4475set_rhs(_, [], _).
4476set_rhs(CPH, [Sense:Val|Cs], I) :-
4477	I1 is I+1,
4478	cplex_set_rhs_coeff(CPH, I, Sense, Val),
4479	set_rhs(CPH, Cs, I1).
4481% initialise the type of a new column to an integer type
4482set_type_integer(_, _, []).
4483set_type_integer(CPH, SId, [X|Xs]) :-
4484        % new var: no merged cols
4485        ( get_unique_var_index(X, SId, J) ->
4486              cplex_get_col_bounds(CPH, J, Lo, Hi),
4487              type_to_cplex_type(integer, Lo, Hi, TypeCode),
4488              cplex_init_type(CPH, J, TypeCode)
4489	; var(X) ->
4490              printf(warning_output, "Eplex warning: integer variable not a problem variable (ignored): %mVw%n", [X])
4491	; integer(X) ->
4492	      true
4493	; number(X) ->
4494	      % nonvar: make sure it's sufficiently integral
4495	      abs(round(X) - X) =< cplex_get_param(CPH, integrality)
4496	;
4497              printf(error, "Eplex error: integer variable unified to"
4498                            " a non-number:.%w%n", [X]),
4499              throw(abort)
4500        ),
4501	set_type_integer(CPH, SId, Xs).
4503% Set initial bounds for new variables from one-variable constraints
4504set_initial_bounds(_, _, []).
4505set_initial_bounds(CPH, SId, [Sense:[Cst*_,C*X]|BdCstrs]) ?-
4506	Bound is float(-Cst/C),
4507	swap_sense(C, Sense, Sense1),
4508	get_unique_var_index(X, SId, J),
4509	cplex_init_bound(CPH, J, Sense1, Bound),
4510	set_initial_bounds(CPH, SId, BdCstrs).
4512% Update bounds for old variables from one-variable constraints.
4513% Return list of changed columns.
4514update_bounds(_, [], []).
4515update_bounds(Handle, [Sense:[Cst*_,C*X]|BdCstrs], CCs) ?-
4516	Bound is float(-Cst/C),
4517	swap_sense(C, Sense, Sense1),
4518	get_lp_attr(X, Handle, Attr),
4519	Attr = eplex{idx: [I|_]},	%%% enough?
4520	impose_col_bounds(Handle, Attr, I, Bound, Changed, Sense1),
4521	( Changed==1 -> CCs = [I|CCs1] ; CCs=CCs1 ),
4522	update_bounds(Handle, BdCstrs, CCs1).
4524% synchronise bounds if requested
4525sync_bounds_mat(yes, Vars, Handle, CPH) :-
4526        cplex_get_prob_param(CPH, 1, Max),
4527        (foreach(V,Vars), fromto(Max, I0,I, _), param(Handle) do
4528             I is I0 - 1,
4529             (number(V) ->
4530                  % if V is a number, no need to do anything here
4531                  % (bounds for column imposed by eplex unify handler)
4532                  true
4533             ;
4534                  get_var_bounds(V, Lo, Hi), 
4535                  % no need to check if bounds changed or not; as we are
4536                  % are in the process of invoking the solver here.
4537                  get_lp_attr(V, Handle, Attr),
4538                  cplex_impose_col_bounds(Handle, Attr, I, 1, Lo, Hi, _)
4539             )
4540        ).
4541sync_bounds_mat(no, _, _, _).
4544set_mat(CPH, Cols, K, J, Jmax) :-
4545	( J >= Jmax ->
4546	    true
4547	;
4548	    J1 is J+1,
4549	    arg(J1, Cols, Col),
4550	    set_mat_col(CPH, Col, K, K1),	% move to set_bounds_mat
4551	    cplex_set_matbeg(CPH, J, K, K1),	%
4552	    set_mat(CPH, Cols, K1, J1, Jmax)
4553	).
4555set_mat_col(_, T, K, K) :- var(T), !.
4556set_mat_col(_, [], K, K).
4557set_mat_col(CPH, [I:CIJ|More], K0, K) :-
4558	cplex_set_matval(CPH, K0, I, CIJ),
4559	K1 is K0+1,
4560	set_mat_col(CPH, More, K1, K).
4563set_sos(prob{cplex_handle:CPH,solver_id:SId}, SosList) :-
4564	set_sos_list(CPH, SId, SosList).
4566    set_sos_list(_CPH, _, []).
4567    set_sos_list(CPH, SId, [Sos|SosList]) :-
4568	( Sos = sos1(Vars), clean_sos1(Vars, PureVars) ->
4569	    vars_to_cols(PureVars, SId, Cols, 0, N),
4570	    cplex_add_new_sos(CPH, 1, N, Cols)
4571	; Sos = sos2(Vars), clean_sos2(Vars, PureVars) ->
4572	    vars_to_cols(PureVars, SId, Cols, 0, N),
4573	    cplex_add_new_sos(CPH, 2, N, Cols)
4574	;
4575	    printf(error, "Eplex error: error in SOS setup: %w%n", [Sos]),
4576            abort
4577	),
4578	set_sos_list(CPH, SId, SosList).
4580    vars_to_cols([], _, [], N, N).
4581    vars_to_cols([X|Xs], SId, [J|Js], N0, N) :-
4582	( get_first_var_index(X, SId, J) ->
4583	    N1 is N0+1,
4584	    vars_to_cols(Xs, SId, Js, N1, N)
4585	; var(X) ->
4586	    writeln(error, "Eplex error: SOS contains non-problem variable during setup"),
4587	    abort
4588	;
4589	    writeln(error, "Eplex error: SOS contains non-variable during setup"),
4590	    abort
4591	).
4593    % Preprocess an SOS1:
4594    %  - drop zeros, keep only variables
4595    %  - single nonzero: set all others to zero
4596    %  - several nonzeros: fail
4597    %
4598    % we could do something similar for SOS2, but much more tricky:
4599    %  - X=0: drop the 0, make sos2 + sos1 with left/right neighbour
4600    %  - X=1: make sos1 with left/right neighbour, others 0
4602    clean_sos1(ElemsColl, NewElems) :-
4603	collection_to_list(ElemsColl, Elems),
4604	(
4605	    foreach(E,Elems),
4606	    fromto(Vars,Vars1,Vars0,[]),
4607	    param(Nonzero)
4608	 do
4609	     ( var(E) ->
4610		 Vars1 = [E|Vars0]
4611	     ;
4612	     	X is E,		% evaluate subscripts etc
4613		( var(X) ->
4614		    Vars1 = [X|Vars0]
4615		 ; X =:= 0 ->
4616		     Vars1 = Vars0	% drop zeros
4617		 ;
4618		     var(Nonzero),   % else fail (more than one nonzero)
4619		     Nonzero = X,
4620		     Vars1 = Vars0
4621		 )
4622	     )
4623	 ),
4624	 ( var(Nonzero) ->
4625	     NewElems = Vars
4626	 ;
4627	     NewElems = [],
4628	     ( foreach(V,Vars) do V = 0 )
4629	 ).
4631    % preliminary
4632    clean_sos2(ElemsColl, Vars) :-
4633	collection_to_list(ElemsColl, Elems),
4634	(
4635	    foreach(E,Elems),
4636	    fromto(Vars,Vars1,Vars0,[])
4637	do
4638	    ( var(E) ->
4639		Vars1 = [E|Vars0]
4640	    ;
4641	     	X is E,		% evaluate subscripts etc
4642		Vars1 = [X|Vars0]
4643	    )
4644	).
4647raw_to_typed_solution(CPH, ArrSize, RawArr, SolArr) :-
4648        % SolArr: structure in column order from 1..ArrSize
4649        cplex_matrix_offset(OffSet), 
4650        (for(I, 1, ArrSize),
4651         param(CPH,RawArr,SolArr,OffSet) do
4652            ColIdx is I - OffSet,
4653            get_typed_solution_for_col(CPH, ColIdx, RawArr, TVal),
4654            arg(I, SolArr, TVal)
4655        ).
4659% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
4660% Variable names
4663load_varnames(yes, NAdded, CPH, SId, Vars) ?-
4664        (count(_, 1, NAdded), fromto(Vars, [Var|Vars0],Vars0, _), 
4665         param(CPH, SId) do
4666             (get_unique_var_index(Var, SId, ColJ), % new var
4667              var_name:get_var_name(Var, Name) ->
4668                  cplex_load_varname(CPH, ColJ, Name)
4669             ;
4670                  true
4671             )
4672        ).
4673load_varnames(no, _,  _, _, _).
4676% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
4677% Expression simplifier (using lib(linearize))
4679% A linear expression is normalised into a list (sum) of the form
4680%	[C0*1, C1*X1, C2*X2, ...]
4681% where Ci are numbers and Xi are distinct variables.
4682% The first (constant) term is always present, Ci (i>=1) are nonzero.
4683% The expression must be built from variables, numbers, +/2, */2, -/2, -/1.
4684% The simplifier fails if the expression is not linear.
4686% renormalise/2 renormalises a normal form expression after variable
4687% bindings, unifications.
4689% A normalised constraint has the form
4690%	Sense:NormExpr
4691% where Sense is one of the atoms =:=, >= or =< and NormExpr is a
4692% normalised expression as above. E.g. (>=):[-5*1,3*X] encodes
4693% the constraint  -5 + 3*X >= 0.
4694% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
4696% Fails for var, unknown, and nonlinear constraints 
4697normalise_cstr(Cstr, _) :- var(Cstr), !,
4698	fail.
4699normalise_cstr(Cstr, (=:=):Norm) :- 
4700        Cstr = (E1 =:= E2),
4701	linearize(E1-E2, Norm, Residue),
4702        warn_nonlinear(Residue, Cstr).
4703normalise_cstr(Cstr, (>=):Norm) :- 
4704        Cstr = (E1 >= E2),
4705	linearize(E1-E2, Norm, Residue),
4706        warn_nonlinear(Residue, Cstr).
4707normalise_cstr(Cstr, (=<):Norm) :- 
4708        Cstr = (E1 =< E2),
4709	linearize(E1-E2, Norm, Residue),
4710        warn_nonlinear(Residue, Cstr).
4711normalise_cstr(Cstr, (=:=):Norm) :- 
4712        Cstr = (E1 $= E2),
4713	linearize(E1-E2, Norm, Residue),
4714        warn_nonlinear(Residue, Cstr).
4715normalise_cstr(Cstr, (>=):Norm) :- 
4716        Cstr = (E1 $>= E2),
4717	linearize(E1-E2, Norm, Residue),
4718        warn_nonlinear(Residue, Cstr).
4719normalise_cstr(Cstr, (=<):Norm) :- 
4720        Cstr = (E1 $=< E2),
4721	linearize(E1-E2, Norm, Residue),
4722        warn_nonlinear(Residue, Cstr).
4725normalise_cstrs(Cs, _, _) :- var(Cs), !,
4726	fail.
4727normalise_cstrs([], [], []).
4728normalise_cstrs([C|Cs], NormLins, NonLins) :-
4729	( normalise_cstr(C, Cnorm) ->
4730	    NormLins = [Cnorm|NormLins1],
4731	    normalise_cstrs(Cs, NormLins1, NonLins)
4732	;
4733	    NonLins = [C|NonLins1],
4734	    normalise_cstrs(Cs, NormLins, NonLins1)
4735	).
4737renormalise_cstr(Sense:Denorm, Sense:Norm) :-
4738	linrenorm(Denorm, Norm).
4740renormalise_cstrs([], []).
4741renormalise_cstrs([C|Cs], [N|Ns]) :-
4742        renormalise_cstr(C, N),
4743        renormalise_cstrs(Cs, Ns).
4746    warn_nonlinear(Residue, Cstr) :-
4747        (Residue = [] -> 
4748             true
4749        ;
4750             printf(warning_output, "Eplex warning: Unable to linearise %w%n", [Cstr]),
4751	     writeln(warning_output, "Constraint is either non-linear, or has incorrect syntax (missing brackets?)"),
4752             fail
4753        ).
4756% Normalise indicator constraint, fail if invalid
4757% idc(Complemented:0..1, Bool:UncheckedExpression, LinNorm:NormConstraint),
4758normalise_idc(Indicator=>Lin, Norm) ?-
4759	Norm = idc(Complemented, Bool, LinNorm),
4760	( nonvar(Indicator), Indicator=neg(Bool) -> Complemented=1
4761	; Bool=Indicator, Complemented=0
4762	),
4763	normalise_cstr(Lin, LinNorm).
4766% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
4767% Normal form -> standard expressions
4768% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
4770denormalise_cstr([], []).
4771denormalise_cstr([Norm|Norms], [Cstr|Cstrs]) :-
4772	denormalise_cstr(Norm, Cstr),
4773	denormalise_cstr(Norms, Cstrs).
4774denormalise_cstr(Sense:SimpEx0, Cstr) :-
4775	linrenorm(SimpEx0, SimpEx1),
4776	SimpEx1 = [Cst*_|Lhs],
4777	delinearize(Lhs, LhsExpr),
4778	Rhs is -Cst,
4779	Cstr =.. [Sense, LhsExpr, Rhs].
4782% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
4783% Interface to the polynomial simplifier
4784% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
4786	% Call polynomial simplifier and return separately:
4787	% - constant
4788	% - linear part in [C1*X1|...] format as defined above
4789	% - quadratic part
4790	% fails if not quadratic
4791quadnorm(Expr, Const, Lin, Quad) :-
4792	quadnorm(Expr, Const, LinNew, Quad, [], []),
4793	( foreach([C,X], LinNew), foreach(C*X, Lin) do true ).
4797% Change variable support
4799lp_suspend_on_change(Handle, _Var, Susp):-
4800        nonvar(Handle), Handle = prob{},
4801        suspend_on_change_handle(Handle, Susp).
4802suspend_on_change(_Var, Susp, Pool):-
4803        get_pool_handle(Handle, Pool),
4804        suspend_on_change_handle(Handle, Susp).
4806    suspend_on_change_handle(Handle, Susp):-
4807        enter_suspension_list(change_suspensions of prob, Handle, Susp).
4809lp_get_changeable_value(Handle, Var, Val):-
4810        nonvar(Handle), Handle = prob{},
4811        get_changeable_value_handle(Handle, Var, Val).
4812get_changeable_value(Var, Val, Pool):-
4813        get_pool_handle(Handle, Pool),!,
4814        get_changeable_value_handle(Handle, Var, Val).
4815get_changeable_value_handle(Handle, Var, Val):-
4816        (catch(lp_var_get(Handle, Var, typed_solution, Val),abort,true)->
4817             true
4818        ;
4819             true
4820        ).
4823% Infeasible analysis
4826eplex_get_iis(NCRows, NCCols, CIdxs, CVs, Pool) :-
4827        get_pool_handle(Handle, Pool),
4828        !,
4829        lp_get_iis(Handle, NCRows, NCCols, CIdxs, CVs).
4830eplex_get_iis(NCRows, NCCols, CIdxs, CVs, Pool) :-
4831	printf(error, "Eplex error: instance %w has no associated"
4832               " solver:%n", [Pool]),
4833        error(5, eplex_get_iis(NCRows, NCCols, CIdxs, CVs, Pool)).
4835lp_get_iis(Handle, NCRows, NCCols, CstrIdxs, CVs) :-
4836        Handle = prob{mr:MR,cp_cond_map:Map,iis_rows:CRowIdxs,iis_cols:CColIdxs,iis_colstats:CColStatus},
4837        ( array(CRowIdxs) ->
4838            % IIS computed eagerly on failure and associated with the IIS arrays
4839            iarray_size(CRowIdxs, NCRows),
4840            iarray_size(CColIdxs, NCCols),
4841            iarray_list(CRowIdxs, CRowIdxLst),
4842            ( foreach(RIdx, CRowIdxLst), param(Map,MR),
4843              foreach(CIdx, CstrIdxs)  do
4844                matidx_cstridx(RIdx, Map, MR, CIdx)
4845            ),
4847            %        lp_get1(Handle, constraints_norm(CRowIdxLst), Cstrs),
4848            iarray_list(CColIdxs, CColIdxLst),
4849            (CColIdxLst \== [] ->
4850                lp_get1(Handle, vars, VArr),
4851                ( foreach(ColIdx, CColIdxLst), param(VArr,CColStatus),
4852                  foreach(V:StatusAtom, CVs), count(I, 1,_) do
4853                    string_code(CColStatus, I, StatusCode),
4854                    char_code(StatusAtom, StatusCode),
4855                    Pos is ColIdx + 1,
4856                    arg(Pos, VArr, V)
4857                )
4858            ;
4859                CVs = []
4860            )
4861        ; CRowIdxs == [] ->
4862            NCRows = 0,
4863            NCCols = 0,
4864            CstrIdxs = [],
4865            CVs = [],
4866            writeln(warning_output, 
4867                    "Eplex warning: no IIS information is available."
4868                    " This is either because 1) the current solve did"
4869                    " not fail, or 2) the solver does not support IIS.")
4870        ;
4871            writeln(error, "Eplex error: iis must be requested via"
4872                         " cache_iis  option before solving."),
4873            error(6, lp_get_iis(Handle, NCRows, NCCols, CstrIdxs, CVs))
4874	).
4877% cutpool support
4880% rawidx_cstridx(+CType, +RawIdx, -CstrIdx)
4881% rawidx_cstridx(-CType, -RawIdx, ++CstrIdx)
4882% mapping between constraint index to the `raw' index (i.e. index into
4883% the correct constraint type as specified by CType)
4884rawidx_cstridx(0, Idx, Idx) :- integer(Idx), !.
4885rawidx_cstridx(1, Idx, g(1,Idx)) :- !, integer(Idx).
4886rawidx_cstridx(2, Idx, g(2,Idx)) :- integer(Idx).
4888matidx_cstridx(MatIdx, Map, MR, CIdx) :-
4889        ( MatIdx >= MR ->
4890            Idx is MatIdx - MR,
4891            % find each pool cstr independently -- not efficient if need 
4892            % to find many
4893            find_cstridx(Idx, Map, 0, CIdx)
4894	;
4895            CIdx = MatIdx
4896	).
4898find_cstridx(Idx, Map, RIdx0, CIdx) :-
4899	get_iarray_element(Map, RIdx0, Delta),
4900	( Idx =:= Delta ->
4901            constraint_type_code(condcp, CType),
4902            rawidx_cstridx(CType, RIdx0, CIdx)
4903	;
4904            RIdx1 is RIdx0 + 1,
4905            find_cstridx(Idx, Map, RIdx1, CIdx)
4906	).
4908matidx_cstridx(Idx, CIdx, Map) :-
4909	cplex_get_prob_param(CPH, 0, NRows),
4910	NCPRows is NRows - MC,
4911	functor(MCMap, '', NCPRows),
4912	iarray_size(Map, MSize),
4913	Last is MSize - 1,
4914	(for(J,0,Last), param(Map, MCMap) do
4915		get_iarray_element(Map, J, Delta),
4916		( Delta >= 0 ->
4917			MIdx is Delta + 1,
4918			arg(MIdx, MCMap, J)
4919		;
4920			true
4921		)
4922	)
4925get_named_cp_index(Handle, Name, Idx) :-
4926        atom(Name),
4927        arg(cplex_handle of prob, Handle, CPH),
4928        cplex_get_named_cp_index(CPH, Name, 0, Idx).
4931cutpool_selection_to_rawidxs(cstr(Idx0), _Handle, Idxs) ?-
4932        rawidx_cstridx(_CType, RIdx, Idx0),
4933        Idxs = [RIdx].
4934cutpool_selection_to_rawidxs(group(Name), Handle, Idxs) ?-
4935        arg(cplex_handle of prob, Handle, CPH),
4936        cplex_get_named_cp_index(CPH, Name, 0, PIdx),
4937        cplex_get_named_cpcstr_indices(CPH, PIdx, Idxs).
4938cutpool_selection_to_rawidxs(last_added, Handle, Idxs) ?-
4939        get_last_solved_rawidxs(Handle, Idxs, _, _).
4940cutpool_selection_to_rawidxs(last_notadded, Handle, Idxs) ?-
4941        get_last_solved_rawidxs(Handle, _, Idxs, _).
4942cutpool_selection_to_rawidxs(last_inactive, Handle, Idxs) ?-
4943        get_last_solved_rawidxs(Handle, _, _, Idxs).
4946% Added Index, Unadded Index, Inactive Index
4947get_last_solved_rawidxs(Handle, AIdxs, UIdxs, IIdxs) ?-
4948        arg(cp_cond_map of prob, Handle, Map),
4949        iarray_size(Map, Size),
4950        Last is Size - 1,
4951        (for(J,0,Last), param(Map),
4952         fromto([], AIdxs0,AIdxs1, AIdxs), 
4953         fromto([], IIdxs0,IIdxs1, IIdxs),
4954         fromto([], UIdxs0,UIdxs1, UIdxs)  do
4955            get_iarray_element(Map, J, Delta),
4956            ( Delta >= 0 -> % active, added
4957                AIdxs1 = [J|AIdxs0],
4958		UIdxs0 = UIdxs1,
4959                IIdxs0 = IIdxs1
4960            ;
4961                % unadded -- can be active or inactive
4962                cp_cstr_state_code(State, Delta),
4963                (State == inactive ->
4964                    IIdxs1 = [J|IIdxs0],
4965                    AIdxs0 = AIdxs1,
4966                    UIdxs0 = UIdxs1
4967                ;
4968                    % active, unadded
4969                    UIdxs1 = [J|UIdxs0],
4970                    AIdxs0 = AIdxs1,
4971                    IIdxs0 = IIdxs1
4972                )
4973            )
4974        ).
4976    get_cp_cstrs_info(IType, CType, RawIdxs, Handle, Info) :-
4977        arg(cplex_handle of prob, Handle, CPH),
4978        Info = Idxs-Is,
4979	cp_cond_code(IType, ICode),
4980        (foreach(RI,RawIdxs), param(ICode,CType,CPH), 
4981         foreach(Idx,Idxs), foreach(I, Is) do
4982            rawidx_cstridx(CType, RI, Idx),
4983            cplex_get_cpcstr_info(CPH, RI, ICode, I)
4984        ).
4986lp_get_cutpool_info(index, CType, RawIdxs, _Handle, Idxs) ?-
4987        (foreach(RI, RawIdxs), param(CType), foreach(Idx, Idxs) do
4988            rawidx_cstridx(CType, RI, Idx)
4989        ).
4990lp_get_cutpool_info(add_initially, CType, RawIdxs, Handle, Info) ?-
4991        get_cp_cstrs_info(add_initially, CType, RawIdxs, Handle, Info).
4992lp_get_cutpool_info(active, CType, RawIdxs, Handle, Info) ?-
4993        get_cp_cstrs_info(active, CType, RawIdxs, Handle, Info).
4994lp_get_cutpool_info(binding_state, CType, RawIdxs, Handle, Info) ?-
4995        Handle = prob{cplex_handle:CPH,cp_cond_map:Map,slacks:Slacks,mr:MR},
4996        (var(Slacks) ->
4997            writeln(error, "Eplex error: Slack values required to get"
4998                    " binding state information for cutpool constraints."),
4999            abort
5000        ;
5001            true
5002        ),
5003        cplex_get_param(CPH, feasibility_tol, Tol),
5004        Info = Idxs-States,
5005        (foreach(RI,RawIdxs),param(Map,Slacks,MR,Tol,CType),
5006         foreach(Idx,Idxs), foreach(BS, States) do
5007            rawidx_cstridx(CType, RI, Idx),
5008            get_iarray_element(Map, RI, D),
5009            ( D >= 0 -> 
5010                /* constraint was added - check its slack value */
5011                RowI is MR + D,
5012                get_darray_element(Slacks, RowI, S),
5013                (abs(S) =< Tol -> BS = binding ; BS = satisfied)
5014            ; 
5015                /* constraint was not added */
5016                cp_cstr_state_code(BS, D)
5017            )
5018        ).
5019lp_get_cutpool_info(constraints_norm, CType, RawIdxs, Handle, Info) ?-
5020	Handle = prob{cplex_handle:CPH,vars:VList},
5021        Info = Idxs-NCs,
5022        VArr =.. [''|VList], % need random access to variables
5023        (foreach(RI, RawIdxs), param(CType,VArr,CPH),
5024         foreach(Idx, Idxs), foreach(NC, NCs) do
5025                rawidx_cstridx(CType, RI, Idx),
5026                construct_one_constraint(CPH, CType, RI, VArr, NC)
5027        ).
5028lp_get_cutpool_info(constraints, CType, RawIdxs, Handle, Info) ?-
5029        lp_get_cutpool_info(constraints_norm, CType, RawIdxs, Handle, 
5030            Idxs-NCs),
5031        Info = Idxs-Cs,
5032        denormalise_cstr(NCs, Cs).
5034% currently allows only setting of states, may allow more complex
5035% conditions in the future
5036lp_set_cp_option(Option, Handle, Idx, Value) ?-
5037	rawidx_cstridx(CType, RIdx, Idx),
5038	constraint_type_code(condcp, CType),
5039        valid_cp_optval(Option, Value, Handle, ActVal),
5040	cp_cond_code(Option, OType),
5041        arg(cplex_handle of prob, Handle, CPH),
5042	cplex_set_cpcstr_cond(CPH, RIdx, OType, ActVal).
5046% utility predicates
5049is_list_or_nil([_|_]) ?- true.
5050is_list_or_nil([])    ?- true.
5053% Pools
5056:- local record(lp_pools). % list of lp pool names
5058create_eplex_pool(Pool) :-
5059	create_constraint_pool(Pool, property(arity) of constraint_type, [
5060	    (=:=)/2 -> lp_eq/3,
5061	    (>=)/2 -> lp_ge/3,
5062	    (=<)/2 -> lp_le/3,
5063	    ($=)/2 -> lp_eq/3,
5064	    ($>=)/2 -> lp_ge/3,
5065	    ($=<)/2 -> lp_le/3,
5066            ($::)/2 -> lp_interval/3,
5067            (::)/2 ->  lp_interval/3,
5068            integers/1 -> integers/2,
5069            reals/1 -> reals/2,
5070            sos1/1 -> sos1/2,
5071            sos2/1 -> sos2/2,
5072            (=>)/2 -> indicator_constraint/3,
5073            piecewise_linear_hull/3 -> piecewise_linear_hull/4,
5074            suspend_on_change/2 -> suspend_on_change/3,
5075            get_changeable_value/2 -> get_changeable_value/3,
5076	    eplex_solver_setup/1 -> eplex_solver_setup/2,
5077	    eplex_solver_setup/4 -> eplex_solver_setup_cbody/5, 
5078	    eplex_solver_setup/5 -> eplex_solver_setup_cbody/6, % obsolete
5079	    eplex_probe/2 -> eplex_probe/3,
5080	    eplex_solve/1 -> eplex_solve/2,
5081	    eplex_get/2 -> eplex_get/3,
5082            eplex_set/2 -> eplex_set/3,
5083	    eplex_var_get/3 -> eplex_var_get/4,
5084            eplex_var_get_bounds/3 -> eplex_var_get_bounds/4,
5085            eplex_add_constraints/2 -> eplex_add_constraints/3,
5086            eplex_read/2 -> eplex_read/3,
5087            eplex_write/2 -> eplex_write/3,
5088            eplex_get_iis/4 -> eplex_get_iis/5,
5089            eplex_verify_solution/2 -> eplex_verify_solution/3,
5090	    eplex_cleanup/0 -> eplex_cleanup/1
5091	]).
5094eplex_instance(PoolName) :-
5095	( is_constraint_pool(PoolName),
5096	  recorded(lp_pools, PoolName) % is a lp pool
5097	->
5098            % if pool exists, check if it is currently empty 
5099	    ( pool_is_empty(PoolName),
5100	      get_pool_item(PoolName, 0) % has no associated solver
5101	    ->
5102		true
5103	    ;
5104		printf(error, "Eplex error: instance still in use in %w%n", [eplex_instance(PoolName)]),
5105		abort
5106	    )
5107	;
5109            (recorded(lp_pools, PoolName) -> 
5110                 printf(error, "Eplex error: cannot create the eplex instance in %w as it may"
5111                        " have been erased earlier.%n", [eplex_instance(PoolName)]),
5112                 abort
5113            ;    record(lp_pools, PoolName)
5114            ),
5115            create_eplex_pool(PoolName)
5116	).
5119lp_pool_associate_solver(PoolName, Handle) :-
5120	get_pool_item(PoolName, 0), % does not already have a solver
5121	set_pool_item(PoolName, Handle),
5122	Handle = prob{pool:PoolName}.
5125get_pool_handle(Handle, Pool) :-
5126	get_pool_item(Pool, Handle),
5127	Handle = prob{}.
5130pool_has_no_solver(Pool) :-
5131        ( is_constraint_pool(Pool), 
5132          recorded(lp_pools, Pool) ->  
5133              ( get_pool_item(Pool, 0) -> true
5134              ; 
5135                printf(error, "Eplex error: Attempting to associate a"
5136                       " solver with eplex instance %w, which already has"
5137                       " an associated solver.%n", [Pool]),
5138                abort
5139              )
5140        ;
5141              printf("Eplex error: Invalid eplex instance %w specified"
5142                     " during set up.%n", [Pool]),
5143              abort
5144        ).
5147    % Dummy predicate for forwarding piecewise_linear_hull/3 to the
5148    % appropriate solver.  It would be nice if create_constraint_pool/3
5149    % allowed module qualification in the spec list, so that this extra
5150    % indirection were not needed...  We could just import the piecewise
5151    % module, but then it would always be loaded, rather than only when it's
5152    % actually used.
5153piecewise_linear_hull(X, Points, Y, Pool) :-
5154        eplex_relax:piecewise_linear_hull(X, Points, Y, Pool).
5158% Compatibility: solver's idea of integer tolerance
5160int_tolerance(Tol) :-
5161	cplex_get_param(0, integrality, Tol).
5164% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
5165% Try to grab a licence
5166% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
5168?- ( is_predicate(lp_get_license/0), lp_get_license -> true ; true).