2% Version: CMPL 1.1
4% The contents of this file are subject to the Cisco-style Mozilla Public
5% License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
6% in compliance with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License
7% at www.eclipse-clp.org/license.
9% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
10% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.  See
11% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
12% under the License. 
14% The Original Code is  The ECLiPSe Constraint Logic Programming System. 
15% The Initial Developer of the Original Code is  Cisco Systems, Inc. 
16% Portions created by the Initial Developer are
17% Copyright (C) 2006 Cisco Systems, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
19% Contributor(s): Andrew Eremin, IC-Parc
23:- comment(categories, ["Algorithms","Constraints"]).
24:- comment(summary, "Column generation library").
25:- comment(author, "Andrew Eremin").
26:- comment(copyright, "Cisco Systems, Inc.").
27:- comment(date, "$Date: 2012/07/31 02:17:06 $").
28:- comment(status, prototype).
30:- comment(desc, html("\
33   This library lets you use hybrid column generation. Partial linear
34   constraints are posted to a solver and further variables added to
35   them during search as they become profitable. The generated
36   variables will have a column of coefficients in the constraints of
37   the colgen instance associated with them corresponding to
38   particular instantiations of the variables of a subproblem. The
39   predicate to find profitable subproblem variable instantiations is
40   supplied by the user. When a user-defined branching predicate is
41   provided, the library can also be used for hybrid branch-and-price.
43   The library uses the eplex library to solve LP master
44   problems, from which dual values are used to create cost functions
45   for the user-defined subproblem. Solution of master and subproblems
46   will iterate until no further subproblem solutions are posted to
47   the colgen instance.
48</P> ")).
50:- comment(minimize/3, [
51template:  "ColgenInstance:minimize(+SolveSubProblem, +Obj, -ObjVal)",
52    args:  ["SolveSubProblem": "Subproblem solution predicate",
53            "Obj": "The objective function to minimize",
54            "ObjVal": "The optimal solution cost"
55           ],
56    summary: "Minimizes the problem associated with the colgen instance ColgenInstance.",
57    desc: html("\
58  <P>
59  Minimize the partial linear expression <TT>Obj</TT> for the problem
60  associated with the colgen instance <TT>ColgenInstance</TT>, using
61  the user-defined predicate <TT>SolveSubProblem</TT> to provide
62  profitable variables during solution. The optimal solution cost is
63  unified with <TT>ObjVal</TT>.
64  </P><P>
65  The first argument of the subproblem solution predicate must be a
66  subproblem structure, as specified in solver_setup/3.
67  </P>
68  "),
69  see_also:[solver_setup/3]
72:- comment(solver_setup/2, [
73template:  "ColgenInstance:solver_setup(+SolveSubProblem, +Obj)",
74    args:  ["SolveSubProblem": "Subproblem solution predicate",
75            "Obj": "The objective function to minimize"
76           ],
77    summary: "Define subproblem and objective for ColgenInstance.",
78    desc: html("\
79    Equivalent to solver_setup/3 with default options.
80    "),
81    see_also:[colgen:solver_setup/3]
84:- comment(solver_setup/3, [
85template:  "ColgenInstance:solver_setup(+SolveSubProblem, +Obj, +Options)",
86    args:  ["SolveSubProblem": "Subproblem solution predicate",
87            "Obj": "The objective function to minimize",
88            "Options": "A list of options"
89           ],
90    summary: "Define subproblem, objective and options for ColgenInstance.",
91    desc: html("\
92  <P>
93  Define the partial linear expression <TT>Obj</TT> as the objective to
94  minimize for the problem associated with the colgen instance
95  <TT>ColgenInstance</TT>.  It will typically contain implicit_sum terms.
96  </P><P>
97  Associate the user-defined predicate <TT>SolveSubProblem</TT> to provide
98  profitable variables during the solution process.
99  </P><P>
100  The first argument of the subproblem solution predicate must be a
101  subproblem structure:
102 <PRE>
103      sp_prob(master_pool, cutoff, cost, coeff_vars, aux, ...)
104 </PRE>
105  where and <TT>master_pool</TT> will be unified with the colgen
106  instance <TT>ColgenInstance</TT> so that solutions can be posted to
107  it from within the solution predicate, <TT>cutoff</TT> is a minimum
108  acceptable value for the cost of subproblem solutions that will be
109  updated before calling the predicate, <TT>cost</TT> is the variable
110  occurring in the implicit sum term of <TT>obj</TT> (if any)
111  representing the contribution of new subproblem solutions to the
112  master problem solution cost, <TT>coeff_vars</TT> is a list of all
113  subproblem variables occurring in the implicit sum terms of master
114  problem constraints.
115  </P>
116  <P>
117  The following options are accepted:
118    <DL>
119    <DT><TT>separate(+SeparationGoal)</TT><DD>
120	a user-specified separation goal (XXX).
121    <DT><TT>node_select(+Val)</TT><DD>
122	node selection criterion passed to bfs instance
123	<TT>(best_first|depth_first|best_estimate)</TT>.
124    <DT><TT>eplex_option(+EplexOption)</TT><DD>
125	Option to be passed to the associated eplex solver instance.
126    <DT><TT>disallow(+Policy)</TT><DD>
127	policy for active prevention of duplicate columns <TT>(off|lp|clp)</TT>.
128    <DT><TT>int_tolerance(+Tol)</TT><DD>
129	tolerance for optimality <TT>(1e-5|float)</TT>.
130    <DT><TT>basis_perturbation(+OffOn)</TT><DD>
131	should we try and perturb the external solver basis when we appear
132	to be at optimal and external solver returns same basis after adding
133	columns  ('off' - no, 'on' - temporarily set the external solver
134	to always perturb)
135    <DT><TT>info_messages(+OffOn)</TT><DD>
136	print messages while solving.
137    <DT><TT>on_degeneracy(+Action)</TT><DD>
138	should we halt when we find degeneracy (default 'stop'), or
139	continue and let the subproblem solver deal with it ('continue').
140    <DT><TT>stabilisation(+Policy)</TT><DD>
141	the policy to perform basis stabilisation:
142	<DL>
143	<DT><TT>off</TT><DD>
144	    no stabilisation is performed.
145	<DT><TT>on(BoundIter, BoundUpdate, CoeffIter, CoeffUpdate)</TT><DD>
146	    then the default policy is used with var bounds/coefficients
147	    updated by BoundUpdate/CoeffUpdate after BoundIter/CoeffIter
148	    iterations respectively.
149	<DT><TT>stab_pred(UpdatePred, StoppingPred)</TT><DD>
150	    a user defined policy is employed and UpdatePred/ StoppingPred
151	    should be predicates that perform the updates and test for
152	    stopping conditions.
153	</DL>
154    </DL>
155  <P>
156  "),
157    see_also: [colgen:set/2]
160:- comment(cg_subproblem_solution/1, [
161template:  "ColgenInstance:cg_subproblem_solution(++Value)",
162    args:  ["Value": "Subproblem solution (sp_sol structure) or list"
163                     " of subproblem solutions"
164           ],
165    summary: "Posts new subproblem solution(s) to the colgen instance ColgenInstance.",
166    desc: html("\
167  <P>
168  Post subproblem solution(s) corresponding to a column of coefficients
169  for a new master problem variable to the colgen instance
170  <TT>ColgenInstance</TT>. The argument must be a <TT>sp_sol</TT>
171  structure or list of such structures:
172 <PRE>
173      sp_sol(cost, coeff_vars, aux)
174 </PRE>
175  where <TT>cost</TT> is the master problem cost function coefficient
176  of the solution, <TT>coeff_vars</TT> is a list of <TT>Id-Val</TT>
177  pairs corresponding to the subproblem variable solution values and
178  identifier of the constraint in which it occurred as an implicit sum
179  term for those subproblem variables with a non-zero solution
180  value. <TT>aux</TT> should contain any problem specific information
181  which is of interest that is not represented uniquely by the cost
182  and objective coefficients.
183  </P>
184  ")
187:- comment(identified_constraint/2, [
188template:  "ColgenInstance:identified_constraint(+Cstr, ?Id)",
189    args:  ["Cstr": "colgen constraint"],
190    summary: "Post an identified constraint to the colgen instance ColgenInstance.",
191    desc: html("\
192  <P>
193  Post a constraint to the colgen instance <TT>ColgenInstance</TT>
194  which will be associated with the identifier <TT>Id</TT>. The
195  constraint <TT>Cstr</TT> must be a valid colgen constraint of type
196  <TT>>=/2,=:=/2,=</2,$>=/2,$=/2,$=</2</TT>. If <TT>Id</TT> is
197  uninstantiated it will be unified with the external solver row
198  number of the constraint when this is set up. The identifier can
199  later be used to retrieve the dual value or subproblem cost function
200  term associated with the constraint.
201  </P> "),
202    see_also: [(>=)/2,(=:=)/2,(=<)/2,($>=)/2,($=)/2,($=<)/2,get/2 ] ]).
204:- comment(get/2, [
205template:  "ColgenInstance:get(++What, -Value)",
206args:      ["What":  "Specification for information wanted (atom)",
207	    "Value": "Returned value of What"
208           ],
209summary:   "Obtain global problem information.",
210desc:      html("\
212   Retrieve information about solver constraints and results, for the
213   colgen instance ColgenInstance. What can take one of the following values:
216    <DT><TT>dual(+Id)</TT>
217      <DD>Returns the floating-point value of the
218      current dual value for the constraint having identifier Id. See
219      also <TT>sp_obj</TT> below.
221    <DT><TT>sp_obj(+Id)</TT>
222      <DD>Returns the sub problem objective terms currently associated
223      associated with the constraint having identifier Id. This will
224      be a term <TT>Val*Var</TT> where Val is the current dual value
225      for the constraint as also returned by
226      <TT>ColgenInstance:get(dual(Id), Val)</TT> and Var is the
227      subproblem variable in the implicit sum term of the
228      constraint. It is the users responsibility to get all relevant
229      terms of the current cost function and ensure that subproblem
230      solutions posted to the colgen instance have a non-negative
231      cost.
233    <DT><TT>vars</TT>
234      <DD>Returns a list of all variables currently
235      associated with the colgen instance <TT>ColgenInstance</TT>.
237    <DT><TT>non_zero_vars</TT>
238      <DD>Returns a list of all variables currently associated with
239      the colgen instance <TT>ColgenInstance</TT> that have a non-zero
240      optimal solution. This may be more efficient than retrieving all
241      problem variables after solution, since very many variables can
242      be generated and most will have a zero value in the optimal
243      solution.
245    <DT><TT>frac_vars</TT>
246      <DD>Returns a list of all variables currently associated with
247      the colgen instance <TT>ColgenInstance</TT> that have a
248      fractional optimal solution. This is intended for use primarily
249      in user-defined problem branching predicates.
251    <DT><TT>column_count</TT><DD>
252      Number of generated columns.
254    <DT><TT>obj_val</TT><DD>
255      Current objective value.
257    <DT><TT>unsatisfiable_cstrs</TT><DD>
259    <DT><TT>satisfiable_cstrs</TT><DD>
261    <DT><TT>generated_non_zero_vars</TT><DD>
263    <DT><TT>non_zero_vars</TT><DD>
265    <DT><TT>vars</TT><DD>
267    <DT><TT>sep_goal</TT><DD>
268      Separation goal.
270    <DT><TT>sp_solver</TT><DD>
271      Subproblem solver goal.
273    <DT><TT>stab_coeff/bound_minus/plus(Ident)</TT><DD>
274      Stabilisation parameters per constraint.
276</DL>") ]).
278:- comment(var_get/3, [
279template:  "ColgenInstance:var_get(+Var, ++What, -Value)",
280args:      ["Var":   "A solver problem variable for the solver associated with ColgenInstance",
281            "What":  "Specification for information wanted (atom)",
282	    "Value": "Returned value of What"
283           ],
284summary:   "Obtain information for an individual solver problem variable Var.",
285desc:      html("\
287   Retrieve information about solver constraints and results related to a
288   particular variable, for the colgen instance ColgenInstance.
289   What can take one of the following values:
291    <DT><TT>mp_val</TT>
292    <DD>Returns the floating-point solution for variable Var.
294    <DT><TT>cost</TT>
295    <DD>Returns the master problem objective coefficient
296    associated with the variable Var.
298    <DT><TT>coeffs</TT>
299    <DD>Returns a list of Id-Val pairs representing the constraint
300    identifiers and coefficient values for the master problem
301    constraints in which the coefficient is non-zero associated
302    with the variable Var.
304    <DT><TT>aux</TT>
305    <DD>Returns the auxiliary information associated with the
306    variable Var. The intended use is for subproblem information
307    not represented in the master problem constraint coefficients.
311:- comment(colgen_instance/1, [
312    amode:colgen_instance(++),
313    args:  ["ColgenInstance": "Colgen instance name (atom)"
314           ],
315    summary: "Initialises the colgen instance ColgenInstance.",
316    desc: html("\
317  <P>
318  Initialises the colgen instance ColgenInstance. A colgen instance is an
319  instance of the colgen solver, to which colgen partial linear arithmetic
320  constraints can be posted, and to which an external LP solver can be
321  associated and used to optimise the posted constraints with respect
322  to some objective.
323  </P><P>
324  If ColgenInstance is not an already existing colgen instance, a new colgen
325  instance will be created and initialised. If it is an existing colgen
326  instance, and it is not currently being used (having no outstanding posted
327  constraints and no associated solver), it is effectively reinitialised.
328  Otherwise, the predicate aborts with an error. Note that a colgen instance
329  is a module, and each colgen instance can be associated with at most one
330  solver at any time and vice versa.
331  </P>
332  "),
333    see_also:   [(>=)/2,(=:=)/2,(=<)/2,($>=)/2,($=)/2,($=<)/2,var_get/3]
336%:- comment((>=)/2,  [
337%    template:  "ColgenInstance:(?X >= ?Y)",
338%    args:      ["X":    "Partial linear expression",
339%		"Y":    "Partial linear expression"
340%	       ],
341%    see_also:  [(=:=)/2,(=<)/2,($=)/2,($=<)/2,($>=)/2,var_get/3], 
343%    summary:   "Constrains X to be greater than or equal to Y.",
344%    desc:      html("\
345%	Logically: Constrains X to be greater than or equal to Y. X
346%	and Y are partial linear expressions. Partial linear
347%	expressions may contain terms of the form
348%	<TT>implicit_sum(+Var)</TT> in addition to any terms allowed
349%	within a standard linear expression. Variables occurring
350%	inside <TT>implicit_sum/1</TT> terms are taken to be
351%	subproblem variables whose instantiation will correspond to
352%	the coefficient of a generated master problem variable in this
353%	constraint. Operationally, the constraint gets delayed until
354%	the external solver state for ColgenInstance is invoked.")
355%    ]).
357%:- comment((=<)/2,  [
358%    template:  "ColgenInstance:(?X =< ?Y)",
359%    args:      ["X":    "Partial linear expression",
360%		"Y":    "Partial linear expression"
361%	       ],
362%    see_also:  [(=:=)/2,(>=)/2,($=)/2,($=<)/2,($>=)/2,var_get/3],
363%    summary:   "Constrains X to be less than or equal to Y.",
364%    desc:      html("\
365%	Logically: Constrains X to be less than or equal to Y. X and
366%	Y are partial linear expressions. Partial linear expressions
367%	may contain terms of the form <TT>implicit_sum(+Var)</TT> in
368%	addition to any terms allowed within a standard linear
369%	expression. Variables occurring inside <TT>implicit_sum/1</TT>
370%	terms are taken to be subproblem variables whose instantiation
371%	will correspond to the coefficient of a generated master
372%	problem variable in this constraint. Operationally, the
373%	constraint gets delayed until the external solver state for
374%	ColgenInstance is invoked.")  ]).
376%:- comment((=:=)/2,  [
377%    template:  "ColgenInstance:(?X =:= ?Y)",
378%    args:      ["X":    "Partial linear expression",
379%		"Y":    "Partial linear expression"
380%	       ],
381%    see_also:  [(=<)/2,(>=)/2,($=)/2,($=<)/2,($>=)/2,var_get/3],
382%    summary:   "Constrains X to be equal to Y.",
383%    desc:      html("\
384%	Logically: Constrains X to be equal to Y. X and Y are partial
385%	linear expressions. Partial linear expressions may contain
386%	terms of the form <TT>implicit_sum(+Var)</TT> in addition to
387%	any terms allowed within a standard linear
388%	expression. Variables occurring inside <TT>implicit_sum/1</TT>
389%	terms are taken to be subproblem variables whose instantiation
390%	will correspond to the coefficient of a generated master
391%	problem variable in this constraint. Operationally, the
392%	constraint gets delayed until the external solver state for
393%	ColgenInstance is invoked.")  ]).
395:- comment(($>=)/2,  [
396    template:  "ColgenInstance:(?X $>= ?Y)",
397    args:      ["X":    "Partial linear expression",
398		"Y":    "Partial linear expression"
399	       ],
400    see_also:  [($=)/2,($=<)/2,(=:=)/2,(=<)/2,(>=)/2,var_get/3], 
402    summary:   "Constrains X to be greater than or equal to Y.",
403    desc:      html("\
404    <P>
405    Logically: Constrains X to be greater than or equal to Y. X and Y
406    are partial linear expressions. Partial linear expressions may
407    contain terms of the form <TT>implicit_sum(+Var)</TT> in addition
408    to any terms allowed within a standard linear
409    expression. Variables occurring inside <TT>implicit_sum/1</TT>
410    terms are taken to be subproblem variables whose instantiation
411    will correspond to the coefficient of a generated master problem
412    variable in this constraint. Operationally, the constraint gets
413    delayed until the external solver state for ColgenInstance is
414    invoked.
415    </P>
416 ")
419:- comment(($=<)/2,  [
420    template:  "ColgenInstance:(?X $=< ?Y)",
421    args:      ["X":    "Partial linear expression",
422		"Y":    "Partial linear expression"
423	       ],
424    see_also:  [($=)/2,($>=)/2,(=:=)/2,(=<)/2,(>=)/2,var_get/3],
425    summary:   "Constrains X to be less than or equal to Y.",
426    desc:      html("\
427    <P>
428    Logically: Constrains X to be less than or equal to Y.  X and Y
429    are partial linear expressions. Partial linear expressions may
430    contain terms of the form <TT>implicit_sum(+Var)</TT> in addition
431    to any terms allowed within a standard linear
432    expression. Variables occurring inside <TT>implicit_sum/1</TT>
433    terms are taken to be subproblem variables whose instantiation
434    will correspond to the coefficient of a generated master problem
435    variable in this constraint. Operationally, the constraint gets
436    delayed until the external solver state for ColgenInstance is
437    invoked.
438    </P>
439 ")
442:- comment(($=)/2,  [
443    template:  "ColgenInstance:(?X $= ?Y)",
444    args:      ["X":    "Partial linear expression",
445		"Y":    "Partial linear expression"
446	       ],
447    see_also:  [($=<)/2,($>=)/2,(=:=)/2,(=<)/2,(>=)/2,var_get/3],
448    summary:   "Constrains X to be equal to Y.",
449    desc:      html("\
450    <P>
451    Logically: Constrains X to be less than or equal to Y.  X and Y
452    are partial linear expressions. Partial linear expressions may
453    contain terms of the form <TT>implicit_sum(+Var)</TT> in addition
454    to any terms allowed within a standard linear
455    expression. Variables occurring inside <TT>implicit_sum/1</TT>
456    terms are taken to be subproblem variables whose instantiation
457    will correspond to the coefficient of a generated master problem
458    variable in this constraint. Operationally, the constraint gets
459    delayed until the external solver state for ColgenInstance is
460    invoked.
461    </P>
462 ")
466:- comment(set/2,  [
467    template:  "ColgenInstance:set(+What,++Value)",
468    args:      ["What": "Parameter name",
469		"Value":"Parameter value"
470	       ],
471    see_also:  [colgen:get/2, colgen:solver_setup/3],
472    summary:   "Set parameters for column generation instance.",
473    desc:      html("\
474    <P>
475    Set parameters for the give column generation instance:
476    </P>
478<DT><TT>disallow (off|lp|clp)</TT><DD>
479    policy for active preventions of duplicate columns.
480<DT><TT>int_tolerance (1e-5|float)</TT><DD>
481    tolerance for optimality.
482<DT><TT>basis_perturbation (off|on)</TT><DD>
483    should we try and perturb the external solver basis when we appear
484    to be at optimal and external solver returns same basis after adding
485    columns  ('off' - no, 'on' - temporarily set the external solver
486    to always perturb)
487<DT><TT>info_messages (off|on)</TT><DD>
488    print messages while solving.
489<DT><TT>on_degeneracy (stop|continue)</TT><DD>
490    should we halt when we find degeneracy (default 'stop'), or
491    continue and let the subproblem solver deal with it ('continue').
492<DT><TT>stabilisation (off|on()|stab_pred())</TT><DD>
493    the policy to perform basis stabilisation:
494    <DL>
495    <DT><TT>off</TT><DD>
496	no stabilisation is performed.
497    <DT><TT>on(BoundIter, BoundUpdate, CoeffIter, CoeffUpdate)</TT><DD>
498	then the default policy is used with var bounds/coefficients
499	updated by BoundUpdate/CoeffUpdate after BoundIter/CoeffIter
500	iterations respectively.
501    <DT><TT>stab_pred(UpdatePred, StoppingPred)</TT><DD>
502	a user defined policy is employed and UpdatePred/ StoppingPred
503	should be predicates that perform the updates and test for
504	stopping conditions.
505    </DL>
507    parameters for stabilisation, per constraint.
509 ")
515:- comment(integers/1,  [
516    template:  "ColgenInstance:integers(?Vars)",
517    args:      ["Vars":    "Variable or a list or variables"],
518    see_also:  [_:integers/1,reals/1,(::)/2],
519    summary:   "Constrains Vars to integers for ColgenInstance.",
520    desc:      html("<P>\
521	Constrains list Vars to integers in the eplex instance
522        EplexInstance. If a variable in Vars is not already a problem
523        variable for EplexInstance, it will be added as a new problem
524        variable. The external solver will then take the integrality into
525        account, i.e. to solve a MIP/MIQP rather than a relaxed LP/QP
526        problem.  Unlike integers/1 constraints from other solvers, the
527        variables are not constrained to be integer type at the ECLiPSe
528        level. However, when a typed_solution is retrieved (e.g. via
529        eplex_var_get/3), this will be rounded to the nearest integer.
530	<P>
531	Note that even when problem variables have been declared as
532        integers in other solvers (ic or other external solver
533        states), if the integrality constraint is not made known to this
534        EplexInstance, any invocation of the eplex external solver (e.g. via
535        eplex_solve/1) will only solve a continuous relaxation.
536	<P>
537	")
538    ]).