2% Version: CMPL 1.1
4% The contents of this file are subject to the Cisco-style Mozilla Public
5% License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
6% in compliance with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License
7% at www.eclipse-clp.org/license.
9% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
10% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.  See
11% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
12% under the License. 
14% The Original Code is  The ECLiPSe Constraint Logic Programming System. 
15% The Initial Developer of the Original Code is  Cisco Systems, Inc. 
16% Portions created by the Initial Developer are
17% Copyright (C) 2006 Cisco Systems, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
19% Contributor(s): 
23% TODO:
24% 	- many integer 0 are used, which should probably be 0.0
25% 	- replace +/2 expressions by lin/1 terms
27:- lib(constraint_pools).
28:- lib(linearize).
29:- lib(hash).
30:- lib(eplex).
31:- lib(dual_var).
32:- lib(bfs).
34:- import
35     lp_var_non_monotonic_set_bounds/4
36   from eplex_.
38:- inline(verify/1, t_verify/2).
39t_verify(verify(Goal), (Goal->true;writeln(error,verify_failed(Goal)),abort)).
40verify(Goal) :- verify(Goal).
42% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
44% Meta-attribute related stuff
45% This is the attribute of the generated MP variables
46% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
48:- export cg_var_print/2.
50:- meta_attribute(colgen, [print:cg_var_print/2, unify:unify_colgen/2,
51                           get_bounds:cg_get_bounds/3,
52                           set_bounds:cg_set_bounds/3]).
54:- export struct(
55                 colgen(
56                        mp_val,		% float (sometimes int 0?)
57                        cost,		% float: MP objective coefficient
58                        coeffs,		% [cstrid-coeff], keysorted
59                        aux,		% 'artificial', 'stabilisation', [],
60					%  or defined by subproblem sp_sol{}
61                        lo,		% float, possibly int??
62                        hi,		% float, possibly int??
63                        type,		% 'real' or 'integer'
64                        master_prob,    % suspension list
65                        solver,		% cg_prob{}
66                        next		% colgen{} or []
67                       )
68                ).
70% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
72% Pools
74% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
76:- export colgen_instance/1.	 % colgen_instance(+PoolName)
78% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
80% Predicates with pool argments (don't reexport these in colgen!)
82% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
84:- export var_dual1/7.              % var_dual/6
85:- export get_dual1/3.              % get_dual/2
86:- export get_coeff1/3.             % get_coeff/2
87:- export get_idx1/3.               % get_idx/2
88:- export get_rhs1/3.               % get_rhs/2
89:- export always_set_dual1/3.       % always_set_dual/2
90:- export set_dual1/3.              % set_dual/2
92:- export bp_solve1/2.              % solve/1
93:- export cg_solver_setup/3.        % solver_setup/2
94:- export cg_solver_setup/4.        % solver_setup/3
95:- export cg_integers1/2.           % integers/1
96:- export add_cg_pool_constraint/3. % identified_constraint/2
97:- export cg_eq/3.		    % =:=/2
98:- export cg_ge/3.		    % >=/2
99:- export cg_le/3.		    % =</2
100:- export cg_sp_count1/2.           % cg_subproblem_count/1
101:- export cg_sp_sol/2.              % cg_subproblem_solution/1
102:- export cg_valid_columns1/2.      % valid_columns/1
103:- export cg_sp_rc_sum/2.           % cg_subproblem_rc_sum/1
104:- export cg_optimal_rc1/2.         % optimal_rc/1
105:- export cg_minimize/5.            % minimize/4
106:- export cg_minimize/4.            % minimize/3
107:- export cg_var_get1/4.            % var_get/3
108:- export cg_get1/3.                % get/2
109:- export cg_branch1/2.             % branch/1
110:- export cg_branch1/3.             % branch/2
112% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
114% Predicates with handle argments
116% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
118:- reexport var_dual/7,             % var_dual/6
119            get_dual/3,             % get_dual/2
120            get_coeff/3,            % get_coeff/2
121            get_idx/3,              % get_idx/2
122            get_rhs/3,              % get_rhs/2
123            always_set_dual/3,      % always_set_dual/2
124            set_dual/3              % set_dual/2
125            from dual_var.
127:- export bp_solve/2.
128:- export cg_solver_setup/8.
129:- export cg_solver_setup/9.
130:- export cg_integers/2.            % should this be a handle predicate?
131%:- export cg_add_constraints/3.
132:- export cg_sp_count/2.
133:- export cg_valid_columns/2.
134:- export cg_optimal_rc/2.
135:- export cg_minimize/9.
136:- export cg_minimize/8.
137:- export cg_var_get/4.
138:- export cg_get/3.
139:- export cg_branch/2.
140:- export cg_branch/3.
142% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
144:- local struct(cg_constraint_type(mp_only, mp_sp, mp_branch)).
146:- export op(700, xfx, [$>=, $=, $=<, $::]).
148% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
150% Problem handle structure
152% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
154:- export struct(
155     cg_prob(
157    % Global State:
159	     master_prob,       % the master problem eplex handle
160	     bfs_tree,          % bfs_tree for branch-and-price
161	     mp_susp,           % suspension list containing the
162				% suspension for the MP solver
163	     const_obj,         % real: the constant part of
164				%       the cost funciton
165	     phase1_obj,        % Expr: the artificial variable cost fn
166				%       for phase 1 of two-phase
167	     sp_solution_call,  % the user supplied subproblem
168				%      solution predicate
169	     pool,              % the associated constraint pool
170	     tolerance,         % float: tolerance for optimality
171	     branch_tolerance,  % float: tolerance for optimality
172	     info_messages,     % on, off: info message status
173	     on_degeneracy,     % stop, continue: should we halt when
174				%     we find degeneracy, or continue
175				%     (if so the sp solver is assumed
176				%      to deal with it)
177	     stabilisation,     % off,
178				% on(BoundIter, BoundUpdate,
179				%     CoeffIter, CoeffUpdate),
180				% stab_pred(UpdatePred, StoppingPred):
181				%     the policy to perform basis
182				%     stabilisation - if off then no
183				%     stabilisation is performed,
184				%     if on(...) then the default policy
185				%     is used with var bounds/coefficients
186				%     updated by BoundUpdate/CoeffUpdate
187				%     after BoundIter/CoeffIter iterations
188				%     resp, otherwise a user defined
189				%     policy is employed and UpdatePred/
190				%     StoppingPred should be predicates
191				%     that perform the updates and test
192				%     for stopping conditions.
193	     stab_terms,        % [StabTerm1,...,StabTermM]:
194				%     list of stabilisation terms 
195	     stab_iter_counts,  % stab_counters struct:
196				%     record of how many iterations
197				%     since stabilisation var bound and
198				%     coeff update
199	     disallow,          % lp, clp, off:
200				%     policy for active prevention of
201				%     duplicate columns
202	     basis_perturbation,% on, off:
203				%     should we try and perturb external
204				%     solver basis when appear to be at
205				%     optimal when external solver returns
206				%     same basis after adding columns:
207				%     off - no
208				%     on - temporarily set the external
209				%          solver to always perturb
210	     upper_bound,       % float: current bounds on solution
211	     lower_bound,       %     objective value
212	     integral_obj,      % atom: yes or no, is the cost of all
213	     			%     feasible solutions integral? (currently
214				%     unused, but included for later)
215	     duals,             % array: array of current
216				%     master problem dual values
217	     idx_lookup,        % hash table: lookup table to
218				%     convert master problem constraint
219				%     ids into external solver row ids
220	     sp_obj_terms,      % array: array of implicit sum terms
221				%     forming the obj function of subproblems
222				%     in same order as the duals array
223				%     that are their coeffs in it
224	     mp_cols_added,     % int: total number of columns added to MP
225	     mp_vars,           % [Var1,...,Varj]: list of all mp vars
226	     sep_call,          % the user supplied separation predicate
227             module,            % module: module in which to call the various
228                                %     user-defined predicates
230    % Column Management:
232	     col_del,           % atom: ?,none:
233				%     column deletion strategy (currently
234				%     unused, but included for later)
235	     shelf,             % cg_shelf{}: store for data that needs to
236                                %     be preserved across failure
237	     phase,             % indicator for current phase in two-phase
238				%     method:
239				%        0 : phase 1
240				%       -1 : phase 2
241				% this is also used as the "dual" multiplier
242				%     for cost coefficient of a column in the
243				%     subproblem objective
244	     new_columns        % record: columns waiting to be
245				%     added to the master problem
246	    )
247	).
249:- local struct(cg_shelf(
250            info,               % data stored around a bp_node
251            optimal_rc,         % best bound on the reduced cost
252                                %       of a new column (or 'none')
253            sp_sol_cnt          % number SP solutions posted via
254                                %      cg_subproblem_solution/1
255        )).
257% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
259% Basis stabilisation term structure
261% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
263:- export struct(
264                 stab_term(
265                           idx,         % the index of the associated
266                                        % constraint
267                           plus_var,    % the Y^{+} stabilisation var,
268                           plus_coeff,  % the current objective coeff
269                           plus_bound,  % and upper bound
270                           minus_var,   % the Y^{-} stabilisation var,
271                           minus_coeff, % the current objective coeff
272                           minus_bound  % and upper bound
273                          )
274                ).
276% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
278% Basis stabilisation counters structure
280% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
282:- export struct(
283                 stab_counters(
284                               bound_counter, % # iterations
285                                              % since last bound
286                                              % updates
287                               coeff_counter  % # iterations
288                                              % since coeff bound
289                                              % updates
290                              )
291                ).
292% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
294% Subproblem handle structure
296% Note: this info should be moved into the cg_prob structure and accessed
297% from there instead, so that we can quietly ignore the sp_prob struct
298% and eventually drop altogether.
301% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
303:- export struct(
304                 sp_prob(
305                         master_pool,       % atom: the MP pool to which to
306                                            % post cg_subproblem_solution/1 
307                         cutoff,            % float: the bound for termination
308                                            %        of column generation
309                         cost,              % var: dual_var for SP solution
310                                            %      cost coefficient in MP
311                         coeff_vars,        % [Ai,...,An]: list of dual_var
312                                            %      vars for SP solution
313                                            %      coefficients in original
314                                            %      constraints of MP
315                         aux,               % term: arbitrary additional
316                                            %       data stored in colgen
317                                            %       attribute of MP vars
318                         disallow,          % list of cstrs to post if
319                                            % actively preventing
320                                            % duplicate columns
321					    % 2-elem list [Count,Templates]
322                         status,            % phase1, phase2, degenerate
323                         module,            % obsolete
324                         lo, hi,            % implicit variable default bounds
325                         type               % implicit variable default type
326                         )
327                ).
329% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
331% Subproblem solution structure
333% Note: this should have a boolean "optimal" field defaulting to false
334% if not supplied to allow communication of sp_rc_sum without recourse
335% to separate predicate as now.
337% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
339:- export struct(
340                 sp_sol(
341                        cost,              % number: cost coefficient in MP
342                        coeff_vars,        % [A1,...,An] list of reals
343                                           % or sparse list [Idi-Ai,...]:
344                                           %      coefficients in original
345                                           %      constraints of MP
346                        aux,               % term: arbitrary additional
347                                           %       data
348                        lo,                % lower bound
349                        hi,                % upper bound
350                        type               % type integer or real
351                       )
352                ).
354% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
356% Temporary var info structure
358% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
360:- local struct(
361                cg_var_info(
362                            lo,
363                            hi,
364                            val,
365                            reduced_cost,
366                            type,
367                            attr
368                           )
369               ).
371% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
373% cg attribute handlers
375% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
377unify_colgen(_, Attr) :-
378        var(Attr).                   % Ignore if not a colgen var
379unify_colgen(Term, Attr) :-
380        compound(Attr),
381        unify_term_colgen(Term, Attr).
383:- mode unify_term_colgen(?, +).
384unify_term_colgen(X, Attr) :-
385        nonvar(X),                   % colgen var and NONVAR - instantiated
386        instantiation_deviates_for_handle(Attr, X).
387unify_term_colgen(Y{colgen:AttrY}, AttrX) :-
388        -?->
389        unify_colgen_colgen(Y, AttrY, AttrX).
391unify_colgen_colgen(_, AttrY, AttrX) :-
392        var(AttrY),	            % No attribute for this extension
393        AttrX = AttrY.	            % Transfer the attribute
394unify_colgen_colgen(_, AttrY, AttrX) :-
395        nonvar(AttrY),              % colgen var and colgen var
396        unify_handles(AttrX, AttrY).
398instantiation_deviates_for_handle(ThisAttr, X) :-
399        ( compound(ThisAttr) ->
400              ThisAttr = colgen{mp_val:Val,
401                                cost:Cost,
402                                solver:Handle,
403                                next:NextAttr},
404              ( float(X) =:= 0 ->
405                  true
406              ; var(Cost) ->
407                  printf(warning_output,
408                         "Warning: instantiating a variable for"
409                         " %w with unspecified cost coefficient to"
410                         " %w - assuming zero cost%n", [Handle, X])
411              ;
412                  Handle = cg_prob{const_obj:Const*One},
413                  Const0 is Const + Cost * float(X),
414                  setarg(const_obj of cg_prob, Handle, Const0*One)
415              ),
416              ( X =:= Val -> % instantiated to its mp_val
417                    true
418              ;     % otherwise wake the mp
419                    % should probably post a constraint
420                    % to the sp disallowing the
421                    % corresponding sp solution
422                    schedule_suspensions(master_prob of colgen, ThisAttr),
423                    wake
424              ),
425              instantiation_deviates_for_handle(NextAttr, X)
426	;    
427              % chain terminated by atom 'end'
428              true
429        ).
431unify_handles(ThisAttrX, AttrY) :-
432        ThisAttrX = colgen{solver:Handle,
433                           cost:Cost,
434                           coeffs:Coeffs,
435                           aux:Aux,
436                           next:NextAttrX},
437        remove_cg_attr_for_handle(Handle, AttrY, ThisAttrY, NextAttrY),
438        (   % if Y has an attribute for Handle they must match
439            ThisAttrY = colgen{cost:Cost,
440                               coeffs:Coeffs,
441                               aux:Aux},
442            % two variables in the same solver are unified,
443            % send an equality constraint for the two columns
444            % to the external solver and wake it
445            schedule_suspensions(master_prob of colgen, ThisAttrX),
446            wake
447        ;
448            % Y has no attribute for 
449            ThisAttrY = end
450        ),
451        % continue with the rest of X and Ys chains
452        unify_handles(NextAttrX, ThisAttrX, NextAttrY).
454unify_handles(ThisAttrX, Attr0, AttrY) :-
455        ( compound(ThisAttrX) ->
456              ( compound(AttrY) ->
457                    ThisAttrX = colgen{solver:Handle,
458                                       cost:Cost,
459                                       coeffs:Coeffs,
460                                       aux:Aux,
461                                       next:NextAttrX},
462                    remove_cg_attr_for_handle(Handle, AttrY, ThisAttrY, NextAttrY),
463                    (   % if Y has an attribute for Handle they must match
464                        ThisAttrY = colgen{cost:Cost,
465                                           coeffs:Coeffs,
466                                           aux:Aux},
467                        % two variables in the same solver are unified,
468                        % send an equality constraint for the two columns
469                        % to the external solver and wake it
470                        schedule_suspensions(master_prob of colgen, ThisAttrX),
471                        wake
472                    ;
473                        % Y has no attribute for Handle
474                        ThisAttrY = end
475                    ),
476                    % continue with the rest of X and Ys chains
477                    unify_handles(NextAttrX, ThisAttrX, NextAttrY)
478              ;
479                    % Ys chain terminated by atom'end'
480                    true
481              )
482        ;
483              % Xs chain terminated by atom 'end'
484              % put the rest of Ys chain here
485              setarg(next of colgen, Attr0, AttrY)
486        ).
488% From a cg_attr, removes the attribute corresponding to that for the
489% first argument form the chain and returns it. Fails if none found. 
490remove_cg_attr_for_handle(Handle, ThisAttr, Attr, RestAttr) :-
491        % no need to test for var(ThisAttr) in chain
492        ThisAttr = colgen{solver:ThisHandle, next:NextAttr},
493	(ThisHandle == Handle ->
494             RestAttr = NextAttr,
495             setarg(next of colgen, ThisAttr, end),
496	     Attr = ThisAttr
497	;    
498             RestAttr = ThisAttr,
499	     dechain_cg_attr_for_handle1(Handle, NextAttr, ThisAttr, Attr)
500	).
502dechain_cg_attr_for_handle1(Handle, ThisAttr, Attr0, Attr) :-
503        % no need to test for var(ThisAttr) in chain
504        ( ThisAttr = colgen{solver:ThisHandle, next:NextAttr} ->
505              (ThisHandle == Handle ->
506                   setarg(next of colgen, Attr0, NextAttr),
507                   setarg(next of colgen, ThisAttr, end),
508                   Attr = ThisAttr
509              ;    
510                   dechain_cg_attr_for_handle1(Handle, NextAttr, ThisAttr, Attr)
511              )
512        ;     % chain terminated by atom 'end'
513              ThisAttr = Attr
514        ).
516% get_bounds handler
518cg_get_bounds(_Var{colgen:Attr}, Lwb, Upb) ?-
519        ( var(Attr) -> true
520        ; cg_get_attr_bounds(Attr, -1.0Inf, 1.0Inf, Lwb, Upb) ).
522cg_get_attr_bounds(colgen{lo:Lo1, hi:Hi1, next:Next},
523                   Lo0, Hi0, Lo, Hi) ?-
524        Lo1 =< Hi0,
525        Hi1 >= Lo0,
526	Lo2 is max(Lo0, Lo1),
527	Hi2 is min(Hi0, Hi1),
528        cg_get_attr_bounds(Next, Lo2, Hi2, Lo, Hi).
529cg_get_attr_bounds(end, Lo0, Hi0, Lo, Hi) ?-
530        Lo0 = Lo, Hi0 = Hi.
532cg_set_bounds(Var{colgen:Attr}, Lwb, Upb) ?-
533        ( var(Attr) -> true
534        ; cg_set_attr_bounds(Var, Attr, Lwb, Upb) ).
536pos_inf(1e+20) :- !.
537pos_inf(1.0Inf) :- !.
539neg_inf(-1e+20) :- !.
540neg_inf(-1.0Inf) :- !.
542cg_set_attr_bounds(Var, Attr, Lwb, Upb) :-
543        ( compound(Attr) ->
544            Attr = colgen{coeffs:Coeffs,
545                          solver:Handle,
546                          lo:Lwb0,
547                          hi:Upb0,
548                          type:Type,
549                          next:NextAttr},
550            ( Type == real ->
551                Lwb1 = Lwb,
552                Upb1 = Upb
553            ; Type == integer ->
554                ( neg_inf(Lwb) -> Lwb1 = Lwb ; Lwb1 is fix(ceiling(Lwb)) ),
555                ( pos_inf(Upb) -> Upb1 = Upb ; Upb1 is fix(floor(Upb)) )
556            ),
557            ( Lwb1 > Lwb0 ->
558                ( (neg_inf(Lwb0) ; neg_inf(Lwb1)) ->
559                    Handle = cg_prob{master_prob:MPHandle},
560                    ( var(MPHandle) ->
561                        % master problem lp not set up yet, will be
562                        % taken care of in cg_solver_setup
563                        true
564                    ; lp_var_occurrence(Var, MPHandle, _I) ->
565                        lp_var_set_bounds(MPHandle, Var, Lwb1, Upb1)
566                    ;
567                        % Var not yet added to master problem lp, will be
568                        % taken care of when added
569                        true
570                    ),
571                    LwbDiff = 0
572                ;
573                    LwbDiff is Lwb1 - Lwb0
574                ),
575                setarg(lo of colgen, Attr, Lwb1)
576            ;
577                LwbDiff = 0
578            ),
579            ( Upb1 < Upb0 ->
580                ( (pos_inf(Upb0) ; pos_inf(Upb1)) ->
581                    Handle = cg_prob{master_prob:MPHandle},
582                    ( var(MPHandle) ->
583                        % master problem lp not set up yet, will be
584                        % taken care of in cg_solver_setup
585                        true
586                    ; lp_var_occurrence(Var, MPHandle, _I) ->
587                        lp_var_set_bounds(MPHandle, Var, Lwb1, Upb1)
588                    ;
589                        % Var not yet added to master problem lp, will be
590                        % taken care of when added
591                        true
592                    ),
593                    UpbDiff = 0
594                ;
595                    UpbDiff is Upb1 - Upb0
596                ),
597                setarg(hi of colgen, Attr, Upb1)
598            ;
599                UpbDiff = 0
600            ),
601            ( LwbDiff =:= 0, UpbDiff =:= 0 ->
602                true
603            ;
604                Handle = cg_prob{master_prob:MPHandle,
605                                 sp_solution_call:SolveSubProblem},
606                ( var(MPHandle) ->
607                    % master problem lp not set up yet, will be
608                    % taken care of in cg_solver_setup
609                    true
610                ; lp_var_occurrence(Var, MPHandle, _I) ->
611                    lp_var_set_bounds(MPHandle, Var, Lwb1, Upb1)
612                ;
613                    % Var not yet added to master problem lp, will be
614                    % taken care of when added
615                    true
616                ),
617                ( var(SolveSubProblem) ->
618                    true
619                ; var(Coeffs) ->
620                    true
621                ;
622                    arg(1, SolveSubProblem, sp_prob{coeff_vars:DualVars}),
623                    (
624                        foreach(DualVar, DualVars),
625                        param(Handle, Coeffs, LwbDiff, UpbDiff)
626                    do
627                        get_idx(DualVar, Ident, Handle),
628                        ( once member(Ident-Val, Coeffs) ->
629                            get_lhs_range(DualVar, Lo0, Hi0),
630                            Lo1 is Lo0 + Val*LwbDiff,
631                            Hi1 is Hi0 + Val*UpbDiff,
632                            set_lhs_range(DualVar, Lo1, Hi1)
633                        ;
634                            true
635                        )
636                    )
637                )
638            ),
639            cg_set_attr_bounds(Var, NextAttr, Lwb, Upb)
640        ;    
641            % chain terminated by atom 'end'
642            true
643        ).
645cg_var_print(_{colgen:Attr}, Printed) ?-
646        nonvar(Attr), 
647        printed_cg_attributes(Attr, Printed).
649printed_cg_attributes(Attr, Printed) :-
650        ( compound(Attr) ->
651              Attr = colgen{solver:Handle,
652                            mp_val:Val,
653                            cost:Cost,
654                            coeffs:Coeffs,
655                            aux:Aux,
656                            lo:Lo,
657                            hi:Hi,
658                            next:NextAttr},
659              Printed = [Handle:[mp_val:Val, cost:Cost, coeffs:Coeffs,
660                               aux:Aux, lo:Lo, hi:Hi]|Rest],
661              printed_cg_attributes(NextAttr, Rest)
662	;    
663              % chain terminated by atom 'end'
664              Printed = []
665        ).
667get_cg_attr(X{colgen:Attr0}, Handle, Attr) ?-
668        ( var(Attr0) ->
669              new_cg_attr(X, Handle, Attr)
670        ;
671              Attr0 = colgen{solver:Handle0,next:Next},
672              % should not fail unless Attr0 incorrect
673              ( Handle0 == Handle ->
674                    Attr = Attr0
675              ;
676                    get_cg_attr1(Next, Attr0, Handle, Attr)
677              )
678        ).
679get_cg_attr(X, Handle, Attr) :-           % make a new colgen variable
680        free(X),
681        new_cg_attr(X, Handle, Attr).
683get_cg_attr1(ThisAttr, Attr0, Handle, Attr) :-
684	atom(ThisAttr), !, % chain terminated by atom 'end'
685	new_cg_attrstruct(Handle, Attr),
686	setarg(next of colgen, Attr0, Attr).
687get_cg_attr1(ThisAttr, _Attr0, Handle, Attr) :-
688        ThisAttr = colgen{solver:Handle0,next:Next},
689        ( Handle0 == Handle ->
690              Attr = ThisAttr
691        ;
692              get_cg_attr1(Next, ThisAttr, Handle, Attr)
693        ).
695new_cg_attr(X, Handle, Attr) :-           % make a new colgen variable:
696        new_cg_attrstruct(Handle, Attr),
697        add_attribute(X, Attr, colgen). % and add a colgen attribute
699:- mode new_cg_attrstruct(+,?).
700new_cg_attrstruct(Handle, Attr) :-
701        new_cg_attrstruct(Handle, _, _, _, _, _, _, Attr).
704%:- mode new_cg_attrstruct(+,?,?,?,?,?,?,-).
705new_cg_attrstruct(Handle, Obj, Coeffs, Lo, Hi, Type, Info, Attr) :-
706        ( Lo = -1.0Inf -> true ; true ),
707        ( Hi = 1.0Inf -> true ; true ),
708        ( Type = real -> true ; true ),
709        Attr = colgen{mp_val:0,
710                      solver:Handle,
711                      cost:Obj,
712                      coeffs:Coeffs,
713                      lo:Lo,
714                      hi:Hi,
715                      type:Type,
716                      aux:Info,
717                      next:end},
718        init_suspension_list(master_prob of colgen, Attr).
721% From a cg_attr, searches for the attribute corresponding to that for the
722% first argument. Fails if none found. 
723get_cg_attr_for_handle(Handle, Attr0, Attr) :-
724        compound(Attr0), 
725	get_cg_attr_for_handle1(Handle, Attr0, Attr).
727get_cg_attr_for_handle1(Handle, Attr0, Attr) :-
728        % no need to test for var(Attr0) in chain
729        Attr0 = colgen{solver:Handle0,next:NextAttr},
730	(Handle0 == Handle ->
731	     Attr0 = Attr
732	;    
733	     get_cg_attr_for_handle1(Handle, NextAttr, Attr)
734	).
736% var_dual/6: for pools
737var_dual1(Var, Dual, Coeff, Idx, Type, Rhs, Pool) :-
738        get_pool_handle(Handle, Pool), 
739	( Handle == 0 ->
740	    printf(error, "Colgen instance has no solver set up in %w%n",
741		[Pool:var_dual(Var, Dual, Coeff, Idx, Type, Rhs)]),
742	    abort
743	;
744            % make sure we consistently have floats in the attribute
745            FDual is float(Dual),
746            FRhs is float(Rhs),
747	    var_dual(Var, FDual, Coeff, Idx, Type, FRhs, Handle)
748	).        
750% get_dual/2: for pools
751get_dual1(Var, Dual, Pool) :-
752        get_pool_handle(Handle, Pool), 
753	( Handle == 0 ->
754	    printf(error, "Colgen instance has no solver set up in %w%n",
755		[Pool:get_dual(Var, Dual)]),
756	    abort
757	;
758	    get_dual(Var, Dual, Handle)
759	).
761% get_coeff/2: for pools
762get_coeff1(Var, Coeff, Pool) :-
763        get_pool_handle(Handle, Pool), 
764	( Handle == 0 ->
765	    printf(error, "Colgen instance has no solver set up in %w%n",
766		[Pool:get_coeff(Var, Coeff)]),
767	    abort
768	;
769	    get_coeff(Var, Coeff, Handle)
770	).
772% get_idx/2: for pools
773get_idx1(Var, Idx, Pool) :-
774        get_pool_handle(Handle, Pool), 
775	( Handle == 0 ->
776	    printf(error, "Colgen instance has no solver set up in %w%n",
777		[Pool:get_idx(Var, Idx)]),
778	    abort
779	;
780	    get_idx(Var, Idx, Handle)
781	).
783% get_rhs/2: for pools
784get_rhs1(Var, Rhs, Pool) :-
785        get_pool_handle(Handle, Pool), 
786	( Handle == 0 ->
787	    printf(error, "Colgen instance has no solver set up in %w%n",
788		[Pool:get_rhs(Var, Rhs)]),
789	    abort
790	;
791	    get_rhs(Var, Rhs, Handle)
792	).
794% always_set_dual/2: for pools
795always_set_dual1(Var, Dual, Pool) :-
796        get_pool_handle(Handle, Pool), 
797	( Handle == 0 ->
798	    printf(error, "Colgen instance has no solver set up in %w%n",
799		[Pool:always_set_dual(Var, Dual)]),
800	    abort
801	;
802	    always_set_dual(Var, Dual, Handle)
803	).
805% set_dual/2: for pools
806set_dual1(Var, Dual, Pool) :-
807        get_pool_handle(Handle, Pool), 
808	( Handle == 0 ->
809	    printf(error, "Colgen instance has no solver set up in %w%n",
810		[Pool:set_dual(Var, Dual)]),
811	    abort
812	;
813	    set_dual(Var, Dual, Handle)
814	).
816% cg_var_get/4: for low-level handles
817cg_var_get(Handle, X, What, Val) :-
818        ( var(Handle) ->
819            error(4, cg_var_get(Handle, X, What, Val))
820        ; Handle = cg_prob{} ->
821            cg_var_get_body(Handle, X, What, Val)
822        ;
823            error(5, cg_var_get(Handle, X, What, Val))
824        ).
826% var_get/3: for pools
827cg_var_get1(X, What, Val, Pool) :-
828        get_pool_handle(Handle, Pool), 
829	( Handle == 0 ->
830	    printf(error, "Colgen instance has no solver set up in %w%n",
831		[Pool:cg_var_get(X, What, Val)]),
832	    abort
833	;
834	    cg_var_get_body(Handle, X, What, Val)
835	).
837cg_var_get_body(Handle, X, node_val, Val) ?- !,
838        Handle = cg_prob{bfs_tree:BfsHandle},
839        bfs_var_get(BfsHandle, X, node_val, Val).
840cg_var_get_body(Handle, X, reduced_cost, Val) ?- !,
841        Handle = cg_prob{bfs_tree:BfsHandle},
842        bfs_var_get(BfsHandle, X, node_rc, Val).
843cg_var_get_body(Handle, X, mp_val, Val) ?- !,
844        cg_var_mp_val(Handle, X, Val).
845cg_var_get_body(Handle, X, cost, Val) ?- !,
846        cg_var_cost(Handle, X, Val).
847cg_var_get_body(Handle, X, coeffs, Val) ?- !,
848        cg_var_coeffs(Handle, X, Val).
849cg_var_get_body(Handle, X, aux, Val) ?- !,
850        cg_var_aux(Handle, X, Val).
851cg_var_get_body(Handle, X, What, Val) ?-
852	error(6, cg_var_get_body(Handle, X, What, Val)).
854cg_var_mp_val(Handle, _{colgen:Attr0}, Sol) ?-
855	get_cg_attr_for_handle(Handle, Attr0, colgen{mp_val:Sol}).
856cg_var_mp_val(_, X, Sol) :-
857	integer(X),
858	Sol is float(X).
859cg_var_mp_val(_, X, Sol) :-
860	real(X),
861        X = Sol.
863cg_var_cost(Handle, _{colgen:Attr0}, Cost) ?-
864	get_cg_attr_for_handle(Handle, Attr0, colgen{cost:Cost}).
866cg_var_coeffs(Handle, _{colgen:Attr0}, Coeffs) ?-
867	get_cg_attr_for_handle(Handle, Attr0, colgen{coeffs:Coeffs}).
869cg_var_aux(Handle, _{colgen:Attr0}, Aux) ?-
870	get_cg_attr_for_handle(Handle, Attr0, colgen{aux:Aux}).
872% cg_integers/2: for low-level handles
873cg_integers(Handle, Ints) :-
874        ( var(Handle) ->
875            error(4, cg_integers(Handle, Ints))
876        ; Handle = cg_prob{} ->
877            cg_integers_body(Handle, Ints)
878        ;
879            error(5, cg_integers(Handle, Ints))
880        ).
882% integers/1: for pools
883cg_integers1(Ints, Pool) :-
884        get_pool_handle(Handle, Pool), 
885	( Handle == 0 ->
886	    printf(error, "Colgen instance has no solver set up in %w%n",
887		[Pool:integers(Ints)]),
888	    abort
889	;
890	    cg_integers_body(Handle, Ints)
891	).
893cg_integers_body(Handle, Ints) :-
894        ( Handle = cg_prob{bfs_tree:[],info_messages:OnOff} ->
895              bfs_solver_setup(BfsHandle, min, bp_node(Handle),
896                               [info_messages(OnOff),
897                                separation(bp_separate(Handle))]),
898              setarg(bfs_tree of cg_prob, Handle, BfsHandle)
899        ; Handle = cg_prob{bfs_tree:BfsHandle} ),
900        ( var(Ints) ->
901              get_cg_attr(Ints, Handle, Attr),
902              setarg(type of colgen, Attr, integer)
903        ;
904              (
905                  foreach(Int, Ints),
906                  param(Handle)
907              do
908                  get_cg_attr(Int, Handle, Attr),
909                  setarg(type of colgen, Attr, integer)
910              )
911        ),
912        bfs_integers(BfsHandle, Ints).
914% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
915% The user-level constraints
916% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
918% what should this do? look at cg_solver_setup_body
919%cg_add_constraints(Handle, Cstrs, Ids).
921cg_range(X, Lo..Hi, Pool) :-
922        get_pool_handle(Handle, Pool),
923        get_cg_attr(X, Handle, _Attr), % make sure it is a var for Pool
924        set_var_bounds(X, Lo, Hi).
926cg_eq(X, Y, Pool) :- add_cg_pool_constraint(X$=Y, _Id, Pool).
927cg_ge(X, Y, Pool) :- add_cg_pool_constraint(X$>=Y, _Id, Pool).
928cg_le(X, Y, Pool) :- add_cg_pool_constraint(X$=<Y, _Id, Pool).
930add_cg_pool_constraint(Cstr, Ident, Pool) :-
931	cg_normalise_cstr(Cstr, Norm0, CoeffVar, Coeff),
932	!,
933        get_pool_handle(Handle, Pool),
934        Handle = cg_prob{idx_lookup:Lookup,master_prob:MPHandle},
935        ( nonvar(Ident) ->
936            true
937        ;
938            Id = Ident
939        ),
940        suspend(hash_set(Lookup, Ident, Id), 1, Id->inst),
941        ( nonvar(CoeffVar) ->
942            % only involves existing MP vars
943            try_propagate_bounds(Norm0, Norm),
944            ( var(Norm) ->
945                true     % constraint simplified away
946            ; nonvar(MPHandle) ->
947                lp_add_indexed(MPHandle, [Norm], [], [Id])
948            ;
949                post_typed_pool_constraint(Pool,
950                                           mp_only of cg_constraint_type,
951                                           Id:Norm)
952            )
953        ;
954            % involves MP vars to be generated by SPs
955            % cannot propagate bounds yet
956            % give the CoeffVar of the Lambda vars to be generated
957            % a dual_var attribute
958            Norm0 = Sense:[Val*_One|_],
959            Rhs is float(-Val),
960            var_dual(CoeffVar, 0.0, Coeff, Ident, Sense, Rhs, Handle),
961            post_typed_pool_constraint(Pool,
962                                       mp_sp of cg_constraint_type,
963                                       [CoeffVar, Id]:Norm0)
964	).
965add_cg_pool_constraint(Cstr, _Id, Pool) :-
966	error(5, Pool:Cstr).
968try_propagate_bounds(NormIn, NormOut) :-
969	NormIn = Sense:[Cst*_|Lhs],
970	( Lhs == [] ->			% ground: check immediately
971	    satisfied(Sense, Cst)
972	; Lhs = [C*X] ->		% single var: update its bound
973	    Bound is -Cst/C,
974	    swap_sense(C, Sense, Sense1),
975            ( Sense1 == (=<) -> set_var_bounds(X, -1.0Inf, Bound)
976            ; Sense1 == (>=) -> set_var_bounds(X, Bound, 1.0Inf)
977            ; set_var_bounds(X, Bound, Bound) ), % may bind X!
978	    wake
979	;				
980	    NormIn = NormOut
981	).
983    satisfied((=<), C) :- C =< 0.
984    satisfied((>=), C) :- C >= 0.
985    satisfied((=:=), C) :- C =:= 0.
987    swap_sense(C, (=<), (>=)) :- C < 0, !.
988    swap_sense(C, (>=), (=<)) :- C < 0, !.
989    swap_sense(_, S, S).
991% cg_sp_count/2: for low-level handles
992%:- deprecated(cg_sp_count/2, "No longer necessary").
993cg_sp_count(Handle, P) :-
994        ( var(Handle) ->
995            error(4, cg_sp_count(Handle, P))
996        ; var(P) ->
997            error(4, cg_sp_count(Handle, P))
998        ; Handle = cg_prob{}, integer(P) ->
999            cg_sp_count_body(Handle, P)
1000        ;
1001            error(5, cg_sp_count(Handle, P))
1002        ).
1004% cg_subproblem_count/1: for pools
1005cg_sp_count1(P, Pool) :-
1006        get_pool_handle(Handle, Pool), 
1007	( Handle == 0 ->
1008	    printf(error, "Colgen instance has no solver set up in %w%n",
1009		[Pool:cg_subproblem_count(P)]),
1010	    abort
1011	;
1012	    cg_sp_count_body(Handle, P)
1013	).
1015cg_sp_count_body(_Handle, _P).
1017:- deprecated(cg_sp_sol/2, "Use valid_columns/1").
1018% cg_subproblem_solution/1: for pools
1019cg_sp_sol(ColSpecs, Pool) :-
1020        cg_valid_columns1(ColSpecs, Pool).
1022% valid_columns/1: for pools
1023cg_valid_columns1(ColSpecs, Pool) :-
1024        get_pool_handle(Handle, Pool), 
1025	( Handle == 0 ->
1026	    printf(error, "Colgen instance has no solver set up in %w%n",
1027		[Pool:valid_columns(ColSpecs)]),
1028	    abort
1029	;
1030            Handle = cg_prob{shelf:Shelf},
1031            shelf_inc(Shelf, sp_sol_cnt of cg_shelf),	% suppress auto-posting
1032	    cg_valid_columns(Handle, ColSpecs)
1033	).
1035% cg_valid_columns/2: for low-level handles
1036cg_valid_columns(Handle, ColSpecs) :-
1037        ( var(Handle) ->
1038            error(4, cg_valid_columns(Handle, ColSpecs))
1039        ; var(ColSpecs) ->
1040            error(4, cg_valid_columns(Handle, ColSpecs))
1041        ; Handle = cg_prob{new_columns:NewColRec} ->
1042            % recorda for compatibility, should be recordz
1043            ( ColSpecs = sp_sol{} ->
1044                recorda(NewColRec, ColSpecs)
1045            ;
1046                ( foreach(ColSpec, ColSpecs), param(NewColRec) do
1047                    ColSpec = sp_sol{},
1048                    recorda(NewColRec, ColSpecs)
1049                )
1050            )
1051        ;
1052            error(5, cg_valid_columns(Handle, ColSpecs))
1053        ).
1056% Set optimal RC (during SP solution process): the SP solver should
1057% do that iff it computes an RC-optimal column, because we can derive
1058% an MP lower bound from it.
1060% cg_optimal_rc/2: for low-level handles
1061cg_optimal_rc(Handle, RCOpt) :-
1062        ( var(Handle) ->
1063            error(4, cg_optimal_rc(Handle, RCOpt))
1064        ; var(RCOpt) ->
1065            error(4, cg_optimal_rc(Handle, RCOpt))
1066        ; Handle = cg_prob{shelf:Shelf}, number(RCOpt) ->
1067            shelf_set(Shelf, optimal_rc of cg_shelf, RCOpt)
1068        ;
1069            error(5, cg_optimal_rc(Handle, RCOpt))
1070        ).
1072% optimal_rc/1: for pools
1073cg_optimal_rc1(RCOpt, Pool) :-
1074        get_pool_handle(Handle, Pool), 
1075	( Handle == 0 ->
1076	    printf(error, "Colgen instance has no solver set up in %w%n",
1077		[Pool:optimal_rc(RCOpt)]),
1078	    abort
1079	;
1080	    cg_optimal_rc(Handle, RCOpt)
1081	).
1083:- deprecated(cg_sp_rc_sum/2, "Use optimal_rc/1").
1084% subproblem_rc_sum/1: for pools
1085cg_sp_rc_sum(SPRCSum, Pool) :-
1086        cg_optimal_rc1(SPRCSum, Pool).
1089% cg_branch/2: for low-level handles
1090cg_branch(Handle, Branch) :-
1091        ( var(Handle) ->
1092            error(4, cg_branch(Handle, Branch))
1093        ; Handle = cg_prob{} ->
1094            cg_branch_body(Handle, 0, Branch)
1095        ;
1096            error(5, cg_branch(Handle, Branch))
1097        ).
1099% cg_branch/3: for low-level handles
1100cg_branch(Handle, Score, Branch) :-
1101        ( var(Handle) ->
1102            error(4, cg_branch(Handle, Score, Branch))
1103        ; Handle = cg_prob{} ->
1104            cg_branch_body(Handle, Score, Branch)
1105        ;
1106            error(5, cg_branch(Handle, Score, Branch))
1107        ).
1109% branch/1: for pools
1110cg_branch1(Branch, Pool) :-
1111        get_pool_handle(Handle, Pool), 
1112	( Handle == 0 ->
1113	    printf(error, "Colgen instance has no solver set up in %w%n",
1114		[Pool:branch(Branch)]),
1115	    abort
1116	;
1117	    cg_branch_body(Handle, 0, Branch)
1118	).
1120% branch/2: for pools
1121cg_branch1(Score, Branch, Pool) :-
1122        get_pool_handle(Handle, Pool), 
1123	( Handle == 0 ->
1124	    printf(error, "Colgen instance has no solver set up in %w%n",
1125		[Pool:branch(Score, Branch)]),
1126	    abort
1127	;
1128	    cg_branch_body(Handle, Score, Branch)
1129	).
1131cg_branch_body(cg_prob{shelf:Shelf}, Score, Branch) :-
1132        shelf_get(Shelf, info of cg_shelf, Branches),
1133        shelf_set(Shelf, info of cg_shelf, [Score:Branch|Branches]).
1135cg_info_message(cg_prob{info_messages:OnOff}, String, Vars) :-
1136        ( OnOff == on -> printf(String, Vars), flush(output) ; true ).
1138% cg_get/3: for low-level handles
1139cg_get(Handle, What, Val) :-
1140        ( var(Handle) ->
1141            error(4, cg_get(Handle, What, Val))
1142        ; Handle = cg_prob{} ->
1143            cg_get_body(Handle, What, Val)
1144        ;
1145            error(5, cg_get(Handle, What, Val))
1146        ).
1148% get/2: for pools
1149cg_get1(What, Val, Pool) :-
1150        get_pool_handle(Handle, Pool), 
1151	( Handle == 0 ->
1152	    printf(error, "Colgen instance has no solver set up in %w%n",
1153		[Pool:cg_get(What, Val)]),
1154	    abort
1155	;
1156	    cg_get_body(Handle, What, Val)
1157	).
1159cg_get_body(Handle, obj_val, ObjVal) ?- !,
1160        Handle = cg_prob{master_prob:MPHandle,
1161                         mp_vars:Vars,
1162                         const_obj:Const*_One},
1163        (
1164            foreach(Var, Vars),
1165            fromto(Const, In, Out, ObjVal),
1166            param(Handle, MPHandle)
1167        do
1168            ( nonvar(Var) ->
1169                  Out = In
1170            ;
1171                  cg_var_cost(Handle, Var, Cost),
1172                  lp_var_get(MPHandle, Var, solution, VarVal),
1173                  Out is In + Cost*VarVal
1174            )
1175        ).
1176cg_get_body(Handle, sp_obj, Val) :- !,
1177        cg_get_body(Handle, sp_obj(all), Val).
1178cg_get_body(Handle, sp_obj(Idents), Val) :- !,
1179        Handle = cg_prob{duals:DualArr,
1180                         idx_lookup:Lookup,
1181                         sp_obj_terms:TermArr},
1182        ( Idents == all ->
1183              (
1184                  for(I,1,arity(TermArr)),
1185                  fromto(Val, Out, In, []),
1186                  param(TermArr,DualArr)
1187              do
1188                  arg(I, TermArr, Term),
1189                  arg(I, DualArr, Dual),
1190                  ( nonvar(Term), Term =:= 0 -> Out = In
1191                  ; Out = [Dual*Term|In] )
1192              )
1193        ; Idents = [_|_] ->
1194              (
1195                  foreach(Ident, Idents),
1196                  foreach(Dual*Term, Val),
1197                  param(Lookup, DualArr, TermArr)
1198              do
1199                  hash_get(Lookup, Ident, Id),
1200                  Id1 is Id + 1,
1201                  arg(Id1, DualArr, Dual),
1202                  arg(Id1, TermArr, Term)
1203              )
1204        ;
1205              hash_get(Lookup, Idents, Id),
1206              Id1 is Id + 1,
1207              arg(Id1, DualArr, Dual),
1208              arg(Id1, TermArr, Term),
1209              Val = Dual*Term
1210        ).
1211cg_get_body(Handle, dual(Idents), Val) :- !,
1212        Handle = cg_prob{duals:DualArr,
1213                         idx_lookup:Lookup},
1214        ( Idents == all ->
1215              DualArr =.. [[]|Val]
1216        ; Idents = [_|_] ->
1217              (
1218                  foreach(Ident, Idents),
1219                  foreach(V, Val),
1220                  param(Lookup, DualArr)
1221              do
1222                  hash_get(Lookup, Ident, Id),
1223                  Id1 is Id + 1,
1224                  arg(Id1, DualArr, V)
1225              )
1226        ;
1227              hash_get(Lookup, Idents, Id),
1228              Id1 is Id + 1,
1229              arg(Id1, DualArr, Val)
1230        ).
1231cg_get_body(Handle, column_count, Val) ?- !,
1232        Handle = cg_prob{mp_cols_added:Val}.
1233cg_get_body(Handle, unsatisfiable_cstrs, Val) ?- !,
1234        Handle = cg_prob{sp_solution_call:SolveSubProblem},
1235        arg(1, SolveSubProblem, sp_prob{coeff_vars:DualVars}),
1236        (
1237            foreach(DualVar, DualVars),
1238            fromto(Val, Out, In, []),
1239            param(Handle)
1240        do
1241            ( satisfiable_primal_cstr(DualVar, Handle) -> Out = In ; Out = [DualVar|In] )
1242        ).
1243cg_get_body(Handle, satisfiable_cstrs, Val) ?- !,
1244        Handle = cg_prob{sp_solution_call:SolveSubProblem},
1245        arg(1, SolveSubProblem, sp_prob{coeff_vars:DualVars}),
1246        (
1247            foreach(DualVar, DualVars),
1248            fromto(Val, Out, In, []),
1249            param(Handle)
1250        do
1251            ( satisfiable_primal_cstr(DualVar, Handle) -> Out = [DualVar|In] ; Out = In )
1252        ).
1253cg_get_body(Handle, frac_vars, Val) ?- !,
1254        Handle = cg_prob{bfs_tree:BfsHandle},
1255        bfs_get(BfsHandle, frac_vars, Val).
1256cg_get_body(Handle, generated_non_zero_vars, Val) ?- !,
1257        Handle = cg_prob{mp_vars:Vars},
1258        (
1259            foreach(Var, Vars),
1260            fromto(Val, Out, In, []),
1261            param(Handle)
1262        do
1263            ( nonvar(Var) ->
1264                  ( Var > 1e-05 -> Out = [Var|In] ; Out = In )
1265            ;
1266                  get_cg_attr(Var, Handle, colgen{mp_val:Sol, coeffs:Coeffs}),
1267                  ( abs(Sol) =< 1e-05 -> Out = In
1268                  ; Coeffs == [] -> Out = In
1269                  ; Out = [Var|In] )
1270            )
1271        ).
1272cg_get_body(Handle, non_zero_vars, Val) ?- !,
1273        Handle = cg_prob{mp_vars:Vars},
1274        (
1275            foreach(Var, Vars),
1276            fromto(Val, Out, In, []),
1277            param(Handle)
1278        do
1279            ( nonvar(Var) ->
1280                  ( Var > 1e-05 -> Out = [Var|In] ; Out = In )
1281            ;
1282                  get_cg_attr(Var, Handle, colgen{mp_val:Sol}),
1283                  ( abs(Sol) =< 1e-05 -> Out = In ; Out = [Var|In] )
1284            )
1285        ).
1286cg_get_body(Handle, generated_vars, Val) :- !,
1287        Handle = cg_prob{mp_vars:Vars},
1288        (
1289            foreach(Var, Vars),
1290            fromto(Val, Out, In, []),
1291            param(Handle)
1292        do
1293            ( nonvar(Var) ->
1294                  Out = In
1295            ;
1296                  get_cg_attr(Var, Handle, colgen{coeffs:Coeffs}),
1297                  ( Coeffs == [] -> Out = In
1298                  ; Out = [Var|In] )
1299            )
1300        ).
1301cg_get_body(Handle, vars, Val) ?- !,
1302        Handle = cg_prob{mp_vars:Val}.
1303cg_get_body(Handle, sep_goal, Val) ?- !,
1304        Handle = cg_prob{sep_call:(call(Val)@_Module)}.
1305cg_get_body(Handle, sp_solver, Val) ?- !,
1306        Handle = cg_prob{sp_solution_call:Val}.
1307cg_get_body(Handle, stab_coeff_minus(Ident), Val) :- !,
1308        Handle = cg_prob{stab_terms:StabTerms,
1309                         idx_lookup:Lookup},
1310        hash_get(Lookup, Ident, Id),
1311        get_stab_term(StabTerms, Id, stab_term{minus_coeff:Val}).
1312cg_get_body(Handle, stab_coeff_plus(Ident), Val) :- !,
1313        Handle = cg_prob{stab_terms:StabTerms,
1314                         idx_lookup:Lookup},
1315        hash_get(Lookup, Ident, Id),
1316        get_stab_term(StabTerms, Id, stab_term{plus_coeff:Val}).
1317cg_get_body(Handle, stab_bound_minus(Ident), Val) :- !,
1318        Handle = cg_prob{stab_terms:StabTerms,
1319                         idx_lookup:Lookup},
1320        hash_get(Lookup, Ident, Id),
1321        get_stab_term(StabTerms, Id, stab_term{minus_bound:Val}).
1322cg_get_body(Handle, stab_bound_plus(Ident), Val) :- !,
1323        Handle = cg_prob{stab_terms:StabTerms,
1324                         idx_lookup:Lookup},
1325        hash_get(Lookup, Ident, Id),
1326        get_stab_term(StabTerms, Id, stab_term{plus_bound:Val}).
1327cg_get_body(Handle, What, Val) :-
1328	error(6, cg_get_body(Handle, What, Val)).
1330% cg_set/3: for low-level handles
1331cg_set(Handle, What, Val) :-
1332        ( var(Handle) ->
1333            error(4, cg_set(Handle, What, Val))
1334        ; Handle = cg_prob{} ->
1335            cg_set_body(Handle, What, Val)
1336        ;
1337            error(5, cg_set(Handle, What, Val))
1338        ).
1340% set/2: for pools
1341cg_set1(What, Val, Pool) :-
1342        get_pool_handle(Handle, Pool), 
1343	( Handle == 0 ->
1344	    printf(error, "Colgen instance has no solver set up in %w%n",
1345		[Pool:cg_set(What, Val)]),
1346	    abort
1347	;
1348	    cg_set_body(Handle, What, Val)
1349	).
1351cg_set_body(Handle, disallow, Val) ?- !,
1352        setarg(disallow of cg_prob, Handle, Val).
1353cg_set_body(Handle, int_tolerance, Val) ?- !,
1354        setarg(tolerance of cg_prob, Handle, Val).
1355cg_set_body(Handle, basis_perturbation, Val) ?- !,
1356        setarg(basis_perturbation of cg_prob, Handle, Val).
1357cg_set_body(Handle, info_messages, Val) ?- !,
1358        setarg(info_messages of cg_prob, Handle, Val),
1359        Handle = cg_prob{bfs_tree:BfsHandle},
1360        ( BfsHandle == [] -> true ; bfs_set(BfsHandle, info_messages, Val) ).
1361cg_set_body(Handle, on_degeneracy, Val) ?- !,
1362        setarg(on_degeneracy of cg_prob, Handle, Val).
1363cg_set_body(Handle, stabilisation, Val) ?- !,
1364        setarg(stabilisation of cg_prob, Handle, Val).
1365cg_set_body(Handle, stab_coeff_minus(Ident), Val) :- !,
1366        Handle = cg_prob{stab_terms:StabTerms,
1367                         idx_lookup:Lookup},
1368        hash_get(Lookup, Ident, Id),
1369        get_stab_term(StabTerms, Id, StabTerm),
1370        setarg(minus_coeff of stab_term, StabTerm, Val).
1371cg_set_body(Handle, stab_coeff_plus(Ident), Val) :- !,
1372        Handle = cg_prob{stab_terms:StabTerms,
1373                         idx_lookup:Lookup},
1374        hash_get(Lookup, Ident, Id),
1375        get_stab_term(StabTerms, Id, StabTerm),
1376        setarg(plus_coeff of stab_term, StabTerm, Val).
1377cg_set_body(Handle, stab_bound_minus(Ident), Val) :- !,
1378        Handle = cg_prob{master_prob:MPHandle,
1379                         stab_terms:StabTerms,
1380                         idx_lookup:Lookup},
1381        hash_get(Lookup, Ident, Id),
1382        get_stab_term(StabTerms, Id, StabTerm),
1383        StabTerm = stab_term{minus_var:Yminus},
1384        lp_var_non_monotonic_set_bounds(MPHandle, Yminus, 0, Val),
1385        setarg(minus_bound of stab_term, StabTerm, Val).
1386cg_set_body(Handle, stab_bound_plus(Ident), Val) :- !,
1387        Handle = cg_prob{master_prob:MPHandle,
1388                         stab_terms:StabTerms,
1389                         idx_lookup:Lookup},
1390        hash_get(Lookup, Ident, Id),
1391        get_stab_term(StabTerms, Id, StabTerm),
1392        StabTerm = stab_term{plus_var:Yplus},
1393        lp_var_non_monotonic_set_bounds(MPHandle, Yplus, 0, Val),
1394        setarg(plus_bound of stab_term, StabTerm, Val).
1395cg_set_body(Handle, What, Val) :-
1396	error(6, cg_set_body(Handle, What, Val)).
1398% cg_statistics/1: for low-level handles
1399cg_statistics(Handle) :-
1400        ( var(Handle) ->
1401            error(4, cg_statistics(Handle))
1402        ; Handle = cg_prob{} ->
1403            cg_statistics_body(Handle)
1404        ;
1405            error(5, cg_statistics(Handle))
1406        ).
1408% statistics/0: for pools
1409cg_statistics1(Pool) :-
1410        get_pool_handle(Handle, Pool), 
1411	( Handle == 0 ->
1412	    printf(error, "Colgen instance has no solver set up in %w%n",
1413		[Pool:statistics]),
1414	    abort
1415	;
1416	    cg_statistics_body(Handle)
1417	).
1419cg_statistics_body(Handle) :-
1420        Handle = cg_prob{bfs_tree:BfsHandle},
1421        ( BfsHandle == [] -> true ; bfs_statistics(BfsHandle) ).
1423get_stab_term([StabTerm|StabTerms], Id, Val) :-
1424        StabTerm = stab_term{idx:Idx},
1425        ( Idx == Id ->
1426            Val = StabTerm
1427        ;
1428            get_stab_term(StabTerms, Id, Val)
1429        ).
1431% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1432% The optimisation predicates
1433% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1435% cg_minimize/8,9: for low-level handles
1436:- tool(cg_minimize/8, cg_minimize0/9).
1438cg_minimize0(MPCstrs, MPIdxs, MPSPCstrs, MPSPIdxs, CoeffVars, SolveSubProblem, Obj, ObjVal, Module) :-
1439        cg_minimize(MPCstrs, MPIdxs,
1440                    MPSPCstrs, MPSPIdxs, CoeffVars,
1441                    SolveSubProblem, Obj, [],
1442                    ObjVal, Module).
1444:- tool(cg_minimize/9, cg_minimize/10).
1446cg_minimize(MPCstrs, MPIdxs, MPSPCstrs, MPSPIdxs, CoeffVars,
1447                SolveSubProblem, Obj, OptionList, ObjVal, Module) :-
1448        cg_minimize_body(_Handle, MPCstrs, MPIdxs,
1449                         MPSPCstrs, MPSPIdxs, CoeffVars,
1450                         SolveSubProblem, Obj, OptionList, ObjVal,
1451                         _, Module).
1453% minimize/4,5: for pools
1454:- tool(cg_minimize/4, cg_minimize0/5).
1456cg_minimize0(SolveSubProblem, Obj, ObjVal, Pool, Module) :-
1457        cg_minimize(SolveSubProblem, Obj, [], ObjVal, Pool, Module).
1459:- tool(cg_minimize/5, cg_minimize/6).
1461cg_minimize(SolveSubProblem, Obj, OptionList, ObjVal, Pool, Module) :-
1462        get_pool_item(Pool, Handle), 
1463        ( Handle == 0 ->
1464            printf(error, "Colgen instance has no solver in %w%n",
1465                   [Pool:minimize(SolveSubProblem, Obj, OptionList, ObjVal)]),
1466            abort
1467        ;
1468            cg_pool_collect_mp_sp_cstrs(Pool, MPCstrs, MPIdxs,
1469                                        MPSPCstrs, MPSPIdxs, CoeffVars),
1470            cg_minimize_body(Handle, MPCstrs, MPIdxs,
1471                             MPSPCstrs, MPSPIdxs, CoeffVars,
1472                             SolveSubProblem, Obj, OptionList, ObjVal,
1473                             Pool, Module)
1474        ).
1476cg_pool_collect_mp_sp_cstrs(Pool, MPCstrs, MPIdxs,
1477                            MPSPCstrs, MPSPIdxs, CoeffVars) :-
1478        % collect any constraints only involving known MP vars
1479        collect_typed_pool_constraints(Pool, mp_only of cg_constraint_type,
1480                                       MPIdxCstrs),
1481        (
1482            foreach(Id:MPCstr, MPIdxCstrs),
1483            foreach(Id, MPIdxs),
1484            foreach(MPCstr, MPCstrs)
1485        do
1486            true
1487        ),
1488        % collect any constraints constraints which involve generated vars
1489        collect_typed_pool_constraints(Pool, mp_sp of cg_constraint_type,
1490                                       MPSPIdxCstrs),
1491        (
1492            foreach([CoeffVar, Id]:MPSPCstr, MPSPIdxCstrs),
1493            foreach(CoeffVar, CoeffVars),
1494            foreach(Id, MPSPIdxs),
1495            foreach(MPSPCstr, MPSPCstrs)
1496        do
1497            true
1498        ).
1500cg_minimize_body(Handle, MPCstrs, MPIdxs, MPSPCstrs, MPSPIdxs, CoeffVars,
1501                 SolveSubProblem, Obj, OptionList, ObjVal, Pool, Module) :-
1502        % setup original MP problem
1503        cg_solver_setup_body(Handle, MPCstrs, MPIdxs,
1504                             MPSPCstrs, MPSPIdxs, CoeffVars,
1505                             SolveSubProblem, Obj, OptionList,
1506                             Pool, Module),
1507        % solve the initial MP
1508        cg_iteration(Handle),
1509        Handle = cg_prob{master_prob:MP,
1510                         upper_bound:ObjVal},
1511        lp_get(MP, vars, AllVarArr),
1512        (
1513            foreacharg(Var, AllVarArr),
1514            param(MP, Handle)
1515        do
1516            ( nonvar(Var) ->
1517                  true
1518            ;
1519                  lp_var_get(MP, Var, solution, Val),
1520                  get_cg_attr(Var, Handle, Attr),
1521                  setarg(mp_val of colgen, Attr, Val)
1522            )
1523        ).
1525% bp_solve/2: for low-level handles
1526bp_solve(Handle, Obj) :-
1527        ( var(Handle) ->
1528            error(4, bp_solve(Handle, Obj))
1529        ; Handle = cg_prob{} ->
1530            bp_solve_body(Handle, Obj)
1531        ;
1532            error(5, bp_solve(Handle, Obj))
1533        ).
1535% solve/1: for pools
1536bp_solve1(Obj, Pool) :-
1537        get_pool_item(Pool, Handle), 
1538        ( Handle == 0 ->
1539            printf(error, "Colgen instance has no solver set up in %w%n",
1540                   [Pool:solve(Obj)]),
1541            abort
1542        ;
1543            bp_solve_body(Handle, Obj)
1544        ).
1546bp_solve_body(Handle, Obj) :-
1547        Handle = cg_prob{bfs_tree:BfsHandle0,info_messages:OnOff},
1548        ( BfsHandle0 == [] ->
1549            bfs_solver_setup(BfsHandle, min, bp_node(Handle),
1550                             [info_messages(OnOff),
1551                              separation(bp_separate(Handle))]),
1552            setarg(bfs_tree of cg_prob, Handle, BfsHandle)
1553        ;
1554            BfsHandle = BfsHandle0
1555        ),
1556        bfs_solve(BfsHandle, Obj),
1557        Handle = cg_prob{mp_vars:Vars},
1558        (
1559            foreach(Var, Vars),
1560            param(Handle, BfsHandle)
1561        do
1562            ( var(Var) ->
1563                bfs_var_get(BfsHandle, Var, optimal_val, Val),
1564                ( var(Val) -> Val = 0 ; true ),
1565                get_cg_attr(Var, Handle, Attr),
1566                setarg(mp_val of colgen, Attr, Val)
1567            ;
1568                true
1569            )
1570        ).
1572bp_node(Handle) :-
1573        add_new_solver_rowcols(Handle),
1574        Handle = cg_prob{master_prob:MP,
1575                         bfs_tree:BfsHandle,
1576                         idx_lookup:Lookup,
1577                         shelf:Shelf},
1578        \+ \+ ( bfs_impose_node_state(other, BfsHandle),
1579                ( cg_get(Handle, unsatisfiable_cstrs, []) -> D = -1 ; D = 0 ),
1580                setarg(phase of cg_prob, Handle, D),
1581                cg_get(Handle, vars, OldVars),
1582                cg_iteration(Handle),
1583                cg_get(Handle, non_zero_vars, Vars),
1584                (
1585                    foreach(Var, OldVars),
1586                    foreach(Info, OldVals),
1587                    param(Handle, MP)
1588                do
1589                    cg_var_get(Handle, Var, mp_val, Val),
1590                    % note that if the optimisation has been stopped
1591                    % because we have "close enough" bounds there may
1592                    % be columns that have been added to the MP since
1593                    % the last lp_solve and any attempt to get a
1594                    % reduced cost will fail
1595                    ( lp_var_get(MP, Var, reduced_cost, RC) ->
1596                        true
1597                    ;
1598                        RC = 0
1599                    ),
1600                    get_var_bounds(Var, Lo, Hi),
1601                    Info = cg_var_info{lo: Lo,
1602                                       hi: Hi,
1603                                       val: Val,
1604                                       reduced_cost: RC}
1605                ),
1606                (
1607                    foreach(Var, Vars),
1608                    fromto(NewVals, Out, In, []),
1609                    param(OldVars, Handle, MP)
1610                do
1611                    % if it was added to the cg_prob before
1612                    % this call to cg_iteration/1 its
1613                    % solution info has been found above,
1614                    % otherwise it must have been generated
1615                    % in this call, so we have to save its
1616                    % colgen attr as well as the solution info
1617                    % to recreate the var after the \+ \+
1618                    ( var_member(Var, OldVars) ->
1619                          Out = In
1620                    ;
1621                          cg_var_get(Handle, Var, mp_val, Val),
1622                          % note that if the optimisation has been stopped
1623                          % because we have "close enough" bounds there may
1624                          % be columns that have been added to the MP since
1625                          % the last lp_solve and any attempt to get a
1626                          % reduced cost will fail
1627                          ( lp_var_get(MP, Var, reduced_cost, RC) ->
1628                              true
1629                          ;
1630                              RC = 0
1631                          ),
1632                          get_var_bounds(Var, Lo, Hi),
1633                          get_cg_attr(Var, Handle, Attr),
1634                          Attr = colgen{mp_val:Val,
1635                                        type:Type,
1636                                        cost:Cost,
1637                                        coeffs:Coeffs,
1638                                        aux:Aux},
1639                          Attr1 = colgen{cost:Cost,
1640                                         coeffs:Coeffs,
1641                                         aux:Aux},
1642                          Info = cg_var_info{lo: Lo,
1643                                             hi: Hi,
1644                                             val: Val,
1645                                             reduced_cost: RC,
1646                                             type: Type,
1647                                             attr: Attr1},
1648                          Out = [Info|In]
1649                    )
1650                ),
1651                Handle = cg_prob{upper_bound:NodeCost},
1652                shelf_set(Shelf, info of cg_shelf, [NodeCost, OldVals, NewVals])
1653        ),
1654        shelf_get(Shelf, info of cg_shelf, [NodeCost, OldVals, NewVals]),
1655        shelf_set(Shelf, info of cg_shelf, []),
1656        cg_get(Handle, vars, OldVars),
1657        (
1658            foreach(Var, OldVars),
1659            foreach(Info, OldVals),
1660            param(BfsHandle)
1661        do
1662            ( var(Var) ->
1663                Info = cg_var_info{lo: Lo,
1664                                   hi: Hi,
1665                                   val: Val,
1666                                   reduced_cost: RC},
1667                bfs_node_info(BfsHandle, Var, Lo, Hi, Val, RC)
1668            ;
1669                true
1670            )
1671        ),
1672        (
1673            foreach(Info, NewVals),
1674            foreach(Var:ObjCol, VarCols),
1675            fromto(NewVars, [Var|Vars], Vars, OldVars),
1676            param(BfsHandle, Lookup, Handle)
1677        do
1678            Info = cg_var_info{lo: Lo,
1679                               hi: Hi,
1680                               val: Val,
1681                               reduced_cost: RC,
1682                               type: Type,
1683                               attr: Attr},
1684            get_cg_attr(Var, Handle, Attr),
1685            Attr = colgen{cost:Obj, coeffs:Coeffs},
1686            ( Obj =:= 0 -> ObjCol = BCol ; ObjCol = [obj:Obj|BCol] ),
1687            BCol = [lo:Lo, hi:Hi|Col],
1688            (
1689                foreach(Ident-V, Coeffs),
1690                foreach(Id:V, Col),
1691                param(Lookup)
1692            do
1693                hash_get(Lookup, Ident, Id)
1694            ),
1695            ( Type == integer ->
1696                bfs_integers(BfsHandle, Var), cg_integers(Handle, Var)
1697            ;
1698                true
1699            ),
1700            bfs_node_info(BfsHandle, Var, Lo, Hi, Val, RC)
1701        ),
1702        setarg(mp_vars of cg_prob, Handle, NewVars),
1703        lp_add_columns(MP, VarCols),
1704        lp_get(MP, vars, VarArr),
1705        arity(VarArr, ColsAdded),
1706        setarg(mp_cols_added of cg_prob, Handle, ColsAdded),
1707        bfs_node_cost(BfsHandle, NodeCost).
1710var_member(Var, [H|T]) :-
1711        ( Var == H -> true ; var_member(Var, T) ).
1713% cg_solver_setup/8,9: for low-level handles
1714:- tool(cg_solver_setup/8, cg_solver_setup0/9).
1716cg_solver_setup0(Handle, MPCstrs, MPIdxs, MPSPCstrs, MPSPIdxs, CoeffVars,
1717                 SubProblemSolver, Obj, Module) :-
1718        cg_solver_setup(Handle, MPCstrs, MPIdxs, MPSPCstrs, MPSPIdxs, CoeffVars,
1719                        SubProblemSolver, Obj, [], Module).
1721:- tool(cg_solver_setup/9, cg_solver_setup/10).
1723cg_solver_setup(Handle, MPCstrs, MPIdxs, MPSPCstrs, MPSPIdxs, CoeffVars,
1724                SubProblemSolver, Obj, OptionList, Module) :-
1725        ( var(Handle) ->
1726            error(4, cg_solver_setup(Handle, MPCstrs, MPIdxs, MPSPCstrs, MPSPIdxs, CoeffVars,
1727                                     SubProblemSolver, Obj, OptionList))
1728        ; Handle = cg_prob{} ->
1729            cg_solver_setup_body(Handle, MPCstrs, MPIdxs,
1730                                 MPSPCstrs, MPSPIdxs, CoeffVars,
1731                                 SubProblemSolver, Obj, OptionList,
1732                                 _, Module)
1733        ;
1734            error(5, cg_solver_setup(Handle, MPCstrs, MPIdxs, MPSPCstrs, MPSPIdxs, CoeffVars,
1735                                     SubProblemSolver, Obj, OptionList))
1736        ).
1738% solver_setup/2,3: for pools
1739:- tool(cg_solver_setup/3, cg_solver_setup0/4).
1741cg_solver_setup0(SubProblemSolver, Obj, Pool, Module) :-
1742        cg_solver_setup(SubProblemSolver, Obj, [], Pool, Module).
1744:- tool(cg_solver_setup/4, cg_solver_setup/5).
1746cg_solver_setup(SubProblemSolver, Obj, OptionList, Pool, Module) :-
1747        get_pool_item(Pool, Handle), 
1748        ( Handle == 0 ->
1749            printf(error, "Colgen instance has no solver in %w%n",
1750                   [Pool:solver_setup(SubProblemSolver, Obj, OptionList)]),
1751            abort
1752        ;
1753            cg_pool_collect_mp_sp_cstrs(Pool, MPCstrs, MPIdxs,
1754                                        MPSPCstrs, MPSPIdxs, CoeffVars),
1755            cg_solver_setup_body(Handle, MPCstrs, MPIdxs,
1756                                 MPSPCstrs, MPSPIdxs, CoeffVars,
1757                                 SubProblemSolver, Obj, OptionList,
1758                                 Pool, Module)
1759        ).
1761%:- mode cg_solver_setup_body(-, +, ?, +, ?, ?, +, ?, +, ?, ++).
1762cg_solver_setup_body(Handle, MPCstrs, MPIdxs, MPSPCstrs, MPSPIdxs, CoeffVars,
1763                     SolveSubProblem, Obj, OptionList, Pool, Module) :-
1764        linearize(Obj, [ConstTerm|LinObj], NonLinObj),
1765        ( NonLinObj == [] ->
1766              % the variables to be generated do not appear in the
1767              % objective, set OptVar in the SPs to 0
1768              NormObj = LinObj,
1769              OptVar = 0
1770        ;
1771              % the variables to be generated do appear in the
1772              % objective, but give them a 0 dual val for now
1773              % in case we need to use two phase
1774              NonLinObj = [AuxVar = implicit_sum(OptVar)],
1775              filter_auxvar(AuxVar, LinObj, NormObj, ObjCoeff),
1776              var_dual(OptVar, 0.0, ObjCoeff, obj, _, 0.0, Handle)
1777        ),
1778        % process option list and fill in defaults
1779        process_options(OptionList, Handle, Module, SepGoal, EplexOptions),
1780        fill_in_defaults(Handle),
1781        arg(1, SolveSubProblem, SPHandle),
1782        fill_in_defaults_sp(Pool, SPHandle, Module),
1783        Handle = cg_prob{master_prob:MPHandle,
1784			 module:Module,
1785                         const_obj:ConstTerm,
1786                         sp_solution_call:SolveSubProblem,
1787                         phase1_obj:Phase1Obj,
1788                         upper_bound:1.0Inf,
1789                         lower_bound: -1.0Inf,
1790                         mp_vars:Vars,
1791                         stab_terms:StabTerms,
1792                         stab_iter_counts:StabIterCounts,
1793                         sep_call:(call(SepGoal)@Module),
1794                         mp_cols_added:ColsAdded,
1795                         pool:Pool,
1796                         idx_lookup:Lookup,
1797                         shelf:Shelf,
1798                         phase:0},
1799        StabIterCounts = stab_counters{bound_counter:1,
1800                                       coeff_counter:1},
1801        hash_create(Lookup),
1802        verify(nonvar(Shelf)),
1803        % create the eplex handle and setup the fixed part of the obj
1804        ( NormObj == [] ->
1805              % need a dummy var in the obj fn to force
1806              % a CPLEX handle to be created properly
1807              % (or a dummy constraint)
1808              get_cg_attr(Dummy, Handle, DummyAttr),
1809              setarg(cost of colgen, DummyAttr, 0),
1810              setarg(coeffs of colgen, DummyAttr, []),
1811              setarg(aux of colgen, DummyAttr, artificial),
1812              MPObj=[ConstTerm, 1*Dummy]
1813        ;
1814              MPObj=[ConstTerm|NormObj]
1815        ),
1816        lp_setup([], min(sum(MPObj)),
1817                 EplexOptions,
1818                 MPHandle),
1819        lp_set(MPHandle, dual_solution, yes),
1820        lp_set(MPHandle, keep_basis, yes),
1821        lp_set(MPHandle, reduced_cost, yes),
1822        lp_set(MPHandle, slack, yes),
1823        % add any constraints only involving known MP vars:
1824        % if basis stabilisation is being used we will need to add
1825        % plus/minus stabilisation variables to each constraint,
1826        % we give them some default bounds of 0.0..1.0e+3 and
1827        % objective coefficient 0 initially
1828        % actually we always add them even if it is not used, to
1829        % make it easier to re-solve with it enabled if necessary
1830        %
1831        % note: the initial upper bound of 1.0e+3 is a bit arbitrary.
1832        % Adding these variables to the problem gives us a relaxation
1833        % of the problem. If the upper bounds are inifinite the
1834        % relaxation is always feasible, while fixing them to zero
1835        % gives the relaxation identical to the original problem.
1836        % Their intended purpose is to avoid the wildly oscillating
1837        % optimal dual values often encountered in column generation
1838        % we want is to solve
1839        (
1840            foreach(MPCstr, MPCstrs),
1841            foreach(MPCstr1, MPNormCstrs),
1842            fromto(StabTerms, [StabTerm|Rest],
1843                   Rest, StabTerms0),
1844            foreach(MPIdx, MPIdxs),
1845            param(Handle)
1846        do
1847            MPCstr = Type:[ConstTerm|LinTerms],
1848            get_cg_attr(Yminus, Handle, AttrM),
1849            setarg(cost of colgen, AttrM, 0),
1850            setarg(coeffs of colgen, AttrM, [Idx - -1]),
1851            setarg(aux of colgen, AttrM, stabilisation),
1852            get_cg_attr(Yplus, Handle, AttrP),
1853            setarg(cost of colgen, AttrP, 0),
1854            setarg(coeffs of colgen, AttrP, [Idx - 1]),
1855            setarg(aux of colgen, AttrP, stabilisation),
1856            MPCstr1 = Type:[ConstTerm, -1*Yminus, 1*Yplus|LinTerms],
1857            StabTerm = stab_term{idx: MPIdx,
1858                                 plus_var: Yplus,
1859                                 plus_coeff: 0,
1860                                 plus_bound: 1.0e+3,
1861                                 minus_var: Yminus,
1862                                 minus_coeff: 0,
1863                                 minus_bound: 1.0e+3}
1864        ),
1865        lp_add_indexed(MPHandle, MPNormCstrs, [], MPIdxs),
1866        % now add the constraints which involve generated vars and
1867        % setup the dual_var attributes of the subproblem vars with
1868        % index of MP constraint
1869        % note: we add in artificial variables in case the first
1870        % restricted MP at any node is infeasible
1871        % again we add plus/minus stabilisation variables to each
1872        % constraint and give them some default bounds of 0.0..1.0e+3
1873        % and objective coefficient 0 initially
1874        (
1875            foreach(MPSPCstr, MPSPCstrs),
1876            foreach(StabTerm, StabTerms0),
1877            foreach(MPSPCstr1, MPSPNormCstrs),
1878            fromto(ArtVars, AVOut, AVIn, []),
1879            foreach(Idx, MPSPIdxs),
1880            param(Handle)
1881        do
1882            StabTerm = stab_term{idx:Idx,
1883                                 plus_var: Yplus,
1884                                 plus_coeff: 0,
1885                                 plus_bound: 1.0e+3,
1886                                 minus_var: Yminus,
1887                                 minus_coeff: 0,
1888                                 minus_bound: 1.0e+3},
1889            MPSPCstr = Type:[ConstTerm|LinTerms],
1890            ( Type == (=<) ->
1891                  get_cg_attr(Art, Handle, Attr),
1892                  setarg(cost of colgen, Attr, 0),
1893                  setarg(coeffs of colgen, Attr, [Idx - -1]),
1894                  setarg(aux of colgen, Attr, artificial),
1895                  get_cg_attr(Yminus, Handle, AttrM),
1896                  setarg(cost of colgen, AttrM, 0),
1897                  setarg(coeffs of colgen, AttrM, [Idx - -1]),
1898                  setarg(aux of colgen, AttrM, stabilisation),
1899                  get_cg_attr(Yplus, Handle, AttrP),
1900                  setarg(cost of colgen, AttrP, 0),
1901                  setarg(coeffs of colgen, AttrP, [Idx - 1]),
1902                  setarg(aux of colgen, AttrP, stabilisation),
1903                  MPSPCstr1 = Type:[ConstTerm, -1*Art,
1904                                    -1*Yminus, 1*Yplus|LinTerms],
1905                  AVOut = [Art|AVIn]
1906            ; Type == (>=) ->
1907                  get_cg_attr(Art, Handle, Attr),
1908                  setarg(cost of colgen, Attr, 0),
1909                  setarg(coeffs of colgen, Attr, [Idx - 1]),
1910                  setarg(aux of colgen, Attr, artificial),
1911                  get_cg_attr(Yminus, Handle, AttrM),
1912                  setarg(cost of colgen, AttrM, 0),
1913                  setarg(coeffs of colgen, AttrM, [Idx - -1]),
1914                  setarg(aux of colgen, AttrM, stabilisation),
1915                  get_cg_attr(Yplus, Handle, AttrP),
1916                  setarg(cost of colgen, AttrP, 0),
1917                  setarg(coeffs of colgen, AttrP, [Idx - 1]),
1918                  setarg(aux of colgen, AttrP, stabilisation),
1919                  MPSPCstr1 = Type:[ConstTerm, 1*Art,
1920                                    -1*Yminus, 1*Yplus|LinTerms],
1921                  AVOut = [Art|AVIn]
1922            ; Type == (=:=) ->
1923                  get_cg_attr(Art1, Handle, Attr1),
1924                  setarg(cost of colgen, Attr1, 0),
1925                  setarg(coeffs of colgen, Attr1, [Idx - -1]),
1926                  setarg(aux of colgen, Attr1, artificial),
1927                  get_cg_attr(Art2, Handle, Attr2),
1928                  setarg(cost of colgen, Attr2, 0),
1929                  setarg(coeffs of colgen, Attr2, [Idx - 1]),
1930                  setarg(aux of colgen, Attr2, artificial),
1931                  get_cg_attr(Yminus, Handle, AttrM),
1932                  setarg(cost of colgen, AttrM, 0),
1933                  setarg(coeffs of colgen, AttrM, [Idx - -1]),
1934                  setarg(aux of colgen, AttrM, stabilisation),
1935                  get_cg_attr(Yplus, Handle, AttrP),
1936                  setarg(cost of colgen, AttrP, 0),
1937                  setarg(coeffs of colgen, AttrP, [Idx - 1]),
1938                  setarg(aux of colgen, AttrP, stabilisation),
1939                  MPSPCstr1 = Type:[ConstTerm, -1*Art1, 1*Art2,
1940                                    -1*Yminus, 1*Yplus|LinTerms],
1941                  AVOut = [Art1, Art2|AVIn]
1942            )
1943        ),
1944        Phase1Obj = min(sum(ArtVars)),
1945        lp_add_indexed(MPHandle, MPSPNormCstrs, [], MPSPIdxs),
1946        expand_sp_obj_terms(MPIdxs, MPSPIdxs, CoeffVars, Handle),
1947        % give the known MP vars a colgen attribute
1948        % and set their objective cost
1949        % this has to be done after both types of constraints
1950        % above are added in case there are known MP vars
1951        % appearing in the type 2 constraints that do not
1952        % appear in the type 1 constraints
1953        % however, now the artificial variables have been added
1954        % to the MP so we have to check if each var has an attribute
1955        % already and only add attribute/include in vars of cg_prob
1956        % if it does not
1957        lp_get(MPHandle, vars, VarArr),
1958        (
1959            foreacharg(Var, VarArr),
1960            fromto(Vars, Out, In, []),
1961            param(MPHandle, Handle)
1962        do
1963            get_cg_attr(Var, Handle, Attr),
1964            Attr = colgen{aux:Aux, lo:Lo, hi:Hi},
1965            % set initial mp eplex bounds
1966            lp_var_set_bounds(MPHandle, Var, Lo, Hi),
1967            ( Aux == artificial ->
1968                % artificial variable
1969                Out = In
1970            ; Aux == stabilisation ->
1971                % stabilisation variable
1972                Out = In
1973            ;
1974                % known MP variable
1975                Attr = colgen{cost:0, coeffs:[], aux:[]},
1976                Out = [Var|In]
1977            )
1978        ),
1979        (
1980            foreach(Const*Var, NormObj),
1981            param(Handle)
1982        do
1983            get_cg_attr(Var, Handle, Attr),
1984            setarg(cost of colgen, Attr, Const)
1985        ),
1986        % finally add initial SP solution column set to MP
1987        cg_new_MP_columns(Handle, VarCols),
1988        ( VarCols == [] ->
1989              % no initial solution columns
1990              true
1991        ;
1992              % add initial solution columns to MP
1993              lp_add_columns(MPHandle, VarCols),
1994              % record the total number of columns now in the mp
1995              lp_get(MPHandle, vars, MPVarArr),
1996              arity(MPVarArr, ColsAdded)
1997        ),
1998        (
1999            foreach(Var, ArtVars)
2000        do
2001            set_var_bounds(Var, 0, 1.0Inf)
2002        ),
2003        (
2004            foreach(StabTerm, StabTerms),
2005            param(MPHandle)
2006        do
2007            StabTerm = stab_term{plus_var: Yplus,
2008                                 plus_bound: Boundplus,
2009                                 minus_var: Yminus,
2010                                 minus_bound: Boundminus},
2011            lp_var_non_monotonic_set_bounds(MPHandle, Yplus, 0, Boundplus),
2012            lp_var_non_monotonic_set_bounds(MPHandle, Yminus, 0, Boundminus)
2013        ),
2014        ( NormObj == [] -> Dummy = 0 ; true ),
2015        % make a suspension for the MP iterator
2016        % and insert it in the suspension list of Handle
2017        make_suspension(cg_iteration(Handle), 0, MPSusp),
2018        enter_suspension_list(mp_susp of cg_prob, Handle, MPSusp),
2019        % make a suspension for the SP iterator
2020        % and insert it in the suspension lists of the dual val vars
2021        make_suspension(solveSPs(Handle), 0, SPSusp),
2022        SPHandle = sp_prob{cost:OptVar, coeff_vars:DualVars},
2023        insert_suspension([OptVar|DualVars], SPSusp, susps of dual_var,
2024                          dual_var).
2026add_new_solver_rowcols(Handle) :-
2027        Handle = cg_prob{master_prob:MPHandle,
2028                         phase1_obj:Phase1Obj,
2029                         mp_vars:OldVars,
2030                         stab_terms:OldStabTerms,
2031                         pool:Pool},
2032        ( var(Pool) ->
2033            % there is no associated colgen pool
2034            MPIdxCstrs = [],
2035            MPSPNormCstrs = []
2036        ;
2037            % collect any new constraints from the pool
2038            collect_typed_pool_constraints(Pool, mp_only of cg_constraint_type,
2039                                           MPIdxCstrs),
2040            collect_typed_pool_constraints(Pool, mp_sp of cg_constraint_type,
2041                                           MPSPNormCstrs)
2042        ),
2043        ( ( MPIdxCstrs == [], MPSPNormCstrs == [] ) ->
2044            % there were no new constraints,
2045            % done
2046            true
2047        ;
2048            % there were some, add them to the MP solver
2049            get_pool_handle(Handle, Pool),
2050            % process any constraints only involving known MP vars
2051            (
2052                foreach(MPIdx:MPIdxCstr, MPIdxCstrs),
2053                fromto(NormExprs, [Expr|RestExprs], RestExprs, NormExprs0),
2054                foreach(MPIdxCstr1, MPIdxNormCstrs),
2055                fromto(StabTerms, [StabTerm|Rest],
2056                       Rest, StabTerms0),
2057                fromto(NewStabTerms, [StabTerm|Rest0],
2058                       Rest0, StabTerms00),
2059                foreach(MPIdx, MPIdxs),
2060                param(Handle)
2061            do
2062                % add a stabilisation term to the constraint before
2063                % sending to MPHandle
2064                MPIdxCstr = Type:Expr,
2065                MPIdxCstr1 = Type:Expr1,
2066                add_stabilisation_term(MPIdx, Handle, Expr, Expr1, StabTerm)
2067            ),
2068            % now process the constraints which involve generated vars and
2069            % setup the dual_var attributes of the subproblem vars with
2070            % index of MP constraint
2071            % note: we add in artificial variables in case the first
2072            % restricted MP at any node is infeasible
2073            Phase1Obj = min(sum(OldArtVars)),
2074            (
2075                foreach([CoeffVar, Idx]:NormCstr, MPSPNormCstrs),
2076                foreach(Expr, NormExprs0),
2077                fromto(StabTerms0, [StabTerm|Rest],
2078                       Rest, OldStabTerms),
2079                foreach(StabTerm, StabTerms00),
2080                foreach(CoeffVar, CoeffVars),
2081                foreach(Cstr, Cstrs),
2082                fromto(NewArtVars, NAVOut, NAVIn, []),
2083                fromto(ArtVars, AVOut, AVIn, OldArtVars),
2084                foreach(Idx, Idxs),
2085                param(Handle)
2086            do
2087                % add a stabilisation term and artificial vars to the
2088                % constraint before sending to MPHandle
2089                NormCstr = Type:Expr,
2090                add_stabilisation_term(Idx, Handle, Expr, [ConstTerm|LinTerms], StabTerm),
2091                ( Type == (=<) ->
2092                    get_cg_attr(Art, Handle, Attr),
2093                    setarg(cost of colgen, Attr, 0),
2094                    setarg(coeffs of colgen, Attr, [Idx - -1]),
2095                    setarg(aux of colgen, Attr, artificial),
2096                    Cstr = Type:[ConstTerm, -1*Art|LinTerms],
2097                    NAVOut = [Art|NAVIn],
2098                    AVOut = [Art|AVIn]
2099                ; Type == (>=) ->
2100                    get_cg_attr(Art, Handle, Attr),
2101                    setarg(cost of colgen, Attr, 0),
2102                    setarg(coeffs of colgen, Attr, [Idx - 1]),
2103                    setarg(aux of colgen, Attr, artificial),
2104                    Cstr = Type:[ConstTerm, 1*Art|LinTerms],
2105                    NAVOut = [Art|NAVIn],
2106                    AVOut = [Art|AVIn]
2107                ; Type == (=:=) ->
2108                    get_cg_attr(Art1, Handle, Attr1),
2109                    setarg(cost of colgen, Attr1, 0),
2110                    setarg(coeffs of colgen, Attr1, [Idx - -1]),
2111                    setarg(aux of colgen, Attr1, artificial),
2112                    get_cg_attr(Art2, Handle, Attr2),
2113                    setarg(cost of colgen, Attr2, 0),
2114                    setarg(coeffs of colgen, Attr2, [Idx - 1]),
2115                    setarg(aux of colgen, Attr2, artificial),
2116                    Cstr = Type:[ConstTerm, -1*Art1, 1*Art2|LinTerms],
2117                    NAVOut = [Art1, Art2|NAVIn],
2118                    AVOut = [Art1, Art2|AVIn]
2119                )
2120            ),
2121            NewPhase1Obj = min(sum(ArtVars)),
2122            setarg(phase1_obj of cg_prob, Handle, NewPhase1Obj),
2123            setarg(stab_terms of cg_prob, Handle, StabTerms),
2124            % give the new MP variables a colgen attribute
2125            % this has to be done for variables in both types of constraints
2126            % however, some variables may already have been added
2127            % to the MP so we have to check if each variable occurs
2128            % already and only add attribute/include in vars of cg_prob
2129            % if it does not
2130            term_variables(NormExprs, ExprVars),
2131            (
2132                foreach(ExprVar, ExprVars),
2133                fromto(Vars, Out, In, OldVars),
2134                param(MPHandle, Handle)
2135            do
2136                ( lp_var_occurrence(ExprVar, MPHandle, _) ->
2137                    % already added to MPHandle,
2138                    % it must be a pre-existing variable for Handle
2139                    Out = In
2140                ;
2141                    % not yet in MPHandle,
2142                    % it is a new variable for Handle
2143                    get_cg_attr(ExprVar, Handle, colgen{lo:Lo, hi:Hi}),
2144                    % set initial mp eplex bounds
2145                    lp_var_set_bounds(MPHandle, ExprVar, Lo, Hi),
2146                    Out = [ExprVar|In]
2147                )
2148            ),
2149            lp_add_indexed(MPHandle, MPIdxNormCstrs, [], MPIdxs),
2150            lp_add_indexed(MPHandle, Cstrs, [], Idxs),
2151            expand_sp_obj_terms(MPIdxs, Idxs, CoeffVars, Handle),
2152            % finally add any new SP solution columns to MP
2153            cg_new_MP_columns(Handle, VarCols),
2154            ( VarCols == [] ->
2155                % no initial solution columns
2156                true
2157            ;
2158                % add initial solution columns to MP
2159                lp_add_columns(MPHandle, VarCols),
2160                (
2161                    foreach(Var:_, VarCols),
2162                    fromto(NewVars, [Var|Rest], Rest, Vars)
2163                do
2164                    true
2165                ),
2166                % record the total number of columns now in the mp
2167                lp_get(MPHandle, vars, MPVarArr),
2168                arity(MPVarArr, NewColsAdded),
2169                setarg(mp_vars of cg_prob, Handle, NewVars),
2170                setarg(mp_cols_added of cg_prob, Handle, NewColsAdded)
2171            ),
2172            (
2173                foreach(Var, NewArtVars)
2174            do
2175                set_var_bounds(Var, 0, 1.0Inf)
2176            ),
2177            (
2178                foreach(StabTerm, NewStabTerms),
2179                param(MPHandle)
2180            do
2181                StabTerm = stab_term{plus_var: Yplus,
2182                                     plus_bound: Boundplus,
2183                                     minus_var: Yminus,
2184                                     minus_bound: Boundminus},
2185                lp_var_non_monotonic_set_bounds(MPHandle, Yplus, 0, Boundplus),
2186                lp_var_non_monotonic_set_bounds(MPHandle, Yminus, 0, Boundminus)
2187            ),
2188            % insert the SP iterator suspension in the suspension lists of
2189            % the dual val vars
2190            % TODO: this looks wrong - why a new suspension???
2191            % also: sp_prob's coeff_vars field hasn't been updated?
2192            make_suspension(solveSPs(Handle), 0, SPSusp),
2193            insert_suspension(CoeffVars, SPSusp, susps of dual_var,
2194                              dual_var)
2195        ).
2197add_stabilisation_term(Idx, Handle, Expr, StabExpr, StabTerm) :-
2198        Expr = [ConstTerm|LinTerms],
2199        % add stabilisation var terms to the linear expression
2200        StabExpr = [ConstTerm, -1*Yminus, 1*Yplus|LinTerms],
2201        % create a new stab_term structure for them
2202        StabTerm = stab_term{idx: Idx,
2203                             plus_var: Yplus,
2204                             plus_coeff: 0,
2205                             plus_bound: 1.0e+3,
2206                             minus_var: Yminus,
2207                             minus_coeff: 0,
2208                             minus_bound: 1.0e+3},
2209        % add colgen attributes to the new stabilisation vars
2210        get_cg_attr(Yminus, Handle, AttrM),
2211        setarg(cost of colgen, AttrM, 0),
2212        setarg(coeffs of colgen, AttrM, [Idx - -1]),
2213        setarg(aux of colgen, AttrM, stabilisation),
2214        get_cg_attr(Yplus, Handle, AttrP),
2215        setarg(cost of colgen, AttrP, 0),
2216        setarg(coeffs of colgen, AttrP, [Idx - 1]),
2217        setarg(aux of colgen, AttrP, stabilisation).
2219expand_sp_obj_terms([], [], [], _Handle) :- !.
2220expand_sp_obj_terms(MPIdxs, Idxs, CoeffVars, Handle) :-
2221        ( MPIdxs == [] ->
2222            NCstrs is max(Idxs)
2223        ; Idxs == [] ->
2224            NCstrs is max(MPIdxs)
2225        ;
2226            NCstrs is max(max(MPIdxs), max(Idxs))
2227        ),
2228        NCstrs1 is NCstrs + 1,
2229        dim(ExprArr, [NCstrs1]),
2230        Handle = cg_prob{sp_obj_terms:OldExprArr},
2231        ( var(OldExprArr) ->
2232            OldExprArr = ExprArr
2233        ;
2234            dim(OldExprArr, [OldNCstrs]),
2235            NCstrs1 > OldNCstrs,
2236            (
2237                for(Idx, 1, OldNCstrs),
2238                param(OldExprArr, ExprArr)
2239            do
2240                arg(Idx, OldExprArr, Arg),
2241                arg(Idx, ExprArr, Arg)
2242            ),
2243            setarg(sp_obj_terms of cg_prob, Handle, ExprArr)
2244        ),
2245        (
2246            foreach(CoeffVar, CoeffVars),
2247            foreach(Idx, Idxs),
2248            param(ExprArr)
2249        do
2250            Idx1 is Idx + 1,
2251            arg(Idx1, ExprArr, CoeffVar)
2252        ),
2253        (
2254            foreach(MPIdx, MPIdxs),
2255            param(ExprArr)
2256        do
2257            MPIdx1 is MPIdx + 1,
2258            arg(MPIdx1, ExprArr, 0)
2259        ).
2261process_options([], _, _, Separation, []) :- !,
2262        ( var(Separation) -> Separation = true ; true ).
2263process_options([O|Os], Handle, Module, Separation, EplexOptions) :- !,
2264	process_option(O, Handle, Module, Separation, EplexOptions, EplexOptions0),
2265	process_options(Os, Handle, Module, Separation, EplexOptions0).
2266process_options(_NonList, Handle, _, _, _) :-
2267        Handle = cg_prob{pool:Pool},
2268        cg_info_message(Handle, "%w : options not proper list."
2269                        " Ignored.%n,", [Pool]).
2271process_option(separate(Separation0), Handle, Module, Separation, EplexOptions, EplexOptions0) ?- !,
2272	( var(Separation0) ->
2273            error(4, process_option(separate(Separation0), Handle, Module, Separation,
2274                                    EplexOptions, EplexOptions0))
2275        ;
2276            Separation = Separation0,
2277            EplexOptions = EplexOptions0
2278        ).
2279process_option(node_select(Val), Handle, Module, Separation, EplexOptions, EplexOptions0) ?- !,
2280	( var(Val) ->
2281            error(4, process_option(node_select(Val), Handle, Module, Separation,
2282                                    EplexOptions, EplexOptions0))
2283        ;
2284            ( Handle = cg_prob{bfs_tree:[], info_messages:OnOff} ->
2285                bfs_solver_setup(BfsHandle, min, bp_node(Handle),
2286                                      [info_messages(OnOff),
2287                                       node_select(Val),
2288                                       separation(bp_separate(Handle))]),
2289                setarg(bfs_tree of cg_prob, Handle, BfsHandle)
2290            ;
2291                Handle = cg_prob{bfs_tree:BfsHandle},
2292                bfs_set(BfsHandle, node_select, Val)
2293            ),
2294            EplexOptions = EplexOptions0
2295        ).
2296process_option(int_tolerance(Val), Handle, Module, Separation, EplexOptions, EplexOptions0) ?- !,
2297	( var(Val) ->
2298            error(4, process_option(int_tolerance(Val), Handle, Module, Separation,
2299                                    EplexOptions, EplexOptions0))
2300        ; float(Val) ->
2301            ( 0 =< Val, Val =< 0.5 ->
2302                cg_set(Handle, int_tolerance, Val),
2303                EplexOptions = EplexOptions0
2304            ; error(6, process_option(int_tolerance(Val), Handle, Module, Separation,
2305                                      EplexOptions, EplexOptions0))
2306            )
2307        ; error(5, process_option(int_tolerance(Val), Handle, Module, Separation,
2308                                  EplexOptions, EplexOptions0))
2309        ).
2310process_option(disallow(Val), Handle, Module, Separation, EplexOptions, EplexOptions0) ?- !,
2311	( var(Val) ->
2312            error(4, process_option(disallow(Val), Handle, Module, Separation,
2313                                    EplexOptions, EplexOptions0))
2314        ; atom(Val) ->
2315            ( valid_disallow_setting(Val) ->
2316                cg_set(Handle, disallow, Val),
2317                EplexOptions = EplexOptions0
2318            ; error(6, process_option(disallow(Val), Handle, Module, Separation,
2319                                      EplexOptions, EplexOptions0))
2320            )
2321        ; error(5, process_option(disallow(Val), Handle, Module, Separation,
2322                                  EplexOptions, EplexOptions0))
2323        ).
2324process_option(info_messages(Val), Handle, Module, Separation, EplexOptions, EplexOptions0) ?- !,
2325	( var(Val) ->
2326            error(4, process_option(info_messages(Val), Handle, Module, Separation,
2327                                    EplexOptions, EplexOptions0))
2328        ; atom(Val) ->
2329            ( valid_setting(Val) ->
2330                cg_set(Handle, info_messages, Val),
2331                EplexOptions = EplexOptions0
2332            ; error(6, process_option(info_messages(Val), Handle, Module, Separation,
2333                                      EplexOptions, EplexOptions0))
2334            )
2335        ; error(5, process_option(info_messages(Val), Handle, Module, Separation,
2336                                  EplexOptions, EplexOptions0))
2337        ).
2338process_option(on_degeneracy(Val), Handle, Module, Separation, EplexOptions, EplexOptions0) ?- !,
2339	( var(Val) ->
2340            error(4, process_option(on_degeneracy(Val), Handle, Module, Separation,
2341                                    EplexOptions, EplexOptions0))
2342        ; atom(Val) ->
2343            ( valid_degeneracy_setting(Val) ->
2344                cg_set(Handle, on_degeneracy, Val),
2345                EplexOptions = EplexOptions0
2346            ; error(6, process_option(on_degeneracy(Val), Handle, Module, Separation,
2347                                      EplexOptions, EplexOptions0))
2348            )
2349        ; error(5, process_option(on_degeneracy(Val), Handle, Module, Separation,
2350                                  EplexOptions, EplexOptions0))
2351        ).
2352process_option(stabilisation(Val), Handle, Module, Separation, EplexOptions, EplexOptions0) ?- !,
2353	( var(Val) ->
2354            error(4, process_option(stabilisation(Val), Handle, Module, Separation,
2355                                    EplexOptions, EplexOptions0))
2356        ; valid_stabilisation_setting(Val) ->
2357            cg_set(Handle, stabilisation, Val),
2358            EplexOptions = EplexOptions0
2359        ; error(6, process_option(stabilisation(Val), Handle, Module, Separation,
2360                                  EplexOptions, EplexOptions0))
2361        ).
2362process_option(basis_perturbation(Val), Handle, Module, Separation, EplexOptions, EplexOptions0) ?- !,
2363	( var(Val) ->
2364            error(4, process_option(basis_perturbation(Val), Handle, Module, Separation,
2365                                    EplexOptions, EplexOptions0))
2366        ; atom(Val) ->
2367            ( valid_setting(Val) ->
2368                cg_set(Handle, basis_perturbation, Val),
2369                EplexOptions = EplexOptions0
2370            ; error(6, process_option(basis_perturbation(Val), Handle, Module, Separation,
2371                                      EplexOptions, EplexOptions0))
2372            )
2373        ; error(5, process_option(basis_perturbation(Val), Handle, Module, Separation,
2374                                  EplexOptions, EplexOptions0))
2375        ).
2376process_option(eplex_option(Val), Handle, Module, Separation, EplexOptions, EplexOptions0) ?- !,
2377	( var(Val) ->
2378            error(4, process_option(eplex_option(Val), Handle, Module, Separation,
2379                                    EplexOptions, EplexOptions0))
2380        ;
2381            EplexOptions = [Val|EplexOptions0]
2382        ).
2383process_option(Option, Handle, Module, Separation, EplexOptions, EplexOptions0) :-
2384        ( var(Option) ->
2385            error(4, process_option(Option, Handle, Module, Separation,
2386                                    EplexOptions, EplexOptions0))
2387        ;
2388            error(6, process_option(Option, Handle, Module, Separation,
2389                                    EplexOptions, EplexOptions0))
2390        ).
2395valid_stabilisation_setting(on(BoundIter, BoundUpdate,
2396                               CoeffIter, CoeffUpdate)) ?-
2397        integer(BoundIter),
2398        BoundIter >= 1,
2399        number(BoundUpdate),
2400        BoundUpdate > 0,
2401        integer(CoeffIter),
2402        CoeffIter >= 1,
2403        number(CoeffUpdate),
2404        CoeffUpdate > 0.
2406valid_stabilisation_setting(stab_pred(_, _)).
2415fill_in_defaults(Handle) :-
2416        Handle = cg_prob{disallow:DisOnOff,
2417                         tolerance:Tol,
2418                         branch_tolerance:BranchTol,
2419                         info_messages:MessageOnOff,
2420                         on_degeneracy:OnDegeneracy,
2421                         stabilisation:Stabilisation,
2422                         basis_perturbation:PerturbOnOff},
2423        ( var(DisOnOff) -> DisOnOff = off ; true ),
2424        ( var(Tol) -> Tol = 1e-05 ; true ),
2425        ( var(BranchTol) -> BranchTol = 0 ; true ),
2426        ( var(MessageOnOff) -> MessageOnOff = off ; true ),
2427        ( var(OnDegeneracy) -> OnDegeneracy = stop ; true ),
2428        ( var(Stabilisation) -> Stabilisation = off ; true ),
2429        ( var(PerturbOnOff) -> PerturbOnOff = off ; true ).
2431fill_in_defaults_sp(Pool, SPHandle, Module) :-
2432        SPHandle = sp_prob{master_pool:Pool,
2433                           cutoff:CutOff,
2434                           disallow:Disallow,
2435                           status: phase1,
2436                           module:Module,
2437                           lo:Lo, hi:Hi, type:Type
2438               },
2439        ( var(CutOff) -> CutOff = 1e-05 ; true ),
2440        ( var(Disallow) -> Disallow = [0, []] ; true ),
2441        ( var(Lo) -> Lo = 0.0 ; true ),         % or -1.0Inf, but 0 more likely
2442        ( var(Hi) -> Hi = 1.0Inf ; true ),
2443        ( var(Type) -> Type = real ; true ).
2446% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
2447% most general instantiation templates to disallow duplicate columns
2448% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
2450% repeatedly amalgamate a new coefficient list with
2451% the coefficient list of a member of a list of
2452% linearisation-coefficient list pairs, extract
2453% linearisation of new most general amalgamation
2454% and return new linearisation-coefficient list pair list
2455lin_amalgamate(N, List, Coeffs, Vars, NewN, [[N1, Cstrs]-NewCoeffs|NewList]) :-
2456    % try to amalgamate Coeffs with others in list
2457    % repeatedly until we have most general disallow template
2458    (
2459	fromto(no, _, Done, yes),
2460	fromto(Coeffs, CIn, COut, NewCoeffs),
2461	fromto(N, NIn, NOut, N0),
2462	fromto(List, LIn, LOut, NewList)
2463    do
2464	lin_amalgamate(LIn, CIn, NIn, LOut, COut, NOut, Done)
2465    ),
2466    % linearise new template
2467    linearize_template(Vars, NewCoeffs, 1, N1, LCstrs, Flags, Done),
2468    ( Done == yes -> NewN = N0, N1 = 0, Cstrs = []
2469    ; NewN is N0+N1, Cstrs = [(>=):[-1*1|Flags]|LCstrs] ).
2471linearize_template([], [], N, N, [], [], no).
2472linearize_template([Var|Vars], [Coeff|Coeffs], N0, N, Cstrs, Flags, Done) :-
2473    get_var_bounds(Var, Lo, Hi),
2474    ( Coeff = [_|_] -> CList = Coeff ; CList = [Coeff] ),
2475    lin_not_in(CList, Var, Lo, Hi, N0, N1, Cstrs, Cstrs1, Flags, Flags1, Done),
2476    ( Done == yes ->         % Var cannot match, no Cstrs needed
2477	true
2478    ;
2479	linearize_template(Vars, Coeffs, N1, N, Cstrs1, Flags1, Done)
2480    ).
2482lin_not_in([], _Var, _VLo, _VHi, _N, _N1, _Cstrs, _Cstrs1, _Flags, _Flags1, yes).
2483lin_not_in([H|T], Var, VLo, VHi, N, N1, Cstrs, Cstrs1, Flags, Flags1, Done) :-
2484    ( integer(H) -> Lo = H, Hi = H ; H = Lo..Hi ),
2485    ( VHi < Lo ->            % cannot be in this or later ranges
2486	Done = yes
2487    ; VLo < Lo, VHi =< Hi -> % may be in this range, cannot be in later
2488	% Var =< VHi-(VHi+1-Lo)*Flag
2489	Alpha is fix(VHi+1-Lo),
2490	Beta is fix(-1*VHi),
2491	N1 is N+1,
2492	Cstrs = [(=<):[Beta*1, 1*Var, Alpha*Flag]|Cstrs1],
2493	Flags = [1*Flag|Flags1],
2494	Flag::0..1
2495    ; VHi =< Hi ->           % is in this range, no cstr for this var
2496	N = N1,
2497	Cstrs = Cstrs1,
2498	Flags = Flags1
2499    ; VLo =< VHi ->          % may be in this or later but cannot be earlier
2500	lin_not_in1(T, Hi, Var, VLo, VHi, N, N1, Cstrs, Cstrs1, Flags, Flags1)
2501    ;                        % may be in later ranges but cannot be in this
2502	lin_not_in(T, Var, VLo, VHi, N, N1, Cstrs, Cstrs1, Flags, Flags1, Done)
2503    ).
2505lin_not_in1([], Hi, Var, VLo, _VHi, N, N1,
2506	    [(>=):[Delta*1,1*Var,Gamma*Flag]|Cstrs1], Cstrs1,
2507	    [1*Flag|Flags1], Flags1) :-
2508    % Var >= VLo+(Hi+1-VLo)*Flag
2509    N1 is N+1,
2510    Flag::0..1,
2511    Gamma is fix(VLo-1-Hi),
2512    Delta is fix(-1*VLo).
2513lin_not_in1([H|T], Hi, Var, VLo, VHi, N, N1,
2514	    [(>=):[Delta*1,1*Var,Gamma*Flag],
2515	     (=<):[Beta*1,1*Var,Alpha*Flag]|Cstrs], Cstrs1,
2516	    [1*Flag|Flags], Flags1) :-
2517    % Var >= VLo+(Hi+1-VLo)*Flag
2518    % Var =< VHi-(VHi+1-Lo1)*Flag
2519    ( integer(H) -> Lo1 = H, Hi1 = H ; H = Lo1..Hi1 ),
2520    N0 is N+2,
2521    Flag::0..1,
2522    Alpha is fix(VHi+1-Lo1),
2523    Beta is fix(-1*VHi),
2524    Gamma is fix(VLo-1-Hi),
2525    Delta is fix(-1*VLo),
2526    lin_not_in1(T, Hi1, Var, VLo, VHi, N0, N1, Cstrs, Cstrs1, Flags, Flags1).
2528% amalgamate a coefficient list with the coefficient
2529% list of a member of a list of linearisation-coefficient
2530% list pairs and return remaining list and amalgamated coefficients
2531lin_amalgamate([], Coeffs, N, [], Coeffs, N, yes).
2532lin_amalgamate([[L, Cstrs]-Coeffs|List], NewCoeffs, N,
2533	       NewList, NewCoeffs1, NewN, Done) :-
2534    ( amalg(NewCoeffs, Coeffs, 0, 0, NewCoeffs1) ->
2535	% new coeff list can be amalgamated with this one
2536	% to create a more general disallow template
2537	% return rest of list and new template
2538	NewList = List,
2539	NewN is N-L,
2540	Done = no
2541    ;
2542	% could not be amalgamated
2543	NewList = [[L, Cstrs]-Coeffs|NewList1],
2544	lin_amalgamate(List, NewCoeffs, N, NewList1, NewCoeffs1, NewN, Done)
2545    ).
2547% repeatedly amlagamate a new coefficient list with
2548% the coefficient list of a member of a list of
2549% suspension-coefficient list pairs killing any
2550% associated suspensions, suspend disallow demons for
2551% the most general amalgamation and return new
2552% suspension-coefficient list pair list
2553% The coefficients are numbers or ../2 ranges.
2554amalgamate(N, List, Coeffs, Vars, NewN, [[N1, Susps]-NewCoeffs|NewList]) :-
2555    % try to amalgamate Coeffs with others in list
2556    % repeatedly until we have most general disallow template
2557    (
2558	fromto(no, _, Done, yes),
2559	fromto(Coeffs, CIn, COut, NewCoeffs),
2560	fromto(N, NIn, NOut, N0),
2561	fromto(List, LIn, LOut, NewList)
2562    do
2563	amalgamate(LIn, CIn, NIn, LOut, COut, NOut, Done)
2564    ),
2565    % suspend disallow demons for new template
2566    (
2567	foreach(Var, Vars),
2568	foreach(Coeff, NewCoeffs),
2569	foreach(Flag, AndFlags),
2570	foreach(Susp, AndSusps),
2571	count(_,2,NSusps),
2572	param(OrFlag)
2573    do
2574	( Coeff = [_|_] -> ListTerm = l(Coeff) ; ListTerm = l([Coeff]) ),
2575	suspend(not_among(Var, ListTerm, Flag, OrFlag, Susp), 0, [Var->constrained, [Flag, OrFlag]->inst], Susp),
2576	not_among(Var, ListTerm, Flag, OrFlag, Susp)
2577    ),
2578    ( AndFlags = [AndFlag] ->
2579	AndFlag = 1,
2580	NewN is N0+1,
2581	N1 = 1,
2582	Susps = AndSusps
2583    ;
2584	NewN is N0+NSusps,
2585	N1 = NSusps,
2586	Susps = [OrSusp|AndSusps],
2587	AndFlagTerm = l(AndFlags),
2588	suspend(or(OrFlag, AndFlagTerm, OrSusp), 0, [OrFlag|AndFlags]->inst, OrSusp),
2589	or(OrFlag, AndFlagTerm, OrSusp)
2590    ).
2592% amalgamate a coefficient list with the coefficient list of
2593% a member of a list of suspension-coefficient list pairs
2594% killing any associated suspensions and return remaining
2595% list and amalgamated coefficients
2596amalgamate([], Coeffs, N, [], Coeffs, N, yes).
2597amalgamate([[L, Susps]-Coeffs|List], NewCoeffs, N,
2598	   NewList, NewCoeffs1, NewN, Done) :-
2599    ( amalg(NewCoeffs, Coeffs, 0, 0, NewCoeffs1) ->
2600	% new coeff list can be amalgamated with this one
2601	% to create a more general disallow template
2602	% kill the suspension for this disallow goal
2603	% return rest of list and new template
2604	(
2605	    foreach(Susp, Susps)
2606	do
2607	    kill_suspension(Susp)
2608	),
2609	NewList = List,
2610	NewN is N-L,
2611	Done = no
2612    ;
2613	% could not be amalgamated
2614	NewList = [[L, Susps]-Coeffs|NewList1],
2615	amalgamate(List, NewCoeffs, N, NewList1, NewCoeffs1, NewN, Done)
2616    ).
2618% amalgamate two coefficient lists to create a _most general amalgamation_
2619% succeed if: they are pairwise disjoint at exactly one coeff and
2620% pairwise indentical at all others
2621% abort if: they are equal/intersecting at all coeffs (since we have a
2622% duplicate coeff list which should have been disallowed)
2623% fail: otherwise
2624amalg([], [], D, I, []) :-
2625    ( D = 0 -> printf("lists not disjoint in amalg/5%n", []),
2626               flush(output), abort
2627    ; D = 1, I = 0 ).
2628amalg([A|As], [B|Bs], D, I, Amalg) :-
2629    ( A == B ->
2630	% pairwise identical here
2631	D1 = D, I1 = I, Amalg = [A|Amalg1]
2632    ;
2633	% otherwise make both coeff templates into
2634	% disallowed domain lists
2635	% and check for disjointness/intersection
2636	( A = [_|_] -> List1 = A ; List1 = [A] ),
2637	( B = [_|_] -> List2 = B ; List2 = [B] ),
2638	amalg(List1, List2, D, D1, I, I1, List3), Amalg = [List3|Amalg1]
2639    ),
2640    amalg(As, Bs, D1, I1, Amalg1).
2642amalg(List1, List2, D, D1, I, I1, Amalg) :-
2643    amalg1(List1, List2, D, D1, I, I1, List3),
2644    ( List3 = [Val] -> Amalg = Val
2645    ; Amalg = List3 ).
2647amalg1([], List, 0, 1, 0, 0, List) :- !.
2648amalg1(List, [], 0, 1, 0, 0, List) :- !.
2649amalg1([H1|T1], [H2|T2], D, D1, I, I1, Amalg) :-
2650    ( integer(H1) -> Lo1 = H1, Hi1 = H1 ; H1 = Lo1..Hi1 ),
2651    ( integer(H2) -> Lo2 = H2, Hi2 = H2 ; H2 = Lo2..Hi2 ),
2652    ( overlapping_ranges(Lo1, Hi1, Lo2, Hi2) ->
2653	% lists intersect here,
2654	% fail immediately if already disjoint
2655	% otherwise succeed with
2656	% no need to continue amalgamating
2657	D = 0, D1 = 0, I1 = 1
2658    ;
2659	% no intersection between H1 and H2,
2660	% continue with T1 and T2,
2661	% amalgamating H1 and H2 if necessary
2662	( Lo1 is Hi2 + 1 -> T3 = [Lo2..Hi1|T1], T4 = T2, Amalg = Amalg1
2663	; Lo1 > Hi2 + 1 -> T3 = [H1|T1], T4 = T2, Amalg = [H2|Amalg1]
2664	; Lo2 is Hi1 + 1 -> T3 = T1, T4 = [Lo1..Hi2|T2], Amalg = Amalg1
2665	; T3 = T1, T4 = [H2|T2], Amalg = [H1|Amalg1] ),
2666	amalg1(T3, T4, D, D1, I, I1, Amalg1)
2667    ).
2669overlapping_ranges(Lo1, Hi1, Lo2, Hi2) :-
2670    (Lo1 >= Lo2, Lo1 =< Hi2) ; (Lo2 >= Lo1, Lo2 =< Hi1).
2672% suspend this on [OrFlag|AndFlags]->inst
2673:- demon or/3.
2674:- set_flag(or/3, priority, 3).
2675or(OrFlag, AndFlagTerm, Susp) :-
2676    ( OrFlag == 1 ->
2677	kill_suspension(Susp)
2678    ;
2679	% an AndFlag was set to 0
2680	AndFlagTerm =.. [_, AndFlags],
2681	(
2682	    foreach(AndFlag, AndFlags),
2683	    fromto(NewFlags, Out, In, [])
2684	do
2685	    ( AndFlag == 0 -> Out = In ; Out = [AndFlag|In] )
2686	),
2687	( NewFlags = [AndFlag] -> AndFlag = 1, kill_suspension(Susp)
2688	; setarg(1, AndFlagTerm, NewFlags) )
2689    ).
2691% suspend this on Var->any, [Flag, OrFlag]->inst
2692:- demon not_among/5.
2693:- set_flag(not_among/5, priority, 4).
2694not_among(Var, ListTerm, Flag, OrFlag, Susp) :-
2695    ( OrFlag == 1 ->
2696	% some other variable has been
2697	% instantiated to a non-matching
2698	% value, done
2699	kill_suspension(Susp)
2700    ;
2701	% change in domain of Var
2702	% or all other variables have been
2703	% instantiated to matching values,
2704	% Var cannot match ListTerm
2705	get_var_bounds(Var, Lo, Hi),
2706	ListTerm =.. [_, List],
2707	not_among_body(List, Lo, Hi, NewList, Flag),
2708	( Flag == 0 ->
2709	    % matches the list, done
2710	    kill_suspension(Susp)
2711	; NewList == [] ->
2712	    % does not match, done
2713	    OrFlag = 1, Flag = 1, kill_suspension(Susp)
2714	; Flag == 1 ->
2715	    % all other variables have been
2716	    % instantiated to matching values,
2717	    % Var cannot match ListTerm
2719	    % is there a way to remove intervals from ic var domains?
2721	    % for now
2723	    % remove the top and bottom overlaps
2724	    % if it can be done without creating holes
2725	    NewList = [H|Rest],
2726	    ( integer(H) -> Lo1 = H, Hi1 = H ; H = Lo1..Hi1 ),
2727	    ( Lo1 =< Lo -> NewLo is Hi1 + 1 ; NewLo = Lo ),
2728	    ( Rest == [] -> NewHi = Hi
2729	    ;
2730		( fromto(Rest, [_|Out], Out, [T]) do true ),
2731		( integer(T) -> Lo2 = T, Hi2 = T ; T = Lo2..Hi2 ),
2732		( Hi2 >= Hi -> NewHi is Lo2 - 1 ; NewHi = Hi )
2733	    ),
2734	    set_var_bounds(Var, NewLo, NewHi),
2735	    setarg(1, ListTerm, NewList)
2736	; setarg(1, ListTerm, NewList) )
2737    ).
2739% not_among_body(+RangeList, +VLo, +VHi, ?List, ?Flag)
2740% succeeds if VLo..VHi is a subset of a member of RangeList and Flag = 0
2741% or if List is the intersection of VLo..VHi and RangeList
2742not_among_body([], _VLo, _VHi, [], _Flag).
2743not_among_body([H|T], VLo, VHi, List, Flag) :-
2744    ( integer(H) -> Lo = H, Hi = H ; H = Lo..Hi ),
2745    ( VHi < Lo ->            % cannot be in this or later ranges
2746	List = []
2747    ; VLo < Lo, VHi =< Hi -> % may be in this range, cannot be in later
2748	List = [H]
2749    ; VHi =< Hi ->           % is in this range, set flag false
2750	Flag = 0
2751    ;                        % may be in this and/or later ranges
2752	( VLo =< Hi -> List = [H|List1] ; List = List1 ),
2753	not_among_body(T, VLo, VHi, List1, Flag)
2754    ).
2756:- mode cg_new_MP_columns(+,-).
2757cg_new_MP_columns(Handle, VarCols) :-
2758        Handle = cg_prob{sp_solution_call:SolveSubProblem,
2759                         disallow:DisOnOff,
2760                         mp_vars:OldVars,
2761                         idx_lookup:Lookup,
2762                         new_columns:NewColRec},
2763        recorded_list(NewColRec, Solns),
2764        erase_all(NewColRec),
2765        arg(1, SolveSubProblem, SPHandle),
2766        SPHandle = sp_prob{coeff_vars:DualVars,
2767                           disallow:[Count, Templates]},
2768        (
2769            foreach(Soln, Solns),
2770            fromto(VarCols, [Var:ObjCol|Rest], Rest, []),
2771            fromto(NewVars, [Var|Vars], Vars, OldVars),
2773            % most general inst templates for disallowing cols
2774            % for thesis results tables
2775            fromto(Count, CountIn, CountOut, Count0),
2776            fromto(Templates, TemplatesIn, TemplatesOut, NewTemplates),
2777            param(DisOnOff),
2779            param(Handle, DualVars, Lookup)
2780        do
2781            Soln = sp_sol{cost:Obj,
2782                          coeff_vars:Coeffs,
2783                          aux:Info,
2784                          lo:Lo,
2785                          hi:Hi,
2786                          type:Type},
2787            ( Obj =:= 0 -> ObjCol = BCol ; ObjCol = [obj:Obj|BCol] ),
2788            BCol = [lo:Lo, hi:Hi|Col],
2789            new_cg_attrstruct(Handle, Obj, HashCol, Lo, Hi, Type, Info, Attr),
2790            add_attribute(Var, Attr, colgen),
2791            ( Coeffs = [_Id-_V|_] ->
2792                  % Coeffs is a sparse coefficient list (unordered)
2794                  % most general inst templates for disallowing cols
2795                  % for thesis results tables
2796                  ( DisOnOff == off ->
2797                        CountOut = CountIn, TemplatesOut = TemplatesIn
2798                  ;
2799                        % reconstruct full coefficient list from sparse one
2800                        (
2801                            foreach(Var, DualVars),     %+
2802                            foreach(TVal, TCoeffs),     %-
2803                            param(Handle, Coeffs)
2804                        do
2805                            get_idx(Var, Id, Handle),
2806                            ( member(Id-TVal, Coeffs) -> true
2807                            ; TVal = 0 )
2808                        ),
2809                        ( DisOnOff == lp ->
2810                              lin_amalgamate(CountIn, TemplatesIn,
2811                                             TCoeffs, DualVars,
2812                                             CountOut, TemplatesOut)
2813                        ; DisOnOff == clp ->
2814                              amalgamate(CountIn, TemplatesIn,
2815                                         TCoeffs, DualVars,
2816                                         CountOut, TemplatesOut)
2817                        )
2818                  ),
2820                  % make a sparse column representation Col1
2821                  (
2822                      foreach(Id-V, Coeffs),    %+
2823                      foreach(I:V, Col1),       %-
2824                      param(Lookup)
2825                  do
2826                      hash_get(Lookup, Id, I)
2827                  ),
2828                  keysort(Coeffs, HashCol)
2830            ;
2831                  % Coeffs is a full list of coefficients (not sparse)
2833                  % most general inst templates for disallowing cols
2834                  % for thesis results tables
2835                  ( DisOnOff == off ->
2836                        CountOut = CountIn, TemplatesOut = TemplatesIn
2837                  ;
2838                        ( DisOnOff == lp ->
2839                              lin_amalgamate(CountIn, TemplatesIn,
2840                                             Coeffs, DualVars,
2841                                             CountOut, TemplatesOut)
2842                        ; DisOnOff == clp ->
2843                              amalgamate(CountIn, TemplatesIn,
2844                                         Coeffs, DualVars,
2845                                         CountOut, TemplatesOut)
2846                        )
2847                  ),
2849                  % make a sparse column representation Col1
2850                  (
2851                      foreach(Var, DualVars),
2852                      foreach(V, Coeffs),
2853                      fromto(HC, HCOut, HCIn, []),
2854                      fromto(Col1, Out, In, []),
2855                      param(Handle, Lookup)
2856                  do
2857                      (V =:= 0 ->
2858                           HCOut = HCIn,
2859                           Out = In
2860                      ;
2861                           get_idx(Var, Id, Handle),
2862                           HCOut = [Id-V|HCIn],
2863                           hash_get(Lookup, Id, I),
2864                           Out = [I:V|In]
2865                      )
2866                  ),
2867                  keysort(HC, HashCol)
2868            ),
2869            keysort(Col1, Col)
2870        ),
2872        % most general inst templates for disallowing cols
2873        % for thesis results tables
2874        NewCount is max(Count, Count0),
2875        setarg(disallow of sp_prob,SPHandle, [NewCount, NewTemplates]),
2877        setarg(mp_vars of cg_prob, Handle, NewVars).
2880:- demon cg_iteration/1.
2881:- set_flag(cg_iteration/1, priority, 7).
2882:- set_flag(cg_iteration/1, run_priority, 7).
2885% perform one column generation iteration:
2886% a) add any new constraints/variables and solve master problem,
2887% b) retrieve dual values and solve subproblems,
2888% c) retrieve beneficial columns and add to master problem
2889cg_iteration(Handle) :-
2890        % collect any new constraints or variables added since last
2891        % iteration
2892        %cg_info_message(Handle, "%tExtending restricted master problem ... ", []),
2893        add_new_solver_rowcols(Handle),
2894        % solve the new master problem
2895        cg_info_message(Handle, "%tSolving restricted master problem ... ", []),
2896        ( in_phase_1(Handle) ->
2897            solve_masterproblem_phase1(Handle, Status, ObjVal)
2898        ;
2899            solve_masterproblem_phase2(Handle, Status, ObjVal)
2900        ),
2901        % solve the subproblems
2902        solve_subproblems(Status, Handle),
2903        % retrieve beneficial columns
2904        cg_new_MP_columns(Handle, VarCols),
2905        ( stabilisation_stopping_criteria(Handle, VarCols) ->
2906            % cannot improve solution by adding new columns,
2907            % if we are in phase 1 (phase == 0) and we have hit
2908            % the stopping conditions we do not have a feasible
2909            % solution yet so we fail, while if we are in phase 2
2910            % (phase == -1) and we have hit the stopping
2911            % conditions then we have a feasible solution that we
2912            % cannot improve upon
2913            \+ in_phase_1(Handle)
2914        ;
2915            % update the master problem stabilisation terms
2916            update_stabilisation(Handle, VarCols),
2917            % update the degeneracy status
2918            update_degeneracy_status(Handle),
2919            % update the master problem lp
2920            update_masterproblem_lp(Handle, VarCols),
2921            % update the master problem lower bound
2922            update_lower_bound(Handle, ObjVal)
2923        ).
2927%solve_masterproblem_phase1(+Handle, -Status, -ObjVal)
2929% solve phase 1 of the two-phase method, i.e. with artifical cost
2930% function: we want to change to phase 2 iff the current
2931% problem has objective value 0. In order to avoid problems with
2932% rounding we do not solve and test solution value, but rather try to
2933% do the phase change and solve the phase 2 problem first. If that
2934% succeeds, then the phase 1 problem must have had objective value 0,
2935% so we return a phase2 Status with the value. If it fails, then the
2936% phase 1 problem must have had strictly positive objective value, so
2937% we try to solve the phase 1 problem. If that succeeds, we are still
2938% in phase 1 and return a phase 1 flag with the value. If both have
2939% failed then the phase 1 problem has become infeasible: since all
2940% constraints involving generated vars have an artificial variable
2941% they should always be satisfiable, thus any infeasibility is due to
2942% constraints involving no generated vars. If such a constraint is
2943% infeasible now then it will always be infeasible in future, so we
2944% fail. 
2945% NB: for safety we really should check which constraints were
2946% unsatisfiable and abort if they contain a constraint involving
2947% generated vars
2948solve_masterproblem_phase1(Handle, Status, ObjVal) ?-
2949        % try phase change and phase 2 solution now
2950        Handle = cg_prob{master_prob:MP,
2951                         phase1_obj:Phase1Fn,
2952                         stabilisation:Stabilisation,
2953                         stab_terms:StabTerms,
2954                         mp_vars:Vars},
2955        phase_change(Phase1Fn),
2956        lp_get(MP, objective, ObjExpr),
2957%	( lp_get(MP, cbasisarr, CB) -> true ; CB=[] ),
2958        solve_perturbed_objective_function(Stabilisation, StabTerms,
2959                                           MP, ObjExpr, ObjVal), !,
2960%	( lp_get(MP, cbasisarr, CB1) -> true ; CB1=[] ),
2961%	write_term(CB, [compact(true)]), nl,
2962%	write_term(CB1, [compact(true)]), nl,
2963        % phase change and phase 2 solution successful,
2964        % we have a feasible solution change the phase setting
2965        setarg(phase of cg_prob, Handle, -1),
2966        % any optimal solution of a phase 2 master problem is an upper
2967        % bound on the true optimal value, so update the upper bound ...
2968        setarg(upper_bound of cg_prob, Handle, ObjVal),
2969        % ... and set optimal vals
2970        set_optimal_mp_vals(Vars, Handle, MP),
2971        % no need to perturb the dual values since at the very least
2972        % the objective coefficient "dual" has changed from 0 to -1
2973        cg_info_message(Handle, "done, z_mp = %w%n", [ObjVal]),
2974        Status = phase2.
2975solve_masterproblem_phase1(Handle, Status, ObjVal) ?-
2976        % phase change and phase 2 solution was unsuccessful,
2977        % try phase 1 solution
2978        Handle = cg_prob{master_prob:MP,
2979                         phase1_obj:Phase1Fn,
2980                         on_degeneracy:OnDegeneracy,
2981                         stabilisation:Stabilisation,
2982                         stab_terms:StabTerms},
2983        ( lp_get(MP, cbasis, StartCBasis) -> true ; StartCBasis = [] ),
2984        ( lp_get(MP, rbasis, StartRBasis) -> true ; StartRBasis = [] ),
2985%	( lp_get(MP, cbasisarr, CB) -> true ; CB=[] ),
2986        solve_perturbed_objective_function(Stabilisation, StabTerms,
2987                                           MP, Phase1Fn, ObjVal), !,
2988        % phase 1 solution successful, still restricted infeasible
2989        % if we have retained the same optimal basis try to perturb
2990        % the dual values so that the subproblem can generate
2991        % different columns
2992        perturb_if_necessary(Handle, Phase1Fn, StartCBasis, StartRBasis),
2993        cg_info_message(Handle, "infeasible%n", []),
2994%	( lp_get(MP, cbasisarr, CB1) -> true ; CB1=[] ),
2995%	write_term(CB, [compact(true)]), nl,
2996%	write_term(CB1, [compact(true)]), nl,
2997        ( lp_get(MP, cbasis, StartCBasis),
2998          lp_get(MP, rbasis, StartRBasis) ->
2999            % degenerate so Status is infeasible if not handled,
3000            % and degenerate if it is handled by the subproblem
3001            ( OnDegeneracy == stop -> Status = infeasible
3002            ; OnDegeneracy == continue -> Status = degenerate )
3003        ;
3004            % not degenerate so Status is phase1
3005            Status = phase1
3006        ).
3007solve_masterproblem_phase1(Handle, _Status, _ObjVal) ?-
3008        % phase 1 solution unsuccessful, fail
3009        cg_info_message(Handle, "failed: inconsistent constraints posted%n", []),
3010        fail.
3012%solve_masterproblem_phase2(+Handle, -Status, -ObjVal)
3014% solve phase 2 of the two-phase method, i.e. with true objective
3015% function and all artificial variables fixed to 0
3016solve_masterproblem_phase2(Handle, Status, ObjVal) ?-
3017        % ensure the artificial variables are ground just in case
3018        Handle = cg_prob{master_prob:MP,
3019                         phase1_obj:Phase1Fn,
3020                         on_degeneracy:OnDegeneracy,
3021                         stabilisation:Stabilisation,
3022                         stab_terms:StabTerms,
3023                         mp_vars:Vars,
3024                         tolerance:Tolerance,
3025                         lower_bound:LowerBound},
3026        ( lp_get(MP, cbasis, StartCBasis) -> true ; StartCBasis = [] ),
3027        ( lp_get(MP, rbasis, StartRBasis) -> true ; StartRBasis = [] ),
3028%	( lp_get(MP, cbasisarr, CB) -> true ; CB=[] ),
3029        % TODO: don't zero out when already done
3030        phase_change(Phase1Fn),
3031        % TODO: Don't retrieve and reconstruct potentially big objective
3032        % TODO: at least use a sum(List) instead of nested +/2
3033        lp_get(MP, objective, ObjExpr),
3034        solve_perturbed_objective_function(Stabilisation, StabTerms,
3035                                           MP, ObjExpr, ObjVal),
3036        % any optimal solution of a phase 2 master problem is an upper
3037        % bound on the true optimal value, so update the upper bound ...
3038        setarg(upper_bound of cg_prob, Handle, ObjVal),
3039        % ... and set optimal vals
3040        set_optimal_mp_vals(Vars, Handle, MP),
3041        % if we have retained the same optimal basis try to perturb
3042        % the dual values so that the subproblem can generate
3043        % different columns
3044        perturb_if_necessary(Handle, ObjExpr, StartCBasis, StartRBasis),
3045        cg_info_message(Handle, "done, z_mp = %w%n", [ObjVal]),
3046%	( lp_get(MP, cbasisarr, CB1) -> true ; CB1=[] ),
3047%	write_term(CB, [compact(true)]), nl,
3048%	write_term(CB1, [compact(true)]), nl,
3049        ( ObjVal - (Tolerance*ObjVal) =< LowerBound ->
3050            % within Tolerance of lower bound so status is Optimal
3051            Status = optimal
3052        ; lp_get(MP, cbasis, StartCBasis),
3053          lp_get(MP, rbasis, StartRBasis) ->
3054            % degenerate so Status is suboptimal if not handled,
3055            % and degenerate if it is handled by the subproblem
3056            ( OnDegeneracy == stop -> Status = suboptimal
3057            ; OnDegeneracy == continue -> Status = degenerate )
3058        ;
3059            % not degenerate so Status is phase2
3060            Status = phase2
3061        ).
3063phase_change(min(sum(ArtVars))) :-
3064        % zero out the artificial variables
3065        (
3066            foreach(0, ArtVars)
3067        do
3068            true
3069        ).
3071solve_perturbed_objective_function(off, StabTerms,
3072                                   MP, ObjExpr, ObjVal) ?-
3073        % no stabilisation policy, zero out the stabilisation vars ...
3074        %TODO: don't do that repeatedly
3075        (
3076            foreach(StabTerm, StabTerms)
3077        do
3078            StabTerm = stab_term{plus_var:0.0,minus_var:0.0}
3079        ),
3080        % ... and solve for the existing objective function
3081        lp_probe(MP, ObjExpr, ObjVal).
3082%        lp_get(MP, constraints, _),
3083%        lp_probe(MP, ObjExpr, ObjVal),
3084%	lp_get(MP, typed_solution, Sol),
3085%	writeln(mp_sol:Sol).
3086solve_perturbed_objective_function(on(_,_,_,_), StabTerms,
3087                                   MP, ObjExpr, ObjVal) ?-
3088        solve_perturbed_objective_function_(StabTerms, MP, ObjExpr, ObjVal).
3089solve_perturbed_objective_function(stab_pred(_,_), StabTerms,
3090                                   MP, ObjExpr, ObjVal) ?-
3091        solve_perturbed_objective_function_(StabTerms, MP, ObjExpr, ObjVal).
3093solve_perturbed_objective_function_(StabTerms, MP, ObjExpr, ObjVal) :-
3094        % some form of stabilisation policy (either default or
3095        % user-defined) is in use, perturb the objective function ...
3096        (
3097            foreach(StabTerm, StabTerms),
3098            fromto(SExpr, Out, In, Expr)
3099        do
3100            StabTerm = stab_term{plus_var: Yplus,
3101                                 plus_coeff: CoeffPlus,
3102                                 minus_var: Yminus,
3103                                 minus_coeff: CoeffMinus},
3104            Out = CoeffPlus*Yplus - CoeffMinus*Yminus + In
3105        ),
3106        ObjExpr =.. [Sense, Expr],
3107        StabExpr =.. [Sense, SExpr],
3108        % ... and solve for the perturbed objective function
3109        lp_probe(MP, StabExpr, ObjVal).
3111set_optimal_mp_vals(Vars, Handle, MP) :-
3112        ( 
3113            foreach(Var, Vars),
3114            param(Handle, MP)
3115        do
3116            ( nonvar(Var) -> true
3117            ; lp_var_get(MP, Var, solution, Sol),
3118              get_cg_attr(Var, Handle, Attr),
3119              setarg(mp_val of colgen, Attr, Sol)
3120            )
3121        ).
3123%solve_subproblems(++Status, +Handle)
3125% Status in {phase1,phase2,optimal,suboptimal,infeasible,degenerate}
3127% solve subproblems dealing with degeneracy appropriately for the
3128% current phase and parameters
3129solve_subproblems(infeasible, Handle) ?- !,
3130        % apparently degenerate and infeasible (in phase 1),
3131        % no degeneracy handling -
3132        % fail
3133        cg_info_message(Handle, "%t... detected identical"
3134                        " external solver basis after mp"
3135                        " optimisation%n%t    terminating with"
3136                        " no solution where one may exist%n", []),
3137        fail.
3138solve_subproblems(suboptimal, Handle) ?- !,
3139        % apparently degenerate and feasible (in phase 2),
3140        % no degeneracy handling -
3141        % terminate column generation
3142        cg_info_message(Handle, "%t... detected identical"
3143                        " external solver basis after mp"
3144                        " optimisation%n%t    terminating with"
3145                        " potentially suboptimal solution%n", []).
3146solve_subproblems(optimal, _Handle) ?- !.
3147        % within tolerance of optimal, no need to solve subproblems
3148solve_subproblems(Status, Handle) :-
3149        % either degenerate where the user-defined subproblem solution
3150        % predicate will try to deal with degeneracy, or not
3151        % degenerate -
3152        % flag status, get dual values and update dual_var attributes,
3153        % triggers SP solution
3154        cg_info_message(Handle, "%tSolving subproblems ... ", []),
3155        Handle = cg_prob{master_prob:MP,
3156                         sp_solution_call:SolveSubProblem,
3157                         idx_lookup:Lookup,
3158                         shelf:Shelf,
3159                         new_columns:NewColRec,
3160                         phase:OptDual},
3161        lp_get(MP, dual_solution, Duals),
3162        DualArr =.. [[]|Duals],
3163        setarg(duals of cg_prob, Handle, DualArr),
3164        arg(1, SolveSubProblem, SPHandle),
3165        setarg(status of sp_prob, SPHandle, Status),
3166        shelf_set(Shelf, optimal_rc of cg_shelf, none),
3167        verify(recorded_list(NewColRec,[])),
3168        call_priority(update_duals(Handle, SPHandle, OptDual, Lookup, DualArr),
3169                      2),
3170	% Subproblem solver woken here!!!
3171        cg_info_message(Handle, "done%n", []).
3174stabilisation_stopping_criteria(Handle, VarCols) :-
3175        Handle = cg_prob{duals:Duals,
3176                         module:Module,
3177                         master_prob: MPHandle,
3178                         sp_solution_call: SolveSubProblem,
3179                         stabilisation: Stabilisation,
3180                         stab_terms: StabTerms,
3181                         tolerance: Tolerance,
3182                         phase:OptDual},
3183        ( Stabilisation == off ->
3184            VarCols = []
3185        ; Stabilisation = stab_pred(_, Goal) ->
3186            call(Goal)@Module
3187        ; Stabilisation = on(_BoundIter, _BoundUpdate,
3188                             _CoeffIter, _CoeffUpdate) ->
3189            (
3190                foreach(_Var:ObjCol, VarCols),
3191                param(Duals, OptDual, Tolerance)
3192            do
3193                % check all cols have wrong reduced cost
3194                ( ObjCol = [obj:Obj|Col] -> true
3195                ; Obj = 0, ObjCol = Col ),
3196                Cost is OptDual*Obj,
3197                (
3198                    foreach(I:V, Col),
3199                    fromto(Cost, In, Out, RC),
3200                    param(Duals)
3201                do
3202                    I1 is I + 1,
3203                    arg(I1, Duals, Dual),
3204                    Out is In + Dual*V
3205                ),
3206                RC =< -Tolerance
3207            ),
3208            (
3209                foreach(StabTerm, StabTerms),
3210                param(MPHandle, Tolerance)
3211            do
3212                StabTerm = stab_term{plus_var: Yplus,
3213                                     plus_bound: Boundplus,
3214                                     minus_var: Yminus,
3215                                     minus_bound: Boundminus},
3216                lp_var_get(MPHandle, Yplus, solution, YplusVal),
3217                abs(YplusVal) =< Tolerance,
3218                Boundplus =< Tolerance,
3219                lp_var_get(MPHandle, Yminus, solution, YminusVal),
3220                abs(YminusVal) =< Tolerance,
3221                Boundminus =< Tolerance
3222            )
3223        ).
3225update_stabilisation(Handle, VarCols) :-
3226        Handle = cg_prob{duals:Duals,
3227                         module:Module,
3228                         sp_solution_call: SolveSubProblem,
3229                         master_prob: MPHandle,
3230                         stabilisation: Stabilisation,
3231                         stab_terms: StabTerms,
3232                         stab_iter_counts: StabCounts,
3233                         tolerance: Tolerance,
3234                         phase:OptDual},
3235        ( Stabilisation == off ->
3236            true
3237        ; Stabilisation = stab_pred(Goal, _) ->
3238            call(Goal)@Module
3239        ; Stabilisation = on(BoundIter, BoundUpdate,
3240                             CoeffIter, CoeffUpdate) ->
3241            StabCounts = stab_counters{bound_counter:BoundCount,
3242                                       coeff_counter:CoeffCount},
3243            ( BoundCount < BoundIter ->
3244                BoundCount1 is BoundCount + 1,
3245                setarg(bound_counter of stab_counters, StabCounts,
3246                       BoundCount1)
3247            ;
3248                update_stab_bounds(StabTerms, MPHandle, BoundUpdate),
3249                setarg(bound_counter of stab_counters, StabCounts,
3250                       1)
3251            ),
3252            ( CoeffCount < CoeffIter ->
3253                CoeffCount1 is CoeffCount + 1,
3254                setarg(coeff_counter of stab_counters, StabCounts,
3255                       CoeffCount1)
3256            ; update_stab_coeffs(StabTerms, VarCols, OptDual,
3257                                 Duals, Tolerance, CoeffUpdate) ->
3258                setarg(coeff_counter of stab_counters, StabCounts,
3259                       1)
3260            ;
3261                true
3262            )
3263         ).
3265update_stab_bounds(StabTerms, MPHandle, BoundUpdate) :-
3266        (
3267            foreach(StabTerm, StabTerms),
3268            param(MPHandle, BoundUpdate)
3269        do
3270            StabTerm = stab_term{plus_var: Yplus,
3271                                 plus_bound: Boundplus,
3272                                 minus_var: Yminus,
3273                                 minus_bound: Boundminus},
3274            Boundplus1 is max(0, Boundplus - BoundUpdate),
3275            lp_var_non_monotonic_set_bounds(MPHandle, Yplus, 0, Boundplus1),
3276            setarg(plus_bound of stab_term, StabTerm, Boundplus1),
3277            Boundminus1 is max(0, Boundminus - BoundUpdate),
3278            lp_var_non_monotonic_set_bounds(MPHandle, Yminus, 0, Boundminus1),
3279            setarg(minus_bound of stab_term, StabTerm, Boundminus1)
3280        ).
3282update_stab_coeffs(StabTerms, VarCols, OptDual,
3283                   Duals, Tolerance,
3284                   CoeffUpdate) :-
3285        (
3286            foreach(_Var:ObjCol, VarCols),
3287            param(OptDual, Duals, Tolerance)
3288        do
3289            % check all cols have wrong reduced cost
3290            ( ObjCol = [obj:Obj|Col] -> true
3291            ; Obj = 0, ObjCol = Col ),
3292            Cost is OptDual*Obj,
3293            (
3294                foreach(I:V, Col),
3295                fromto(Cost, In, Out, RC),
3296                param(Duals)
3297            do
3298                I1 is I + 1,
3299                arg(I1, Duals, Dual),
3300                Out is In + Dual*V
3301            ),
3302            RC < Tolerance
3303        ),
3304        (
3305            foreach(StabTerm, StabTerms),
3306            param(Duals, CoeffUpdate)
3307        do
3308            StabTerm = stab_term{idx:Idx},
3309            Idx1 is Idx + 1,
3310            arg(Idx1, Duals, Dual),
3311            Coeffplus is Dual + CoeffUpdate,
3312            setarg(plus_coeff of stab_term, StabTerm, Coeffplus),
3313            Coeffminus is Dual - CoeffUpdate,
3314            setarg(minus_coeff of stab_term, StabTerm, Coeffminus)
3315        ).
3317update_degeneracy_status(cg_prob{sp_solution_call:SolveSubProblem, phase:CD}) :-
3318        ( CD == 0 -> Status = phase1 ; Status = phase2 ),
3319        arg(1, SolveSubProblem, SPHandle),
3320        setarg(status of sp_prob, SPHandle, Status).
3322update_masterproblem_lp(Handle, VarCols) :-
3323        Handle = cg_prob{master_prob:MP},
3324        % add new columns to MP
3325        lp_add_columns(MP, VarCols),
3326        lp_get(MP, vars, MPVarArr),
3327        arity(MPVarArr, NewColsAdded),              
3328        %%% WHY not reuse eplex's array here
3329        MPVarArr =.. [_|NewMPVars],
3330        setarg(mp_vars of cg_prob, Handle, NewMPVars),
3331        setarg(mp_cols_added of cg_prob, Handle, NewColsAdded).
3333update_lower_bound(Handle, ObjVal) :-
3334        % calculate the Lasdon bound
3335        ( lasdon_bound(Handle, ObjVal, LasdonBound) ->
3336            Handle = cg_prob{tolerance:Tolerance, upper_bound:UpperBound},
3337            ( LasdonBound >= UpperBound - (Tolerance * UpperBound) ->
3338                % cannot improve solution, done
3339                true
3340            ;
3341                % schedule the next MP iteration
3342                schedule_suspensions(mp_susp of cg_prob, Handle),
3343                wake
3344            )
3345        ;
3346            % no bound available
3347            %
3348            % (note: if the subproblem solver is guaranteed to return
3349            %  an optimal column we could just find the best reduced
3350            %  cost as in update_stab_coeffs/6 and use that to
3351            %  calculate the bound, but we allow solvers that return
3352            %  potentially suboptimal columns; an improvement would be
3353            %  to allow solvers to post an "optimality" flag along
3354            %  with the column so that on any given iteration we could
3355            %  update the bound iff the flag has been encountered for a
3356            %  column; for multiple subproblems we would need to take
3357            %  the maxium reduced cost of the "optimal" flagged
3358            %  columns)
3359            %
3360            % schedule the next MP iteration 
3361            schedule_suspensions(mp_susp of cg_prob, Handle),
3362            wake
3363        ).
3365lasdon_bound(Handle, ObjVal, LasdonBound) :-
3366        Handle = cg_prob{lower_bound:LowerBound,shelf:Shelf},
3367        \+ in_phase_1(Handle),
3368        shelf_get(Shelf, optimal_rc of cg_shelf, RCSum),
3369        number(RCSum),
3370        RCSum < 1.0Inf,
3371        LasdonBound is max(ObjVal - RCSum, LowerBound),
3372        setarg(lower_bound of cg_prob, Handle, LasdonBound),
3373        cg_info_message(Handle, "New lower bound: %w%n", [LasdonBound]).
3375%perturb_if_necessary(+Handle, +ObjExpr, ++CBasis, ++RBasis)
3377% iff the new basis retrieved from the LP is the same as the [CR]Basis
3378% args, and basis_perturbation is on, attempt to perturb the lp
3379% solution, so that we avoid identical dual values and repeated
3380% columns returned from the subproblems, which would result in a loop.
3381perturb_if_necessary(cg_prob{basis_perturbation:off}, _ObjExpr, _CBasis, _RBasis) :- !.
3382perturb_if_necessary(Handle, ObjExpr, CBasis, RBasis) :- !,
3383        Handle = cg_prob{master_prob:MPHandle},
3384        ( lp_get(MPHandle, cbasis, CBasis),
3385          lp_get(MPHandle, rbasis, RBasis) ->
3386            lp_get(optimizer, Optimizer),
3387            % the actual parameters to change are optimizer specific
3388            optimizer_specific_perturbation(Optimizer, ObjExpr, MPHandle),
3389            lp_get(MPHandle, cbasis, NewCBasis),
3390            lp_get(MPHandle, rbasis, NewRBasis),
3391            ( CBasis = NewCBasis,
3392              RBasis = NewRBasis -> writeln(perturbation-failed) ; true )
3393        ;
3394            true
3395        ).
3397optimizer_specific_perturbation(cplex, ObjExpr, MPHandle) ?- !,
3398        lp_get(optimizer_param(perind), Ind),
3399        lp_get(optimizer_param(perlim), Lim),
3400        lp_set(optimizer_param(perind), 1),
3401        lp_set(optimizer_param(perlim), 1),
3402        lp_probe(MPHandle, ObjExpr, _),
3403        lp_set(optimizer_param(perind), Ind),
3404        lp_set(optimizer_param(perlim), Lim).
3405optimizer_specific_perturbation(xpress, ObjExpr, MPHandle) ?- !,
3406        lp_get(optimizer_param(perturb), Val),
3407        lp_set(optimizer_param(perturb), 1.0),
3408        lp_probe(MPHandle, ObjExpr, _),
3409        lp_set(optimizer_param(perturb), Val).
3410%TODO: parameters for COIN
3411optimizer_specific_perturbation(Solver, _ObjExpr, _MPHandle) :-
3412	printf(error, "Colgen: %w not supported%n", [Solver]),
3413	abort.
3416update_duals(Handle, SPHandle, OptDual, Lookup, Duals) :-
3417        SPHandle = sp_prob{cost:OptVar,
3418                           coeff_vars:DualVars,
3419                           cutoff:Cutoff},
3420        ( nonvar(OptVar) ->
3421              Cutoff1 is Cutoff + OptDual*OptVar,
3422              setarg(cutoff of sp_prob, SPHandle, Cutoff1)
3423        ;
3424              always_set_dual(OptVar, OptDual, Handle)
3425        ),
3426        (
3427            foreach(DualVar, DualVars),
3428            param(Handle, Lookup, Duals)
3429        do
3430            get_idx(DualVar, Ident, Handle),
3431            hash_get(Lookup, Ident, Idx),
3432            Idx1 is Idx + 1,
3433            arg(Idx1, Duals, Dual),
3434            always_set_dual(DualVar, Dual, Handle)
3435        ).
3437update_duals(SPHandle, Mu, Nu, OptDual, Duals, ObjVal, ZInc) :-
3438        SPHandle = sp_prob{cost:OptVar,
3439                           coeff_vars:DualVars,
3440                           gub_coeff_vars:Branches},
3441        set_dual(OptVar, OptDual),
3443        ( get_idx(Mu, MuIdx) ->
3444              % calculate Vanderbeck-Wolsey bound
3445              % Delta1 = Z - sum(PiB) - sum(MuK) - sum(NuL),
3446              % Delta2 = ZInc - sum(PiB) - sum(MuK) - sum(NuL),
3447              % Rho1 = max(Delta1/K0, Delta1/L0),
3448              % Rho2 = max(Delta2/K0, Delta2/L0),
3449              % Rho = min(Rho1, Rho2),
3450              % SPOpt > Mu0 + Nu0 - Rho
3451              % approximated by
3452              % SPOpt >= Mu0 + Nu0 - Rho + 1e-05
3453              (
3454                  foreach(DualVar, DualVars),
3455                  fromto(0, In, Out, PiB),
3456                  param(Duals)
3457              do
3458                  get_idx(DualVar, Idx),
3459                  get_rhs(DualVar, Rhs),
3460                  Idx1 is Idx + 1,
3461                  arg(Idx1, Duals, Dual),
3462                  Out is In + Dual*Rhs,            
3463                  set_dual(DualVar, Dual)
3464              ),
3465              (
3466                  foreach(Branch, Branches),
3468                  % foreach(cg_gub{dual_var:GUBDualVar}, Branches),
3469                  fromto(PiB, In, Out, ConstTerm),
3470                  param(Duals)
3471              do
3473                  Branch = cg_gub{type:Type,
3474                                  dual_var:GUBDualVar},
3476                  ( atom(Type) ->
3478                  get_rhs(GUBDualVar, Rhs),
3480                  ( (Rhs = 0, Type \= (>=)) ->
3481                        Out = In
3482                  ;
3484                  get_idx(GUBDualVar, Idx),
3485                  Idx1 is Idx + 1,
3486                  arg(Idx1, Duals, Dual),
3487                  Out is In + Dual*Rhs,
3488                  set_dual(GUBDualVar, Dual)
3490                  )
3492                  ;
3493                  (
3494                      foreach(T, Type),
3495                      foreach(GUBDV, GUBDualVar),
3496                      fromto(In, I, O, Out),
3497                      param(Duals)
3498                  do
3499                      get_rhs(GUBDV, Rhs),
3500                      ( (Rhs = 0, T \= (>=)) ->
3501                            O = I,
3502                            % the constraint was not explicitly
3503                            % added to the lp because it just
3504                            % fixes vars to 0,
3505                            % no constraint, no dual val,
3506                            % no contribution to ConstTerm
3507                            % but we MUST still give it a big
3508                            % negative dual val for the sps
3509                            set_dual(GUBDV, -1000000000)
3510                      ;
3511                            get_idx(GUBDV, Idx),
3512                            ( var(Idx) ->
3513                                  % the constraint was not
3514                                  % added to the lp because
3515                                  % it contained no vars yet
3516                                  % is it safe to set Dual = 0?
3517                                  Dual = 0
3518                            ;
3520                            Idx1 is Idx + 1,
3521                            arg(Idx1, Duals, Dual),
3523                            true
3524                            ),
3526                            O is I + Dual*Rhs,
3527                            set_dual(GUBDV, Dual)
3528                      )
3529                  )
3530                  )
3532              ),
3533              % get_idx(Mu, MuIdx),
3534              get_rhs(Mu, K),
3535              MuIdx1 is MuIdx + 1,
3536              arg(MuIdx1, Duals, Mu0),
3537              set_dual(Mu, Mu0),
3538              get_idx(Nu, NuIdx),
3539              get_rhs(Nu, L),
3540              NuIdx1 is NuIdx + 1,
3541              arg(NuIdx1, Duals, Nu0),
3542              set_dual(Nu, Nu0),
3543              Delta1 is ObjVal - ConstTerm,
3544              Rho1 is max(Delta1/K, Delta1/L),
3545              Delta2 is ZInc - ConstTerm,
3546              Rho2 is max(Delta2/K, Delta2/L),
3547              ( Rho2 =< Rho1 ->
3548                    % should prune node if no SP solutions
3549                    Rho = Rho2
3550              ;
3551                    % should terminate CG in node if no SP solutiuons
3552                    Rho = Rho1
3553              ),
3554              % but since
3555              % SPOpt = max{(pi-e)X - fW + sum(muZ) + sum(nuZ) + mu0 + nu0}
3556              % we can just leave Mu0, Nu0 out?
3557              % CGCutoff is Mu0 + Nu0 - Rho + 1e-05,
3558              CGCutoff is 1e-05 - Rho,
3559              setarg(cutoff of sp_prob, SPHandle, CGCutoff)        
3560        ;
3562        (
3563            foreach(DualVar, DualVars),
3564            param(Duals)
3565        do
3566            get_idx(DualVar, Idx),
3567            Idx1 is Idx + 1,
3568            arg(Idx1, Duals, Dual),
3569            set_dual(DualVar, Dual)
3570        )
3572        ).
3575bp_separate(Handle) :-
3576        Handle = cg_prob{bfs_tree:BfsHandle,
3577                         sep_call:Goal,
3578                         shelf:Shelf},
3579        Goal = call(SepGoal)@Module,
3580        ( SepGoal == true ->
3581            true
3582        ;
3583            \+ \+ ( bfs_impose_node_state(other, BfsHandle),
3584                    call(Goal)
3585                  ),
3586            shelf_get(Shelf, info of cg_shelf, Branches),
3587            shelf_set(Shelf, info of cg_shelf, []),
3588            (
3589                foreach(Score:Branch, Branches),
3590                param(BfsHandle, Module)
3591            do
3592                bfs_branch(BfsHandle, [Score, call(Branch)@Module])
3593            )
3594        ).
3597fractional_vars(Vars, FracVars, Vals, Diffs, Fracs, L, U, Pool) :-
3598        Vars = [X|_],
3599        get_pool_handle(Handle, Pool),
3600        cg_var_get(Handle, X, mp_val, Sol),
3601        ( var(Sol) ->
3602              Handle = cg_prob{master_prob:MP},
3603              (
3604                  foreach(Var, Vars),
3605                  fromto(FracVars, VarsIn, VarsOut, []),
3606                  fromto(Vals, ValsIn, ValsOut, []),
3607                  fromto(Diffs, DiffsIn, DiffsOut, []),
3608                  fromto(Fracs, FracsIn, FracsOut, []),
3609                  fromto(0.0, LIn, LOut, L),
3610                  fromto(1.0, UIn, UOut, U),
3611                  param(MP)
3612              do
3613                  ( nonvar(Var) ->
3614                        VarsIn = VarsOut,
3615                        ValsIn = ValsOut,
3616                        DiffsIn = DiffsOut,
3617                        FracsIn = FracsOut,
3618                        LIn = LOut,
3619                        UIn = UOut
3620                  ;
3621                        lp_var_get(MP, Var, solution, Val),
3622                        Diff is abs(round(Val) - Val),
3623                        ( Diff =< 1e-5 ->
3624                              VarsIn = VarsOut,
3625                              ValsIn = ValsOut,
3626                              DiffsIn = DiffsOut,
3627                              FracsIn = FracsOut,
3628                              LIn = LOut,
3629                              UIn = UOut
3630                        ;
3631                              Frac is Val - floor(Val),
3632                              ( Frac < 0.5 ->
3633                                    LOut is max(Frac, LIn),
3634                                    UOut = UIn
3635                              ;
3636                                    Frac > 0.5 ->
3637                                        LOut = LIn,
3638                                        UOut is min(Frac, UIn)
3639                              ;
3640                                        LOut = 0.5,
3641                                        UOut = 0.5
3642                              ),
3643                              VarsIn = [Var|VarsOut],
3644                              ValsIn = [Val|ValsOut],
3645                              DiffsIn = [Diff|DiffsOut],
3646                              FracsIn = [Frac|FracsOut]
3647                        )
3648                  )
3650              )
3651        ;
3652              (
3653                  foreach(Var, Vars),
3654                  fromto(FracVars, VarsIn, VarsOut, []),
3655                  fromto(Vals, ValsIn, ValsOut, []),
3656                  fromto(Diffs, DiffsIn, DiffsOut, []),
3657                  fromto(Fracs, FracsIn, FracsOut, []),
3658                  fromto(0.0, LIn, LOut, L),
3659                  fromto(1.0, UIn, UOut, U),
3660                  param(Handle)
3661              do
3662                  ( nonvar(Var) ->
3663                        VarsIn = VarsOut,
3664                        ValsIn = ValsOut,
3665                        DiffsIn = DiffsOut,
3666                        FracsIn = FracsOut,
3667                        LIn = LOut,
3668                        UIn = UOut
3669                  ;
3670                        cg_var_get(Handle, Var, mp_val, Val),
3671                        Diff is abs(round(Val) - Val),
3672                        ( Diff =< 1e-5 ->
3673                              VarsIn = VarsOut,
3674                              ValsIn = ValsOut,
3675                              DiffsIn = DiffsOut,
3676                              FracsIn = FracsOut,
3677                              LIn = LOut,
3678                              UIn = UOut
3679                        ;
3680                              Frac is Val - floor(Val),
3681                              ( Frac < 0.5 ->
3682                                    LOut is max(Frac, LIn),
3683                                    UOut = UIn
3684                              ;
3685                                Frac > 0.5 ->
3686                                    LOut = LIn,
3687                                    UOut is min(Frac, UIn)
3688                              ;
3689                                    LOut = 0.5,
3690                                    UOut = 0.5
3691                              ),
3692                              VarsIn = [Var|VarsOut],
3693                              ValsIn = [Val|ValsOut],
3694                              DiffsIn = [Diff|DiffsOut],
3695                              FracsIn = [Frac|FracsOut]
3696                        )
3697                  )
3698              )
3699        ).
3701:- demon solveSPs/1.
3702:- set_flag(solveSPs/1, priority, 6).
3703:- set_flag(solveSPs/1, run_priority, 6).
3704solveSPs(Handle) :-
3705        (
3706            Handle = cg_prob{sp_solution_call:SolveSubProblem,
3707                                shelf:Shelf,module:Module},
3708            arg(1, SolveSubProblem, SPHandle),
3709            % note SolveSubProblem MUST post at least one positive
3710            % reduced cost solution to the MP pool with
3711            % cg_subproblem_solution if any exist for any subproblem
3712            % otherwise we will terminate early with a suboptimal solution
3713            shelf_set(Shelf, sp_sol_cnt of cg_shelf, 0),
3715            call(SolveSubProblem)@Module,
3717            % If the SP has not posted solution(s) itself, post the current one
3718            ( shelf_get(Shelf, sp_sol_cnt of cg_shelf, 0) ->
3719                SPHandle = sp_prob{cost:Cost, coeff_vars:Coeffs,
3720                                    lo:Lo, hi:Hi, type:Type},
3721                ( ground(Cost-Coeffs) ->
3722                    cg_valid_columns(Handle, sp_sol{
3723                            cost:Cost, coeff_vars:Coeffs, lo:Lo, hi:Hi, type:Type})
3724                ; 
3725                    writeln(warning_output, "Warning: subproblem solver "
3726                            "succeeded with nonground variables (ignored)")
3727                )
3728            ;
3729                shelf_set(Shelf, sp_sol_cnt of cg_shelf, 0)
3730            ),
3731            fail
3732        ;
3733            true
3734        ).
3738% Pools
3741:- local record(colgen_pools). % list of colgen pool names
3743create_colgen_pool(Pool) :-
3744	create_constraint_pool(Pool, property(arity) of cg_constraint_type,
3745                               [
3746                                var_dual/6 -> var_dual1/7,
3747                                get_dual/2 -> get_dual1/3,
3748                                get_coeff/2 -> get_coeff1/3,
3749                                get_idx/2 -> get_idx1/3,
3750                                get_rhs/2 -> get_rhs1/3,
3751                                always_set_dual/2 -> always_set_dual1/3,
3752                                set_dual/2 -> set_dual1/3,
3753                                solve/1 -> bp_solve1/2,
3754                                solver_setup/3 -> cg_solver_setup/4,
3755                                solver_setup/2 -> cg_solver_setup/3,
3756                                var_get/3 -> cg_var_get1/4,
3757                                get/2 -> cg_get1/3,
3758                                set/2 -> cg_set/3,
3759                                statistics/0 -> cg_statistics/1,
3760                                integers/1 -> cg_integers1/2,
3761                                identified_constraint/2 -> add_cg_pool_constraint/3,
3762                                (::)/2 -> cg_range/3,
3763                                (=:=)/2 -> cg_eq/3,
3764                                (>=)/2 -> cg_ge/3,
3765                                (=<)/2 -> cg_le/3,
3766                                ($::)/2 -> cg_range/3,
3767                                ($=)/2 -> cg_eq/3,
3768                                ($>=)/2 -> cg_ge/3,
3769                                ($=<)/2 -> cg_le/3,
3770                                branch/1 -> cg_branch1/2,
3771                                branch/2 -> cg_branch1/3,
3772                                cg_subproblem_count/1 -> cg_sp_count1/2,
3773                                cg_subproblem_solution/1 -> cg_valid_columns1/2,
3774                                valid_columns/1 -> cg_valid_columns1/2,
3775                                cg_subproblem_rc_sum/1 -> cg_sp_rc_sum/2,
3776                                optimal_rc/1 -> cg_optimal_rc1/2,
3777                                minimize/4 -> cg_minimize/5,
3778                                minimize/3 -> cg_minimize/4
3779                               ]).
3782colgen_instance(PoolName) :-
3783        ( is_constraint_pool(PoolName),
3784	  recorded(colgen_pools, PoolName) % is a colgen pool
3785	->
3786            % if pool exists, check if it is currently empty 
3787	    ( pool_is_empty(PoolName),
3788	      get_pool_item(PoolName, 0) % has no associated solver
3789	    ->
3790		true
3791	    ;
3792		printf(error, "Colgen instance still in use in %w%n", [colgen_instance(PoolName)]),
3793		abort
3794	    )
3795	;
3796%	    ( current_module(PoolName) ->
3797%		  error(6, colgen_instance(PoolName))
3798%	    ;
3799		  record(colgen_pools, PoolName),
3800		  create_colgen_pool(PoolName)
3801%	    )
3802	).
3804get_pool_handle(Handle, Pool) :-
3805	( get_pool_item(Pool, Handle), Handle = cg_prob{} ->
3806            true
3807        ;
3808            get_pool_item(Pool, 0),
3809            init_cg_prob(Pool, Handle),
3810            set_pool_item(Pool, Handle)
3811        ).
3813init_cg_prob(Pool, Handle) :-
3814        Handle = cg_prob{
3815                pool:Pool,
3816                bfs_tree:[],
3817                new_columns:NewColRec,
3818                shelf:Shelf },
3819        record_create(NewColRec),
3820        shelf_create(cg_shelf{
3821                info:[],
3822                optimal_rc:none,
3823                sp_sol_cnt:0
3824            }, Shelf),
3825        init_suspension_list(mp_susp of cg_prob, Handle).
3828% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
3829% Expression simplifier (using lib(linearize))
3831% A linear expression is normalised into a list (sum) of the form
3832%	[C0*1, C1*X1, C2*X2, ...]
3833% where Ci are numbers and Xi are distinct variables.
3834% The first (constant) term is always present, Ci (i>=1) are nonzero.
3835% The expression must be built from variables, numbers, +/2, */2, -/2, -/1.
3836% The simplifier fails if the expression is not linear.
3838% renormalise/2 renormalises a normal form expression after variable
3839% bindings, unifications.
3841% A normalised constraint has the form
3842%	Sense:NormExpr
3843% where Sense is one of the atoms =:=, >= or =< and NormExpr is a
3844% normalised expression as above. E.g. (>=):[-5*1,3*X] encodes
3845% the constraint  -5 + 3*X >= 0.
3846% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
3848cg_normalise_cstr(E1 =:= E2, Norm, CoeffVar, Coeff) :- !,
3849        cg_normalise_cstr(E1 $= E2, Norm, CoeffVar, Coeff).
3850cg_normalise_cstr(E1 >= E2, Norm, CoeffVar, Coeff) :- !,
3851        cg_normalise_cstr(E1 $>= E2, Norm, CoeffVar, Coeff).
3852cg_normalise_cstr(E1 =< E2, Norm, CoeffVar, Coeff) :- !,
3853        cg_normalise_cstr(E1 $=< E2, Norm, CoeffVar, Coeff).
3854cg_normalise_cstr(E1 $= E2, (=:=):Norm, CoeffVar, Coeff) :- !,
3855	linearize(E1-E2, Lin, NonLin),
3856        ( NonLin == [] ->
3857              Norm = Lin,
3858              CoeffVar = 0,
3859              Coeff = 0
3860        ;
3861              NonLin = [AuxVar = implicit_sum(CoeffVar)],
3862              filter_auxvar(AuxVar, Lin, Norm, Coeff)
3863        ).
3864cg_normalise_cstr(E1 $>= E2, (>=):Norm, CoeffVar, Coeff) :- !,
3865	linearize(E1-E2, Lin, NonLin),
3866        ( NonLin == [] ->
3867              Norm = Lin,
3868              CoeffVar = 0,
3869              Coeff = 0
3870        ;
3871              NonLin = [AuxVar = implicit_sum(CoeffVar)],
3872              filter_auxvar(AuxVar, Lin, Norm, Coeff)
3873        ).
3874cg_normalise_cstr(E1 $=< E2, (=<):Norm, CoeffVar, Coeff) :- !,
3875	linearize(E1-E2, Lin, NonLin),
3876        ( NonLin == [] ->
3877              Norm = Lin,
3878              CoeffVar = 0,
3879              Coeff = 0
3880        ;
3881              NonLin = [AuxVar = implicit_sum(CoeffVar)],
3882              filter_auxvar(AuxVar, Lin, Norm, Coeff)
3883        ).
3884cg_normalise_cstr(Cstr, _, _, _) :-
3885	writeln(error, "Error: Unknown constraint":Cstr),
3886	abort. 
3888    filter_auxvar(Var, [C*X|Terms], Norm, Coeff) :-
3889        ( Var == X ->
3890              Norm = Terms,
3891              Coeff = C
3892        ;
3893              Norm = [C*X|Norm0],
3894              filter_auxvar(Var, Terms, Norm0, Coeff)
3895        ).