2% Version: CMPL 1.1
4% The contents of this file are subject to the Cisco-style Mozilla Public
5% License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
6% in compliance with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License
7% at www.eclipse-clp.org/license.
9% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
10% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.  See
11% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
12% under the License. 
14% The Original Code is  The ECLiPSe Constraint Logic Programming System. 
15% The Initial Developer of the Original Code is  Cisco Systems, Inc. 
16% Portions created by the Initial Developer are
17% Copyright (C) 1995 - 2006 Cisco Systems, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
19% Contributor(s): Andrew Eremin, IC-Parc
22% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
24% Description:	ECLiPSe best-first search library
26% System:	ECLiPSe Constraint Logic Programming System
27% Author/s:	Andrew Eremin, IC-Parc
28% Version:      $Id: bfs.ecl,v 1.1 2012/07/31 02:17:06 jschimpf Exp $
30% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
33% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
34:- module(bfs).
36:- lib(constraint_pools).
37:- lib(hash).
38:- lib(eplex).
39:- lib(n_trees).
41% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
43% Meta-attribute
45% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
47:- meta_attribute(bfs, [unify:unify_bfs/2]).
49:- local struct(
50                bfs(
51                    optimal_val,
52                    type,
53                    node_info,
54                    pseudocost:pseudocost,
55                    solver,
56                    next
57                   )
58               ).
60% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
62% Bfs var node info structure
64% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
66:- local struct(
67                bfs_node_info(
68                              id,   % int: node number
69                              lo,   % float: node lower bound
70                              hi,   % float: node upper bound
71                              val,  % float: node optimal solution value
72                              rc    % float: node reduced cost
73                             )
74               ).
76% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
78% Pools
80% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
82:- export bfs_instance/1.	 % bfs_instance(+PoolName)
84:- local struct(bfs_constraint_type(branch, global_cut)).
86% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
88% Best-first search tree structure
90% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
92:- local struct(
93                bfs_tree(
94                         pool,           % the pool with which the
95                                         % solver is associated
96                         module,         % caller module
98                         data,           % arbitrary prob data that
99                                         % branches may want to access:
100                                         % probably variables in some
101                                         % structured form since
102                                         % branches are stored over
103                                         % failure and cannot contain
104                                         % explicit vars
105                         feas_check,     % the arbitrary global
106                                         % feasibility check
107                                         % (intention is other than
108                                         % variable integrality)
110                         shelf,          % ECLiPSe shelf for storing
111                                         % various results over failures
112                         cost,           % var: variable for the
113                                         %      optimal cost
114                         integral_obj,   % atom: yes or no, is the cost
115                                         %       of all feasible
116                                         %       solutions integral?
117                         int_tolerance,  % float: integrality tolerance
118                         sense,          % min or max: optimisation sense
119                         node_susp,      % suspension list containing
120                                         % the suspension for the node 
121                                         % solver 
122                         vars,           % []: list of all vars currently
123                                         %     belonging to this tree
124                         root_node,      % n_tree: the root of the
125                                         %         search tree
126                                         %         represented as a
127                                         %         n_tree
128                         next_node_no,   % int: the id for the next
129                                         %      node created
130                         best_bound,     % float: current best global
131                                         %        feasible solution
132                                         %        objective value
133                         gubs,           % [GUB1,...,GUBm]: list of
134                                         %    bfs_gub structures for
135                                         %    the GUBs of this problem
136                         stats:stats,    % structure holding
137                                         % statistics info
138                         info_messages,  % on, off: info message status
139                                         % Search Control: node selection
140                         node_select,    % atom: best_first, depth_first,
141                                         %       best_estimate
142                                         %       node selection criteria
143                                         % Search Control: problem division
144                         alpha_min,      % float: constants used in
145                         alpha_max,      % float: utilising variable
146                                         %        up/down estimations
147                                         %        for branching:
148                                         %        variable estimation =
149                                         %         alpha_min *
150                                         %          min(up/down est) +
151                                         %         alpha_max *
152                                         %          max(up/down est)
153                         beta_const,     % float: constants used in
154                         beta_pc,        % float: calculating variable
155                         beta_lb,        % float: up/down estimations:
156                                         %        up/down estimation = 
157                                         %         beta_const + 
158                                         %         beta_pc * pseudocost + 
159                                         %         beta_lb * lowerbound
160                         pcd_average,    % float: average observed
161                                         %        down-branch pseudocost
162                         pcd_count,      % int: number of observed
163                                         %      down-branches
164                         pcu_average,    % float: average observed
165                                         %        up-branch pseudocost
166                         pcu_count,      % int: number of observed
167                                         %      up-branches
168                         pc_init,        % atom: average,calculated,cost:
169                                         %       pseudocost initialization
170                                         %       method:
171                                         %       set to current average,
172                                         %       calulated,
173                                         %       set to objective cost
174                                         %       coefficient
175                         pc_ratio,       % float: ratio in (0.0..1.0)
176                                         %        of max work in calculating
177                                         %        pseudocosts to root node
178                                         %        solution work
179                         pc_update,      % atom: average,first,last:
180                                         %       pseudocost update method
181                                         %       set to average/first/last
182                                         %       of observed degradations
183                         lb_time         % int: time limit in seconds
184                                         %      for lower bound calculation
185                        )
186               ).
188% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
190% bfs_tree shelf structure
192% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
194:- local struct(bfs_shelf(branches, global_cuts, info)).
196% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
198% Branch-and-Price search tree node structure
200% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
202:- local struct(
203                bfs_node(
204                         id,          % int: node number
205                         state,       % arbitrary local state for the
206                                      % node solver
207                         rank,        % node ranking for node selection
208                         objval,      % float: relaxed optimal
209                                      %        solution value
210                         parent_obj,  % float: relaxed optimal
211                                      %        solution value of
212                                      %        parent node
213                                      % these two are needed when
214                                      % using pseudocost-based
215                                      % methods
216                         pc_update,   % pseudocost to update after
217                                      % solving node: [GUBNo, BPNo, Dir]
218                         frac_vars,   % []: integer vars with fractional
219                                      %     node optimal solution 
220                         branches     % []: current branching decisions
221                        )
222               ).
224% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
226% Generalised Upper/Lower bound structure
228% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
230:- local struct(
231                bfs_gub(
232                        vars,
233                        refs,
234                        pseudocosts
235                       )
236               ).
238% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
240% Pseudocost structure
242% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
244:- local struct(
245                pseudocost(
246                           pcd,
247                           pcd_count,
248                           pcu,
249                           pcu_count
250                          )
251               ).
253% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
255% Statistics structure
257% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
259:- local struct(
260                stats(
261                      start_time,
262                      total_time,
263                      first_sol_time,
264                      opt_sol_time,
265                      no_sols,
266                      solve_time,
267                      separate_time,
268                      nodes_separated,
269                      nodes_solved
270                     )
271               ).
273% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
275% exports
277% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
279:- export bfs_integers/2.
280:- export bfs_node_info/3.
281:- export bfs_node_info/6.
282:- export bfs_statistics/1.
283:- export bfs_node_cost/2.
284:- export bfs_var_get/4.
285:- export bfs_get/3.
286:- export bfs_set/3.
287:- export bfs_impose_node_state/2.
288:- export bfs_solver_setup/3.
289:- export bfs_solver_setup/4.
290:- export bfs_solve/2.
291:- export bfs_branch/2.
292:- export bfs_branch/3.
293:- export bfs_global_cut/2.
294:- export bfs_minimize_eplex_node/2.
295:- export bfs_update_pseudocosts/1.
296:- export bfs_deg_est/2.
297:- export bfs_strong/2.
298:- export bfs_enhanced/2.
299:- export bfs_fracvar/1.
301% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
303% bfs attribute handlers
305% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
307unify_bfs(_, Attr) :-
308        var(Attr).                   % Ignore if not a bfs var
309unify_bfs(Term, Attr) :-
310        compound(Attr),
311        unify_term_bfs(Term, Attr).
313:- mode unify_term_bfs(?, +).
314unify_term_bfs(X, Attr) :-
315        nonvar(X),                   % bfs var and NONVAR - instantiated
316        instantiation_deviates_for_handle(Attr, X).
317unify_term_bfs(Y{bfs:AttrY}, AttrX) :-
318        -?->
319        unify_bfs_bfs(Y, AttrY, AttrX).
321unify_bfs_bfs(_, AttrY, AttrX) :-
322        var(AttrY),	            % No attribute for this extension
323        AttrX = AttrY.	            % Transfer the attribute
324unify_bfs_bfs(_, AttrY, AttrX) :-
325        nonvar(AttrY),              % bfs var and bfs var
326        unify_bfs_handles(AttrX, AttrY).
328instantiation_deviates_for_handle(ThisAttr, X) :-
329        ( compound(ThisAttr) ->
330              ThisAttr = bfs with [
331                                   solver:Handle,
332                                   optimal_val:Val,
333                                   next:NextAttr
334                                  ],
335              ( X = Val -> % instantiated to its optimal_val
336                    true
337              ; bfs_next_node(Handle, _SubTree) ->
338                  % Still processing: the optimal val is only
339                  % current optimal in the tree, and quite
340                  % likely the instantiation has been caused
341                  % by the tree search at another node, so
342                  % do not rewake the solver now because it
343                  % could fail incorrectly.
344                  true
345              ;
346                  % finished solving so this was a true optimal,
347                  % wake solver
348                  schedule_suspensions(node_susp of bfs_tree, Handle),
349                  wake
350              ),
351              instantiation_deviates_for_handle(NextAttr, X)
352	;    
353              % chain terminated by atom 'end'
354              true
355        ).
357unify_bfs_handles(ThisAttrX, AttrY) :-
358        ThisAttrX = bfs with [
359                              solver:Handle,
360                              next:NextAttrX
361                             ],
362        remove_bfs_attr_for_handle(Handle, AttrY, ThisAttrY, NextAttrY),
363        ( compound(ThisAttrY) ->
364              % two variables in the same solver are unified,
365              % send an equality constraint to the solver and wake it
366              % Note to AE: how do I get back the vars?
367              schedule_suspensions(node_susp of bfs_tree, Handle),
368              wake
369        ;
370              % Y has no attribute for Pool
371              ThisAttrY = end
372        ),
373        % continue with the rest of X and Ys chains
374        unify_bfs_handles(NextAttrX, ThisAttrX, NextAttrY).
376unify_bfs_handles(ThisAttrX, Attr0, AttrY) :-
377        ( compound(ThisAttrX) ->
378              ( compound(AttrY) ->
379                    ThisAttrX = bfs with [
380                                          solver:Handle,
381                                          next:NextAttrX
382                                         ],
383                    remove_bfs_attr_for_handle(Handle, AttrY, ThisAttrY, NextAttrY),
384                    ( compound(ThisAttrY) ->
385                          % two variables in the same solver are unified,
386                          % send an equality constraint for the two columns
387                          % to the external solver and wake it
388                          % Note to AE: how do I get back the vars?
389                          schedule_suspensions(node_susp of bfs_tree, Handle),
390                          wake
391                    ;
392                          % Y has no attribute for Pool
393                          ThisAttrY = end
394                    ),
395                    % continue with the rest of X and Ys chains
396                    unify_bfs_handles(NextAttrX, ThisAttrX, NextAttrY)
397              ;
398                    % Ys chain terminated by atom'end'
399                    true
400              )
401        ;
402              % Xs chain terminated by atom 'end'
403              % put the rest of Ys chain here
404              setarg(next of bfs, Attr0, AttrY)
405        ).
407% From a bfs_attr, removes the attribute corresponding to that for the
408% first argument form the chain and returns it. Fails if none found. 
409remove_bfs_attr_for_handle(Handle, ThisAttr, Attr, RestAttr) :-
410        % no need to test for var(ThisAttr) in chain
411        ThisAttr = bfs with [solver:ThisHandle, next:NextAttr],
412	(ThisHandle == Handle ->
413             RestAttr = NextAttr,
414             setarg(next of bfs, ThisAttr, end),
415	     Attr = ThisAttr
416	;    
417             RestAttr = ThisAttr,
418	     dechain_bfs_attr_for_handle1(Handle, NextAttr, ThisAttr, Attr)
419	).
421dechain_bfs_attr_for_handle1(Handle, ThisAttr, Attr0, Attr) :-
422        % no need to test for var(ThisAttr) in chain
423        ( ThisAttr = bfs with [solver:ThisHandle, next:NextAttr] ->
424              (ThisHandle == Handle ->
425                   setarg(next of bfs, Attr0, NextAttr),
426                   setarg(next of bfs, ThisAttr, end),
427                   Attr = ThisAttr
428              ;    
429                   dechain_bfs_attr_for_handle1(Handle, NextAttr, ThisAttr, Attr)
430              )
431        ;     % chain terminated by atom 'end'
432              ThisAttr = Attr
433        ).
435% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
437get_bfs_attr(X{bfs:Attr0}, Handle, Attr) ?-
438        ( var(Attr0) ->
439              new_bfs_attr(X, Handle, Attr)
440        ;
441              Attr0 = bfs with [solver:Handle0,next:Next],
442              % should not fail unless Attr0 incorrect
443              ( Handle0 == Handle ->
444                    Attr = Attr0
445              ;
446                    get_bfs_attr1(Next, Attr0, Handle, Attr)
447              )
448        ).
449get_bfs_attr(X, Handle, Attr) :-           % make a new bfs variable
450        free(X),
451        new_bfs_attr(X, Handle, Attr).
453get_bfs_attr1(ThisAttr, Attr0, Handle, Attr) :-
454	atom(ThisAttr), !, % chain terminated by atom 'end'
455	new_bfs_attrstruct(Handle, Attr),
456	setarg(next of bfs, Attr0, Attr).
457get_bfs_attr1(ThisAttr, _Attr0, Handle, Attr) :-
458        ThisAttr = bfs with [solver:Handle0,next:Next],
459        ( Handle0 == Handle ->
460              Attr = ThisAttr
461        ;
462              get_bfs_attr1(Next, ThisAttr, Handle, Attr)
463        ).
465new_bfs_attr(X, Handle, Attr) :-                       % make a new bfs variable:
466        new_bfs_attrstruct(Handle, Attr),
467        add_attribute(X, Attr, bfs),                 % add a bfs attribute
468        Handle = bfs_tree{vars:Vars},
469        ( var(Vars) -> Vars0 = [X] ; Vars0 = [X|Vars] ),
470        setarg(vars of bfs_tree, Handle, Vars0), % add it to the bfs tree
471        true.
473:- mode new_bfs_attrstruct(+,-).
474new_bfs_attrstruct(Handle, Attr) :-
475        hash_create(NodeInfoHashTable),
476        Attr = bfs with [
477                         type: real,
478                         node_info:NodeInfoHashTable,
479                         pcu: 0,
480                         pcu_count: none,
481                         pcd: 0,
482                         pcd_count: none,
483                         solver:Handle,
484                         next:end
485                        ].
487% From a bfs_attr, searches for the attribute corresponding to that for the
488% first argument. Fails if none found. 
489get_bfs_attr_for_handle(Handle, Attr0, Attr) :-
490        compound(Attr0), 
491	get_bfs_attr_for_handle1(Handle, Attr0, Attr).
493get_bfs_attr_for_handle1(Handle, Attr0, Attr) :-
494        % no need to test for var(Attr0) in chain
495        Attr0 = bfs with [solver:Handle0,next:NextAttr],
496	(Handle0 == Handle ->
497	     Attr0 = Attr
498	;    
499	     get_bfs_attr_for_handle1(Handle, NextAttr, Attr)
500	).
502bfs_get_node_info(Var, NodeId, Val, _Handle) :-
503        nonvar(Var), !,
504        Val = bfs_node_info with [
505                                  id:NodeId,
506                                  lo:Var,
507                                  hi:Var,
508                                  val:Var,
509                                  rc:0
510                                 ].
511bfs_get_node_info(Var{bfs:Attr0}, NodeId, Val, Handle) ?-
512        get_bfs_attr_for_handle(Handle, Attr0, Attr),
513        Attr = bfs with [
514                         type:Type,
515                         node_info:Vals
516                        ],
517        nonvar(NodeId),
518        ( hash_get(Vals, NodeId, Val) ->
519            % found a bfs_node_info struct for this node
520            true
521        ;
522            % no bfs_node_info struct for this node,
523            % implicitly has original bounds, 0 val and rc
524            Val = bfs_node_info with [
525                                      id:NodeId,
526                                      lo:NLo,
527                                      hi:NHi,
528                                      val:0,
529                                      rc:0
530                                     ],
531            get_var_bounds(Var, Lo, Hi),
532            ( Type == integer ->
533                  NLo is ceiling(Lo),
534                  NHi is floor(Hi)
535            ;
536                  NLo = Lo,
537                  NHi = Hi
538            )
539        ).
541update_node_info(Val, V) :-
542        Val = bfs_node_info with [
543                                  lo:Lo,
544                                  hi:Hi,
545                                  val:T,
546                                  rc:RC
547                                 ],
548        V = bfs_node_info with [
549                                lo:L,
550                                hi:H
551                               ],
552        ( var(Lo) -> true
553        ; var(L) -> setarg(lo of bfs_node_info, V, Lo)
554        ; NL is max(Lo, L), setarg(lo of bfs_node_info, V, NL) ),
555        ( var(Hi) -> true
556        ; var(H) -> setarg(hi of bfs_node_info, V, Hi)
557        ; NH is min(Hi, H), setarg(hi of bfs_node_info, V, NH) ),
558        ( var(T) -> true ; setarg(val of bfs_node_info, V, T) ),
559        ( var(RC) -> true ; setarg(rc of bfs_node_info, V, RC) ).
561bfs_new_node_info(Var, Node, NodeInfo, Handle) :-
562	get_bfs_attr(Var, Handle, Attr),
563        Attr = bfs{type:T, node_info:NodeInfoHash},
564        Node = bfs_node{id:Id, frac_vars:Vars},
565        NodeInfo = bfs_node_info{id:Id, val:Val},
566        ( ( nonvar(Val), T == integer,
567            Handle = bfs_tree with int_tolerance:IntTol,
568            abs(Val-round(Val)) > IntTol ) ->
569              setarg(frac_vars of bfs_node, Node, [Var:Val|Vars])
570        ;
571              true
572        ),
573        ( hash_get(NodeInfoHash, Id, NodeInfo0) ->
574            update_node_info(NodeInfo, NodeInfo0)
575        ;
576            hash_add(NodeInfoHash, Id, NodeInfo)
577        ).
579% bfs_node_info/6 : for low-level handles
580bfs_node_info(Handle, Var, Lo, Hi, Val, RC) :-
581        ( var(Handle) ->
582            error(4, bfs_node_info(Handle, Var, Lo, Hi, Val, RC))
583        ; Handle = bfs_tree with [] ->
584            Info = bfs_node_info with [lo:Lo, hi:Hi, val:Val, rc:RC],
585            bfs_node_info_body(Handle, Var, Info)
586        ;
587            % not a proper bfs handle
588            error(5, bfs_node_info(Handle, Var, Lo, Hi, Val, RC))
589        ).
591% node_info/5 : for pools
592bfs_node_info1(Var, Lo, Hi, Val, RC, Pool) :-
593        get_pool_item(Pool, Handle), 
594        ( Handle == 0 ->
595            printf(error, "Bfs instance has no tree set up in %w%n",
596                   [Pool:node_info(Var, Lo, Hi, Val, RC)]),
597            abort
598        ;
599            Info = bfs_node_info with [lo:Lo, hi:Hi, val:Val, rc:RC],
600            bfs_node_info_body(Handle, Var, Info)
601        ).
603% bfs_node_info/3 : for low-level handles
604bfs_node_info(Handle, Var, Info) :-
605        ( var(Handle) ->
606            error(4, bfs_node_info(Handle, Var, Info))
607        ; Handle = bfs_tree with [] ->
608            bfs_node_info_body(Handle, Var, Info)
609        ;
610            % not a proper bfs handle
611            error(5, bfs_node_info(Handle, Var, Info))
612        ).
614% node_info/2 : for pools
615bfs_node_info1(Var, Info, Pool) :-
616        get_pool_item(Pool, Handle), 
617	( Handle == 0 ->
618              printf(error, "Bfs instance has no tree set up in %w%n",
619                     [Pool:node_info(Var, Info)]),
620              abort
621	;
622              bfs_node_info_body(Handle, Var, Info)
623        ).
625bfs_node_info_body(Handle, Var, Val) :-
626	( bfs_next_node(Handle, SubTree),
627          n_trees:n_tree_get(data, SubTree, Node) ->
628              ( var(Val) ->
629                    Node = bfs_node with id:Id,
630                    bfs_get_node_info(Var, Id, Val, Handle)
631              ;
632                    bfs_new_node_info(Var, Node, Val, Handle)
633              )
634        ;
635              printf(error, "Bfs tree has no current node in %w%n",
636                     [bfs_node_info_body(Handle, Var, Val)]),
637              abort
638        ).
640% bfs_var_get/4: for low-level handles
641bfs_var_get(Handle, Var, What, Val) :-
642        ( var(Handle) ->
643            error(4, bfs_var_get(Handle, Var, What, Val))
644        ; var(What) ->
645            error(4, bfs_var_get(Handle, Var, What, Val))
646        ; Handle = bfs_tree{} ->
647            bfs_var_get_body(Handle, Var, What, Val)
648        ;
649            error(5, bfs_var_get(Handle, Var, What, Val))
650        ).
652% var_get/3: for pools
653bfs_var_get1(Var, What, Val, Pool) :-
654        ( var(What) ->
655            error(4, Pool:var_get(Var, What, Val))
656        ;
657            get_pool_item(Pool, Handle), 
658            ( Handle == 0 ->
659                printf(error, "Bfs instance has no tree set up in %w%n",
660                       [Pool:var_get(Var, What, Val)]),
661                abort
662            ;
663                bfs_var_get_body(Handle, Var, What, Val)
664            )
665        ).
667bfs_var_get_body(Handle, Var, node_val, Val) ?- !,
668        ( bfs_next_node(Handle, SubTree),
669          n_trees:n_tree_get(data, SubTree, bfs_node{id:Id}) ->
670              ( number(Var) ->
671                  Val = Var
672              ;
673                  bfs_get_node_info(Var, Id, bfs_node_info{val:Val},
674                                    Handle)
675              )
676        ;
677              printf(error, "Bfs tree has no current node in %w%n",
678                     [bfs_var_get_body(Handle, Var, node_val, Val)]),
679              abort
680        ).
681bfs_var_get_body(Handle, Var, node_bounds, Val) ?- !,
682        ( bfs_next_node(Handle, SubTree),
683          n_trees:n_tree_get(data, SubTree, bfs_node{id:Id}) ->
684              ( number(Var) ->
685                  Val = Var..Var
686              ;
687                  bfs_get_node_info(Var, Id, bfs_node_info{lo:Lo,hi:Hi},
688                                    Handle),
689                  Val = Lo..Hi
690              )
691        ;
692              printf(error, "Bfs tree has no current node in %w%n",
693                     [bfs_var_get_body(Handle, Var, node_bounds, Val)]),
694              abort
695        ).
696bfs_var_get_body(Handle, Var, node_rc, Val) ?- !,
697        ( bfs_next_node(Handle, SubTree),
698          n_trees:n_tree_get(data, SubTree, bfs_node{id:Id}) ->
699              ( number(Var) -> Val = 0
700              ; bfs_get_node_info(Var, Id, bfs_node_info{rc:Val}, Handle) )
701        ;
702              printf(error, "Bfs tree has no current node in %w%n",
703                     [bfs_var_get_body(Handle, Var, node_rc, Val)]),
704              abort
705        ).
706bfs_var_get_body(Handle, Var, optimal_val, Val) ?- !,
707        ( number(Var) ->
708              Val = Var
709        ;
710              get_bfs_attr(Var, Handle, bfs{optimal_val:Val})
711        ).
712bfs_var_get_body(Handle, Var, type, Val) ?- !,
713        ( integer(Var) ->
714              Val = integer
715        ; number(Var) ->
716              Val = real
717        ;
718              get_bfs_attr(Var, Handle, bfs{type:Val})
719        ).
720bfs_var_get_body(Handle, Var, What, Val) :-
721	error(6, bfs_var_get_body(Handle, Var, What, Val)).
723bfs_var_set(_{bfs:Attr0}, optimal_val, Val, Handle) ?- !,
724        get_bfs_attr_for_handle(Handle, Attr0, Attr),
725        ( Attr = bfs with type: integer ->
726              Opt is fix(round(float(Val)))
727        ;
728              Opt = Val
729        ),
730        setarg(optimal_val of bfs, Attr, Opt).
731bfs_var_set(Var, What, Val, Handle) :-
732	error(6, bfs_var_set(Var, What, Val, Handle)).
734bfs_integers1(Ints, Pool) :-
735        get_pool_handle(Handle, Pool),
736        bfs_integers(Handle, Ints).
738bfs_integers(Handle, Ints) :-
739        ( var(Ints) ->
740              get_bfs_attr(Ints, Handle, Attr),
741              setarg(type of bfs, Attr, integer)
742        ;
743              (
744                  foreach(Var, Ints),
745                  param(Handle)
746              do
747                  get_bfs_attr(Var, Handle, Attr),
748                  setarg(type of bfs, Attr, integer)
749              )
750        ).
752% bfs_branch/2: for low-level handles
753bfs_branch(Handle, Branch) :-
754        ( var(Handle) ->
755            error(4, bfs_branch(Handle, Branch))
756        ; Handle = bfs_tree{} ->
757            bfs_branch_body(Handle, [0, Branch])
758        ;
759            error(5, bfs_branch(Handle, Branch))
760        ).
762% bfs_branch/1: for pools
763bfs_branch1(Branch, Pool) :-
764        get_pool_item(Pool, Handle), 
765        ( Handle == 0 ->
766            printf(error, "Bfs instance has no tree set up in %w%n",
767                   [Pool:bfs_branch(Branch)]),
768            abort
769        ;
770            bfs_branch_body(Handle, [0, Branch])
771        ).
773% bfs_branch/3: for low-level handles
774bfs_branch(Handle, Score, Branch) :-
775        ( var(Handle) ->
776            error(4, bfs_branch(Handle, Score, Branch))
777        ; Handle = bfs_tree{} ->
778            bfs_branch_body(Handle, [Score, Branch])
779        ;
780            error(5, bfs_branch(Handle, Score, Branch))
781        ).
783% branch/2: for pools
784bfs_branch1(Score, Branch, Pool) :-
785        get_pool_item(Pool, Handle), 
786        ( Handle == 0 ->
787            printf(error, "Bfs instance has no tree set up in %w%n",
788                   [Pool:branch(Score, Branch)]),
789            abort
790        ;
791            bfs_branch_body(Handle, [Score, Branch])
792        ).
794bfs_branch_body(bfs_tree{shelf:Shelf}, Branch) :-
795        shelf_get(Shelf, branches of bfs_shelf, Branches),
796        shelf_set(Shelf, branches of bfs_shelf, [Branch|Branches]).
798% bfs_global_cut/2: for low-level handles
799bfs_global_cut(Handle, GlobalCut) :-
800        ( var(Handle) ->
801            error(4, bfs_global_cut(Handle, GlobalCut))
802        ; Handle = bfs_tree{} ->
803            bfs_global_cut_body(Handle, GlobalCut)
804        ;
805            error(5, bfs_global_cut(Handle, GlobalCut))
806        ).
808% global_cut/1: for pools
809bfs_global_cut1(GlobalCut, Pool) :-
810        get_pool_item(Pool, Handle), 
811        ( Handle == 0 ->
812            printf(error, "Bfs instance has no tree set up in %w%n",
813                   [Pool:global_cut(GlobalCut)]),
814            abort
815        ;
816            bfs_global_cut_body(Handle, GlobalCut)
817        ).
819bfs_global_cut_body(bfs_tree{shelf:Shelf}, GlobalCut) :-
820        shelf_get(Shelf, global_cuts of bfs_shelf, GlobalCuts),
821        shelf_set(Shelf, global_cuts of bfs_shelf, [GlobalCut|GlobalCuts]).
823bfs_info_message(bfs_tree with info_messages:OnOff, String, Vars) :-
824        ( OnOff == on -> printf(String, Vars) ; true ).
826% bfs_statistics/1: for low-level handles
827bfs_statistics(Handle) :-
828        ( var(Handle) ->
829            error(4, bfs_statistics(Handle))
830        ; Handle = bfs_tree{} ->
831            bfs_statistics_body(Handle)
832        ;
833            error(5, bfs_statistics(Handle))
834        ).
836% /0: for pools
837bfs_statistics1(Pool) :-
838        get_pool_item(Pool, Handle), 
839        ( Handle == 0 ->
840            printf(error, "Bfs instance has no tree set up in %w%n",
841                   [Pool:statistics]),
842            abort
843        ;
844            bfs_statistics_body(Handle)
845        ).
847bfs_statistics_body(bfs_tree{next_node_no:NTotal, stats:Stats}) :-
848        Stats = stats{total_time:TTotal,
849                      nodes_solved:NSolve,
850                      solve_time:TSolve,
851                      nodes_separated:NSep,
852                      separate_time:TSep,
853                      no_sols:NSol,
854                      first_sol_time:TFirst,
855                      opt_sol_time:TOpt
856                     },
857        printf("%n%nbfs statistics:%n%tTotal nodes:"
858               " %d%n%tTotal time: %w" 
859               "%n%tNodes solved: %d%n%tNode solution time: %w"
860               "%n%tNodes separated: %d%n%tNode separation time: %w"
861               "%n%tSolutions found: %d%n%tFirst solution time: %w"
862               "%n%tOptimal solution time: %w%n%n",
863               [NTotal, TTotal, NSolve, TSolve,
864                NSep, TSep, NSol, TFirst, TOpt]).
866% bfs_node_cost/2: for low-level handles
867bfs_node_cost(Handle, Val) :-
868        ( var(Handle) ->
869            error(4, bfs_node_cost(Handle, Val))
870        ; var(Val) ->
871            error(4, bfs_node_cost(Handle, Val))
872        ; Handle = bfs_tree{} ->
873            bfs_node_cost_body(Handle, Val)
874        ;
875            error(5, bfs_node_cost(Handle, Val))
876        ).
878% node_cost/1: for pools
879bfs_node_cost1(Val, Pool) :-
880        ( var(Val) ->
881            error(4, Pool:node_cost(Val))
882        ;
883            get_pool_item(Pool, Handle), 
884            ( Handle == 0 ->
885                printf(error, "Bfs instance has no tree set up in %w%n",
886                       [Pool:node_cost(Val)]),
887                abort
888            ;
889                bfs_node_cost_body(Handle, Val)
890            )
891        ).
893bfs_node_cost_body(Handle, NodeCost) :-
894        bfs_next_node(Handle, SubTree),
895        n_trees:n_tree_get(data, SubTree, Node),
896        setarg(objval of bfs_node, Node, NodeCost).
898% bfs_get/3: for low-level handles
899bfs_get(Handle, What, Val) :-
900        ( var(Handle) ->
901            error(4, bfs_get(Handle, What, Val))
902        ; var(What) ->
903            error(4, bfs_get(Handle, What, Val))
904        ; Handle = bfs_tree{} ->
905            bfs_get_body(Handle, What, Val)
906        ;
907            error(5, bfs_get(Handle, What, Val))
908        ).
910% get/2: for pools
911bfs_get1(What, Val, Pool) :-
912        ( var(What) ->
913            error(4, Pool:get(What, Val))
914        ;
915            get_pool_item(Pool, Handle), 
916            ( Handle == 0 ->
917                printf(error, "Bfs instance has no tree set up in %w%n",
918                       [Pool:get(What, Val)]),
919                abort
920            ;
921                bfs_get_body(Handle, What, Val)
922            )
923        ).
925bfs_next_node(Handle, Node) :-
926        Handle = bfs_tree{
927                          root_node:Root,
928                          best_bound:Bound,
929                          node_select:Method,
930                          integral_obj:IntObj
931                         },
932        ( Method == depth_first ->
933            n_trees:next(dfs, Root, Node0)
934        ; Method == two_phase ->
935            n_trees:next(dfs, Root, Node0)
936        ; Method == best_first ->
937            n_trees:next(bfs, Root, Node0)
938        ; Method == best_estimate ->
939            n_trees:next(bfs, Root, Node0)
940        ),
941        ( %n_trees:n_tree_get(data, Node0, bfs_node{parent_obj:ParentObj}),
942          %fathom_by_bounds(IntObj, ParentObj, Bound) ->
943          %  n_trees:n_tree_fathom(Node0),
944          %  bfs_next_node(Handle, Node)
945        %;
946            Node = Node0
947        ).
949bfs_get_body(Handle, frac_vars, Val) ?- !,
950        bfs_next_node(Handle, SubTree),
951        n_trees:n_tree_get(data, SubTree, bfs_node{frac_vars:Vars}),
952        ( foreach(Var:_, Vars), foreach(Var, Val) do true ).
953bfs_get_body(Handle, branches, Val) ?- !,
954        bfs_next_node(Handle, SubTree),
955        n_trees:n_tree_get(data, SubTree, bfs_node{branches:Val}).
956bfs_get_body(Handle, data, Val) ?- !,
957        Handle = bfs_tree{data:Val}.
958bfs_get_body(Handle, node_count, Val) ?- !,
959        Handle = bfs_tree{next_node_no:Val}.
960bfs_get_body(Handle, What, Val) :-
961	error(6, bfs_get_body(Handle, What, Val)).
963% bfs_set/3: for low-level handles
964bfs_set(Handle, What, Val) :-
965        ( var(Handle) ->
966            error(4, bfs_set(Handle, What, Val))
967        ; var(What) ->
968            error(4, bfs_set(Handle, What, Val))
969        ; var(Val) ->
970            error(4, bfs_set(Handle, What, Val))
971        ; Handle = bfs_tree{} ->
972            bfs_set_body(Handle, What, Val)
973        ;
974            error(5, bfs_set(Handle, What, Val))
975        ).
977% set/2: for pools
978bfs_set1(What, Val, Pool) :-
979        ( var(What) ->
980            error(4, Pool:set(What, Val))
981        ; var(Val) ->
982            error(4, Pool:set(What, Val))
983        ;
984            get_pool_item(Pool, Handle), 
985            ( Handle == 0 ->
986                printf(error, "Bfs instance has no tree set up in %w%n",
987                       [Pool:set(What, Val)]),
988                abort
989            ;
990                bfs_set_body(Handle, What, Val)
991            )
992	).
994bfs_set_body(Handle, feas_check, Val) ?- !,
995        functor(Val, Functor, Arity),
996        Handle = bfs_tree with module:Module,
997        current_predicate(Functor/Arity)@Module,
998        setarg(feas_check of bfs_tree, Handle, Val).
999bfs_set_body(Handle, data, Val) ?- !,
1000        setarg(data of bfs_tree, Handle, Val).
1001bfs_set_body(Handle, node_select, Val) ?- !,
1002        setarg(node_select of bfs_tree, Handle, Val).
1003bfs_set_body(Handle, alpha_min, Val) ?- !,
1004        setarg(alpha_min of bfs_tree, Handle, Val).
1005bfs_set_body(Handle, alpha_max, Val) ?- !,
1006        setarg(alpha_max of bfs_tree, Handle, Val).
1007bfs_set_body(Handle, beta_const, Val) ?- !,
1008        setarg(beta_const of bfs_tree, Handle, Val).
1009bfs_set_body(Handle, beta_pc, Val) ?- !,
1010        setarg(beta_pc of bfs_tree, Handle, Val).
1011bfs_set_body(Handle, beta_lb, Val) ?- !,
1012        setarg(beta_lb of bfs_tree, Handle, Val).
1013bfs_set_body(Handle, pc_init, Val) ?- !,
1014        setarg(pc_init of bfs_tree, Handle, Val).
1015bfs_set_body(Handle, pc_update, Val) ?- !,
1016        setarg(pc_update of bfs_tree, Handle, Val).
1017bfs_set_body(Handle, pc_ratio, Val) ?- !,
1018        setarg(pc_ratio of bfs_tree, Handle, Val).
1019bfs_set_body(Handle, lb_time, Val) ?- !,
1020        setarg(lb_time of bfs_tree, Handle, Val).
1021bfs_set_body(Handle, int_tolerance, Val) ?- !,
1022        setarg(int_tolerance of bfs_tree, Handle, Val).
1023bfs_set_body(Handle, info_messages, Val) ?- !,
1024        setarg(info_messages of bfs_tree, Handle, Val).
1025bfs_set_body(Handle, What, Val) :-
1026	error(6, bfs_set_body(Handle, What, Val)).
1029% bfs_solver_setup/3,4: for low-level handles
1030:- tool(bfs_solver_setup/3, bfs_solver_setup2/4).
1032bfs_solver_setup2(Handle, Sense, Solver, Module) :-
1033        bfs_solver_setup(Handle, Sense, Solver, [], Module).
1035:- tool(bfs_solver_setup/4, bfs_solver_setup/5).
1037bfs_solver_setup(Handle, Sense, Solver, OptionList, Module) :-
1038        bfs_solver_setup_body(Handle, Sense, Solver, OptionList, _, Module).
1040% solver_setup/2,3: for pools
1041:- tool(bfs_solver_setup1/3, bfs_solver_setup0/4).
1043bfs_solver_setup0(Sense, Solver, Pool, Module) :-
1044        bfs_solver_setup0(Sense, Solver, [], Pool, Module).
1046:- tool(bfs_solver_setup1/4, bfs_solver_setup0/5).
1048bfs_solver_setup0(Sense, Solver, OptionList, Pool, Module) :-
1049        get_pool_handle(Handle, Pool),
1050        bfs_solver_setup_body(Handle, Sense, Solver, OptionList, Pool, Module).
1052bfs_solver_setup_body(Handle, Sense, Solver, OptionList, Pool, Module) :-
1053        ( var(Solver) ->
1054              error(4, bfs_solver_setup(Sense, Solver, OptionList, Pool))
1055        ;
1056              true
1057        ),
1058        ( var(Sense) ->
1059              error(4, bfs_solver_setup(Sense, Solver, OptionList, Pool))
1060        ; Sense == min ->
1061              true
1062        ; Sense == max ->
1063              true
1064        ; error(6, bfs_solver_setup(Sense, Solver, OptionList, Pool))
1065        ),
1066        % setup tree
1067        Handle = bfs_tree with [
1068                                module:Module,
1069                                shelf:Shelf,
1070                                sense:Sense,
1071                                cost:CostVar,
1072                                best_bound:1.0Inf,
1073                                root_node:Root,
1074                                next_node_no:1,
1075                                pool:Pool
1076                               ],
1077        set_var_bounds(CostVar, -1.0Inf, 1.0Inf),
1078        % create a shelf for storing info over failures
1079        shelf_create(bfs_shelf{branches:[],global_cuts:[],info:[]}, Shelf),
1080        % create a root node bfs_node struct
1081        RootNode = bfs_node with [
1082                                  id:0,
1083                                  rank: Rank,
1084                                  parent_obj: -1.0Inf,
1085                                  branches:[]
1086                                 ],
1087        % create a n_tree for the search tree and place the bfs_node
1088        % struct in its data
1089        n_trees:n_tree((<), Root),
1090        n_trees:n_tree_set(data, Root, RootNode),
1091        ( atom(Solver), is_constraint_pool(Solver) ->
1092              get_pool_item(Solver, Item),
1093              % if the solver supplied is a constraint pool name we
1094              % have built-in node optimization and separation
1095              % predicates for eplex problems, otherwise
1096              % they must be user-supplied
1097              %( Item = prob with [vars:VarArr, objcoeffs:Expr] ->
1098              ( functor(Item, prob, _) ->
1099                    Solver:eplex_get(vars, VarArr),
1100                    Solver:eplex_get(objective, Objective),
1101                    Objective =.. [Sense, Expr],
1102                    Solve = bfs_minimize_eplex_node(Handle, Item),
1103                    lp_set(Item, reduced_cost, yes),
1104                    lp_set(Item, keep_basis, yes),
1105                    RootNode = bfs_node with state:([],[]),
1106                    DefaultSeparation = bfs_deg_est(Handle, eplex(Item)),
1107                    %( bfs_integral_objective(Expr, VarArr, Handle) ->
1108                    ( bfs_integral_objective(Handle, Expr) ->
1109                          setarg(integral_obj of bfs_tree, Handle, yes)
1110                    ;
1111                          true
1112                    ),
1113                    % process option list and fill in default values
1114                    process_options(OptionList, Handle, Item, Separation),
1115                    fill_in_defaults(Handle, DefaultSeparation, Separation),
1116                    % try to identify GUB constraints to improve branching
1117                    gub_constraints(Item, Handle)
1118              ;
1119                    concat_string([Pool,
1120                                   ": no built-in node optimization or"
1121                                   " separation predicates for pool ",
1122                                   Solver], Message),
1123                    writeln(warning_output, Message),
1124                    abort
1125              )
1126        %; Solver = prob with [vars:VarArr, objcoeffs:Expr] ->
1127        ; functor(Solver, prob, _) ->
1128              lp_get(Solver, vars, VarArr),
1129              lp_get(Solver, objective, Objective),
1130              Objective =.. [Sense, Expr],
1131              Solve = bfs_minimize_eplex_node(Handle, Solver),
1132              lp_set(Solver, reduced_cost, yes),
1133              lp_set(Solver, keep_basis, yes),
1134              RootNode = bfs_node with state:([],[]),
1135              DefaultSeparation = bfs_deg_est(Handle, eplex(Solver)),
1136              %( bfs_integral_objective(Expr, VarArr, Handle) ->
1137              ( bfs_integral_objective(Handle, Expr) ->
1138                    setarg(integral_obj of bfs_tree, Handle, yes)
1139              ;
1140                    true
1141              ),
1142              % process option list and fill in default values
1143              process_options(OptionList, Handle, Solver, Separation),
1144              fill_in_defaults(Handle, DefaultSeparation, Separation),
1145              % try to identify GUB constraints to improve branching
1146              gub_constraints(Solver, Handle)
1147        ;
1148              Solve = Solver,
1149              % process option list and fill in default values
1150              process_options(OptionList, Handle, Separation),
1151              fill_in_defaults(Handle, DefaultSeparation, Separation)
1152        ),
1153        Handle = bfs_tree with node_select:NodeSelect,
1154        ( ( functor(Solve, bfs_minimize_eplex_node, _),
1155            lp_get(presolve, 1),
1156            lp_get(optimizer, xpress),
1157            (Separation = bfs_deg_est(_, _); Separation = bfs_strong(_, _)) ) ->
1158              % We disallow the use of XPRESS with estimate-based
1159              % methods on pre-solved problems because IF there is an
1160              % abort (probably hitting iteration limit before finding
1161              % a feasible basis) AND the external solver is XPRESS-MP
1162              % AND the problem was pre-solved, THEN the variable
1163              % column numbers get returned in the wrong order causing
1164              % incorrect solutions at future nodes
1165              Separation1 = bfs_fracvar(Handle),
1166              ( NodeSelect == best_estimate ->
1167                    % have to change the node selection method also
1168                    % since best_estimate requires some sort of
1169                    % estimate-based spearation method
1170                    setarg(node_select of bfs_tree, Handle, best_first),
1171                    NewNS = best_first
1172              ;
1173                    NewNS = NodeSelect
1174              ),
1175              bfs_info_message(Handle, "cannot use lower-bounding based"
1176                               " estimate methods for variable/branch"
1177                               " selection with pre-solved XPRESS problems,"
1178                               " parameters changed to%n%tseparation: fracvar"
1179                               " %n%tnode_select: %w%n", [NewNS])
1180        ;
1181              Separation1 = Separation
1182        ),
1183        Handle = bfs_tree with node_select:NodeSelect0,
1184        ( NodeSelect0 == best_first ->
1185              Rank = -1.0Inf
1186        ; NodeSelect0 == depth_first ->
1187              Rank = ""
1188        ; NodeSelect0 == best_estimate ->
1189              Rank = -1.0Inf
1190        ; NodeSelect0 == two_phase ->
1191              Rank = ""
1192        ;
1193              error(4, bfs_solver_setup(Solver, OptionList, Pool))
1194        ),
1195        % make a suspension for the node processing
1196        % and insert it in the node_susp suspension list of Handle
1197        make_suspension(bfs_body(Handle, Solve, Separation1, Pool),
1198                        0, Susp),
1199        enter_suspension_list(node_susp of bfs_tree, Handle, Susp).
1201bfs_solver_cleanup(Pool) :-
1202        get_pool_handle(Handle, Pool),
1203        Handle = bfs_tree with node_susp:SuspList,
1204        ( foreach(Susp, SuspList) do kill_suspension(Susp) ).
1206% bfs_solve/2: for low-level handles
1207bfs_solve(Handle, Obj) :-
1208        ( var(Handle) ->
1209            error(4, bfs_solve(Handle, Obj))
1210        ; Handle = bfs_tree{} ->
1211            bfs_solve_body(Handle, Obj)
1212        ;
1213            error(5, bfs_solve(Handle, Obj))
1214        ).
1216% solve/1: for pools
1217bfs_solve1(Obj, Pool) :-
1218        get_pool_handle(Handle, Pool),
1219        bfs_solve_body(Handle, Obj).
1221bfs_solve_body(Handle, Obj) :-
1222        cputime(StartTime),
1223        setarg(start_time of bfs_tree, Handle, StartTime),
1224        setarg(no_sols of bfs_tree, Handle, 0),
1225        Handle = bfs_tree with sense:Sense,
1226        ( Sense == min ->
1227            setarg(best_bound of bfs_tree, Handle, 1.0Inf)
1228        ; Sense == max ->
1229            setarg(best_bound of bfs_tree, Handle, -1.0Inf)
1230        ),
1231        schedule_suspensions(node_susp of bfs_tree, Handle),
1232        wake,
1233        cputime(EndTime),
1234        TotalTime is EndTime - StartTime,
1235        setarg(total_time of bfs_tree, Handle, TotalTime),
1236        % return the optimal solution value
1237        Handle = bfs_tree{node_select:NodeSelect,
1238                          best_bound:Obj},
1239        ( Sense == min ->
1240              Obj < 1.0Inf
1241        ; Sense == max ->
1242              Obj > -1.0Inf
1243        ),
1244        % replace the root node for later resolution
1245        ( NodeSelect == best_first ->
1246              Rank = -1.0Inf
1247        ; NodeSelect == depth_first ->
1248              Rank = ""
1249        ; NodeSelect == best_estimate ->
1250              Rank = -1.0Inf
1251        ; NodeSelect == two_phase ->
1252              Rank = ""
1253        ),
1254        RootNode = bfs_node with [
1255                                  id:0,
1256                                  rank: Rank,
1257                                  parent_obj: -1.0Inf,
1258                                  branches:[]
1259                                 ],
1260        % create a n_tree for the search tree and place the bfs_node
1261        % struct in its data
1262        n_trees:n_tree((<), Root),
1263        n_trees:n_tree_set(data, Root, RootNode),
1264        setarg(root_node of bfs_tree, Handle, Root).
1266gub_constraints(EplexHandle, Handle) :-
1267        % we need to find gub constraints in the problem and
1268        % identify suitable reference rows for them
1269        Handle = bfs_tree{int_tolerance:IntTol},
1270        lp_get(EplexHandle, constraints_norm, NormCstrs),
1271        (
1272            foreach(Type:[Const*One|VarTerms], NormCstrs),
1273            fromto(OtherCstrs, Out, In, []),
1274            fromto(GUBSets, GOut, GIn, []),
1275            param(IntTol, Handle)
1276        do
1277            ( Type == (>=) ->
1278                  % not a GUB
1279                  Out = [Type:[Const*One|VarTerms]|In],
1280                  GOut = GIn
1281            ; gub_structure(VarTerms, GUBSet, Const, IntTol, Handle) ->
1282                  % found a GUB constraint
1283                  Out = In,
1284                  GOut = [GUBSet|GIn]
1285            ;
1286                  % not a GUB
1287                  Out = [Type:[Const*One|VarTerms]|In],
1288                  GOut = GIn
1289            )
1290        ),
1291        (
1292            foreach(GUBSet, GUBSets),
1293            fromto(GUBs, Out, In, []),
1294            param(OtherCstrs)
1295        do
1296            ( reference_row(OtherCstrs, GUBSet, Vars, RefTerms, PCStructs) ->
1297                  % found a suitable reference row for this GUB
1298                  % create a bfs_gub structure
1299                  GUB = bfs_gub with [
1300                                      vars:Vars,
1301                                      refs:RefTerms,
1302                                      pseudocosts:PCStructs
1303                                     ],
1304                  Out = [GUB|In]
1305            ;
1306                  % cannot find a suitable reference row for
1307                  % this GUB
1308                  Out = In
1309            )
1310        ),
1311        ( GUBs == [] ->
1312              true
1313        ;
1314              GUBStruct =.. [[]|GUBs],
1315              setarg(gubs of bfs_tree, Handle, GUBStruct),
1316              Handle = bfs_tree{root_node:Root},
1317              n_trees:n_tree_get(data, Root, RootNode),
1318              setarg(branches of bfs_node, RootNode,
1319                     [lp_add(EplexHandle, [], [])])
1320        ).
1322process_options([], _, _, _) ?- !, true.
1323process_options([O|Os], Handle, EplexHandle, Separation) ?- !,
1324	process_option(O, Handle, EplexHandle, Separation),
1325	process_options(Os, Handle, EplexHandle, Separation).
1326process_options(_NonList, Handle, _, _) :-
1327        Handle = bfs_tree with pool:Pool,
1328        bfs_info_message(Handle, "%w : options not proper list."
1329                         " Ignored.%n,", [Pool]).
1331process_option(separation(S), Handle, Eplex, Separation) ?- !,
1332        process_separation(S, Handle, Eplex, Separation).
1333process_option(O, Handle, _, Separation) ?- !,
1334        process_option(O, Handle, Separation).
1336process_separation(Val, Handle, Eplex, Separation) :- !,
1337        ( Val = deg_est -> Separation = bfs_deg_est(Handle, eplex(Eplex))
1338        ; Val = fracvar -> Separation = bfs_fracvar(Handle)
1339        ; Val = strong -> Separation = bfs_strong(Handle, eplex(Eplex))
1340        ; Val = enhanced -> Separation = bfs_enhanced(Handle, eplex(Eplex))
1341        % this doesn't exist!
1342        %; Val = gub -> Separation = bfs_gub(Handle)
1343        ; Separation = Val ).
1345process_options([], _, _) ?- !, true.
1346process_options([O|Os], Handle, Separation) ?- !,
1347	process_option(O, Handle, Separation),
1348	process_options(Os, Handle, Separation).
1349process_options(_NonList, Handle, _) :-
1350        Handle = bfs_tree with pool:Pool,
1351        bfs_info_message(Handle, "%w : options not proper list."
1352                         " Ignored.%n,", [Pool]).
1354process_option(separation(Separation), _Handle, Separation) :- !.
1355process_option(global_feasibility_check(Val), Handle, _) ?- !,
1356        bfs_set_body(Handle, feas_check, Val).
1357process_option(data(Val), Handle, _) ?- !,
1358        bfs_set_body(Handle, data, Val).
1359process_option(node_select(Val), Handle, _) ?- !,
1360        bfs_set_body(Handle, node_select, Val).
1361process_option(alpha(AlphaMin, AlphaMax), Handle, _) ?- !,
1362	bfs_set_body(Handle, alpha_min, AlphaMin),
1363	bfs_set_body(Handle, alpha_max, AlphaMax).
1364process_option(beta(BetaConst, BetaPC, BetaLB), Handle, _) ?- !,
1365	bfs_set_body(Handle, beta_const, BetaConst),
1366	bfs_set_body(Handle, beta_pc, BetaPC),
1367	bfs_set_body(Handle, beta_lb, BetaLB).
1368process_option(pseudo_cost(PCInit, PCUpdate, PCRatio), Handle, _) ?- !,
1369	bfs_set_body(Handle, pc_init, PCInit),
1370	bfs_set_body(Handle, pc_update, PCUpdate),
1371        ( var(PCRatio) -> true
1372        ; 0 < PCRatio, PCRatio < 1 -> bfs_set_body(Handle, pc_ratio, PCRatio)
1373        ; bfs_info_message(Handle, "Invalid pc_ratio (ignored): %w%n", [PCRatio]) ).
1374process_option(lower_bound(Val), Handle, _) ?- !,
1375	bfs_set_body(Handle, lb_time, Val).
1376process_option(int_tolerance(Val), Handle, _) ?- !,
1377        ( 0 =< Val, Val =< 0.5 -> bfs_set_body(Handle, int_tolerance, Val)
1378        ; bfs_info_message(Handle, "Invalid int_tolerance (ignored): %w%n", [Val]) ).
1379process_option(info_messages(Val), Handle, _) ?- !,
1380        bfs_set_body(Handle, info_messages, Val).
1381process_option(NoOpt, Handle, _) :-
1382	bfs_info_message(Handle, "Invalid option (ignored): %w%n", [NoOpt]).
1384fill_in_defaults(Handle, DefaultSeparation, Separation) :-
1385        Handle = bfs_tree with [
1386                                data:Data,
1387                                feas_check:FeasCheck,
1388                                integral_obj:IntObj,
1389                                int_tolerance:IntTol,
1390                                vars:Vars,
1391                                node_select:NodeSelect,
1392                                pcd_count:0-0,
1393                                pcu_count:0-0,
1394                                alpha_min:AlphaMin,
1395                                alpha_max:AlphaMax,
1396                                beta_const:BetaConst,
1397                                beta_pc:BetaPC,
1398                                beta_lb:BetaLB,
1399                                pc_init:PCInit,
1400                                pc_update:PCUpdate,
1401                                pc_ratio:PCRatio,
1402                                lb_time:LB,
1403                                total_time:0,
1404                                no_sols:0,
1405                                solve_time:0,
1406                                separate_time:0,
1407                                nodes_separated:0,
1408                                nodes_solved:0,
1409                                gubs:GUBs,
1410                                info_messages:OnOff,
1411                                pool:Pool
1412                               ],
1413        ( var(Data) -> Data = 0 ; true ),
1414        ( var(FeasCheck) -> FeasCheck = true ; true ),
1415        ( var(IntObj) -> IntObj = no ; true ),
1416        ( var(IntTol) -> IntTol = 1e-05 ; true ),
1417        ( var(Vars) -> Vars = [] ; true ),
1418        ( var(Separation) ->
1419              ( var(DefaultSeparation) ->
1420                    concat_string([Pool,
1421                                   ": no node separation method"
1422                                   " specified."], Message),
1423                    writeln(warning_output, Message),
1424                    abort
1425              ;
1426                    Separation = DefaultSeparation
1427              )
1428        ;
1429              true
1430        ),
1431        ( var(NodeSelect) -> NodeSelect = best_first ; true ),
1432        ( var(AlphaMin) -> AlphaMin = 2 ; true ),
1433        ( var(AlphaMax) -> AlphaMax = 1 ; true ),
1434        ( var(BetaConst) -> BetaConst = 0 ; true ),
1435        ( var(BetaPC) -> BetaPC = 1 ; true ),
1436        ( var(BetaLB) -> BetaLB = 1 ; true ),
1437        ( var(PCInit) -> PCInit = calculated ; true ),
1438        ( var(PCUpdate) -> PCUpdate = average ; true ),
1439        ( var(PCRatio) -> PCRatio = 0.05 ; true ),
1440        ( var(LB) -> LB = 1 ; true ),
1441        ( var(OnOff) -> OnOff = off ; true ),
1442        ( var(GUBs) -> GUBs = [] ; true ).
1444bfs_integral_objective(Handle, Expr1+Expr2) :-
1445        bfs_integral_objective(Handle, Expr1),
1446        bfs_integral_objective(Handle, Expr2).
1447bfs_integral_objective(Handle, C*Var) :-
1448        integer(C),
1449        bfs_var_get_body(Handle, Var, type, integer).
1450bfs_integral_objective(Handle, Var) :-
1451        bfs_var_get_body(Handle, Var, type, integer).
1453bfs_integral_objective([], _, _).
1454bfs_integral_objective([J:C|Rest], VarArr, Handle) :-
1455        integer(C),
1456        J1 is J + 1,
1457        arg(J1, VarArr, Var),
1458        bfs_var_get_body(Handle, Var, type, integer),
1459        bfs_integral_objective(Rest, VarArr, Handle).
1461:- demon bfs_body/4.
1462:- set_flag(bfs_body/4, priority, 8).
1463:- set_flag(bfs_body/4, run_priority, 8).
1464bfs_body(Handle, Solve, Separation, Pool) :-
1465        Handle = bfs_tree{module:Module,
1466                          solve_time:TSolve,
1467                          nodes_solved:NSolve,
1468                          shelf:Shelf
1469                         },
1470        ( bfs_next_node(Handle, SubTree),
1471          n_trees:n_tree_get(data, SubTree, Node) ->
1472              Node = bfs_node{id:NodeId},
1473              bfs_info_message(Handle, "%w:Processing node %w%n%tsolving relaxation ... ",
1474                               [Pool, NodeId]),
1475              cputime(T1),
1476              % call node minimization goal
1477              setarg(frac_vars of bfs_node, Node, []),
1478              ( call(Solve)@Module ->
1479                    Node = bfs_node{objval:ObjVal},
1480                    bfs_info_message(Handle, " done, z = %w%n", [ObjVal])
1481              ;
1482                    setarg(objval of bfs_node, Node, 1.0Inf),
1483                    bfs_info_message(Handle, " infeasible%n", [])
1484              ),
1485              % do some statistics collection
1486              cputime(T2),
1487              TSolve1 is TSolve + T2 - T1,
1488              setarg(solve_time of bfs_tree, Handle, TSolve1),
1489              NSolve1 is NSolve + 1,
1490              setarg(nodes_solved of bfs_tree, Handle, NSolve1),
1491              bfs_info_message(Handle, "%tAdding global cuts ... ", []),
1492              % note to AE: should really check all nodes in the tree
1493              % to ensure they are feasible with these new global cuts
1494              shelf_get(Shelf, global_cuts of bfs_shelf, GlobalCuts),
1495              (
1496                  foreach(GlobalCut, GlobalCuts),
1497                  param(Module)
1498              do
1499                  call(GlobalCut)@Module
1500              ),
1501              shelf_set(Shelf, global_cuts of bfs_shelf, []),
1502              bfs_info_message(Handle, " done%n", []),
1503              bfs_info_message(Handle, "%tseparating ... ", []),
1504              cputime(T3),
1505              Handle = bfs_tree{feas_check:FeasCheck,
1506                                shelf:Shelf,
1507                                sense:Sense,
1508                                vars:Vars,
1509                                integral_obj:IntObj,
1510                                cost:Cost,
1511                                best_bound:BestBound,
1512                                node_select:NodeSelect,
1513                                next_node_no:Id1,
1514                                separate_time:TSep,
1515                                nodes_separated:NSep,
1516                                start_time:TStart,
1517                                no_sols:NSols
1518                               },
1519              Node = bfs_node{id:NodeId,
1520                              objval:NodeCost,
1521                              rank:Rank,
1522                              frac_vars:FracVars,
1523                              state:State,
1524                              branches:Branches
1525                             },
1526              ( NodeCost == 1.0Inf ->
1527                    % fathomed by infeasibility
1528                    bfs_info_message(Handle, "%tfathomed by infeasibility%n", []),
1529                    n_trees:n_tree_fathom(SubTree)
1530              ; fathom_by_bounds(IntObj, NodeCost, BestBound) ->
1531                    % fathomed by bounds
1532                    bfs_info_message(Handle, "%tfathomed by bounds%n", []),
1533                    n_trees:n_tree_fathom(SubTree)
1534              ; global_feasible(Node, FeasCheck, Module) ->
1535                    % globally feasible solution,
1536                    % optimal within tolerance bound
1537                    bfs_info_message(Handle, "%tglobally feasible%n", []),
1538                    % do some statistics collection
1539                    cputime(T),
1540                    TSolution is T - TStart,
1541                    setarg(opt_sol_time of bfs_tree, Handle, TSolution),
1542                    % update incumbent and prune nodes
1543                    set_var_bounds(Cost, -1.0Inf, NodeCost),
1544                    ( IntObj == yes ->
1545                          NewBound is fix(NodeCost),
1546                          PruneBound is NodeCost - 1
1547                    ;
1548                          NewBound = NodeCost,
1549                          PruneBound = NodeCost
1550                    ),
1551                    setarg(best_bound of bfs_tree, Handle, NewBound),
1552                    n_trees:n_tree_fathom(SubTree),
1553                    Handle = bfs_tree with vars:Vars,
1554                    (
1555                        foreach(Var, Vars),
1556                        param(NodeId, Handle)
1557                    do
1558                        ( var(Var) ->
1559                            bfs_get_node_info(Var, NodeId,
1560                                              bfs_node_info with val:Val, Handle),
1561                            bfs_var_set(Var, optimal_val, Val, Handle)
1562                        ;
1563                            true
1564                        )
1565                    ),
1566                    ( NSols = 0 ->
1567                          % first feasible solution
1568                          % if we are using a two-phase strategy
1569                          % we should switch
1570                          ( NodeSelect == two_phase ->
1571                              setarg(node_select of bfs_tree, Handle, best_first)
1572                          ;
1573                              true
1574                          ),
1575                          setarg(first_sol_time of bfs_tree, Handle, TSolution),
1576                          setarg(no_sols of bfs_tree, Handle, 1)
1577                    ;
1578                          % new optimal solution
1579                          NSols1 is NSols + 1,
1580                          setarg(no_sols of bfs_tree, Handle, NSols1)
1581                    )
1582              ;
1583                    (
1584                        foreach(Var, Vars),
1585                        foreach(Lo..Hi, LoHis),
1586                        param(NodeId, Handle)
1587                    do
1588                        bfs_get_node_info(Var, NodeId,
1589                                          bfs_node_info with [lo:Lo, hi:Hi],
1590                                          Handle)
1591                    ),
1592                    shelf_set(Shelf, branches of bfs_shelf, []),
1593                    call(Separation)@Module,
1594                    shelf_get(Shelf, branches of bfs_shelf, ScoredBranches),
1595                    (
1596                        foreach([Score, Branch], ScoredBranches),
1597                        foreach(Diff-NewNode, ChildRanks),
1598                        count(Id, Id1, Id2),
1599                        param(NodeSelect, Sense, NodeCost, Rank, State, Branches,
1600                              FracVars, Vars, LoHis, Handle, SubTree)
1601                    do
1602                        NewNode = bfs_node with [
1603                                                 id:Id,
1604                                                 rank:ChildRank,
1605                                                 parent_obj:NodeCost,
1606                                                 state:State,
1607                                                 branches:ChildBranches
1608                                                ],
1609                        (
1610                            foreach(Var, Vars),
1611                            foreach(Lo..Hi, LoHis),
1612                            param(NewNode, Handle)
1613                        do
1614                            bfs_new_node_info(Var, NewNode,
1615                                              bfs_node_info with [lo:Lo, hi:Hi],
1616                                              Handle)
1617                        ),
1618                        ( number(Score) ->
1619                              Diff = Score
1620                        ;
1621                              Score = [_PCIdxs, PCStruct, Diff, UpDown],
1622                              setarg(pc_update of bfs_node, NewNode,
1623                                     [PCStruct, Diff, UpDown])
1624                        ),
1625                        ( Branch = NewNode ->
1626                            true
1627                        ; Branch = bounds(Idx, Lo..Hi) ->
1628                            % it was a variable bound update
1629                            FracVarArr =.. [[]|FracVars],
1630                            arg(Idx, FracVarArr, Var:_Sol),
1631                            PCVars = [Var],
1632                            bfs_new_node_info(Var, NewNode,
1633                                              bfs_node_info with [lo:Lo, hi:Hi],
1634                                              Handle),
1635                            ChildBranches = Branches
1636                        ; Branch = gub_bound(GN, NVars, Rel, Rhs),
1637                          Branches = [lp_add(EplexHandle, Cstrs, [])] ->
1638                            % it was a gub and we have an eplex
1639                            % handle to add to
1640                            Handle = bfs_tree{gubs:GUBs},
1641                            arg(GN, GUBs, GUB),
1642                            GUB = bfs_gub{vars:GUBVars},
1643                            (
1644                                for(_, 1, NVars),
1645                                foreach(Term, Terms),
1646                                fromto(GUBVars, [Term|Rest], Rest, _)
1647                            do
1648                                true
1649                            ),
1650                            term_variables(Terms, PCVars),
1651                            Expr =.. [Rel, sum(PCVars), Rhs],
1652                            normalise_cstrs([Expr], [Cstr], []),
1653                            ChildBranches = [lp_add(EplexHandle, [Cstr|Cstrs], [])]
1654                        ;
1655                            % it was some user defined branch
1656                            ChildBranches = [Branch|Branches]
1657                        ),
1658                        ( NodeSelect == best_first ->
1659                              % using a static node selection method
1660                              % so order among children by fractional change
1661                              % the rank given to a node here is the bound
1662                              % on the node objective obtained from the parent
1663                              % and the frac change Diff from parent to node,
1664                              % standard ordering ensures we choose among them
1665                              % in Bound then Frac order
1666                              ( Rank = PCost-_ -> true ; Rank = PCost ),
1667                              ( Sense = min ->
1668                                  NodeCost0 is max(PCost, NodeCost),
1669                                  ChildRank = NodeCost0-Diff
1670                              ; % Sense = max
1671                                  NodeCost0 is min(PCost, NodeCost),
1672                                  Diff1 is 1 - Diff,
1673                                  ChildRank = NodeCost0-Diff1
1674                              ),
1675                              n_trees:n_tree_expand(SubTree,
1676                                                    ChildRank,
1677                                                    ChildNode),
1678                              n_trees:n_tree_set(data, ChildNode, NewNode)
1679                        ; NodeSelect == depth_first ->
1680                              true
1681                        ; NodeSelect == two_phase ->
1682                              true
1683                        ; NodeSelect == best_estimate ->
1684                              % using an estimate based selection method, so the order
1685                              % of the nodes is taken care of automatically
1686                              % Note to AE: this may not give the correct
1687                              % estimates with gub branching?
1688                              ( Sense = min ->
1689                                    Order = (@<),
1690                                    Functor = (+)
1691                              ; % Sense = max
1692                                    Order = (@>),
1693                                    Functor = (-)
1694                              ),
1695                              PCStruct = pseudocost with [pcd:PCD, pcu:PCU],
1696                              (
1697                                  foreach(Var:Val, FracVars),
1698                                  fromto(NodeCost, In, Out, CommonRank),
1699                                  param(Handle, PCVars, Functor)
1700                              do
1701                                  ( var_member(Var, PCVars) ->
1702                                        Out = In
1703                                  ;
1704                                        get_bfs_attr(Var, Handle,
1705                                                     bfs with [pcd:D, pcu: U]),
1706                                        Delta is min(D*(Val-floor(Val)),
1707                                                     U*(ceiling(Val)-Val)),
1708                                        Goal =.. [Functor, In, Delta, Out],
1709                                        call(Goal)
1710                                  )
1711                              ),
1712                              ( UpDown == d -> Delta is PCD * Diff
1713                              ; Delta is PCU * Diff ), % UpDown == u
1714                              Goal =.. [Functor, CommonRank, Delta, ChildRank],
1715                              call(Goal),
1716                              n_trees:n_tree_expand(SubTree,
1717                                                    ChildRank,
1718                                                    ChildNode),
1719                              n_trees:n_tree_set(data, ChildNode, NewNode)
1720                        ;
1721                              printf(error, "unknown node_select type: %w%n",
1722                                     [NodeSelect]),
1723                              abort
1724                        )
1725                    ),
1726                    ( ( NodeSelect == depth_first ; NodeSelect == two_phase ) ->
1727                          sort(1, =<, ChildRanks, Sorted),
1728                          (
1729                              foreach(_-NewNode, Sorted),
1730                              count(N, 0, _),
1731                              param(SubTree, Pool, Rank)
1732                          do
1733                              ( N =< 255 ->
1734                                    char_code(C, N),
1735                                    concat_string([Rank, C], ChildRank),
1736                                    NewNode = bfs_node with rank:ChildRank,
1737                                    n_trees:n_tree_expand(SubTree,
1738                                                          ChildRank,
1739                                                          ChildNode),
1740                                    n_trees:n_tree_set(data, ChildNode, NewNode)
1741                              ;
1742                                    printf(error, "%w: maximum number"
1743                                           " of children at a node"
1744                                           " exceeded (256)%n",
1745                                           [Pool]),
1746                                    abort
1747                              )
1748                          )
1749                    ; true ),
1750                    NextId is Id2 + 1,
1751                    cputime(T4),
1752                    TSep1 is TSep + T4 - T3,
1753                    setarg(separate_time of bfs_tree, Handle, TSep1),
1754                    NSep1 is NSep + 1,
1755                    setarg(nodes_separated of bfs_tree, Handle, NSep1),
1756                    setarg(next_node_no of bfs_tree, Handle, NextId),
1757                    bfs_info_message(Handle, "done, nodes %d..%d created%n",
1758                                     [Id1, Id2])
1759              ),
1760              schedule_suspensions(node_susp of bfs_tree, Handle),
1761              wake
1762        ;
1763              true
1764        ).
1766var_member(Var, [H|T]) :-
1767        ( Var == H -> true ; var_member(Var, T) ).
1769% bfs_minimize_eplex_node/2: for low-level handles
1770bfs_minimize_eplex_node(Handle, EplexHandle) :-
1771        ( var(Handle) ->
1772            error(4, bfs_minimize_eplex_node(Handle, EplexHandle))
1773        ; Handle = bfs_tree{} ->
1774            bfs_minimize_eplex_node_body(Handle, EplexHandle)
1775        ;
1776            error(5, bfs_minimize_eplex_node(Handle, EplexHandle))
1777        ).
1779% minimize_eplex_node/1: for pools
1780bfs_minimize_eplex_node1(EplexHandle, Pool) :-
1781        get_pool_handle(Handle, Pool),
1782        bfs_minimize_eplex_node_body(Handle, EplexHandle).
1784bfs_minimize_eplex_node_body(Handle, EplexHandle) :-
1785        Handle = bfs_tree with [
1786                                cost:Cost,
1787                                shelf:Shelf,
1788                                pc_ratio:PCRatio,
1789                                no_sols:NSols
1790                               ],
1791        bfs_next_node(Handle, SubTree),
1792        n_trees:n_tree_get(data, SubTree, Node),
1793        Node = bfs_node with [
1794                              id:NodeId,
1795                              state:(CBasis, RBasis),
1796                              branches:Branches
1797                             ],
1798        ( NodeId = 0 ->
1799              % root node, no need to block/fail
1800              lp_solve(EplexHandle, Obj),
1801              lp_get(EplexHandle, vars, VarArr),
1802              VarArr =.. [_|Vars],
1803              ( 
1804                  foreach(Var, Vars),
1805                  param(EplexHandle, Handle)
1806              do
1807                  lp_var_get(EplexHandle, Var, solution, Val),
1808                  lp_var_get(EplexHandle, Var, reduced_cost, RC),
1809                  get_var_bounds(Var, Lo, Hi),
1810                  Info = bfs_node_info with [
1811                                             lo:Lo,
1812                                             hi:Hi,
1813                                             val:Val,
1814                                             rc:RC
1815                                            ],
1816                  bfs_node_info_body(Handle, Var, Info)
1817              ),
1818              lp_get(EplexHandle, simplex_iterations, Its),
1819              Node = bfs_node with frac_vars:FracVars,
1820              length(FracVars, NFrac),
1821              PCIt is fix(ceiling((PCRatio*Its)/(2*NFrac))),
1822              setarg(pc_ratio of bfs_tree, Handle, PCIt),
1823              lp_get(EplexHandle, cbasis, NewCBasis),
1824              lp_get(EplexHandle, rbasis, NewRBasis),
1825              setarg(state of bfs_node, Node, (NewCBasis, NewRBasis))
1826        ;
1827              shelf_get(Shelf, info of bfs_shelf, OldInfo),
1828              \+ \+ ( lp_set(EplexHandle, cbasis, CBasis),
1829                      lp_set(EplexHandle, rbasis, RBasis),
1830                      lp_get(EplexHandle, vars, VarArr),
1831                      VarArr =.. [_|Vars],
1832                      call_priority(( 
1833                                        foreach(Var, Vars),
1834                                        param(Handle, EplexHandle)
1835                                    do
1836                                        bfs_node_info_body(Handle, Var, Info),
1837                                        Info = bfs_node_info with [lo:Lo, hi:Hi],
1838                                        set_var_bounds(Var, Lo, Hi),
1839                                        lp_var_set_bounds(EplexHandle, Var, Lo, Hi)
1840                                    ), 2),
1841                      ( foreach(Branch, Branches) do call(Branch) ),
1842                      lp_solve(EplexHandle, Obj),
1843                      ( NSols > 0 ->
1844                            reduced_cost_pruning(EplexHandle, Cost)
1845                      ;
1846                            true
1847                      ),
1848                      (
1849                          foreach(Var, Vars),
1850                          foreach(Info, Vals),
1851                          param(EplexHandle)
1852                      do
1853                          lp_var_get(EplexHandle, Var, solution, Val),
1854                          lp_var_get(EplexHandle, Var, reduced_cost, RC),
1855                          get_var_bounds(Var, Lo, Hi),
1856                          Info = bfs_node_info with [
1857                                                        lo:Lo,
1858                                                        hi:Hi,
1859                                                        val:Val,
1860                                                        rc:RC
1861                                                    ]
1862                      ),
1863                      lp_get(EplexHandle, cbasis, NewCBasis),
1864                      lp_get(EplexHandle, rbasis, NewRBasis),
1865                      shelf_set(Shelf, info of bfs_shelf, [Obj, Vals, (NewCBasis, NewRBasis)])
1866              ),
1867              lp_get(EplexHandle, vars, VarArr),
1868              VarArr =.. [_|Vars],
1869              shelf_get(Shelf, info of bfs_shelf, [Obj, Vals, NewState]),
1870              shelf_set(Shelf, info of bfs_shelf, OldInfo),
1871              ( 
1872                  foreach(Var, Vars),
1873                  foreach(Info, Vals),
1874                  param(Handle)
1875              do
1876                  bfs_node_info_body(Handle, Var, Info)
1877              ),
1878              setarg(state of bfs_node, Node, NewState)
1879        ),
1880        setarg(objval of bfs_node, Node, Obj).
1882% bfs_update_pseudocosts/1: for low-level handles
1883bfs_update_pseudocosts(Handle) :-
1884        ( var(Handle) ->
1885            error(4, bfs_update_pseudocosts(Handle))
1886        ; Handle = bfs_tree{} ->
1887            bfs_update_pseudocosts_body(Handle)
1888        ;
1889            error(5, bfs_update_pseudocosts(Handle))
1890        ).
1892% update_pseudocosts/0: for pools
1893bfs_update_pseudocosts1(Pool) :-
1894        get_pool_item(Pool, Handle), 
1895        ( Handle == 0 ->
1896            printf(error, "Bfs instance has no tree set up in %w%n",
1897                   [Pool:update_pseudocosts]),
1898            abort
1899        ;
1900            bfs_update_pseudocosts_body(Handle)
1901        ).
1903bfs_update_pseudocosts_body(Handle) :-
1904        Handle = bfs_tree{
1905                          pc_update:PCUpdate,
1906                          pcd_count:PCDCount-PCDTotal,
1907                          pcu_count:PCUCount-PCUTotal
1908                         },
1909        bfs_next_node(Handle, SubTree),
1910        n_trees:n_tree_get(data, SubTree, Node),
1911        Node = bfs_node{
1912                        id:Id,
1913                        objval:Obj,
1914                        parent_obj:ObjP,
1915                        pc_update:[PCStruct, Frac, Direction]
1916                       },
1917        ( Id == 0 ->
1918            true
1919        ;
1920            PseudoCost is (Obj - ObjP)/Frac,
1921            % update pseudocosts
1922            PCStruct = pseudocost{
1923                                  pcd:Pcd,
1924                                  pcd_count:PcdTerm,
1925                                  pcu:Pcu,
1926                                  pcu_count:PcuTerm
1927                                 },
1928            ( Direction == u ->
1929                % update the global pcu counters
1930                % for pcu initialisation
1931                NewPCUCount is PCUCount + 1,
1932                NewPCUTotal is PCUTotal + PseudoCost,
1933                NewPCUAverage is NewPCUTotal/NewPCUCount,
1934                setarg(pcu_average of bfs_tree, Handle,
1935                       NewPCUAverage),
1936                setarg(pcu_count of bfs_tree, Handle,
1937                       NewPCUCount-NewPCUTotal),
1938                % update the pcu counters involved in the branch
1939                ( PcuTerm = 0-Pcu ->
1940                    NewPcuCount = 1,
1941                    NewPcuTotal = PseudoCost,
1942                    NewPcu = PseudoCost
1943                ;
1944                    PcuTerm = PcuCount-PcuTotal,
1945                    NewPcuCount is PcuCount + 1,
1946                    NewPcuTotal is PcuTotal + PseudoCost,
1947                    ( PCUpdate = first ->
1948                        NewPcu = Pcu
1949                    ; PCUpdate = last ->
1950                        NewPcu = PseudoCost
1951                    ; % PCUpdate = average
1952                        NewPcu is NewPcuTotal/NewPcuCount
1953                    )
1954                ),
1955                setarg(pcu_count of pseudocost, PCStruct,
1956                       NewPcuCount-NewPcuTotal),
1957                setarg(pcu of pseudocost, PCStruct, NewPcu)
1958            ; Direction == d ->
1959                % update the global pcd counters
1960                % for pcd initialisation
1961                NewPCDCount is PCDCount + 1,
1962                NewPCDTotal is PCDTotal + PseudoCost,
1963                NewPCDAverage is NewPCDTotal/NewPCDCount,
1964                setarg(pcd_average of bfs_tree, Handle,
1965                       NewPCDAverage),
1966                setarg(pcd_count of bfs_tree, Handle,
1967                       NewPCDCount-NewPCDTotal),
1968                % update the pcd counters involved in the branch
1969                ( PcdTerm = 0-Pcd ->
1970                    NewPcdCount = 1,
1971                    NewPcdTotal = PseudoCost,
1972                    NewPcd = PseudoCost
1973                ;
1974                    PcdTerm = PcdCount-PcdTotal,
1975                    NewPcdCount is PcdCount + 1,
1976                    NewPcdTotal is PcdTotal + PseudoCost,
1977                    ( PCUpdate = first ->
1978                        NewPcd = Pcd
1979                    ; PCUpdate = last ->
1980                        NewPcd = PseudoCost
1981                    ; % PCUpdate = average
1982                        NewPcd is NewPcdTotal/NewPcdCount
1983                    )
1984                ),
1985                setarg(pcd_count of pseudocost, PCStruct,
1986                       NewPcdCount-NewPcdTotal),
1987                setarg(pcd of pseudocost, PCStruct, NewPcd)
1988            )
1989        ).
1991fathom_by_bounds(IntObj, Obj, Bound) :-
1992        ( IntObj == yes ->
1993              ceiling(Obj) > Bound
1994        ;
1995              Obj > Bound
1996        ).
1998global_feasible(bfs_node with frac_vars:[], FeasCheck, Module) :-
1999        call(FeasCheck)@Module.
2001depth_first(Ranks, Base) :-
2002        sort(1, >=, Ranks, Sorted),
2003        (
2004            foreach(_-Rank, Sorted),
2005            count(N, 1, _),
2006            param(Base)
2007        do
2008            concat_string([Base, N], Rank)
2009        ).
2011gub_structure([], [], _Handle).
2012gub_structure([Val*Var|Rest], [Var|Terms], Handle) :-
2013        Val =:= 1,
2014        bfs_var_get_body(Handle, Var, type, integer),
2015        gub_structure(Rest, Terms, Handle).
2017gub_structure([], [], Val, IntTol, _Handle) :-
2018        abs(Val + 1) =< IntTol.
2019gub_structure([Val*Var|Rest], Terms, Sum, IntTol, Handle) :-
2020        ( (Val =:= 1, bfs_var_get_body(Handle, Var, type, integer)) ->
2021              Terms = [Var|Terms0],
2022              Sum0 = Sum
2023        ;
2024              Terms = Terms0,
2025              get_var_bounds(Var, Lo, Hi),
2026              Sum0 is Sum + min(Val*Lo, Val*Hi)
2027        ),
2028        gub_structure(Rest, Terms0, Sum0, IntTol, Handle).
2030reference_row([_Type:[_Const*_One|Terms]|Cstrs], GUBSet,
2031              Vars, RefTerms, PCStructs) :-
2032        ( reference_row1(GUBSet, Terms, RefTerms0) ->
2033              % Note to AE: should we commit to just the first
2034              % possible reference 
2035              % row we find or collect them all as generators for
2036              % branching constraints? Probably that would then be too
2037              % expensive to check them all each time, but it might
2038              % create better branches
2039              sort(RefTerms0, RefTerms),
2040              (
2041                  foreach(_Coeff*Var, RefTerms),
2042                  foreach(1*Var, Vars),
2043                  foreach(pseudocost with [pcd_count:none,
2044                                           pcu_count:none], PCList)
2045              do
2046                  true
2047              ),
2048              PCStructs =.. [[]|PCList]
2049        ;
2050              reference_row(Cstrs, GUBSet, Vars, RefTerms, PCStructs)
2051        ).
2053reference_row1([], _Terms, []).
2054reference_row1([Var|GUBSet], Terms, [RefTerm|RefTerms]) :-
2055        reference_row(Var, Terms, RefTerm, Terms0),
2056        reference_row1(GUBSet, Terms0, RefTerms).
2058reference_row(Var, [Val0*Var0|Terms], RefTerm, Terms0) :-
2059        ( Var == Var0 ->
2060              RefTerm= Val0*Var0,
2061              Terms0 = Terms
2062        ;
2063              Terms0 = [Val0*Var0|Terms1],
2064              reference_row(Var, Terms, RefTerm, Terms1)
2065        ).
2067branchpoint([Coeff:VarCount:VarSum|BranchPoints], RefTotal, NVars, Diff) :-
2068        ( Coeff > RefTotal ->
2069              % this branch set includes vars with coeff above the
2070              % suggested ref val
2071              branchpoint(BranchPoints, RefTotal, NVars, Diff)
2072        ;
2073              % maximal branch set with no coeffs above the suggested
2074              % ref val
2075              NVars = VarCount,
2076              Diff = VarSum
2077        ).
2079% bfs_deg_est/2: for low-level handles
2080bfs_deg_est(Handle, Node) :-
2081        ( var(Handle) ->
2082            error(4, bfs_deg_est(Handle, Node))
2083        ; Handle = bfs_tree{} ->
2084            bfs_deg_est_body(Handle, Node)
2085        ;
2086            error(5, bfs_deg_est(Handle, Node))
2087        ).
2089% deg_est/1: for pools
2090bfs_deg_est1(Node, Pool) :-
2091        get_pool_item(Pool, Handle), 
2092        ( Handle == 0 ->
2093            printf(error, "Bfs instance has no tree set up in %w%n",
2094                   [Pool:deg_est(Node)]),
2095            abort
2096        ;
2097            bfs_deg_est_body(Handle, Node)
2098        ).
2100% Note to AE: try to get rid of the eplex handle form this call
2101bfs_deg_est_body(Handle, eplex(EplexHandle)) :-
2102        Handle = bfs_tree{shelf:Shelf,
2103                          gubs:GUBs
2104                         },
2105        bfs_next_node(Handle, SubTree),
2106        n_trees:n_tree_get(data, SubTree, Node),
2107        % check the shelf is empty just in case
2108        shelf_get(Shelf, branches of bfs_shelf, []),
2109        Node = bfs_node with id:NodeId,
2110        % update pseudocosts for this node
2111        ( NodeId > 0 ->
2112              bfs_update_pseudocosts_body(Handle)
2113        ;
2114              true
2115        ),
2116        % find the var to branch on
2117        shelf_get(Shelf, info of bfs_shelf, OldInfo),
2118        bfs_deg_est(Handle, eplex(EplexHandle), Result, PseudoCosts),
2119        shelf_set(Shelf, info of bfs_shelf, OldInfo),
2120        ( Result = g(GN, NVars, Down) ->
2121              % initialize any GUB pseudocosts
2122              (
2123                  foreacharg(bfs_gub{pseudocosts:PCStructs}, GUBs),
2124                  foreach(PseudoCost, PseudoCosts)
2125              do
2126                  ( PseudoCost == not_stored ->
2127                        true
2128                  ;
2129                        PseudoCost = BP-[PCD, PCU],
2130                        arg(BP, PCStructs, PCStruct),
2131                        setarg(pcd_count of pseudocost, PCStruct, 0-PCD),
2132                        setarg(pcd of pseudocost, PCStruct, PCD),
2133                        setarg(pcu_count of pseudocost, PCStruct, 0-PCU),
2134                        setarg(pcu of pseudocost, PCStruct, PCU)
2135                  )
2136              ),
2137              arg(GN, GUBs, GUB),
2138              GUB = bfs_gub{pseudocosts:PCStructs},
2139              arg(NVars, PCStructs, PCStruct),
2140              Up is 1 - Down,
2141              % store the branches
2142              shelf_set(Shelf, branches of bfs_shelf,
2143                        [
2144                         [[g(GN, NVars), PCStruct, Down, d], % score
2145                          gub_bound(GN, NVars, =<, 0)],      % branch
2146                         [[g(GN, NVars), PCStruct, Up, u],   % score
2147                          gub_bound(GN, NVars, >=, 1)]       % branch
2148                        ])
2149        ;
2150              Result = v(Idx),
2151              Node = bfs_node with frac_vars:Vars,
2152              % initialize any variable pseudocosts
2153              (
2154                  foreach(Var:_, Vars),
2155                  foreach(PseudoCost, PseudoCosts),
2156                  param(Handle)
2157              do
2158                  ( PseudoCost == not_stored ->
2159                        true
2160                  ;
2161                        PseudoCost = [PCD, PCU],
2162                        get_bfs_attr(Var, Handle, Attr),
2163                        setarg(pcd_count of bfs, Attr, 0-PCD),
2164                        setarg(pcd of bfs, Attr, PCD),
2165                        setarg(pcu_count of bfs, Attr, 0-PCU),
2166                        setarg(pcu of bfs, Attr, PCU)
2167                  )
2168              ),
2169              VarArr =.. [[]|Vars],
2170              arg(Idx, VarArr, Var:Val),
2171              Lo is ceiling(Val),
2172              Up is Lo - Val,
2173              Hi is floor(Val),
2174              Down is Val - Hi,
2175              get_bfs_attr(Var, Handle, bfs with pseudocost:PCStruct),
2176              % store the branches
2177              shelf_set(Shelf, branches of bfs_shelf,
2178                        [
2179                         [[v(Idx), PCStruct, Down, d],
2180                          bounds(Idx, -1.0Inf..Hi)],
2181                         [[v(Idx), PCStruct, Up, u],
2182                          bounds(Idx, Lo..1.0Inf)]
2183                        ])
2184        ).
2186bfs_deg_est(Handle, NodeType, _, _) :-
2187        % branching on best estimate
2188        bfs_impose_node_state_body(NodeType, Handle),
2189        Handle = bfs_tree{int_tolerance:IntTol,
2190                          gubs:GUBs,
2191                          shelf:Shelf,
2192                          alpha_min:AlphaMin,
2193                          alpha_max:AlphaMax,
2194                          beta_const:BetaConst,
2195                          beta_pc:BetaPC,
2196                          beta_lb:BetaLB,
2197                          pc_init:PCInit,
2198                          pc_ratio:PCIt,
2199                          lb_time:LBIt
2200                         },
2201        bfs_next_node(Handle, SubTree),
2202        n_trees:n_tree_get(data, SubTree, Node),
2203        Node = bfs_node{id:NodeId,
2204                        objval:NodeCost,
2205                        frac_vars:Vars
2206                       },
2207        ( ( PCInit == calculated, PCIt >= LBIt ) ->
2208              PCOverLB = true
2209        ;
2210              PCOverLB = fail
2211        ),
2212        (
2213            foreacharg(GUB, GUBs),
2214            foreach(PseudoCost, GPseudoCosts),
2215            count(GN, 1, _),
2216            fromto(_, In, Out, Result),
2217            fromto(_, ScoreIn, ScoreOut, _),
2218            param(Handle, NodeType, IntTol, NodeId, NodeCost,
2219                  AlphaMin, AlphaMax,
2220                  BetaConst, BetaPC, BetaLB, PCOverLB)
2221        do
2222            GUB = bfs_gub{vars:Vars,
2223                          refs:Refs,
2224                          pseudocosts:PCStructs
2225                         },
2226            (
2227                foreach(Coeff*Var, Refs),
2228                count(NVars, 1, _),
2229                fromto([], BPIn, [Coeff:NVars:VTOut|BPIn], BranchPoints),
2230                fromto(0, VTIn, VTOut, _),
2231                fromto(0, RTIn, RTOut, RefTotal),
2232                fromto(0, FIn, FOut, Frac),
2233                param(Handle, IntTol, NodeId)
2234            do
2235                bfs_get_node_info(Var, NodeId,
2236                                  bfs_node_info with val:Val, Handle),
2237                VTOut is VTIn + Val,
2238                RTOut is RTIn + Coeff*Val,
2239                ( abs(min(Val-floor(Val),ceiling(Val)-Val)) =< IntTol ->
2240                      FOut = FIn
2241                ;
2242                      FOut is FIn + 1
2243                )
2244            ),
2245            % if there are less than Limit fractional vars in the GUB it
2246            % is likely better to choose a good single var to branch
2247            % on, so we ignore this GUB
2248            % Note to AE: should not be hardwired Limit
2249            Limit = 2,
2250            ( Frac =< Limit ->
2251                  PseudoCost = not_stored,
2252                  Out = In,
2253                  ScoreOut = ScoreIn
2254            ;
2255                  % find the branchpoint for the GUB, and calculate score
2256                  branchpoint(BranchPoints, RefTotal, NVars, Sum),
2257                  ( BetaPC =:= 0 ->
2258                        % only lower bounds in estimate
2259                        PCD = 0,
2260                        PCU = 0,
2261                        PseudoCost = not_stored
2262                  ;
2263                        % otherwise get pseudocosts
2264                        get_gub_pseudocosts(Handle, NodeType,
2265                                            NodeCost, GUB, NVars, Sum,
2266                                            PCD, PCU, Initializing),
2267                        ( call(Initializing) ->
2268                              PseudoCost = NVars-[PCD, PCU]
2269                        ;
2270                              PseudoCost = not_stored
2271                        )
2272                  ),
2273                  ( BetaLB =:= 0 ->
2274                        % only pseudocosts in estimate
2275                        LD = 0,
2276                        LU = 0
2277                  ;
2278                        ( call(PCOverLB),
2279                          arg(NVars, PCStructs, 
2280                              pseudocost with [pcd_count:0-LD,
2281                                               pcu_count:0-LU]) ) ->
2282                            % if pseudocosts have just been calculated and are
2283                            % stronger, use them as lower bounds
2284                            true
2285                  ;
2286                            % otherwise get lower bounds
2287                            (
2288                                for(_, 1, NVars),
2289                                foreach(Term, Terms),
2290                                fromto(Vars, [Term|Rest], Rest, _)
2291                            do
2292                                true
2293                            ),
2294                            get_gub_lowerbounds(Handle, NodeType,
2295                                                NodeCost, Terms,
2296                                                LD, LU)
2297                  ),
2298                  DownScore is BetaConst + (BetaPC * PCD * Sum) +
2299                               (BetaLB * LD),
2300                  UpScore is BetaConst + (BetaPC * PCU * (1-Sum)) +
2301                             (BetaLB * LU),
2302                  Score is AlphaMin * min(DownScore, UpScore) +
2303                           AlphaMax * max(DownScore, UpScore),
2304                  ( (nonvar(ScoreIn), Score =< ScoreIn) ->
2305                        ScoreOut = ScoreIn,
2306                        Out = In
2307                  ;
2308                        ScoreOut = Score,
2309                        Out = g(GN, NVars, Sum)
2310                  )
2311            )
2313        ),
2314        ( nonvar(Result) ->
2315              PseudoCosts = GPseudoCosts
2316        ;
2317              % there were no GUBs with enough frac vars to be worth
2318              % branching on, choose a single var using deg_est
2319              (
2320                  foreach(Var:Val, Vars),
2321                  count(I, 1, _),
2322                  fromto(_, ScoreIn, ScoreOut, _),
2323                  fromto(_, In, Out, Result),
2324                  foreach(PseudoCost, PseudoCosts),
2325                  param(Handle, NodeType, NodeCost,
2326                        AlphaMin, AlphaMax,
2327                        BetaConst, BetaPC, BetaLB, PCOverLB)
2328              do
2329                  Up is ceiling(Val) - Val,
2330                  Down is Val - floor(Val),
2331                  ( BetaPC =:= 0 ->
2332                        % only lower bounds in estimate
2333                        PCD = 0,
2334                        PCU = 0,
2335                        PseudoCost = not_stored
2336                  ;
2337                        % otherwise get pseudocosts
2338                        get_pseudocosts(Handle, NodeType,
2339                                        NodeCost, Var, Val,
2340                                        PCD, PCU, Initializing),
2341                        ( call(Initializing) ->
2342                              PseudoCost = [PCD, PCU]
2343                        ;
2344                              PseudoCost = not_stored
2345                        )
2346                  ),
2347                  ( BetaLB =:= 0 ->
2348                        % only pseudocosts in estimate
2349                        LD = 0,
2350                        LU = 0
2351                  ;
2352                        ( call(PCOverLB),
2353                          get_bfs_attr(Var, Handle,
2354                                       bfs with [pcd_count:0-LD,
2355                                                 pcu_count:0-LU]) ) ->
2356                            % if pseudocosts have just been calculated and are
2357                            % stronger, use them as lower bounds
2358                            true
2359                  ;
2360                            % otherwise get lower bounds
2361                            get_lowerbounds(Handle, NodeType,
2362                                            NodeCost, Var, Val,
2363                                            LD, LU)
2364                  ),
2365                  DownScore is BetaConst + (BetaPC * PCD * Down) +
2366                               (BetaLB * LD),
2367                  UpScore is BetaConst + (BetaPC * PCU * Up) +
2368                             (BetaLB * LU),
2369                  Score is AlphaMin * min(DownScore, UpScore) +
2370                           AlphaMax * max(DownScore, UpScore),
2371                  ( (nonvar(ScoreIn), Score =< ScoreIn) ->
2372                        ScoreOut = ScoreIn,
2373                        Out = In
2374                  ;
2375                        ScoreOut = Score,
2376                        Out = v(I)
2377                  )
2378              )
2379        ),
2380        shelf_set(Shelf, info of bfs_shelf, Result:PseudoCosts),
2381        fail.
2382bfs_deg_est(bfs_tree{shelf:Shelf}, _, Result, PseudoCosts) :-
2383        shelf_get(Shelf, info of bfs_shelf, Result:PseudoCosts).
2385% bfs_fracvar/1: for low-level handles
2386bfs_fracvar(Handle) :-
2387        ( var(Handle) ->
2388            error(4, bfs_fracvar(Handle))
2389        ; Handle = bfs_tree{} ->
2390            bfs_fracvar_body(Handle)
2391        ;
2392            error(5, bfs_fracvar(Handle))
2393        ).
2395% fracvar/0: for pools
2396bfs_fracvar1(Pool) :-
2397        get_pool_item(Pool, Handle), 
2398        ( Handle == 0 ->
2399            printf(error, "Bfs instance has no tree set up in %w%n",
2400                   [Pool:fracvar]),
2401            abort
2402        ;
2403            bfs_fracvar_body(Handle)
2404        ).
2406bfs_fracvar_body(Handle) :-
2407        % branching on gub if available or most fractional var
2408        Handle = bfs_tree{int_tolerance:IntTol,
2409                          shelf:Shelf,
2410                          gubs:GUBs
2411                         },
2412        bfs_next_node(Handle, SubTree),
2413        n_trees:n_tree_get(data, SubTree, Node),
2414        Node = bfs_node{id:NodeId,
2415                        frac_vars:Vars
2416                       },
2417        % check the shelf is empty just in case
2418        shelf_get(Shelf, branches of bfs_shelf, []),
2419        (
2420            foreacharg(GUB, GUBs),
2421            count(GN, 1, _),
2422            fromto(_, In, Out, Result),
2423            fromto(IntTol, ScoreIn, ScoreOut, _),
2424            param(Handle, IntTol, NodeId)
2425        do
2426            GUB = bfs_gub{refs:Refs},
2427            (
2428                foreach(Coeff*Var, Refs),
2429                count(NVars, 1, _),
2430                fromto([], BPIn, [Coeff:NVars:VTOut|BPIn], BranchPoints),
2431                fromto(0, VTIn, VTOut, _),
2432                fromto(0, RTIn, RTOut, RefTotal),
2433                fromto(0, FIn, FOut, Frac),
2434                param(Handle, IntTol, NodeId)
2435            do
2436                bfs_get_node_info(Var, NodeId,
2437                                  bfs_node_info{val:Val}, Handle),
2438                VTOut is VTIn + Val,
2439                RTOut is RTIn + Coeff*Val,
2440                ( abs(min(Val-floor(Val),ceiling(Val)-Val)) =< IntTol ->
2441                      FOut = FIn
2442                ;
2443                      FOut is FIn + 1
2444                )
2445            ),
2446            % if there are less than Limit fractional vars in the GUB it
2447            % is likely better to choose a good single var to branch
2448            % on, so we ignore this GUB
2449            % Note to AE: should not be hardwired Limit
2450            Limit = 2,
2451            ( Frac =< Limit ->
2452                  Out = In,
2453                  ScoreOut = ScoreIn
2454            ;
2455                  % find the branchpoint for the GUB, if the sum is
2456                  % more fractional than the current choice, use it
2457                  branchpoint(BranchPoints, RefTotal, NVars, Sum),
2458                  Score is min(Sum, (1 - Sum)),
2459                  ( Score =< ScoreIn ->
2460                        ScoreOut = ScoreIn,
2461                        Out = In
2462                  ;
2463                        ScoreOut = Score,
2464                        Out = GN:NVars:Sum
2465                  )
2466            )
2467        ),
2468        ( nonvar(Result) ->
2469            Result = GN:NVars:Down,
2470            Up is 1 - Down,
2471            % store the branches
2472            shelf_set(Shelf, branches of bfs_shelf,
2473                      [
2474                       [Down, % score
2475                        gub_bound(GN, NVars, =<, 0)],      % branch
2476                       [Up,   % score
2477                        gub_bound(GN, NVars, >=, 1)]       % branch
2478                      ])
2479        ;
2480            % there were no GUBs with enough frac vars to be worth
2481            % branching on, choose a single var
2482            (
2483                foreach(_Var:Val, Vars),
2484                count(I, 1, _),
2485                fromto(IntTol, DiffIn, DiffOut, _),
2486                fromto(_, In, Out, Idx:V)
2487            do
2488                Diff is abs(round(Val) - Val),
2489                ( Diff > DiffIn ->
2490                    DiffOut = Diff,
2491                    Out = I:Val
2492                ;
2493                    DiffOut = DiffIn,
2494                    Out = In
2495                )
2496            ),
2497            Lo is ceiling(V),
2498            Up is Lo - V,
2499            Hi is floor(V),
2500            Down is V - Hi,
2501            % store the branches
2502            shelf_set(Shelf, branches of bfs_shelf,
2503                      [
2504                       [Down,
2505                        bounds(Idx, -1.0Inf..Hi)],
2506                       [Up,
2507                        bounds(Idx, Lo..1.0Inf)]
2508                      ])
2509        ).
2511% bfs_enhanced/2: for low-level handles
2512bfs_enhanced(Handle, Node) :-
2513        ( var(Handle) ->
2514            error(4, bfs_enhanced(Handle, Node))
2515        ; Handle = bfs_tree{} ->
2516            bfs_enhanced_body(Handle, Node)
2517        ;
2518            error(5, bfs_enhanced(Handle, Node))
2519        ).
2521% enhanced/1: for pools
2522bfs_enhanced1(Node, Pool) :-
2523        get_pool_item(Pool, Handle), 
2524        ( Handle == 0 ->
2525            printf(error, "Bfs instance has no tree set up in %w%n",
2526                   [Pool:enhanced(Node)]),
2527            abort
2528        ;
2529            bfs_enhanced_body(Handle, Node)
2530        ).
2532bfs_enhanced_body(Handle, eplex(EplexHandle)) :-
2533        Handle = bfs_tree{int_tolerance:IntTol,
2534                          shelf:Shelf,
2535                          gubs:GUBs
2536                         },
2537        bfs_next_node(Handle, SubTree),
2538        n_trees:n_tree_get(data, SubTree, Node),
2539        Node = bfs_node{id:NodeId,
2540                        frac_vars:Vars
2541                       },
2542        % check the shelf is empty just in case
2543        shelf_get(Shelf, branches of bfs_shelf, []),
2544        (
2545            foreacharg(GUB, GUBs),
2546            count(GN, 1, _),
2547            fromto(_, In, Out, Result),
2548            fromto(IntTol, ScoreIn, ScoreOut, _),
2549            param(Handle, IntTol, NodeId)
2550        do
2551            GUB = bfs_gub{refs:Refs},
2552            (
2553                foreach(Coeff*Var, Refs),
2554                count(NVars, 1, _),
2555                fromto([], BPIn, [Coeff:NVars:VTOut|BPIn], BranchPoints),
2556                fromto(0, VTIn, VTOut, _),
2557                fromto(0, RTIn, RTOut, RefTotal),
2558                fromto(0, FIn, FOut, Frac),
2559                param(Handle, IntTol, NodeId)
2560            do
2561                bfs_get_node_info(Var, NodeId,
2562                                  bfs_node_info{val:Val}, Handle),
2563                VTOut is VTIn + Val,
2564                RTOut is RTIn + Coeff*Val,
2565                ( abs(min(Val-floor(Val),ceiling(Val)-Val)) =< IntTol ->
2566                      FOut = FIn
2567                ;
2568                      FOut is FIn + 1
2569                )
2570            ),
2571            % if there are less than Limit fractional vars in the GUB it
2572            % is likely better to choose a good single var to branch
2573            % on, so we ignore this GUB
2574            Limit = 2,
2575            ( Frac =< Limit ->
2576                  Out = In,
2577                  ScoreOut = ScoreIn
2578            ;
2579                  % find the branchpoint for the GUB, if the sum is
2580                  % more fractional than the current choice, use it
2581                  branchpoint(BranchPoints, RefTotal, NVars, Sum),
2582                  Score is min(Sum, (1 - Sum)),
2583                  ( Score =< ScoreIn ->
2584                        ScoreOut = ScoreIn,
2585                        Out = In
2586                  ;
2587                        ScoreOut = Score,
2588                        Out = GN:NVars:Sum
2589                  )
2590            )
2591        ),
2592        ( nonvar(Result) ->
2593            Result = GN:NVars:Down,
2594            Up is 1 - Down,
2595            % store the branches
2596            shelf_set(Shelf, branches of bfs_shelf,
2597                      [
2598                       [Down, % score
2599                        gub_bound(GN, NVars, =<, 0)],      % branch
2600                       [Up,   % score
2601                        gub_bound(GN, NVars, >=, 1)]       % branch
2602                      ])
2603        ;
2604            % there were no GUBs with enough frac vars to be worth
2605            % branching on, choose a single var
2606            (
2607                foreach(Var:Val, Vars),
2608                foreach(Frac-Val-Var, FracVars),
2609                fromto(0.0, LIn, LOut, L),
2610                fromto(1.0, UIn, UOut, U)
2611            do
2612                Frac is Val - floor(Val),
2613                ( Frac < 0.5 ->
2614                    LOut is max(Frac, LIn),
2615                    UOut = UIn
2616                ; Frac > 0.5 ->
2617                    LOut = LIn,
2618                    UOut is min(Frac, UIn)
2619                ;
2620                    LOut = 0.5,
2621                    UOut = 0.5
2622                )
2623            ),
2624            LBound is 0.8 * L,
2625            UBound is 0.2 + 0.8 * U,
2626            (
2627                foreach(FracPart-Val-Var, FracVars),
2628                count(I, 1, _),
2629                fromto(-1.0Inf, ScoreIn, ScoreOut, _),
2630                fromto(_, In, Out, Idx:V),
2631                param(EplexHandle, LBound, UBound)
2632            do
2633                ( (FracPart >= LBound, FracPart =< UBound) ->
2634                    lp_get(EplexHandle, objective, Objective),
2635                    Objective =.. [_MinMax, Expr],
2636                    ( bfs_objective_coeff(Expr, Var, Score) ->
2637                        %EplexHandle = prob with objcoeffs:ObjCoeffs,
2638                        %lp_var_occurrence(Var, EplexHandle, J),
2639                        %( member(J:Score, ObjCoeffs) ->
2640                        true
2641                    ;
2642                        Score = 0
2643                    ),
2644                    ( Score =< ScoreIn ->
2645                        ScoreOut = ScoreIn,
2646                        Out = In
2647                    ;
2648                        ScoreOut = Score,
2649                        Out = I:Val
2650                    )
2651                ;
2652                    ScoreOut = ScoreIn,
2653                    Out = In
2654                )
2655            ),
2656            Lo is ceiling(V),
2657            Up is Lo - V,
2658            Hi is floor(V),
2659            Down is V - Hi,
2660            % store the branches
2661            shelf_set(Shelf, branches of bfs_shelf,
2662                      [
2663                       [Down,
2664                        bounds(Idx, -1.0Inf..Hi)],
2665                       [Up,
2666                        bounds(Idx, Lo..1.0Inf)]
2667                      ])
2668        ).
2670% bfs_strong/2: for low-level handles
2671bfs_strong(Handle, Node) :-
2672        ( var(Handle) ->
2673            error(4, bfs_strong(Handle, Node))
2674        ; Handle = bfs_tree{} ->
2675            bfs_strong_body(Handle, Node)
2676        ;
2677            error(5, bfs_strong(Handle, Node))
2678        ).
2680% strong/1: for pools
2681bfs_strong1(Node, Pool) :-
2682        get_pool_item(Pool, Handle), 
2683        ( Handle == 0 ->
2684            printf(error, "Bfs instance has no tree set up in %w%n",
2685                   [Pool:strong(Node)]),
2686            abort
2687        ;
2688            bfs_strong_body(Handle, Node)
2689        ).
2691% Note to AE: try to get rid of the eplex handle form this call
2692bfs_strong_body(Handle, eplex(EplexHandle)) :-
2693        Handle = bfs_tree{shelf:Shelf},
2694        shelf_get(Shelf, info of bfs_shelf, OldInfo),
2695        bfs_strong(Handle, eplex(EplexHandle), Result),
2696        shelf_set(Shelf, info of bfs_shelf, OldInfo),
2697        % check the shelf is empty just in case
2698        shelf_get(Shelf, branches of bfs_shelf, []),
2699        ( Result = g(GN, NVars, Down) ->
2700            Up is 1 - Down,
2701            % store the branches
2702            shelf_set(Shelf, branches of bfs_shelf,
2703                      [
2704                       [Down, % score
2705                        gub_bound(GN, NVars, =<, 0)],      % branch
2706                       [Up,   % score
2707                        gub_bound(GN, NVars, >=, 1)]       % branch
2708                      ])
2709        ;
2710            Result = v(Idx),
2711            bfs_next_node(Handle, SubTree),
2712            n_trees:n_tree_get(data, SubTree, bfs_node{frac_vars:Vars}),
2713            VarArr =.. [[]|Vars],
2714            arg(Idx, VarArr, _Var:Val),
2715            Lo is ceiling(Val),
2716            Up is Lo - Val,
2717            Hi is floor(Val),
2718            Down is Val - Hi,
2719            % store the branches
2720            shelf_set(Shelf, branches of bfs_shelf,
2721                      [
2722                       [Down,
2723                        bounds(Idx, -1.0Inf..Hi)],
2724                       [Up,
2725                        bounds(Idx, Lo..1.0Inf)]
2726                      ])
2727        ).
2729bfs_strong(Handle, NodeType, _) :-
2730        bfs_impose_node_state_body(NodeType, Handle),
2731        Handle = bfs_tree{int_tolerance:IntTol,
2732                          gubs:GUBs,
2733                          shelf:Shelf,
2734                          alpha_min:AlphaMin,
2735                          alpha_max:AlphaMax
2736                         },
2737        bfs_next_node(Handle, SubTree),
2738        n_trees:n_tree_get(data, SubTree, Node),
2739        Node = bfs_node{id:NodeId,
2740                        objval:NodeCost,
2741                        frac_vars:Vars
2742                       },
2743        (
2744            foreacharg(GUB, GUBs),
2745            count(GN, 1, _),
2746            fromto(_, In, Out, Result),
2747            fromto(_, ScoreIn, ScoreOut, _),
2748            param(Handle, NodeType, IntTol, NodeId, NodeCost,
2749                  AlphaMin, AlphaMax)
2750        do
2751            GUB = bfs_gub{vars:Vars,
2752                          refs:Refs
2753                         },
2754            (
2755                foreach(Coeff*Var, Refs),
2756                count(NVars, 1, _),
2757                fromto([], BPIn, [Coeff:NVars:VTOut|BPIn], BranchPoints),
2758                fromto(0, VTIn, VTOut, _),
2759                fromto(0, RTIn, RTOut, RefTotal),
2760                fromto(0, FIn, FOut, Frac),
2761                param(Handle, IntTol, NodeId)
2762            do
2763                bfs_get_node_info(Var, NodeId,
2764                                  bfs_node_info{val:Val}, Handle),
2765                VTOut is VTIn + Val,
2766                RTOut is RTIn + Coeff*Val,
2767                ( abs(min(Val-floor(Val),ceiling(Val)-Val)) =< IntTol ->
2768                      FOut = FIn
2769                ;
2770                      FOut is FIn + 1
2771                )
2772            ),
2773            % if there are less than Limit fractional vars in the GUB it
2774            % is likely better to choose a good single var to branch
2775            % on, so we ignore this GUB
2776            % Note to AE: should not be hardwired Limit
2777            Limit = 2,
2778            ( Frac =< Limit ->
2779                  Out = In,
2780                  ScoreOut = ScoreIn
2781            ;
2782                  % find the branchpoint for the GUB, if the sum is
2783                  % more fractional than the current choice, use it
2784                  branchpoint(BranchPoints, RefTotal, NVars, Sum),
2785                  (
2786                      for(_, 1, NVars),
2787                      foreach(Term, Terms),
2788                      fromto(Vars, [Term|Rest], Rest, _)
2789                  do
2790                      true
2791                  ),
2792                  get_gub_lowerbounds(Handle, NodeType,
2793                                      NodeCost, Terms,
2794                                      DownScore, UpScore),
2795                  Score is AlphaMin * min(DownScore, UpScore) +
2796                           AlphaMax * max(DownScore, UpScore),
2797                  ( (nonvar(ScoreIn), Score =< ScoreIn) ->
2798                        ScoreOut = ScoreIn,
2799                        Out = In
2800                  ;
2801                        ScoreOut = Score,
2802                        Out = g(GN, NVars, Sum)
2803                  )
2804            )
2806        ),
2807        ( nonvar(Result) ->
2808              true
2809        ;
2810              % there were no GUBs with enough frac vars to be worth
2811              % branching on, choose a single var
2812              (
2813                  foreach(Var:Val, Vars),
2814                  count(I, 1, _),
2815                  foreach(Frac-I-Val-Var, FracVars),
2816                  fromto(0.0, LIn, LOut, L),
2817                  fromto(1.0, UIn, UOut, U)
2818              do
2819                  Frac is Val - floor(Val),
2820                  ( Frac < 0.5 ->
2821                        LOut is max(Frac, LIn),
2822                        UOut = UIn
2823                  ; Frac > 0.5 ->
2824                        LOut = LIn,
2825                        UOut is min(Frac, UIn)
2826                  ;
2827                        LOut = 0.5,
2828                        UOut = 0.5
2829                  )
2830              ),
2831              LBound is 0.8 * L,
2832              UBound is 0.2 + 0.8 * U,
2833              (
2834                  foreach(FracPart-Idx-Val-Var, FracVars),
2835                  fromto(_, ScoreIn, ScoreOut, _),            
2836                  fromto(_, In, Out, Result),
2837                  param(Handle, NodeType, NodeCost,
2838                        AlphaMin, AlphaMax, LBound, UBound)
2839              do
2840                  ( (FracPart >= LBound, FracPart =< UBound) ->
2841                        get_lowerbounds(Handle, NodeType,
2842                                        NodeCost, Var, Val,
2843                                        DownScore, UpScore),
2844                        Score is AlphaMin * min(DownScore, UpScore) +
2845                                 AlphaMax * max(DownScore, UpScore),
2846                        ( (nonvar(ScoreIn), Score =< ScoreIn) ->
2847                              ScoreOut = ScoreIn,
2848                              Out = In
2849                        ;
2850                              ScoreOut = Score,
2851                              Out = v(Idx)
2852                        )
2853                  ;
2854                        ScoreOut = ScoreIn,
2855                        Out = In
2856                  )
2857              )
2858        ),
2859        shelf_set(Shelf, info of bfs_shelf, Result),
2860        fail.
2861bfs_strong(bfs_tree with shelf:Shelf, _, Result) :-
2862        shelf_get(Shelf, info of bfs_shelf, Result).
2864% bfs_impose_node_state/2 : for low-level handles
2865bfs_impose_node_state(NodeType, Handle) :-
2866        ( var(Handle) ->
2867            error(4, bfs_impose_node_state(NodeType, Handle))
2868        ; Handle = bfs_tree with [] ->
2869            bfs_impose_node_state_body(NodeType, Handle)
2870        ;
2871            % not a proper bfs handle
2872            error(5, bfs_impose_node_state(NodeType, Handle))
2873        ).
2875% impose_node_state/1 : for pools
2876bfs_impose_node_state1(NodeType, Pool) :-
2877        get_pool_item(Pool, Handle), 
2878        ( Handle == 0 ->
2879            printf(error, "Bfs instance has no tree set up in %w%n",
2880                   [Pool:impose_node_state(NodeType)]),
2881            abort
2882        ;
2883            bfs_impose_node_state_body(NodeType, Handle)
2884        ).
2886bfs_impose_node_state_body(NodeType, Handle) :-
2887        Handle = bfs_tree{vars:Vars},
2888        bfs_next_node(Handle, SubTree),
2889        n_trees:n_tree_get(data, SubTree, Node),
2890        Node = bfs_node with [
2891                              id:NodeId,
2892                              state:(CBasis, RBasis),
2893                              branches:Branches
2894                             ],
2895        % apply branching decisions & propagate
2896        % call them all as atomic op to limit wakings
2897        % since we will be doing this often
2898        call_priority((
2899                          foreach(Var, Vars),
2900                          param(NodeId, Handle)
2901                      do
2902                          bfs_get_node_info(Var, NodeId,
2903                                            bfs_node_info with [lo:Lo, hi:Hi],
2904                                            Handle),
2905                          set_var_bounds(Var, Lo, Hi)
2906                      ), 2),
2907        call_priority((
2908                          foreach(Branch, Branches)
2909                      do
2910                          call(Branch)
2911                      ), 2),
2912        ( NodeType = eplex(EplexHandle) ->
2913              lp_set(EplexHandle, cbasis, CBasis),
2914              lp_set(EplexHandle, rbasis, RBasis)
2915        ;
2916              true
2917        ).
2919get_gub_pseudocosts(Handle, NodeType, NodeCost, GUB, BranchPoint, Sum,
2920                    PseudoCostDown, PseudoCostUp, Initializing) :-
2921        Handle = bfs_tree{pcd_average:PcDown,
2922                          pcu_average:PcUp,
2923                          pc_init:PcInit,
2924                          pc_ratio:Limit,
2925                          shelf:Shelf
2926                         },
2927        NodeType = eplex(EplexHandle),
2928        GUB = bfs_gub{vars:Vars,
2929                      pseudocosts:PCStructs
2930                     },
2931        arg(BranchPoint, PCStructs, PseudoCosts),
2932        PseudoCosts = pseudocost{pcd:PCD,
2933                                 pcd_count:PCD_Count,
2934                                 pcu:PCU
2935                                },
2936        ( PCD_Count = none ->
2937              ( PcInit == calculated ->
2938                  % explicitly calculating initial pseudocosts:
2939                  shelf_get(Shelf, info of bfs_shelf, OldInfo),
2940                  estimate_degradation(Handle, NodeType,
2941                                       lp_add(EplexHandle,
2942                                              [(=:=):[0*1|Vars]], []),
2943                                       Limit, ObjValDown),
2944                  PseudoCostDown is abs((ObjValDown - NodeCost)/Sum),
2945                  estimate_degradation(Handle, NodeType,
2946                                       lp_add(EplexHandle,
2947                                              [(=:=):[-1*1|Vars]], []),
2948                                       Limit, ObjValUp),
2949                  PseudoCostUp is abs((ObjValUp - NodeCost)/(1 - Sum)),
2950                  shelf_set(Shelf, info of bfs_shelf, OldInfo)
2951              ;
2952                PcInit == average ->
2953                    % initializing to current average:
2954                    PseudoCostDown = PcDown,
2955                    PseudoCostUp = PcUp
2956              ;
2957                    printf(error, "unknown GUB pseudocost"
2958                           " initialization method %w%n",
2959                           [PcInit]),
2960                    flush(ouput),
2961                    abort
2962              ),
2963              Initializing = true,
2964              setarg(pcd_count of pseudocost, PseudoCosts, 0-PseudoCostDown),
2965              setarg(pcd of pseudocost, PseudoCosts, PseudoCostDown),
2966              setarg(pcu_count of pseudocost, PseudoCosts, 0-PseudoCostUp),
2967              setarg(pcu of pseudocost, PseudoCosts, PseudoCostUp)
2968        ;
2969              Initializing = fail,
2970              PseudoCostDown = PCD,
2971              PseudoCostUp = PCU
2972        ).
2974get_pseudocosts(Handle, NodeType, NodeCost, Var, Val,
2975		PseudoCostDown, PseudoCostUp, Initializing) :-
2976        Handle = bfs_tree{pcd_average:PcDown,
2977                          pcu_average:PcUp,
2978                          pc_init:PcInit,
2979                          pc_ratio:Limit,
2980                          shelf:Shelf
2981                         },
2982        get_bfs_attr(Var, Handle, Attr),
2983        Attr = bfs{pcd:PCD,
2984                   pcd_count:PCD_Count,
2985                   pcu:PCU
2986                  },
2987        ( PCD_Count = none ->
2988              ( PcInit == calculated ->
2989                  % explicitly calculating initial pseudocosts:
2990                  shelf_get(Shelf, info of bfs_shelf, OldInfo),
2991                  Hi is floor(Val),
2992                  estimate_degradation(Handle, NodeType,
2993                                       set_var_bounds(Var, -1.0Inf, Hi),
2994                                       Limit, ObjValDown),
2995                  PseudoCostDown is abs((ObjValDown - NodeCost)/(Val - Hi)),
2996                  Lo is ceiling(Val),
2997                  estimate_degradation(Handle, NodeType,
2998                                       set_var_bounds(Var, Lo, 1.0Inf),
2999                                       Limit, ObjValUp),
3000                  PseudoCostUp is abs((ObjValUp - NodeCost)/(Lo - Val)),
3001                  shelf_set(Shelf, info of bfs_shelf, OldInfo)
3002              ;
3003                PcInit == cost ->
3004                    % initializing to cost coefficient:
3005                    ( NodeType = eplex(EplexHandle) ->
3006                         lp_get(EplexHandle, objective, Objective),
3007                         Objective =.. [_MinMax, Expr],
3008                         ( bfs_objective_coeff(Expr, Var, Cost) ->
3009                         %EplexHandle = prob with objcoeffs:ObjCoeffs,
3010                         %lp_var_occurrence(Var, EplexHandle, J),
3011                         %( member(J:Cost, ObjCoeffs) ->
3012                               true
3013                         ;
3014                               Cost = 0
3015                         )
3016                    ;
3017                         printf(error, "Don't know how to get the cost"
3018                                " coefficient for %d in get_pseudocosts/8%n",
3019                                [Var]),
3020                         abort
3021                    ),
3022                    % Note to AE:
3023                    % so we have to be able to GET the cost
3024                    % coefficient from somewhere
3025                    PseudoCostDown = Cost,
3026                    PseudoCostUp = Cost
3027              ;
3028                PcInit == average ->
3029                    % initializing to current average:
3030                    PseudoCostDown = PcDown,
3031                    PseudoCostUp = PcUp
3032              ;
3033                    printf(error, "unknown pseudocost"
3034                           " initialization method %w%n",
3035                           [PcInit]),
3036                    flush(ouput),
3037                    abort
3038              ),
3040              Initializing = true,
3042              setarg(pcd_count of bfs, Attr, 0-PseudoCostDown),
3043              setarg(pcd of bfs, Attr, PseudoCostDown),
3044              setarg(pcu_count of bfs, Attr, 0-PseudoCostUp),
3045              setarg(pcu of bfs, Attr, PseudoCostUp)
3046        ;
3048              Initializing = fail,
3050              PseudoCostDown = PCD,
3051              PseudoCostUp = PCU
3052        ).
3054bfs_objective_coeff(Expr1+Expr2, X, C) :-
3055        ( bfs_objective_coeff(Expr1, X, C) -> true
3056        ; bfs_objective_coeff(Expr2, X, C) -> true
3057        ; fail ).
3058%bfs_objective_coeff(Expr1+_Expr2, X, C) :-
3059%        bfs_objective_coeff(Expr1, X, C).
3060%bfs_objective_coeff(_Expr1+Expr2, X, C) :-
3061%        bfs_objective_coeff(Expr2, X, C).
3062bfs_objective_coeff(C*Var, X, C) :-
3063        Var == X, !.
3064bfs_objective_coeff(Var, X, 1) :-
3065        Var == X, !.
3067get_gub_lowerbounds(Handle, eplex(EplexHandle), NodeCost, Terms, LD, LU) :-
3068        Handle = bfs_tree{lb_time:Limit, shelf:Shelf},
3069        shelf_get(Shelf, info of bfs_shelf, OldInfo),
3070        length(Terms, NVars),
3071        GLimit is NVars * Limit,
3072        normalise_cstrs([sum(Terms) =:= 0, sum(Terms) =:= 1],
3073                        [Cstr1, Cstr2], []),
3074        estimate_degradation(Handle, NodeType,
3075                             lp_add(EplexHandle, Cstr1, []),
3076                             GLimit, ObjValDown),
3077        LD is abs(ObjValDown - NodeCost),
3078        estimate_degradation(Handle, NodeType,
3079                             lp_add(EplexHandle, Cstr2, []),
3080                             GLimit, ObjValUp),
3081        LU is abs(ObjValUp - NodeCost),
3082        shelf_set(Shelf, info of bfs_shelf, OldInfo).
3084get_lowerbounds(Handle, NodeType, NodeCost, Var, Val, LD, LU) :-
3085        Handle = bfs_tree{lb_time:Limit, shelf:Shelf},
3086        shelf_get(Shelf, info of bfs_shelf, OldInfo),
3087        Hi is floor(Val),
3088        estimate_degradation(Handle, NodeType,
3089                             set_var_bounds(Var, -1.0Inf, Hi),
3090                             Limit, ObjValDown),
3091        LD is abs(ObjValDown - NodeCost),
3092        Lo is ceiling(Val),
3093        estimate_degradation(Handle, NodeType,
3094                             set_var_bounds(Var, Lo, 1.0Inf),
3095                             Limit, ObjValUp),
3096        LU is abs(ObjValUp - NodeCost),
3097        shelf_set(Shelf, info of bfs_shelf, OldInfo).
3099estimate_degradation(bfs_tree{shelf:Shelf}, eplex(EplexHandle),
3100                     Bound, Limit, _DegVal) :-
3101        shelf_set(Shelf, info of bfs_shelf, 1.0Inf),
3102        call(Bound),
3103        lp_get(optimizer, Optimizer),
3104        ( Optimizer == cplex ->
3105              lp_get(optimizer_param(iteration_limit), ItLim),
3106              lp_set(optimizer_param(iteration_limit), Limit)
3107        ;
3108              lp_get(EplexHandle, optimizer_param(iteration_limit), ItLim),
3109              lp_set(EplexHandle, optimizer_param(iteration_limit), Limit)
3110        ),
3111        lp_get(EplexHandle, method, Method),
3112        lp_set(EplexHandle, method, dual),
3113        set_event_handler(eplex_suboptimal, true/0),
3114        set_event_handler(eplex_abort, exit_abort/0),
3115        block( ( lp_solve(EplexHandle, Obj) -> true ; Obj = 1.0Inf ),
3116               abort,
3117               % IF there was an abort (probably hit iteration limit
3118               % before finding a feasible basis) AND presolve was
3119               % turned on AND the external solver is XPRESS-MP, THEN
3120               % the problem is not postsolved, and row/column numbers
3121               % can be completely wrong resulting in solution
3122               % information being returned in the incorrect order and
3123               % possibly variable bounds getting out of sync from now
3124               % on. Currently we avoid this by just disallowing the
3125               % use of a presolved XPRESS problem with estimate
3126               % degradation but we could alternatively check here and
3127               % reload the problem and bounds if necessary
3128               Obj = 1.0Inf
3129             ),
3130        set_event_handler(eplex_suboptimal, eplex_result_handler/2),
3131        set_event_handler(eplex_abort, eplex_result_handler/2),
3132        shelf_set(Shelf, info of bfs_shelf, Obj),
3133        ( Optimizer == cplex ->
3134              lp_set(optimizer_param(iteration_limit), ItLim)
3135        ;
3136              lp_set(EplexHandle, optimizer_param(iteration_limit), ItLim)
3137        ),
3138        lp_set(EplexHandle, method, Method),
3139        fail.
3140estimate_degradation(bfs_tree with shelf:Shelf, _, _, _, DegVal) :-
3141        shelf_get(Shelf, info of bfs_shelf, DegVal).
3143exit_abort :- exit_block(abort).
3146% Pools
3149:- local record(bfs_pools). % list of bfs pool names
3151create_bfs_pool(Pool) :-
3152	create_constraint_pool(Pool, property(arity) of bfs_constraint_type,
3153                               [
3154                                 deg_est/1 -> bfs_deg_est1/2,
3155                                 strong/1 -> bfs_strong1/2,
3156                                 enhanced/1 -> bfs_enhanced1/2,
3157                                 fracvar/0 -> bfs_fracvar1/1,
3158                                 node_cost/1 -> bfs_node_cost1/2,
3159                                 impose_node_state/1 -> bfs_impose_node_state1/2,
3160                                 update_pseudocosts/0 -> bfs_update_pseudocosts1/1,
3161                                 minimize_eplex_node/1 -> bfs_minimize_eplex_node1/2,
3162                                 var_get/3 -> bfs_var_get1/4,
3163                                 integers/1 -> bfs_integers1/2,
3164                                 get/2 -> bfs_get1/3,
3165                                 set/2 -> bfs_set1/3,
3166                                 node_info/2 -> bfs_node_info1/3,
3167                                 node_info/5 -> bfs_node_info1/6,
3168                                 statistics/0 -> bfs_statistics1/1,
3169                                 solve/1 -> bfs_solve1/2,
3170                                 solver_setup/2 -> bfs_solver_setup1/3,
3171                                 solver_setup/3 -> bfs_solver_setup1/4,
3172                                 solver_cleanup/0 -> bfs_solver_cleanup/1,
3173                                 bfs_branch/1 -> bfs_branch1/2,
3174                                 branch/2 -> bfs_branch1/3,
3175                                 global_cut/1 -> bfs_global_cut1/2
3176                               ]).
3179bfs_instance(PoolName) :-
3180        ( lp_get(optimizer, xpress), lp_get(optimizer_version, 13) ->
3181              % warn the user that there are bugs when using
3182              % XPRESS-MP 13.26 as external solver
3183              % I am unsure whether this is related to the bugs
3184              % already reported to Dash, or something new
3185              printf(warning_output, "Warning: XPRESS-MP 13.26 is known to give"
3186                     " incorrect (suboptimal) solutions on some test"
3187                     " instances%n", [])
3188        ; true ),
3189	( is_constraint_pool(PoolName),
3190	  recorded(bfs_pools, PoolName) % is a bfs pool
3191	->
3192            % if pool exists, check if it is currently empty 
3193	    ( pool_is_empty(PoolName),
3194	      get_pool_item(PoolName, 0) % has no associated solver
3195	    ->
3196		true
3197	    ;
3198                printf(error, "Bfs instance still in use in %w%n", [bfs_instance(PoolName)]),
3199		abort
3200	    )
3201	;
3202%	    ( current_module(PoolName) ->
3203%		  error(6, bfs_instance(PoolName))
3204%	    ;
3205		  record(bfs_pools, PoolName),
3206		  create_bfs_pool(PoolName)
3207%	    )
3208	).
3210get_pool_handle(Handle, Pool) :-
3211        get_pool_item(Pool, Handle0),
3212        ( Handle0 == 0 ->
3213            Handle = bfs_tree with [pool:Pool],
3214            init_suspension_list(node_susp of bfs_tree, Handle),
3215            set_pool_item(Pool, Handle)
3216        ;
3217            Handle0 = bfs_tree with [],
3218            Handle = Handle0
3219        ).
3221% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
3223:- comment(categories, ["Algorithms","Constraints"]).
3224:- comment(summary, "Best-first search library").
3225:- comment(author, "Andrew Eremin").
3226:- comment(copyright, "Cisco Systems, Inc.").
3227:- comment(date, "$Date: 2012/07/31 02:17:06 $").
3228:- comment(status, prototype).
3230:- comment(include, bfs_comments).