2% Version: CMPL 1.1
4% The contents of this file are subject to the Cisco-style Mozilla Public
5% License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
6% in compliance with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License
7% at www.eclipse-clp.org/license.
9% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
10% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.  See
11% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
12% under the License. 
14% The Original Code is  The ECLiPSe Constraint Logic Programming System. 
15% The Initial Developer of the Original Code is  Cisco Systems, Inc. 
16% Portions created by the Initial Developer are
17% Copyright (C) 2006 Cisco Systems, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
19% Contributor(s): Joachim Schimpf.
22% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
23% System:	ECLiPSe Constraint Logic Programming System
24% Component:	ECLiPSe III compiler
25% Version:	$Id: compiler_indexing.ecl,v 1.12 2010/07/25 13:29:04 jschimpf Exp $
28:- module(compiler_indexing).
30:- comment(summary, "ECLiPSe III compiler - indexing").
31:- comment(copyright, "Cisco Technology Inc").
32:- comment(author, "Joachim Schimpf").
33:- comment(date, "$Date: 2010/07/25 13:29:04 $").
35:- use_module(compiler_common).
36:- import state_lookup_binding/3 from compiler_analysis.
38:- lib(hash).
40:- comment(desc, ascii("
41   This pass finds information that can be exploited for indexing (i.e.
42   filtering alternatives from disjunctions). The disjunctions are annotated
43   with this information.
45   The code generator uses this information to generate switch-instructions
46   and try-sequences.
50% Structure describing a guard test:
51% Specifies which values of a variable the guard will accept.
52% Guard goals that cannot be indexed are represented with varid:0,class:[]
53:- local struct(guard(
54    	branchnr,	% branch in which this guard occurs
55	varid,		% variable that this guard tests (or 0)
56	class		% list of: atomic Tag name, value(Val,Tag) or N/A
57    )).
60:- export indexing_transformation/3.
62indexing_transformation(Goals, OutGoals, Options) :-
63	indexing_transformation(Goals, OutGoals, det, Options).
65indexing_transformation([], [], _Det, _Options).
66indexing_transformation([Goal|Goals], OutGoals, Det, Options) :-
67	( Goal = disjunction{branches:Branches,determinism:BranchDets} ->
68	    OutGoals = [OutGoal|OutGoals1],
69	    update_struct(disjunction, [branches:OutBranches], Goal, OutGoal),
70	    index_disjunction(Goal),
71	    dump_indexes(Goal, Options),
72	    (
73		foreach(Branch,Branches),
74		foreach(OutBranch,OutBranches),
75		foreacharg(BranchDet,BranchDets),
76		param(Options)
77	    do
78		indexing_transformation(Branch, OutBranch, BranchDet, Options)
79	    )
81	; Goal = goal{functor:cut_to/1,kind:simple,definition_module:sepia_kernel,
82			args:[variable{varid:VarId}],state:State,callpos:CutPos} ->
83	    % Eliminate cuts that are always in the last (or only) alternative
84	    (
85		state_lookup_binding(State, VarId, ++(cutpoint(SaveCutPos))),
86		in_following_branch_guard(SaveCutPos, CutPos),
87		last_alternative(Det)
88	    ->
89		OutGoals = OutGoals1		% eliminate the cut!
90	    ;
91		OutGoals = [Goal|OutGoals1]
92	    )
93	;
94	    OutGoals = [Goal|OutGoals1]
95	),
96	indexing_transformation(Goals, OutGoals1, Det, Options).
101    Scan the guards in every branch of the disjunction.  The guards
102    are the leading goals in the disjunctions up to, but not
103    including, the first regular goal or the first cut(_to).
105    A guard that can be used for indexing is represented as a struct
106    guard{}, which describes the conditions under which a guard is
107    satisfied for a particular variable.  It lists the value classes
108    for which the guard must (t) or may (m) pass.  For example, a
109    guard X=3 in branch 5 of the disjunctions is represented as
110    guard{branchnr:5,varid:Xid,[[integer,3]-t]) A value class is a
111    list containing the tag and optionally a value.
113    Then the guards are grouped by variable, and translated into
114    a decision tree, where the first level corresponds to the tags,
115    and the second level to values.  However, the tree implementation
116    is general and the structure can be made more complex.
118    Finally, the decision trees for the different variables are
119    evaluated, and ordered according to their selectivity.
121    The weighted decision trees form the input for the code generator.
123    CAUTION: the entries in the index tree *assume* (for purposes of
124    definitive passing of guard and commit) that the indexing code
125    tests for exactly the tag/value given in the tree entry.
129		state:StartState,
130		indexvars:Args,indexes:OrderedIndexes,determinism:Determinism}) :-
132	% Collect all guards of all branches into one list of guard{}
133	hash_create(VaridsInCommittedGuards),
134	(
135	    % for each branch in the disjunction
136	    count(I,1,NBranches),
137	    foreach(Branch,Branches),
138	    fromto(GuardsByBranch,Guards0,Guards1,[]),
139	    param(StartState,VaridsInCommittedGuards)
140	do
141	    extract_guards_from_prefix(Branch, I, StartState, [], GuardInfo0, false, _UnifyFlag, End),
142	    ( End == commit ->
143		% remember the varids that occur in committed guards
144		( foreach(guard{varid:VarId},GuardInfo0), param(VaridsInCommittedGuards) do
145		    hash_set(VaridsInCommittedGuards, VarId, [])
146		),
147		exploit_commit(GuardInfo0, GuardInfo1)
148	    ;
149		GuardInfo1 = GuardInfo0
150	    ),
151	    sort(varid of guard, =<, GuardInfo1, GuardInfo2),
152	    % remove marker entries of non-indexable guards
153	    ( GuardInfo2 = [guard{varid:0}|GuardInfo] ->
154		true
155	    ;
156		GuardInfo = GuardInfo2
157	    ),
158	    append(GuardInfo, Guards1, Guards0)
159	),
160	dim(BranchLabelArray, [NBranches]),
162	% Heuristic: If any of the branches had committed guards, we
163	% use for indexing only the variables that occurred in at least
164	% one committed guard. This reduces the number of useless
165	% indexes on what are probably output variables.
166	( hash_count(VaridsInCommittedGuards, 0) ->
167	    % no committed guards at all: index everything
168	    UsefulGuardsByBranch = GuardsByBranch
169	;
170	    % filter out likely output-variables
171	    (
172		foreach(Guard,GuardsByBranch),
173		fromto(UsefulGuardsByBranch,UGBB1,UGBB0,[]),
174		param(VaridsInCommittedGuards)
175	    do
176		Guard = guard{varid:VarId},
177	    	( hash_contains(VaridsInCommittedGuards,VarId) ->
178		    UGBB1 = [Guard|UGBB0]
179		;
180		    UGBB1 = UGBB0
181		)
182	    )
183	),
185	% Compute the set of indexable varids and initialise
186	% one index descriptor for each of them
187	project_arg(varid of guard, UsefulGuardsByBranch, VarIdsMulti),
188	sort(0, <, VarIdsMulti, VarIds),
189	(
190	    % for each indexable variable
191	    foreach(VarId,VarIds),
192	    foreach(VarDesc,Args),
193	    foreach(index{variable:VarDesc,partition:DT},Indexes)
194	do
195	    % create variable access descriptor (must be done before
196	    % compute_lifetimes) for use in generate_code later
197	    new_vardesc(VarId, VarDesc),
198	    % init the decision tree for this variable
199	    dt_init(DT)
200	),
202	% Now incrementally build the decision trees by adding
203	% each branch to each variable's decision tree.
204	% PRE: UsefulGuardsByBranch are sorted first by branch, then by varid.
205	(
206	    % for each branch in the disjunction
207	    for(I,1,NBranches),
208	    fromto(UsefulGuardsByBranch,Guards1,Guards4,[]),
209	    param(Indexes)
210	do
211	    (
212		% for each indexable variable
213		foreach(index{variable:variable{varid:VarId},partition:DT},Indexes),
214		fromto(Guards1,Guards2,Guards3,Guards4),
215		param(I)
216	    do
217		( Guards2 = [guard{varid:VarId,branchnr:I,class:AltClasses}|Guards3] ->
218		    ( foreach(Class-Pass,AltClasses), param(I,DT) do
219			( Pass=c -> Final=yes ; Final=no),
220			dt_add(DT, Class, I, Final)
221		    )
222		;
223		    % no guard for VarId in branch I
224		    Guards3 = Guards2,
225		    dt_add(DT, [], I, no)
226		)
227	    )
228	),
230	% Evaluate and sort indexes according to quality
231	( foreach(index{partition:Dt,quality:Q},Indexes) do
232	    eval_index_quality(Dt, Q)
233	),
234	sort(quality of index, =<, Indexes, OrderedIndexes),
235	eval_index_det(OrderedIndexes, NBranches, Determinism).
239% Takes the goals that start the given branch, and a starting state.
240% Computes a representation of the guard goals, plus a flag indicating
241% whether the guard ends with or without a commit.
242extract_guards_from_prefix([], _BranchNr, _StartState, Info, Info, UnifyFlag, UnifyFlag, end).
243extract_guards_from_prefix([Goal|Goals], BranchNr, StartState, Info0, Info, UnifyFlag0, UnifyFlag, End) :-
244	(
245	    % consider only builtin predicates
246	    % caution: regular preds can wake (and fail!)
247	    Goal = goal{kind:simple,definition_module:sepia_kernel},
248	    extract_guards_from_goal(Goal, BranchNr, StartState, UnifyFlag0, UnifyFlag1, Guard, End)
249	->
250	    and_guard(Guard, Info0, Info1),
251	    ( var(End) ->
252		extract_guards_from_prefix(Goals, BranchNr, StartState, Info1, Info, UnifyFlag1, UnifyFlag, End)
253	    ;
254		% end of guard detected
255	    	Info = Info1, UnifyFlag = UnifyFlag0
256	    )
258	; Goal = goal{kind:head,state:HeadState} ->
259	    % Use the head's binding information instead of what was known
260	    % prior to the disjunction
261	    extract_guards_from_prefix(Goals, BranchNr, HeadState, Info0, Info, UnifyFlag0, UnifyFlag, End)
262%	    extract_guards_from_prefix(Goals, BranchNr, StartState, Info0, Info, UnifyFlag0, UnifyFlag, End)
264	; Goal = disjunction{branches:[SubBranch1|SubBranches]} ->
265	    % look into the prefixes of the branches
266	    extract_guards_from_prefix(SubBranch1, BranchNr, StartState, [], SubInfo1, UnifyFlag0, UnifyFlag1, _End),
267	    (
268		foreach(SubBranch,SubBranches),
269		fromto(SubInfo1,SubInfo2,SubInfo4,SubInfo),
270		fromto(UnifyFlag1,UnifyFlag2,UnifyFlag3,UnifyFlag),
271		param(BranchNr,StartState, UnifyFlag0)
272	    do
273		extract_guards_from_prefix(SubBranch, BranchNr, StartState, [], SubInfo3, UnifyFlag0, UnifyFlagI, _End),
274		or_guards(SubInfo2, SubInfo3, SubInfo4),
275		or_flags(UnifyFlagI, UnifyFlag2, UnifyFlag3)
276	    ),
277	    and_guards(Info0, SubInfo, Info),
278	    End = end	% not sure about the scope of commits in sub-branches
279	;
280	    % end of guard
281	    Info = Info0, UnifyFlag = UnifyFlag0, End = end
282	).
285% PRE: the goal is a builtin from sepia_kernel.
286% Fail if encountering a goal that signals end-of-guard.
287% Regular goal can cause waking (and therefore insert failures).
288% StartState is the analysis state at the beginning of the disjunction.
289% UnifyFlag is true if goals between switch and the current goal might
290% have unified any switch variables (and thus weakened the guards).
291% Additionally, we set UnifyFlagAfter iff the current goal can unify a
292% switch variable (and thus weaken the switch conditions for subsequent guards).
295		_BranchNr, _StartState, UnifyFlag, UnifyFlag, true, _) :- !.
298		_BranchNr, _StartState, UnifyFlag, UnifyFlag, true, commit) :- !.
300extract_guards_from_goal(goal{functor:(=)/2, args:[Lhs,Rhs], state:GoalState},
301		BranchNr, StartState, _UnifyFlag, UnifyFlagAfter, Guard, _) :- !,
302	% unifications should be normalised and always
303	% have a variable on the left hand side
304	certainly_once Lhs = variable{varid:VarId},
305	% state_lookup_binding should succeed iff the variable was known
306	% before the start of the disjunction
307	( state_lookup_binding(StartState, VarId, _Binding) ->
308	    ( atomic_tag(Rhs, Tag) ->
309		( value_indexable(Tag) ->
310		    Guard = guard{branchnr:BranchNr,varid:VarId,class:[[var]-t,[Tag,Rhs]-t]}
311		; single_value(Tag) ->
312		    Guard = guard{branchnr:BranchNr,varid:VarId,class:[[var]-t,[Tag]-t]}
313		;
314		    Guard = guard{branchnr:BranchNr,varid:VarId,class:[[var]-t,[Tag]-m]}
315		)
316	    ; Rhs = structure{name:F,arity:A,args:Args} ->
317		(all_fresh_vars(Args, A, GoalState) -> PassFlag=t ; PassFlag=m ),
318		Guard = guard{branchnr:BranchNr,varid:VarId,class:[[var]-t,[structure,F/A]-PassFlag]}
319	    ; Rhs = [A1|A2] ->
320		(all_fresh_vars([A1,A2], 2, GoalState) -> PassFlag=t ; PassFlag=m ),
321		Guard = guard{branchnr:BranchNr,varid:VarId,class:[[var]-t,[list]-PassFlag]}
322	    ; Rhs = variable{varid:VarId} ->
323		% an X=X dummy goal
324		Guard = true
325	    ; verify Rhs = variable{},
326		%%% REVIEW: classes should be disjoint
327%		Guard = guard{branchnr:BranchNr,varid:VarId,class:[[]-m,[var]-t]}
328%		Guard = guard{branchnr:BranchNr,varid:VarId,class:[[]-m]}
329		Guard = guard{branchnr:BranchNr,varid:0,class:[]}
330	    ),
331	    % Conservatively assume that the goal may (directly, via aliasing,
332	    % or via occurrences in the Rhs) unify this or another switch variable
333	    UnifyFlagAfter = true
334	    % This could be more precise, using binding information:
335	    % A = X				false
336	    % A = f(X,X)			false
337	    % X = f(A,B)	with inst(X)	false
338	    % X = f(A,B)	with univ(X)	true
339	    % X = f(A,A)			true
340	    % X = f(Y)			true
341	    % X = f(a)			true
342	    % X = f(g(_))			true
343	    %	state_lookup_binding(GoalState, VarId, LhsBinding),
344	    %	( binding_inst(LhsBinding) -> \+all_fresh_term(Rhs) ; true ).
345	;
346	    % Nothing known about the variable at switch time, so it can't be
347	    % used for indexing. Check whether it can fail at call time.
348	    ( state_lookup_binding(GoalState, VarId, _Binding) ->
349		% insert marker for possibly failing goal
350		Guard = guard{branchnr:BranchNr,varid:0,class:[]},
351		% Conservatively assume that the goal may (via aliasing or
352		% occurrences in Rhs) unify another switch variable
353		UnifyFlagAfter = true
354	    ;
355		% a fresh variable, goal will always succeed
356		Guard = true,
357		% No danger of the guard unifying a switch variable
358		UnifyFlagAfter = false
359	    )
360	).
362extract_guards_from_goal(goal{functor:(==)/2, args:[Lhs,Rhs]},
363		BranchNr, StartState, UnifyFlag, UnifyFlag, Guard, _) :- !,
364	( Lhs = variable{varid:VarId}, Rhs \= variable{} ->
365	    extract_guards_from_identity(VarId, Rhs, BranchNr, StartState, UnifyFlag, Guard)
366	; Rhs = variable{varid:VarId}, Lhs \= variable{} ->
367	    extract_guards_from_identity(VarId, Lhs, BranchNr, StartState, UnifyFlag, Guard)
368	; Lhs = variable{varid:VarId}, Rhs = variable{varid:VarId} ->
369	    Guard = true
370	;
371	    % goal may fail, but can't be used for indexing
372	    Guard = guard{branchnr:BranchNr,varid:0,class:[]}
373	).
375extract_guards_from_goal(goal{functor:(?=)/2, args:[Lhs,Rhs], state:GoalState},
376		BranchNr, StartState, UnifyFlag, UnifyFlag, Guard, _) :- !,
377	% matchings should not be preceded by unifications
378	verify UnifyFlag == false,
379	% matchings should be normalised and always
380	% have a variable on the left hand side
381	certainly_once Lhs = variable{varid:VarId},
382	% state_lookup_binding should succeed iff the variable was known
383	% before the start of the disjunction
384	( state_lookup_binding(StartState, VarId, _Binding) ->
385	    ( atomic_tag(Rhs, Tag) ->
386		( value_indexable(Tag) ->
387		    Guard = guard{branchnr:BranchNr,varid:VarId,class:[[Tag,Rhs]-t]}
388		; single_value(Tag) ->
389		    Guard = guard{branchnr:BranchNr,varid:VarId,class:[[Tag]-t]}
390		;
391		    Guard = guard{branchnr:BranchNr,varid:VarId,class:[[Tag]-m]}
392		)
393	    ; Rhs = attrvar{} ->
394		% TODO fresh vars check
395		Guard = guard{branchnr:BranchNr,varid:VarId,class:[[var,meta]-m]}
396	    ; Rhs = structure{name:F,arity:A,args:Args} ->
397		(all_fresh_vars(Args, A, GoalState) -> PassFlag=t ; PassFlag=m ),
398		Guard = guard{branchnr:BranchNr,varid:VarId,class:[[structure,F/A]-PassFlag]}
399	    ;
400		Rhs = [A1|A2],
401		(all_fresh_vars([A1,A2], 2, GoalState) -> PassFlag=t ; PassFlag=m ),
402		Guard = guard{branchnr:BranchNr,varid:VarId,class:[[list]-PassFlag]}
403	    )
404	;
405	    % This can happen if the lhs was an output mode (-) argument
406	    warning("Output mode (-) overrides matching clause semantics"),
407	    Guard = true
408	).
411    		functor:Test/1, args:[variable{varid:VarId}] },
412		BranchNr, StartState, UnifyFlag, UnifyFlag, Guard, _) :-
413	type_test(Test, TestClasses),
414	!,
415	( state_lookup_binding(StartState, VarId, _Binding) ->
416	    binding_effect_on_guard(UnifyFlag, TestClasses, Classes),
417	    Guard = guard{branchnr:BranchNr,varid:VarId,class:Classes}
418	;
419	    % nothing known about the variable,
420	    % goal may fail, but can't be used for indexing
421	    % (we could probably be more precise here)
422	    Guard = guard{branchnr:BranchNr,varid:0,class:[]}
423	).
425    % For the ==/2 predicate, matching, etc
426    extract_guards_from_identity(VarId, Rhs, BranchNr, StartState, UnifyFlag, Guard) :-
427	% state_lookup_binding should succeed iff the variable was known
428	% before the start of the disjunction
429	( state_lookup_binding(StartState, VarId, _Binding) ->
430	    % Binding after switch can make guard true in var case!
431	    binding_effect_on_guard(UnifyFlag, [], VarClass),
432	    ( atomic_tag(Rhs, Tag) ->
433		( value_indexable(Tag) ->
434		    Guard = guard{branchnr:BranchNr,varid:VarId,class:[[Tag,Rhs]-t|VarClass]}
435		; single_value(Tag) ->
436		    Guard = guard{branchnr:BranchNr,varid:VarId,class:[[Tag]-t|VarClass]}
437		;
438		    Guard = guard{branchnr:BranchNr,varid:VarId,class:[[Tag]-m|VarClass]}
439		)
440	    ; Rhs = structure{name:F,arity:A} ->
441		Guard = guard{branchnr:BranchNr,varid:VarId,class:[[structure,F/A]-m|VarClass]}
442	    ; verify Rhs = [_|_],
443		Guard = guard{branchnr:BranchNr,varid:VarId,class:[[list]-m|VarClass]}
444	    )
445	;
446	    % nothing known about the variable at switch time, can't be used for indexing,
447	    Guard = guard{branchnr:BranchNr,varid:0,class:[]}
448	).
451% The tags that have switch_on_value instructions
452:- mode value_indexable(+).
461% Compute the tag of a value
462:- mode atomic_tag(+,-).
463atomic_tag(X, bignum) :- sepia_kernel:bignum(X), !.
464atomic_tag(X, integer) :- integer(X).
465atomic_tag([], '[]') :- !.
466atomic_tag(X, atom) :- atom(X).
467atomic_tag(X, breal) :- breal(X).
468atomic_tag(X, double) :- float(X).
469atomic_tag(X, rational) :- rational(X).
470atomic_tag(X, handle) :- is_handle(X).	% can't occur in textual source
471atomic_tag(X, string) :- string(X).
474% Compute the tag sets resulting from various type tests
475% Also set the pass-flag:
476%	t	with this tag the test is definitely satisfied
477%	m	with this tag the test may be satisfied
478type_test(atom,		[[atom]-t,[[]]-t]).
479type_test(atomic,	[[[]]-t,[atom]-t,[bignum]-t,[breal]-t,[goal]-t,[double]-t,[handle]-t,[integer]-t,[rational]-t,[string]-t]).
480type_test(bignum,	[[bignum]-t]).
481type_test(breal,	[[breal]-t]).
482type_test(callable,	[[[]]-t,[atom]-t,[list]-t,[structure]-t]).
483type_test(compound,	[[list]-t,[structure]-t]).
484type_test(float,	[[double]-t]).
485type_test(free,		[[var,free]-t]).
486type_test(ground,	[[[]]-t,[atom]-t,[bignum]-t,[breal]-t,[goal]-t,[list]-m,[structure]-m,[double]-t,[handle]-t,[integer]-t,[rational]-t,[string]-t]).	% not only tag test
487type_test(integer,	[[bignum]-t,[integer]-t]).
488type_test(is_event,	[[atom]-m,[handle]-m]).	% not only tag test!
489type_test(is_handle,	[[handle]-t]).
490type_test(is_list,	[[[]]-t,[list]-m]).	% not only tag test!
491type_test(is_suspension, [[goal]-m]).		% not only tag test!
492type_test(meta,		[[var,meta]-t]).
493type_test(nonground,	[[var]-t,[list]-m,[structure]-m]).	% not only tag test
494type_test(nonvar,	[[[]]-t,[atom]-t,[bignum]-t,[breal]-t,[goal]-t,[list]-t,[structure]-t,[double]-t,[handle]-t,[integer]-t,[rational]-t,[string]-t]).
495type_test(number,	[[bignum]-t,[breal]-t,[double]-t,[integer]-t,[rational]-t]).
496type_test(rational,	[[rational]-t]).
497type_test(real,		[[breal]-t,[double]-t]).
498type_test(string,	[[string]-t]).
499type_test(var,		[[var]-t]).
502% A unification of the switch-argument in between the switch and the
503% guard test can make the guard true in the var-case as well.
504binding_effect_on_guard(true, TestClasses, Classes) ?-
505	or_classes(TestClasses, [[var]-m], Classes).
506binding_effect_on_guard(false, Classes, Classes).
509and_guards(Guards1, Guards2, Guards) :-
510	(
511	    foreach(Guard,Guards1),
512	    fromto(Guards2,Guards3,Guards4,Guards)
513	do
514	    and_guard(Guard, Guards3, Guards4)
515	).
518% OldGuards is a list containing at most one guard{} for each VarId
519% Guard is a guard{} for a particular VarId
520and_guard(true, Guards, Guards).
521and_guard(Guard, OldGuards, NewGuards) :-
522	Guard = guard{branchnr:BranchNr,varid:VarId,class:Classes},
523	% lookup and replace guard for BranchNr and VarId
524	OldGuard = guard{branchnr:BranchNr,varid:VarId,class:OldClasses},
525	( selectchk(OldGuard, OldGuards, NewGuard, NewGuards) ->
526	    NewGuard = guard{branchnr:BranchNr,varid:VarId,class:NewClasses},
527	    and_classes(Classes, OldClasses, NewClasses)
528	;
529	    NewGuards = [Guard|OldGuards]
530	).
533% Compute the conjunctions of the guards, represented as class lists.
534% Class lists are supposed to contain disjoint, alternative classes.
535and_classes(Ls, Rs, Cs) :-
536	(
537	    foreach(LClass-LPass,Ls) * foreach(RClass-RPass,Rs),
538	    fromto(Cs,Cs1,Cs0,[])
539	do
540	    ( and_class(LClass,RClass,Class) ->
541		and_pass(LPass, RPass, Pass),
542		Cs1 = [Class-Pass|Cs0]
543	    ;
544		Cs1 = Cs0
545	    )
546	).
549    % guard passing only guaranteed if both guards are guaranteed to pass
550    and_pass(t, t, t) :- !.
551    and_pass(_, _, m).
554    % keep the more specific class only. e.g. [atom,a] * [atom] -> [atom,a]
555    % fail if classes are incomparable
556    and_class(L, R, C) :-
557    	( append(L, _, R) ->	% L is the prefix
558	    C = R
559    	; append(R, _, L) ->	% R is the prefix
560	    C = L
561	).
564or_guards(Guards1, Guards2, OrGuards) :-
565	(
566	    foreach(guard{varid:VarId,branchnr:BNr,class:Class1},Guards1),
567	    fromto(Guards2,Guards3,Guards4,_),
568	    fromto(OrGuards,OrGuards1,OrGuards2,[])
569	do
570	    ( VarId \== 0, delete(guard{varid:VarId,branchnr:BNr,class:Class2},Guards3,Guards4) ->
571		or_classes(Class1, Class2, OrClass),
572		OrGuards1 = [guard{varid:VarId,branchnr:BNr,class:OrClass}|OrGuards2]
573	    ;
574		Guards3 = Guards4, OrGuards1 = OrGuards2
575	    )
576	).
579% Compute the disjunction of the guards, represented as class lists.
580% Class lists are supposed to contain disjoint, alternative classes.
581or_classes(Ls, Rs, Cs) :-
582	sort(1, =<, Ls, Ls1),
583	sort(1, =<, Rs, Rs1),
584	merge(1, =<, Ls1, Rs1, Cs0),
585	( Cs0 = [C1|Cs1] ->
586	    (
587		fromto(C1,C0,C,Cn),
588		fromto(Cs1,[C2|Cs2],Cs2,[]),
589		fromto(Cs,Cs3,Cs4,[Cn])
590	    do
591		( class_subsumes(C0, C2, C) ->
592		    Cs3 = Cs4			% drop C2
593		;
594		    Cs3 = [C0|Cs4], C = C2
595		)
596	    )
597	;
598	    Cs = Cs0
599	).
601    class_subsumes(LC-LP, RC-RP, LC-P) :-
602    	append(LC, Rest, RC),
603	( Rest == [] ->
604	    or_pass(LP, RP, P)	% LC==RC: choose stronger pass flag
605	;
606	    P = LP	% LC-LP
607	).
609    or_pass(t, _, t) :- !.
610    or_pass(_, t, t) :- !.
611    or_pass(_, _, m).
614or_flags(false, false, false) :- !.
615or_flags(false, true, true) :- !.
616or_flags(true, false, true) :- !.
617or_flags(true, true, true) :- !.
620% Check whether Args is a list of disjoint fresh variables
621all_fresh_vars(Args, Arity, State) :-
622	(
623	    foreach(variable{varid:VarId},Args),
624	    foreach(VarId,VarIds),
625	    param(State)
626	do
627	    \+ state_lookup_binding(State, VarId, _Binding)
628	),
629	sort(VarIds, UniqVarIds),
630	length(UniqVarIds, Arity).
633% Succeed iff term does not contain old variables or internal aliasing
634all_fresh_term(Term, _State) :- atomic(Term).
635all_fresh_term(structure{arity:Arity,args:Args}, State) ?- !,
636	all_fresh_vars(Args, Arity, State).
637all_fresh_term([A1|A2], State) ?- !,
638	all_fresh_vars([A1,A2], 2, State).
639all_fresh_term(variable{varid:VarId}, State) ?- !,
640	\+ state_lookup_binding(State, VarId, _Binding).
641%all_fresh_term(attrvar{}, _State) ?- fail.
644% If we had only one guarded variable followed by commit,
645% we change its pass-markers from -t to -c to indicate that
646% any subsequent branches cannot be reached for these classes.
647exploit_commit([Guard0], [Guard]) :- !,
648	Guard0 = guard{class:Classes0},
649	update_struct(guard, class:Classes, Guard0, Guard),
650	(
651	    foreach(Class-Pass0,Classes0),
652	    foreach(Class-Pass,Classes)
653	do
654	    ( Pass0=t -> Pass=c ; Pass=Pass0 )
655	).
656exploit_commit(GuardInfo, GuardInfo).
660% Evaluate index quality: A positive float, the smaller the better.
661% Roughly computes fan-out (number of alternatives jumped to)
662% divided by fan-in (number of different argument values tested for).
664eval_index_quality(Dt, Q) :-	
665	% collect all occurring sets of alternatives
666	dt_values(Dt, Branches0),
667	( dt_lookup2(Dt, [var], _, _) ->
668	    Branches = Branches0
669	;
670	    Branches = [[]|Branches0]
671	),
672	% remove duplicate sets
673	sort(Branches, BranchesSets),
674	(
675	    foreach(BranchesSet,BranchesSets) >> foreach(_,BranchesSet),
676	    count(_,1,NTargetBranches)
677	do
678	    true
679	),
680	% This is the quality measure
681	Q is NTargetBranches/length(BranchesSets).
685% Compute determinacy information after indexing analysis
686% (we only look at the first index, and assume it is going to be
687% implemented accurately by the generated indexing code)
689% BranchDets: For each branch of the disjunction, which position it can take:
690%	det - never one of several matching alternatives
691%	try - always the first of several matching alternatives
692%	trust - always the last of several matching alternatives
693%	retry - can be anywhere in try sequence
694%	failure - never matches (dead code)
696% DisjDet: The whole disjunction is classified as:
697%	semidet - if it never creates a choicepoint
698%	nondet - otherwise
701eval_index_det([index{partition:Dt}|_], NBranches, BranchDets) :- !,
702	dt_list(Dt, Parts),
703	hash_create(NonLasts),
704	hash_create(Dets),
705	hash_create(NonFirsts),
706	(
707	    foreach(_Key-Branches,Parts),
708	    param(NonLasts,Dets,NonFirsts)
709	do
710	    ( Branches = [] ->
711		true
712	    ;
713	    	Branches = [B1|Bs],
714		( Bs = [] ->
715		    hash_set(Dets, B1, true)
716		;
717		    hash_set(NonLasts, B1, true),
718		    ( fromto(Bs,[Bi|Bs1],Bs1,[Bn]), param(NonFirsts,NonLasts) do
719			hash_set(NonFirsts, Bi, true),
720			hash_set(NonLasts, Bi, true)
721		    ),
722		    hash_set(NonFirsts, Bn, true)
723		)
724	    )
725	),
726	dim(BranchDets, [NBranches]),
727	( foreacharg(BranchDet,BranchDets,I), param(NonLasts,Dets,NonFirsts) do
728	    ( hash_contains(NonFirsts, I) ->
729		( hash_contains(NonLasts, I) ->
730		    BranchDet = retry
731		;
732		    BranchDet = trust
733		)
734	    ; hash_contains(NonLasts, I) ->
735		BranchDet = try
736	    ; hash_contains(Dets, I) ->
737		BranchDet = det
738	    ;
739		BranchDet = failure
740	    )
741	).
742eval_index_det([], NBranches, BranchDets) :-
743	verify NBranches >= 2,
744	dim(BranchDets, [NBranches]),
745	arg(1, BranchDets, try),
746	arg(NBranches, BranchDets, trust),
747	( for(I,2,NBranches-1), param(BranchDets) do
748	    arg(I, BranchDets, retry)
749	).
752% Debugging: print readable summary of index
754dump_indexes(disjunction{callpos:CallPos,determinism:BranchDets,indexes:Indexes}, options{print_indexes:Flag}) :-
755	( Flag==on, Indexes = [_|_] ->
756	    ( foreacharg(BrDet,BranchDets), fromto(semidet,Det1,Det2,Det) do
757	    	( (BrDet==det;BrDet==failure) -> Det2=Det1 ; Det2=nondet )
758	    ),
759	    printf("INDEXES for (%w) disjunction %w%n", [Det,CallPos]),
760	    (
761		count(I,1,_),
762%		foreach(index{quality:Q,variable:variable{varid:VarId},partition:Dt},Indexes)
763		foreach(index{quality:Q,partition:Dt},Indexes)
764	    do
765		Q1 is round(10*Q)/10,	% printf's rounding is unreliable
766%		printf("%d. Quality %.1f, variable %d%n", [I,Q1,VarId]),
767		printf("%d. Quality %.1f%n", [I,Q1]),
768		dt_list(Dt, Parts), 
769		( foreach(Part,Parts) do
770		    printf("    %w%n", [Part])
771		)
772	    ),
773	    printf("Branch determinisms for disjunction %w%n", [CallPos]),
774	    ( foreacharg(BranchDet,BranchDets,I) do
775		printf("    Branch %d: %w%n", [I,BranchDet])
776	    )
777	;
778	    true
779	).