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3    <meta content="text/html; charset=Cp1252" http-equiv="Content-Type">
4    <meta content="Helen" name="generator">
5    <title>Mouse Actions</title>
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8    <p align="center">
9       <b><font size="4">Mouse Actions</font></b>
10    </p>
11    <p align="left">
12       &nbsp;
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14    <p align="left">
15       Ctrl + left mouse button
16    </p>
17    <p align="left">
18       Selects an area of the image to zoom into.
19    </p>
20    <p align="left">
21       Shift + left mouse button
22    </p>
23    <p align="left">
24       Move the image.
25    </p>
26    <p align="left">
27       &nbsp;
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29  </body>