2  SockeyeParser.hs: Parser for Sockeye
4  Part of Sockeye
6  Copyright (c) 2018, ETH Zurich.
8  All rights reserved.
10  This file is distributed under the terms in the attached LICENSE file.
11  If you do not find this file, copies can be found by writing to:
12  ETH Zurich D-INFK, CAB F.78, Universitaetstrasse 6, CH-8092 Zurich,
13  Attn: Systems Group.
16module SockeyeParser
17( parseSockeye ) where
19import System.FilePath
21import Text.Parsec
22import Text.Parsec.Expr
23import qualified Text.Parsec.Token as P
24import Text.Parsec.Language (emptyDef)
26import SockeyeASTMeta
27import qualified SockeyeParserAST as AST
29{- Parser main function -}
30parseSockeye :: String -> String -> Either ParseError AST.SockeyeFile
31parseSockeye = parse sockeyeFile
33data TopLevel
34    = ModuleDecl AST.Module
35    | TypeDecl AST.NamedType
37data ModuleBody
38    = ConstDecl AST.NamedConstant
39    | InstDecl AST.InstanceDeclaration
40    | NodeDecl AST.NodeDeclaration
41    | Def AST.Definition
43{- Sockeye parsing -}
44sockeyeFile = do
45    whiteSpace
46    pos <- getPositionMeta
47    imports <- many sockeyeImport
48    (modules, types) <- do
49        stmts <- many $ choice [moduleDecl, typeDecl]
50        return $ foldr splitDecl ([], []) stmts
51    eof
52    return AST.SockeyeFile
53        { AST.sockeyeFileMeta = pos
54        , AST.imports         = imports
55        , AST.modules         = modules
56        , AST.types           = types
57        }
58    where
59        moduleDecl = fmap ModuleDecl sockeyeModule
60        typeDecl = fmap TypeDecl namedType
61        splitDecl (ModuleDecl m) (ms, ts) = (m:ms, ts)
62        splitDecl (TypeDecl t)   (ms, ts) = (ms, t:ts)
64sockeyeImport = do
65    pos <- getPositionMeta
66    reserved "import"
67    path <- many1 (alphaNum <|> char '_' <|> char '-' <|> char '/') <* whiteSpace
68    explImports <- optionMaybe (parens $ commaSep1 importAlias)
69    return AST.Import
70        { AST.importMeta  = pos
71        , AST.importFile  = path <.> "soc"
72        , AST.explImports = explImports
73        }
74    <?> "import"
76importAlias = do
77    pos <- getPositionMeta
78    origName <- identString <?> "module or type to import"
79    alias <- option origName importAlias
80    return AST.ImportAlias
81        { AST.importAliasMeta = pos
82        , AST.originalName    = origName
83        , AST.importAlias     = alias
84        }
85    where
86        importAlias = do
87            reserved "as"
88            identString <?> "import alias"
90sockeyeModule = do
91    pos <- getPositionMeta
92    extern <- option False moduleExtern
93    reserved "module"
94    name <- moduleName
95    params <- option [] (parens $ commaSep moduleParam)
96    (consts, insts, nodes, defs) <- braces moduleBody
97    return AST.Module
98        { AST.moduleMeta  = pos
99        , AST.moduleExtern = extern
100        , AST.moduleName  = name
101        , AST.parameters  = params
102        , AST.constants   = consts
103        , AST.instDecls   = insts
104        , AST.nodeDecls   = nodes
105        , AST.definitions = defs
106        }
107    <?> "module specification"
109moduleExtern = do
110    reserved "extern"
111    return True
113moduleParam = do
114    pos <- getPositionMeta
115    range <- parens naturalSet <?> "parameter range"
116    paramName <- parameterName
117    return AST.ModuleParameter
118        { AST.paramMeta  = pos
119        , AST.paramName  = paramName
120        , AST.paramRange = range
121        }
123moduleBody = do
124    body <- many $ choice [constDecl, instDecl, nodeDecl, def]
125    return $ foldr splitBody ([], [], [], []) body
126    where
127        constDecl = fmap ConstDecl namedConstant
128        instDecl = fmap InstDecl instanceDeclaration
129        nodeDecl = fmap NodeDecl nodeDeclaration
130        def = fmap Def definition
131        splitBody (ConstDecl c) (cs, is, ns, ds) = (c:cs, is, ns, ds)
132        splitBody (InstDecl i)  (cs, is, ns, ds) = (cs, i:is, ns, ds)
133        splitBody (NodeDecl n)  (cs, is, ns, ds) = (cs, is, n:ns, ds)
134        splitBody (Def d)       (cs, is, ns, ds) = (cs, is, ns, d:ds)
136instanceDeclaration = do
137    pos <- getPositionMeta
138    reserved "instance"
139    name <- identifierName
140    size <- optionMaybe arraySize
141    reserved "of"
142    modName <- moduleName
143    return AST.InstanceDeclaration
144        { AST.instDeclMeta = pos
145        , AST.instName     = name
146        , AST.instModName  = modName
147        , AST.instArrSize  = size
148        }
149    <?> "instance declaration"
151nodeDeclaration = do
152    pos <- getPositionMeta
153    kind <- nodeKind
154    t <- nodeType
155    name <- identifierName
156    size <- optionMaybe arraySize
157    return AST.NodeDeclaration
158        { AST.nodeDeclMeta = pos
159        , AST.nodeKind     = kind
160        , AST.nodeType     = t
161        , AST.nodeName     = name
162        , AST.nodeArrSize  = size
163        }
164    <?> "node declaration"
166nodeKind = option AST.InternalNode $ choice [input, output]
167    where
168        input = do
169            reserved "input"
170            return AST.InputPort
171        output = do
172            reserved "output"
173            return AST.OutputPort
175nodeType = do
176    pos <- getPositionMeta
177    originDomain <- domain
178    originType <- edgeType
179    (targetDomain, targetType) <- option (originDomain, Nothing) $ do
180        reserved "to"
181        d <- domain
182        t <- optionMaybe edgeType
183        return (d, t)
184    return AST.NodeType
185        { AST.nodeTypeMeta = pos
186        , AST.originDomain = originDomain
187        , AST.originType   = originType
188        , AST.targetDomain = targetDomain
189        , AST.targetType   = targetType
190        }
193domain = choice [memory, intr, power, clock] <?> "node domain"
194    where
195        memory = do
196            reserved "memory"
197            return AST.Memory
198        intr = do
199            reserved "intr"
200            return AST.Interrupt
201        power = do
202            reserved "power"
203            return AST.Power
204        clock = do
205            reserved "clock"
206            return AST.Clock
208edgeType = choice [literal, named]
209    where
210        literal = do
211            pos <- getPositionMeta
212            addrType <- addressType
213            return $ AST.TypeLiteral pos addrType
214        named = do
215            pos <- getPositionMeta
216            name <- parens typeName
217            return $ AST.TypeName pos name
218            <?> "(<type name>)"
220definition = choice [forall, def]
221    where
222        def = do
223            receiver <- unqualifiedRef
224            choice
225                [ accepts receiver
226                , maps receiver
227                , converts receiver
228                , overlays receiver
229                , blockoverlays receiver
230                , instantiates receiver
231                , binds receiver
232                ]
234accepts node = do
235    pos <- getPositionMeta
236    reserved "accepts"
237    blocks <- brackets $ semiSep addressBlock
238    return $ AST.Accepts pos node blocks
240maps node = do
241    pos <- getPositionMeta
242    reserved "maps"
243    maps <- brackets $ semiSep mapSpec
244    return $ AST.Maps pos node maps
246mapSpec = do
247    pos <- getPositionMeta
248    addr <- addressBlock
249    reserved "to"
250    targets <- commaSep1 mapTarget
251    return $ AST.MapSpec pos addr targets
252    where
253        mapTarget = do
254            pos <- getPositionMeta
255            node <- nodeReference
256            reserved "at"
257            addr <- addressBlock
258            return $ AST.MapTarget pos node addr
260converts node = do
261    pos <- getPositionMeta
262    reserved "converts"
263    converts <- brackets $ semiSep convertSpec
264    return $ AST.Converts pos node converts
266convertSpec = mapSpec
268blockoverlays node = do
269    pos <- getPositionMeta
270    reserved "blockoverlays"
271    overlay <- nodeReference
272    reserved "bits"
273    blocksizes <- parens $ commaSep1 natural
274    return $ AST.BlockOverlays pos node overlay blocksizes
276overlays node = do
277    pos <- getPositionMeta
278    reserved "overlays"
279    overlay <- nodeReference
280    return $ AST.Overlays pos node overlay
282instantiates inst = do
283    pos <- getPositionMeta
284    reserved "instantiates"
285    modName <- moduleName
286    args <- option [] (parens $ commaSep naturalExpr)
287    return AST.Instantiates
288        { AST.defMeta    = pos
289        , AST.inst       = inst
290        , AST.instModule = modName
291        , AST.arguments  = args
292        }
294binds inst = do
295    pos <- getPositionMeta
296    reserved "binds"
297    bindings <- brackets $ semiSep portBinding
298    return $ AST.Binds pos inst bindings
299    where
300        portBinding = do
301            pos <- getPositionMeta
302            port <- unqualifiedRef
303            reserved "to"
304            node <- nodeReference
305            return $ AST.PortBinding pos port node
307forall = do
308    pos <- getPositionMeta
309    reserved "forall"
310    var <- variableName
311    reserved "in"
312    range <- parens naturalSet
313    body <- braces $ many definition
314    return AST.Forall
315        { AST.defMeta        = pos
316        , AST.boundVarName   = var
317        , AST.varRange       = range
318        , AST.quantifierBody = body
319        }
321unqualifiedRef = do
322    pos <- getPositionMeta
323    name <- identifierName
324    index <- optionMaybe arrayIndex
325    return AST.UnqualifiedRef
326        { AST.refMeta  = pos
327        , AST.refName  = name
328        , AST.refIndex = index
329        }
331nodeReference = do
332    pos <- getPositionMeta
333    ref1 <- unqualifiedRef
334    ref2 <- optionMaybe $ (reservedOp "." >> unqualifiedRef)
335    return $ maybe (AST.InternalNodeRef pos ref1) (AST.InputPortRef pos ref1) ref2
337namedType = do
338    pos <- getPositionMeta
339    reserved "type"
340    name <- typeName
341    addrType <- addressType
342    return $ AST.NamedType pos name addrType
343    <?> "named type"
345namedConstant = do
346    pos <- getPositionMeta
347    reserved "const"
348    name <- constName
349    value <- natural
350    return $ AST.NamedConstant pos name value
351    <?> "named constant"
353addressType = do
354    pos <- getPositionMeta
355    addrType <- parens $ semiSep1 naturalSet
356    return $ AST.AddressType pos addrType
357    <?> "address type literal"
359address = do
360    pos <- getPositionMeta
361    addr <- parens $ semiSep1 wildcardSet
362    return $ AST.Address pos addr
363    <?> "address tuple"
365addressBlock = do
366    pos <- getPositionMeta
367    addr <- address
368    props <- option AST.True propertyExpr
369    return $ AST.AddressBlock pos addr props
371arraySize = do
372    pos <- getPositionMeta
373    size <- brackets $ semiSep1 naturalSet
374    return $ AST.ArraySize pos size
375    <?> "array size"
377arrayIndex = do
378    pos <- getPositionMeta
379    index <- brackets $ semiSep1 wildcardSet
380    return $ AST.ArrayIndex pos index
381    <?> "array index"
383naturalSet = do
384    pos <- getPositionMeta
385    ranges <- commaSep1 naturalRange
386    return $ AST.NaturalSet pos ranges
387    <?> "set of naturals"
389wildcardSet = choice [wildcard, explicit]
390    where
391        explicit = do
392            pos <- getPositionMeta
393            set <- naturalSet
394            return $ AST.ExplicitSet pos set
395        wildcard = do
396            pos <- getPositionMeta
397            reservedOp "*"
398            return $ AST.Wildcard pos
400naturalRange = do
401    pos <- getPositionMeta
402    base <- naturalExpr
403    choice [bits pos base, limit pos base, singleton pos base]
404    <?> "range of naturals"
405    where
406        bits pos base = do
407            reserved "bits"
408            bits <- naturalExpr
409            return $ AST.BitsRange pos base bits
410        limit pos base = do
411            reserved "to"
412            limit <- naturalExpr
413            return $ AST.LimitRange pos base limit
414        singleton pos base = return $ AST.SingletonRange pos base
416naturalExpr = buildExpressionParser opTable term <?> "arithmetic expression"
417    where
418        term = parens naturalExpr <|> var <|> lit
419        opTable =
420            [ [ Postfix slice ]
421            , [ Infix mult AssocLeft ]
422            , [ Infix add AssocLeft, Infix sub AssocLeft ]
423            , [ Infix concat AssocLeft ]
424            ]
425        var = do
426            pos <- getPositionMeta
427            name <- variableName
428            return $ AST.Variable pos name
429        lit = do
430            pos <- getPositionMeta
431            value <- natural
432            return $ AST.Literal pos value
433        slice = do
434            pos <- getPositionMeta
435            range <- brackets naturalRange
436            return $ flip (AST.Slice pos) range
437        mult = do
438            pos <- getPositionMeta
439            reservedOp "*"
440            return $ AST.Multiplication pos
441        add = do
442            pos <- getPositionMeta
443            reservedOp "+"
444            return $ AST.Addition pos
445        sub = do
446            pos <- getPositionMeta
447            reservedOp "-"
448            return $ AST.Subtraction pos
449        concat = do
450            pos <- getPositionMeta
451            reservedOp "++"
452            return $ AST.Concat pos
454propertyExpr = buildExpressionParser opTable term <?> "property expression"
455    where
456        term = parens propertyExpr <|> prop
457        opTable =
458            [ [ Prefix not ]
459            , [ Infix and AssocLeft, Infix or AssocLeft ]
460            ]
461        prop = do
462            pos <- getPositionMeta
463            name <- propertyName
464            return $ AST.Property pos name
465        not = do
466            pos <- getPositionMeta
467            reservedOp "!"
468            return $ AST.Not pos
469        and = do
470            pos <- getPositionMeta
471            reservedOp "&&"
472            return $ AST.And pos
473        or = do
474            pos <- getPositionMeta
475            reservedOp "||"
476            return $ AST.Or pos
478{- Helper functions -}
479lexer = P.makeTokenParser (
480    emptyDef {
481        {- List of reserved names -}
482        P.reservedNames =
483            [ "import", "as"
484            , "extern"
485            , "module"
486            , "input", "output"
487            , "type", "const"
488            , "memory", "intr", "power", "clock", "instance"
489            , "of"
490            , "forall", "in"
491            , "accepts", "maps", "converts", "overlays", "blockoverlays"
492            , "instantiates", "binds"
493            , "to", "at"
494            , "bits"
495            ],
497        {- List of operators -}
498        P.reservedOpNames =
499            [ "+", "-", "*", "/", "++"
500            , "!", "&&", "||"
501            , "."
502            ],
504        {- Valid identifiers -}
505        P.identStart = letter,
506        P.identLetter = alphaNum <|> char '_',
508        {- comment start and end -}
509        P.commentStart = "/*",
510        P.commentEnd = "*/",
511        P.commentLine = "//",
512        P.nestedComments = False,
514        {- Sockeye is case sensitive -}
515        P.caseSensitive = True
516    })
518whiteSpace    = P.whiteSpace lexer
519reserved      = P.reserved lexer
520reservedOp    = P.reservedOp lexer
521parens        = P.parens lexer
522brackets      = P.brackets lexer
523braces        = P.braces lexer
524commaSep      = P.commaSep lexer
525commaSep1     = P.commaSep1 lexer
526semiSep       = P.semiSep lexer
527semiSep1      = P.semiSep1 lexer
528identString   = P.identifier lexer
529natural       = P.natural lexer
531typeName       = identString <?> "type name"
532constName      = identString <?> "constant name"
533moduleName     = identString <?> "module name"
534parameterName  = identString <?> "parameter name"
535variableName   = identString <?> "variable name"
536propertyName   = identString <?> "property name"
537identifierName = identString <?> "identifier"
539getPositionMeta = fmap ParserMeta getPosition