2 * Copyright (c) 2007, 2008, ETH Zurich. All rights reserved.
3 *
4 * This file is distributed under the terms in the attached LICENSE file.
5 * If you do not find this file, copies can be found by writing to:
6 * ETH Zurich D-INFK, Universitaetstrasse 6, CH-8092 Zurich. Attn: Systems Group.
7 */
10 * tulip.dev
11 *
12 * DESCRIPTION: DEC Tulip Ethernet controller
13 *
14 * Section numbers in this file refer to the DIGITAL Semiconductor
15 * 21140A PCI Fast Ethernet LAN Controller Hardware Reference Manual,
16 * available at http://www.intel.com/design/network/manuals/21140ahm.pdf 
17 */
19device tulip lsbfirst ( io base ) "Tulip Ethernet Controller" {
21    //
22    register CSR0 rw io ( base, 0x00 ) "Bus mode" {
23	SWR     1 "Software reset";
24	BAR     1 "Bus arbitration";
25	DSL     5 "Descriptor Skip Length";
26	BLE     1 "Big/little endian";
27	PBL     6 "Programmable burst length";
28	CAL     2 "Cache alignment";
29	_	1 mbz;
30	TAP	3 "Transmit auto polling";
31	DBO	1 "Descriptor byte ordering mode";
32	RME     1 "Read multiple enable";
33	_	1 mbz;
34	RLE     1 "Read line enable";
35	WIE     1 "Write and invalidation enable";
36	_       7 mbz;
37    };
39    //
40    register CSR1 wo io( base, 0x08 ) "Transmit poll demand" type(uint32);
42    //
43    register CSR2 wo io( base, 0x10 ) "Receive poll demand" type(uint32);
45    //
46    register CSR3 rw io( base, 0x18 ) "Receive list base address" type(uint32);
47    register CSR4 rw io( base, 0x20 ) "Transmit list base address" type(uint32);
49    //
50    constants FBEBITS "Fatal bus error bits" {
51	parity = 0b000 "Parity error";
52	mabrt  = 0b001 "Master abort";
53	tabrt  = 0b010 "Target abort";
54    };
55    constants TPROCSTATE "Transmit process state" {
56	tpstop	= 0b000 "Stopped: reset cmd or tx jabber expired";
57	tprftd  = 0b001 "Running - fetching tx desc.";
58	tprwet  = 0b010 "Running - waiting for end of tx";
59	tprrbm  = 0b011 "Running - reading buf from mem & queuing tx fifo";
60	tprset  = 0b101 "Running - setup packet";
61	tpsusp  = 0b110 "Suspended - tx fifo underflow, or unavail tx desc";
62	tprclo  = 0b111 "Running - closing tx desc";
63    };
64    constants RPROCSTATE "Receive process state" {
65	rpstop	= 0b000 "Stopped: reset or stop rx command";
66	rprfrd  = 0b001 "Running - fetching rx desc.";
67	rprcep  = 0b010 "Running - checking for end of rx pkt";
68	rprwrp  = 0b011 "Running - waiting for rx packet";
69	rpsusp  = 0b100 "Suspected - unavailable rx buf";
70	rprclo  = 0b101 "Running - closing rx desc";
71	rprflu  = 0b110 "Running - flushing current frame (no rx buf)";
72	rprqrf  = 0b111 "Running - queueing rx frame to buf";
73    };
74    register CSR5 rw1c io( base, 0x28 ) "Status" {
75	TI	1 "Transmit interrupt";
76	TPS	1 "Transmit process stopped";
77	TU	1 "Transmit buffer unavailable";
78	TJT	1 "Transmit jabber timeout";
79	_	1 mbz;
80	UNF	1 "Transmit underflow";
81	RI	1 "Receive interrupt";
82	RU	1 "Receive buffer unavailable";
83	RPS	1 "Receive process stopped";
84	RWT	1 "Receive watchdog timeout";
85	ETI	1 "Early termination timeout";
86	GTE	1 "General-purpose timer expired";
87	_	1 mbz;
88	FBE	1 "Fatal bus error";
89	ERI	1 "Early receive interrupt";
90	AIS	1 "Abnormal interrupt summary";
91	NIS	1 "Normal interrupt summary";
92	RS	3 ro type(RPROCSTATE) "Receive process state";
93	TS	3 ro type(TPROCSTATE) "Transmission process state";
94	EB	3 ro type(FBEBITS) "Error bits";
95	_	6 mbz;
96    } ;
98    //
99    register CSR6 rw io( base, 0x30 ) "Operating mode" {
100	HP	1 "Hash/perfect recieve filtering mode";
101	SR	1 "Start/stop receive";
102	HO	1 "Hash-only filtering mode";
103	PB	1 "Pass bad frames";
104	IF	1 "Inverse filtering" ;
105	SB	1 "Start/stop backoff counter";
106	PR	1 "Promiscuous mode";
107	PM	1 "Pass all multicast";
108	_	1 mbz;
109	FD	1 "Full-duplex mode";
110	OM	2 "Operating mode";
111	FC	1 "Force collision mode";
112	ST	1 "Start/stop transmission command";
113	TR	2 "Threshold control bits";
114	_	1 mbz;
115	CA	1 "Capture effect enable";
116	PS	1 "Port select";
117	HBD	1 "Heartbeat disable";
118	_	1 mbz;
119	SF	1 "Store and forward";
120	TTM	1 "Transmit threshold mode";
121	PCS	1 "PCS function";
122	SCR	1 "Scrambler mode";
123	_	1 mb1;
124	_	4 mbz;
125	RA	1 "Receive all";
126	SC	1 "Special capture effect enable";
127    };
129    //
130    register CSR7 rw io( base, 0x38 ) "Interrupt enable" {
131	TI	1 "Transmit interrupt enable";
132	TS	1 "Transmit stopped enable";
133	TU	1 "Transmit buffer unavailable enable";
134	TJ	1 "Transmit jabber timeout enable";
135	_	1 mbz;
136	UN	1 "Underflow interrupt enable";
137	RI	1 "Recieve interrupt enable";
138	RU	1 "Recieve buffer unavailable enable";
139	RS	1 "Recieve stopped enable";
140	RW	1 "Recieve watchdog timeout enable";
141	ETE	1 "Early transmit interrupt enable";
142	GPT	1 "General-purpose timer enable";
143	_	1 mbz;
144	FBE	1 "Fatal bus error enable";
145	ERE	1 "Early receive enable";
146	AI	1 "Abnormal interrupt summary enable";
147	NI	1 "Normal interrupt summary enable";
148	_	15 mbz;
149    };
151    //
152    register CSR8 ro io( base, 0x40 ) "Missed frames and overflow counter" {
153	MFC	16 "Missed frame counter";
154	MFO	1 "Missed frame overflow";
155	FOC	11 "FIFO overflow counter";
156	OCO	1 "Overflow counter overflow";
157	_	3 mbz;
158    };
160    //
161    register CSR9 rw io( base, 0x48 ) "Boot ROM Management" {
162	DATA	8 "Boot ROM data or serial ROM control";
163	_	2 mbz;
164	REG	1 "External register select";
165	SR	1 "Serial ROM select";
166	BR	1 "Boot ROM select";
167	WR	1 "ROM write operation";
168	RD	1 "ROM read operation";
169	_	1 mbz;
170	MDC	1 "MII management clock";
171	MDO	1 "MII management write data";
172	MII	1 "MII management operation mode";
173	MDI	1 "MII management data_in";
174	_	12 mbz;
175    };
177    //
178    register CSR10 rw io( base, 0x50 ) "Boot ROM programming address" {
179	VAL	18 "Boot ROM address";
180	_	14 mbz;
181    };
183    //
184    register CSR11 rw io( base, 0x58 ) "General-purpose timer" {
185	VAL	16 "Timer value";
186	CON	1 "Continuous mode";
187	_	15 mbz;
188    };
190    //
191    register CSR12 rw io( base, 0x60 ) "General purpose port" {
192	MD	8 "General-purpose mode and data";
193	GPC	1 "General-purpose control";
194	_	23 mbz;
195    };
197    //
198    register CSR15 rw io( base, 0x78 ) "Watchdog timer" {
199	JBD	1 "Jabber disable";
200	HUJ	1 "Host unjab";
201	JCK	1 "Jabber clock";
202	_	1 mbz;
203	RWD	1 "Receive watchdog disable";
204	RWR	1 "Receive watchdog release";
205	_	26;
206    };
208    // 4.2.1
209    constants FRAMEDTYPE width(2) "Frame data type" {
210	sr = 0b00	"Serial received frame";
211	il = 0b01	"Internal loopback frame";
212	el = 0b10	"External loopback or serial received frame";
213    };
214    datatype RDES msbfirst(32) "Receive descriptor" {
215	// RDES0
216	OWN	1 "Own bit";
217	FF	1 "Filtering fail";
218	FL	14 "Frame length";
219	ES	1 "Error summary";
220	DE	1 "Descriptor error";
221	DT	2 type(FRAMEDTYPE) "Data type";
222	RF	1 "Runt Frame";
223	MF	1 "Muticast frame";
224	FS	1 "First descriptor";
225	LS	1 "Last descriptor";
226	TL	1 "Frame too long";
227	CS	1 "Collision seen";
228	FT	1 "Frame type";
229	RW	1 "Receive watchdog";
230	RE	1 "Report on MII error";
231	DB	1 "Dribbling bit";
232	CE	1 "CRC error";
233	ZERO	1 "Zero";
234	// RDES1
235	_	6;
236	RER	1 "Receive end of ring";
237	RCH	1 "Second address chained";
238	_	2;
239	RBS2	11 "Buffer 2 size";
240	RBS1	11 "Buffer 1 size";
241	// RDES2-3
242	RBA1	32 "Buffer address 1";
243	RBA2	32 "Buffer address 2";
244    };
246    // 4.2.2
247    datatype TDES msbfirst(32) "Transmit descriptor" {
248	// TDES0
249	OWN	1 "Own bit";
250	_	15;
251	ES	1 "Error summary";
252	TO	1 "Transmit jabber timeout";
253	_	2;
254	LO	1 "Loss of Carrier";
255	NC	1 "No Carrier";
256	LC	1 "Late Collision";
257	EC	1 "Excessive Collisions";
258	HF	1 "Heartbeat Fail";
259	CC	4 "Collision Count";
260	LF	1 "Link Fail Report";
261	UF	1 "Underflow Error";
262	DE	1 "Deferred";
263	// TDES1
264	IC	1 "Interrupt on Completion";
265	LS	1 "Last Segment";
266	FS	1 "First Segment";
267	FT1	1 "Filtering Type";
268	SET	1 "Setup Packet";
269	AC	1 "Add CRC Disable";
270	TER	1 "Transmit End of Ring";
271	TCH	1 "Second Address Chained";
272	DPD	1 "Disabled Padding";
273	FT0	1 "Filtering Type";
274	TBS2	11 "Buffer 2 Size";
275	TBS1	11 "Buffer 1 Size";
276	// TDES2-3
277	TBA1	32 "Buffer address 1";
278	TBA2	32 "Buffer address 2";
279    };
280    // Table 4-8: This value is split between FT0 and FT1 above.
281    // Unfortunately (unlike Devil) Mackerel can't express this
282    // cleanly (yet). 
283    constants FILTERTYPE width(2) "Filtering type" {
284	PF = 0b00	"Perfect filtering";
285	HF = 0b01	"Hash-based filtering";
286	IF = 0b10	"Inverse filtering";
287	HOF = 0b11	"Hash-only filtering";
288    };