2 * Copyright (c) 2009, ETH Zurich. All rights reserved.
3 *
4 * This file is distributed under the terms in the attached LICENSE file.
5 * If you do not find this file, copies can be found by writing to:
6 * ETH Zurich D-INFK, Universitaetstrasse 6, CH-8092 Zurich. Attn: Systems Group.
7 */
10 * lpuart.dev
11 *
13 *
14 * This is derived from:
15 *
16 * i.MX 8DualXPlus Appliacations Processor Reference Manual, revision D, NXP
17 * Pages 2255 - 2298
18 * (IMX8DQXPRM.pdf)
19 *
20 */
22device lpuart msbfirst (addr base) "LPUART" {
24	constants feature "feature set number" {
25		standard = 0b01 "Standard feature set";
26		irda     = 0b11 "Standard feature set with MODEM/IrDA support";
27    };
29	constants trgsel "trigger select" {
30		disabled = 0b00 "Input trigger is disabled.";
31		rx       = 0b01 "Input trigger is used instead of RX pin input.";
32		ctsb     = 0b10 "Input trigger is used instead of CTS_B pin input.`";
33		modrx    = 0b11 "Input trigger is used to modulate TX pin output.";
34	};
36	constants osr "oversampling ratio" {
37		default = 0b00000 "Writing 0 to this field will result in an oversampling ratio of 16.";
38		ratio4  = 0b00011 "Oversampling ratio of 4, requires BOTHEDGE to be set.";
39		ratio5  = 0b00100 "Oversampling ratio of 5, requires BOTHEDGE to be set.";
40		ratio6  = 0b00101 "Oversampling ratio of 6, requires BOTHEDGE to be set.";
41		ratio7  = 0b00110 "Oversampling ratio of 7, requires BOTHEDGE to be set.";
42		ratio8  = 0b00111 "Oversampling ratio of 8.";
43		ratio9  = 0b01000 "Oversampling ratio of 9.";
44		ratio10 = 0b01001 "Oversampling ratio of 10.";
45		ratio11 = 0b01010 "Oversampling ratio of 11.";
46		ratio12 = 0b01011 "Oversampling ratio of 12.";
47		ratio13 = 0b01100 "Oversampling ratio of 13.";
48		ratio14 = 0b01101 "Oversampling ratio of 14.";
49		ratio15 = 0b01110 "Oversampling ratio of 15.";
50		ratio16 = 0b01111 "Oversampling ratio of 16.";
51		ratio17 = 0b10000 "Oversampling ratio of 17.";
52		ratio18 = 0b10001 "Oversampling ratio of 18.";
53		ratio19 = 0b10010 "Oversampling ratio of 19.";
54		ratio20 = 0b10011 "Oversampling ratio of 20.";
55		ratio21 = 0b10100 "Oversampling ratio of 21.";
56		ratio22 = 0b10101 "Oversampling ratio of 22.";
57		ratio23 = 0b10110 "Oversampling ratio of 23.";
58		ratio24 = 0b10111 "Oversampling ratio of 24.";
59		ratio25 = 0b11000 "Oversampling ratio of 25.";
60		ratio26 = 0b11001 "Oversampling ratio of 26.";
61		ratio27 = 0b11010 "Oversampling ratio of 27.";
62		ratio28 = 0b11011 "Oversampling ratio of 28.";
63		ratio29 = 0b11100 "Oversampling ratio of 29.";
64		ratio30 = 0b11101 "Oversampling ratio of 30.";
65		ratio31 = 0b11110 "Oversampling ratio of 31.";
66		ratio32 = 0b11111 "Oversampling ratio of 32.";
67	};
69    register verid ro addr(base, 0x0) "Version ID Register" {
70		major	 8  "Major Version Number";
71		minor    8	"Minor Version Number";
72		feature 16	type(feature) "Feature Identification Number";
73    };
75	register param ro addr(base, 0x4) "Parameter Register" {
76		_		16;
77		rxfifo   8 "Receive FIFO size (2^RXFIFO)";
78		txfifo   8 "Transmit FIFO size (2^FIFO)";
79	};
81	register global ro addr(base, 0x8) "LPUART Global Register" {
82		_   30;
83		rst	 1 rw "Software Reset";
84		_    1;
85	};
87	register pincfg addr(base, 0xc) "LPUART Pin Configuration Register" {
88		_      30;
89		trgsel  2 rw type(trgsel) "Trigger select";
90	};
92	register baud addr(base, 0x10) "LPUART Baud Rate Register" {
93		maen1       1 "Match address mode enable 1";
94		maen2       1 "Match address mode enable 2";
95		m10         1 "10-bit mode select";
96		osr         5 type(osr) "Oversampling ratio";
97		tdmae       1 "Transmitter DMA Enable";
98		_           1;
99		rdmae       1 "Receiver Full DMA Enable";
100		ridmae      1 "Receiver idle DMA Enable";
101		matcfg      2 "Match Configuration";
102		bothedge    1 "Both Edge Sampling";
103		resynccdis  1 "Resynchronization Disable";
104		lbkdie      1 "LIN Break Detect Interrupt Enable";
105		rxedgie     1 "RX Input Active Edge Interrupt Enable";
106		sbns        1 "Stop Bit Number Select";
107		sbr        13 "Baud Rate Modulo Divisor";
108	};
110	register stat addr(base, 0x14) "LPUART Status Register" {
111		lbkdif  1 rw1c "LIN Break Detect Interrupt flag";
112		rxedgif 1 rw1c "RX Pin Active Edge Interrupt Flag";
113		msbf    1      "MSB first";
114		rxinv   1      "Receive Data Inversion";
115		rwuid   1      "Whether idle char sets IDLE bit.";
116		brk13   1      "Break Character Generation Length";
117		lbkde   1      "LIN Break Detection Enable";
118		raf     1 ro   "Receiver Active Flag";
119		tdre    1 ro   "Transmit Data Register Empty Flag";
120		tc      1 ro   "Transmit Complete Flag";
121		rdrf    1 ro   "Receive Data Register Full Flag";
122		idle    1 rw1c "Idle Line Flag";
123		or      1 rw1c "Receiver Overrun Flag";
124		nf      1 rw1c "Noise Flag";
125		fe      1 rw1c "Framing Error Flag";
126		pf      1 rw1c "Parity Error Flag";
127		ma1f    1 rw1c "Match 1 Flag";
128		ma2f    1 rw1c "Match 2 Flag";
129		_      14;
130	};
132	register ctrl addr(base, 0x18) "LPUART Control Register" {
133		r8t9    1 "Receive Bit 8 / Transmit Bit 9";
134		r9t8    1 "Receive Bit 9 / Transmit Bit 8";
135		txdir   1 "TX Pin Direction Single-Wire Mode";
136		txinv   1 "Transmit Data Inversion";
137		orie    1 "Overrrun Interrupt Enable";
138		neie    1 "Noise Error Interrupt Enable";
139		feie    1 "Framing Error Interrupt Enable";
140		peie    1 "Parity Error Interrupt Enable";
141		tie     1 "Transmit Interrupt Enable";
142		tcie    1 "Transmission Complete Interrupt Enable";
143		rie     1 "Receiver Interrupt Enable";
144		iue     1 "Idle Line Interrupt Enable";
145		te      1 "Transmitter Enable";
146		re      1 "Receiver Enable";
147		rwu     1 "Receiver Wakeup Control";
148		sbk     1 "Send Break";
149		ma1ie   1 "Match 1 Interrupt Enable";
150		ma2ie   1 "Match 2 Interrupt Enable";
151		_       2;
152		m7      1 "7-Bit Mode Select";
153		idlecfg 3 "Idle Configuration (2^IDLECFG idle characters before IDLE flag set)";
154		loops   1 "Loop Mode Select";
155		dozeen  1 "Doze Enable";
156		rsrc    1 "Receiver Source Select";
157		m       1 "9-Bit or 8-Bit Mode Select";
158		wake    1 "Receiver Wakeup Method Select";
159		ilt     1 "Idle Line Type Select";
160		pe      1 "Parity Enable";
161		pt      1 "Parity Type";
162	};
164	/*
165	 * Data register is actually two registers for RX/TX
166	 * To prevent Mackerel from generating code for reading
167	 * things via the TX register and therefore clearing the RX
168	 * register we declare the readonly fields as mbz in the TX
169	 * register.
170	 */
171	register rxdata ro addr(base, 0x1c) "LPUART Receive Data Register" {
172		_      16;
173		noisy   1 "Whether received with noise.";
174		paritye 1 "Whether received with parity error.";
175		fre     1 "Whether received with frame error";
176		rxempt  1 "Receive Buffer Empty";
177		idline  1 "Idle Line";
178		_       1;
179		buf    10 "Data buffer";
180	};
182	register txdata wo also addr(base, 0x1c) "LPUART Transmit Data Register" {
183		_      16 mbz;
184		_       1 mbz;
185		_       1 mbz;
186		tsc     1 "Transmit Special Character";
187		_       1 mbz;
188		_       1 mbz;
189		_       1 mbz;
190		buf    10 "Data buffer";
191	};
193	register match addr(base, 0x20) "LPUART Match Address Register" {
194		_    6;
195		ma2 10 "Match Address 2";
196		_    6;
197		ma1 10 "Match Address 1";
198	};
200	register modir addr(base, 0x24) "LPUART Modem IrDA Register" {
201		_       13;
202		iren     1 "Infrared enable";
203		tnp      2 "Transmitter narrow pulse";
204		_        2;
205		rtswater 6 "Receive RTS Configuration";
206		_        2;
207		txctssrc 1 "Transmit CTS Source";
208		txctsc   1 "Transmit CTS Configuration";
209		rxrtse   1 "Receiver request-to-send enable";
210		txrtspol 1 "Transmitter request-to-send polarity";
211		txrtse   1 "Transmitter request-to-send enable";
212		txctse   1 "Transmitter clear-to-send enable";
213	};
215	register fifo addr(base, 0x28) "LPUART FIFO Register" {
216		_          8;
217		txempt     1 ro   "Transmit Buffer/FIFO Empty";
218		rxempt     1 ro   "Receive Buffer/FIFO Empty";
219		_          4;
220		txof       1 rw1c "Trasnmitter Buffer Overflow Flag";
221		rxuf       1 rw1c "Receiver Buffer Underflow Flag";
222		txflush    1 wo   "Transmit FIFO/Buffer Flush";
223		rxflush    1 wo   "Receive FIFO/Buffer Flush";
224		_          1;
225		rxiden     3      "Receiver Idle Empty Enable";
226		txofe      1      "Transmit FIFO Overflow Interrupt Enable";
227		rxufe      1      "Receive FIFO Underflow Interrupt Enable";
228		txfe       1      "Transmit FIFO Enable";
229		txfifosize 3 ro   "Transmit FIFO Buffer Depth";
230		rxfe       1      "Receive FIFO Enable";
231		rxfifosize 3 ro   "Receive FIFO Buffer Depth";
232	};
234	register water addr(base, 0x2c) "LPUART Watemark Register" {
235		_       1;
236		rxcount 7 ro "Receive Counter";
237		_       2;
238		rxwater 6    "Receiver Watermark";
239		_       1;
240		txcount 7 ro "Transmit Counter";
241		_       2;
242		txwater 6    "Transmit Watermark";
243	};