2 * Version: CMPL 1.1
3 *
4 * The contents of this file are subject to the Cisco-style Mozilla Public
5 * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
6 * in compliance with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License
7 * at www.eclipse-clp.org/license.
8 *
9 * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
10 * basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.  See
11 * the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
12 * under the License.
13 *
14 * The Original Code is  The ECLiPSe Constraint Logic Programming System.
15 * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is  Cisco Systems, Inc.
16 * Portions created by the Initial Developer are
17 * Copyright (C) 2001-2006 Cisco Systems, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
18 *
19 * Contributor(s): Warwick Harvey, IC-Parc
20 *
24** Header file for low-level C functions implementing bitmaps.
26** System:       ECLiPSe Constraint Logic Programming System
27** Author/s:     Warwick Harvey, IC-Parc
29** This file provides some definitions useful for C modules wishing to
30** utilise the functions provided by the bitmap C module.
36** Result codes.
39#define RES_CHANGED	0x1	/* Domain was updated */
40#define RES_SLACK	0x2	/* Bound given is not tight */
41#define RES_EMPTY	0x4	/* Domain is empty */
45** Macros for testing result codes.
48#define	Result_Is_Empty(result)		(((result) & RES_EMPTY) == RES_EMPTY)
49#define	Result_Is_Non_Empty(result)	(((result) & RES_EMPTY) == 0)
50#define	Result_Is_Change(result)	(((result) & RES_CHANGED) == RES_CHANGED)
51#define	Result_Is_Slack(result)		(((result) & RES_SLACK) == RES_SLACK)
55** Some fake macros to make bitmaps look a bit like their own types -
56** cf. sepia.h
59    /* Use the string tag. */
60#define	TBITMAP		TSTRG
62    /* Type check. */
63#define Check_Bitmap(item)	Check_String(item)
65    /* Bitmap unifications. */
66#define Request_Unify_Bitmap(vx,tx,vy) Request_Unify_Type(vx,tx,wptr,vy,TBITMAP)
67#define Return_Unify_Bitmap(vx,tx,vy)  Return_Unify_Type(vx,tx,wptr,vy,TBITMAP)
69    /* Return a bitmap or an integer. */
70    /* NOTE: these clobber return variable --- use only with fresh variables. */
71#define Return_Bitmap(v, t, b)			\
72	{					\
73            value bval;                         \
74            type  btype ;                       \
75            bval.wptr = b ;                     \
76            btype.kernel = TBITMAP;             \
77            Unify_Pw(v, t, bval, btype); \
78	}
79#define Return_Integer(v, t, i)			\
80	{					\
81	    v.ptr->val.nint = i;		\
82	    v.ptr->tag.kernel = TINT;		\
83	}
87** Function prototypes.
90extern	int	p_create_bitmap(value vmin, type tmin, value vmax, type tmax, value vbm, type tbm);
91extern	word	create_bitmap(word min, word max, uword **bm_ptr);
92extern	int	p_set_bitmap_lwb(value vbm, type tbm, value vmin, type tmin, value vresult, type tresult, value vnew_bm, type tnew_bm);
93extern	word	set_bitmap_lwb(uword *bitmap, word min, uword **new_bm_ptr);
94extern	int	p_set_bitmap_upb(value vbm, type tbm, value vmax, type tmax, value vresult, type tresult, value vnew_bm, type tnew_bm);
95extern	word	set_bitmap_upb(uword *bitmap, word max, uword **new_bm_ptr);
96extern	int	p_remove_bitmap_element(value vbm, type tbm, value vel, type tel, value vresult, type tresult, value vnew_bm, type tnew_bm);
97extern	word	remove_bitmap_element(uword *bitmap, word el, uword **new_bm_ptr);
98extern	int	p_remove_bitmap_range(value vbm, type tbm, value vlo, type tlo, value vhi, type thi, value vresult, type tresult, value vnew_bm, type tnew_bm);
99extern	word	remove_bitmap_range(uword *bitmap, word lo0, word hi0, uword **new_bm_ptr);
100extern	int	p_bitmap_intersect_into(value vbm, type tbm, value vbm2, type tbm2, value vresult, type tresult, value vnew_bm, type tnew_bm);
101extern	word	bitmap_intersect_into(uword *bitmap, uword *bitmap2, word offset_adj, uword **new_bm_ptr);
102extern	int	p_bitmap_shifted_intersect_into(value vbm, type tbm, value vbm2, type tbm2, value vshift, type tshift, value vresult, type tresult, value vnew_bm, type tnew_bm);
103extern	word	bitmap_shifted_intersect_into(uword *bitmap, uword *bitmap2, word shift, uword **new_bm_ptr);
104extern	int	p_bitmaps_have_non_empty_intersection(value vbm, type tbm, value vbm2, type tbm2);
105extern	int	bitmaps_have_non_empty_intersection(uword *bitmap, uword *bitmap2);
106extern	int	p_bitmap_union(value vbm, type tbm, value vbm2, type tbm2, value vnew_bm, type tnew_bm);
107extern	word	bitmap_union(uword *bitmap, uword *bitmap2, uword **new_bm_ptr);
108extern	int	p_copy_bitmap(value vbm, type tbm, value vnew_bm, type tnew_bm);
109extern	void	copy_bitmap(uword *bitmap, uword **new_bm_ptr);
110extern	int	p_copy_bitmap_shifted(value vbm, type tbm, value vshift, type tshift, value vnew_bm, type tnew_bm);
111extern	void	copy_bitmap_shifted(uword *bitmap, word shift, uword **new_bm_ptr);
112extern	int	p_bitmap_range(value vbm, type tbm, value vmin, type tmin, value vmax, type tmax);
113extern	word	bitmap_range(uword *bitmap, word *min_ptr, word *max_ptr);
114extern	int	p_get_bitmap_lwb(value vbm, type tbm, value vmin, type tmin);
115extern	word	get_bitmap_lwb(uword *bitmap, word *min_ptr);
116extern	int	p_get_bitmap_upb(value vbm, type tbm, value vmax, type tmax);
117extern	word	get_bitmap_upb(uword *bitmap, word *max_ptr);
118extern	int	p_next_greater_member(value vbm, type tbm, value vcurr, type tcurr, value vnext, type tnext);
119extern	word	next_greater_member(uword *bitmap, word curr, word *next_ptr);
120extern	int	p_next_smaller_member(value vbm, type tbm, value vcurr, type tcurr, value vnext, type tnext);
121extern	word	next_smaller_member(uword *bitmap, word curr, word *next_ptr);
122extern	int	p_next_greater_non_member(value vbm, type tbm, value vcurr, type tcurr, value vnext, type tnext);
123extern	word	next_greater_non_member(uword *bitmap, word curr, word *next_ptr);
124extern	int	p_next_smaller_non_member(value vbm, type tbm, value vcurr, type tcurr, value vnext, type tnext);
125extern	word	next_smaller_non_member(uword *bitmap, word curr, word *next_ptr);
126extern	int	p_bitmap_size(value vbm, type tbm, value vsize, type tsize);
127extern	word	bitmap_size(uword *bitmap);
128extern	int	p_bitmap_contains(value vbm, type tbm, value vel, type tel);
129extern	word	bitmap_contains(uword *bitmap, word el);
130extern	int	p_bitmap_contains_range(value vbm, type tbm, value vmin, type tmin, value vmax, type tmax);
131extern	word	bitmap_contains_range(uword *bitmap, word min, word max);
132extern	int	p_compare_bitmaps(value vres, type tres, value vbm, type tbm, value vbm2, type tbm2);
133extern	word	compare_bitmaps(uword *bitmap, uword *bitmap2, int *res_ptr);