2% Version: CMPL 1.1
4% The contents of this file are subject to the Cisco-style Mozilla Public
5% License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
6% in compliance with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License
7% at www.eclipse-clp.org/license.
9% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
10% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.  See
11% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
12% under the License.
14% The Original Code is  The ECLiPSe Constraint Logic Programming System.
15% The Initial Developer of the Original Code is  Cisco Systems, Inc.
16% Portions created by the Initial Developer are
17% Copyright (C) 1995 - 2006 Cisco Systems, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
19% Contributor(s):
23% @(#)umsintro.tex	1.11 95/03/17
24% $Id: umsintro.tex,v 1.6 2015/01/14 01:31:10 jschimpf Exp $
27% 2.10	090589	David Miller	Convert to Latex and update for 2.10
28%	120489	Micha Meier	Rewritten, added list of {\eclipse} features
29%	160590	Joachim Schimpf	Updated for 3.0
30%	160590	Joachim Schimpf	Updated for 3.2
31%	see SCCS comments
37\section{What is {\eclipse} ?}
38{\eclipse}{} ({\eclipse} Constraint Logic Programming System)
39is an open-source software system whose aim is to serve as a platform
40for integrating various Logic Programming extensions.
41It is used in particular for the cost-effective
42development and deployment of constraint programming applications,
43e.g. in the areas of planning, scheduling, resource allocation,
44timetabling, transport etc.  It is also ideal for teaching most
45aspects of combinatorial problem solving, e.g. problem modelling,
46constraint programming, mathematical programming, and search
47techniques.  It contains several constraint solver libraries, a
48high-level modelling and control language, interfaces to third-party
49solvers, an integrated development environment and interfaces for
50embedding into host environments. 
52The {\eclipse} programming language has been developed from the Prolog
53language (\cite{clocksin81}), more specifically the Edinburgh family
54of Prologs and more recently the ISO Prolog standard (\cite{isoprolog95}).
55{\eclipse} retains backward compatibility by supporting several language
58In terms of implementation technology, {\eclipse} is built around an
59incremental compiler which compiles {\eclipse} source into WAM-like
60code \cite{warren83}, and a runtime system comprising an emulator of
61this abstract code, automatic memory management, I/O system and
62built-in predicates.
71The {\eclipse} logic programming system was originally an integration of
72ECRC's \sepia, MegaLog and (parts of the) CHIP systems.
73It was then further developed into a Constraint Logic Programming system
74with a focus on hybrid problem solving and solver integration.
75The documentation is organised as follows:
77\item [The User Manual] describes the functionality
78of the {\eclipse} kernel (this document).
79\item [The Constraint Library Manual] describes the major {\eclipse} libraries,
80in particular the ones implementing constraint solvers.
81\item [The Interfacing and Embedding Manual] describes how to interface
82{\eclipse} to other programming languages, and in particular how to embed
83it into an application as a component.
84\item [The Reference Manual] contains detailed descriptions of all the
85Built-in predicates and the libraries. This information is also available
86from the development system's help/1 command and the tkeclipse library
88\item [The Visualisation Manual] describes the facilities for the
89visualisation of constraint propagation and search.
91All the documentation can be accessed using an html browser
92(refer to the eclipse installation directory under doc/index.html).
94%\section{{\eclipse} Features}
95%The following sections outline some remarkable features of {\eclipse}:
98%{\eclipse} provides the user with the {\bf metaterm} data type which is the key
100%to many extensions to the basic Prolog language.
101%It can be seen as a generic data type or as an attributed variable.
102%The system calls user-definable event handlers
103%when it encounters metaterms in certain contexts, e.g., unification.
105%\subsection{Incremental Compiler}
106%{\eclipse} is based on an {\it incremental interactive compiler},
107%it contains no interpreter, all procedures are compiled.
108%The compilation is transparent to the user, no loading or linking
109%has to be done.
110%{\eclipse} programs are both fast (like compiled programs) and flexible (like
111%interpreted ones).
112%The compiler can compile faster than most other Prologs consult their sources.
114%\subsection{Source Variable Names}
115%\index{variable names}
116%{\eclipse} is able to remember the source names
117%of variables so that e.g., debugging programs becomes much easier.
118%By default, the toplevel loop and the debugger print variables with
119%their source names.
120%The compiler by default checks if the compiled clauses contain
121%singleton variables and emits a warning if it is the case.
124%{\eclipse} enables the user to modify most of the system features,
125%be it to customise it, build separate applications or include
126%new features.
127%Most of the built-in predicates can be modified by the user,
128%several user-definable events allow the user to
129%modify the Prolog top-level loop.
131%\subsection{User Interface}
132%The interface is user-friendly, e.g., in the top-level and in the debugger
133%most functionalities can be accessed with a single key stroke.
134%The top-level loop does not ask for displaying more alternatives
135%when it can determine that there are none.
136%All user interface errors are signaled to the user instead of just failing
137%so that it is easy to spot trivial errors like misspelling
138%a predicate or variable name.
139%\index{name completion}
140%Automatic name completion is provided:
141%when the user types the first characters of
142%an atom or functor followed by \verb.^.D, the system will try to
143%complete the input from the known atoms and functors in the dictionary.
144%For example {\tt gar}\verb.^.D will be expanded into  {\tt garbage_collect}.
146%\subsection{Full Word Size}
147%Unlike other Prolog systems, {\eclipse} does not use several bits
148%of a 'Prolog word' for a tag and so its data types are fully compatible
149%with external software and it can represent numbers, pointers etc.
150%without any restriction.
152%\subsection{Few Limits}
153%All {\eclipse} memory areas are automatically extended when necessary.
154%There are no limits (other than the available memory) to
155%the size of atoms or strings or their number,
156%the length of integers,
157%the arity of structures is unlimited
158%and there are no limits on the complexity of compiled clauses.
160%\subsection{Occur Check and Complete Search Rule}
161%\index{occur check}
162%\index{depth-first iterative deepening}
163%\index{Horn clause logic}
164%Most Prolog systems implement logic programming only incompletely,
165%because they omit the occur check and use only the depth-first
166%search. {\eclipse} offers a complete system for Horn clause logic
167%by providing optional compiler support for
168%the occur check and for the depth-first iterative deepening search rule.
172%{\eclipse} has the data type {\it string} whose representation
173%is compact and compatible with strings in C, but it also
174%supports lists of ASCII codes.
176%\subsection{Arrays and Global Variables}
178%\index{global variables}
179%For special purposes and for communication with external
180%software it is possible to use (extra-logical) arrays of various types
181%and global variables which can be modified with destructive
183%For instance, the implementation of a counter using a global variable
184%is much faster and uses less space than using \bipref{assert/1}{../bips/kernel/dynamic/assert-1.html}.
185%The arrays map on C structures and they can be manipulated
186%in external predicates.
187%The global array and variable names are module sensitive.
189%\subsection{Indexed Database}
191%{\eclipse} contains the {\bf record} family of predicates which allow
192%to store several terms under a specified key.
193%There a two sets of predicates for the indexed database.
194%One provides {\it database references} as used in Cprolog, the other
195%works with keys only.
196%The indexed database keys are module sensitive.
199%{\eclipse} has a sophisticated module concept which makes it possible to
200%build large applications, avoid name clashes and to hide information
201%from unauthorised access.
202%The items covered by the module system's visibility rules are predicates,
203%global variables and arrays, indexed database keys, operators and
204%macro transformations.
206%\subsection{Event Handling}
207%{\eclipse} can handle synchronous events ({\bf exceptions}) and
208%asynchronous ones ({\bf interrupts}).
209%An exception can be a wrong argument type, calling undefined predicate,
210%reading past the file end, etc.
211%When an event occurs, the corresponding {\it event handler} is called,
212%which is a user-definable procedure.
213%All built-in predicates raise an event when a nonstandard situation
214%occurs, be it an error or a situation where several actions
215%would be possible and the user has the possibility to influence
216%it by defining an appropriate event handler.
218%When an interrupt occurs, e.g., a signal, the current execution
219%is interrupted and the signal is handled immediately in real time.
220%This feature can be used to write real-time applications,
221%for example graphics applications which make use of a mouse etc.
224%The user can express a condition under which a call to a specified
225%procedure will be delayed.
226%This condition can be expressed in a normal Prolog form using
227%unification and predicate calls.
228%The delayed predicates are resumed when one of the specified
229%variables is bound and the delay condition is then verified again.
230%This goal suspension can be used to preserve completeness
231%e.g., when avoiding infinite loops, to increase efficiency
232%by reordering subgoals, to have sound negation
233%and to implement coroutines.
235%The user can also process suspensions explicitly which makes it
236%possible to implement almost any control strategy.
239%{\eclipse} includes a built-in debugger which debugs
240%compiled code without {\it metainterpreting} it
241%(i.e., the debugger is not a Prolog program which would
242%simulate the execution of another program) and so the
243%debugged code is not considerably slower than the not debugged one
244%as is the case in most other Prolog systems.
245%It also allows tracing the special {\eclipse} features.
246%It is able to trace suspended goals, skip to the place
247%where a suspended goal has been woken, trace event handlers,
248%etc. and it has a comfortable user interface which can be easily
249%connected with a windowing environment.
250%The user can define macros of debugger commands, repeat them and
251%set various leash modes of ports and procedures.
252%Debugger events can be used to define conditional spy points,
253%manipulate the goal variables etc.
255%\subsection{Stream I/O}
256%The {\eclipse} I/O is based on the concept of {\it streams}
257%which are mapped on the I/O channels of the underlying operating system.
258%Apart from user-definable streams there are several predefined
259%system streams like {\it toplevel_output}, {\it debug_input} etc.
260%which make it easy to filter the data of a certain kind,
261%connect it with a windowing environment or to use it in
262%event handlers.
263%Any input stream can be passed as input to the compiler.
264%Furthermore {\eclipse} supports I/O in raw mode and I/O to and from a string.
267%{\eclipse} provides a very general macro mechanism that can be used to transform
268%terms and program clauses while they are read into the system
269%and before they are printed out.
272%Blocks as suggested by the ISO draft \cite{ISO} are supported
273%by {\eclipse}.
274%It is a mechanism similar to LISP's catch\&throw, it allows
275%to abandon the execution of a goal, return to a specified ancestor
276%and call another procedure instead.
278%%\subsection{Sound and Constructive Negation}
279%%In addition to the usual {\it negation by failure},
280%%{\eclipse} contains the {\it sound negation}, similar to that provided by MU-Prolog
281%%and also {\it constructive negation}.
282%%Constructive negation can be used to generate solutions
283%%for negated goals and thus it is logically complete and sound.
284%%It uses delayed goals to express constraints on
285%%the variables in a negated query, so that e.g.,
286%%when a fact {\it p(a)} exists, the goal
287%%{\it ?-neg p(X)} will yield a solution {\it X $\neq$ a}
289%%For impatient users: before trying out this example
290%%consult page \pageref{cnpage} how to load the appropriate library.}.
292%\subsection{External Predicates}
293%{\eclipse} can interface
294%to any external function written in C and load it dynamically
295%if required\footnote{The dynamic loading feature may not be available
296%on certain machines},
297%the C function can manipulate Prolog data, or it might
298%be completely independent of Prolog structures.
299%All C data can be mapped on Prolog data, in particular C structures
300%correspond to {\eclipse} arrays.
301%As in other Prolog systems,
302%external procedures may succeed or fail,
303%but {\eclipse} also offers the ability to backtrack, delay and
304%call Prolog procedures from an external one.
305%These features make the external predicates a powerful
306%tool for the integration of non-Prolog data and control into {\eclipse}.
309%{\eclipse}'s flexible syntax and the extensive use of its event handling
310%capabilities allows it to build compatibility packages for programs
311%written in other Prolog dialects.
312%Currently packages are provided for C-Prolog, Quintus Prolog
313%SICStus Prolog and the old BSI standard draft.
314%Many of the system parameters can be modified by changing
315%internal flags.
317%\subsection{Autoloading Libraries}
319%{\eclipse} supports autoloading libraries of Prolog predicates.
320%When a predicate is declared as autoloading, it is loaded
321%from the corresponding file in the library path when it is
322%called for the first time.
323%User libraries are supported, the library path can contain
324%any user directories.
326%\subsection{Profiling Tools}
328%Two tools are provided to analyse program runs and extract
329%information for performance improvements.
330%One is a port-model based analyser which produces statistics
331%about how many times a program passed every debugger port.
332%The other is a true timing profiler which measures the time spent in
333%every predicate of a program. The latter works even on optimized compiled code.
336%\sepia and {\eclipse} have been developed on a Sun-4 and
337%ported to VAXes,
338%Apollo, Bull DPX machines and Siemens MX-300 and MX-500.
339%Apart from the
340%software implementation of \sepia, the Computer Architecture Group at ECRC
341%developed a hardware implementation termed the {\it Knowledge Crunching Machine}
342%(KCM) \cite{benker89}.
344%\subsection{On-line Documentation}
345%The {\eclipse} Prolog Built-in Predicate Reference Manual
346%(BIP book \cite{sepiabipbook}) is available on-line.
347%Calling {\tt help(PredSpec)} will display the appropriate manual page,
348%containing a detailed description of the specified built-in predicate.
351%{\eclipse} has been designed as a basis for various extensions
352%%of Prolog which may even go beyond the scope of logic programming.
354%The various Constraints Logic Programming libraries
355%are examples of successful systems based on {\eclipse}'s extensibility:
357%\item [library(fd)] finite-domain constraint solver
358%\item [library(r)] linear rational arithmetic constraint solver
359%\item [library(chr)] constraint handling rules system
360%\item [library(propia)] generalized propagation system
361%\item [library(conjunto)] finite sets constraint solver
364\section{Further Information}
365{\eclipse} was initially developed at the European Computer-Industry
366Research Centre (ECRC) in Munich, and then at IC-Parc, Imperial College in London
367until the end of 2005. It is now an open-source project, with the
368support of Cisco Systems.
369Up-to-date information can be obtained from the {\eclipse} web site
375or from the Sourceforge site under the project name {\bf eclipse-clp}
381which also hosts the main source repository.
382There you can also subscribe to the {\eclipse} user group mailing list
383or access its archives.%
384\index{user group}%
385\index{mailing list}
392\section{Reporting Problems}
393In order to make {\eclipse} as useful and reliable as possible,
394we would like to encourage users to submit problem reports via the web site
400or by e-mail to
406\index{bug reports}