2% Version: CMPL 1.1
4% The contents of this file are subject to the Cisco-style Mozilla Public
5% License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
6% in compliance with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License
7% at www.eclipse-clp.org/license.
9% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
10% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.  See
11% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
12% under the License. 
14% The Original Code is  The ECLiPSe Constraint Logic Programming System. 
15% The Initial Developer of the Original Code is  Cisco Systems, Inc. 
16% Portions created by the Initial Developer are
17% Copyright (C) 2006 Cisco Systems, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
19% Contributor(s): 
23% $Id: embsumc.tex,v 1.3 2015/01/14 01:31:09 jschimpf Exp $
26\chapter{Summary of C Interface Functions}
29Note that a self-contained subset of the functions described here
30uses only integer and string arguments and is therefore suitable
31to be used in situations where no complex types can be passed,
32e.g.\ when interfacing to scripting languages.
34\section{Constructing {\eclipse} terms in C}
35All these functions return (volatile) pwords, which can be used as input
36to other constructor functions, or which can be stored in (non-volatile)
40\item[pword		ec_string(const char*)]\ \\ 
41	converts a C string to an {\eclipse} string. The string is copied.
43\item[pword		ec_length_string(int, const char*)]\ \\ 
44	converts a C string of given length to an {\eclipse} string.
45	The string is copied and can contain NUL bytes.
47\item[pword		ec_atom(const dident)]\ \\
48	creates an {\eclipse} atom. A dident (dictionary identifier)
49	can be obtained either via ec_did() or ec_get_atom().
51\item[pword		ec_long(const long)]\ \\
52	converts a C long to an {\eclipse} integer.
54\item[pword		ec_long_long(const long long)]\ \\
55	converts a C long long to an {\eclipse} integer.
57\item[pword		ec_double(const double)]\ \\
58	converts a C double to an {\eclipse} float.
60\item[pword		ec_term(dident,pword,pword,...)]\ \\
61	creates an {\eclipse} term from the given components.
63\item[pword		ec_term_array(const dident,const pword\nil)]\ \\
64	creates an {\eclipse} term from the arguments given in the array.
66\item[pword		ec_list(const pword,const pword)]\ \\
67	creates a single {\eclipse} list cell with the given head (car) and tail (cdr).
69\item[pword		ec_listofrefs(ec_refs)]\ \\
70	creates an {\eclipse} list containing the elements of the ec_refs array.
72\item[pword		ec_listoflong(int, const long*)]\ \\
73	creates an {\eclipse} list of integers containing the longs in the given array.
74	The data is copied.
76\item[pword		ec_listofchar(int, const char*)]\ \\
77	creates an {\eclipse} list of integers containing the chars in the given array.
78	The data is copied.
80\item[pword		ec_listofdouble(int, const double*)]\ \\
81	creates an {\eclipse} list of doubles containing the doubles in the given array.
82	The data is copied.
84\item[pword		ec_arrayofdouble(int, const double*)]\ \\
85	creates an {\eclipse} array (a structure with functor \nil of
86	appropriate arity) of doubles from the given C array.
87	The data is copied.
89\item[pword		ec_matrixofdouble(int rows, int cols, const double*)]\ \\
90	creates an {\eclipse} array (size rows) of arrays (size cols) of doubles
91	from the given C array.  The data is copied.
93\item[pword		ec_handle(const t_ext_type*,const t_ext_ptr)]\ \\
94	creates an {\eclipse} handle that refers to the given C data and its
95	method table.
97\item[pword		ec_newvar()]\ \\
98	creates a fresh {\eclipse} variable.
100\item[pword		ec_nil()]\ \\
101	creates an {\eclipse} nil ie.\ the empty list \nil.
104Auxiliary functions to access the {\eclipse} dictionary.
106\item[dident		ec_did(char*,int)]\ \\
107	looks up or enters the given string with arity into the {\eclipse}
108	dictionary and returns a unique identifier for it.
109\item[char*		DidName(dident)]\ \\
110	returns the name string of the given dictionary identifier.
111\item[int		DidArity(dident)]\ \\
112	returns the arity of the given dictionary identifier.
117\section{Decomposing {\eclipse} terms in C}
118The following group of functions type-check an {\eclipse} term and
119retrieve its contents if it is of the correct type.
120The return code is PSUCCEED for successful conversion.
121If a variable was encountered instead INSTANTIATION_FAULT is returned.
122Other unexpected types yield a TYPE_ERROR. Special cases are explained below.
125\item[int		ec_get_string(const pword,char**)]\ \\
126	checks whether the {\eclipse} pword is a string (or atom) and converts
127	it to a C string. This string is volatile, ie.\ it should be copied
128	when it is required to survive resuming of {\eclipse}.
130\item[int		ec_get_string_length(const pword,char**,long*)]\ \\
131	the same as ec_get_string(), but returns also the string's length.
132	Note that {\eclipse} strings may contain null characters!
134\item[int		ec_get_atom(const pword,dident*)]\ \\
135	checks whether the {\eclipse} pword is an atom, and if so,
136	return its dictionary identifier.
138\item[int		ec_get_long(const pword,long*)]\ \\
139	checks whether the {\eclipse} pword is an integer that fits into
140	a C long, and if so, stores it via the pointer provided.
141	Otherwise, the return code is RANGE_ERROR.
143\item[int		ec_get_long_long(const pword,long long*)]\ \\
144	checks whether the {\eclipse} pword is an integer that fits into
145	a C long long, and if so, stores it via the pointer provided.
146	Otherwise, the return code is RANGE_ERROR.
148\item[int		ec_get_double(const pword,double*)]\ \\
149	checks whether the {\eclipse} pword is a floating point number,
150	and if so, returns it as an C double.
152\item[int		ec_get_nil(const pword)]\ \\
153	checks whether the {\eclipse} pword is nil, the empty list.
155\item[int		ec_get_list(const pword,pword*,pword*)]\ \\
156	checks whether the {\eclipse} pword is a list, and if so,
157	returns its head and tail. If it is nil, the return code is PFAIL.
159\item[int		ec_get_functor(pword,dident*)]\ \\
160	checks whether the {\eclipse} pword is a structure, and if so,
161	returns the functor.
163\item[int		ec_get_arg(const int n,pword,pword*)]\ \\
164	checks whether the {\eclipse} pword is a structure, and if so,
165	returns the n'th argument. The return code is RANGE_ERROR
166	if the argument index is out of range.
168\item[int		ec_arity(pword)]\ \\
169	returns the arity (number of arguments) of an {\eclipse} pword
170	if it is a structure, otherwise zero.
172\item[int		ec_get_handle(const pword,const t_ext_type*,t_ext_ptr*)]\ \\
173	checks whether the {\eclipse} pword is a handle whose method table
174	matches the given one, and if so, the data pointer is returned.
176\item[int		ec_is_var(const pword)]\ \\
177	checks whether the {\eclipse} pword is a variable.
178	Note that the return values are PSUCCEED are PFAIL
179	rather than standard C truth values.
184\section{Referring to {\eclipse} terms from C}
185The data types ec_refs and ec_ref provide a means to have non-volatile
186references to {\eclipse} data from within C data structures. However,
187it must be kept in mind that {\eclipse} data structures are nevertheless
188subject to backtracking, which means they may be reset to an earlier
189status when the search engine requires it. Creating a reference to
190a data structure does not change that in any way. In particular, 
191when the search engine fails beyond the state where the reference was
192set up, the reference disappears and is also reset to its earlier value.
194\item[ec_refs		ec_refs_create(int n,const pword pw)]\ \\
195	create a data structure capable of holding n non-volatile
196	references to {\eclipse} data items. They are initialised
197	with the value pw, which must be of a simple type.
199\item[ec_refs		ec_refs_create_newvars(int)]\ \\
200	like ec_refs_create(), but each item is initialised to
201	a freshly created {\eclipse} variable.
203\item[void		ec_refs_destroy(ec_refs)]\ \\
204	destroy the {\eclipse} references. It is important that this
205	is done, otherwise the {\eclipse} garbage collector will not
206	be able to free the references data structures, which may
207	eventually lead to memory overflow.
209\item[void		ec_refs_set(ec_refs,int i,const pword pw)]\ \\
210	set the i'th reference to the {\eclipse} term pw. This setting is
211	subject to the {\eclipse} engine's undo-mechanism on backtracking.
213\item[pword		ec_refs_get(const ec_refs,int i)]\ \\
214	return the {\eclipse} term referred to by the i'th reference.
216\item[int		ec_refs_size(const ec_refs)]\ \\
217	return the capacity of the ec_refs data structure.
219\item[ec_ref		ec_ref_create(pword)]\ \\
220	like ec_refs_create() for a single reference.
222\item[ec_ref		ec_ref_create_newvar()]\ \\
223	analogous to ec_refs_create_newvars().
225\item[void		ec_ref_destroy(ec_ref)]\ \\
226	analogous to ec_refs_destroy().
228\item[void		ec_ref_set(ec_ref,const pword)]\ \\
229	analogous to ec_refs_set().
231\item[pword		ec_ref_get(const ec_ref)]\ \\
232	analogous to ec_refs_get().
236\section{Passing Data to and from External Predicates in C}
237These two functions are only meaningful inside C functions that have been
238called from {\eclipse} as external predicates.
240\item[pword		ec_arg(int i)]\ \\
241	If inside a C function called from {\eclipse}, this returns the
242	i'th argument of the call.
244\item[int		ec_unify(pword,pword)]\ \\
245	Unify the two given pwords. Note that, if attributed variables
246	are involved in the unification, the associated unification handlers
247	as well as subsequent waking will only happen once control is
248	returned to {\eclipse}.
252\section{Operations on {\eclipse} Data}
253Interfaces to some basic operations on {\eclipse} Data.
255\item[int		ec_compare(const pword pw1, const pword pw2)]\ \\
256	Similar to the compare/3 built-in predicate:
257	returns 0 if the arguments are identical,
258	a negative number if pw1 is smaller than pw2,
259	and a positive number if pw1 is greater than pw2
260	in the standard term ordering.
262\item[int		ec_schedule_suspensions(pword,int)]\ \\
263	Similar to the
264	\bipref{schedule_suspensions/2}{../bips/kernel/suspensions/schedule_suspensions-2.html}
265	built-in predicate.
266	Waking will only happen once control is returned to {\eclipse}
267	and the wake/0 predicate is invoked.
268	Return code is PSUCCEED or an error code.
270\item[int		ec_free_handle(const pword, const t_ext_type*)]\ \\
271	checks whether pw is an {\eclipse} external data handle of the
272	expected type, and calls its free-method. After doing that, the
273	handle is stale and cannot be used any longer. Calling this function
274	on an already stale handle silently succeeds.
275	Return code is PSUCCEED or an error code.
280\section{Initialising and Shutting Down the {\eclipse} Subsystem}
281These are the functions needed to embed {\eclipse} into a C main program.
283\item[int		ec_set_option_long(int, long)]\ \\
284	Set the value of a numerical option (see appendix \ref{chapecoptions}).
285        The numerical value can be of type long.
287\item[int		ec_set_option_ptr(int, char *)]\ \\
288	Set the value of a string-valued option (see appendix \ref{chapecoptions}).
290\item[int		ec_init()]\ \\
291	Initialise the {\eclipse} engine. This is required before any other
292	functions of this interface (except option setting) can be used.
294\item[int		ec_cleanup()]\ \\
295	Shutdown the {\eclipse} engine.
299\section{Creating External Predicates in C}
300This function serves the same purpose as the {\eclipse} built-in external/2:
302\item[int ec_external(dident pred, int(*fct)(), dident module)]\ \\
303	Creates a predicate pred in the given module, whose C/C++
304	implementation is the function fct (see chapter \ref{chapext}
305	for how to write such functions). The module must exist.
306	Return code is PSUCCEED or an error code.
310\section{Passing Control and Data to {\eclipse} from C}
311These are the functions needed to embed {\eclipse} into C code.
313\item[void		ec_post_goal(const pword)]\ \\
314	post a goal (constraint) that will be executed when \eclipse
315	is resumed.
317\item[void		ec_post_string(const char *)]\ \\
318	same as ec_post_goal(), but the goal is given in {\eclipse} syntax
319	in a string. This should only be used if speed is not critical
320	and if the goal does not contain variables whose values may be
321	needed later.
322	This function is part of the simplified interface.
324\item[void		ec_post_exdr(int len, const char *exdr)]\ \\
325	same as ec_post_goal(), but the goal is given in EXDR format
326	(see chapter \ref{chapexdr}).
327	This function is part of the simplified interface.
329\item[int		ec_resume()]\ \\
330	resume execution of the {\eclipse} engine: All posted goals will
331	be executed and all posted events will be handled.
332	The return value will be PSUCCEED if the goals succeed
333	PFAIL is returned if the goals fail, and PYIELD if control was
334	yielded because of a
335	\bipref{yield/2}{../bips/kernel/externals/yield-2.html}
336	predicate call in the {\eclipse} code.
337	If a writable queue stream with yield-option
338	(see \bipref{open/4}{../bips/kernel/iostream/open-4.html})
339	was flushed, the return value is PFLUSHIO.
340	If there was an attempt to read from an empty queue stream with
341	yield-option, the return value is PWAITIO.
342	If an asynchronous {\eclipse} thread is already running,
343	PRUNNING is returned.
344	No parameters can be passed.
345	This function is part of the simplified interface.
347\item[int		ec_resume1(ec_ref ToC)]\ \\
348	Similar to ec_resume(), but if the return value is PSUCCED,
349	the ToC argument returns a cut value that can be used to discard
350	alternative solutions by passing it to ec_cut_to_chp().
351	If the return value is PYIELD, control was yielded because of a
352	\bipref{yield/2}{../bips/kernel/externals/yield-2.html}
353	predicate call in the {\eclipse} code, and ToC contains the data
354	passed by the first argument of
355	\bipref{yield/2}{../bips/kernel/externals/yield-2.html}.
356	If the return value is PFLUSHIO or PWAITIO, ToC contains
357	the associated stream number.
359\item[int		ec_resume2(const pword FromC,ec_ref ToC)]\ \\
360	Similar to ec_resume1(), but it allows to pass an argument
361	to the resumed execution. This is only useful if the execution
362	had yielded due to a
363	\bipref{yield/2}{../bips/kernel/externals/yield-2.html}
364	predicate call. The term FromC is passed as input into the
365	second argument of
366	\bipref{yield/2}{../bips/kernel/externals/yield-2.html}.
368\item[int		ec_resume_long(long *ToC)]\ \\
369	Similar to ec_resume1(), but allows only integer values to be passed
370	from {\eclipse} to C (otherwise TYPE_ERROR is returned).
371	This function is part of the simplified interface.
373\item[int		ec_resume_async()]\ \\
374	Similar to ec_resume(), but {\eclipse} is resumed in a separate
375	thread in case this is supported by the operating system.
376	The return value is PSUCCED if the thread started successfully,
377	SYS_ERROR if there was a problem creating the thread, and
378	PRUNNING if there was already an {\eclipse} thread running
379	(only one {\eclipse} thread is allowed to run at any time).
380	If threads are not supported, the call does nothing and return
381	PSUCCED. Use ec_resume_status() to wait for termination and
382	to retrieve the results of the execution.
384\item[int		ec_resume_status()]\ \\
385	This function is supposed to be called after a call to
386	ec_resume_async(). It returns PRUNNING as long as the {\eclipse}
387	thread is still running. If the thread has stopped, the return
388	values are the same as for ec_resume().
389	If threads are not supported, the pair of ec_resume_async()
390	and ec_resume_status() is equivalent to an ec_resume().
392\item[int		ec_resume_status_long(long *ToC)]\ \\
393	Similar to ec_resume_status(), but allows an integer to be
394	returned to the caller, as done by ec_resume_long().
396\item[int		ec_wait_resume_status_long(long *ToC, int timeout)]\ \\
397	Similar to ec_resume_status_long(), but waits for the {\eclipse} thread
398	to finish execution. The function returns as soon as the {\eclipse} thread
399	is finished, or after timeout milliseconds, whatever is earlier.
400	In case of timeout, the return value will be PRUNNING. If timeout is
401	zero, the function is equivalent to ec_resume_status_long().
402	If timeout is negative, there will be no timeout and the function
403	will only return when the {\eclipse} thread is finished.
405\item[int		ec_handle_events(long *ToC)]\ \\
406	Similar to ec_resume_long(), but posted goals are not executed,
407	only events are handled.
409\item[void		ec_cut_to_chp(ec_ref)]\ \\
410	Cut all choicepoints created by the batch of goals whose execution
411	succeeded. The argument should have been obtained by a call to
412	ec_resume2().
414\item[int		ec_post_event(pword Name)]\ \\
415	Post an event to the {\eclipse} engine. This will lead to the
416	execution of the corresponding event handler once the \eclipse
417	execution is resumed. See also \bipref{event/1}{../bips/kernel/event/event-1.html} and the User Manual
418	chapter on event handling for more information.
419	Name should be an {\eclipse} atom.
421\item[int		ec_post_event_string(const char *)]\ \\
422	Post an event to the {\eclipse} engine. This will lead to the
423	execution of the corresponding event handler once the \eclipse
424	execution is resumed. See also \bipref{event/1}{../bips/kernel/event/event-1.html} and the User Manual
425	chapter on event handling for more information. The event name
426	is given as a string.
427	This function is part of the simplified interface.
431\section{Communication via {\eclipse} Streams}
432These functions allow exchanging data with an embedded {\eclipse} via
433queue streams created by the {\eclipse} code.
434Queue streams can be created either by using
435\bipref{open/3}{../bips/kernel/iostream/open-3.html} and
437from within
438{\eclipse} code, or by initializing {\eclipse} with the MEMORY_IO option.
439In the latter case, the streams 0, 1 and 2 are queues corresponding
440to {\eclipse}'s input, output and error streams.
442\item[int		ec_queue_write(int stream, char *data, int size)]\ \\
443	Write string data into the specified {\eclipse} queue stream.
444	Data points to the data and size is the number of bytes to write.
445	The return value is 0 for success, or a negative error number.
447\item[int		ec_queue_read(int stream, char *buf, int size)]\ \\
448	Read string data into the specified {\eclipse} queue stream.
449	Buf points to a data buffer and size is the buffer size.
450	The return value is either a negative error code, or the number
451	of bytes read into buffer.
453\item[int		ec_queue_avail(int stream)]\ \\
454	Determines the number of bytes that are available and can be
455	read from the given queue stream.  The return value is either
456	that number or a negative error code.
458\item[int		ec_stream_nr(char *name)]\ \\
459	Get the stream number of the named stream. If the return value
460	is negative then there is no open stream with the specified name.
461        This is the same operation that the {\eclipse} built-in
462        \bipref{get_stream/2}{../bips/kernel/iostream/get_stream-2.html}
463        performs). 
468These two functions provide an alternative method for posting goals and
469retrieving results. They are intended for applications with a simple structure
470that require only infrequent call-return style control transfers
471and little information passing between {\eclipse} and C. It is less powerful
472and less efficient that the primitives described above.
474\item[int		ec_exec_string(char*,ec_ref Vars)]\ \\
475	let {\eclipse} execute a goal given in a string {\eclipse} syntax.
476	Return value is PSUCCEED or PFAIL, depending on the result of
477	the execution. If successful, Vars holds a list mapping the
478	variables names within the string to their values after execution.
480\item[int		ec_var_lookup(ec_ref Vars,char*,pword* pw)]\ \\
481	Lookup the value of the variable with the given name.
482	Vars is a list as returned by ec_exec_string().