2% Version: CMPL 1.1
4% The contents of this file are subject to the Cisco-style Mozilla Public
5% License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
6% in compliance with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License
7% at www.eclipse-clp.org/license.
9% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
10% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.  See
11% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
12% under the License. 
14% The Original Code is  The ECLiPSe Constraint Logic Programming System. 
15% The Initial Developer of the Original Code is  Cisco Systems, Inc. 
16% Portions created by the Initial Developer are
17% Copyright (C) 1997 - 2006 Cisco Systems, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
19% Contributor(s): Joachim Schimpf, Stefano Novello, IC-Parc
20%                 Kish Shen, CrossCore Optimization
26% $Header: /cvsroot/eclipse-clp/Eclipse/Oci/dbi.ecl,v 1.8 2013/06/20 20:59:09 kish_shen Exp $
31% AUTHOR:		Joachim Schimpf
32% AUTHOR:		Stefano Novello
37 * char *sccsid = "@(#)oci.pl	1.2  96/11/21";
38 *
39 * Contents:	Prolog library for DB interface
40 *
41 * Author:	Stefano Novello
42 * Author:      Kish Shen, Generalised and updated from original OCI code,
43 *              initially for MySQL, Jan - Feb 2006.
44 *
45 *
46 */
48:- module(dbi).
51:- comment(categories, ["Interfacing"]).
52:- comment(summary, "Interface to MySQL databases").
53:- comment(author, "Kish Shen, based on Oracle interface by Stefano Novello").
54:- comment(date, "$Date: 2013/06/20 20:59:09 $").
55:- comment(copyright, "Cisco Systems, 2006").
57:- lib(lists).
58:- lib(suspend).
60:- export
61        session_start/4,
62        session_start/3,
63	session_close/1,
64	session_error_value/3,
66	session_commit/1,
67        session_rollback/1,
68	session_transaction/2,
69	session_transaction/3,
71        session_sql/3,
73	session_sql_prepare/4,
74	session_N_sql_prepare/5,
75	cursor_next_execute/2,
76        cursor_next_execute/3,
77	cursor_N_execute/4,
78        cursor_all_execute/2,
80        cursor_close/1,
81	session_sql_query/4,
82        session_sql_query/5,
83	session_sql_query_N/6,
85	cursor_next_tuple/2,
86	cursor_N_tuples/4,
87        cursor_all_tuples/2,
88	session_sql_prepare_query/5,
89        session_sql_prepare_query_N/6,
91        session_retrieve_tuple/4,
92        session_retrieve_N_tuples/5,
93        session_retrieve_lazy_tuples/5,
95	cursor_field_value/3.
98:- export struct(cursor(
99                        handle,            % ec_handle. C code assumes this
100                                           % is in argument position 1.
101                        session            % parent session
102                 ) 
103          ).
106:- pragma(expand).
107:- import symbol_address/2,get_cut/1,cut_to/1 from sepia_kernel.
109% load the dynamic MySQL library for Windows explicitly
110% to avoid path problems
111load_dynamic_mysql("i386_nt", SUF) :- !,
112        concat_string(["i386_nt/libmysql.", SUF], F),
113        load(F).
114load_dynamic_mysql("x86_64_nt", SUF) :- !,
115        concat_string(["x86_64_nt/libmysql.", SUF], F),
116        load(F).
117load_dynamic_mysql(_, _).
119:- symbol_address(p_dbi_init, _ ) -> true ;
120	get_flag(object_suffix,SUF),
121        get_flag(hostarch, Arch),
122        catch(load_dynamic_mysql(Arch, SUF), abort,
123              (printf(error, "Cannot find/load the dyanmic libmysql.%s"
124                             " library.%n", [SUF]),
125               writeln(error, "You can obtain this file as part of MySQL."),
126               printf(error, "Place the file into lib/%s directory of ECLiPSe"
127                            " to use Dbi.%n", [Arch]),
128               fail
129              )
130        ),     
131        concat_string([Arch,/,"dbi_mysql.",SUF],F),
132	load(F).
135:- external(	s_init/1,	p_session_init),
136   external(	s_start/5,	p_session_start),
137   external(	s_error_value/3,	p_session_error_value),
138   external(	s_commit/1,	p_session_commit),
139   external(	s_rollback/1,	p_session_rollback),
140   external(	s_close/1,	p_session_close),
142%   external(	s_sql_ddl/2,	p_session_sql_ddl),
143   external(	s_sql_dml/3,	p_session_sql_dml),
144   external(	s_sql_query/6,	p_session_sql_query),
145   external(	s_sql_prepare/5,	p_session_sql_prepare),
146   external(	s_sql_prepare_query/6,	p_session_sql_prepare_query),
147   external(    s_set_in_transaction/2, p_session_set_in_transaction),
148   external(    s_is_in_transaction/1,  p_session_is_in_transaction),
150   external(	cursor_next_exec/3,	p_cursor_next_execute),
151   external(	cursor_N_execute/4,	p_cursor_N_execute),
152   external(	cursor_next_tuple/2,	p_cursor_next_tuple),
153   external(	cursor_N_tuples/4,	p_cursor_N_tuples),
155   external(	c_field_value/3,	p_cursor_field_value),
156   external(    cursor_free/1,          p_cursor_free),
158   external(	handle_free_eagerly/1,	p_handle_free_eagerly),
160   external(	dbi_init/1,		p_dbi_init),
161   external(    dbi_final/0,		p_dbi_final).
164:- include(mysqlopts).
167:- mode extract_session(+,-).
179:- mode extract_cursor(+,-).
188session_abort(S) :-
189        (nonvar(S), s_is_in_transaction(S) ->
190            exit_block(dbi_fail)
191        ;
192            abort
193        ).
195cursor_session(cursor{session:S0},S) ?- S0 = S.
199dbi_error_handler(Error, Goal) :-
200	extract_cursor(Goal,Cursor),
201	!,
202	error_id(Error,Id),
203	cursor_field_value(Cursor,return_code_as_string,Message),
204	cursor_field_value(Cursor,return_code,Code),
205	printf(stderr,"%s Code:%d in %PQw%n%s%n",[Id,Code,Goal,Message]),
206	flush(stderr),
207	cursor_session(Cursor,Session),
208	session_abort(Session).
210dbi_error_handler(Error,Goal) :-
211	extract_session(Goal,S),
212        nonvar(S),
213	s_error_value(S,Code,Message),
214	!,
215	error_id(Error,Id),
216	printf(stderr,"%s Code:%d in %PQw%n%s%n",[Id,Code,Goal,Message]),
217	flush(stderr),
218	session_abort(S).
220dbi_error_handler(Error,Goal) :-
221	error_id(Error,Id),
222	printf(stderr,"%s in %PQw%n",[Id,Goal]),
223	flush(stderr),
224	abort.
227:- tool(session_transaction/2,session_transaction/3).
228session_transaction(Session,Goal,Module) :-
229        (s_is_in_transaction(Session) ->
230            once(call(Goal)@Module)
231        ;
232            s_set_in_transaction(Session, 1),
233            ( block( once(call(Goal)@Module) , Tag,
234                     transaction_recovery(Session,Tag) ) ->
235                s_set_in_transaction(Session, 0),
236                s_commit(Session)
237            ;
238                transaction_recovery(Session,dbi_fail)
239            )
240        ).
242	transaction_recovery(Session,Tag) :-
243                s_set_in_transaction(Session, 0),
244		s_rollback(Session),
245		(Tag = dbi_fail ->
246		    fail
247		;
248		    exit_block(Tag)
249		).
251get_user_and_host(User0@Host0, User, Host) :- !,
252        concat_string([User0], User),
253        concat_string([Host0], Host).
254get_user_and_host(User0, User, Host) :-
255        concat_string([User0], User),
256        Host = "".
258session_start(Login,Passwd,Session) :-
259        session_start(Login,Passwd,[],Session).
261session_start(Login,Passwd0,OptsList,Session) :-
262        get_user_and_host(Login, User, Host),
263        get_opts(session, OptsList,Opts), !,
264        concat_string([Passwd0], Passwd),
265        s_init(Session),
266        s_start(Session,User,Host,Passwd,Opts).
267session_start(Login,Passwd,OptsList,Session) :-
268        error(6,session_start(Login,Passwd,OptsList,Session)).
271session_error_value(Session,Code,Message) :-
272        ( is_handle(Session) ->
273            s_error_value(Session,Code,Message)
274        ;
275            error(5, session_error_value(Session,Code,Message))
276        ).
279session_commit(Session) :-
280    (s_is_in_transaction(Session) -> true ; s_commit(Session)).
282session_rollback(Session) :-
283    (s_is_in_transaction(Session) -> 
284        exit_block(dbi_fail) 
285    ; 
286        s_rollback(Session)
287    ).
290session_sql(Session,SQL,Tuples) :-
291    ( is_handle(Session) -> 
292        s_sql_dml(Session,SQL,Tuples) 
293    ;
294        error(5, session_sql(Session,SQL,Tuples))
295    ).
297session_sql_query(Session,Template,SQL,OptsList,Cursor) :-
298    Cursor = cursor{handle:CursorH,session:Session},
299    ( get_opts(cursor, OptsList, Opts) ->
300        s_sql_query(Session, Template,SQL,1,Opts,CursorH)
301    ;
302        printf(error, "Invalid option list in %w%n", [OptsList]),
303        error(6, session_sql_query(Session, Template,SQL,OptsList,Cursor))
304    ).
306session_sql_query(Session,Template,SQL,Cursor) :-
307    session_sql_query_N(Session,Template,SQL,1,[],Cursor).
310session_sql_query_N(Session,Template,SQL,N,OptsList,Cursor) :-
311    Cursor = cursor{handle:CursorH,session:Session},
312    ( get_opts(cursor, OptsList, Opts) ->
313        s_sql_query(Session,Template,SQL,N,Opts,CursorH)
314    ;
315        printf(error, "Invalid option list in %w%n", [OptsList]),
316        error(6, session_sql_query_N(Session, Template,SQL,N,OptsList,Cursor))
317    ).
320session_sql_prepare(Session,Template,SQL,Cursor) :-
321    Cursor = cursor{handle:CursorH,session:Session},
322    s_sql_prepare(Session,Template,SQL,1,CursorH).
324session_N_sql_prepare(Session,Template,SQL,N,Cursor) :-
325    Cursor = cursor{handle:CursorH,session:Session},
326    s_sql_prepare(Session,Template,SQL,N,CursorH).
329session_sql_prepare_query(Session,ParamT,QueryT,SQL,Cursor) :-
330    Cursor = cursor{handle:CursorH,session:Session},
331    s_sql_prepare_query(Session,ParamT,QueryT,SQL,1,CursorH).
333session_sql_prepare_query_N(Session,ParamT,QueryT,SQL,N,Cursor) :-
334    Cursor = cursor{handle:CursorH,session:Session},
335    s_sql_prepare_query(Session,ParamT,QueryT,SQL,N,CursorH).
338session_close(Session) :-
339    ( is_handle(Session) ->
340        s_close(Session)
341    ;
342        error(5, session_close(Session))
343    ).        
347% Mapping between atoms and field_t C enumerated type in dbi.h
348:- mode field_t(++,-).
350field_t( state,			0).
351field_t( rows_processed_count,	1).
352field_t( return_code,		2).
353field_t( return_code_as_string,	3).
354field_t( warning_flags,		4).
355field_t( row_ID,		5).
357cursor_close(cursor{handle:Handle}) ?- !,
358        cursor_free(Handle).
359cursor_close(Cursor) :-
360        error(5, cursor_close(Cursor)).
362cursor_field_value(Cursor,Field,Value) :-
363	atom(Field),
364        Cursor = cursor{},
365	field_t(Field,F),
366	!,
367	c_field_value(Cursor,F,Value).
368cursor_field_value(Cursor,Field,Value) :-
369    	error(5,cursor_field_value(Cursor,Field,Value)).
372session_retrieve_tuple(Session,SQL,Template,Tuple) :-
373	session_sql_query(Session,Template,SQL,10,Cursor),
374	handle_free_eagerly(Cursor),
375	repeat,
376	( cursor_next_tuple(Cursor,Tuple0) ->
377		Tuple0 = Tuple
378	;
379		!,fail
380	).
383session_retrieve_N_tuples(Session,Template,SQL,N,Tuple) :-
384	session_sql_query(Session,Template,SQL,N,Cursor),
385	handle_free_eagerly(Cursor),
386	repeat,
387	cursor_N_tuples(Cursor,R,Tuples,[]),
388	(R < N ->
389		!
390	;
391		true
392	),
393	member(Tuple, Tuples).
395cursor_all_tuples(Cursor,Tuples) :-
396	cursor_N_tuples(Cursor,N,Tuples,Rest),
397	( N > 0 ->
398	    cursor_all_tuples(Cursor,Rest)
399	;
400	    Rest = []
401	).
404session_retrieve_lazy_tuples(Session,Template,SQL,N,Tuples) :-
405	get_cut(Cut),
406	session_sql_query(Session,Template,SQL,N,Cursor),
407	cursor_lazy_tuples(Cursor,Cut,Tuples).
409cursor_lazy_tuples(Cursor,Cut,Tuples) :-
410	var(Tuples),
411	!,
412	suspend(cursor_lazy_tuples(Cursor,Cut,Tuples),3,Tuples->inst).
414cursor_lazy_tuples(Cursor,Cut,Tuples) :-
415	get_cut(CutNow),
416	(CutNow \= Cut ->
417		cut_to(Cut),
418		printf(stderr,
419		    "warning: cutting in  cursor_lazy_tuples/3\n")
420	;
421		true
422	),
423	cursor_N_tuples(Cursor,N,Tuples,Rest),
424	(N > 0 ->
425	    cursor_lazy_tuples(Cursor,CutNow,Rest)
426	;
427	    Rest = []
428	).
430cursor_next_execute(Cursor, Tuple)  :-
431        cursor_next_execute(Cursor, Tuple, []).
433cursor_next_execute(Cursor, Tuple, OptsList) :-
434        ( get_opts(cursor, OptsList, Opts) ->
435            cursor_next_exec(Cursor, Tuple, Opts)
436        ;
437            printf(error, "Invalid option list in %w%n", [OptsList]),
438            error(6, cursor_next_execute(Cursor, Tuple, OptsList))
439        ).
442cursor_all_execute(_Cursor,[]) :- !.
443cursor_all_execute(Cursor,Tuples) :-
444	cursor_N_execute(Cursor,_,Tuples,Rest),
445	cursor_all_execute(Cursor,Rest).
447:- pragma(deprecated_warnings(off)).
449dbi_initialize :- 
450        define_error("DBI General exception",E),
451	set_event_handler(E,dbi_error_handler/2),
452	dbi_init(E).
454dbi_finalize :-
455        dbi_final.
457:- local initialization(dbi_initialize), finalization(dbi_finalize).
462:- comment(desc, html("\
464 This library provides an interface to database management systems (DBMS)
465 that supports SQL (Structure Query Language), allowing SQL commands,
466 written in an ECLiPSe program, to be passed to the DBMS for processing,
467 and their results (if any) to be passed back to ECLiPSe.
469 The exact SQL supported by the library is determined by the underlying
470 DBMS, as the SQL commands are passed directly to the DBMS via its C API. 
471 If supported by the C API, the library also allows the use of prepared SQL
472 statements, where a SQL statement, possibly parameterised to accept
473 different input data, is parsed once by the DBMS, and efficiently executed
474 multiple times. Support for transactions (with commit and rollback) is also
475 provided.
477 The library provides a relatively low-level interface to the DBMS, but
478 higher level interfaces (e.g. where a SQL query is viewed as a predicate,
479 yielding different results tuples on backtracking) can be constructed on
480 top of this.
482 Currently, MySQL (version 5.0 or later) is supported by the library.
483 Note that the MySQL client dynamic library (libmysqlclient.so on Unix
484 systems, mysql.dll on Windows) is not included with the distribution, and
485 if this file is not found by ECLiPSe on loading lib(dbi), there will be 
486 an error. This file can be obtained by downloading MySQL, and placing the
487 .so or .dll file into a place where ECLiPSe can find it, for example a 
488 standard system library location, or in the ECLiPSe library location 
489 (<eclipsedir>/lib/<arch>).
492 Data is exchanged with the DBMS via:
495<DT>SQL statements (input)
496  <DD>Directly in the SQL statements passed to the DBMS;
498<DT>SQL query results (output)
499  <DD>The results returned by SQL queries are returned to ECLiPSe via
500      result tuples. Each tuple represents a single row of result, and is
501      returned to ECLiPSe as a Prolog structure, with each argument
502      represents one column in the result tuple. The ordering of the
503      arguments corresponds to the ordering defined by the SQL query.
504<DT>Parameters for prepared SQL statements (input)
505  <DD>If prepared statements are supported by the DBMS, data can also be
506      passed to the DBMS via parameters (also known as placeholders). Each
507      parameter functions like a variable, whose value is instantiated when
508      the statement is executed. The library passes parameter values to the
509      DBMS via Prolog structures, with each argument represent one parameter. 
510      The ordering of the arguments is defined by the ordering of the
511      parameters in the prepared SQL statement.
512 </DL>
514 Input and output data in the structures need to be converted from/to
515 ECLiPSe datatypes. The ECLiPSe datatype is specified by a template, which
516 specifies the datatype by example, i.e. an example result tuple structure
517 (for output) or parameter structure (for input) where each argument
518 specify the type for that argument, e.g.
519    <TT>emp(123,\"some name\",100.0,'some job',extra(data))</TT>,
520 specifies that the first argument should be an integer, the second a 
521 string, the third a real, the fourth, an atom, and the last, a general
522 Prolog term. Note that general Prolog terms are stored in the database in
523 a binary representation, and the conversion is done by the library. 
525 The data is exchanged with the DBMS via buffers. Some DBMS require the
526 sizes of the buffers to be specified. This is done automatically by the
527 library, but if the default sizes need to overridden (e.g. if the argument
528 is large), the template can be used to specify the size of buffers for
529 variable length data, e.g.
530    <TT>emp(123,\"1000\",100.0,'2000',extra(5000))</TT>,
531 where the second argument <TT>\"1000\"</TT> specifies a buffer size of 1000
532 bytes, the third argument <TT>'2000'</TT> a buffer size of 2000 bytes,
533 and the last argument, <TT>extra(5000)</TT>, a buffer size of 5000 bytes.
534 Note that any size specifications are simply ignored if not required.
537:- comment(session_start/4,  [
538        amode: session_start(++,++,++,-),
539        args: ["Login": "DBMS login: ID or ID@Host. (ID,Host: string or"
540                        " atom)",
541               "Password": "Password (string or atom)",
542               "Options": "Options (list or nil)",
543               "Session": "Session handle"
544              ],
545        summary: "starts a new session for the DBMS",
546        see_also:[session_close/1],
547        eg:"
548     % connecting to a database server running on the local machine, as 
549     % database user sqluser with password password
550     session_start(\"sqluser\", \"password\", [], S).
552     % connecting to a database server running on machine my.sql.host,
553     % as database user sqluser with password password, and selecting
554     % to use the database mydb
555     session_start(sqluser@my.sql.host, password, [dbame:\"mydb\"], S).
557        desc: html("\
559 Starts a new session with the DBMS. A new connection with the DBMS server is
560 established, with the supplied DBMS user ID. Optionally, a host could be
561 supplied, if the server is located on a remote machine. The host could be
562 either the machine name, or an IP address. A session handle for this new
563 connection is returned by the predicate.
565 The session is closed automatically if the program backtracks or aborts back
566 beyond this call. 
568 Options is a (possibly empty) list of <TT>Option:Value</TT> pairs, specifying any
569 options for this session. The following options are supported:
573 <DD>Specifies the name of the database to use. Value can be a
574     string or an atom. The same effect can also be achieved by issuing the
575     SQL statement <TT>USE ...</TT> (where ... is the dbname).
578 <DD>(MySQL specific) specifies the default storage model to use for
579     the tables. Value can be either the string/atom <TT>transactional</TT>
580     or <TT>non-transactional</TT>. For transactional tables, changes are
581     local until they are committed. Uncommitted changes can be rollback.
582     For non-transactional tables, changes are global. InnoDB (with autocommit
583     turned off) is the storage  engine used for transactional, and MyISAM is
584     the storage engine used for non-transactional. See the MySQL manual for
585     details on storage engines and their effect on tables.
587        exceptions:[
588            5: "Login, Password or Options not of the correct type.",
589            6: "Invalid option specification in Options.",
590            dbi_bad_field: "Problems with Option's argument.",
591            dbi_error: "Problems connecting to DBMS server."]
595:- comment(session_close/1,  [
596        amode: session_close(++),
597        args: ["Session": "A session handle"],
598        summary: "close a session for the DBMS",
599        see_also:[session_start/4,cursor_close/1],
600        exceptions: [
601            5: "Session is not a session handle"],
602        desc: html("\
604 This closes a session explicitly, disconnecting from the DBMS server. It 
605 takes  effect immediately. Any uncommitted transactional updates are rolled 
606 back. Some resources associated with the session are also freed.
608 Cursors for this session are not closed by the closing of the session,
609 but they will no longer be able to access the database, but will still use
610 some resources. It is recommended that cursors be closed before closing
611 the session. All resources associated with a session are only freed when
612 both the session and all the cursors are closed. 
615:- comment(session_rollback/1, [
616        amode: session_rollback(++),
617        args: ["Session": "A session handle"],
618        summary: "rollback transactional changes made to the database.",
619        see_also:[session_commit/1, session_transaction/2],
620        exceptions: [
621            5: "Session is not a valid session handle",
622            dbi_error: "Problems from DBMS during rollback."],
623        eg:
625    session_sql(Session, \"insert into mytable values (\'a\')\", _),
626    session_commit(Session), % committing the insert of a to table mytable 
627    session_sql(Session, \"insert into mytable values (\'b\')\", _),
628    session_sql(Session, \"insert into mytable values (\'c\')\", _),
629    % undo the inserting of b and c into table mytable (if tranactional)
630    session_rollback(Session), 
632        desc: html("\
634  This undoes all <STRONG>transactional</STRONG> changes made to the database since the last
635  commit for this session. Note some DBMS can operate non-transactionally
636  (for example, non-transactional tables in MySQL), such operations cannot
637  be undone. Also, even for transactions, not all changes can be undone.
638  See DBMS's manual for details.
640  Outside a transaction this predicate will either succeed if rollback was
641  successful, or raise an error otherwise.
643  When executed within the scope of a session_transaction/2 goal, this 
644  predicate will simply abort the complete outer transaction.
646 NOTE: This predicate behaves very differently, depending on
647 whether it is in a transaction or not. It is always advisable not
648 to rely on it succeeding, but rather to fail or abort immediately
649 after it adopting a coding style that causes a Prolog failure
650 whenever a transaction cannot be completed.")
653:- comment(session_commit/1, [
654        amode: session_commit(++),
655        args: ["Session": "A session handle"],
656        summary: "commits transactional changes made to the database.",
657        see_also:[session_rollback/1, session_transaction/2],
658        eg:
660    session_sql(Session, \"insert into mytable values (\'a\')\", _),
661    session_commit(Session), % committing the insert of a to table mytable 
663        exceptions: [
664            5: "Session is not a valid session handle",
665            dbi_error: "Problems from DBMS during commit."],
666         desc: html("\
668 This commits any transactional updates to the database made within Session.
669 By default, transactional updates are local to the session, and the changes
670 only become global when a commit occurs, e.g. when session_commit/1 is
671 executed. Note that non-transactional updates become globally visible 
672 immediately.
674 When executed within the scope of a session_transaction/2 goal, this
675 predicate simply succeeds without doing anything.")
678:- comment(session_transaction/2, [
679        amode: session_transaction(++,+),
680        args: ["Session": "A session handle",
681               "Goal": "Prolog goal that implements a database update."],
682        summary: "executes Goal as a database transaction.",
683        see_also:[session_rollback/1, session_commit/1],
684        exceptions: [
685            5: "Session is not a valid session handle",
686            abort: "session_rollback/1 called within Goal"],
687        eg: "
688transfer(Session, Amount,FromAccount,ToAccount) :-
689     session_transaction(Session, 
690         transfer_(Session,Amount,FromAccount,ToAccount)
691     ).
693% note \'?\' in SQL in the syntax MySQL uses for placeholders. This may be
694% different in other DBMS
695transfer_(Session, Amount, FromAccount, ToAccount) :-
696    SQL = \"update accounts set balance = balance + ? \\
697                                             where id = ?\",
698    Deduct is - Amount,
699    session_sql_prepare(Session,incbal(1.0,12),SQL,1,Update),
700    cursor_next_execute(Update,incbal(Deduct,FromAccount)),
701    cursor_next_execute(Update,incbal(Amount,ToAccount)).
703        desc: html("\
705 This executes Goal as a database transaction. This predicate is only useful
706 if the database supports transactions (i.e. changes are local until committed).
707 If Goal succeeds session_transaction/2  commits the update, cuts any
708 alternative solutions to Goal and succeeds itself.
710 If Goal fails or causes a database error, session_transaction/2 fails and
711 rolls back any changes done to the database.
713 If Goal aborts, the update is rolled back, and session_transaction/2 aborts.
715 MySQL specific note: transactions are supported for transactional tables only
716 (i.e. stored with a storage engine with transaction-safe capabilities).
718 NOTE: It is a programming error to have some previous uncommitted
719 database updates at the time of calling session_transaction/2. 
721 Calls of this predicate can be nested, but only the outermost transaction 
722 is real. All the inner transactions are simply equivalent to call(Goal).
723 This way it is possible to write a call to session_transaction/2, into 
724 some code that implements a simple update, but then to include that simple 
725 update into a larger transaction.
727 Similarly session_commit/1 and session_rollback/1 alter their behaviour so
728 that they can be used within a transaction.
730 Transactions are local to one session so there is no way to safely make an 
731 update relating to several sessions.")
735:- comment(session_sql/3, [ 
736        amode: session_sql(++,++,-),
737        args: ["Session": "A session handle",
738               "SQL":"A SQL statement (string)",
739               "RowProcessedCount": "Number of rows affected by this"
740                                    " statement"
741              ],
742        summary: "Executes a SQL statement on the database server.",
743        exceptions: [
744            5: "Session is not a valid session handle or SQL not a string",
745            dbi_error: "database returned an error when executing SQL."
746                    ],
747        eg:"
748make_accounts(Session) :-
749    session_sql(Session,
750        \"create table accounts \\
751         (id           decimal(4)      not null,\\
752          balance      decimal(9,2)    default 0.0 not null, \\
753          overdraft    decimal(9,2)    default 0.0 not null \\
754         )\" ,_),
755    session_sql(Session,
756        \"insert into accounts (id,balance) values (1001,1200.0)\",1),
757    session_sql(Session,
758        \"insert into accounts (id,balance) values (1002,4300.0)\",1).
760        desc: html("\
762 Executes a SQL statement (without parameters) on the database server. The
763 SQL statement should not have a terminating semicolon (;). If supported by
764 the DBMS, SQL can consist of multiple statements separated by semicolons.
765 RowProcessedCount will be unified with the number of rows affected by this
766 statement.
768 In the case of data definition language statements the RowProcessedCount
769 parameter is undefined and should be passed as a free variable.
771 In the case of data manipulation language statements, the
772 RowProcessedCount is the number of rows, deleted, modified or inserted
773 by the SQL statement.
775 The SQL statement must be valid for the DBMS to execute. It can contain
776 NULL characters, i.e. it can contain binary data.
778 Any results generated by the statement is discarded.")
782:- comment(session_sql_query/4, [
783        amode: session_sql_query(++,+,++, -),
784        args: ["Session": "A session handle",
785               "ResultTemplate": "Template defining the types of results"
786                                " tuple (structure)",
787               "SQLQuery": "A SQL statement query (string)",
788               "Cursor": "Returned cursor handle"
789              ],
790        summary: "Executes a SQL query on the database server.",
791        see_also: [session_sql_query/5, cursor_next_tuple/2, 
792                   cursor_all_tuples/2,
793                   cursor_N_tuples/4, session_sql_prepare_query/5,
794                   cursor_close/1
795                  ],
796        eg:"
797  check_overdraft_limit(Session, Account) :-
798      L = [\"select count(id) from accounts \\
799          where     id = \",Account,\" and balance < overdraft\"],
800      concat_string(L,SQL),
801      session_sql_query(Session,c(0),SQL,OverdraftCheck),
802      cursor_next_tuple(OverdraftCheck,c(Count)),
803      Count = 0.
805        exceptions: [5: "Session is not a valid session handle, or SQLQuery"
806                        " not a string, or ResultTemplate not a structure",
807                     dbi_error: "Error from DBMS while executing SQLQuery.",
808                     dbi_bad_template: "ResultTemplate has the wrong arity"
809                    ],
810        desc: html("\
812 Executes a SQL query on the database server. The predicate returns in
813 Cursor the cursor handle for this SQL query, and the results can then be
814 retrieved using cursor_*_tuple family of predicates. 
816 The SQL query returns result in tuples of N elements each. Each tuple is
817 mapped to a Prolog structure of arity N. ResultTemplate is a structure of
818 arity N specifying the types of the return data for ECLiPSe. See the
819 general description of this library or the manual for a description of 
820 the template specification.
821 </P><P>
822 The SQL query must be valid for the DBMS to execute. It can contain
823 NULL characters, i.e. it can contain binary data.
824 </P><P>
825 This predicate is called with default options for the cursor, i.e. it is
826 equivalent to calling session_sql_query/5 with an empty Options list.
830:- comment(session_sql_query/5, [
831        amode: session_sql_query(++,+,++, ++,-),
832        args: ["Session": "A session handle",
833               "ResultTemplate": "Template defining the types of results"
834                                " tuple (structure)",
835               "SQLQuery": "A SQL statement query (string)",
836               "Options": "Options (list of Option:Value pairs or nil)",
837               "Cursor": "Returned cursor handle"
838              ],
839        summary: "Executes a SQL query on the database server with options"
840                 " specified by Options.",
841        see_also: [session_sql_query/4, cursor_next_tuple/2, cursor_all_tuples/2,
842                   cursor_N_tuples/4, session_sql_prepare_query/5,
843                   cursor_close/1
844                  ],
845        eg:"
846  check_overdraft_limit(Session, Account) :-
847      L = [\"select count(id) from accounts \\
848          where     id = \",Account,\" and balance < overdraft\"],
849      concat_string(L,SQL),
850      % the buffering:server option is MySQL specific
851      session_sql_query(Session,c(0),SQL,[buffering:server],OverdraftCheck),
852      cursor_next_tuple(OverdraftCheck,c(Count)),
853      Count = 0.
855        exceptions: [5: "Session is not a valid session handle, or SQLQuery"
856                        " not a string, or ResultTemplate not a structure",
857                     6: "Invalid option specification in Options",
858                     dbi_error: "Error from DBMS while executing SQLQuery.",
859                     dbi_bad_template: "ResultTemplate has the wrong arity"
860                    ],
861        desc: html("\
863 Executes a SQL query on the database server. The predicate returns in
864 Cursor the cursor handle for this SQL query, and the results can then be
865 retrieved using cursor_*_tuple family of predicates. Options is 
866 a (possibly empty) list of <TT>Option:Value</TT> pairs, specifying 
867 DBMS-specific options for the cursor.
869 The SQL query returns result in tuples of N elements each. Each tuple is
870 mapped to a Prolog structure of arity N. ResultTemplate is a structure of
871 arity N specifying the types of the return data for ECLiPSe. See the
872 general description of this library or the manual for a description of 
873 the template specification.
874 </P><P>
875 The SQL query must be valid for the DBMS to execute. It can contain
876 NULL characters, i.e. it can contain binary data.
878 MySQL specific:
880 Options is used to specify the type of cursor used. Currently this only
881 applies to cursors for SQL queries. The options are:
885<DD>Specifies where the result set of a SQL query is buffered. Value can be
886 either <TT>client</TT> (the default) or <TT>server</TT>. By default, the
887 whole of the result set for a query is copied to the client (i.e. the
888 ECLiPSe process running lib(dbi)) after the SQL query is executed. The 
889 alternative is to leave the result set on the DBMS server, and only get
890 the result tuples from the server one by one (with e.g. cursor_next_tuple/2).
891 </P><P>
892 The default buffering is on the client side, because this is the default
893 of the MySQL C API, and in addition, it imposes certain restrictions on
894 how the result tuples can be retrieved. However, as the whole result set
895 is retreived, this can impose significant memory overheads if there are
896 many tuples in the result set. On the other hand, there is no restrictions
897 on how many active client buffered cursor is allowed per session at the
898 same time, but only one active server buffered cursor is allowed at any
899 one time -- a query result must be exhausted or the cursor explicitly
900 closed before another query can be issued for that session.
901 </P><P>
903<DD>This option is not relevant for the direct SQL queries of
904 session_sql_query/4. It is only relevant for prepared queries, and has no
905 effect here.
910:- comment(session_sql_prepare/4, [
911        amode: session_sql_prepare(++,+,++,-),
912        args: ["Session": "A session handle",
913               "ParamTemplate": "Template defining the types of the"
914                                " parameters (structure or [])",
915               "SQL": "A SQL statement in prepared syntax (string)",
916               "Cursor": "Returned cursor handle"
917              ],
918        summary: "Prepares a SQL statement for execution by the DBMS.",
919        see_also: [cursor_next_execute/2, cursor_all_execute/2,
920                   cursor_N_execute/4, cursor_close/1,
921                   session_sql/3, session_sql_prepare_query/5
922                  ],
923        exceptions: [5: "Session is not a valid session handle, or SQL"
924                        " not a string, or ParamTemplate not a structure",
925                     dbi_error: "Error from DBMS while preparing SQL",
926                     dbi_bad_template: "ParamTemplate has the wrong arity"
927                    ],
928        eg:"
929  % note \'?\' in SQL in the syntax MySQL uses for placeholders. This may be
930  % different in other DBMS
931  transfer_(Session, Amount, FromAccount, ToAccount) :-
932      SQL = \"update accounts set balance = balance + ? \\
933                                               where id = ?\",
934      Deduct is - Amount,
935      % incbal(1.0,12) is the parameter template
936      session_sql_prepare(Session,incbal(1.0,12),SQL,1,Update),
937      cursor_next_execute(Update,incbal(Deduct,FromAccount)),
938      cursor_next_execute(Update,incbal(Amount,ToAccount)).",
940        desc: html("\
942 Prepares a SQL statement for execution. The statement is not actually
943 executed, and a cursor_*_execute family of predicate is required to
944 execute the predicate. This facility is only available if the DBMS
945 supports prepared statements, and the SQL statement has to be written in
946 the prepared statement syntax of the DBMS. The predicate returns the
947 cursor handle representing this prepared statement in Cursor, which can
948 then be used in subsequent library predicates.
950 A prepared SQL statement is parsed by the DBMS, so that it could be
951 executed more efficiently. It can also be parameterised, where the 
952 parameters represent values to be filled in when the statement is
953 executed. The statement can be executed multiple times with different
954 parameters. The types of the parameters is specified by ParamTemplate,
955 which is a Prolog structure of arity M (where M is the number of
956 parameters for the statement), or the nil atom [] if there are no parameters.
957 See the general description of this library or the manual for a
958 description of the template specification.
959 </P><P>
960 The SQL statement must be valid for the DBMS to execute. It can contain
961 NULL characters, i.e. it can contain binary data. The SQL statement cannot
962 return any results. If it does, then an error would be raised when the SQL
963 statement is actually executed. 
965 Note that some DBMS restricts which SQL statements can be prepared. If an
966 SQL statement cannot be prepared, it can still be executed using
967 session_sql/3. ")
970:- comment(session_sql_prepare_query/5, [
971        amode: session_sql_prepare_query(++,+,+,++,-),
972        args: ["Session": "A session handle",
973               "ParamTemplate": "Template defining the types of the"
974                                " parameters (structure or [])",
975               "ResultTemplate": "Template defining the types of results"
976                                " tuple (structure)",
977               "SQLQuery": "A SQL query in prepared syntax (string)",
978               "Cursor": "Returned cursor handle"
979              ],
980        summary: "Prepares a SQL query for execution by the DBMS.",
981        exceptions: [5: "Session is not a valid session handle, or SQLQuery"
982                        " not a string, or ResultTemplate or ParamTemplate"
983                        " not a structure",
984                     dbi_error: "Error from DBMS while preparing SQLQuery.",
985                     dbi_bad_template: "ResultTemplate or ParamTemplate has the wrong arity"
986                    ],
987        see_also: [cursor_next_execute/2, 
988                   cursor_next_tuple/2, cursor_all_tuples/2,
989                   cursor_N_tuples/4,
990                   session_sql/3, session_sql_query/4
991                  ],
992        eg:"
993 make_check_overdraft_limit(Session, Cursor) :-
994      % note \'?\' in SQL in the syntax MySQL uses for placeholders. This may be
995      % different in other DBMS
996      SQL = \"select count(id) from accounts where ID = ? \\
997                 and balance < overdraft\",
998      session_sql_prepare_query(Session,a(0),c(0),SQL,1,Cursor).",
1000        desc: html("\
1002 Prepares a SQL query for execution. The query is not actually
1003 executed, and a cursor_next_execute/2 needs to be called to execute the 
1004 SQL query, giving values to any parameters. Then the cursor_*_tuple family
1005 of predicates can be used to obtain the results. This facility is only
1006 available if the DBMS supports prepared statements, and the SQL query has
1007 to be written in the prepared statement syntax of the DBMS. The predicate
1008 returns the cursor handle representing this prepared query in Cursor,
1009 which can then be used in subsequent library predicates.
1011 A prepared SQL statement is parsed by the DBMS, so that it could be
1012 executed more efficiently. It can also be parameterised, where the 
1013 parameters represent values to be filled in when the statement is
1014 executed. The statement can be executed multiple times with different
1015 parameters. The types of the parameters is specified by ParamTemplate,
1016 which is a Prolog structure of arity M (where M is the number of
1017 parameters for the statement), or the nil atom [] if there are no parameters.
1018 See the general description of this library or the manual for a
1019 description of the template specification.
1021 The SQL query returns result in tuples of N elements each. Each tuple is
1022 mapped to a Prolog structure of arity N. ResultTemplate is a structure of
1023 arity N specifying the types of the return data for ECLiPSe. See the
1024 general description of this library or the manual for a description of 
1025 the template specification.
1027 The SQL query must be valid for the DBMS to execute. It can contain
1028 NULL characters, i.e. it can contain binary data.
1030 Note that some DBMS restricts which SQL statements can be prepared. If an
1031 SQL statement cannot be prepared, it can still be executed using
1032 session_sql/3.
1034 MySQL specific note: not all SQL statements can be prepared by MySQL.
1035 Refer to the MySQL manual for details.
1039:- comment(cursor_close/1, [
1040        amode: cursor_close(++),
1041        args: ["Cursor": "A cursor handle"],
1042        summary: "Close the cursor associated with Cursor",
1043        exceptions: [
1044              5: "Cursor is not a cursor handle."
1045        ],
1046        see_also: [session_close/1,
1047                   session_sql_prepare/4,session_sql_query/4,
1048                   session_sql_prepare_query/5],
1049        desc: html("\
1051 Closes a cursor explicitly, and frees the resources associated with the
1052 cursor. It takes effect immediately.
1054 It is recommended that the user close all cursors before explicitly
1055 closing a session. Cursors that remain open after a session is closed
1056 cannot be used, but may still be using resources.
1058 Cursors are automatically closed if the program backtracks or aborts back
1059 beyond where they were created.
1062:- comment(cursor_next_execute/2, [
1063        amode: cursor_next_execute(++,+),
1064        args: ["Cursor": "A cursor handle",
1065               "Tuple": "A tuple of parameter values matching the template"
1066                        " for this cursor (structure)"
1067              ],
1068        see_also: [cursor_next_execute/3, cursor_all_execute/2, 
1069                   cursor_N_execute/4, 
1070                   session_sql_prepare/4, session_sql_prepare_query/5
1071                  ],
1072        summary: "Executes the parametrised prepared SQL statement"
1073                 " represented by Cursor.",
1074        exceptions: [5: "Cursor is not a valid cursor handle", 
1075                     5: "Type mismatch between parameter template"
1076                        " specification for Cursor and actual tuple data",
1077                     dbi_buffer_over: "Parameter value(s) too big for the"
1078                                      " buffer",
1079                     dbi_error: "Error from DBMS while executing SQL"
1080                                " associated with Cursor.",
1081                     dbi_bad_template: "ParamTemplate not specified when"
1082                                       " Cursor was created",
1083                     dbi_bad_cursor: "The Cursor is not in a state to"
1084                                     " execute a query (e.g. it was cancelled)"
1085                    ],
1086        eg:"
1087  % note \'?\' in SQL in the syntax MySQL uses for placeholders. This may be
1088  % different in other DBMS
1089  transfer_(Session, Amount, FromAccount, ToAccount) :-
1090      SQL = \"update accounts set balance = balance + ? \\
1091                                               where id = ?\",
1092      Deduct is - Amount,
1093      % incbal(1.0,12) is the parameter template
1094      session_sql_prepare(Session,incbal(1.0,12),SQL,Update),
1095      cursor_next_execute(Update,incbal(Deduct,FromAccount)),
1096      cursor_next_execute(Update,incbal(Amount,ToAccount)).",
1098        desc: html("\
1100 Executes the parameterised prepared SQL statement represented by Cursor,
1101 previously prepared by session_sql_prepare/4 or session_sql_prepare_query/5.
1102 The parameter values for this execution is supplied by Tuple.
1104 Tuple is a structure whose name and arity match the parameter template
1105 when Cursor was prepared, and the arguments give the values for the
1106 parameters for this execution, and must be compatible with the type
1107 specified by the template, except that an argument can be an
1108 uninstantiated variable, to denote a NULL value for the corresponding
1109 parameter.
1111 If the SQL statement is a query, and was prepared as a query using
1112 session_sql_prepare_query/5, results can be obtained from the query by
1113 the cursor_*_tuple family of predicates.
1115 This predicate is called with default options for the cursor, i.e. it is
1116 equivalent to calling cursor_next_execute/3 with an empty Options list.
1121:- comment(cursor_next_execute/3, [
1122        amode: cursor_next_execute(++,+,++),
1123        args: ["Cursor": "A cursor handle",
1124               "Tuple": "A tuple of parameter values matching the template"
1125                        " for this cursor (structure)",
1126               "Options": "Options (list of Option:Value pairs or nil)"
1127              ],
1128        see_also: [cursor_next_execute/2, cursor_all_execute/2, cursor_N_execute/4, 
1129                   session_sql_prepare/4, session_sql_prepare_query/5
1130                  ],
1131        summary: "Executes the parametrised prepared SQL statement"
1132                 " represented by Cursor, with options Options.",
1133        exceptions: [5: "Cursor is not a valid cursor handle", 
1134                     5: "Type mismatch between parameter template"
1135                        " specification for Cursor and actual tuple data",
1136                     6: "Invalid option specification in Options",
1137                     dbi_buffer_over: "Parameter value(s) too big for the"
1138                                      " buffer",
1139                     dbi_error: "Error from DBMS while executing SQL"
1140                                " associated with Cursor.",
1141                     dbi_bad_template: "ParamTemplate not specified when"
1142                                       " Cursor was created",
1143                     dbi_bad_cursor: "The Cursor is not in a state to"
1144                                     " execute a query (e.g. it was cancelled)"
1145                    ],
1147        desc: html("\
1149 Executes the parameterised prepared SQL statement represented by Cursor,
1150 previously prepared by session_sql_prepare/4 or session_sql_prepare_query/5.
1151 The parameter values for this execution is supplied by Tuple. Options is 
1152 a (possibly empty) list of <TT>Option:Value</TT> pairs, specifying 
1153 DBMS-specific options for the cursor.
1155 Tuple is a structure whose name and arity match the parameter template
1156 when Cursor was prepared, and the arguments give the values for the
1157 parameters for this execution, and must be compatible with the type
1158 specified by the template, except that an argument can be an
1159 uninstantiated variable, to denote a NULL value for the corresponding
1160 parameter.
1162 If the SQL statement is a query, and was prepared as a query using
1163 session_sql_prepare_query/5, results can be obtained from the query by
1164 the cursor_*_tuple family of predicates.
1166 MySQL specific:
1168 Options is used to specify the type of cursor used. Currently this only
1169 applies to cursors for SQL queries. The options are:
1173<DD>Specifies where the result set of a SQL query is buffered. Value can be
1174 either <TT>client</TT> (the default) or <TT>server</TT>. By default, the
1175 whole of the result set for a query is copied to the client (i.e. the
1176 ECLiPSe process running lib(dbi)) after the SQL query is executed. The 
1177 alternative is to leave the result set on the DBMS server, and only get
1178 the result tuples from the server one by one (with e.g. cursor_next_tuple/2).
1179 </P><P>
1180 The default buffering is on the client side, because this is the default
1181 of the MySQL C API, and in addition, it imposes certain restrictions on
1182 how the result tuples can be retrieved. However, as the whole result set
1183 is retreived, this can impose significant memory overheads if there are
1184 many tuples in the result set.
1185 </P><P>
1187<DD>Specifies the type of cursor, and is only meaningful if the buffering
1188 option is set to server. Value can be either <TT>no_cursor</TT> (the
1189 default) or <TT>read_only</TT>.  These correspond to the MySQL statement 
1191 CURSOR_TYPE_READ_ONLY respectively (See the MySQL manual for details).
1193 Only one active cursor of type no_cursor is allowed per session, and this
1194 active cursor must be closed before another query can be issued to the
1195 DBMS server. read_only cursor does not have this restriction, and several
1196 such cursors can be active at the same time. 
1201:- comment(cursor_all_execute/2, [
1202        amode: cursor_all_execute(++,+),
1203        args: ["Cursor": "A cursor handle",
1204               "TupleList": "A list of tuples of parameter values matching the template"
1205                        " for this cursor"
1206              ],
1207        summary: "Executes the parametrised prepared SQL statement"
1208                 " represented by Cursor, once for each tuple in TupleList.",
1209        see_also: [cursor_next_execute/2, cursor_N_execute/4, 
1210                   session_sql_prepare/4, session_sql_prepare_query/5
1211                  ],
1212        exceptions: [5: "Cursor is not a valid cursor handle", 
1213                     5: "Type mismatch between parameter template"
1214                        " specification for Cursor and actual tuple data",
1215                     dbi_error: "Error from DBMS while executing SQL"
1216                                " associated with Cursor.",
1217                     dbi_bad_template: "ParamTemplate not specified when"
1218                                       " Cursor was created"
1219                    ],
1220        desc: html("\
1222 Executes the parameterised prepared SQL statement represented by Cursor,
1223 previously prepared by session_sql_prepare/4 or session_sql_prepare_query/5.
1224 The statement is executed once for each tuple in TupleList, with the 
1225 parameter values supplied by that tuple. The tuples are executed in the
1226 order they are in TupleList, and any results produced are discarded when
1227 the next tuple is executed.
1229 Each tuple is a structure whose name and arity match the parameter
1230 template when Cursor was prepared, and the arguments give the values for
1231 the parameters for this execution, and must be compatible with the type
1232 specified by the template, except that an argument can be an
1233 uninstantiated variable, to denote a NULL value for the corresponding
1234 parameter.")
1237:- comment(cursor_N_execute/4, [
1238        amode: cursor_N_execute(++,-,+,-),
1239        args: ["Cursor": "A cursor handle",
1240               "Executed": "Number of times the SQL statement was executed.",
1241               "TupleList": "A difference list (together with"
1242                            " RestTupleList) of tuples of parameter values matching the template"
1243                        " for this cursor",
1244               "RestTupleList": "Tail of tuple difference list"
1245              ],
1246        summary: "Executes the parametrised prepared SQL statement"
1247                 " represented by Cursor, once for each tuple in TupleList.",
1248        see_also: [cursor_next_execute/2, cursor_N_execute/4, 
1249                   session_sql_prepare/4, session_sql_prepare_query/5
1250                  ],
1251        exceptions: [5: "Cursor is not a valid cursor handle", 
1252                     5: "Type mismatch between parameter template"
1253                        " specification for Cursor and actual tuple data",
1254                     dbi_error: "Error from DBMS while executing SQL"
1255                                " associated with Cursor.",
1256                     dbi_bad_template: "ParamTemplate not specified when"
1257                                       " Cursor was created"
1258                    ],
1259        eg:"
1260  transfer_(Session, Amount, FromAccount, ToAccount) :-
1261      SQL = \"update accounts set balance = balance + ? \
1262                                               where id = ?\",
1263      Deduct is - Amount,
1264      session_sql_prepare(Session,incbal(1.0,12),SQL,2,Update),
1265      Updates = [incbal(Deduct,FromAccount),incbal(Amount,ToAccount)],
1266      % execute both updates with one call to cursor_N_execute/4
1267      cursor_N_execute(Update,2,Updates,[]).
1269        desc: html("\
1271 Executes the parameterised prepared SQL statement represented by Cursor,
1272 previously prepared by session_sql_prepare/4 or session_sql_prepare_query/5.
1273 The predicate executes a number of tuples from TupleList, taking the
1274 tuples in order from the start of the list, leaving the unprocessed tuples
1275 in RestTupleList. The number of tuple processed is unified with Executed.
1276 Any results produced when executing a tuple is discarded when the next
1277 tuple is processed.
1279 The number of tuples processed per call is determined by the library. 
1280 This freedom allows the  predicate to process a multiple number of tuples
1281 in the most efficient way for the DBMS.
1283 Each tuple is a structure whose name and arity match the parameter
1284 template when Cursor was prepared, and the arguments give the values for
1285 the parameters for this execution, and must be compatible with the type
1286 specified by the template, except that an argument can be an
1287 uninstantiated variable, to denote a NULL value for the corresponding
1288 parameter.
1290 MySQL specific note: MySQL does not support the execution of multiple
1291 tuples in one go, so for MySQL, this predicate is essentially equivalent
1292 to executing cursor_next_execute/1 multiple times.
1296:- comment(cursor_next_tuple/2, [
1297        amode: cursor_next_tuple(++,-),
1298        args: ["Cursor": "A cursor handle",
1299               "ResultTuple": "Returned result tuple"
1300              ],
1301        summary: "Retrieve the next result tuple from the SQL query in"
1302                 " ResultTuple",
1303        fail_if: "No more results are available for the SQL query",
1304        resat: no,
1305        exceptions: [5: "Cursor is not a valid cursor handle", 
1306                     5: "Unable to convert tuple result to ECLiPSe type",
1307                     dbi_error: "Error from DBMS while executing SQL"
1308                                " associated with Cursor.",
1309                     dbi_error: "Error from DBMS while fetching result",
1310                     dbi_not_query: "The SQL associated with Cursor is not"
1311                                    " a query and so cannot return results.",
1312                     dbi_buffer_over: "Result value(s) too big for the"
1313                                      " buffer",
1314                     dbi_cancelled: "The cursor have been cancelled."
1315                    ],
1316        eg:"
1317  check_overdraft_limit(Session, Account) :-
1318      L = [\"select count(id) from accounts \\
1319          where     id = \",Account,\" and balance < overdraft\"],
1320      concat_string(L,SQL),
1321      session_sql_query(Session,c(0),SQL,OverdraftCheck),
1322      cursor_next_tuple(OverdraftCheck,c(Count)),
1323      Count = 0.
1325        desc: html("\
1327 Retrieve the next result tuple from the SQL query represented by Cursor,
1328 and unify it with ResultTuple. Cursor is a cursor previously created with
1329 session_sql_query/4 or session_sql_prepare_query/5. ResultTuple is a
1330 structure with the same name and arity as defined by the tuple template
1331 when the cursor was created. The predicate converts the result to the type
1332 specified in the template, except that NULL values are returned as
1333 variables.
1335 If the SQL query have not yet been executed, and it contains no
1336 parameters, then the SQL query will first be executed before retrieving
1337 the result.
1339 cursor_next_tuple/2 will fail when all the results tuples for the query
1340 have been returned. If it is then called again for the same SQL query,
1341 this cancels the cursor, and raise the cursor cancelled error.
1343 cursor_next_tuple/2 is not resatisfiable, so to return successive tuples
1344 on backtracking, use repeat/0 to re-execute cursor_next_tuple/2:
1346  match_tuple(Cursor, Tuple) :-
1347        repeat,
1348        ( cursor_next_tuple(Cursor, Tuple0) ->
1349             Tuple0 = Tuple
1350        ;
1351             !, fail
1352        ).
1357:- comment(cursor_all_tuples/2, [
1358        amode: cursor_all_tuples(++,-),
1359        args: ["Cursor": "A cursor handle",
1360               "ResultTuples": "Returned list of result tuples"
1361              ],
1362        summary: "Retrieve all remaining result tuples from the SQL query in"
1363                 " ResultTuples",
1364        see_also: [session_sql_query/4, session_sql_prepare_query/5,
1365                   cursor_next_tuple/2, cursor_N_tuples/4
1366                  ],
1367        exceptions: [5: "Cursor is not a valid cursor handle", 
1368                     5: "Unable to convert tuple result to ECLiPSe type",
1369                     dbi_error: "Error from DBMS while executing SQL"
1370                                " associated with Cursor.",
1371                     dbi_error: "Error from DBMS while fetching result",
1372                     dbi_not_query: "The SQL associated with Cursor is not"
1373                                    " a query and so cannot return results."
1374                    ],
1375        desc: html("\
1377 Retrieve the all remaining result tuples from the SQL query represented by
1378 Cursor, and unify them with ResultTuples list. Each element of the list is
1379 a single result tuple. Cursor is a cursor previously created with
1380 session_sql_query/4 or session_sql_prepare_query/5. Each tuple in
1381 ResultTuples is a structure with the same name and arity as defined by the
1382 tuple template when the cursor was created. The predicate converts the
1383 result to the type specified in the template, except that NULL values are
1384 returned as variables.
1386 If the SQL query have not yet been executed, and it contains no
1387 parameters, then the SQL query will first be executed before retrieving
1388 the results.")
1391:- comment(cursor_N_tuples/4, [
1392        amode: cursor_N_tuples(++,-,-,-),
1393        args: ["Cursor": "A cursor handle",
1394               "Retrieved": "Number of result tuples retrieved",
1395               "ResultTuples": "Returned difference list (with"
1396                               " RestResultTuples) of result tuples",
1397               "RestResultTuples": "Tail of returned result tuples"
1398              ],
1399        summary: "Retrieve  result tuples from the SQL query in"
1400                 " the difference list ResultTuples and RestResultTuples.",
1401        see_also: [session_sql_query/4, session_sql_prepare_query/5,
1402                   cursor_next_tuple/2, cursor_all_tuples/2
1403                  ],
1404        exceptions: [5: "Cursor is not a valid cursor handle", 
1405                     5: "Unable to convert tuple result to ECLiPSe type",
1406                     dbi_error: "Error from DBMS while executing SQL"
1407                                " associated with Cursor.",
1408                     dbi_error: "Error from DBMS while fetching result",
1409                     dbi_not_query: "The SQL associated with Cursor is not"
1410                                    " a query and so cannot return results."
1411                    ],
1412        desc: html("\
1414 This is similar to cursor_all_tuples/4 except it works on difference list.
1415 It is designed to efficiently retrieve a buffer full of tuples for DBMS
1416 that support the retrieval of multiple tuples in its API. Otherwise, all
1417 the remaining tuples are retrieved one by one and the ResultTuples list
1418 constructed. Retrieved is unified with the number of retrieved result
1419 tuples. If no tuples match the query, Retrieved will be 0. Each element
1420 of the list is a single result tuple. Cursor is a cursor previously
1421 created with session_sql_query/4 or session_sql_prepare_query/5. Each
1422 tuple in ResultTuples is a structure with the same name and arity as
1423 defined by the tuple template when the cursor was created. The predicate
1424 converts the result to the type specified in the template, except that
1425 NULL values are returned as variables.
1427 If the SQL query have not yet been executed, and it contains no
1428 parameters, then the SQL query will first be executed before retrieving
1429 the results.
1431 MySQL specific note: MySQL does not support the retrieval of multiple
1432 tuples in one go, so for MySQL, this predicate is essentially equivalent
1433 to retrieving the results one by one.
1437:- comment(cursor_field_value/3,hidden).
1438:- comment(dbi_error_handler/2, hidden).
1439:- comment(session_error_value/3, hidden).
1440:- comment(session_retrieve_N_tuples/5, hidden).
1441:- comment(session_retrieve_lazy_tuples/5, hidden).
1442:- comment(session_retrieve_tuple/4, hidden).
1443:- comment(session_N_sql_prepare/5, hidden).
1444:- comment(session_sql_prepare_query_N/6, hidden).
1445:- comment(session_sql_query_N/6, hidden).
1446:- comment(session_start/3, hidden).