1% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
2% System:	ECLiPSe Constraint Logic Programming System
3% Version:	$Id: heaps.pl,v 1.2 2009/07/16 09:11:24 jschimpf Exp $
5% Copyright:	This library has been adapted from code from the Edinburgh
6%		DEC-10 Prolog Library, whose copyright notice says:
8%		These files are all in the "public domain" so you can
9%		use them freely, copy them, incorporate them into
10%		programs of your own and so forth without payment.
11%		The work of producing them in the first place and of
12%		organising them as detailed here has been funded over
13%		the years at Edinburgh University mainly by the
14%		Science and Engineering Research Council.  Their
15%		dissemination has been encouraged by the Alvey Special
16%		Interest Group:  Artificial Intelligence.  We would
17%		appreciate it if you were to acknowledge these bodies
18%		when you use or re-distribute any of these files.
19% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
21%   File   : HEAPS.PL
22%   Author : R.A.O'Keefe
23%   Updated: 29 November 1983
24%   Purpose: Implement heaps in Prolog.
26:- module(heaps).			% ECLiPSe header
27:- export
28	add_to_heap/4,
29	get_from_heap/4,
30	heap_size/2,
31	heap_to_list/2,
32	list_to_heap/2,
33	min_of_heap/3,
34	min_of_heap/5.
36:- comment(categories, ["Data Structures"]).
37:- comment(summary, "Implement heaps in Prolog").
38:- comment(author, "R.A.O'Keefe").
39:- comment(copyright, 'This file is in the public domain').
40:- comment(date, "29 November 1983").
41:- comment(desc, html("<P>
42    A heap is a labelled binary tree where the key of each node is less
43    than or equal to the keys of its sons.  The point of a heap is that
44    we can keep on adding new elements to the heap and we can keep on
45    taking out the minimum element.  If there are N elements total, the
46    total time is O(NlgN).  If you know all the elements in advance, you
47    are better off doing a merge-sort, but this file is for when you
48    want to do say a best-first search, and have no idea when you start
49    how many elements there will be, let alone what they are.
51    A heap is represented as a triple t(N, Free, Tree) where N is the
52    number of elements in the tree, Free is a list of integers which
53    specifies unused positions in the tree, and Tree is a tree made of
55	t			terms for empty subtrees and
56	t(Key,Datum,Lson,Rson)	terms for the rest
58    The nodes of the tree are notionally numbered like this:
60				    1
61		     2				    3
62             4               6               5               7
63         8      12      10     14       9       13      11     15
64      ..  ..  ..  ..  ..  ..  ..  ..  ..  ..  ..  ..  ..  ..  ..  ..
66    The idea is that if the maximum number of elements that have been in
67    the heap so far is M, and the tree currently has K elements, the tree
68    is some subtreee of the tree of this form having exactly M elements,
69    and the Free list is a list of K-M integers saying which of the
70    positions in the M-element tree are currently unoccupied.  This free
71    list is needed to ensure that the cost of passing N elements through
72    the heap is O(NlgM) instead of O(NlgN).  For M say 100 and N say 10^4
73    this means a factor of two.  The cost of the free list is slight.
74    The storage cost of a heap in a copying Prolog (which Dec-10 Prolog is
75    not) is 2K+3M words.
79:- comment(add_to_heap/4, [
80    summary:"inserts the new Key-Datum pair into the heap",
81    template:"add_to_heap(+OldHeap, +Key, +Datum, -NewHeap)",
82    desc:html("
83    inserts the new Key-Datum pair into the heap.  The insertion is
84    not stable, that is, if you insert several pairs with the same
85    Key it is not defined which of them will come out first, and it
86    is possible for any of them to come out first depending on the
87    history of the heap.  If you need a stable heap, you could add
88    a counter to the heap and include the counter at the time of
89    insertion in the key.  If the free list is empty, the tree will
90    be grown, otherwise one of the empty slots will be re-used.  (I
91    use imperative programming language, but the heap code is as
92    pure as the trees code, you can create any number of variants
93    starting from the same heap, and they will share what common
94    structure they can without interfering with each other.)
95    ")]).
97add_to_heap(t(M,[],OldTree), Key, Datum, t(N,[],NewTree)) :- !,
98	N is M+1,
99	add_to_heap(N, Key, Datum, OldTree, NewTree).
100add_to_heap(t(M,[H|T],OldTree), Key, Datum, t(N,T,NewTree)) :-
101	N is M+1,
102	add_to_heap(H, Key, Datum, OldTree, NewTree).
105add_to_heap(1, Key, Datum, _, t(Key,Datum,t,t)) :- !.
106add_to_heap(N, Key, Datum, t(K1,D1,L1,R1), t(K2,D2,L2,R2)) :-
107	E is N mod 2,
108	M is N // 2,
109	sort2(Key, Datum, K1, D1, K2, D2, K3, D3),
110	add_to_heap(E, M, K3, D3, L1, R1, L2, R2).
113add_to_heap(0, N, Key, Datum, L1, R, L2, R) :- !,
114	add_to_heap(N, Key, Datum, L1, L2).
115add_to_heap(1, N, Key, Datum, L, R1, L, R2) :- !,
116	add_to_heap(N, Key, Datum, R1, R2).
119sort2(Key1, Datum1, Key2, Datum2, Key1, Datum1, Key2, Datum2) :-
120	Key1 @< Key2,
121	!.
122sort2(Key1, Datum1, Key2, Datum2, Key2, Datum2, Key1, Datum1).
126:- comment(get_from_heap/4, [
127    summary:"returns the Key-Datum pair in OldHeap with the smallest Key",
128    template:"get_from_heap(+OldHeap, ?Key, ?Datum, -NewHeap)",
129    desc:html("
130    returns the Key-Datum pair in OldHeap with the smallest Key, and
131    also a New Heap which is the Old Heap with that pair deleted.
132    The easy part is picking off the smallest element.  The hard part
133    is repairing the heap structure.  repair_heap/4 takes a pair of
134    heaps and returns a new heap built from their elements, and the
135    position number of the gap in the new tree.  Note that repair_heap
136    is *not* tail-recursive.
137    ")]).
139get_from_heap(t(N,Free,t(Key,Datum,L,R)), Key, Datum, t(M,[Hole|Free],Tree)) :-
140	M is N-1,
141	repair_heap(L, R, Tree, Hole).
144repair_heap(t(K1,D1,L1,R1), t(K2,D2,L2,R2), t(K2,D2,t(K1,D1,L1,R1),R3), N) :-
145	K2 @< K1,
146	!,
147	repair_heap(L2, R2, R3, M),
148	N is 2*M+1.
149repair_heap(t(K1,D1,L1,R1), t(K2,D2,L2,R2), t(K1,D1,L3,t(K2,D2,L2,R2)), N) :- !,
150	repair_heap(L1, R1, L3, M),
151	N is 2*M.
152repair_heap(t(K1,D1,L1,R1), t, t(K1,D1,L3,t), N) :- !,
153	repair_heap(L1, R1, L3, M),
154	N is 2*M.
155repair_heap(t, t(K2,D2,L2,R2), t(K2,D2,t,R3), N) :- !,
156	repair_heap(L2, R2, R3, M),
157	N is 2*M+1.
158repair_heap(t, t, t, 1) :- !.
162:- comment(heap_size/2, [
163    summary:"reports the number of elements currently in the heap",
164    template:"heap_size(+Heap, ?Size)"]).
166heap_size(t(Size,_,_), Size).
170:- comment(heap_to_list/2, [
171    summary:"returns the current set of Key-Datum pairs in the Heap as a List.",
172    template:"heap_to_list(+Heap, -List)",
173    desc:html("
174    returns the current set of Key-Datum pairs in the Heap as a
175    List, sorted into ascending order of Keys.  This is included
176    simply because I think every data structure foo ought to have
177    a foo_to_list and list_to_foo relation (where, of course, it
178    makes sense!) so that conversion between arbitrary data
179    structures is as easy as possible.  This predicate is basically
180    just a merge sort, where we can exploit the fact that the tops
181    of the subtrees are smaller than their descendants.
182    ")]).
184heap_to_list(t(_,_,Tree), List) :-
185	heap_tree_to_list(Tree, List).
188heap_tree_to_list(t, []) :- !.
189heap_tree_to_list(t(Key,Datum,Lson,Rson), [Key-Datum|Merged]) :-
190	heap_tree_to_list(Lson, Llist),
191	heap_tree_to_list(Rson, Rlist),
192	heap_tree_to_list(Llist, Rlist, Merged).
195heap_tree_to_list([H1|T1], [H2|T2], [H2|T3]) :-
196	H2 @< H1,
197	!,
198	heap_tree_to_list([H1|T1], T2, T3).
199heap_tree_to_list([H1|T1], T2, [H1|T3]) :- !,
200	heap_tree_to_list(T1, T2, T3).
201heap_tree_to_list([], T, T) :- !.
202heap_tree_to_list(T, [], T).
206:- comment(list_to_heap/2, [
207    summary:"takes a list of Key-Datum pairs and forms them into a heap",
208    template:"list_to_heap(+List, -Heap)",
209    desc:html("
210    takes a list of Key-Datum pairs (such as keysort could be used to
211    sort) and forms them into a heap.  We could do that a wee bit
212    faster by keysorting the list and building the tree directly, but
213    this algorithm makes it obvious that the result is a heap, and
214    could be adapted for use when the ordering predicate is not @<
215    and hence keysort is inapplicable.
216    ")]).
218list_to_heap(List, Heap) :-
219	list_to_heap(List, 0, t, Heap).
222list_to_heap([], N, Tree, t(N,[],Tree)) :- !.
223list_to_heap([Key-Datum|Rest], M, OldTree, Heap) :-
224	N is M+1,
225	add_to_heap(N, Key, Datum, OldTree, MidTree),
226	list_to_heap(Rest, N, MidTree, Heap).
230:- comment(min_of_heap/3, [
231    summary:"returns the Key-Datum pair at the top of the heap",
232    template:"min_of_heap(+Heap, ?Key, ?Datum)",
233    desc:html("
234    returns the Key-Datum pair at the top of the heap (which is of
235    course the pair with the smallest Key), but does not remove it
236    from the heap.  It fails if the heap is empty.
237    ")]).
239:- comment(min_of_heap/5, [
240    summary:"returns the smallest and second smallest pairs in the heap",
241    template:"min_of_heap(+Heap, ?Key1, ?Datum1, ?Key2, ?Datum2)",
242    desc:html("
243    returns the smallest (Key1) and second smallest (Key2) pairs in
244    the heap, without deleting them.  It fails if the heap does not
245    have at least two elements.
246    ")]).
248min_of_heap(t(_,_,t(Key,Datum,_,_)), Key, Datum).
251min_of_heap(t(_,_,t(Key1,Datum1,Lson,Rson)), Key1, Datum1, Key2, Datum2) :-
252	min_of_heap(Lson, Rson, Key2, Datum2).
255min_of_heap(t(Ka,_Da,_,_), t(Kb,Db,_,_), Kb, Db) :-
256	Kb @< Ka, !.
257min_of_heap(t(Ka,Da,_,_), _, Ka, Da).
258min_of_heap(t, t(Kb,Db,_,_), Kb, Db).