2% Version: CMPL 1.1
4% The contents of this file are subject to the Cisco-style Mozilla Public
5% License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
6% in compliance with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License
7% at www.eclipse-clp.org/license.
9% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
10% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.  See
11% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
12% under the License.
14% The Original Code is  The Cardinal Constraint Solver for ECLiPSe.
15% The Initial Developer of the Original Code is  Francisco M.C.A. Azevedo.
16% Portions created by the Initial Developer are  Copyright (C) 2004.
17% All Rights Reserved.
19% Contributor(s): Francisco M. C. A. Azevedo <fa@di.fct.unl.pt>.
21% Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
22% either of the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"),
23% or the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
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34%icompile(cardinal), ecis_to_htmls('.','.','')
36:-comment(desc, html("Cardinal is a sets constraints library with especial inferences
37	on sets cardinality and other optional set functions (minimum and maximum for
38	sets of integers, and union for sets of sets.)
39	<P>
40	A set is naturally used to collect distinct elements sharing some property.
41	Combinatorial search problems over these data structures can thus be naturally
42	modelled by high level languages with set abstraction facilities, and efficiently
43	solved if constraint reasoning prunes search space when the sets are not fully
44	known a priori (i.e. they are variables ranging over a set domain).
45	<P>
46	Many complex relations between sets can be expressed with constraints such as set
47	inclusion, disjointness and equality over set expressions that may include such
48	operators as intersection, union or difference of sets. Also, as it is often the
49	case, one is not interested simply on these relations but on some attribute or
50	function of one or more sets (e.g. the cardinality of a set). For instance, the
51	goal of many problems is to maximise or minimise the cardinality of a set. Even
52	for satisfaction problems, some sets, although still variables, may be constrained
53	to a fixed cardinality or a stricter cardinality domain than just the one inferred
54	by the domain of a set variable (for instance, the cardinality of a set may have
55	to be restricted to be an even number).
56	<P>
57	Cardinal represents set variables by set intervals with a lower and an upper bound
58	considering set inclusion as a partial ordering. Consistency techniques are then
59	applied to set constraints by interval reasoning. A set domain variable S may be
60	specified by an interval [A,B] where A and B are known sets ordered by set inclusion,
61	representing the greatest lower bound and the lowest upper bound of S, respectively.
62	<P>
63	The cardinality of a set S, given as a finite domain variable C (#S=C), is not a
64	bijective function since two distinct sets may have the same cardinality. Still,
65	it can be constrained by the cardinalities of the set bounds.
66	<P>
67	A simple inference that can be done using cardinality information is to instantiate
68	the set to one of the set bounds, when it is known that the set cardinality must be
69	equal to the cardinality of that bound. But Cardinal does much more than that.
70	For instance, consider two set variables
71	S1,S2, that can assume either set value {} (empty set) or {a,b}. Their set domain
72	is thus [{},{a,b}] with cardinality 0 or 2. The intersection of S1 and S2 also
73	yelds set domain [{},{a,b}]. But we need a special inference to conclude that the
74	intersection cardinality is also either 0 or 2 (it can not be 1). Set solvers
75	other than Cardinal do not make such inferences.
76	<P>
77	Inferences using cardinalities can be very useful to deduce more rapidly the
78	non-satisfiability of a set of constraints, thus improving efficiency of
79	combinatorial search problem solving. As another simple example, if Z is known to be
80	the set difference between Y and X, both contained in set {a,b,c,d}, and it is known
81	that X has exactly 2 elements, it should be inferred that the cardinality of Z can
82	never exceed 2 elements (i.e. from X,Y in {a,b,c,d}, #X=2, Z=Y\\X it should be
83	inferred that #Z =< 2). A failure could thus be immediately detected upon the
84	posting of a constraint such as #Z=3.
85	<P>
86	Inference capabilities such as these are particularly important when solving set
87	problems where cardinality plays a special role. Cardinal thus fully uses
88	constraint propagation on sets cardinality.
89	<P>
91<B>Intervals and Lattices</B>
92	<P>
93	Set intervals define a lattice of sets. The set inclusion relation between two
94	sets defines a partial order on P(U), the powerset over a certain universe U,
95	the set of all subsets of U.
96	<P>
97	Due to the transitivity rule, the top set, U, includes all sets of P(U);
98	while the bottom set, {}, is included in all sets of P(U). Consequently,
99	sets U and {} constitute an upper bound and a lower bound of P(U), respectively.
100	In addition, they are the least upper bound (lub) or join, and the greatest lower
101	bound (glb) or meet of P(U), since there is no other upper bound contained in
102	(�lessthan) U  nor other lower bound containing (�greaterthan) the empty set {}.
103	<P>
104	Let us now consider for U={a,b,c,d}, the sub-lattice connecting {a,b,d} and {b}
105	(thus also including sets {a,b} and {b,d}). Sets {} and {a,b,c,d} are still a
106	lower and an upper bound, but this time the glb is {b} and the lub is {a,b,d}.
107	<P>
108	The two bounds (glb and lub) define a set interval (e.g. [{b},{a,b,d}]) and may
109	form the domain of a set variable S, meaning that set S is one of those defined
110	by its interval (lattice); all other sets outside this domain are excluded from
111	the solution. Thus, b is definitely an element of S, while a and d are the only
112	other possible elements.
113	<P>
114	Set interval reasoning allows us to apply consistency techniques such as Bounded
115	Arc Consistency, due to the monotonic property of set inclusion.
116	<P>
117	Any set variable must then have a domain consisting of a set interval. In addition,
118	this interval should be kept as small as possible, in order to discard all sets
119	that are known not to belong to the solution, while not loosing any of the still
120	possible values (sets). The smallest such domain is the one with equal glb and lub,
121	i.e. a domain of the form [B,B], corresponding to a constant set B. For a set
122	variable that can assume any set value from a collection of known sets, such as
123	{{a,b},{a,c},{d}}, the corresponding interval is the convex closure of such
124	collection (which in this case is the set interval [{},{a,b,c,d}]). In general,
125	for n possible arbitrary sets S1...Sn, the corresponding set variable X has an
126	interval domain [glb, lub] where glb is the intersection of all S1...Sn, and lub
127	is their union.
128	<P>
129<B>Implementation Notes</B>
130	<P>
131	In Cardinal, all sets are represented as sorted lists, which eases working with
132	sets and lists interchangeably.
133	<P>
134	Set variable bounds are represented by its glb and its lub\\glb, the set of
135	additional possible elements, which we refer to as poss.
136	<P>
137	Cardinal implements a number of set constraints such as inclusion, equality,
138	inequality, membership, disjointness, and even complement, together with set
139	operations (union, intersection and difference), as built-in.
140	<P>
141	As mentioned, Cardinal also allows the definition and use of optional set functions
142	(other than cardinality): minimum and maximum, for sets of integers, and union,
143	for sets of sets. Refer to the available predicates for details.
150:-comment(cardinality/2, [
151	amode: cardinality(?,?),
152	args:  ["SetVariable": "A Set (variable or ground).",
153		"Cardinality": "An integer or an FD variable."],
154	summary: "Cardinality of a set",
155	desc: html("Cardinality is the cardinality of SetVariable. If Cardinality is given
156		(as an integer or FD variable), then SetVariable is constrained to have such cardinality.
157		If Cardinality is a free variable, then it is unified with the set's cardinality as
158		an FD variable or an integer (if it is already known)."),
159	resat: "No.",
160	fail_if: "Fails if Cardinality can not be the cardinality of SetVariable.",
161	eg:"
162?- S `::[]..[a,b], cardinality(S,C).
163?- S `::[]..[a,b], cardinality(S,1).
164?- S `::[]+[a,b]:1, cardinality(S,C).
165C = 1
167?- cardinality([a,b],C).
168C = 2
170?- S `::[c]+[a,b]:[1,3], C #> 1, cardinality(S,C).
171S = [a,b,c]
172C = 3",
173	see_also:[(#)/2]
174	]).
177:-comment((#)/2, [
178	amode: #(?,?),
179	args:  ["SetExpression": "A Set expression.",
180		"Cardinality": "An integer or an FD variable."],
181	summary: "Cardinality of a set expression",
182	desc: html("Cardinality is the cardinality of SetExpression, a set term possibly
183		including set operators `/\\, `\\/ and `\\ (or \\). <P>
184		SetExpression is first evaluated into a ground set or a set variable and then
185		its Cardinality is applied as in cardinality/2."),
186	resat: "No.",
187	fail_if: "Fails if Cardinality can not be the cardinality of SetExpression.",
188	eg:"
189?- S `::[]..[a,b], #(S,C).
190?- S `::[]..[a,b], #(S `/\\ [b,c],1).
191?- S `::[]..[a,b], #([b,c] `\\/ S `\\ [a,z] `/\\ [g], C).
192C = 2,
193?- S `::[]..[a,b], #(([b,c] `\\/ S `\\ [a,z]) `/\\ [g], C).
194C = 0
195?- S1 `::[]..[a,b], S2 `::[]..[b,c,d], #(S1 `/\\ S2, 2).
198	see_also:[cardinality/2,(`=)/2]
199	]).
203:-comment(glb/2, [
204	amode: glb(?,-),
205	args:  ["SetVariable": "A set variable.",
206		"Glb": "A set."],
207	summary: "Obtaining a set's glb",
208	desc: html("Glb is unified with the (greatest) lower bound of SetVariable."),
209	resat: "No.",
210	fail_if: "Fails if Glb can not be unified with the current glb of SetVariable.",
211	eg:"
212?- S `::[c]+[a,b], glb(S,G).
213G = [c]
215	see_also:[glb_poss/3,domain/2,domain/3,lub/2,lub/4,poss/2]
216	]).
219:-comment(poss/2, [
220	amode: poss(?,-),
221	args:  ["SetVariable": "A set variable.",
222		"Poss": "A set."],
223	summary: "Obtaining the still possible elements of a set (lub\\glb)",
224	desc: html("Poss is unified with the set of still possible elements of SetVariable
225		(i.e. its lub\\glb).<P>
226		If SetVariable is a set of sets and a union function attribute has been set,
227		then each element of Poss comes annotated with its respective length."),
228	resat: "No.",
229	fail_if: "Fails if Poss can not be unified with the current poss (lub\\glb) of SetVariable.",
230	eg:"
231?- S `::[c]+[a,b], poss(S,P).
232P = [a,b]
234?- S `::[[c]]+[[a,b]], poss(S,P).
235P = [[a,b]]
237?- set(S, [],[[a,b],[b,c],[a,c],[b]],[union:[a,b,c]]), poss(S,P).
238P = [[a, b] : 2, [a, c] : 2, [b] : 1, [b, c] : 2]
240	see_also:[glb/2,glb_poss/3,domain/2,domain/3,lub/2,lub/4]
241	]).
244:-comment(glb_poss/3, [
245	amode: glb_poss(?,-,-),
246	args:  ["SetVariable": "A set variable.",
247		"Glb": "A set.",
248		"Poss": "A set."],
249	summary: "Obtaining both the glb and the still possible elements of a set",
250	desc: html("Glb is unified with the (greatest) lower bound of SetVariable.<P>
251		Poss is unified with the set of still possible elements of SetVariable
252		(i.e. its lub\\glb).<P>
253		If SetVariable is a set of sets and a union function attribute has been set,
254		then each element of Poss comes annotated with its respective length."),
255	resat: "No.",
256	fail_if: "Fails if Glb can not be unified with the current glb of SetVariable or
257		if Poss can not be unified with the current poss (lub\\glb) of SetVariable.",
258	eg:"
259?- S `::[c]+[a,b], glb_poss(S,G,P).
260G = [c]
261P = [a,b]
263?- set(S, [],[[a,b],[b,c],[a,c],[b]],[union:[a,b,c]]), glb_poss(S,G,P).
264G = []
265P = [[a, b] : 2, [a, c] : 2, [b] : 1, [b, c] : 2]
267	see_also:[glb/2,poss/2,domain/2,domain/3,lub/2,lub/4]
268	]).
271:-comment(domain/2, [
272	amode: domain(?,-),
273	args:  ["SetVariable": "A set variable.",
274		"Domain": "A list (pair) with glb and poss."],
275	summary: "Accessing the domain of a set",
276	desc: html("Domain is unified with the domain of SetVariable in the form [Glb:NIn,Poss:NMax],
277		where Glb is the (greatest) lower bound of SetVariable, and NIn its length,
278		Poss is the set of still possible elements of SetVariable (i.e. its lub\\glb),
279		and NMax is the lub's cardinality (i.e. NIn + #(Poss)).<P>
280		If SetVariable is a set of sets and a union function attribute has been set,
281		then each element of Poss comes annotated with its respective length."),
282	resat: "No.",
283	fail_if: "Fails if Domain can not be unified with the current domain of SetVariable.",
284	eg:"
285?- S `::[c]+[a,b], domain(S,D).
286D = [[c]:1, [a,b]:3]
288?- set(S, [],[[a,b],[b,c],[a,c],[b]],[union:[a,b,c]]), domain(S,D).
289D = [[]:0, [[a,b]:2, [a,c]:2, [b]:1, [b,c]:2]:4]
291	see_also:[domain/3,glb/2,poss/2,glb_poss/3,lub/2,lub/4]
292	]).
295:-comment(domain/3, [
296	amode: domain(?,?,?),
297	args:  ["SetVariable": "A set variable.",
298		"Cardinality": "An FD variable",
299		"Domain": "A list (pair) with glb and poss."],
300	summary: "Accessing the domain of a set",
301	desc: html("Domain is unified with the domain of SetVariable (which has cardinality
302		Cardinality) in the form [Glb:NIn,Poss:NMax],
303		where Glb is the (greatest) lower bound of SetVariable, and NIn its length,
304		Poss is the set of still possible elements of SetVariable (i.e. its lub\\glb),
305		and NMax is the lub's cardinality (i.e. NIn + #(Poss)).
306		<P>
307		If SetVariable is a set of sets and a union function attribute has been set,
308		then each element of Poss comes annotated with its respective length.
309		<P>
310		Use domain/3 instead of domain/2 whenever Cardinality variable is available,
311		for efficiency reasons, since in the case of SetVariable being already
312		ground, it is not neccessary to recalculate its length (to retrieve
313		[Setvariable:Cardinality,[]:Cardinality]. This is due to the loss of
314		attributes of variables when these become instantiated.
315		<P>
316		Cardinality should be input to domain/3. Do not use this predicate to
317		retrieve the cardinality of a set, for it will only work when set is ground."),
318	resat: "No.",
319	fail_if: "Fails if Domain can not be unified with the current domain of SetVariable.",
320	eg:"
321?- S `::[c]+[a,b]:C, domain(S,C,D).
322D = [[c]:1, [a,b]:3]
324?- S `::[c]+[a,b]:C, S=[a,c], domain(S,C,D).
325D = [[a,c]:2, []:2]
327?- set(S, [],[[a,b],[b,c],[a,c],[b]],[union:[a,b,c],cardinality:C]), domain(S,C,D).
328D = [[]:0, [[a,b]:2, [a,c]:2, [b]:1, [b,c]:2]:4]
330	see_also:[domain/2,glb/2,poss/2,glb_poss/3,lub/2,lub/4,cardinality/2,(#)/2]
331	]).
334:-comment(lub/2, [
335	amode: lub(?,-),
336	args:  ["SetVariable": "A set variable.",
337		"Lub": "A set."],
338	summary: "Obtaining a set's lub",
339	desc: html("Lub is unified with the (least) upper bound of SetVariable."),
340	resat: "No.",
341	fail_if: "Fails if Lub can not be unified with the current lub of SetVariable.",
342	eg:"
343?- S `::[c]+[a,b], lub(S,L).
344L = [a,b,c]
346	see_also:[lub/4,glb/2,poss/2,glb_poss/3,domain/2,domain/3]
347	]).
350:-comment(lub/4, [
351	amode: lub(?,-,-,-),
352	args:  ["SetVariable": "A set variable.",
353		"Glb": "A set.",
354		"Poss": "A set.",
355		"Lub": "A set."],
356	summary: "Obtaining a set's lub, together with its glb and poss (lub\\glb)",
357	desc: html("Lub is unified with the (least) upper bound of SetVariable.<P>
358		Glb is unified with the (greatest) lower bound of SetVariable.<P>
359		Poss is unified with the set of still possible elements of SetVariable
360		(i.e. its lub\\glb).<P>
361		If SetVariable is a set of sets and a union function attribute has been set,
362		then each element of Poss comes annotated with its respective length."),
363	resat: "No.",
364	fail_if: "Fails if Lub can not be unified with the current lub of SetVariable or
365		if Glb can not be unified with the current glb of SetVariable or
366		if Poss can not be unified with the current poss (lub\\glb) of SetVariable.",
367	eg:"
368?- S `::[c]+[a,b], lub(S,G,P,L).
369G = [c]
370P = [a,b]
371L = [a,b,c]
373?- set(S, [],[[a,b],[b,c],[a,c],[b]],[union:[a,b,c]]), lub(S,G,P,L).
374G = []
375P = [[a, b] : 2, [a, c] : 2, [b] : 1, [b, c] : 2]
376L = [[a, b], [a, c], [b], [b, c]]
378	see_also:[lub/2,glb_poss/3,glb/2,poss/2,domain/2,domain/3]
379	]).
382:-comment(maximum/2, [
383	amode: maximum(?,?),
384	args:  ["SetVariable": "A Set (variable or ground) of integers.",
385		"Max": "An integer or an FD variable."],
386	summary: "Maximum of a set of integers",
387	desc: html("Max is the maximum (i.e. the highest element) of SetVariable.<P>
388		If Max is given (as an integer or FD variable) then SetVariable is
389		constrained to have such maximum.
390		If Max is a free variable, then it is unified with the set's maximum as
391		an FD variable or an integer (if it is already known).<P>
392		maximum/2 can thus be used either to declare (or constrain) a maximum
393		function or to retrieve it."),
394	resat: "No.",
395	fail_if: "Fails if Max can not be the maximum of SetVariable.",
396	eg:"
397?- S`::[]..[1,2], maximum(S,M).
398?- set(S,[],[1,2],[maximum:2], maximum(S,M).
399M = 2
401?- S`::[]+[1,2], maximum(S,1).
402S = [1]
404?- set(S,[],[1,2],[maximum:1], maximum(S,M).
405S = [1]
406M = 1",
407	see_also:[minimum/2,set/4,sets/4,cardinality/2]
408	]).
411:-comment(minimum/2, [
412	amode: minimum(?,?),
413	args:  ["SetVariable": "A Set (variable or ground) of integers.",
414		"Min": "An integer or an FD variable."],
415	summary: "Minimum of a set of integers",
416	desc: html("Min is the minimum (i.e. the lowest element) of SetVariable.<P>
417		If Min is given (as an integer or FD variable) then SetVariable is
418		constrained to have such minimum.
419		If Min is a free variable, then it is unified with the set's minimum as
420		an FD variable or an integer (if it is already known).<P>
421		minimum/2 can thus be used either to declare (or constrain) a minimum
422		function or to retrieve it."),
423	resat: "No.",
424	fail_if: "Fails if Min can not be the minimum of SetVariable.",
425	eg:"
426?- S`::[]..[1,2], minimum(S,M).
427?- set(S,[],[1,2],[minimum:1], minimum(S,M).
428M = 1
430?- S`::[]+[1,2], minimum(S,2).
431S = [2]
433?- set(S,[],[1,2],[minimum:2], minimum(S,M).
434S = [2]
435M = 2",
436	see_also:[maximum/2,set/4,sets/4,cardinality/2]
437	]).
440:-comment(union_var/2, [
441	amode: union_var(?,?),
442	args:  ["SetVariable": "A Set (variable or ground) of sets.",
443		"UnionVar": "A Set (variable or ground)."],
444	summary: "Union of a set of sets",
445	desc: html("UnionVar is the union of sets in SetVariable. If UnionVar is given
446		(as a ground set or a set variable), then SetVariable is constrained to have such union.
447		If UnionVar is a free variable, then it is unified with the set's union as
448		a set variable or a ground set (if it is already known).<P>
449		union_var/2 can thus be used either to declare (or constrain) a union
450		function or to retrieve it."),
451	resat: "No.",
452	fail_if: "Fails if UnionVar can not be the union of SetVariable.",
453	eg:"
454?- S `::[]..[[a],[b]], union_var(S,U).
455?- S `::[]..[[a],[b],[a,b]], union_var(S,[a,b]).
456?- union_var([[a,b],[b,c]], U).
457U = [a,b,c]",
458	see_also:[set/4,sets/4,cardinality/2]
459	]).
463:-comment(union_att/2, [
464	amode: union_att(?,-),
465	args:  ["SetVariable": "A Set (variable or ground) of sets.",
466		"UnionAtt": "A Set in the form [UnionVar,GlbU+PossU,Singles,Lengths]."],
467	summary: "Union Attribute of a set of sets",
468	desc: html("UnionAtt is the union attribute of SetVariable, concerning its union function,
469		a list with the following data:<P>
470		UnionVar: union of sets in SetVariable<P>
471		GlbU: set union of SetVariable's glb<P>
472		PossU: set of possible union elements with counters (X:N), i.e. an ordered
473			list of all elements in the sets of SetVariable's poss (lub\\glb)
474			with the number of occurrences attached<P>
475		Singles: elements where N=1 in PossU<P>"),
476	resat: "No.",
477	fail_if: "Fails if SetVariable is not a set of sets or if its union attributte
478		does not unify with UnionAtt.",
479	eg:"
480?- S `::[]..[[a],[b]], union_att(S,UAtt).
481?- union_att([[a],[b]], UAtt).
482UAtt = [[a,b],[a,b]+[],[],[]]
484?- S `::[]..[[a],[b],[a,b],[c]], union_att(S,[_,GlbU+PossU,Singles,Lengths]).
485Glb = []
486PossU = [a:2,b:2,c:1]
487Singles = [c]
488Lengths = [2:1, 1:3]",
489	see_also:[union_var/2,union_att/3,set/4,sets/4,cardinality/2]
490	]).
492%:-comment(union_att/3, [...
499:-comment((`::)/2, [
500%	amode: `::(?,+),
501%	amode: (? `:: +),
502	template: "?SetVariable `:: ?Domain",
503	args:  ["SetVariable": "A variable.",
504		"Domain": "A set domain with optional cardinality declaration."],
505	summary: "Set variable declaration",
506	desc: html("Declare or constrain a set domain variable to have Domain as domain.<P>
507		Domain may assume 3 forms: Glb..Lub, Glb+Poss or Glb+Poss:Cardinality.<P>
508		Glb is a ground set denoting the SetVariable's glb. Lub is a ground set
509		denoting the SetVariable's lub. Poss is a ground set denoting the SetVariable's
510		poss (lub\\glb). Cardinality is the SetVariable's cardinality, which may be
511		an integer, an FD variable, or an integer domain (list or range)."),
512	resat: "No.",
513	fail_if: "Fails if SetVariable can not be constrained accordingly.",
514	eg:"
515?- S `:: []..[a,b].
516?- S `:: []+[a,b].
517?- S `:: []+[a,b]:1.
518?- S `:: [x]+[a,b]:C.
519?- S `:: []+[a,b]:[0,2].
520?- S `:: [c]+[a,b,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k]:[2,4..7].
522	see_also:[set/4,sets/4,cardinality/2,union_var/2,minimum/2,maximum/2,set_labeling/1]
523	]).
527:-comment(set/4, [
528	amode: set(?,++,++,+),
529	args:  ["SetVariable": "A variable.",
530		"Glb": "A ground set.",
531		"Poss": "A ground set.",
532		"Functions": "A list."],
533	summary: "Set variable declaration with optional functions",
534	desc: html("Declare or constrain a set domain variable to have Glb as assured
535		elements and Poss as the possible additional elements.<P>
536		Functions is a list of functions over SetVariable in the form
537		FunctionName:FunctionValue, where FunctionName can be 'cardinality',
538		'minimum', 'maximum' or 'union':
540  cardinality: FunctionValue can be an integer, an FD variable or an integer domain (list or range)
541  union: (SetVariable must be a set of sets.) FunctionValue can be a set, a set variable
542	or a set domain in the form GlbUnion+PossUnion, representing the glb and poss of
543	the union of SetVariable
544  minimum and maximum: (SetVariable must be a nonempty set of integers.)
545	FunctionValue can be an integer, an FD variable or an integer domain
547		Cardinal inferences over SetVariable and its union, minimum and maximum
548		functions will be performed only if these functions are explicitly
549		declared, whereas the cardinality function and respective inferences
550		will always be present even if this (cardinality) function is not
551		explicitly declared. Note that a simple function declaration such as
552		minimum:_ is sufficient to make it 'active'."),
553	resat: "No.",
554	fail_if: "Fails if SetVariable can not be constrained accordingly.",
555	eg:"
556?- set(S,[],[a,b],[]).
557?- set(S,[],[a,b],[cardinality:1]).
558?- set(S,[],[a,b],[cardinality:C]).
559?- set(S,[],[a,b],[cardinality:[0,2]]).
560?- set(S,[c],[a,b,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k],[cardinality:[2,4..7]]).
561?- set(S,[],[1,3,4,5,7],[minimum:Min,maximum:Max]), fd:(Max #> Min+2).
562?- set(S, [], [[1,2,5],[2,4],[3,5],[1,3,4]],
563	[cardinality:2, union:[1,2,3,4,5]]).   %set-covering
564?- set(S, [], [[1,2,5],[2,4],[3,5],[1,3,4]], [union:[1]+[2,4,5]]).
566	see_also:[sets/4,(`::)/2,cardinality/2,union_var/2,minimum/2,maximum/2,set_labeling/1]
567	]).
570:-comment(sets/4, [
571	amode: sets(+,++,++,+),
572	args:  ["SetVariables": "A list of variables.",
573		"Glb": "A ground set.",
574		"Poss": "A ground set.",
575		"Functions": "A list."],
576	summary: "Set variables declaration with optional functions",
577	desc: html("Declare or constrain set domain variables to have Glb as assured
578		elements and Poss as the possible additional elements.<P>
579		Functions is a list of functions over each SetVariable in SetVariables in the form
580		FunctionName:FunctionValue, where FunctionName can be 'cardinality',
581		'minimum', 'maximum' or 'union':<P>
583  cardinality: FunctionValue can be an integer, an FD variable or an integer domain (list or range)
584  union: (SetVariable must be a set of sets.) FunctionValue can be a set, a set variable
585	or a set domain in the form GlbUnion+PossUnion, representing the glb and poss of
586	the union of SetVariable
587  minimum and maximum: (SetVariable must be a nonempty set of integers.)
588	FunctionValue can be an integer, an FD variable or an integer domain
590		Cardinal inferences over SetVariable and its union, minimum and maximum
591		functions will be performed only if these functions are explicitly
592		declared, whereas the cardinality function and respective inferences
593		will always be present even if this (cardinality) function is not
594		explicitly declared. Note that a simple function declaration such as
595		minimum:_ is sufficient to make it 'active'.<P>
596		If a FunctionValue is given as a variable or as a fixed (integer or set)
597		value, then it will be the same for all of SetVariables. If it is given
598		as a domain, then function values for SetVariables may be different
599		(a different domain variable is created for each SetVariable)."),
600	resat: "No.",
601	fail_if: "Fails if SetVariables can not be constrained accordingly.",
602	eg:"
603?- sets([S],[],[a,b],[]).
604?- sets([S,T],[],[a,b],[cardinality:1]).
605?- sets([X,Y,Z],[],[a,b],[cardinality:C]).
606?- sets([X,Y,Z],[],[a,b],[cardinality:[0,2]]).
607?- sets([X,Y,Z],[c],[a,b,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k],[cardinality:[2,4..7]]).
608?- sets([X,Y,Z],[],[1,3,4,5,7],[minimum:Min,maximum:1..9]), fd:(Max #> Min+2).
609?- sets([X,Y,Z], [], [[1,2,5],[2,4],[3,5],[1,3,4]], [union:[1]+[2,4,5]]).
611	see_also:[set/4,(`::)/2,cardinality/2,union_var/2,minimum/2,maximum/2,set_labeling/1]
612	]).
616:-comment(refine/2, [
617	amode: refine(++,?),
618	args:  ["UpDown": "Atom ('up' or 'down').",
619		"SetVar": "A set variable."],
620	summary: "Refine a set variable's domain",
621	desc: html("Pick the first element of SetVar's poss (lub\\glb) and try to include it
622		in its glb, or to definitely exclude it from the domain.<P>
623		If heuristic UpDown is 'up' then inclusion is tried first; otherwise (down)
624		exclusion is tried first."),
625	resat: "Yes.",
626	fail_if: "Fails if Var can not be refined (it is either ground or both the inclusion
627		and exclusion of the first element of its poss leads to a failure due to
628		unsatisfied constraints).",
629	eg:"
630?- S `:: [a]+[b,c], refine(up,S), glb_poss(S,G,P).
631G = [a,b], P = [c] ;
632G = [a], P = [c] ;
635?- S `:: [a]+[b,c], refine(down,S), glb_poss(S,G,P).
636G = [a], P = [c] ;
637G = [a,b], P = [c] ;
640	see_also:[set_labeling/2,set_labeling/1]
641	]).
644:-comment(set_labeling/2, [
645	amode: set_labeling(++,+),
646	args:  ["UpDown": "Atom: 'up' or 'down'.",
647		"SetVars": "List of set variables."],
648	summary: "Label set variables",
649	desc: html("Instantiate all variables in SetVars from first to last, with
650		consecutive refinements of their domains until they are ground.<P>
651		If heuristic UpDown is 'up' then, for each set variable, for each element
652		in its poss (lub\\glb), inclusion is tried first; otherwise (down)
653		exclusion is tried first."),
654	resat: "Yes.",
655	fail_if: "Fails if SetVars can not be labeled (there is no solution to the CSP).",
656	eg:"
657?- S `:: [a] + [b, c], T `:: [1] + [2], set_labeling(up, [S, T]).
658S = [a, b, c], T = [1, 2] ;
659S = [a, b, c], T = [1] ;
660S = [a, b], T = [1, 2] ;
661S = [a, b], T = [1] ;
662S = [a, c], T = [1, 2] ;
663S = [a, c], T = [1] ;
664S = [a], T = [1, 2] ;
665S = [a], T = [1] ;
668?- S `:: [a] + [b, c], T `:: [1] + [2], set_labeling(down, [S, T]).
669S = [a], T = [1] ;
670S = [a], T = [1, 2] ;
671S = [a, c], T = [1] ;
672S = [a, c], T = [1, 2] ;
673S = [a, b], T = [1] ;
674S = [a, b], T = [1, 2] ;
675S = [a, b, c], T = [1] ;
676S = [a, b, c], T = [1, 2] ;
679	see_also:[set_labeling/1,refine/2]
680	]).
683:-comment(set_labeling/1, [
684	amode: set_labeling(?),
685	args:  ["SetVars": "A variable or a list of set variables."],
686	summary: "Label set variable(s)",
687	desc: html("Instantiate all variables in SetVars from first to last, with
688		consecutive refinements of their domains until they are ground.<P>
689		For each set variable, for each element in its poss (lub\\glb), inclusion
690		is tried first.<P>
691		SetVars can be a set variable instead of a list. Labeling a single set
692		variable S can thus be done both with set_labeling([S]) or with
693		set_labeling(S)."),
694	resat: "Yes.",
695	fail_if: "Fails if SetVars can not be labeled (there is no solution to the CSP).",
696	eg:"
697?- S `:: [a] + [b, c], T `:: [1] + [2], set_labeling([S, T]).
698S = [a, b, c], T = [1, 2] ;
699S = [a, b, c], T = [1] ;
700S = [a, b], T = [1, 2] ;
701S = [a, b], T = [1] ;
702S = [a, c], T = [1, 2] ;
703S = [a, c], T = [1] ;
704S = [a], T = [1, 2] ;
705S = [a], T = [1] ;
708?- S `:: [a] + [b, c], T `:: [1] + [2], set_labeling(S).
709S = [a, b, c] ;
710S = [a, b] ;
711S = [a, c] ;
712S = [a] ;
716	see_also:[set_labeling/2,refine/2]
717	]).
721:-comment(card_labeling/1, [
722	amode: card_labeling(?),
723	args:  ["SetVars": "A list of set variables."],
724	summary: "Label cardinality of set variables",
725	desc: html("Instantiate all cardinalities of variables in SetVars from first to
726		last, using indomain/1 predicate of fd library.<P>
727		card_labeling/1 is defined as:
729  card_labeling([]).
730  card_labeling([H|T]):-
731	cardinality(H, C),
732	indomain(C),
733	card_labeling(T).
736	resat: "Yes.",
737	fail_if: "Fails if cardinalities of SetVars can not be labeled (because constraint
738		propagation leads to a failure).",
739	eg:"
740?- S `:: [a]+[b,c]:CS, T `:: [1] + [2], card_labeling([S, T]).
741CS = 1, S = [a], T = [1] ;
742CS = 1, S = [a], T = [1, 2] ;
743CS = 2, T = [1] ;
744CS = 2, T = [1, 2] ;
745CS = 3, S = [a,b,c], T = [1] ;
746CS = 3, S = [a,b,c], T = [1, 2] ;
749?- S `:: [a] + [b,c,d,e,f]:[2,3,6,9], card_labeling([S]), cardinality(S,C).
750C = 2 ;
751C = 3 ;
752C = 6, S = [a,b,c,d,e,f] ;
756	see_also:[set_labeling/2,refine/2,cardinality/2]
757	]).
761:-comment((`@)/2, [
762%	amode: `@(?,?),
763%	amode: (? `@ ?),
764	template: "?Element `@ ?SetVariable",
765	args:  ["SetVariable": "A set variable.",
766		"Element": "A ground term or a variable."],
767	summary: "Set membership constraint",
768	desc: html("Constrain SetVariable to include Element.<P>
769		If Element is a variable then if SetVariable is a ground singleton,
770		then Element is unified with its single element, otherwise the constraint
771		is suspended until Element or SetVariable is ground."),
772	resat: "No.",
773	fail_if: "Fails if Element can not be a member of SetVariable.",
774	eg:"
775?- S `:: []..[a,b], a `@ S, glb_poss(S,G,P).
776G = [a], P = [b]
778?- S `:: []+[a,b], c `@ S.
781?- S `:: [a]+[b,c], a `@ S, glb_poss(S,G,P).
782G = [a], P = [b,c]
784?- S `:: []..[a,b], X `@ S, glb_poss(S,G,P).
785G = [], P = [a,b]
787?- S `:: []..[a,b], X `@ S, X=b, glb_poss(S,G,P).
788G = [b], P = [a]
790?- S `:: [a]+[b,c]:C, X `@ S, C=1.
791X = a
793	see_also:[in/2,(`-@)/2,notin/2,(`::)/2]
794	]).
797:-comment(in/2, [
798%	amode: in(?,?),
799%	amode: (? in ?),
800	template: "?Element in ?SetVariable",
801	args:  ["SetVariable": "A set variable.",
802		"Element": "A ground term or a variable."],
803	summary: "Set membership constraint",
804	desc: html("Constrain SetVariable to include Element.<P>
805		in/2 is available for compatibility with conjunto library syntax.
806		It is equivalent to the preferred `@/2. See its description for details."),
807	resat: "No.",
808	fail_if: "Fails if Element can not be a member of SetVariable.",
809	see_also:[(`@)/2,(`-@)/2,notin/2,(`::)/2]
810	]).
814:-comment((`-@)/2, [
815%	amode: `-@(?,?),
816%	amode: (? `-@ ?),
817	template: "?Element `-@ ?SetVariable",
818	args:  ["SetVariable": "A set variable.",
819		"Element": "A ground term or a variable."],
820	summary: "Set non-membership constraint",
821	desc: html("Constrain SetVariable to not include Element.<P>
822		If Element is a variable then the constraint
823		is suspended until it becomes ground."),
824	resat: "No.",
825	fail_if: "Fails if Element must be a member of SetVariable.",
826	eg:"
827?- S `:: []..[a,b], a `-@ S, glb_poss(S,G,P).
828G = [], P = [b]
830?- S `:: [c]+[a,b], c `-@ S.
833?- S `:: [a]+[b,c], z `-@ S, glb_poss(S,G,P).
834G = [a], P = [b,c]
836?- S `:: []..[a,b], X `-@ S, glb_poss(S,G,P).
837G = [], P = [a,b]
839?- S `:: []..[a,b], X `-@ S, X=b, glb_poss(S,G,P).
840G = [], P = [a]
842	see_also:[(`@)/2,in/2,notin/2,(`::)/2]
843	]).
846:-comment(notin/2, [
847%	amode: notin(?,?),
848%	amode: (? notin ?),
849	template: "?Element notin ?SetVariable",
850	args:  ["SetVariable": "A set variable.",
851		"Element": "A ground term or a variable."],
852	summary: "Set non-membership constraint",
853	desc: html("Constrain SetVariable to not include Element.<P>
854		notin/2 is available for compatibility with conjunto library syntax.
855		It is equivalent to the preferred `-@/2. See its description for details."),
856	resat: "No.",
857	fail_if: "Fails if Element must be a member of SetVariable.",
858	see_also:[(`-@)/2,(`@)/2,in/2,(`::)/2]
859	]).
864:-comment((`$)/2, [
865%	amode: `$(?,?),
866%	amode: (? `$ ?),
867	template: "?SetVar1 `$ ?SetVar2",
868	args:  ["SetVar1": "A set variable.",
869		"SetVar2": "A set variable."],
870	summary: "Set disjointness constraint",
871	desc: html("Constrain sets SetVar1 and SetVar2 to be disjoint. I.e. SetVar1 and
872		SetVar2 should have no common elements (empty intersection)."),
873	resat: "No.",
874	fail_if: "Fails if SetVar1 and SetVar2 can not be disjoint.",
875	eg:"
876?- [] `$ [8], [7] `$ [8], [] `$ [].
879?- [7,8] `$ [8]  ; [7] `$ [7,8] ; [a] `$ [a] ; [a,b] `$ [b,a].
882?- sets([X,Y], [],[8,9], [cardinality:1]), X `$ Y, set_labeling([X,Y]).
883X = [8], Y = [9] ;
884X = [9], Y = [8] ;
887?- S `:: []+[a,b], X=S, X `$ S.
888S = [], X = []
890?- sets([X,Y], [],[7,8,9], [cardinality:2]), X `$ Y.
893?- sets([X,Y], [],[7,8,9], [cardinality:[1,2]]), X `$ Y, #(X,2), #(Y,C).
894C = 1
896?- X `:: [a]+[b,c,d], Y `:: []+[a,b,c,d,e,f], X `$ Y, c `@ Y, poss(X,PX), poss(Y,PY).
897PX = [b,d], PY = [b,d,e,f]
899	see_also:[all_disjoint/1,(`<>)/2,complement/2,complement/3,(`/=)/2,(`>=)/2]
900	]).
902:-comment((`<>)/2, [
903%	amode: `<>(?,?),
904%	amode: (? `<> ?),
905	template: "?SetVar1 `<> ?SetVar2",
906	args:  ["SetVar1": "A set variable.",
907		"SetVar2": "A set variable."],
908	summary: "Set disjointness constraint (obsolete)",
909	desc: html("Constrain sets SetVar1 and SetVar2 to be disjoint.<P>
910		Obsolete: `<>/2 is available only for compatibility with conjunto library syntax.
911		It is equivalent to the preferred `$/2. See its description for details."),
912	see_also:[(`$)/2,all_disjoint/1,complement/2,complement/3,(`/=)/2,(`>=)/2]
913	]).
916:-comment(all_disjoint/1, [
917	amode: all_disjoint(+),
918	args:  ["SetVars": "A list of set variables."],
919	summary: "All sets disjointness global constraint",
920	desc: html("Constrain all pairs of sets in SetVars to be disjoint. I.e. No two sets
921		can have a common element (empty pairwise intersection).<P>
922		This version of all_disjoint/1 is a weak global constraint, but stronger
923		than the simple posting of all pairwise disjoint/2 constraints, since
924		it posts the additional constraint that the sum of the cardinalities of
925		SetVars must be less than or equal to the cardinality of the union of all
926		the initial LUBs."),
927	resat: "No.",
928	fail_if: "Fails if SetVars can not be all disjoint.",
929	eg:"
930?- all_disjoint([[7],[8],[i,k]]).
933?- all_disjoint([[7,8],[i],[8]]).
936?- sets([X,Y,Z], [],[1,2,7,8,9], [cardinality:2]), all_disjoint([X,Y,Z]).
939?- sets([X,Y,Z], [],[1,2,7,8,9], [cardinality:2]), all_disjoint([X,Y,Z]), 2 `@ X, lub(Y,LubY), lub(Z,LubZ)
940LubY = [1,7,8,9], LubZ = [1,7,8,9]
942	see_also:[(`$)/2,(`<>)/2,complement/2,complement/3,(`/=)/2,(`>=),all_union/2]
943	]).
948:-comment((`>=)/2, [
949%	amode: `>=(?,?),
950%	amode: (? `>= ?),
951	template: "?SetVar1 `>= ?SetVar2",
952	args:  ["SetVar1": "A set variable.",
953		"SetVar2": "A variable."],
954	summary: "Set inclusion constraint",
955	desc: html("Constrain sets SetVar1 and SetVar2 so that SetVar1 contains SetVar2.<P>
956		If SetVar2 is not yet a set domain variable it is declared as such, using
957		SetVar1's lub."),
958	resat: "No.",
959	fail_if: "Fails if SetVar1 can not contain SetVar2.",
960	eg:"
961?- [7,8,9] `>= [7,9], [7,8,9] `>= [7,8,9], [7,8,9] `>= [], [7,8,9] `>= [9].
964?- [1,7,9] `>= [7,8].
967?- X `:: [a]+[b,c,d], Y `:: []+[a,b,c,d,e,f], X `>= Y, poss(Y,PY).
968PY = [a,b,c,d]
970?- X `:: [a]+[b,c,d], Y `:: []+[a,b,c,d,e,f], Y `>= X, glb(Y,GY).
971GY = [a]
973?- X `:: [a]+[b,c,d,z]:CX, Y `:: []+[a,b,c,d,e,f]:CY, X `>= Y, CX=2, fd:maxdomain(CY,MaxCY).
974MaxCY = 2
976?- X `:: [a]+[b,c,d,z]:CX, Y `:: []+[a,b,c,d,e,f]:CY, X `>= Y, CY=3, fd:mindomain(CX,MinCX).
977MinCX = 3.
979	see_also:[(`<)/2,(`=)/2]
980	]).
982:-comment((`<)/2, [
983%	amode: `<(?,?),
984%	amode: (? `< ?),
985	template: "?SetVar1 `< ?SetVar2",
986	args:  ["SetVar1": "A set variable.",
987		"SetVar2": "A variable."],
988	summary: "Set inclusion constraint (obsolete)",
989	desc: html("Constrain sets SetVar1 and SetVar2 so that SetVar2 contains SetVar1.<P>
990		Obsolete: (`<)/2 is available only for compatibility with conjunto library syntax.
991		It is equivalent (with swapped arguments) to the preferred `>=/2.
992		See its description for details."),
993	see_also:[(`>=)/2,(`=)/2]
994	]).
999:-comment(all_union/2, [
1000	amode: all_union(+,?),
1001	args:  ["SetVars": "A list of variables.",
1002		"Union": "A variable or a ground set."],
1003	summary: "Union constraint of a list of sets",
1004	desc: html("Constraint: Union is the set union of SetVars.<P>
1005		Any variable in SetVars that is not yet a set domain variable, is declared
1006		as such using Union's lub."),
1007	resat: "No.",
1008	fail_if: "Fails if Union can not be the union of SetVars.",
1009	eg:"
1010?- all_union([[8,a,9],[i,8,o],[],[a,8,5]], U).
1011U = [5,8,9,a,i,o].
1013?- all_union([X,Z,S,Y,T], [8,9]), glb_poss(X,GX,PX), glb_poss(Y,GY,PY).
1014GX = [], PX = [8,9], GY = [], PY = [8,9]
1016?- X `:: [a]+[b,c], all_union([X,[b,n],X], U), glb_poss(X,GX,PX), glb_poss(U,GU,PU).
1017GX = [a], PX = [b,c], GU = [a,b,n], PU = [c]
1019?- sets([X,Y,Z],[a,b],[d,g,h,j],[cardinality:4]), all_union([X,Y,Z],U), #(U,C), fd:dom(C,DomC).
1020DomC = [4,5,6]
1022?- sets([X,Y,Z],[a,b],[d,g,h,j],[]), all_union([X,Y,Z],U), #(U,4), #(Y,C), fd:dom(C,DomC).
1023DomC = [2,3,4]
1025	see_also:[(`=)/2,all_disjoint/1]
1026	]).
1031:-comment((`/=)/2, [
1032%	amode: `/=(?,?),
1033%	amode: (? `/= ?),
1034	template: "?SetVar1 `/= ?SetVar2",
1035	args:  ["SetVar1": "A set variable.",
1036		"SetVar2": "A set variable."],
1037	summary: "Set inequality constraint",
1038	desc: html("Constrain sets SetVar1 and SetVar2 to be different.<P>
1039		This constraint is suspended until one of the two sets is bound
1040		to another set (variable or ground)."),
1041	resat: "No.",
1042	fail_if: "Fails if SetVar1 and SetVar2 must be the same set.",
1043	eg:"
1044?- [] `/= [8], [7] `/= [8], [7,8] `/= [8], [7] `/= [7,8].
1047?- [] `/= [] ; [a] `/= [a] ; [a,b] `/= [b,a].
1050?- sets([X,Y], [],[8,9], [cardinality:1]), X `/= Y, set_labeling([X,Y]).
1051X = [8], Y = [9] ;
1052X = [9], Y = [8] ;
1055?- sets([X,Y], [],[8,9], []), X `/= Y, X=Y.
1058?- X `:: [8]+[8,9], [8,9] `/= X, card_labeling([X]).
1059X = [8] ;
1062	see_also:[(`$)/2,complement/2,complement/3,(`=)/2]
1063	]).
1068:-comment(complement/3, [
1069	amode: complement(?,++,?),
1070	args:  ["SetVar": "A variable.",
1071		"Universe": "A ground set.",
1072		"Complement": "A variable"],
1073	summary: "Set complement constraint",
1074	desc: html("Constrain sets so that Complement is the complement set of SetVar,
1075		with respect to the given Universe. I.e. Complement is Universe \\ SetVar.<P>
1076		If a variable (SetVar or Complement) is not yet a set domain variable,
1077		it is declared as such, limited by the Universe.<P>
1078		This constraint is usually more efficient (stronger) than posting an
1079		equivalent set difference constraint, due to specific inferences."),
1080	resat: "No.",
1081	fail_if: "Fails if Complement can not be the set complement of SetVar in set universe Universe.",
1082	eg:"
1083?- complement([7,8], [1,7,8,9], N).
1084N = [1,9]
1086?- complement(N, [1,7,8,9], [7,8]).
1087N = [1,9]
1089?- X `:: [a]+[b,c,d], Y `:: []+[a,b,c,d,e,f], complement(X, [a,b,c,d,e,f,g], Y).
1092?- X `:: [a]+[b,c,d], Y `:: []+[a,b,c,d,e,f], complement(X,[a,b,f],Y), domain(X,DX),domain(Y,DY).
1093DX = [[a]:1,[b]:2], DY = [[f]:1,[b]:2]
1095?- X `:: [a]+[b,c,d], Y `:: []+[a,b,c,d,e,f], complement(X, [a,b,c,d,e,f], Y), domain(Y,DY).
1096DY = [[e,f]:2,[b,c,d]:5]
1098	see_also:[complement/2,(`$)/2,(`=)/2]
1099	]).
1102:-comment(complement/2, [
1103	amode: complement(?,?),
1104	args:  ["SetVar": "A variable.",
1105		"Complement": "A variable"],
1106	summary: "Set complement constraint",
1107	desc: html("Constrain sets so that Complement is the complement set of SetVar.
1108		(The universe is taken as the union of their LUBs.)."),
1109	resat: "No.",
1110	fail_if: "Fails if Complement can not be the set complement of SetVar (in their universe).",
1111	eg:"
1112?- complement([8,9], []), complement([8,9], [t]).
1115?- complement([8,9], [8]).
1118?- complement([8,9], N).
1119N = []
1121?- sets([X,Y], [],[7,8,9], []), complement(X,Y), 8 `@ Y, glb_poss(X,GX,PX), glb_poss(Y,GY,PY).
1122GX = [], PX = [7,9], GY = [8], PY = [7,9]
1124?- sets([X,Y], [],[7,8,9], [cardinality:C]), complement(X,Y), card_labeling([X]).
1127?- sets([X,Y], [],[7,8,9], []), complement(X,Y), X `>= Y, set_labeling(up,[Y]).
1128Y = [], X = [7,8,9] ;
1131?- sets([X,Y], [],[7,8,9], [minimum:Min]), complement(X,Y), refine(up,X).
1134?- sets([X,Y], [],[7,8,9], []), complement(X,Y), #(X,1), #(Y,CY).
1135CY = 2
1137	see_also:[complement/3,(`$)/2,(`=)/2]
1138	]).
1143:-comment((`=)/2, [
1144%	amode: `=(?,?),
1145%	amode: (? `= ?),
1146	template: "?SetExp1 `= ?SetExp2",
1147	args:  ["SetExp1": "A set expression.",
1148		"SetExp2": "A set expression."],
1149	summary: "Set equality constraint",
1150	desc: html("Constrain sets in both hand sides of equation so that SetExp1 and
1151		SetExp2 represent the same set.<P>
1152		A set expression is a set (variable or ground) or a set operation between
1153		two set expressions. Possible set operations are set union, set intersection
1154		and set difference, and the respective operators are `\\/, `/\\ and `\\.
1155		These operators are defined as:
1157:- op(500, yfx, `\\/).   %set union
1158:- op(400, yfx, `/\\).   %set intersection
1159:- op(300, yfx, `\\ ).   %set difference
1161	resat: "No.",
1162	fail_if: "Fails if SetExp1 can not be the same set as SetExp2.",
1163	eg:"
1165Examples of equalities between set expressions, being S,T,U,V,W,X,Y,Z set variables:
1167X `= Y
1168S `\\/ Y `\\ Z `= T `/\\ S `\\/ U `/\\ W
1169V `\\ ([a,b,d] `\\/ W) `\\/ (S `\\ W) `= ((T `/\\ [3,9]) `\\/ W) `\\ U
1172% just union:
1173?- [8,a,9] `\\/ [i,8,o] `\\/ [] `\\/ [a,8,5] `= U.
1174U = [5,8,9,a,i,o]
1176?- X `\\/ Y `= [8,9], glb_poss(X,GX,PX), glb_poss(Y,GY,PY).
1177GX = [], PX = [8,9], GY = [], PY = [8,9]
1179?- X `:: [a]+[b,c], X `\\/ [b,n] `= U, glb_poss(X,GX,PX), glb_poss(U,GU,PU).
1180GX = [a], PX = [b,c], GU = [a,b,n], PU = [c]
1182?- sets([A,B],[a,b],[d,g,h,j],[cardinality:4]), A`\\/B`=U, #(U,C), fd:dom(C,DomC).
1183DomC = [4,5,6]
1185?- sets([X,Y],[a,b],[d,g,h,j],[]), X`\\/Y`=U, #(U,4), #(Y,C), fd:dom(C,DomC).
1186DomC = [2,3,4]
1188?- sets([S,X], [],[a,b], [cardinality:[0,2]]), U `= X `\\/ S, #(U,C), fd:dom(C,DomC).
1189DomC = [0,2]
1191?- S `:: [a,c]+[b,g,h,j,l]:3, X`::[a]+[b,h,t,u,y]:2, U `= X `\\/ S, #(U,C), fd:dom(C,DomC).
1192DomC = [3,4]
1194?- S `:: [a,c]+[b,g,h,j,l], X`::[a]+[b,h,t,u,y], U `= X `\\/ S, #(U,C), fd:(C::0..3), #(X,CX), fd:dom(CX,DomCX).
1195DomCX = [1,2]
1198% just intersection:
1199?- I `= [4,6] `/\\ [3,6,8].
1200I = [6]
1202?- [a,b,c,d,e] `/\\ [a,b,c,e,f,g] `/\\ [b,d,e,f,x,y] `= I.
1203I = [b,e]
1205?- X `:: [a]+[b,c], X `/\\ [b,n] `= I, glb_poss(X,GX,PX), glb_poss(I,GI,PI).
1206GX = [a], PX = [b,c], GI = [], PI = [b]
1208?- S `:: [a]+[b,c], X`::[]+[7,8,9], I`::[]+[a,b,c,7,z,99], I `= X `/\\ S.
1209I = []
1211?- sets([A,B],[a,b],[d,g,h,j],[cardinality:5]), A`/\\B`=I, #(I,C), fd:dom(C,DomC).
1212DomC = [4,5]
1214?- S `:: [a,c]+[g,h,j,l], X`::[a]+[b,h,t,u,y], I `= X `/\\ S, #(I,C), fd:dom(C,DomC).
1215DomC = [1,2]
1218% just difference:
1219?- D `= [4,6] `\\ [3,6,8].
1220D = [4]
1222?- [a,b,c,d,e] `\\ [a,e,f,g] `\\ [b,d,e,f,x,y] `= D.
1223D = [c]
1225?- [a,b,c,d,e] `\\ ([a,e,f,g] `\\ [b,d,e,f,x,y]) `= D.
1226D = [b,c,d,e]
1228?- X `:: [a]+[b,c], X `\\ [b,n] `= D, glb_poss(X,GX,PX), glb_poss(D,GD,PD).
1229GX = [a], PX = [b,c], GD = [a], PD = [c]
1231?- S `:: [a]+[b,c], X`::[]+[7,8,9], D`::[]+[a,b,c,7,z,99], D `= X `\\ S, glb_poss(D,GD,PD).
1232GD = [], PD = [7]
1234?- sets([A,B],[a,b],[d,g,h,j],[cardinality:5]), A`\\B`=D, #(D,C), fd:dom(C,DomC).
1235DomC = [0,1]
1237?- sets([X,Y],[a,b],[d,g,h,j],[]), X`\\Y`=D, #(D,4).
1238X = [a,b,d,g,h,j], Y = [a,b]
1240?- S `:: [a,c,z]+[g,h], X`::[a]+[b,c,h,t], D `= S `\\ X, #(D,C), fd:dom(C,DomC).
1241DomC = [1,2,3,4].
1243?- S `:: []+[a,b], X=S, #(S `\\ X, C).
1244C = 0",
1245	see_also:[(`/=)/2,set_labeling/1,set_labeling/2]
1246	]).
1251:-comment(my_print_set_handler/2, hidden).
1252:-comment(my_unify_sets_handler/2, hidden).
1255:-comment(struct(cardinal), [
1256	summary: "Cardinal attributes of a set variable",
1257	fields:[domain: "Set domain in the form [Glb:NIn,Poss:NMax], where Glb is the set's
1258			glb, NIn its cardinality, Poss is its poss (i.e. its lub\\glb),
1259			and NMax is the lub's cardinality (i.e. NIn + #(Poss)).
1260			If it is a set of sets and a union function attribute has been
1261			declared, then each element of Poss comes annotated with its
1262			respective length.",
1263		cardinality: "Cardinality function (an integer or an FD variable).",
1264		minimum: "Minimum function (an integer or an FD variable),
1265			for sets of integers. Free variable if unused.",
1266		maximum: "Maximum function (an integer or an FD variable),
1267			for sets of integers. Free variable if unused.",
1268		union: html("Union function, for sets of sets. Free variable if unused;
1269			otherwise, a list in the form
1270			[UnionVar, GlbU+PossU, Singles, Lengths], where:<PRE>
1271UnionVar: A set (variable or ground) corresponding to the union of the set's elements
1272	(sets themselves);
1273GlbU: Set union of the set's glb;
1274PossU: Set of possible union elements with counters (X:N), i.e. an ordered
1275	list of all elements in the sets in set's poss (lub\\glb)
1276	with the number of occurrences attached
1277Singles: Set of elements where N=1 in PossU</PRE>"),
1278		bounded: "Suspension list.",
1279		glb: "Suspension list.",
1280		lub: "Suspension list.",
1281		bound: "Suspension list."
1282		]
1283	]).