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benchmark.cH A D25-Jul-201910.1 KiB

benchmark_tcp.cH A D25-Jul-20198.7 KiB

elb.hH A D25-Jul-2019859

elb_debug.hH A D25-Jul-20191.1 KiB

HakefileH A D25-Jul-20191.7 KiB

interface_app.cH A D25-Jul-20197.4 KiB

interface_lib.cH A D25-Jul-20194.5 KiB

interface_raw.cH A D25-Jul-20191,010

READMEH A D25-Jul-20191.4 KiB

tcp_server.cH A D25-Jul-20196 KiB

tcp_server_bm.hH A D25-Jul-20191.7 KiB

udp_server.cH A D25-Jul-20194.4 KiB


1At the moment this is just a simple ethernet RTT benchmark. The client side will
2just send a packet and measure the time until the response arrives, while the
3server just echoes everything back. There are two possibilities to use the
4benchmark, it can either be linked directly against the driver instead of the
5net_queue_manager library or the standalone version elb_app can be used. The
6command line parameters directly for the benchmarke are the same in both
7versions (see benchmark_argument() in benchmark.c).
9When using the library version that is linked to the driver it bascically only
10the benchmark binary has to be started (or maybe such as in e10k additional
11processes required by the driver):
12  module /antoinek/x86_64/sbin/e10k function=1
13  module /antoinek/x86_64/sbin/e10k_queue_elb queue=0 elb_server=1
15With the standalone version the normal queue managers can be used, but since the
16benchmark does not support adding filters yet, it only works on queue 0, and
17also disable_sf=1 has to be passed to the queue manager, to disable software
18filters (they are enabled by default on queue 0). For example using e10k:
19  module /antoinek/x86_64/sbin/e10k function=1
20  module /antoinek/x86_64/sbin/e10k_queue core=1 queue=0 disable_sf=1
21  module /antoinek/x86_64/sbin/elb_app core=2 queue=0 elb_server=1
23In both cases the rest of the network infrastructure must not be started (netd