2  MsgFragments.hs: helper for backends that need to split up a message into
3   multiple fragments.
5  Part of Flounder: a message passing IDL for Barrelfish
7  Copyright (c) 2007-2010, ETH Zurich.
8  All rights reserved.
10  This file is distributed under the terms in the attached LICENSE file.
11  If you do not find this file, copies can be found by writing to:
12  ETH Zurich D-INFK, Universit\"atstr. 6, CH-8092 Zurich. Attn: Systems Group.
15module MsgFragments where
17import Data.Bits
18import Data.List
19import Data.Ord
21import qualified CAbsSyntax as C
22import BackendCommon (Direction (..), intf_bind_var, bindvar, msg_enum_elem_name,
23                      tx_union_elem, rx_union_elem, type_c_type)
24import Syntax
25import Arch
27-- an application level message is specified by one or more transport-level fragments
28-- for UMP, we have a top-level list of non-cap fragments and separate list of caps
29data MsgSpec = MsgSpec String [MsgFragment] [CapFieldTransfer]
30    deriving (Show, Eq)
32-- a message fragment defines the layout of a transport-level message
33data MsgFragment = MsgFragment [FragmentWord] | OverflowFragment OverflowFragment
34                 deriving (Show, Eq)
36-- some fragments are "special" in that they can overflow and occupy an
37-- arbitrary number of underlying transport messages, because their size is
38-- only known at run time
39data OverflowFragment =
40        -- for marshalling byte arrays: type, data pointer and length fields
41        BufferFragment TypeBuiltin ArgField ArgField
42        -- for marshalling strings: string pointer field
43        | StringFragment ArgField
44        deriving (Show, Eq)
46-- LMP is a special case where caps can be sent in message fragments
47data LMPMsgSpec = LMPMsgSpec String [LMPMsgFragment]
48    deriving (Show, Eq)
50data LMPMsgFragment = LMPMsgFragment MsgFragment (Maybe CapFieldTransfer)
51                 deriving (Show, Eq)
53type FragmentWord = [ArgFieldFragment]
55-- an arg fragment refers to a (portion of a) primitive value which is part of
56-- a (possibly larger) message argument, by type, qualified name and bit offset
57data ArgFieldFragment = ArgFieldFragment TypeBuiltin ArgField Int
58                      | MsgCode -- implicit argument, occurs once per message
59                      deriving (Show, Eq)
61-- an argument field names the lowest-level field of an argument
62-- each entry in the list is a field name and (optional) array index
63-- eg. foo[3].bar is [NamedField "foo", ArrayField 3, NamedField "bar"]
64type ArgField = [ArgFieldElt]
65data ArgFieldElt = NamedField String | ArrayField Integer | TokenField
66    deriving (Show, Eq)
68-- modes of transfering a cap
69data CapTransferMode = GiveAway | Copied
70                  deriving (Show, Eq)
72-- a capability is just identified by the name of its field
73type CapField = ArgField
75-- a capability transfer is identified by the name of its field and the type
76-- of transfer requested
77data CapFieldTransfer = CapFieldTransfer CapTransferMode ArgField
78                  deriving (Show, Eq)
80-- to generate the above, we use a slightly different intermediate
81-- representation, which uses a list of fragments of individual fields
82data FieldFragment = FieldFragment ArgFieldFragment
83                   | CapField CapTransferMode ArgField
84                   | OverflowField OverflowFragment
85    deriving (Show, Eq)
87-- builtin type used to transmit message code
88msg_code_type :: TypeBuiltin
89msg_code_type = UInt16
92build_msg_spec :: Arch -> Int -> Bool -> [TypeDef] -> MessageDef -> MsgSpec
93build_msg_spec arch words_per_frag contains_msgcode types (Message _ mn args _)
94    -- ensure that we don't produce a completely empty message
95    | (msg_frags ++ overflow_frags) == [] = MsgSpec mn [MsgFragment []] capfield_transfers
96    | otherwise  = MsgSpec mn (msg_frags ++ overflow_frags) capfield_transfers
97    where
98        (frags, capfields, overfields)
99            = partition_frags $ build_field_fragments arch types args
100        field_frags = sort_field_fragments arch frags
101        msg_frags = find_msg_fragments arch words_per_frag contains_msgcode field_frags
102        overflow_frags = map OverflowFragment overfields
103        capfield_transfers = map (\(CapField tm cf) -> (CapFieldTransfer tm cf)) capfields
105-- build an LMP message spec by merging in the caps from a UMP spec
106build_lmp_msg_spec :: Arch -> [TypeDef] -> MessageDef -> LMPMsgSpec
107build_lmp_msg_spec arch types (Message msgt msgn args msgm) = LMPMsgSpec mn (merge_caps frags caps)
108    where
109        MsgSpec mn frags caps = build_msg_spec arch (lmp_words arch) True types (Message msgt msgn (Arg (Builtin UInt32) Token:args) msgm)
111        -- XXX: ensure that we never put a cap together with an overflow fragment
112        -- even though this could work at the transport-level, the current
113        -- LMP code doesn't support it
114        merge_caps :: [MsgFragment] -> [CapFieldTransfer] -> [LMPMsgFragment]
115        merge_caps [] [] = []
116        merge_caps (mf:restf) []
117            = (LMPMsgFragment mf Nothing):(merge_caps restf [])
118        merge_caps [] (c:restc)
119            = (LMPMsgFragment (MsgFragment []) (Just c)):(merge_caps [] restc)
120        merge_caps ((mf@(OverflowFragment _)):restf) caps
121            = (LMPMsgFragment mf Nothing):(merge_caps restf caps)
122        merge_caps (mf:restf) (c:restc)
123            = (LMPMsgFragment mf (Just c)):(merge_caps restf restc)
125-- partition a list of field fragments into (ordinary fields, caps, overflow buffers/strings)
126partition_frags :: [FieldFragment] -> ([FieldFragment], [FieldFragment], [OverflowFragment])
127partition_frags [] = ([], [], [])
128partition_frags (h:t) = case h of
129    f@(FieldFragment _) -> (f:restf, restc, resto)
130    f@(CapField _ _)    -> (restf, f:restc, resto)
131    OverflowField o     -> (restf, restc, o:resto)
132    where
133        (restf, restc, resto) = partition_frags t
135find_msg_fragments :: Arch -> Int -> Bool -> [FieldFragment] -> [MsgFragment]
136find_msg_fragments arch words_per_frag contains_msgcode frags
137    = group_frags frags first_frag
138    where
139        -- does the first fragment need to contain the message code?
140        first_frag
141            | contains_msgcode = MsgFragment [[MsgCode]]
142            | otherwise        = MsgFragment []
144        group_frags :: [FieldFragment] -> MsgFragment -> [MsgFragment]
145        group_frags [] (MsgFragment []) = [] -- empty fragment, drop it
146        group_frags [] cur = [cur] -- terminated search
147        group_frags ((FieldFragment f):rest) (MsgFragment [])
148            = group_frags rest (MsgFragment [[f]])
149        group_frags ((FieldFragment f):rest) cur@(MsgFragment wl)
150            -- can we fit another fragment into the current word?
151            | can_fit_word lastword f
152                = group_frags rest (MsgFragment (restwords ++ [lastword ++ [f]]))
153            -- can we fit another word onto the current message fragment?
154            | (length wl) < words_per_frag
155                = group_frags rest (MsgFragment (wl ++ [[f]]))
156            | otherwise = cur:(group_frags rest (MsgFragment [[f]]))
157            where
158                lastword = last wl
159                restwords = init wl
160                bitsizeof = bitsizeof_argfieldfrag arch
162                can_fit_word :: FragmentWord -> ArgFieldFragment -> Bool
163                can_fit_word word frag =
164                    (sum $ map bitsizeof word) + bitsizeof frag <= wordsize arch
166-- sort the list of fragments by size, to optimise packing
167sort_field_fragments :: Arch -> [FieldFragment] -> [FieldFragment]
168sort_field_fragments ar = sortBy cmp
169    where
170        cmp (FieldFragment f1) (FieldFragment f2)
171            = comparing (bitsizeof_argfieldfrag ar) f1 f2
173build_field_fragments :: Arch -> [TypeDef] -> [MessageArgument] -> [FieldFragment]
174build_field_fragments arch types args = concat $ map arg_fragments args
175    where
176        arg_fragments :: MessageArgument -> [FieldFragment]
177        arg_fragments (Arg (TypeAlias _ b) v) = arg_fragments (Arg (Builtin b) v)
178        arg_fragments (Arg (Builtin t) (DynamicArray n l _))
179            | t `elem` [UInt8, Int8, Char]
180                = [OverflowField $ BufferFragment t [NamedField n] [NamedField l]]
181            | otherwise = error "dynamic arrays of types other than char/int8/uint8 are not yet supported"
182        arg_fragments (Arg (Builtin b) Token) = fragment_builtin [TokenField] b
183        arg_fragments (Arg (Builtin b) v) = fragment_builtin [NamedField (varname v)] b
184        arg_fragments (Arg (TypeVar t) v) =
185            fragment_typedef [NamedField (varname v)] (lookup_type_name types t)
187        varname (Name n) = n
188        varname (StringArray n _) = n
189        varname (DynamicArray _ _ _)
190            = error "dynamic arrays of types other than char/int8/uint8 are not yet supported"
192        fragment_typedef :: ArgField -> TypeDef -> [FieldFragment]
193        fragment_typedef f (TStruct _ fl) =
194            concat [fragment_typeref ((NamedField fn):f) tr | TStructField tr fn <- fl]
196        fragment_typedef f (TArray tr _ len) = concat [fragment_typeref i tr | i <- fields]
197            where
198                fields = [(ArrayField i):f | i <- [0..(len - 1)]]
199        fragment_typedef f (TEnum _ _) = fragment_builtin f (enum_type arch)
200        fragment_typedef f (TAlias _ _) = error "aliases unhandled here"
201        fragment_typedef f (TAliasT _ b) = fragment_builtin f b
203        fragment_typeref :: ArgField -> TypeRef -> [FieldFragment]
204        fragment_typeref f (Builtin b) = fragment_builtin f b
205        fragment_typeref f (TypeAlias _ b) = fragment_builtin f b
206        fragment_typeref f (TypeVar tv) = fragment_typedef f (lookup_type_name types tv)
208        fragment_builtin :: ArgField -> TypeBuiltin -> [FieldFragment]
209        fragment_builtin f Cap = [CapField Copied f]
210        fragment_builtin f GiveAwayCap = [CapField GiveAway f]
211        fragment_builtin f String = [OverflowField $ StringFragment f]
212        fragment_builtin f t =
213            [FieldFragment (ArgFieldFragment t f off)
214             | off <- [0, (wordsize arch) .. (bitsizeof_builtin arch t - 1)]]
216bitsizeof_argfieldfrag :: Arch -> ArgFieldFragment -> Int
217bitsizeof_argfieldfrag a (ArgFieldFragment t _ _)
218    = min (wordsize a) (bitsizeof_builtin a t)
219bitsizeof_argfieldfrag a MsgCode
220    = bitsizeof_builtin a msg_code_type
222bitsizeof_builtin :: Arch -> TypeBuiltin -> Int
223bitsizeof_builtin _ UInt8 = 8
224bitsizeof_builtin _ UInt16 = 16
225bitsizeof_builtin _ UInt32 = 32
226bitsizeof_builtin _ UInt64 = 64
227bitsizeof_builtin _ Int8 = 8
228bitsizeof_builtin _ Int16 = 16
229bitsizeof_builtin _ Int32 = 32
230bitsizeof_builtin _ Int64 = 64
231bitsizeof_builtin a UIntPtr = ptrsize a
232bitsizeof_builtin a IntPtr = ptrsize a
233bitsizeof_builtin a Size = sizesize a
234bitsizeof_builtin _ Bool = 1
235bitsizeof_builtin _ IRef = 32 -- FIXME: move out of flounder
236bitsizeof_builtin _ Char = 8
237bitsizeof_builtin _ String = undefined
238bitsizeof_builtin _ Cap = undefined
239bitsizeof_builtin _ ErrVal = 32
240bitsizeof_builtin _ GiveAwayCap = undefined
244-- Utility function for working with arg fields
245-- This generates a C expression to access a given field
248argfield_expr :: Direction -> String -> ArgField -> C.Expr
249argfield_expr TX mn [NamedField n] = tx_union_elem mn n
250argfield_expr RX mn [NamedField n] = rx_union_elem mn n
251argfield_expr TX mn [TokenField] = C.DerefField bindvar "outgoing_token"
252argfield_expr RX mn [TokenField] = C.DerefField bindvar "incoming_token"
253argfield_expr _ _ [ArrayField n] = error "invalid; top-level array"
254argfield_expr dir mn ((NamedField n):rest)
255    = C.FieldOf (argfield_expr dir mn rest) n
256argfield_expr dir mn ((ArrayField i):rest)
257    = C.SubscriptOf (C.DerefPtr $ argfield_expr dir mn rest) (C.NumConstant i)
259-- generate a C expression for constructing the given word of a message fragment
260fragment_word_to_expr :: Arch -> String -> String -> FragmentWord -> C.Expr
261fragment_word_to_expr arch ifn mn frag = mkwordexpr 0 frag
262    where
263        mkwordexpr :: Int -> FragmentWord -> C.Expr
264        mkwordexpr shift [af] = doshift shift (mkfieldexpr af)
265        mkwordexpr shift (af:rest) = C.Binary C.BitwiseOr cur $ mkwordexpr rshift rest
266            where
267                cur = doshift shift (mkfieldexpr af)
268                rshift = shift + bitsizeof_argfieldfrag arch af
270        doshift :: Int -> C.Expr -> C.Expr
271        doshift 0 ex = ex
272        doshift n ex = C.Binary C.LeftShift
273                        (C.Cast (C.TypeName "uintptr_t") ex)
274                        (C.NumConstant $ toInteger n)
276        mkfieldexpr :: ArgFieldFragment -> C.Expr
277        mkfieldexpr MsgCode = C.Variable $ msg_enum_elem_name ifn mn
278        mkfieldexpr (ArgFieldFragment t af 0) = fieldaccessor t af
279        mkfieldexpr (ArgFieldFragment t af off) =
280            C.Binary C.RightShift (fieldaccessor t af) (C.NumConstant $ toInteger off)
282        -- special-case bool types to ensure we only get the one-bit true/false value
283        -- ticket #231
284        fieldaccessor Bool af
285          = C.Binary C.NotEquals (argfield_expr TX mn af) (C.Variable "false")
286        fieldaccessor _ af = argfield_expr TX mn af
289store_arg_frags :: Arch -> String -> String -> C.Expr -> Int -> Int -> [ArgFieldFragment] -> [C.Stmt]
290store_arg_frags _ _ _ _ _ _ [] = []
291store_arg_frags arch ifn mn msgdata_ex word bitoff (MsgCode:rest)
292    = store_arg_frags arch ifn mn msgdata_ex word (bitoff + bitsizeof_argfieldfrag arch MsgCode) rest
293store_arg_frags _ _ _ _ _ _ ((ArgFieldFragment String _ _):_)
294    = error "strings are not handled here"
295store_arg_frags arch ifn mn msgdata_ex word bitoff (aff@(ArgFieldFragment t af argoff):rest)
296    = (C.Ex expr):(store_arg_frags arch ifn mn msgdata_ex word (bitoff + bitsize) rest)
297    where
298        bitsize = bitsizeof_argfieldfrag arch aff
299        expr = C.Assignment (argfield_expr RX mn af) assval
300        assval
301            | argoff == 0 = mask msgval
302            | otherwise = C.Binary C.BitwiseOr (argfield_expr RX mn af)
303                (C.Binary C.LeftShift
304                    (C.Cast (type_c_type ifn $ Builtin t) (mask msgval))
305                    (C.NumConstant $ toInteger argoff))
306        msgval
307            | bitoff == 0 = msgword
308            | otherwise = C.Binary C.RightShift msgword (C.NumConstant $ toInteger bitoff)
309        msgword = C.SubscriptOf msgdata_ex $ C.NumConstant $ toInteger word
310        mask ex
311            | bitsize == (wordsize arch) = ex
312            | otherwise = C.Binary C.BitwiseAnd ex (C.HexConstant maskval)
313            where
314                maskval = (shift 1 bitsize) - 1