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1<html><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"><title>Chapter�4.�The 500-User Office</title><link rel="stylesheet" href="../samba.css" type="text/css"><meta name="generator" content="DocBook XSL Stylesheets V1.74.0"><link rel="home" href="index.html" title="Samba-3 by Example"><link rel="up" href="ExNetworks.html" title="Part�I.�Example Network Configurations"><link rel="prev" href="secure.html" title="Chapter�3.�Secure Office Networking"><link rel="next" href="happy.html" title="Chapter�5.�Making Happy Users"></head><body bgcolor="white" text="black" link="#0000FF" vlink="#840084" alink="#0000FF"><div class="navheader"><table width="100%" summary="Navigation header"><tr><th colspan="3" align="center">Chapter�4.�The 500-User Office</th></tr><tr><td width="20%" align="left"><a accesskey="p" href="secure.html">Prev</a>�</td><th width="60%" align="center">Part�I.�Example Network Configurations</th><td width="20%" align="right">�<a accesskey="n" href="happy.html">Next</a></td></tr></table><hr></div><div class="chapter" lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title"><a name="Big500users"></a>Chapter�4.�The 500-User Office</h2></div></div></div><div class="toc"><p><b>Table of Contents</b></p><dl><dt><span class="sect1"><a href="Big500users.html#id2565229">Introduction</a></span></dt><dd><dl><dt><span class="sect2"><a href="Big500users.html#id2565274">Assignment Tasks</a></span></dt></dl></dd><dt><span class="sect1"><a href="Big500users.html#id2565373">Dissection and Discussion</a></span></dt><dd><dl><dt><span class="sect2"><a href="Big500users.html#id2565409">Technical Issues</a></span></dt><dt><span class="sect2"><a href="Big500users.html#id2565612">Political Issues</a></span></dt></dl></dd><dt><span class="sect1"><a href="Big500users.html#id2565635">Implementation</a></span></dt><dd><dl><dt><span class="sect2"><a href="Big500users.html#ch5-dnshcp-setup">Installation of DHCP, DNS, and Samba Control Files</a></span></dt><dt><span class="sect2"><a href="Big500users.html#id2566362">Server Preparation: All Servers</a></span></dt><dt><span class="sect2"><a href="Big500users.html#id2566927">Server-Specific Preparation</a></span></dt><dt><span class="sect2"><a href="Big500users.html#ch5-procstart">Process Startup Configuration</a></span></dt><dt><span class="sect2"><a href="Big500users.html#ch5wincfg">Windows Client Configuration</a></span></dt><dt><span class="sect2"><a href="Big500users.html#id2570125">Key Points Learned</a></span></dt></dl></dd><dt><span class="sect1"><a href="Big500users.html#id2570184">Questions and Answers</a></span></dt></dl></div><p>
2	The Samba-3 networking you explored in <a class="link" href="secure.html" title="Chapter�3.�Secure Office Networking">&#8220;Secure Office Networking&#8221;</a> covers the finer points of 
3	configuration of peripheral services such as DHCP and DNS, and WINS. You experienced
4	implementation of a simple configuration of the services that are important adjuncts 
5	to successful deployment of Samba. 
6	</p><p>
7	An analysis of the history of postings to the Samba mailing list easily demonstrates 
8	that the two most prevalent Samba problem areas are
9	</p><div class="itemizedlist"><ul type="disc"><li><p>
10		Defective resolution of a NetBIOS name to its IP address
11		</p></li><li><p>
12		Printing problems
13		</p></li></ul></div><p>
14	The exercises
15	so far in this book have focused on implementation of the simplest printing processes
16	involving  no print job processing intelligence. In this chapter, you maintain 
17	that same approach to printing, but <a class="link" href="happy.html" title="Chapter�5.�Making Happy Users">&#8220;Making Happy Users&#8221;</a> presents an opportunity 
18	to make printing more complex for the administrator while making it easier for the user.
19	</p><p>
20	<a class="indexterm" name="id2565165"></a>
21	<a class="indexterm" name="id2565172"></a>
22	<a class="indexterm" name="id2565178"></a>
23	<a class="link" href="secure.html" title="Chapter�3.�Secure Office Networking">&#8220;Secure Office Networking&#8221;</a> demonstrates operation of a DHCP server and a DNS server 
24	as well as a central WINS server. You validated the operation of these services and
25	saw an effective implementation of a Samba domain controller using the 
26	<em class="parameter"><code>tdbsam</code></em> passdb backend.
27	</p><p>
28	The objective of this chapter is to introduce more complex techniques that can be used to
29	improve manageability of Samba as networking needs grow. In this chapter, you implement
30	a distributed DHCP server environment, a distributed DNS server arrangement, a centralized
31	WINS server, and a centralized Samba domain controller.
32	</p><p>
33	A note of caution is important regarding the Samba configuration that is used in this
34	chapter. The use of a single domain controller on a routed, multisegment network is 
35	a poor design choice that leads to potential network user complaints. 
36	This chapter demonstrates some successful 
37	techniques in deployment and configuration management. This should be viewed as a 
38	foundation chapter for complex Samba deployments.
39	</p><p>
40	As you master the techniques presented here, you may find much better methods to 
41	improve network management and control while reducing human resource overheads.
42	You should take the opportunity to innovate and expand on the methods presented 
43	here and explore them to the fullest.
44	</p><div class="sect1" lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a name="id2565229"></a>Introduction</h2></div></div></div><p>
45	Business continues to go well for Abmas. Mr. Meany is driving your success and the
46	network continues to grow thanks to the hard work Christine has done. You recently
47	hired Stanley Soroka as manager of information systems. Christine recommended Stan
48	to the role. She told you Stan is so good at handling Samba that he can make a cast
49	iron rocking horse that is embedded in concrete kick like a horse at a rodeo. You
50	need skills like his. Christine and Stan get along just fine. Let's see what 
51	you can get out of this pair as they plot the next-generation networks.
52	</p><p>
53	Ten months ago Abmas closed an acquisition of a property insurance business. The
54	founder lost interest in the business and decided to sell it to Mr. Meany.  Because
55	they were former university classmates, the purchase was concluded with mutual assent.
56	The acquired business is located at the other end of town in much larger facilities.
57	The old Abmas building has become too small. Located on the same campus as the newly
58	acquired business are two empty buildings that are ideal to provide Abmas with
59	opportunity for growth.
60	</p><p>
61	Abmas has now completed the purchase of the two empty buildings, and you are
62	to install a new network and relocate staff in nicely furnished new facilities.
63	The new network is to be used to fully integrate company operations. You have
64	decided to locate the new network operations control center in the larger building
65	in which the insurance group is located to take advantage of an ideal floor space
66	and to allow Stan and Christine to fully stage the new network and test it before
67	it is rolled out. Your strategy is to complete the new network so that it
68	is ready for operation when the old office moves into the new premises.
69	</p><div class="sect2" lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a name="id2565274"></a>Assignment Tasks</h3></div></div></div><p>
70		The acquired business had 280 network users. The old Abmas building housed
71		220 network users in unbelievably cramped conditions. The network that
72		initially served 130 users now handles 220 users quite well.
73		</p><p>
74		The two businesses will be fully merged to create a single campus company.
75		The Property Insurance Group (PIG) houses 300 employees, the new Accounting
76		Services Group (ASG) will be in a small building (BLDG1) that houses 50 
77		employees, and the Financial Services Group (FSG) will be housed in a large
78		building that has capacity for growth (BLDG2). Building 2 houses 150 network
79		users.
80		</p><p>
81		You have decided to connect the building using fiber optic links between new
82		routers. As a backup, the buildings are interconnected using line-of-sight
83		high-speed infrared facilities. The infrared connection provides a
84		secondary route to be used during periods of high demand for network
85		bandwidth.
86		</p><p>
87		The Internet gateway is upgraded to 15 Mb/sec service. Your ISP
88		provides on your premises a fully managed Cisco PIX firewall. You no longer need
89		to worry about firewall facilities on your network.
90		</p><p>
91		Stanley and Christine have purchased new server hardware. Christine wants to
92		roll out a network that has whistles and bells. Stan wants to start off with
93		a simple to manage, not-too-complex network. He believes that network
94		users need to be gradually introduced to new features and capabilities and not
95		rushed into an environment that may cause disorientation and loss of productivity.
96		</p><p>
97		Your intrepid network team has decided to implement a network configuration
98		that closely mirrors the successful system you installed in the old Abmas building.
99		The new network infrastructure is owned by Abmas, but all desktop systems
100		are being procured through a new out-source services and leasing company. Under
101		the terms of a deal with Mr. M. Proper (CEO), DirectPointe, Inc., provides
102		all desktop systems and includes full level-one help desk support for 
103		a flat per-machine monthly fee. The deal allows you to add workstations on demand.
104		This frees Stan and Christine to deal with deeper issues as they emerge and 
105		permits Stan to work on creating new future value-added services.
106		</p><p>
107		DirectPointe Inc. receives from you a new standard desktop configuration
108		every four months. They automatically roll that out to each desktop system.
109		You must keep DirectPointe informed of all changes.
110		</p><p><a class="indexterm" name="id2565345"></a>
111		The new network has a single Samba Primary Domain Controller (PDC) located in the
112		Network Operation Center (NOC). Buildings 1 and 2 each have a local server
113		for local application servicing. It is a domain member. The new system
114		uses the <em class="parameter"><code>tdbsam</code></em> passdb backend.
115		</p><p>
116		Printing is based on raw pass-through facilities just as it has been used so far.
117		All printer drivers are installed on the desktop and notebook computers.
118		</p></div></div><div class="sect1" lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a name="id2565373"></a>Dissection and Discussion</h2></div></div></div><p>
119	<a class="indexterm" name="id2565381"></a>
120	The example you are building in this chapter is of a network design that works, but this
121	does not make it a design that is recommended. As a general rule, there should be at least
122	one Backup Domain Controller (BDC) per 150 Windows network clients. The principle behind
123	this recommendation is that correct operation of MS Windows clients requires rapid
124	network response to all SMB/CIFS requests. The same rule says that if there are more than
125	50 clients per domain controller, they are too busy to service requests. Let's put such
126	rules aside and recognize that network load affects the integrity of domain controller
127	responsiveness. This network will have 500 clients serviced by one central domain
128	controller. This is not a good omen for user satisfaction. You, of course, address this
129	very soon (see <a class="link" href="happy.html" title="Chapter�5.�Making Happy Users">&#8220;Making Happy Users&#8221;</a>).
130	</p><div class="sect2" lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a name="id2565409"></a>Technical Issues</h3></div></div></div><p>
131		Stan has talked you into a horrible compromise, but it is addressed. Just make
132		certain that the performance of this network is well validated before going live.
133		</p><p>
134		Design decisions made in this design include the following:
135		</p><div class="itemizedlist"><ul type="disc"><li><p>
136			<a class="indexterm" name="id2565430"></a>
137			<a class="indexterm" name="id2565437"></a>
138			<a class="indexterm" name="id2565444"></a>
139			A single PDC is being implemented. This limitation is based on the choice not to
140			use LDAP. Many network administrators fear using LDAP because of the perceived
141			complexity of implementation and management of an LDAP-based backend for all user
142			identity management as well as to store network access credentials.
143			</p></li><li><p>
144			<a class="indexterm" name="id2565461"></a>
145			<a class="indexterm" name="id2565468"></a>
146			Because of the refusal to use an LDAP (ldapsam) passdb backend at this time, the
147			only choice that makes sense with 500 users is to use the tdbsam passwd backend. 
148			This type of backend is not receptive to replication to BDCs.  If the tdbsam
149			<code class="filename">passdb.tdb</code> file is replicated to BDCs using
150			<code class="literal">rsync</code>, there are two potential problems: (1) data that is in
151			memory but not yet written to disk will not be replicated, and (2) domain member
152			machines periodically change the secret machine password. When this happens, there
153			is no mechanism to return the changed password to the PDC.
154			</p></li><li><p>
155			All domain user, group, and machine accounts are managed on the PDC. This makes
156			for a simple mode of operation but has to be balanced with network performance and
157			integrity of operations considerations.
158			</p></li><li><p>
159			<a class="indexterm" name="id2565508"></a>
160			A single central WINS server is being used. The PDC is also the WINS server.
161			Any attempt to operate a routed network without a WINS server while using NetBIOS
162			over TCP/IP protocols does not work unless on each client the name resolution
163			entries for the PDC are added to the <code class="filename">LMHOSTS</code>. This file is
164			normally located on the Windows XP Professional client in the 
165			<code class="filename">C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ETC\DRIVERS</code> directory.
166			</p></li><li><p>
167			At this time the Samba WINS database cannot be replicated. That is
168			why a single WINS server is being implemented. This should work without a problem.
169			</p></li><li><p>
170			<a class="indexterm" name="id2565545"></a>
171			BDCs make use of <code class="literal">winbindd</code> to provide
172			access to domain security credentials for file system access and object storage.
173			</p></li><li><p>
174			<a class="indexterm" name="id2565564"></a>
175			<a class="indexterm" name="id2565574"></a>
176			Configuration of Windows XP Professional clients is achieved using DHCP. Each
177			subnet has its own DHCP server. Backup DHCP serving is provided by one
178			alternate DHCP server. This necessitates enabling of the DHCP Relay agent on
179			all routers. The DHCP Relay agent must be programmed to pass DHCP Requests from the
180			network directed at the backup DHCP server.
181			</p></li><li><p>
182			All network users are granted the ability to print to any printer that is
183			network-attached. All printers are available from each server. Print jobs that
184			are spooled to a printer that is not on the local network segment are automatically
185			routed to the print spooler that is in control of that printer. The specific details
186			of how this might be done are demonstrated for one example only.
187			</p></li><li><p>
188			The network address and subnetmask chosen provide 1022 usable IP addresses in
189			each subnet. If in the future more addresses are required, it would make sense
190			to add further subnets rather than change addressing.
191			</p></li></ul></div></div><div class="sect2" lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a name="id2565612"></a>Political Issues</h3></div></div></div><p>
192		This case gets close to the real world. You and I know the right way to implement
193		domain control. Politically, we have to navigate a minefield. In this case, the need is to
194		get the PDC rolled out in compliance with expectations and also to be ready to save the day
195		by having the real solution ready before it is needed. That real solution is presented in
196		<a class="link" href="happy.html" title="Chapter�5.�Making Happy Users">&#8220;Making Happy Users&#8221;</a>.
197		</p></div></div><div class="sect1" lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a name="id2565635"></a>Implementation</h2></div></div></div><p>
198	The following configuration process begins following installation of Red Hat Fedora Core2 on the
199	three servers shown in the network topology diagram in <a class="link" href="Big500users.html#chap05net" title="Figure�4.1.�Network Topology 500 User Network Using tdbsam passdb backend.">&#8220;Network Topology  500 User Network Using tdbsam passdb backend.&#8221;</a>. You have
200	selected hardware that is appropriate to the task.
201	</p><div class="figure"><a name="chap05net"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure�4.1.�Network Topology  500 User Network Using tdbsam passdb backend.</b></p><div class="figure-contents"><div class="mediaobject"><img src="images/chap5-net.png" width="270" alt="Network Topology 500 User Network Using tdbsam passdb backend."></div></div></div><br class="figure-break"><div class="sect2" lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a name="ch5-dnshcp-setup"></a>Installation of DHCP, DNS, and Samba Control Files</h3></div></div></div><p>
202	Carefully install the configuration files into the correct locations as shown in 
203	<a class="link" href="Big500users.html#ch5-filelocations" title="Table�4.1.�Domain: MEGANET, File Locations for Servers">&#8220;Domain: MEGANET, File Locations for Servers&#8221;</a>. You should validate that the full file path is
204	correct as shown.
205	</p><p>
206	The abbreviation shown in this table as <code class="constant">{VLN}</code> refers to
207	the directory location beginning with <code class="filename">/var/lib/named</code>.
208	</p><div class="table"><a name="ch5-filelocations"></a><p class="title"><b>Table�4.1.�Domain: <code class="constant">MEGANET</code>, File Locations for Servers</b></p><div class="table-contents"><table summary="Domain: MEGANET, File Locations for Servers" border="1"><colgroup><col align="left"><col align="left"><col align="center"><col align="center"><col align="center"></colgroup><thead><tr><th colspan="2" align="center">File Information</th><th colspan="3" align="center">Server Name</th></tr><tr><th align="center">Source</th><th align="center">Target Location</th><th align="center">MASSIVE</th><th align="center">BLDG1</th><th align="center">BLDG2</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td align="left"><a class="link" href="Big500users.html#ch5-massivesmb" title="Example�4.1.�Server: MASSIVE (PDC), File: /etc/samba/smb.conf">&#8220;Server: MASSIVE (PDC), File: /etc/samba/smb.conf&#8221;</a></td><td align="left"><code class="filename">/etc/samba/smb.conf</code></td><td align="center">Yes</td><td align="center">No</td><td align="center">No</td></tr><tr><td align="left"><a class="link" href="Big500users.html#ch5-dc-common" title="Example�4.2.�Server: MASSIVE (PDC), File: /etc/samba/dc-common.conf">&#8220;Server: MASSIVE (PDC), File: /etc/samba/dc-common.conf&#8221;</a></td><td align="left"><code class="filename">/etc/samba/dc-common.conf</code></td><td align="center">Yes</td><td align="center">No</td><td align="center">No</td></tr><tr><td align="left"><a class="link" href="Big500users.html#ch5-commonsmb" title="Example�4.3.�Common Samba Configuration File: /etc/samba/common.conf">&#8220;Common Samba Configuration File: /etc/samba/common.conf&#8221;</a></td><td align="left"><code class="filename">/etc/samba/common.conf</code></td><td align="center">Yes</td><td align="center">Yes</td><td align="center">Yes</td></tr><tr><td align="left"><a class="link" href="Big500users.html#ch5-bldg1-smb" title="Example�4.4.�Server: BLDG1 (Member), File: smb.conf">&#8220;Server: BLDG1 (Member), File: smb.conf&#8221;</a></td><td align="left"><code class="filename">/etc/samba/smb.conf</code></td><td align="center">No</td><td align="center">Yes</td><td align="center">No</td></tr><tr><td align="left"><a class="link" href="Big500users.html#ch5-bldg2-smb" title="Example�4.5.�Server: BLDG2 (Member), File: smb.conf">&#8220;Server: BLDG2 (Member), File: smb.conf&#8221;</a></td><td align="left"><code class="filename">/etc/samba/smb.conf</code></td><td align="center">No</td><td align="center">No</td><td align="center">Yes</td></tr><tr><td align="left"><a class="link" href="Big500users.html#ch5-dommem-smb" title="Example�4.6.�Common Domain Member Include File: dom-mem.conf">&#8220;Common Domain Member Include File: dom-mem.conf&#8221;</a></td><td align="left"><code class="filename">/etc/samba/dommem.conf</code></td><td align="center">No</td><td align="center">Yes</td><td align="center">Yes</td></tr><tr><td align="left"><a class="link" href="Big500users.html#massive-dhcp" title="Example�4.7.�Server: MASSIVE, File: dhcpd.conf">&#8220;Server: MASSIVE, File: dhcpd.conf&#8221;</a></td><td align="left"><code class="filename">/etc/dhcpd.conf</code></td><td align="center">Yes</td><td align="center">No</td><td align="center">No</td></tr><tr><td align="left"><a class="link" href="Big500users.html#bldg1dhcp" title="Example�4.8.�Server: BLDG1, File: dhcpd.conf">&#8220;Server: BLDG1, File: dhcpd.conf&#8221;</a></td><td align="left"><code class="filename">/etc/dhcpd.conf</code></td><td align="center">No</td><td align="center">Yes</td><td align="center">No</td></tr><tr><td align="left"><a class="link" href="Big500users.html#bldg2dhcp" title="Example�4.9.�Server: BLDG2, File: dhcpd.conf">&#8220;Server: BLDG2, File: dhcpd.conf&#8221;</a></td><td align="left"><code class="filename">/etc/dhcpd.conf</code></td><td align="center">No</td><td align="center">No</td><td align="center">Yes</td></tr><tr><td align="left"><a class="link" href="Big500users.html#massive-nameda" title="Example�4.10.�Server: MASSIVE, File: named.conf, Part: A">&#8220;Server: MASSIVE, File: named.conf, Part: A&#8221;</a></td><td align="left"><code class="filename">/etc/named.conf (part A)</code></td><td align="center">Yes</td><td align="center">No</td><td align="center">No</td></tr><tr><td align="left"><a class="link" href="Big500users.html#massive-namedb" title="Example�4.11.�Server: MASSIVE, File: named.conf, Part: B">&#8220;Server: MASSIVE, File: named.conf, Part: B&#8221;</a></td><td align="left"><code class="filename">/etc/named.conf (part B)</code></td><td align="center">Yes</td><td align="center">No</td><td align="center">No</td></tr><tr><td align="left"><a class="link" href="Big500users.html#massive-namedc" title="Example�4.12.�Server: MASSIVE, File: named.conf, Part: C">&#8220;Server: MASSIVE, File: named.conf, Part: C&#8221;</a></td><td align="left"><code class="filename">/etc/named.conf (part C)</code></td><td align="center">Yes</td><td align="center">No</td><td align="center">No</td></tr><tr><td align="left"><a class="link" href="Big500users.html#abmasbizdns" title="Example�4.13.�Forward Zone File: abmas.biz.hosts">&#8220;Forward Zone File: abmas.biz.hosts&#8221;</a></td><td align="left"><code class="filename">{VLN}/master/abmas.biz.hosts</code></td><td align="center">Yes</td><td align="center">No</td><td align="center">No</td></tr><tr><td align="left"><a class="link" href="Big500users.html#abmasusdns" title="Example�4.14.�Forward Zone File: abmas.biz.hosts">&#8220;Forward Zone File: abmas.biz.hosts&#8221;</a></td><td align="left"><code class="filename">{VLN}/master/abmas.us.hosts</code></td><td align="center">Yes</td><td align="center">No</td><td align="center">No</td></tr><tr><td align="left"><a class="link" href="Big500users.html#bldg12nameda" title="Example�4.15.�Servers: BLDG1/BLDG2, File: named.conf, Part: A">&#8220;Servers: BLDG1/BLDG2, File: named.conf, Part: A&#8221;</a></td><td align="left"><code class="filename">/etc/named.conf (part A)</code></td><td align="center">No</td><td align="center">Yes</td><td align="center">Yes</td></tr><tr><td align="left"><a class="link" href="Big500users.html#bldg12namedb" title="Example�4.16.�Servers: BLDG1/BLDG2, File: named.conf, Part: B">&#8220;Servers: BLDG1/BLDG2, File: named.conf, Part: B&#8221;</a></td><td align="left"><code class="filename">/etc/named.conf (part B)</code></td><td align="center">No</td><td align="center">Yes</td><td align="center">Yes</td></tr><tr><td align="left"><a class="link" href="appendix.html#loopback" title="Example�15.3.�DNS Localhost Forward Zone File: /var/lib/named/localhost.zone">&#8220;DNS Localhost Forward Zone File: /var/lib/named/localhost.zone&#8221;</a></td><td align="left"><code class="filename">{VLN}/localhost.zone</code></td><td align="center">Yes</td><td align="center">Yes</td><td align="center">Yes</td></tr><tr><td align="left"><a class="link" href="appendix.html#dnsloopy" title="Example�15.4.�DNS Localhost Reverse Zone File: /var/lib/named/127.0.0.zone">&#8220;DNS Localhost Reverse Zone File: /var/lib/named/127.0.0.zone&#8221;</a></td><td align="left"><code class="filename">{VLN}/127.0.0.zone</code></td><td align="center">Yes</td><td align="center">Yes</td><td align="center">Yes</td></tr><tr><td align="left"><a class="link" href="appendix.html#roothint" title="Example�15.5.�DNS Root Name Server Hint File: /var/lib/named/root.hint">&#8220;DNS Root Name Server Hint File: /var/lib/named/root.hint&#8221;</a></td><td align="left"><code class="filename">{VLN}/root.hint</code></td><td align="center">Yes</td><td align="center">Yes</td><td align="center">Yes</td></tr></tbody></table></div></div><br class="table-break"></div><div class="sect2" lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a name="id2566362"></a>Server Preparation: All Servers</h3></div></div></div><p>
209	The following steps apply to all servers. Follow each step carefully.
210	</p><div class="procedure"><a name="id2566373"></a><p class="title"><b>Procedure�4.1.�Server Preparation Steps</b></p><ol type="1"><li><p>
211			Using the UNIX/Linux system tools, set the name of the server as shown in the network
212			topology diagram in <a class="link" href="Big500users.html#chap05net" title="Figure�4.1.�Network Topology 500 User Network Using tdbsam passdb backend.">&#8220;Network Topology  500 User Network Using tdbsam passdb backend.&#8221;</a>. For SUSE Linux products, the tool
213			that permits this is called <code class="literal">yast2</code>; for Red Hat Linux products,
214			you can use the <code class="literal">netcfg</code> tool.
215			Verify that your hostname is correctly set by running:
216</p><pre class="screen">
217<code class="prompt">root# </code> uname -n
219			An alternate method to verify the hostname is:
220</p><pre class="screen">
221<code class="prompt">root# </code> hostname -f
223			</p></li><li><p>
224			<a class="indexterm" name="id2566437"></a>
225			<a class="indexterm" name="id2566444"></a>
226			Edit your <code class="filename">/etc/hosts</code> file to include the primary names and addresses
227			of all network interfaces that are on the host server. This is necessary so that during
228			startup the system is able to resolve all its own names to the IP address prior to
229			startup of the DNS server. You should check the startup order of your system. If the 
230			CUPS print server is started before the DNS server (<code class="literal">named</code>), you 
231			should also include an entry for the printers in the <code class="filename">/etc/hosts</code> file.
232			</p></li><li><p>
233			<a class="indexterm" name="id2566483"></a>
234			All DNS name resolution should be handled locally. To ensure that the server is configured
235			correctly to handle this, edit <code class="filename">/etc/resolv.conf</code> so it has the following
236			content:
237</p><pre class="screen">
238search abmas.us abmas.biz
241			This instructs the name resolver function (when configured correctly) to ask the DNS server
242			that is running locally to resolve names to addresses.
243			</p></li><li><p>
244			<a class="indexterm" name="id2566514"></a>
245			<a class="indexterm" name="id2566521"></a>
246			Add the <code class="constant">root</code> user to the password backend:
247</p><pre class="screen">
248<code class="prompt">root# </code> smbpasswd -a root
249New SMB password: XXXXXXXX
250Retype new SMB password: XXXXXXXX
251<code class="prompt">root# </code>
253			The <code class="constant">root</code> account is the UNIX equivalent of the Windows domain administrator.
254			This account is essential in the regular maintenance of your Samba server. It must never be
255			deleted. If for any reason the account is deleted, you may not be able to recreate this account
256			without considerable trouble.
257			</p></li><li><p>
258			<a class="indexterm" name="id2566567"></a>
259			<a class="indexterm" name="id2566574"></a>
260			Create the username map file to permit the <code class="constant">root</code> account to be called
261			<code class="constant">Administrator</code> from the Windows network environment. To do this, create
262			the file <code class="filename">/etc/samba/smbusers</code> with the following contents:
263</p><pre class="screen">
265# User mapping file
267# File Format
268# -----------
269# Unix_ID = Windows_ID
271# Examples:
272# root = Administrator
273# janes = "Jane Smith"
274# jimbo = Jim Bones
276# Note: If the name contains a space it must be double quoted.
277#       In the example above the name 'jimbo' will be mapped to Windows
278#       user names 'Jim' and 'Bones' because the space was not quoted.
280root = Administrator
282# End of File
285			</p></li><li><p>
286			Configure all network-attached printers to have a fixed IP address.
287			</p></li><li><p>
288			Create an entry in the DNS database on the server <code class="constant">MASSIVE</code>
289			in both the forward lookup database for the zone <code class="constant">abmas.biz.hosts</code>
290			and in the reverse lookup database for the network segment that the printer is
291			located in. Example configuration files for similar zones were presented in <a class="link" href="secure.html" title="Chapter�3.�Secure Office Networking">&#8220;Secure Office Networking&#8221;</a>,
292			<a class="link" href="secure.html#abmasbiz" title="Example�3.14.�DNS Abmas.biz Forward Zone File">&#8220;DNS Abmas.biz Forward Zone File&#8221;</a> and <a class="link" href="secure.html#eth2zone" title="Example�3.13.�DNS 192.168.2 Reverse Zone File">&#8220;DNS 192.168.2 Reverse Zone File&#8221;</a>.
293			</p></li><li><p>
294			Follow the instructions in the printer manufacturer's manuals to permit printing 
295			to port 9100.  Use any other port the manufacturer specifies for direct mode, 
296			raw printing.  This allows the CUPS spooler to print using raw mode protocols.
297			<a class="indexterm" name="id2566665"></a>
298			<a class="indexterm" name="id2566672"></a>
299			</p></li><li><p>
300			<a class="indexterm" name="id2566685"></a>
301			Only on the server to which the printer is attached configure the CUPS Print 
302			Queues as follows:
303</p><pre class="screen">
304<code class="prompt">root# </code> lpadmin -p <em class="parameter"><code>printque</code></em> -v socket://<em class="parameter"><code>printer-name</code></em>.abmas.biz:9100 -E
306			<a class="indexterm" name="id2566720"></a>
307			This step creates the necessary print queue to use no assigned print filter. This
308			is ideal for raw printing, that is, printing without use of filters.
309			The name <em class="parameter"><code>printque</code></em> is the name you have assigned for
310			the particular printer.
311			</p></li><li><p>
312			Print queues may not be enabled at creation. Make certain that the queues
313			you have just created are enabled by executing the following:
314</p><pre class="screen">
315<code class="prompt">root# </code> /usr/bin/enable <em class="parameter"><code>printque</code></em>
317			</p></li><li><p>
318			Even though your print queue may be enabled, it is still possible that it
319			does not accept print jobs. A print queue services incoming printing
320			requests only when configured to do so. Ensure that your print queue is
321			set to accept incoming jobs by executing the following command:
322</p><pre class="screen">
323<code class="prompt">root# </code> /usr/bin/accept <em class="parameter"><code>printque</code></em>
325			</p></li><li><p>
326			<a class="indexterm" name="id2566799"></a>
327			<a class="indexterm" name="id2566806"></a>
328			<a class="indexterm" name="id2566813"></a>
329			This step, as well as the next one, may be omitted where CUPS version 1.1.18
330			or later is in use.  Although it does no harm to follow it anyway, and may
331			help to avoid time spent later trying to figure out why print jobs may be
332			disappearing without a trace. Look at these two steps as <span class="emphasis"><em>insurance</em></span>
333			against lost time. Edit file <code class="filename">/etc/cups/mime.convs</code> to 
334			uncomment the line:
335</p><pre class="screen">
336application/octet-stream     application/vnd.cups-raw      0     -
338			</p></li><li><p>
339			<a class="indexterm" name="id2566849"></a>
340			Edit the file <code class="filename">/etc/cups/mime.types</code> to uncomment the line:
341</p><pre class="screen">
344			</p></li><li><p>
345			Refer to the CUPS printing manual for instructions regarding how to configure
346			CUPS so that print queues that reside on CUPS servers on remote networks
347			route print jobs to the print server that owns that queue. The default setting
348			on your CUPS server may automatically discover remotely installed printers and
349			may permit this functionality without requiring specific configuration.
350			</p></li><li><p>
351			As part of the roll-out program, you need to configure the application's
352			server shares. This can be done once on the central server and may then be
353			replicated using a tool such as <code class="literal">rsync</code>. Refer to the man
354			page for <code class="literal">rsync</code> for details regarding use. The notes in	
355			<a class="link" href="secure.html#ch4appscfg" title="Application Share Configuration">&#8220;Application Share Configuration&#8221;</a> may help in your decisions to use an application
356			server facility.
357			</p></li></ol></div><div class="note" style="margin-left: 0.5in; margin-right: 0.5in;"><h3 class="title">Note</h3><p>
358	Logon scripts that are run from a domain controller (PDC or BDC) are capable of using semi-intelligent
359	processes to automap Windows client drives to an application server that is nearest to the client. This
360	is considerably more difficult when a single PDC is used on a routed network. It can be done, but not
361	as elegantly as you see in the next chapter.
362	</p></div></div><div class="sect2" lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a name="id2566927"></a>Server-Specific Preparation</h3></div></div></div><p>
363	There are some steps that apply to particular server functionality only. Each step is critical
364	to correct server operation. The following step-by-step installation guidance will assist you 
365	in working through the process of configuring the PDC and then both BDC's.
366	</p><div class="sect3" lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h4 class="title"><a name="id2566940"></a>Configuration for Server: <code class="constant">MASSIVE</code></h4></div></div></div><p>
367		The steps presented here attempt to implement Samba installation in a generic manner. While
368		some steps are clearly specific to Linux, it should not be too difficult to apply them to
369		your platform of choice.
370		</p><div class="procedure"><a name="id2566955"></a><p class="title"><b>Procedure�4.2.�Primary Domain Controller Preparation</b></p><ol type="1"><li><p>
371			<a class="indexterm" name="id2566967"></a>
372			<a class="indexterm" name="id2566974"></a>
373			The host server acts as a router between the two internal network segments as well
374			as for all Internet access. This necessitates that IP forwarding be enabled. This can be
375			achieved by adding to the <code class="filename">/etc/rc.d/boot.local</code> an entry as follows:
376</p><pre class="screen">
377echo 1 &gt; /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
379			To ensure that your kernel is capable of IP forwarding during configuration, you may wish to execute
380			that command manually also. This setting permits the Linux system to act as a router.
381			</p></li><li><p>
382			This server is dual hosted (i.e., has two network interfaces)  one goes to the Internet
383			and the other to a local network that has a router that is the gateway to the remote networks.
384			You must therefore configure the server with route table entries so that it can find machines
385			on the remote networks. You can do this using the appropriate system tools for your Linux
386			server or using static entries that you place in one of the system startup files. It is best
387			to always use the tools that the operating system vendor provided. In the case of SUSE Linux, the
388			best tool to do this is YaST (refer to SUSE Administration Manual); in the case of Red Hat,
389			this is best done using the graphical system configuration tools (see the Red Hat documentation).
390			An example of how this may be done manually is as follows:
391</p><pre class="screen">
392<code class="prompt">root# </code> route add net netmask gw
393<code class="prompt">root# </code> route add net netmask gw
395			If you just execute these commands manually, the route table entries you have created are
396			not persistent across system reboots. You may add these commands directly to the local
397			startup files as follows: (SUSE) <code class="filename">/etc/rc.d/boot.local</code>, (Red Hat)
398			<code class="filename">/etc/rc.d/init.d/rc.local</code>.
399			</p></li><li><p>
400			<a class="indexterm" name="id2567068"></a>
401			The final step that must be completed is to edit the <code class="filename">/etc/nsswitch.conf</code> file.
402			This file controls the operation of the various resolver libraries that are part of the Linux
403			Glibc libraries. Edit this file so that it contains the following entries:
404</p><pre class="screen">
405hosts:      files dns wins
407			</p></li><li><p>
408			<a class="indexterm" name="id2567098"></a>
409			Create and map Windows domain groups to UNIX groups. A sample script is provided in
410			<a class="link" href="Big500users.html#ch5-initgrps" title="Example�4.17.�Initialize Groups Script, File: /etc/samba/initGrps.sh">&#8220;Initialize Groups Script, File: /etc/samba/initGrps.sh&#8221;</a>. Create a file containing this script. You called yours
411			<code class="filename">/etc/samba/initGrps.sh</code>. Set this file so it can be executed
412			and then execute the script. An example of the execution of this script as well as its
413			validation are shown in Section 4.3.2, Step 5.
414			</p></li><li><p>
415			<a class="indexterm" name="id2567129"></a>
416			<a class="indexterm" name="id2567136"></a>
417			<a class="indexterm" name="id2567145"></a>
418			For each user who needs to be given a Windows domain account, make an entry in the
419			<code class="filename">/etc/passwd</code> file as well as in the Samba password backend.
420			Use the system tool of your choice to create the UNIX system account, and use the Samba
421			<code class="literal">smbpasswd</code> to create a domain user account.
422			</p><p>
423			<a class="indexterm" name="id2567172"></a>
424			<a class="indexterm" name="id2567179"></a>
425			<a class="indexterm" name="id2567185"></a>
426			There are a number of tools for user management under UNIX, such as
427			<code class="literal">useradd</code>, <code class="literal">adduser</code>, as well as a plethora of custom
428			tools. With the tool of your choice, create a home directory for each user.
429			</p></li><li><p>
430			Using the preferred tool for your UNIX system, add each user to the UNIX groups created
431			previously as necessary. File system access control is based on UNIX group membership.
432			</p></li><li><p>
433			Create the directory mount point for the disk subsystem that is to be mounted to provide
434			data storage for company files, in this case, the mount point indicated in the <code class="filename">smb.conf</code>
435			file is <code class="filename">/data</code>. Format the file system as required and mount the formatted
436			file system partition using appropriate system tools.
437			</p></li><li><p>
438		<a class="indexterm" name="id2567249"></a>
439			Create the top-level file storage directories for data and applications as follows:
440</p><pre class="screen">
441<code class="prompt">root# </code> mkdir -p /data/{accounts,finsvcs,pidata}
442<code class="prompt">root# </code> mkdir -p /apps
443<code class="prompt">root# </code> chown -R root:root /data
444<code class="prompt">root# </code> chown -R root:root /apps
445<code class="prompt">root# </code> chown -R bjordan:accounts /data/accounts
446<code class="prompt">root# </code> chown -R bjordan:finsvcs /data/finsvcs
447<code class="prompt">root# </code> chown -R bjordan:finsvcs /data/pidata
448<code class="prompt">root# </code> chmod -R ug+rwxs,o-rwx /data
449<code class="prompt">root# </code> chmod -R ug+rwx,o+rx-w /apps
451			Each department is responsible for creating its own directory structure within the departmental
452			share. The directory root of the <code class="literal">accounts</code> share is <code class="filename">/data/accounts</code>.
453			The directory root of the <code class="literal">finsvcs</code> share is <code class="filename">/data/finsvcs</code>.
454			The <code class="filename">/apps</code> directory is the root of the <code class="constant">apps</code> share
455			that provides the application server infrastructure.
456			</p></li><li><p>
457			The <code class="filename">smb.conf</code> file specifies an infrastructure to support roaming profiles and network
458			logon services. You can now create the file system infrastructure to provide the
459			locations on disk that these services require. Adequate planning is essential
460			because desktop profiles can grow to be quite large. For planning purposes, a minimum of
461			200 MB of storage should be allowed per user for profile storage. The following
462			commands create the directory infrastructure needed:
463</p><pre class="screen">
464<code class="prompt">root# </code> mkdir -p /var/spool/samba
465<code class="prompt">root# </code> mkdir -p /var/lib/samba/{netlogon/scripts,profiles}
466<code class="prompt">root# </code> chown -R root:root /var/spool/samba
467<code class="prompt">root# </code> chown -R root:root /var/lib/samba
468<code class="prompt">root# </code> chmod a+rwxt /var/spool/samba
470			For each user account that is created on the system, the following commands should be
471			executed:
472</p><pre class="screen">
473<code class="prompt">root# </code> mkdir /var/lib/samba/profiles/'username'
474<code class="prompt">root# </code> chown 'username':users /var/lib/samba/profiles/'username'
475<code class="prompt">root# </code> chmod ug+wrx,o+rx,-w /var/lib/samba/profiles/'username'
477			</p></li><li><p>
478			<a class="indexterm" name="id2567455"></a>
479			<a class="indexterm" name="id2567462"></a>
480			Create a logon script. It is important that each line is correctly terminated with
481			a carriage return and line-feed combination (i.e., DOS encoding). The following procedure
482			works if the right tools (<code class="constant">unxi2dos</code> and <code class="constant">dos2unix</code>) are installed.
483			First, create a file called <code class="filename">/var/lib/samba/netlogon/scripts/logon.bat.unix</code>
484			with the following contents:
485</p><pre class="screen">
486net time \\massive /set /yes
487net use h: /home
489			Convert the UNIX file to a DOS file:
490</p><pre class="screen">
491<code class="prompt">root# </code> dos2unix &lt; /var/lib/samba/netlogon/scripts/logon.bat.unix \
492        &gt; /var/lib/samba/netlogon/scripts/logon.bat
494			</p></li><li><p>
495			There is one preparatory step without which you cannot have a working Samba network
496			environment. You must add an account for each network user. You can do this by executing
497			the following steps for each user:
498</p><pre class="screen">
499<code class="prompt">root# </code> useradd -m <em class="parameter"><code>username</code></em>
500<code class="prompt">root# </code> passwd <em class="parameter"><code>username</code></em>
501Changing password for <em class="parameter"><code>username</code></em>.
502New password: XXXXXXXX
503Re-enter new password: XXXXXXXX
504Password changed
505<code class="prompt">root# </code> smbpasswd -a <em class="parameter"><code>username</code></em>
506New SMB password: XXXXXXXX
507Retype new SMB password: XXXXXXXX
508Added user <em class="parameter"><code>username</code></em>.
510			You do, of course, use a valid user login ID in place of <em class="parameter"><code>username</code></em>.
511			</p></li><li><p>
512			Follow the processes shown in <a class="link" href="Big500users.html#ch5-procstart" title="Process Startup Configuration">&#8220;Process Startup Configuration&#8221;</a> to start all services.
513			</p></li><li><p>
514			Your server is ready for validation testing. Do not proceed with the steps in
515			<a class="link" href="Big500users.html#ch5-domsvrspec" title="Configuration Specific to Domain Member Servers: BLDG1, BLDG2">&#8220;Configuration Specific to Domain Member Servers: BLDG1, BLDG2&#8221;</a> until after the operation of the server has been
516			validated following the same methods as outlined in <a class="link" href="secure.html" title="Chapter�3.�Secure Office Networking">&#8220;Secure Office Networking&#8221;</a>, <a class="link" href="secure.html#ch4valid" title="Validation">&#8220;Validation&#8221;</a>.
517			</p></li></ol></div></div><div class="sect3" lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h4 class="title"><a name="ch5-domsvrspec"></a>Configuration Specific to Domain Member Servers: <code class="constant">BLDG1, BLDG2</code></h4></div></div></div><p>
518		The following steps will guide you through the nuances of implementing BDCs for the broadcast
519		isolated network segments. Remember that if the target installation platform is not Linux, it may
520		be necessary to adapt some commands to the equivalent on the target platform.
521		</p><div class="procedure"><a name="id2567648"></a><p class="title"><b>Procedure�4.3.�Backup Domain Controller Configuration Steps</b></p><ol type="1"><li><p>
522			<a class="indexterm" name="id2567660"></a>
523			The final step that must be completed is to edit the <code class="filename">/etc/nsswitch.conf</code> file.
524			This file controls the operation of the various resolver libraries that are part of the Linux
525			Glibc libraries. Edit this file so that it contains the following entries:
526</p><pre class="screen">
527passwd:     files winbind
528group:      files winbind
529hosts:      files dns wins
531                        </p></li><li><p>
532			Follow the steps outlined in <a class="link" href="Big500users.html#ch5-procstart" title="Process Startup Configuration">&#8220;Process Startup Configuration&#8221;</a> to start all services. Do not
533			start Samba at this time. Samba is controlled by the process called <code class="literal">smb</code>.
534			</p></li><li><p>
535			<a class="indexterm" name="id2567712"></a>
536			You must now attempt to join the domain member servers to the domain. The following
537			instructions should be executed to effect this:
538</p><pre class="screen">
539<code class="prompt">root# </code> net rpc join 
541			</p></li><li><p>
542			<a class="indexterm" name="id2567744"></a>
543			You now start the Samba services by executing:
544</p><pre class="screen">
545<code class="prompt">root# </code> service smb start
547			</p></li><li><p>
548                        Your server is ready for validation testing. Do not proceed with the steps in
549                        <a class="link" href="Big500users.html#ch5-domsvrspec" title="Configuration Specific to Domain Member Servers: BLDG1, BLDG2">&#8220;Configuration Specific to Domain Member Servers: BLDG1, BLDG2&#8221;</a> until after the operation of the server has been
550                        validated following the same methods as outlined in <a class="link" href="secure.html#ch4valid" title="Validation">&#8220;Validation&#8221;</a>.
551                        </p></li></ol></div></div></div><div class="example"><a name="ch5-massivesmb"></a><p class="title"><b>Example�4.1.�Server: MASSIVE (PDC), File: <code class="filename">/etc/samba/smb.conf</code></b></p><div class="example-contents"><table class="simplelist" border="0" summary="Simple list"><tr><td># Global parameters</td></tr><tr><td> </td></tr><tr><td><em class="parameter"><code>[global]</code></em></td></tr><tr><td><a class="indexterm" name="id2567829"></a><em class="parameter"><code>workgroup = MEGANET</code></em></td></tr><tr><td><a class="indexterm" name="id2567841"></a><em class="parameter"><code>netbios name = MASSIVE</code></em></td></tr><tr><td><a class="indexterm" name="id2567853"></a><em class="parameter"><code>interfaces = eth1, lo</code></em></td></tr><tr><td><a class="indexterm" name="id2567865"></a><em class="parameter"><code>bind interfaces only = Yes</code></em></td></tr><tr><td><a class="indexterm" name="id2567877"></a><em class="parameter"><code>passdb backend = tdbsam</code></em></td></tr><tr><td><a class="indexterm" name="id2567888"></a><em class="parameter"><code>smb ports = 139</code></em></td></tr><tr><td><a class="indexterm" name="id2567900"></a><em class="parameter"><code>add user script = /usr/sbin/useradd -m '%u'</code></em></td></tr><tr><td><a class="indexterm" name="id2567912"></a><em class="parameter"><code>delete user script = /usr/sbin/userdel -r '%u'</code></em></td></tr><tr><td><a class="indexterm" name="id2567924"></a><em class="parameter"><code>add group script = /usr/sbin/groupadd '%g'</code></em></td></tr><tr><td><a class="indexterm" name="id2567937"></a><em class="parameter"><code>delete group script = /usr/sbin/groupdel '%g'</code></em></td></tr><tr><td><a class="indexterm" name="id2567949"></a><em class="parameter"><code>add user to group script = /usr/sbin/usermod -G '%g' '%u'</code></em></td></tr><tr><td><a class="indexterm" name="id2567961"></a><em class="parameter"><code>add machine script = /usr/sbin/useradd -s /bin/false -d /var/lib/nobody '%u'</code></em></td></tr><tr><td><a class="indexterm" name="id2567974"></a><em class="parameter"><code>preferred master = Yes</code></em></td></tr><tr><td><a class="indexterm" name="id2567986"></a><em class="parameter"><code>wins support = Yes</code></em></td></tr><tr><td><a class="indexterm" name="id2567998"></a><em class="parameter"><code>include = /etc/samba/dc-common.conf</code></em></td></tr><tr><td> </td></tr><tr><td><em class="parameter"><code>[accounts]</code></em></td></tr><tr><td><a class="indexterm" name="id2568019"></a><em class="parameter"><code>comment = Accounting Files</code></em></td></tr><tr><td><a class="indexterm" name="id2568030"></a><em class="parameter"><code>path = /data/accounts</code></em></td></tr><tr><td><a class="indexterm" name="id2568042"></a><em class="parameter"><code>read only = No</code></em></td></tr><tr><td> </td></tr><tr><td><em class="parameter"><code>[service]</code></em></td></tr><tr><td><a class="indexterm" name="id2568063"></a><em class="parameter"><code>comment = Financial Services Files</code></em></td></tr><tr><td><a class="indexterm" name="id2568074"></a><em class="parameter"><code>path = /data/service</code></em></td></tr><tr><td><a class="indexterm" name="id2568086"></a><em class="parameter"><code>read only = No</code></em></td></tr><tr><td> </td></tr><tr><td><em class="parameter"><code>[pidata]</code></em></td></tr><tr><td><a class="indexterm" name="id2568107"></a><em class="parameter"><code>comment = Property Insurance Files</code></em></td></tr><tr><td><a class="indexterm" name="id2568119"></a><em class="parameter"><code>path = /data/pidata</code></em></td></tr><tr><td><a class="indexterm" name="id2568130"></a><em class="parameter"><code>read only = No</code></em></td></tr></table></div></div><br class="example-break"><div class="example"><a name="ch5-dc-common"></a><p class="title"><b>Example�4.2.�Server: MASSIVE (PDC), File: <code class="filename">/etc/samba/dc-common.conf</code></b></p><div class="example-contents"><table class="simplelist" border="0" summary="Simple list"><tr><td># Global parameters</td></tr><tr><td> </td></tr><tr><td><em class="parameter"><code>[global]</code></em></td></tr><tr><td><a class="indexterm" name="id2568178"></a><em class="parameter"><code>shutdown script = /var/lib/samba/scripts/shutdown.sh</code></em></td></tr><tr><td><a class="indexterm" name="id2568190"></a><em class="parameter"><code>abort shutdown script = /sbin/shutdown -c</code></em></td></tr><tr><td><a class="indexterm" name="id2568202"></a><em class="parameter"><code>logon script = scripts\logon.bat</code></em></td></tr><tr><td><a class="indexterm" name="id2568214"></a><em class="parameter"><code>logon path = \%L\profiles\%U</code></em></td></tr><tr><td><a class="indexterm" name="id2568226"></a><em class="parameter"><code>logon drive = X:</code></em></td></tr><tr><td><a class="indexterm" name="id2568238"></a><em class="parameter"><code>logon home = \%L\%U</code></em></td></tr><tr><td><a class="indexterm" name="id2568250"></a><em class="parameter"><code>domain logons = Yes</code></em></td></tr><tr><td><a class="indexterm" name="id2568261"></a><em class="parameter"><code>preferred master = Yes</code></em></td></tr><tr><td><a class="indexterm" name="id2568273"></a><em class="parameter"><code>include = /etc/samba/common.conf</code></em></td></tr><tr><td> </td></tr><tr><td><em class="parameter"><code>[homes]</code></em></td></tr><tr><td><a class="indexterm" name="id2568294"></a><em class="parameter"><code>comment = Home Directories</code></em></td></tr><tr><td><a class="indexterm" name="id2568306"></a><em class="parameter"><code>valid users = %S</code></em></td></tr><tr><td><a class="indexterm" name="id2568317"></a><em class="parameter"><code>read only = No</code></em></td></tr><tr><td><a class="indexterm" name="id2568329"></a><em class="parameter"><code>browseable = No</code></em></td></tr><tr><td> </td></tr><tr><td><em class="parameter"><code>[netlogon]</code></em></td></tr><tr><td><a class="indexterm" name="id2568349"></a><em class="parameter"><code>comment = Network Logon Service</code></em></td></tr><tr><td><a class="indexterm" name="id2568361"></a><em class="parameter"><code>path = /var/lib/samba/netlogon</code></em></td></tr><tr><td><a class="indexterm" name="id2568373"></a><em class="parameter"><code>guest ok = Yes</code></em></td></tr><tr><td><a class="indexterm" name="id2568385"></a><em class="parameter"><code>locking = No</code></em></td></tr><tr><td> </td></tr><tr><td><em class="parameter"><code>[profiles]</code></em></td></tr><tr><td><a class="indexterm" name="id2568405"></a><em class="parameter"><code>comment = Profile Share</code></em></td></tr><tr><td><a class="indexterm" name="id2568417"></a><em class="parameter"><code>path = /var/lib/samba/profiles</code></em></td></tr><tr><td><a class="indexterm" name="id2568429"></a><em class="parameter"><code>read only = No</code></em></td></tr><tr><td><a class="indexterm" name="id2568440"></a><em class="parameter"><code>profile acls = Yes</code></em></td></tr></table></div></div><br class="example-break"><div class="example"><a name="ch5-commonsmb"></a><p class="title"><b>Example�4.3.�Common Samba Configuration File: <code class="filename">/etc/samba/common.conf</code></b></p><div class="example-contents"><table class="simplelist" border="0" summary="Simple list"><tr><td> </td></tr><tr><td><em class="parameter"><code>[global]</code></em></td></tr><tr><td><a class="indexterm" name="id2568485"></a><em class="parameter"><code>username map = /etc/samba/smbusers</code></em></td></tr><tr><td><a class="indexterm" name="id2568497"></a><em class="parameter"><code>log level = 1</code></em></td></tr><tr><td><a class="indexterm" name="id2568508"></a><em class="parameter"><code>syslog = 0</code></em></td></tr><tr><td><a class="indexterm" name="id2568520"></a><em class="parameter"><code>log file = /var/log/samba/%m</code></em></td></tr><tr><td><a class="indexterm" name="id2568532"></a><em class="parameter"><code>max log size = 50</code></em></td></tr><tr><td><a class="indexterm" name="id2568543"></a><em class="parameter"><code>smb ports = 139</code></em></td></tr><tr><td><a class="indexterm" name="id2568555"></a><em class="parameter"><code>name resolve order = wins bcast hosts</code></em></td></tr><tr><td><a class="indexterm" name="id2568567"></a><em class="parameter"><code>time server = Yes</code></em></td></tr><tr><td><a class="indexterm" name="id2568579"></a><em class="parameter"><code>printcap name = CUPS</code></em></td></tr><tr><td><a class="indexterm" name="id2568590"></a><em class="parameter"><code>show add printer wizard = No</code></em></td></tr><tr><td><a class="indexterm" name="id2568603"></a><em class="parameter"><code>shutdown script = /var/lib/samba/scripts/shutdown.sh</code></em></td></tr><tr><td><a class="indexterm" name="id2568615"></a><em class="parameter"><code>abort shutdown script = /sbin/shutdown -c</code></em></td></tr><tr><td><a class="indexterm" name="id2568627"></a><em class="parameter"><code>utmp = Yes</code></em></td></tr><tr><td><a class="indexterm" name="id2568639"></a><em class="parameter"><code>map acl inherit = Yes</code></em></td></tr><tr><td><a class="indexterm" name="id2568651"></a><em class="parameter"><code>printing = cups</code></em></td></tr><tr><td><a class="indexterm" name="id2568662"></a><em class="parameter"><code>veto files = /*.eml/*.nws/*.{*}/</code></em></td></tr><tr><td><a class="indexterm" name="id2568674"></a><em class="parameter"><code>veto oplock files = /*.doc/*.xls/*.mdb/</code></em></td></tr><tr><td><a class="indexterm" name="id2568686"></a><em class="parameter"><code>include =  </code></em></td></tr><tr><td># Share and Service Definitions are common to all servers</td></tr><tr><td> </td></tr><tr><td><em class="parameter"><code>[printers]</code></em></td></tr><tr><td><a class="indexterm" name="id2568711"></a><em class="parameter"><code>comment = SMB Print Spool</code></em></td></tr><tr><td><a class="indexterm" name="id2568723"></a><em class="parameter"><code>path = /var/spool/samba</code></em></td></tr><tr><td><a class="indexterm" name="id2568734"></a><em class="parameter"><code>guest ok = Yes</code></em></td></tr><tr><td><a class="indexterm" name="id2568746"></a><em class="parameter"><code>printable = Yes</code></em></td></tr><tr><td><a class="indexterm" name="id2568758"></a><em class="parameter"><code>use client driver = Yes</code></em></td></tr><tr><td><a class="indexterm" name="id2568769"></a><em class="parameter"><code>default devmode = Yes</code></em></td></tr><tr><td><a class="indexterm" name="id2568781"></a><em class="parameter"><code>browseable = No</code></em></td></tr><tr><td> </td></tr><tr><td><em class="parameter"><code>[apps]</code></em></td></tr><tr><td><a class="indexterm" name="id2568802"></a><em class="parameter"><code>comment = Application Files</code></em></td></tr><tr><td><a class="indexterm" name="id2568814"></a><em class="parameter"><code>path = /apps</code></em></td></tr><tr><td><a class="indexterm" name="id2568825"></a><em class="parameter"><code>admin users = bjordan</code></em></td></tr><tr><td><a class="indexterm" name="id2568837"></a><em class="parameter"><code>read only = No</code></em></td></tr></table></div></div><br class="example-break"><div class="example"><a name="ch5-bldg1-smb"></a><p class="title"><b>Example�4.4.�Server: BLDG1 (Member), File: smb.conf</b></p><div class="example-contents"><table class="simplelist" border="0" summary="Simple list"><tr><td># Global parameters</td></tr><tr><td> </td></tr><tr><td><em class="parameter"><code>[global]</code></em></td></tr><tr><td><a class="indexterm" name="id2568880"></a><em class="parameter"><code>workgroup = MEGANET</code></em></td></tr><tr><td><a class="indexterm" name="id2568891"></a><em class="parameter"><code>netbios name = BLDG1</code></em></td></tr><tr><td><a class="indexterm" name="id2568903"></a><em class="parameter"><code>include = /etc/samba/dom-mem.conf</code></em></td></tr></table></div></div><br class="example-break"><div class="example"><a name="ch5-bldg2-smb"></a><p class="title"><b>Example�4.5.�Server: BLDG2 (Member), File: smb.conf</b></p><div class="example-contents"><table class="simplelist" border="0" summary="Simple list"><tr><td># Global parameters</td></tr><tr><td> </td></tr><tr><td><em class="parameter"><code>[global]</code></em></td></tr><tr><td><a class="indexterm" name="id2568946"></a><em class="parameter"><code>workgroup = MEGANET</code></em></td></tr><tr><td><a class="indexterm" name="id2568958"></a><em class="parameter"><code>netbios name = BLDG2</code></em></td></tr><tr><td><a class="indexterm" name="id2568970"></a><em class="parameter"><code>include = /etc/samba/dom-mem.conf</code></em></td></tr></table></div></div><br class="example-break"><div class="example"><a name="ch5-dommem-smb"></a><p class="title"><b>Example�4.6.�Common Domain Member Include File: dom-mem.conf</b></p><div class="example-contents"><table class="simplelist" border="0" summary="Simple list"><tr><td># Global parameters</td></tr><tr><td> </td></tr><tr><td><em class="parameter"><code>[global]</code></em></td></tr><tr><td><a class="indexterm" name="id2569013"></a><em class="parameter"><code>shutdown script = /var/lib/samba/scripts/shutdown.sh</code></em></td></tr><tr><td><a class="indexterm" name="id2569025"></a><em class="parameter"><code>abort shutdown script = /sbin/shutdown -c</code></em></td></tr><tr><td><a class="indexterm" name="id2569038"></a><em class="parameter"><code>preferred master = Yes</code></em></td></tr><tr><td><a class="indexterm" name="id2569049"></a><em class="parameter"><code>wins server =</code></em></td></tr><tr><td><a class="indexterm" name="id2569061"></a><em class="parameter"><code>idmap uid = 15000-20000</code></em></td></tr><tr><td><a class="indexterm" name="id2569073"></a><em class="parameter"><code>idmap gid = 15000-20000</code></em></td></tr><tr><td><a class="indexterm" name="id2569085"></a><em class="parameter"><code>include = /etc/samba/common.conf</code></em></td></tr></table></div></div><br class="example-break"><div class="example"><a name="massive-dhcp"></a><p class="title"><b>Example�4.7.�Server: MASSIVE, File: dhcpd.conf</b></p><div class="example-contents"><pre class="screen">
552# Abmas Accounting Inc.
554default-lease-time 86400;
555max-lease-time 172800;
556default-lease-time 86400;
557ddns-updates on;
558ddns-update-style interim;
560option ntp-servers;
561option domain-name "abmas.biz";
562option domain-name-servers,;
563option netbios-name-servers;
564option netbios-node-type 8;
566subnet netmask {
567        range dynamic-bootp;
568        option subnet-mask;
569        option routers,;
570        allow unknown-clients;
571	}
572subnet netmask {
573        range dynamic-bootp;
574        option subnet-mask;
575        option routers;
576        allow unknown-clients;
577	}
578subnet netmask {
579        range dynamic-bootp;
580        option subnet-mask;
581        option routers;
582        allow unknown-clients;
583	}
584subnet netmask {
585        }
586subnet netmask {
587        }
588</pre></div></div><br class="example-break"><div class="example"><a name="bldg1dhcp"></a><p class="title"><b>Example�4.8.�Server: BLDG1, File: dhcpd.conf</b></p><div class="example-contents"><pre class="screen">
589# Abmas Accounting Inc.
591default-lease-time 86400;
592max-lease-time 172800;
593default-lease-time 86400;
594ddns-updates on;
595ddns-update-style ad-hoc;
597option ntp-servers;
598option domain-name "abmas.biz";
599option domain-name-servers,;
600option netbios-name-servers;
601option netbios-node-type 8;
603subnet netmask {
604        range dynamic-bootp;
605        option subnet-mask;
606        option routers,;
607        allow unknown-clients;
608	}
609subnet netmask {
610        range dynamic-bootp;
611        option subnet-mask;
612        option routers;
613        allow unknown-clients;
614	}
615subnet netmask {
616        }
617</pre></div></div><br class="example-break"><div class="example"><a name="bldg2dhcp"></a><p class="title"><b>Example�4.9.�Server: BLDG2, File: dhcpd.conf</b></p><div class="example-contents"><pre class="screen">
618# Abmas Accounting Inc.
620default-lease-time 86400;
621max-lease-time 172800;
622default-lease-time 86400;
623ddns-updates on;
624ddns-update-style interim;
626option ntp-servers;
627option domain-name "abmas.biz";
628option domain-name-servers,;
629option netbios-name-servers;
630option netbios-node-type 8;
632subnet netmask {
633        range dynamic-bootp;
634        option subnet-mask;
635        option routers;
636        allow unknown-clients;
637	}
638subnet netmask {
639        }
640</pre></div></div><br class="example-break"><div class="example"><a name="massive-nameda"></a><p class="title"><b>Example�4.10.�Server: MASSIVE, File: named.conf, Part: A</b></p><div class="example-contents"><pre class="screen">
642# Abmas Biz DNS Control File
644# Date: November 15, 2003
646options {
647	directory "/var/lib/named";
648	forwarders {
651		};
652	forward first;
653	listen-on {
654		mynet;
655		};
656	auth-nxdomain yes;
657	multiple-cnames yes;
658	notify no;
661zone "." in {
662	type hint;
663	file "root.hint";
666zone "localhost" in {
667	type master;
668	file "localhost.zone";
671zone "0.0.127.in-addr.arpa" in {
672	type master;
673	file "127.0.0.zone";
676acl mynet {
683acl seconddns {
686</pre></div></div><br class="example-break"><div class="example"><a name="massive-namedb"></a><p class="title"><b>Example�4.11.�Server: MASSIVE, File: named.conf, Part: B</b></p><div class="example-contents"><pre class="screen">
687zone "abmas.biz" {
688	type master;
689	file "/var/lib/named/master/abmas.biz.hosts";
690	allow-query {
691		mynet;
692	};
693	allow-transfer {
694		mynet;
695	};
696	allow-update {
697		mynet;
698	};
701zone "abmas.us" {
702        type master;
703        file "/var/lib/named/master/abmas.us.hosts";
704        allow-query {
705                all;
706        };
707        allow-transfer {
708                seconddns;
709        };
711</pre></div></div><br class="example-break"><div class="example"><a name="massive-namedc"></a><p class="title"><b>Example�4.12.�Server: MASSIVE, File: named.conf, Part: C</b></p><div class="example-contents"><pre class="screen">
712zone "0.16.172.in-addr.arpa" {
713	type master;
714	file "/var/lib/named/master/";
715	allow-query {
716		mynet;
717	};
718	allow-transfer {
719		mynet;
720	};
721	allow-update {
722		mynet;
723	};
726zone "4.16.172.in-addr.arpa" {
727	type master;
728	file "/var/lib/named/master/";
729	allow-query {
730		mynet;
731	};
732	allow-transfer {
733		mynet;
734	};
735	allow-update {
736		mynet;
737	};
740zone "8.16.172.in-addr.arpa" {
741	type master;
742	file "/var/lib/named/master/";
743	allow-query {
744		mynet;
745	};
746	allow-transfer {
747		mynet;
748	};
749	allow-update {
750		mynet;
751	};
753</pre></div></div><br class="example-break"><div class="example"><a name="abmasbizdns"></a><p class="title"><b>Example�4.13.�Forward Zone File: abmas.biz.hosts</b></p><div class="example-contents"><pre class="screen">
754$ORIGIN .
755$TTL 38400	; 10 hours 40 minutes
756abmas.biz	IN SOA	massive.abmas.biz. root.abmas.biz. (
757				2003021833 ; serial
758				10800      ; refresh (3 hours)
759				3600       ; retry (1 hour)
760				604800     ; expire (1 week)
761				38400      ; minimum (10 hours 40 minutes)
762				)
763			NS	massive.abmas.biz.
764			NS	bldg1.abmas.biz.
765			NS	bldg2.abmas.biz.
766			MX	10 massive.abmas.biz.
767$ORIGIN abmas.biz.
768massive			A
769router0                 A
770bldg1                   A
771router4                 A
772bldg2                   A
773router8                 A
774</pre></div></div><br class="example-break"><div class="example"><a name="abmasusdns"></a><p class="title"><b>Example�4.14.�Forward Zone File: abmas.biz.hosts</b></p><div class="example-contents"><pre class="screen">
775$ORIGIN .
776$TTL 38400	; 10 hours 40 minutes
777abmas.us	IN SOA	server.abmas.us. root.abmas.us. (
778				2003021833 ; serial
779				10800      ; refresh (3 hours)
780				3600       ; retry (1 hour)
781				604800     ; expire (1 week)
782				38400      ; minimum (10 hours 40 minutes)
783				)
784			NS	dns.abmas.us.
785			NS	dns2.abmas.us.
786			MX	10 mail.abmas.us.
787$ORIGIN abmas.us.
788server			A
789dns2			A
790gw			A
791www			CNAME	server
792mail			CNAME	server
793dns			CNAME	server
794</pre></div></div><br class="example-break"><div class="example"><a name="bldg12nameda"></a><p class="title"><b>Example�4.15.�Servers: BLDG1/BLDG2, File: named.conf, Part: A</b></p><div class="example-contents"><pre class="screen">
796# Abmas Biz DNS Control File
798# Date: November 15, 2003
800options {
801	directory "/var/lib/named";
802	forwarders {
804		};
805	forward first;
806	listen-on {
807		mynet;
808		};
809	auth-nxdomain yes;
810	multiple-cnames yes;
811	notify no;
814zone "." in {
815	type hint;
816	file "root.hint";
819zone "localhost" in {
820	type master;
821	file "localhost.zone";
824zone "0.0.127.in-addr.arpa" in {
825	type master;
826	file "127.0.0.zone";
829acl mynet {
836acl seconddns {
839</pre></div></div><br class="example-break"><div class="example"><a name="bldg12namedb"></a><p class="title"><b>Example�4.16.�Servers: BLDG1/BLDG2, File: named.conf, Part: B</b></p><div class="example-contents"><pre class="screen">
840zone "abmas.biz" {
841	type slave;
842	file "/var/lib/named/slave/abmas.biz.hosts";
843	allow-query {
844		mynet;
845	};
846	allow-transfer {
847		mynet;
848	};
851zone "0.16.172.in-addr.arpa" {
852	type slave;
853	file "/var/lib/slave/master/";
854	allow-query {
855		mynet;
856	};
857	allow-transfer {
858		mynet;
859	};
862zone "4.16.172.in-addr.arpa" {
863	type slave;
864	file "/var/lib/named/slave/";
865	allow-query {
866		mynet;
867	};
868	allow-transfer {
869		mynet;
870	};
873zone "8.16.172.in-addr.arpa" {
874	type slave;
875	file "/var/lib/named/slave/";
876	allow-query {
877		mynet;
878	};
879	allow-transfer {
880		mynet;
881	};
883</pre></div></div><br class="example-break"><div class="example"><a name="ch5-initgrps"></a><p class="title"><b>Example�4.17.�Initialize Groups Script, File: /etc/samba/initGrps.sh</b></p><div class="example-contents"><pre class="screen">
886# Create UNIX groups
887groupadd acctsdep
888groupadd finsrvcs
889groupadd piops
891# Map Windows Domain Groups to UNIX groups
892net groupmap add ntgroup="Domain Admins"  unixgroup=root type=d
893net groupmap add ntgroup="Domain Users"   unixgroup=users type=d
894net groupmap add ntgroup="Domain Guests"  unixgroup=nobody type=d
896# Add Functional Domain Groups
897net groupmap add ntgroup="Accounts Dept"       unixgroup=acctsdep type=d
898net groupmap add ntgroup="Financial Services"  unixgroup=finsrvcs type=d
899net groupmap add ntgroup="Insurance Group"     unixgroup=piops type=d
900</pre></div></div><br class="example-break"><div class="sect2" lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a name="ch5-procstart"></a>Process Startup Configuration</h3></div></div></div><p>
901		<a class="indexterm" name="id2569434"></a>
902		<a class="indexterm" name="id2569441"></a>
903        There are two essential steps to process startup configuration. A process
904        must be configured so that it is automatically restarted each time the server
905        is rebooted. This step involves use of the <code class="literal">chkconfig</code> tool that
906        created appropriate symbolic links from the master daemon control file that is
907        located in the <code class="filename">/etc/rc.d</code> directory to the <code class="filename">/etc/rc'x'.d</code>
908        directories. Links are created so that when the system run-level is changed, the
909        necessary start or kill script is run.
910        </p><p>
911        <a class="indexterm" name="id2569477"></a>
912        In the event that a service is provided not as a daemon but via the internetworking
913        super daemon (<code class="literal">inetd</code> or <code class="literal">xinetd</code>), then the <code class="literal">chkconfig</code>
914        tool makes the necessary entries in the <code class="filename">/etc/xinetd.d</code> directory
915        and sends a hang-up (HUP) signal to the super daemon, thus forcing it to
916        re-read its control files.
917        </p><p>
918        Last, each service must be started to permit system validation to proceed. The following steps
919		are for a Red Hat Linux system, please adapt them to suit the target OS platform on which you 
920		are installing Samba.
921        </p><div class="procedure"><a name="id2569521"></a><p class="title"><b>Procedure�4.4.�Process Startup Configuration Steps</b></p><ol type="1"><li><p>
922                Use the standard system tool to configure each service to restart
923                automatically at every system reboot. For example,
924                <a class="indexterm" name="id2569535"></a>
925</p><pre class="screen">
926<code class="prompt">root# </code> chkconfig dhpc on
927<code class="prompt">root# </code> chkconfig named on
928<code class="prompt">root# </code> chkconfig cups on
929<code class="prompt">root# </code> chkconfig smb on
930<code class="prompt">root# </code> chkconfig swat on
932                </p></li><li><p>
933                <a class="indexterm" name="id2569585"></a>
934                <a class="indexterm" name="id2569592"></a>
935                <a class="indexterm" name="id2569599"></a>
936                Now start each service to permit the system to be validated.
937                Execute each of the following in the sequence shown:
939</p><pre class="screen">
940<code class="prompt">root# </code> service dhcp restart
941<code class="prompt">root# </code> service named restart
942<code class="prompt">root# </code> service cups restart
943<code class="prompt">root# </code> service smb restart
944<code class="prompt">root# </code> service swat restart
946                </p></li></ol></div></div><div class="sect2" lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a name="ch5wincfg"></a>Windows Client Configuration</h3></div></div></div><p>
947	The procedure for desktop client configuration for the network in this chapter is similar to
948	that used for the previous one. There are a few subtle changes that should be noted.
949	</p><div class="procedure"><a name="id2569665"></a><p class="title"><b>Procedure�4.5.�Windows Client Configuration Steps</b></p><ol type="1"><li><p>
950		Install MS Windows XP Professional. During installation, configure the client to use DHCP for 
951		TCP/IP protocol configuration.
952		<a class="indexterm" name="id2569678"></a>
953		<a class="indexterm" name="id2569685"></a>
954		DHCP configures all Windows clients to use the WINS Server address that has been defined
955		for the local subnet.
956		</p></li><li><p>
957		Join the Windows domain <code class="constant">MEGANET</code>. Use the domain administrator
958		username <code class="constant">root</code> and the SMB password you assigned to this account.
959		A detailed step-by-step procedure for joining a Windows 200x/XP Professional client to
960		a Windows domain is given in <a class="link" href="appendix.html" title="Chapter�15.�A Collection of Useful Tidbits">&#8220;A Collection of Useful Tidbits&#8221;</a>, <a class="link" href="appendix.html#domjoin" title="Joining a Domain: Windows 200x/XP Professional">&#8220;Joining a Domain: Windows 200x/XP Professional&#8221;</a>. 
961		Reboot the machine as prompted and then log on using the domain administrator account
962		(<code class="constant">root</code>).
963		</p></li><li><p>
964		Verify that the server called <code class="constant">MEGANET</code> is visible in <span class="guimenu">My Network Places</span>, 
965		that it is possible to connect to it and see the shares <span class="guimenuitem">accounts</span>,
966		<span class="guimenuitem">apps</span>, and <span class="guimenuitem">finsvcs</span>,
967		and that it is possible to open each share to reveal its contents.
968		</p></li><li><p>
969		Create a drive mapping to the <code class="constant">apps</code> share on a server. At this time, it does
970		not particularly matter which application server is used. It is necessary to manually
971		set a persistent drive mapping to the local applications server on each workstation at the time of 
972		installation. This step is avoided by the improvements to the design of the network configuration
973		in the next chapter.
974		</p></li><li><p>
975		Perform an administrative installation of each application to be used. Select the options
976		that you wish to use. Of course, you choose to run applications over the network, correct?
977		</p></li><li><p>
978		Now install all applications to be installed locally. Typical tools include Adobe Acrobat,
979		NTP-based time synchronization software, drivers for specific local devices such as fingerprint
980		scanners, and the like. Probably the most significant application to be locally installed
981		is antivirus software.
982		</p></li><li><p>
983		Now install all four printers onto the staging system. The printers you install
984		include the accounting department HP LaserJet 6 and Minolta QMS Magicolor printers, and you
985		also configure use of the identical printers that are located in the financial services department.
986		Install printers on each machine using the following steps:
987	</p><div class="procedure"><a name="id2569817"></a><p class="title"><b>Procedure�4.6.�Steps to Install Printer Drivers on Windows Clients</b></p><ol type="1"><li><p>
988				Click <span class="guimenu">Start</span> &#8594; <span class="guimenuitem">Settings</span> &#8594; <span class="guimenuitem">Printers</span>+<span class="guiicon">Add Printer</span>+<span class="guibutton">Next</span>. Do not click <span class="guimenuitem">Network printer</span>.
989					Ensure that <span class="guimenuitem">Local printer</span> is selected.
990				</p></li><li><p>
991				Click <span class="guibutton">Next</span>. In the
992				<span class="guimenuitem">Manufacturer:</span> panel, select <code class="constant">HP</code>.
993				In the <span class="guimenuitem">Printers:</span> panel, select the printer called
994				<code class="constant">HP LaserJet 6</code>. Click <span class="guibutton">Next</span>.
995				</p></li><li><p>
996				In the <span class="guimenuitem">Available ports:</span> panel, select
997				<code class="constant">FILE:</code>. Accept the default printer name by clicking
998				<span class="guibutton">Next</span>. When asked, &#8220;<span class="quote">Would you like to print a
999				test page?</span>&#8221;, click <span class="guimenuitem">No</span>. Click
1000				<span class="guibutton">Finish</span>.
1001				</p></li><li><p>
1002				You may be prompted for the name of a file to print to. If so, close the
1003				dialog panel. Right-click <span class="guiicon">HP LaserJet 6</span> &#8594; <span class="guimenuitem">Properties</span> &#8594; <span class="guisubmenu">Details (Tab)</span>+<span class="guibutton">Add Port</span>.
1004				</p></li><li><p>
1005				In the <span class="guimenuitem">Network</span> panel, enter the name of
1006				the print queue on the Samba server as follows: <code class="constant">\\BLDG1\hplj6a</code>.
1007				Click <span class="guibutton">OK</span>+<span class="guibutton">OK</span> to complete the installation.
1008				</p></li><li><p>
1009				Repeat the printer installation steps above for both HP LaserJet 6 printers
1010				as well as for both QMS Magicolor laser printers. Remember to install all
1011				printers but to set the destination port for each to the server on the
1012				local network. For example, a workstation in the accounting group should
1013				have all printers directed at the server <code class="constant">BLDG1</code>.
1014				You may elect to point all desktop workstation configurations at the
1015				server called <code class="constant">MASSIVE</code> and then in your deployment	
1016				procedures, it would be wise to document the need to redirect the printer
1017				configuration (as well as the applications server drive mapping) to the
1018				server on the network segment on which the workstation is to be located.
1019				</p></li></ol></div></li><li><p>
1020		When you are satisfied that the staging systems are complete, use the appropriate procedure to
1021		remove the client from the domain. Reboot the system, and then log on as the local administrator
1022		and clean out all temporary files stored on the system. Before shutting down, use the disk
1023		defragmentation tool so that the file system is in optimal condition before replication.
1024		</p></li><li><p>
1025		Boot the workstation using the Norton (Symantec) Ghosting disk (or CD-ROM) and image the
1026		machine to a network share on the server.
1027		</p></li><li><p>
1028		You may now replicate the image using the appropriate Norton Ghost procedure to the target
1029		machines. Make sure to use the procedure that ensures each machine has a unique
1030		Windows security identifier (SID). When the installation of the disk image is complete, boot the PC. 
1031		</p></li><li><p>
1032		Log onto the machine as the local Administrator (the only option), and join the machine to
1033		the domain following the procedure set out in <a class="link" href="appendix.html" title="Chapter�15.�A Collection of Useful Tidbits">&#8220;A Collection of Useful Tidbits&#8221;</a>, <a class="link" href="appendix.html#domjoin" title="Joining a Domain: Windows 200x/XP Professional">&#8220;Joining a Domain: Windows 200x/XP Professional&#8221;</a>. You must now set the 
1034		persistent drive mapping to the applications server that the user is to use. The system is now 
1035		ready for the user to log on, provided you have created a network logon account for that 
1036		user, of course.
1037		</p></li><li><p>
1038		Instruct all users to log onto the workstation using their assigned username and password.
1039		</p></li></ol></div></div><div class="sect2" lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a name="id2570125"></a>Key Points Learned</h3></div></div></div><p>
1040		The network you have just deployed has been a valuable exercise in forced constraint.
1041		You have deployed a network that works well, although you may soon start to see
1042		performance problems, at which time the modifications demonstrated in <a class="link" href="happy.html" title="Chapter�5.�Making Happy Users">&#8220;Making Happy Users&#8221;</a>
1043		bring the network to life. The following key learning points were experienced:
1044		</p><div class="itemizedlist"><ul type="disc"><li><p>
1045			The power of using <code class="filename">smb.conf</code> include files
1046			</p></li><li><p>
1047			Use of a single PDC over a routed network
1048			</p></li><li><p>
1049			Joining a Samba-3 domain member server to a Samba-3 domain
1050			</p></li><li><p>
1051			Configuration of winbind to use domain users and groups for Samba access
1052			to resources on the domain member servers
1053			</p></li><li><p>
1054			The introduction of roaming profiles
1055			</p></li></ul></div></div></div><div class="sect1" lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a name="id2570184"></a>Questions and Answers</h2></div></div></div><p>
1056	</p><div class="qandaset"><dl><dt> <a href="Big500users.html#id2570200">
1057		The example smb.conf files in this chapter make use of the include facility.
1058		How may I get to see what the actual working smb.conf settings are?
1059		</a></dt><dt> <a href="Big500users.html#id2570249">
1060		Why does the include file common.conf have an empty include statement?
1061		</a></dt><dt> <a href="Big500users.html#id2570311">
1062		I accept that the simplest configuration necessary to do the job is the best. The use of tdbsam
1063		passdb backend is much simpler than having to manage an LDAP-based ldapsam passdb backend.
1064		I tried using rsync to replicate the passdb.tdb, and it seems to work fine!
1065		So what is the problem?
1066		</a></dt><dt> <a href="Big500users.html#id2570366">
1067		You are using DHCP Relay enabled on the routers as well as a local DHCP server. Will this cause a clash?
1068		</a></dt><dt> <a href="Big500users.html#id2570396">
1069		How does the Windows client find the PDC?
1070		</a></dt><dt> <a href="Big500users.html#id2570419">
1071		Why did you enable IP forwarding (routing) only on the server called MASSIVE?
1072		</a></dt><dt> <a href="Big500users.html#id2570450">
1073		You did nothing special to implement roaming profiles. Why?
1074		</a></dt><dt> <a href="Big500users.html#id2570469">
1075		On the domain member computers, you configured winbind in the /etc/nsswitch.conf file.
1076		You did not configure any PAM settings. Is this an omission?
1077		</a></dt><dt> <a href="Big500users.html#id2570501">
1078		You are starting SWAT up on this example but have not discussed that anywhere. Why did you do this?
1079		</a></dt><dt> <a href="Big500users.html#id2570543">
1080		The domain controller has an auto-shutdown script. Isn't that dangerous?
1081		</a></dt></dl><table border="0" summary="Q and A Set"><col align="left" width="1%"><tbody><tr class="question"><td align="left" valign="top"><a name="id2570200"></a><a name="id2570202"></a></td><td align="left" valign="top"><p>
1082		The example <code class="filename">smb.conf</code> files in this chapter make use of the <em class="parameter"><code>include</code></em> facility.
1083		How may I get to see what the actual working <code class="filename">smb.conf</code> settings are?
1084		</p></td></tr><tr class="answer"><td align="left" valign="top"></td><td align="left" valign="top"><p>
1085		You may readily see the net compound effect of the included files by running:
1086</p><pre class="screen">
1087<code class="prompt">root# </code> testparm -s | less
1089		</p></td></tr><tr class="question"><td align="left" valign="top"><a name="id2570249"></a><a name="id2570251"></a></td><td align="left" valign="top"><p>
1090		Why does the include file <code class="filename">common.conf</code> have an empty include statement?
1091		</p></td></tr><tr class="answer"><td align="left" valign="top"></td><td align="left" valign="top"><p>
1092		The use of the empty include statement nullifies further includes. For example, let's say you 
1093		desire to have just an smb.conf file that is built from the array of include files of which the
1094		master control file is called <code class="filename">master.conf</code>. The following command 
1095		produces a compound <code class="filename">smb.conf</code> file.
1096</p><pre class="screen">
1097<code class="prompt">root# </code> testparm -s /etc/samba/master.conf &gt; /etc/samba/smb.conf
1099		If the include parameter was not in the common.conf file, the final <code class="filename">smb.conf</code> file leaves
1100		the include in place, even though the file it points to has already been included. This is a bug
1101		that will be fixed at a future date.
1102		</p></td></tr><tr class="question"><td align="left" valign="top"><a name="id2570311"></a><a name="id2570313"></a></td><td align="left" valign="top"><p>
1103		I accept that the simplest configuration necessary to do the job is the best. The use of <em class="parameter"><code>tdbsam</code></em>
1104		passdb backend is much simpler than having to manage an LDAP-based <em class="parameter"><code>ldapsam</code></em> passdb backend.
1105		I tried using <code class="literal">rsync</code> to replicate the <code class="filename">passdb.tdb</code>, and it seems to work fine!
1106		So what is the problem?
1107		</p></td></tr><tr class="answer"><td align="left" valign="top"></td><td align="left" valign="top"><p>
1108		Replication of the <em class="parameter"><code>tdbsam</code></em> database file can result in loss of currency in its
1109		contents between the PDC and BDCs. The most notable symptom is that workstations may not be able
1110		to log onto the network following a reboot and may have to rejoin the domain to recover network
1111		access capability.
1112		</p></td></tr><tr class="question"><td align="left" valign="top"><a name="id2570366"></a><a name="id2570368"></a></td><td align="left" valign="top"><p>
1113		You are using DHCP Relay enabled on the routers as well as a local DHCP server. Will this cause a clash?
1114		</p></td></tr><tr class="answer"><td align="left" valign="top"></td><td align="left" valign="top"><p>
1115		No. It is possible to have as many DHCP servers on a network segment as makes sense. A DHCP server
1116		offers an IP address lease, but it is the client that determines which offer is accepted, no matter how many
1117		offers are made. Under normal operation, the client accepts the first offer it receives.
1118		</p><p>
1119		The only exception to this rule is when the client makes a directed request from a specific DHCP server
1120		for renewal of the lease it has. This means that under normal circumstances there is no risk of a clash.
1121		</p></td></tr><tr class="question"><td align="left" valign="top"><a name="id2570396"></a><a name="id2570398"></a></td><td align="left" valign="top"><p>
1122		How does the Windows client find the PDC?
1123		</p></td></tr><tr class="answer"><td align="left" valign="top"></td><td align="left" valign="top"><p>
1124		The Windows client obtains the WINS server address from the DHCP lease information. It also
1125		obtains from the DHCP lease information the parameter that causes it to use directed UDP (UDP Unicast)
1126		to register itself with the WINS server and to obtain enumeration of vital network information to 
1127		enable it to operate successfully.
1128		</p></td></tr><tr class="question"><td align="left" valign="top"><a name="id2570419"></a><a name="id2570421"></a></td><td align="left" valign="top"><p>
1129		Why did you enable IP forwarding (routing) only on the server called <code class="constant">MASSIVE</code>?
1130		</p></td></tr><tr class="answer"><td align="left" valign="top"></td><td align="left" valign="top"><p>
1131		The server called <code class="constant">MASSIVE</code> is acting as a router to the Internet. No other server
1132		(BLDG1 or BLDG2) has any need for IP forwarding because they are attached only to their own network.
1133		Route table entries are needed to direct MASSIVE to send all traffic intended for the remote network
1134		segments to the router that is its gateway to them.
1135		</p></td></tr><tr class="question"><td align="left" valign="top"><a name="id2570450"></a><a name="id2570452"></a></td><td align="left" valign="top"><p>
1136		You did nothing special to implement roaming profiles. Why?
1137		</p></td></tr><tr class="answer"><td align="left" valign="top"></td><td align="left" valign="top"><p>
1138		Unless configured to do otherwise, the default behavior with Samba-3 and Windows XP Professional
1139		clients is to use roaming profiles.
1140		</p></td></tr><tr class="question"><td align="left" valign="top"><a name="id2570469"></a><a name="id2570471"></a></td><td align="left" valign="top"><p>
1141		On the domain member computers, you configured winbind in the <code class="filename">/etc/nsswitch.conf</code> file.
1142		You did not configure any PAM settings. Is this an omission?
1143		</p></td></tr><tr class="answer"><td align="left" valign="top"></td><td align="left" valign="top"><p>
1144		PAM is needed only for authentication. When Samba is using Microsoft encrypted passwords, it makes only
1145		marginal use of PAM. PAM configuration handles only authentication. If you want to log onto the domain
1146		member servers using Windows networking usernames and passwords, it is necessary to configure PAM
1147		to enable the use of winbind. Samba makes use only of the identity resolution facilities of the name
1148		service switch (NSS).
1149		</p></td></tr><tr class="question"><td align="left" valign="top"><a name="id2570501"></a><a name="id2570503"></a></td><td align="left" valign="top"><p>
1150		You are starting SWAT up on this example but have not discussed that anywhere. Why did you do this?
1151		</p></td></tr><tr class="answer"><td align="left" valign="top"></td><td align="left" valign="top"><p>
1152		Oh, I did not think you would notice that. It is there so that it can be used. This is more fully discussed
1153		in <span class="emphasis"><em>TOSHARG2</em></span>, which has a full chapter dedicated to the subject. While we are on the 
1154		subject, it should be noted that you should definitely not use SWAT on any system that makes use 
1155		of <code class="filename">smb.conf</code> <em class="parameter"><code>include</code></em> files because SWAT optimizes them out into an aggregated 
1156		file but leaves in place a broken reference to the top-layer include file. SWAT was not designed to 
1157		handle this functionality gracefully.
1158		</p></td></tr><tr class="question"><td align="left" valign="top"><a name="id2570543"></a><a name="id2570545"></a></td><td align="left" valign="top"><p>
1159		The domain controller has an auto-shutdown script. Isn't that dangerous?
1160		</p></td></tr><tr class="answer"><td align="left" valign="top"></td><td align="left" valign="top"><p>
1161		Well done, you spotted that! I guess it is dangerous. It is good to know that you can do this, though.
1162		</p></td></tr></tbody></table></div></div></div><div class="navfooter"><hr><table width="100%" summary="Navigation footer"><tr><td width="40%" align="left"><a accesskey="p" href="secure.html">Prev</a>�</td><td width="20%" align="center"><a accesskey="u" href="ExNetworks.html">Up</a></td><td width="40%" align="right">�<a accesskey="n" href="happy.html">Next</a></td></tr><tr><td width="40%" align="left" valign="top">Chapter�3.�Secure Office Networking�</td><td width="20%" align="center"><a accesskey="h" href="index.html">Home</a></td><td width="40%" align="right" valign="top">�Chapter�5.�Making Happy Users</td></tr></table></div></body></html>