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18          <th colspan="3" align="center">Queue and Recno access method specific configuration</th>
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23		Access Method Configuration
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34            <h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a id="rq_conf"></a>Queue and Recno access method specific configuration</h2>
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38      <div class="toc">
39        <dl>
40          <dt>
41            <span class="sect2">
42              <a href="rq_conf.html#am_conf_recno">Managing record-based databases</a>
43            </span>
44          </dt>
45          <dt>
46            <span class="sect2">
47              <a href="rq_conf.html#am_conf_extentsize">Selecting a Queue extent size</a>
48            </span>
49          </dt>
50          <dt>
51            <span class="sect2">
52              <a href="rq_conf.html#am_conf_re_source">Flat-text backing files</a>
53            </span>
54          </dt>
55          <dt>
56            <span class="sect2">
57              <a href="rq_conf.html#am_conf_renumber">Logically renumbering records</a>
58            </span>
59          </dt>
60        </dl>
61      </div>
62      <p>
63    There are a series of configuration tasks which you can perform when
64    using the Queue and Recno access methods.  They are described in the following sections.
66      <div class="sect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
67        <div class="titlepage">
68          <div>
69            <div>
70              <h3 class="title"><a id="am_conf_recno"></a>Managing record-based databases</h3>
71            </div>
72          </div>
73        </div>
74        <p>When using fixed- or variable-length record-based databases, particularly
75with flat-text backing files, there are several items that the user can
76control.  The Recno access method can be used to store either variable-
77or fixed-length data items.  By default, the Recno access method stores
78variable-length data items.  The Queue access method can only store
79fixed-length data items.</p>
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81          <div class="titlepage">
82            <div>
83              <div>
84                <h4 class="title"><a id="id1591165"></a>Record Delimiters</h4>
85              </div>
86            </div>
87          </div>
88          <p>When using the Recno access method to store variable-length records,
89records read from any backing source file are separated by a specific
90byte value which marks the end of one record and the beginning of the
91next.  This delimiting value is ignored except when reading records from
92a backing source file, that is, records may be stored into the database
93that include the delimiter byte.  However, if such records are written
94out to the backing source file and the backing source file is
95subsequently read into a database, the records will be split where
96delimiting bytes were found.</p>
97          <p>For example, UNIX text files can usually be interpreted as a sequence of
98variable-length records separated by ASCII newline characters.  This byte
99value (ASCII 0x0a) is the default delimiter.  Applications may specify a
100different delimiting byte using the <a href="../api_reference/C/dbset_re_delim.html" class="olink">DB-&gt;set_re_delim()</a> method.  If no
101backing source file is being used, there is no reason to set the
102delimiting byte value.</p>
103        </div>
104        <div class="sect3" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
105          <div class="titlepage">
106            <div>
107              <div>
108                <h4 class="title"><a id="id1590878"></a>Record Length</h4>
109              </div>
110            </div>
111          </div>
112          <p>When using the Recno or Queue access methods to store fixed-length
113records, the record length must be specified.  Since the Queue access
114method always uses fixed-length records, the user must always set the
115record length prior to creating the database.  Setting the record length
116is what causes the Recno access method to store fixed-length, not
117variable-length, records.</p>
118          <p>The length of the records is specified by calling the
119<a href="../api_reference/C/dbset_re_len.html" class="olink">DB-&gt;set_re_len()</a> method.  The default length of the records is 0 bytes.
120Any record read from a backing source file or otherwise stored in the
121database that is shorter than the declared length will automatically be
122padded as described for the <a href="../api_reference/C/dbset_re_pad.html" class="olink">DB-&gt;set_re_pad()</a> method.  Any record stored
123that is longer than the declared length results in an error.  For
124further information on backing source files, see
125<a class="xref" href="rq_conf.html#am_conf_re_source" title="Flat-text backing files">Flat-text backing files</a>.</p>
126        </div>
127        <div class="sect3" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
128          <div class="titlepage">
129            <div>
130              <div>
131                <h4 class="title"><a id="id1591461"></a>Record Padding Byte Value</h4>
132              </div>
133            </div>
134          </div>
135          <p>When storing fixed-length records in a Queue or Recno database, a pad
136character may be specified by calling the <a href="../api_reference/C/dbset_re_pad.html" class="olink">DB-&gt;set_re_pad()</a> method.  Any
137record read from the backing source file or otherwise stored in the
138database that is shorter than the expected length will automatically be
139padded with this byte value.  If fixed-length records are specified but
140no pad value is specified, a space character (0x20 in the ASCII
141character set) will be used.  For further information on backing source
142files, see <a class="xref" href="rq_conf.html#am_conf_re_source" title="Flat-text backing files">Flat-text backing files</a>.</p>
143        </div>
144      </div>
145      <div class="sect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
146        <div class="titlepage">
147          <div>
148            <div>
149              <h3 class="title"><a id="am_conf_extentsize"></a>Selecting a Queue extent size</h3>
150            </div>
151          </div>
152        </div>
153        <p>In Queue databases, records are allocated sequentially and directly
154mapped to an offset within the file storage for the database.  As
155records are deleted from the Queue, pages will become empty and will
156not be reused in normal queue operations.  To facilitate the reclamation
157of disk space a Queue may be partitioned into extents.  Each extent is
158kept in a separate physical file.</p>
159        <p>Extent files are automatically created as needed and marked for deletion
160when the head of the queue moves off the extent.  The extent will not
161be deleted until all processes close the extent.  In addition, Berkeley DB
162caches a small number of extents that have been recently used; this may
163delay when an extent will be deleted. The number of extents left open
164depends on queue activity.</p>
165        <p>The extent size specifies the number of pages that make up each extent.
166By default, if no extent size is specified, the Queue resides in a
167single file and disk space is not reclaimed.  In choosing an extent size
168there is a tradeoff between the amount of disk space used and the
169overhead of creating and deleting files.  If the extent size is too
170small, the system will pay a performance penalty, creating and deleting
171files frequently.  In addition, if the active part of the queue spans
172many files, all those files will need to be open at the same time,
173consuming system and process file resources.</p>
174      </div>
175      <div class="sect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
176        <div class="titlepage">
177          <div>
178            <div>
179              <h3 class="title"><a id="am_conf_re_source"></a>Flat-text backing files</h3>
180            </div>
181          </div>
182        </div>
183        <p>It is possible to back any Recno database (either fixed or variable
184length) with a flat-text source file.  This provides fast read (and
185potentially write) access to databases that are normally created and
186stored as flat-text files.  The backing source file may be specified by
187calling the <a href="../api_reference/C/dbset_re_source.html" class="olink">DB-&gt;set_re_source()</a> method.</p>
188        <p>The backing source file will be read to initialize the database.  In the
189case of variable length records, the records are assumed to be separated
190as described for the <a href="../api_reference/C/dbset_re_delim.html" class="olink">DB-&gt;set_re_delim()</a> method.  For example, standard
191UNIX byte stream files can be interpreted as a sequence of variable
192length records separated by ASCII newline characters.  This is the
194        <p>When cached data would normally be written back to the underlying
195database file (for example, when the <a href="../api_reference/C/dbclose.html" class="olink">DB-&gt;close()</a> or
196<a href="../api_reference/C/dbsync.html" class="olink">DB-&gt;sync()</a> methods are called), the in-memory copy of the database will
197be written back to the backing source file.</p>
198        <p>The backing source file must already exist (but may be zero-length) when
199<a href="../api_reference/C/dbopen.html" class="olink">DB-&gt;open()</a> is called.  By default, the backing source file is read
200lazily, that is, records are not read from the backing source file until
201they are requested by the application. If multiple processes (not
202threads) are accessing a Recno database concurrently and either
203inserting or deleting records, the backing source file must be read in
204its entirety before more than a single process accesses the database,
205and only that process should specify the backing source file as part of
206the <a href="../api_reference/C/dbopen.html" class="olink">DB-&gt;open()</a> call.  This can be accomplished by calling the
207<a href="../api_reference/C/dbset_flags.html" class="olink">DB-&gt;set_flags()</a> method with the <a href="../api_reference/C/dbset_flags.html#dbset_flags_DB_SNAPSHOT" class="olink">DB_SNAPSHOT</a> flag.</p>
208        <p>Reading and writing the backing source file cannot be transactionally
209protected because it involves filesystem operations that are not part of
210the Berkeley DB transaction methodology. For this reason, if a temporary
211database is used to hold the records (a NULL was specified as the file
212argument to <a href="../api_reference/C/dbopen.html" class="olink">DB-&gt;open()</a>), <span class="bold"><strong>it is possible to lose the
213contents of the backing source file if the system crashes at the right
214instant</strong></span>. If a permanent file is used to hold the database (a filename
215was specified as the file argument to <a href="../api_reference/C/dbopen.html" class="olink">DB-&gt;open()</a>), normal database
216recovery on that file can be used to prevent information loss.  It is
217still possible that the contents of the backing source file itself will
218be corrupted or lost if the system crashes.</p>
219        <p>For all of the above reasons, the backing source file is generally used
220to specify databases that are read-only for Berkeley DB applications, and that
221are either generated on the fly by software tools, or modified using a
222different mechanism such as a text editor.</p>
223      </div>
224      <div class="sect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
225        <div class="titlepage">
226          <div>
227            <div>
228              <h3 class="title"><a id="am_conf_renumber"></a>Logically renumbering records</h3>
229            </div>
230          </div>
231        </div>
232        <p>Records stored in the Queue and Recno access methods are accessed by
233logical record number.  In all cases in Btree databases, and optionally
234in Recno databases (see the <a href="../api_reference/C/dbset_flags.html" class="olink">DB-&gt;set_flags()</a> method and the
235<a href="../api_reference/C/dbset_flags.html#dbset_flags_DB_RENUMBER" class="olink">DB_RENUMBER</a> flag for more information), record numbers are
236mutable.  This means that the record numbers may change as records are
237added to and deleted from the database.  The deletion of record number
2384 causes any records numbered 5 and higher to be renumbered downward by
2391;  the addition of a new record after record number 4 causes any
240records numbered 5 and higher to be renumbered upward by 1.  In all
241cases in Queue databases, and by default in Recno databases, record
242numbers are not mutable, and the addition or deletion of records to the
243database will not cause already-existing record numbers to change.  For
244this reason, new records cannot be inserted between already-existing
245records in databases with immutable record numbers.</p>
246        <p>Cursors pointing into a Btree database or a Recno database with mutable
247record numbers maintain a reference to a specific record, rather than
248a record number, that is, the record they reference does not change as
249other records are added or deleted.  For example, if a database contains
250three records with the record numbers 1, 2, and 3, and the data items
251"A", "B", and "C", respectively, the deletion of record number 2 ("B")
252will cause the record "C" to be renumbered downward to record number 2.
253A cursor positioned at record number 3 ("C") will be adjusted and
254continue to point to "C" after the deletion.  Similarly, a cursor
255previously referring to the now deleted record number 2 will be
256positioned between the new record numbers 1 and 2, and an insertion
257using that cursor will appear between those records.   In this manner
258records can be added and deleted to a database without disrupting the
259sequential traversal of the database by a cursor.</p>
260        <p>Only cursors created using a single <a href="../api_reference/C/db.html" class="olink">DB</a> handle can adjust each
261other's position in this way, however.  If multiple <a href="../api_reference/C/db.html" class="olink">DB</a> handles
262have a renumbering Recno database open simultaneously (as when multiple
263processes share a single database environment), a record referred to by
264one cursor could change underfoot if a cursor created using another
265<a href="../api_reference/C/db.html" class="olink">DB</a> handle inserts or deletes records into the database.  For
266this reason, applications using Recno databases with mutable record
267numbers will usually make all accesses to the database using a single
268<a href="../api_reference/C/db.html" class="olink">DB</a> handle and cursors created from that handle, or will
269otherwise single-thread access to the database, for example, by using
270the Berkeley DB Concurrent Data Store product.</p>
271        <p>In any Queue or Recno databases, creating new records will cause the
272creation of multiple records if the record number being created is more
273than one greater than the largest record currently in the database. For
274example, creating record number 28, when record 25 was previously the
275last record in the database, will implicitly create records 26 and 27
276as well as 28.  All first, last, next and previous cursor operations
277will automatically skip over these implicitly created records.  So, if
278record number 5 is the only record the application has created,
279implicitly creating records 1 through 4, the <a href="../api_reference/C/dbcget.html" class="olink">DBC-&gt;get()</a> method with the
280<a href="../api_reference/C/dbcget.html#dbcget_DB_FIRST" class="olink">DB_FIRST</a> flag will return record number 5, not record number 1.
281Attempts to explicitly retrieve implicitly created records by their
282record number will result in a special error return,
283<a class="link" href="program_errorret.html#program_errorret.DB_KEYEMPTY">DB_KEYEMPTY</a>.</p>
284        <p>In any Berkeley DB database, attempting to retrieve a deleted record, using
285a cursor positioned on the record, results in a special error return,
286<a class="link" href="program_errorret.html#program_errorret.DB_KEYEMPTY">DB_KEYEMPTY</a>.  In addition, when using Queue databases or Recno
287databases with immutable record numbers, attempting to retrieve a deleted
288record by its record number will also result in the <a class="link" href="program_errorret.html#program_errorret.DB_KEYEMPTY">DB_KEYEMPTY</a>
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