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32            <h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a id="txnexample_c"></a>Transaction Example</h2>
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36      <p>
37        The following code provides a fully functional example of a
38        multi-threaded transactional DB application. For improved
39        portability across platforms, this examples uses pthreads to
40        provide threading support.
41    </p>
42      <p>
43        The example opens an environment and database and then creates 5
44        threads, each of which writes 500 records to the database. The keys
45        used for these writes are pre-determined strings, while the data is
46        a random value. This means that the actual data is arbitrary and
47        therefore uninteresting; we picked it only because it requires
48        minimum code to implement and therefore will stay out of the way of
49        the main points of this example.
50    </p>
51      <p>
52        Each thread writes 10 records under a single transaction
53        before committing and writing another 10 (this is repeated 50
54        times). At the end of each transaction, but before committing, each
55        thread calls a function that uses a cursor to read every record in
56        the database. We do this in order to make some points about
57        database reads in a transactional environment.
58    </p>
59      <p>
60        Of course, each writer thread performs deadlock detection as
61        described in this manual. In addition, normal recovery is performed
62        when the environment is opened.
63    </p>
64      <p>
65        We start with our normal <code class="literal">include</code> directives:
66    </p>
67      <pre class="programlisting">// File TxnGuide.cpp
69// We assume an ANSI-compatible compiler
70#include &lt;db_cxx.h&gt;
71#include &lt;pthread.h&gt;
72#include &lt;iostream&gt;
74#ifdef _WIN32
75extern int getopt(int, char * const *, const char *);
77#include &lt;unistd.h&gt;
78#endif  </pre>
79      <p>
80    We also need a directive that we use to identify how many threads we
81    want our program to create:
83      <pre class="programlisting">// Run 5 writers threads at a time.
84#define NUMWRITERS 5 </pre>
85      <p>
86    Next we declare a couple of global
87    variables (used by our threads), and we provide our forward
88    declarations for the functions used by this example.
90      <pre class="programlisting">// Printing of pthread_t is implementation-specific, so we
91// create our own thread IDs for reporting purposes.
92int global_thread_num;
93pthread_mutex_t thread_num_lock;
95// Forward declarations
96int countRecords(Db *, DbTxn *);
97int openDb(Db **, const char *, const char *, DbEnv *, u_int32_t);
98int usage(void);
99void *writerThread(void *);  </pre>
100      <p>
101    We now implement our usage function, which identifies our only command line
102    parameter:
104      <pre class="programlisting">// Usage function
108    std::cerr &lt;&lt; " [-h &lt;database_home_directory&gt;]" &lt;&lt; std::endl;
109    return (EXIT_FAILURE);
110}  </pre>
111      <p>
112    With that, we have finished up our program's housekeeping, and we can
113    now move on to the main part of our program. As usual, we begin with
114    <code class="function">main()</code>. First we declare all our variables, and
115    then we initialize our DB handles.
117      <pre class="programlisting">int
118main(int argc, char *argv[])
120    // Initialize our handles
121    Db *dbp = NULL;
122    DbEnv *envp = NULL; 
124    pthread_t writerThreads[NUMWRITERS];
125    int ch, i;
126    u_int32_t envFlags;
127    char *dbHomeDir;
129    // Application name
130    const char *progName = "TxnGuide";
132    // Database file name
133    const char *fileName = "mydb.db";  </pre>
134      <p>
135    Now we need to parse our command line. In this case, all we want is to
136    know where our environment directory is. If the <code class="literal">-h</code>
137    option is not provided when this example is run, the current working
138    directory is used instead.
140      <pre class="programlisting">    // Parse the command line arguments
141#ifdef _WIN32
142    dbHomeDir = ".\\";
144    dbHomeDir = "./";
146    while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "h:")) != EOF)
147        switch (ch) {
148        case 'h':
149            dbHomeDir = optarg;
150            break;
151        case '?':
152        default:
153            return (usage());
154        }  </pre>
155      <p>
156    Next we create our database handle, and we define our environment open flags.
157    There are a few things to notice here:
159      <div class="itemizedlist">
160        <ul type="disc">
161          <li>
162            <p>
163            We specify <code class="literal">DB_RECOVER</code>, which means that normal
164            recovery is run every time we start the application. This is
165            highly desirable and recommended for most
166            applications.
167        </p>
168          </li>
169          <li>
170            <p>
171            We also specify <code class="literal">DB_THREAD</code>, which means our
172            environment handle will be free-threaded. This is very
173            important because we will be sharing the environment handle
174            across threads.
175        </p>
176          </li>
177        </ul>
178      </div>
179      <pre class="programlisting">    // Env open flags
180    envFlags =
181      DB_CREATE     |  // Create the environment if it does not exist
182      DB_RECOVER    |  // Run normal recovery.
183      DB_INIT_LOCK  |  // Initialize the locking subsystem
184      DB_INIT_LOG   |  // Initialize the logging subsystem
185      DB_INIT_TXN   |  // Initialize the transactional subsystem. This
186                       // also turns on logging.
187      DB_INIT_MPOOL |  // Initialize the memory pool (in-memory cache)
188      DB_THREAD;       // Cause the environment to be free-threaded
190    try {
191        // Create and open the environment 
192        envp = new DbEnv(0);  </pre>
193      <p>
194    Now we configure how we want deadlock detection performed. In our case, we will cause DB to perform deadlock
195    detection by walking its internal lock tables looking for a block every time a lock is requested.  Further, in the
196    event of a deadlock, the thread that holds the youngest lock will receive the deadlock notification.
197 </p>
198      <pre class="programlisting">        // Indicate that we want db to internally perform deadlock 
199        // detection.  Also indicate that the transaction with 
200        // the fewest number of write locks will receive the 
201        // deadlock notification in the event of a deadlock.
202        envp-&gt;set_lk_detect(DB_LOCK_MINWRITE);  </pre>
203      <p>
204    Now we open our environment.
206      <pre class="programlisting">        // If we had utility threads (for running checkpoints or 
207        // deadlock detection, for example) we would spawn those
208        // here. However, for a simple example such as this,
209        // that is not required.
211        envp-&gt;open(dbHomeDir, envFlags, 0); </pre>
212      <p>
213    Now we call the function that will open our database for us. This is
214    not very interesting, except that you will notice that we are
215    specifying <code class="literal">DB_DUPSORT</code>. This is required purely by
216    the data that we are writing to the database, and it is only necessary 
217    if you run the application more than once without first deleting the environment. 
219      <p>
220The implementation of <code class="function">open_db()</code> is described
221    later in this section.
223      <pre class="programlisting">        // Open the database
224        openDb(&amp;dbp, progName, fileName, envp, DB_DUPSORT);  </pre>
225      <p>
226        Now we create our threads. In this example we are using pthreads
227        for our threading package. A description of threading (beyond how
228        it impacts DB usage) is beyond the scope of this manual. 
229        However, the things that we are doing here should be familiar to
230        anyone who has prior experience with any threading package. We are
231        simply initializing a mutex, creating our threads, and then joining
232        our threads, which causes our program to wait until the joined
233        threads have completed before continuing operations in the main
234        thread.
235    </p>
236      <pre class="programlisting">        // Initialize a pthread mutex. Used to help provide thread ids.
237        (void)pthread_mutex_init(&amp;thread_num_lock, NULL);
239        // Start the writer threads.
240        for (i = 0; i &lt; NUMWRITERS; i++)
241            (void)pthread_create(&amp;writerThreads[i], NULL,
242                writerThread, (void *)dbp);
244        // Join the writers
245        for (i = 0; i &lt; NUMWRITERS; i++)
246            (void)pthread_join(writerThreads[i], NULL);
248    } catch(DbException &amp;e) {
249        std::cerr &lt;&lt; "Error opening database environment: "
250                  &lt;&lt; dbHomeDir &lt;&lt; std::endl;
251        std::cerr &lt;&lt; e.what() &lt;&lt; std::endl;
252        return (EXIT_FAILURE);
253    }  </pre>
254      <p>
255        Finally, to wrap up <code class="function">main()</code>, we close out our
256        database and environment handle, as is normal for any DB
257        application. Notice that this is where our <code class="literal">err</code>
258        label is placed in our application. If any database operation prior
259        to this point in the program returns an error status, the program
260        simply jumps to this point and closes our handles if necessary
261        before exiting the application completely.
262    </p>
263      <pre class="programlisting">    try {
264        // Close our database handle if it was opened.
265        if (dbp != NULL)
266            dbp-&gt;close(0);
268        // Close our environment if it was opened.
269        if (envp != NULL)
270            envp-&gt;close(0);
271    } catch(DbException &amp;e) {
272        std::cerr &lt;&lt; "Error closing database and environment."
273                  &lt;&lt; std::endl;
274        std::cerr &lt;&lt; e.what() &lt;&lt; std::endl;
275        return (EXIT_FAILURE);
276    }
278    // Final status message and return.
280    std::cout &lt;&lt; "I'm all done." &lt;&lt; std::endl;
281    return (EXIT_SUCCESS);
282}  </pre>
283      <p>
284    Now that we have completed <code class="function">main()</code>, we need to
285    implement the function that our writer threads will actually run. This
286    is where the bulk of our transactional code resides.
288      <p>
289    We start as usual with variable declarations and initialization. 
291      <pre class="programlisting">// A function that performs a series of writes to a
292// Berkeley DB database. The information written
293// to the database is largely nonsensical, but the
294// mechanisms of transactional commit/abort and
295// deadlock detection are illustrated here.
296void *
297writerThread(void *args)
299    int j, thread_num;
300    int max_retries = 20;   // Max retry on a deadlock
301    char *key_strings[] = {"key 1", "key 2", "key 3", "key 4",
302                           "key 5", "key 6", "key 7", "key 8",
303                           "key 9", "key 10"};
305    Db *dbp = (Db *)args;
306    DbEnv *envp = dbp-&gt;get_env();  </pre>
307      <p>
308    Now we want a thread number for reporting purposes. It is possible to
309    use the <code class="literal">pthread_t</code> value directly for this purpose, 
310    but how that is done unfortunately differs depending 
311    on the pthread implementation you are using. So instead we use a
312    mutex-protected global variable to obtain a simple integer for
313    our reporting purposes.
315      <p>
316    Note that we are also use this thread id for initializing a random number generator, which we do here. 
317    We use this random number generator for data generation.
319      <pre class="programlisting">    // Get the thread number
320    (void)pthread_mutex_lock(&amp;thread_num_lock);
321    global_thread_num++;
322    thread_num = global_thread_num;
323    (void)pthread_mutex_unlock(&amp;thread_num_lock); 
325    // Initialize the random number generator 
326    srand((u_int)pthread_self());  </pre>
327      <p>
328        Now we begin the loop that we use to write data to the database.
330        <span>
331        Notice that in this top loop, we begin a new transaction. 
332        </span>
334        We will actually use 50 transactions per writer
335        thread, although we will only ever have one active transaction per
336        thread at a time. Within each transaction, we will perform 10
337        database writes.
338    </p>
339      <p>
340        By combining multiple writes together under a single transaction,
341        we increase the likelihood that a deadlock will occur. Normally,
342        you want to reduce the potential for a deadlock and in this case
343        the way to do that is to perform a single write per transaction. 
344        To avoid deadlocks, we could be using auto commit to
345        write to our database for this workload.
346    </p>
347      <p>
348        However, we want to show deadlock handling and by performing
349        multiple writes per transaction we can actually observe deadlocks
350        occurring. We also want to underscore the idea that you can
351        combing multiple database operations together in a single atomic
352        unit of work in order to improve the efficiency of your writes. 
353    </p>
354      <pre class="programlisting">    // Perform 50 transactions
355    for (int i=0; i&lt;50; i++) {
356        DbTxn *txn;
357        bool retry = true;
358        int retry_count = 0;
359        // while loop is used for deadlock retries
360        while (retry) {
361            // try block used for deadlock detection and
362            // general db exception handling
363            try {
365                // Begin our transaction. We group multiple writes in
366                // this thread under a single transaction so as to
367                // (1) show that you can atomically perform multiple 
368                // writes at a time, and (2) to increase the chances 
369                // of a deadlock occurring so that we can observe our 
370                // deadlock detection at work.
372                // Normally we would want to avoid the potential for 
373                // deadlocks, so for this workload the correct thing 
374                // would be to perform our puts with auto commit. But 
375                // that would excessively simplify our example, so we 
376                // do the "wrong" thing here instead.
377                txn = NULL;
378                envp-&gt;txn_begin(NULL, &amp;txn, 0);  </pre>
379      <p>
380            Now we begin the inner loop that we use to actually
381            perform the write.
382        </p>
383      <pre class="programlisting">                // Perform the database write for this transaction.
384                for (j = 0; j &lt; 10; j++) {
385                    Dbt key, value;
386                    key.set_data(key_strings[j]);
387                    key.set_size((strlen(key_strings[j]) + 1) *
388                        sizeof(char));
390                    int payload = rand() + i;
391                    value.set_data(&amp;payload);
392                    value.set_size(sizeof(int));
394                    // Perform the database put
395                    dbp-&gt;put(txn, &amp;key, &amp;value, 0);
396                }  </pre>
397      <p>
398        Having completed the inner database write loop, we could simply
399        commit the transaction and continue on to the next block of 10
400        writes. However, we want to first illustrate a few points about
401        transactional processing so instead we call our
403        <code class="function">countRecords()</code> 
405        function before calling the transaction
406        commit. 
408        <code class="function">countRecords()</code> 
409        uses a cursor to read every
410        record in the database and return a count of the number of records
411        that it found. 
412    </p>
413      <pre class="programlisting">                // countRecords runs a cursor over the entire database.
414                // We do this to illustrate issues of deadlocking
415                std::cout &lt;&lt; thread_num &lt;&lt;  " : Found " 
416                          &lt;&lt;  countRecords(dbp, NULL)    
417                          &lt;&lt; " records in the database." &lt;&lt; std::endl;
419                std::cout &lt;&lt; thread_num &lt;&lt;  " : committing txn : " &lt;&lt; i 
420                          &lt;&lt; std::endl;
422                // commit
423                try {
424                    txn-&gt;commit(0);
425                    retry = false;
426                    txn = NULL;
427                } catch (DbException &amp;e) {
428                    std::cout &lt;&lt; "Error on txn commit: "
429                              &lt;&lt; e.what() &lt;&lt; std::endl;
430                }  </pre>
431      <p>
432            Finally, we finish our try block. Notice how we examine the 
433            exceptions to determine whether we need to 
434            abort (or abort/retry in the case of a deadlock) our current
435            transaction.
436        </p>
437      <pre class="programlisting">           } catch (DbDeadlockException &amp;de) {
438                // First thing we MUST do is abort the transaction.
439                if (txn != NULL)
440                    (void)txn-&gt;abort();
442                // Now we decide if we want to retry the operation.
443                // If we have retried less than max_retries,
444                // increment the retry count and goto retry.
445                if (retry_count &lt; max_retries) {
446                    std::cout &lt;&lt; "############### Writer " &lt;&lt; thread_num
447                              &lt;&lt; ": Got DB_LOCK_DEADLOCK.\n"
448                              &lt;&lt; "Retrying write operation."
449                              &lt;&lt; std::endl;
450                    retry_count++;
451                    retry = true;
452                 } else {
453                    // Otherwise, just give up.
454                    std::cerr &lt;&lt; "Writer " &lt;&lt; thread_num
455                              &lt;&lt; ": Got DeadLockException and out of "
456                              &lt;&lt; "retries. Giving up." &lt;&lt; std::endl;
457                    retry = false;
458                 }
459           } catch (DbException &amp;e) {
460                std::cerr &lt;&lt; "db put failed" &lt;&lt; std::endl;
461                std::cerr &lt;&lt; e.what() &lt;&lt; std::endl;
462                if (txn != NULL)
463                    txn-&gt;abort();
464                retry = false;
465           } catch (std::exception &amp;ee) {
466            std::cerr &lt;&lt; "Unknown exception: " &lt;&lt; ee.what() &lt;&lt; std::endl;
467            return (0);
468          }
469        }
470    }
471    return (0);
472}  </pre>
473      <p>
474        <span>
475        We want to back up for a moment and take a look at the call to <code class="function">countRecords()</code>.
476        </span>
477        If you look at the 
479        <code class="function">countRecords()</code> 
480        function prototype at the beginning of this example, you will see that the
481        function's second parameter takes a transaction handle. However,
482        our usage of the function here does not pass a transaction handle
483        through to the function.
484    </p>
485      <p>
487        Because 
489        <code class="function">countRecords()</code> 
490        reads every record in the database, if used incorrectly the thread
491        will self-deadlock.  The writer thread has just written 500 records
492        to the database, but because the transaction used for that write
493        has not yet been committed, each of those 500 records are still
494        locked by the thread's transaction. If we then simply run a
495        non-transactional cursor over the database from within the same
496        thread that has locked those 500 records, the cursor will
497        block when it tries to read one of those transactional
498        protected records. The thread immediately stops operation at that
499        point while the cursor waits for the read lock it has
500        requested.  Because that read lock will never be released (the thread
501        can never make any forward progress), this represents a
502        self-deadlock for the the thread.
503    </p>
504      <p>
505        There are three ways to prevent this self-deadlock:
506    </p>
507      <div class="orderedlist">
508        <ol type="1">
509          <li>
510            <p>
511                We can move the call to
513                <code class="function">countRecords()</code> 
514                to a point after the thread's transaction has committed. 
515            </p>
516          </li>
517          <li>
518            <p>
519                We can allow 
521                    <code class="function">countRecords()</code> 
522                to operate under the same transaction as all of the writes
523                were performed (this is what the transaction parameter for
524                the function is for).
525            </p>
526          </li>
527          <li>
528            <p>
529                We can reduce our isolation guarantee for the application
530                by allowing uncommitted reads.
531            </p>
532          </li>
533        </ol>
534      </div>
535      <p>
536        For this example, we choose to use option 3 (uncommitted reads) to avoid
537        the deadlock. This means that we have to open our database such
538        that it supports uncommitted reads, and we have to open our cursor handle
539        so that it knows to perform uncommitted reads.
540    </p>
541      <p>
542        Note that in <a class="xref" href="inmem_txnexample_c.html" title="In-Memory Transaction Example">In-Memory Transaction Example</a>, 
543        we simply perform the cursor operation using the same transaction 
544        as is used for the thread's writes. 
545    </p>
546      <p>
547        The following is the 
549            <code class="function">countRecords()</code>
550        implementation. There is not anything particularly interesting
551        about this function other than specifying uncommitted reads when 
552        we open the cursor handle, but we include the function here anyway 
553        for the sake of completeness.
554    </p>
555      <pre class="programlisting">// This simply counts the number of records contained in the
556// database and returns the result.
558// Note that this method exists only for illustrative purposes.
559// A more straight-forward way to count the number of records in
560// a database is to use the Database.getStats() method.
562countRecords(Db *dbp, DbTxn *txn)
565    Dbc *cursorp = NULL;
566    int count = 0;
568    try {
569        // Get the cursor
570        dbp-&gt;cursor(txn, &amp;cursorp, DB_READ_UNCOMMITTED);
572        Dbt key, value;
573        while (cursorp-&gt;get(&amp;key, &amp;value, DB_NEXT) == 0) {
574            count++;
575        }
576    } catch (DbDeadlockException &amp;de) {
577        std::cerr &lt;&lt; "countRecords: got deadlock" &lt;&lt; std::endl;
578        cursorp-&gt;close();
579        throw de;
580    } catch (DbException &amp;e) {
581        std::cerr &lt;&lt; "countRecords error:" &lt;&lt; std::endl;
582        std::cerr &lt;&lt; e.what() &lt;&lt; std::endl;
583    }
585    if (cursorp != NULL) {
586        try {
587            cursorp-&gt;close();
588        } catch (DbException &amp;e) {
589            std::cerr &lt;&lt; "countRecords: cursor close failed:" &lt;&lt; std::endl;
590            std::cerr &lt;&lt; e.what() &lt;&lt; std::endl;
591        }
592    }
594    return (count);
595}  </pre>
596      <p>
597        Finally, we provide the implementation of our
599        <code class="function">openDb()</code> 
600        function. This function should hold
601        no surprises for you. Note, however, that we do specify uncommitted reads
602        when we open the database. If we did not do this, then our
604        <code class="function">countRecords()</code> 
605        function would cause our
606        thread to self-deadlock because the cursor could not be opened to
607        support uncommitted reads (that flag on the cursor open would, in fact, 
608        be silently ignored by DB).
609    </p>
610      <pre class="programlisting">// Open a Berkeley DB database
612openDb(Db **dbpp, const char *progname, const char *fileName,
613  DbEnv *envp, u_int32_t extraFlags)
615    int ret;
616    u_int32_t openFlags;
618    try {
619        Db *dbp = new Db(envp, 0);
621        // Point to the new'd Db
622        *dbpp = dbp;
624        if (extraFlags != 0)
625            ret = dbp-&gt;set_flags(extraFlags);
627        // Now open the database
628        openFlags = DB_CREATE              | // Allow database creation
629                    DB_READ_UNCOMMITTED    | // Allow uncommitted reads
630                    DB_AUTO_COMMIT;          // Allow auto commit
632        dbp-&gt;open(NULL,       // Txn pointer
633                  fileName,   // File name
634                  NULL,       // Logical db name
635                  DB_BTREE,   // Database type (using btree)
636                  openFlags,  // Open flags
637                  0);         // File mode. Using defaults
638    } catch (DbException &amp;e) {
639        std::cerr &lt;&lt; progname &lt;&lt; "open_db: db open failed:" &lt;&lt; std::endl;
640        std::cerr &lt;&lt; e.what() &lt;&lt; std::endl;
641        return (EXIT_FAILURE);
642    }
644    return (EXIT_SUCCESS);
645}  </pre>
646      <p>
647    This completes our transactional example. If you would like to
648    experiment with this code, you can find the example in the following
649    location in your DB distribution:
651      <pre class="programlisting"><span class="emphasis"><em>DB_INSTALL</em></span>/examples_cxx/txn_guide</pre>
652    </div>
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