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32            <h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a id="javadplconcepts"></a>Berkeley DB Concepts</h2>
33          </div>
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36      <div class="toc">
37        <dl>
38          <dt>
39            <span class="sect2">
40              <a href="javadplconcepts.html#dplenvconcepts">Environments</a>
41            </span>
42          </dt>
43          <dt>
44            <span class="sect2">
45              <a href="javadplconcepts.html#key-data">Key-Data Pairs</a>
46            </span>
47          </dt>
48          <dt>
49            <span class="sect2">
50              <a href="javadplconcepts.html#storing-intro">Storing Data</a>
51            </span>
52          </dt>
53          <dt>
54            <span class="sect2">
55              <a href="javadplconcepts.html#duplicatesintro">Duplicate Data</a>
56            </span>
57          </dt>
58          <dt>
59            <span class="sect2">
60              <a href="javadplconcepts.html#replacedeleteIntro">Replacing and Deleting Entries</a>
61            </span>
62          </dt>
63          <dt>
64            <span class="sect2">
65              <a href="javadplconcepts.html#secondary">Secondary Keys</a>
66            </span>
67          </dt>
68          <dt>
69            <span class="sect2">
70              <a href="javadplconcepts.html#whichapi">Which API Should You Use?</a>
71            </span>
72          </dt>
73        </dl>
74      </div>
75      <p>
76                Before continuing, it is useful to describe some of the
77                concepts you will encounter when building a DB
78                application.
79        </p>
80      <p>
81            The concepts that you will encounter depend upon the actual API
82            that you are using. Some of these concepts are common to both
83            APIs, and so we present those first. Others are only
84            interesting if you use the DPL, while others apply only to
85            the base API. We present each of these in turn.
86    </p>
87      <div class="sect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
88        <div class="titlepage">
89          <div>
90            <div>
91              <h3 class="title"><a id="dplenvconcepts"></a>Environments</h3>
92            </div>
93          </div>
94        </div>
95        <p>
96                    Environments are required for applications built
97                    using the DPL. They are optional, but very commonly
98                    used,  for applications built using the base API.
99                    Therefore, it is worthwhile to begin with them.
100            </p>
101        <span>
102    <p>
103        An <span class="emphasis"><em>environment</em></span> is
104        essentially an encapsulation of one or more databases. You
105        open an environment and then you open databases in that environment.
106        When you do so, the databases are created/located in a location relative
107        to the environment's home directory.
108    </p>
109    <p>
110        Environments offer a great many features that a stand-alone DB
111        database cannot offer:
112    </p>
113    <div class="itemizedlist"><ul type="disc"><li><p>
114                Multi-database files.
115            </p><p>
116                It is possible in DB to contain multiple databases in a
117                single physical file on disk. This is desirable for those
118                application that open more than a few handful of databases.
119                However, in order to have more than one database contained in 
120                a single physical file, your application 
121                <span class="emphasis"><em>must</em></span> use an environment. 
122            </p></li><li><p>
123                Multi-thread and multi-process support
124            </p><p>
125                When you use an environment, resources such as the in-memory
126                cache and locks can be shared by all of the databases opened in the
127                environment. The environment allows you to enable
128                subsystems that are designed to allow multiple threads and/or
129                processes to access DB databases. For example, you use an
130                environment to enable the concurrent data store (CDS), the
131                locking subsystem, and/or the shared memory buffer pool.
132            </p></li><li><p>
133                Transactional processing
134            </p><p>
135                DB offers a transactional subsystem that allows for full
136                ACID-protection of your database writes. You use environments to
137                enable the transactional subsystem, and then subsequently to obtain
138                transaction IDs.
139            </p></li><li><p>
140                High availability (replication) support
141            </p><p>
142                DB offers a replication subsystem that enables
143                single-master database replication with multiple read-only
144                copies of the replicated data. You use environments to enable
145                and then manage this subsystem.
146            </p></li><li><p>
147                Logging subsystem
148            </p><p>
149                DB offers write-ahead logging for applications that want to
150                obtain a high-degree of recoverability in the face of an
151                application or system crash. Once enabled, the logging subsystem
152                allows the application to perform two kinds of recovery
153                ("normal" and "catastrophic") through the use of the information
154                contained in the log files.
155            </p></li></ul></div>
156    <p>
157            For more information on these topics, see the
158            <em class="citetitle">Berkeley DB Getting Started with Transaction Processing</em> guide and the 
159            <em class="citetitle">Berkeley DB Getting Started with Replicated Applications</em> guide.
160    </p>
162      </div>
163      <div class="sect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
164        <div class="titlepage">
165          <div>
166            <div>
167              <h3 class="title"><a id="key-data"></a>Key-Data Pairs</h3>
168            </div>
169          </div>
170        </div>
171        <p>
172                    DB stores and retrieves data using
173                    <span class="emphasis"><em>key-data pairs</em></span>. The
174                    <span class="emphasis"><em>data</em></span> portion of this is the data
175                    that you have decided to store in DB for future
176                    retrieval. The <span class="emphasis"><em>key</em></span> is the
177                    information that you want to use to look up your
178                    stored data once it has been placed inside a DB
179                    database.
180            </p>
181        <p>
182                    For example, if you were building a database that
183                    contained employee information, then the
184                    <span class="emphasis"><em>data</em></span> portion is all of the
185                    information that you want to store about the employees:
186                    name, address, phone numbers, physical location, their
187                    manager, and so forth.
188            </p>
189        <p>
190                    The <span class="emphasis"><em>key</em></span>, however, is the way that
191                    you look up any given employee. You can have more than
192                    one key if you wish, but every record in your database must have a
193                    primary key. If you are using the DPL, then this key must be unique; that is,
194                    it must not be used multiple times in the database. However, if you are using
195                    the base API, then this requirement is relaxed.  See
196                    <a class="xref" href="javadplconcepts.html#duplicatesintro" title="Duplicate Data">Duplicate Data</a> for more
197                    information.
198            </p>
199        <p>
200                    For example, in the case of an employee database, you would probably use
201                    something like the employee identification number as the primary key as this
202                    uniquely identifies a given employee.
203            </p>
204        <p>
205                    You can optionally also have secondary keys that represent indexes
206                    into your database. These keys do not have to be unique
207                    to a given record; in fact, they often are not. For
208                    example, you might set up the employee's manager's name
209                    as a secondary key so that it is easy to locate all
210                    the employee's that work for a given manager.
211            </p>
212      </div>
213      <div class="sect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
214        <div class="titlepage">
215          <div>
216            <div>
217              <h3 class="title"><a id="storing-intro"></a>Storing Data</h3>
218            </div>
219          </div>
220        </div>
221        <p>
222                    How you manage your stored information differs
223                    significantly, depending on which API you are using.
224                    Both APIs ultimately are doing the same thing, but the
225                    DPL hides a lot of the details from you.
226            </p>
227        <div class="sect3" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
228          <div class="titlepage">
229            <div>
230              <div>
231                <h4 class="title"><a id="dplstore"></a>Storing Data in the DPL</h4>
232              </div>
233            </div>
234          </div>
235          <p>
236                    The DPL is used to store Java objects in an
237                    underlying series of databases. These databases are
238                    accessed using an <code class="classname">EntityStore</code>
239                    class object.
240            </p>
241          <p>
242                    To use the DPL, you must decorate the classes you
243                    want to store with Java annotations that identify them
244                    as either an <span class="emphasis"><em>entity class</em></span> or a
245                    <span class="emphasis"><em>persistent class</em></span>.
246            </p>
247          <p>
248                Entity classes are classes that have a primary key, and
249                optionally one or more secondary keys. That is, these
250                are the classes that you will save and retrieve directly
251                using the DPL. You identify an entity class using the
252                <code class="literal">@Entity</code> java annotation.
253            </p>
254          <p>
255                    Persistent classes are classes used by entity classes.
256                    They do not have primary or secondary indices used for
257                    object retrieval. Rather, they are stored or retrieved
258                    when an entity class makes direct use of them. You
259                    identify an persistent class using the
260                    <code class="literal">@Persistent</code> java annotation.
261            </p>
262          <p>
263                    The primary key for an object is obtained from one of the class' data members.
264                    You identify which data member to use as the primary key using the
265                    <code class="literal">@PrimaryKey</code> java annotation.
266            </p>
267          <p>
268                    Note that all non-transient instance fields of a
269                    persistent class, as well as its superclasses and
270                    subclasses, are persistent. Static and transient fields
271                    are not persistent. The persistent fields of a class
272                    may be private, package-private (default access),
273                    protected or public.
274            </p>
275          <p>
277                    Also, simple Java types, such as
278                    <code class="classname">java.lang.String</code> and
279                    <code class="classname">java.util.Date</code>, are automatically handled as a
280                    persistent class when you use them in an entity class;
281                    you do not have to do anything special to cause these
282                    simple Java objects to be stored in the
283                    <code class="classname">EntityStore</code>.
285            </p>
286        </div>
287        <div class="sect3" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
288          <div class="titlepage">
289            <div>
290              <div>
291                <h4 class="title"><a id="lowlevelstore"></a>Storing Data using the Base API</h4>
292              </div>
293            </div>
294          </div>
295          <p>
296                    When you are not using the DPL, both record keys and record data must be byte
297                    arrays and are passed to and returned from DB using
298                    <code class="classname">DatabaseEntry</code> instances.
299                    <code class="classname">DatabaseEntry</code> only supports storage of Java byte arrays.
300                    Complex objects must be marshaled using either Java serialization, or more
301                    efficiently with the bind APIs provided with DB </p>
302          <p> Database
303                    records and <code class="literal">byte</code> array conversion are described in <a class="xref" href="DBEntry.html" title="Chapter 8. Database Records">Database Records</a>.
304                </p>
305          <p>
306                        You store records in a <code class="classname">Database</code> by calling one of the
307                        put methods on a <code class="classname">Database</code> handle.  DB
308                        automatically determines the record's proper placement in the database's
309                        internal B-Tree using whatever key and data comparison functions that are
310                        available to it.
311                </p>
312          <p>
313                        You can also retrieve, or get, records using the
314                        <code class="classname">Database</code> handle.  Gets are performed by providing the
315                        key (and sometimes also the data) of the record that you want to retrieve.
316                </p>
317          <p>
318                        You can also use cursors for database puts and gets. Cursors are essentially
319                        a mechanism by which you can iterate over the records in the database. Like
320                        databases and database environments, cursors must be opened and closed.
321                        Cursors are managed using the <code class="classname">Cursor</code> class.
322                </p>
323          <p>
324                        Databases are described in <a class="xref" href="DB.html" title="Chapter 7. Databases">Databases</a>. Cursors
325                        are described in <a class="xref" href="Cursors.html" title="Chapter 9. Using Cursors">Using Cursors</a>.
326                </p>
327        </div>
328      </div>
329      <div class="sect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
330        <div class="titlepage">
331          <div>
332            <div>
333              <h3 class="title"><a id="duplicatesintro"></a>Duplicate Data</h3>
334            </div>
335          </div>
336        </div>
337        <p>
338              If you are using the base API, then at creation time databases can be configured to
339              allow duplicate data. Remember that DB database records consist of a key/data
340              pair. <span class="emphasis"><em>Duplicate data</em></span>, then, occurs when two or more records have
341              identical keys, but different data. By default, a <code class="classname">Database</code> does
342              not allow duplicate data.
343      </p>
344        <p>
345              If your <code class="classname">Database </code> contains duplicate data, then a simple
346              database get based only on a key returns just the first record that uses that key.  To
347              access all duplicate records for that key, you must use a cursor.
348      </p>
349        <p>
350              If you are using the DPL, then you can duplicate date using
351              secondary keys, but not by using the primary key. For more information, see
352                <a class="xref" href="getmultiple.html" title="Retrieving Multiple Objects">Retrieving Multiple Objects</a>.
353      </p>
354      </div>
355      <div class="sect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
356        <div class="titlepage">
357          <div>
358            <div>
359              <h3 class="title"><a id="replacedeleteIntro"></a>Replacing and Deleting Entries</h3>
360            </div>
361          </div>
362        </div>
363        <p>
364              If you are using the DPL, then replacing a stored entity object simply consists of
365              retrieving it, updating it, then storing it again. To delete the object, use the
366              <code class="methodname">delete()</code> method that is available on either its primary or
367              secondary keys. If you use the <code class="methodname">delete()</code> method available on
368              the secondary key, then all objects referenced by that key are also deleted.
369              See <a class="xref" href="dpl_delete.html" title="Deleting Entity Objects">Deleting Entity Objects</a>
370              for more information.
371      </p>
372        <p>
373              If you are using the base API, then how you replace database records depends on whether
374              duplicate data is allowed in the database.
375      </p>
376        <p>
377              If duplicate data is not allowed in the database, then simply calling
378              <code class="methodname">Database.put()</code> with the appropriate key will cause any
379              existing record to be updated with the new data. Similarly, you can delete a record by
380              providing the appropriate key to the <code class="methodname">Database.delete()</code>
381              method.
382      </p>
383        <p>
384              If duplicate data is allowed in the database, then you must position a cursor to the
385              record that you want to update, and then perform the put operation using the cursor.
386      </p>
387        <p>
388            To delete records using the base API, you can use either <code class="methodname">Database.delete()</code> or
389            <code class="methodname">Cursor.delete()</code>. If duplicate data is not allowed in your
390            database, then these two method behave identically. However, if duplicates are allowed
391            in the database, then <code class="methodname">Database.delete()</code> deletes every record
392            that uses the provided key, while <code class="methodname">Cursor.delete()</code> deletes just
393            the record at which the cursor is currently positioned.
394      </p>
395      </div>
396      <div class="sect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
397        <div class="titlepage">
398          <div>
399            <div>
400              <h3 class="title"><a id="secondary"></a>Secondary Keys</h3>
401            </div>
402          </div>
403        </div>
404        <p>
405                    Secondary keys provide an alternative way to locate information stored in
406                    DB, beyond that which is provided by the primary key. Frequently secondary
407                    keys refer to more than one record in the database. In this way, you can find
408                    all the cars that are green (if you are maintaining an automotive database) or
409                    all the people with brown eyes (if you are maintaining a database about people).
410                    In other words, secondary keys represent a index into your data.
411            </p>
412        <p>
413                    How you create and maintain secondary keys differs significantly, depending on
414                    whether you  are using the DPL or the base API.
415            </p>
416        <div class="sect3" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
417          <div class="titlepage">
418            <div>
419              <div>
420                <h4 class="title"><a id="secondarydpl"></a>Using Secondaries with the DPL</h4>
421              </div>
422            </div>
423          </div>
424          <p>
425                            Under the DPL, you declare a particular field to be a secondary key by
426                            using the <code class="literal">@SecondaryKey</code> annotation. When you do this,
427                            you must declare what kind of an index you are creating. For example,
428                            you can declare a secondary key to be part of a
429                            <code class="literal">ONE_TO_ONE</code> index, in which case the key is unique to
430                            the object. Or you could declare the key to be
431                            <code class="literal">MANY_TO_ONE</code>, in which case the key can be used for
432                            multiple objects in the data store.
433                    </p>
434          <p>
435                            Once you have identified secondary keys for a class, you can access
436                            those keys by using the <code class="methodname">EntityStore.getSecondaryIndex()</code>
437                            method.
438                    </p>
439          <p>
440                            For more information, see <a class="xref" href="dplindexcreate.html#dplsecondaryidxdecl" title="Declaring Secondary Indexes">Declaring Secondary Indexes</a>.
441                    </p>
442        </div>
443        <div class="sect3" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
444          <div class="titlepage">
445            <div>
446              <div>
447                <h4 class="title"><a id="secondarybaseapi"></a>Using Secondaries with the Base API.</h4>
448              </div>
449            </div>
450          </div>
451          <p>
452                    When you are using the base API, you create and maintain secondary keys using a
453                    special type of a database, called a <span class="emphasis"><em>secondary database</em></span>.
454                    When you are using secondary databases, the database that holds the data you are
455                    indexing is called the <span class="emphasis"><em>primary database</em></span>.
456                </p>
457          <p>
458                        You create a secondary database by opening it and associating it with an
459                        existing primary database. You must also provide a class that generates the
460                        secondary's keys (that is, the index) from primary records.  Whenever a
461                        record in the primary database is added or changed, DB uses this class
462                        to determine what the secondary key should be.
463                </p>
464          <p>
465                        When a primary record is created, modified, or deleted, DB automatically
466                        updates the secondary database(s) for you as is appropriate for the
467                        operation performed on the primary.
468                </p>
469          <p>
470                    You manage secondary databases using the
471                    <code class="classname">SecondaryDatabase</code> class.  You identify how to create keys
472                    for your secondary databases by supplying an instance of a class that implements
473                    the <code class="classname">SecondaryKeyCreator</code> interface.
474                </p>
475          <p>
476                    Secondary databases are described in <a class="xref" href="indexes.html" title="Chapter 10. Secondary Databases">Secondary Databases</a>.
477                </p>
478        </div>
479      </div>
480      <div class="sect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
481        <div class="titlepage">
482          <div>
483            <div>
484              <h3 class="title"><a id="whichapi"></a>Which API Should You Use?</h3>
485            </div>
486          </div>
487        </div>
488        <p>
489                    Of the two APIs that DB makes available to you, we
490                    recommend that you use the DPL if all
491                    you want to do is make classes with a relatively static schema to
492                    be persistent. <span>However, the DPL requires Java 1.5, so
493                    if you want to use Java 1.4 then you cannot use the
494                    DPL.</span>
495            </p>
496        <p>
497                    Further, if you are porting an application between the
498                    C or C++ versions of DB and the Java version of
499                    this API, then you should not use the DPL as the
500                base API is a much closer match to the other languages
501                available for use with DB.
502            </p>
503        <p>
504                    Additionally, if your application uses a highly dynamic
505                    schema, then the DPL is probably a poor choice for
506                    your application, although the use of Java annotations
507                    can make the DPL work a little better for you in this
508                    situation.
509            </p>
510      </div>
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