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36      <p>
37                            Now that we have implemented our data classes,
38                            we can write a class that will provide
39                            convenient access to our primary and
40                            secondary indexes.
41                            Note that like our data classes, this class is shared by both our
42                            example programs.
43                    </p>
44      <p>
45                        If you compare this class against our
46                        <code class="classname">Vendor</code> and 
47                        <code class="classname">Inventory</code>
48                        class implementations, you will see that the
49                        primary and secondary indices declared there are
50                        referenced by this class.
51                    </p>
52      <p>
53                            See <a class="xref" href="dpl_example.html#vendorclass" title="Vendor.java">Vendor.java</a>
54                        and 
55                        <a class="xref" href="inventoryclass.html" title="Inventory.java">Inventory.java</a>
56                        for those implementations.
57                    </p>
58      <pre class="programlisting">package persist.gettingStarted;
60import java.io.File;
62import com.sleepycat.db.DatabaseException;
63import com.sleepycat.persist.EntityStore;
64import com.sleepycat.persist.PrimaryIndex; 
65import com.sleepycat.persist.SecondaryIndex;
67public class DataAccessor {
68    // Open the indices
69    public DataAccessor(EntityStore store)
70        throws DatabaseException {
72        // Primary key for Inventory classes
73        inventoryBySku = store.getPrimaryIndex(
74            String.class, Inventory.class);
76        // Secondary key for Inventory classes
77        // Last field in the getSecondaryIndex() method must be
78        // the name of a class member; in this case, an Inventory.class
79        // data member.
80        inventoryByName = store.getSecondaryIndex(
81            inventoryBySku, String.class, "itemName");
83        // Primary key for Vendor class
84        vendorByName = store.getPrimaryIndex(
85            String.class, Vendor.class);
86    }
88    // Inventory Accessors
89    PrimaryIndex&lt;String,Inventory&gt; inventoryBySku;
90    SecondaryIndex&lt;String,String,Inventory&gt; inventoryByName;
92    // Vendor Accessors
93    PrimaryIndex&lt;String,Vendor&gt; vendorByName;
94} </pre>
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