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18          <th colspan="3" align="center">DbEnv::set_event_notify()</th>
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34            <h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a id="envevent_notify"></a>DbEnv::set_event_notify()</h2>
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38      <pre class="programlisting">#include &lt;db_cxx.h&gt;
42    void (*db_event_fcn)(DB_ENV *dbenv, u_int32_t event, 
43    void *event_info));</pre>
44      <p>
45         The <code class="methodname">DbEnv::set_event_notify()</code> method configures a callback function
46         which is called to notify the process of specific Berkeley DB events.
47    </p>
48      <div class="note" style="margin-left: 0.5in; margin-right: 0.5in;">
49        <h3 class="title">Note</h3>
50        <p>
51                    Berkeley DB is not re-entrant. Callback functions should not attempt to make library calls (for
52                    example, to release locks or close open handles). Re-entering Berkeley DB is not guaranteed to work
53                    correctly, and the results are undefined.
54            </p>
55      </div>
56      <p>
57         The <code class="methodname">DbEnv::set_event_notify()</code> method configures operations performed
58         using the specified <a class="link" href="env.html" title="Chapter 5.  The DbEnv Handle">DbEnv</a>  handle, not all
59         operations performed on the underlying database environment.
60    </p>
61      <p>
62         The <code class="methodname">DbEnv::set_event_notify()</code> method may be called at any time
63         during the life of the application.
64    </p>
65      <p>
66         The <code class="methodname">DbEnv::set_event_notify()</code> <span>
68            <span>
69                method either returns a non-zero error value or throws an
70                exception that encapsulates a non-zero error value on
71                failure, and returns 0 on success.
72            </span>
73        </span>
74    </p>
75      <div class="sect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
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77          <div>
78            <div>
79              <h3 class="title"><a id="id1670100"></a>Parameters</h3>
80            </div>
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86              <div>
87                <h4 class="title"><a id="id1670325"></a>db_event_fcn</h4>
88              </div>
89            </div>
90          </div>
91          <p>
92                The <span class="bold"><strong>db_event_fcn</strong></span> parameter is the
93                application's event notification function.  The function takes three
94                parameters:
95            </p>
96          <div class="itemizedlist">
97            <ul type="disc">
98              <li>
99                <p>
100                        <code class="literal">dbenv</code>
101                    </p>
102                <p>
103                        The <span class="bold"><strong>dbenv</strong></span> parameter is the enclosing
104                        database environment handle.
105                    </p>
106              </li>
107              <li>
108                <p>
109                                <code class="literal">event</code>
110                    </p>
111                <p>
112                                The <span class="bold"><strong>event</strong></span> parameter is one of the
113                                following values:
114                    </p>
115                <div class="itemizedlist">
116                  <ul type="circle">
117                    <li>
118                      <p><a id="event_notify_DB_EVENT_PANIC"></a>
119                            <code class="literal">DB_EVENT_PANIC</code>
120                       </p>
121                      <p>
122                            Errors can occur in the Berkeley DB library where the only solution is
123                            to shut down the application and run recovery (for example, if
124                            Berkeley DB is unable to allocate heap memory).  In such cases, the
125                            Berkeley DB methods will return 
126                            <a href="../../programmer_reference/program_errorret.html#program_errorret.DB_RUNRECOVERY" class="olink">DB_RUNRECOVERY</a>.
127                            It is often easier to simply exit the application when such errors
128                            occur rather than gracefully return up the stack.
129                       </p>
130                      <p>
131                            When <span class="bold"><strong>event</strong></span> is set to DB_EVENT_PANIC,
132                            the database environment has failed.  All threads of control in the
133                            database environment should exit the environment, and recovery should
134                            be run.
135                        </p>
136                    </li>
137                    <li>
138                      <p><a id="event_notify_DB_EVENT_REG_ALIVE"></a>
139					        <code class="literal">DB_EVENT_REG_ALIVE</code>
140				        </p>
141                      <p>
142					        Recovery is needed in an environment where the 
143                            <a class="link" href="envopen.html#envopen_DB_REGISTER">DB_REGISTER</a> 
144                            flag was specified on the 
145                            <a class="xref" href="envopen.html" title="DbEnv::open()">DbEnv::open()</a> method and there is 
146					        a process attached to the environment.   The callback function is triggered
147					        once for each process attached. 
148				        </p>
149                      <p>
150					        The <span class="bold"><strong>event_info</strong></span> parameter points to a pid_t value 
151					        containing the process identifier (pid) of the process the Berkeley DB library
152					        detects is attached to the environment.   
153				        </p>
154                    </li>
155                    <li>
156                      <p><a id="event_notify_DB_EVENT_REG_PANIC"></a>
157					        <code class="literal">DB_EVENT_REG_PANIC</code>
158				        </p>
159                      <p>
160					        Recovery is needed in an environment where the
161                            <a class="link" href="envopen.html#envopen_DB_REGISTER">DB_REGISTER</a>
162                            flag was specified 
163                            on the <a class="xref" href="envopen.html" title="DbEnv::open()">DbEnv::open()</a> method.  All threads
164					        of control in the database environment should exit the environment.   
165				        </p>
166                      <p>
167                            This event is different than the <code class="literal">DB_EVENT_PANIC</code> event
168                            because it can only be triggered when <code class="literal">DB_REGISTER</code> was
169                            specified.   It can be used to distinguish between the case when a process
170                            dies in the environment and recovery is initiated versus the case when an
171                            error happened (for example, if Berkeley DB is unable to allocate heap
172                            memory)
173				        </p>
174                    </li>
175                    <li>
176                      <p><a id="event_notify_DB_EVENT_REP_CLIENT"></a>
177                            <code class="literal">DB_EVENT_REP_CLIENT</code>
178                        </p>
179                      <p>
180                            The local site is now a replication client.
181                        </p>
182                    </li>
183                    <li>
184                      <p><a id="event_notify_DB_EVENT_REP_ELECTED"></a>
185                            <code class="literal">DB_EVENT_REP_ELECTED</code>
186                        </p>
187                      <p>
188                            The local replication site has just won an election.  An application
189                            using the Base replication API should arrange for a call to the 
190                            <a class="xref" href="repstart.html" title="DbEnv::rep_start()">DbEnv::rep_start()</a>  method
191                            after receiving this event, to reconfigure the local environment as a
192                            replication master.
193                        </p>
194                      <p>
195                            Replication Manager applications may safely ignore this event.  The
196                            Replication Manager calls <a class="xref" href="repstart.html" title="DbEnv::rep_start()">DbEnv::rep_start()</a> 
197                            automatically on behalf of the application when appropriate (resulting
198                            in firing of the DB_EVENT_REP_MASTER event).
199                        </p>
200                    </li>
201                    <li>
202                      <p><a id="event_notify_DB_EVENT_REP_MASTER"></a>
203                            <code class="literal">DB_EVENT_REP_MASTER</code>
204                        </p>
205                      <p>
206                            The local site is now the master site of its replication group.  It is
207                            the application's responsibility to begin acting as the master
208                            environment.
209                        </p>
210                    </li>
211                    <li>
212                      <p><a id="event_notify_DB_EVENT_REP_NEWMASTER"></a>
213                        <code class="literal">DB_EVENT_REP_NEWMASTER</code>
214                        </p>
215                      <p>
216                            The replication group of which this site is a member has just
217                            established a new master; the local site is not the new master.  The
218                            <span class="bold"><strong>event_info</strong></span> parameter points to an
219                            integer containing the environment ID of the new master.
220                        </p>
221                    </li>
222                    <li>
223                      <p><a id="event_notify_DB_EVENT_REP_PERM_FAILED"></a>
224                            <code class="literal">DB_EVENT_REP_PERM_FAILED</code>
225                        </p>
226                      <p>
227                            The replication manager did not receive enough acknowledgements (based
228                            on the acknowledgement policy configured with 
229                            <a class="xref" href="repmgrset_ack_policy.html" title="DbEnv::repmgr_set_ack_policy()">DbEnv::repmgr_set_ack_policy()</a> )
230                            to ensure a transaction's durability within the replication group. 
231                            The transaction will be flushed to the master's local disk storage for
232                            durability.
233                        </p>
234                      <p>
235                            The DB_EVENT_REP_PERM_FAILED event is provided only to applications
236                            configured for the replication manager.
237                        </p>
238                    </li>
239                    <li>
240                      <p><a id="event_notify_DB_EVENT_REP_STARTUPDONE"></a>
241                           <code class="literal">DB_EVENT_REP_STARTUPDONE</code>
242                        </p>
243                      <p>
244                           The client has completed startup synchronization and is now processing
245                           live log records received from the master.
246                        </p>
247                    </li>
248                    <li>
249                      <p><a id="event_notify_DB_EVENT_WRITE_FAILED"></a>
250                           <code class="literal">DB_EVENT_WRITE_FAILED</code>
251                        </p>
252                      <p>
253                            A Berkeley DB write to stable storage failed.
254                        </p>
255                    </li>
256                  </ul>
257                </div>
258              </li>
259              <li>
260                <p>
261                        <code class="literal">event_info</code>
262                    </p>
263                <p>
264                        The <span class="bold"><strong>event_info</strong></span> parameter may
265                        reference memory which contains additional information describing an
266                        event.  By default, <span class="bold"><strong>event_info</strong></span> is
267                        NULL; specific events may pass non-NULL values, in which case the
268                        event will also describe the memory's structure.
269                    </p>
270              </li>
271            </ul>
272          </div>
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278            <div>
279              <h3 class="title"><a id="id1670587"></a>Class</h3>
280            </div>
281          </div>
282        </div>
283        <p>
284                <a class="link" href="env.html" title="Chapter 5.  The DbEnv Handle">DbEnv</a>  
285            </p>
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289          <div>
290            <div>
291              <h3 class="title"><a id="id1670912"></a>See Also</h3>
292            </div>
293          </div>
294        </div>
295        <p>
296                     <a class="xref" href="env.html#envlist" title="Database Environments and Related Methods">Database Environments and Related Methods</a> 
297                </p>
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