2 Lpd: box ht 1.75 "Print" "Server";
3 arrow dashed from Lpd.w+(-.5i,0) to Lpd.w;
4 s = .300
5 p1 = Lpd.w.y + s
6 p2 = Lpd.w.y - s
7 arrow from (Lpd.e.x,p1) to (Lpd.e.x+.5,p1);
8 arrow from (Lpd.e.x,p2) to (Lpd.e.x+.5,p2);
9 t = .125
10 w = .125
11 v = .125+.25
12 m = .5 + .125
13 "Port 1" ljust at (Lpd.e.x+t,p1+w);
14 "port1@ipaddr" ljust at (Lpd.e.x+m,p1+v);
15 "ipaddr%9100" ljust at (Lpd.e.x+m,p1+v-.25);
16 "Port 2" ljust at (Lpd.e.x+t,p2+w);
17 box ht .001 wid .001 with .c at Lpd.e + (2.0,0);
18 "port2@ipaddr" ljust at (Lpd.e.x+m,p2+v);
19 "ipaddr%9101" ljust at (Lpd.e.x+m,p2+v-.25);