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22function initial(){
23	show_menu();
24	change_dla("<% nvram_get("dslx_dla_enable"); %>");
25	hide_nonstd_vectoring(<% nvram_get("dslx_vdsl_vectoring"); %>);
28function applyRule(){
29	if(valid_form()){
30		showLoading();
31		document.form.submit();
32	}
35function valid_form(){
36	return true;
39function change_dla(enable){
40	if(enable == "1") {	//Enable
41		document.form.dslx_snrm_offset.style.display = "none";
42		document.form.dslx_snrm_offset.disabled = true;		
43		document.getElementById("dslx_snrm_offset_read").style.display = "";
44		document.getElementById("dslx_snrm_offset_read").innerHTML = get_snrm_offset();
45		document.getElementById("dslx_snrm_offset_read").title = "Auto configured by Dynamic Line Adjustment(DLA)";
47		document.form.dslx_vdsl_esnp.style.display = "none";
48		document.form.dslx_vdsl_esnp.disabled = true;
49		document.getElementById("dslx_vdsl_esnp_read").style.display = "";
50		document.getElementById("dslx_vdsl_esnp_read").innerHTML = get_vdsl_esnp();
51		document.getElementById("dslx_vdsl_esnp_read").title = "Auto configured by Dynamic Line Adjustment(DLA)";
52	}
53	else {
54		document.form.dslx_snrm_offset.style.display = "";
55		document.form.dslx_snrm_offset.disabled = false;
56		document.getElementById("dslx_snrm_offset_read").style.display = "none";
58		document.form.dslx_vdsl_esnp.style.display = "";
59		document.form.dslx_vdsl_esnp.disabled = false;
60		document.getElementById("dslx_vdsl_esnp_read").style.display = "none";
61	}
64function get_snrm_offset(){
65	var offset_ori = "<% nvram_get("dslx_snrm_offset"); %>";
66	switch(offset_ori){
67		case "0":
68					return "<#btn_Disabled#>";
69					break;
70		case "5120":
71					return "10 dB";
72					break;
73		case "4608":
74					return "9 dB";
75					break;
76		case "4096":
77					return "8 dB";
78					break;
79		case "3584":
80					return "7 dB";
81					break;
82		case "3072":
83					return "6 dB";
84					break;
85		case "2560":
86					return "5 dB";
87					break;
88		case "2048":
89					return "4 dB";
90					break;
91		case "1536":
92					return "3 dB";
93					break;
94		case "1024":
95					return "2 dB";
96					break;
97		case "512":
98					return "1 dB";
99					break;
100		case "-512":
101					return "-1 dB";
102					break;
103		case "-1024":
104					return "-2 dB";
105					break;
106		case "-1536":
107					return "-3 dB";
108					break;
109		case "-2048":
110					return "-4 dB";
111					break;
112		case "-2560":
113					return "-5 dB";
114					break;
115		case "-3072":
116					return "-6 dB";
117					break;
118		case "-3584":
119					return "-7 dB";
120					break;
121		case "-4096":
122					return "-8 dB";
123					break;
124		case "-4608":
125					return "-9 dB";
126					break;
127		case "-5120":
128					return "-10 dB";
129					break;
130		default:
131					return "<#btn_Disabled#>";
132					break;
133	}
137function get_vdsl_rx_agc(){
138	var dslx_vdsl_rx_agc="<%nvram_get("dslx_vdsl_rx_agc");%>";
139	switch(dslx_vdsl_rx_agc){
140		case "394":
141			return "Stable";
142		case "550":
143			return "High Performance";
144		case "65535":
145		default:
146			return "Default";
147	}
150function get_vdsl_esnp(){
151	var dslx_vdsl_esnp="<%nvram_get("dslx_vdsl_esnp");%>";
152	switch(dslx_vdsl_esnp){
153		case "1":
154			return "Stable";
155		case "0":
156		default:
157			return "Default";
158	}
162function hide_nonstd_vectoring(_value){
163document.getElementById("nonstd_vectoring").style.display = (_value == "0") ? "none" : "";
169<body onload="initial();" onunLoad="return unload_body();">
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175			<div class="drword" id="drword" style="height:110px;"><#Main_alert_proceeding_desc4#> <#Main_alert_proceeding_desc1#>...
176				<br/>
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178	    </div>
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191<form method="post" name="form" id="ruleForm" action="/start_apply.htm" target="hidden_frame">
192<input type="hidden" name="productid" value="<% nvram_get("productid"); %>">
193<input type="hidden" name="current_page" value="Advanced_ADSL_Content.asp">
194<input type="hidden" name="next_page" value="Advanced_ADSL_Content.asp">
195<input type="hidden" name="group_id" value="">
196<input type="hidden" name="modified" value="0">
197<input type="hidden" name="action_mode" value="apply">
198<input type="hidden" name="action_script" value="restart_dsl_setting">
199<input type="hidden" name="action_wait" value="20">
200<input type="hidden" name="preferred_lang" id="preferred_lang" value="<% nvram_get("preferred_lang"); %>">
201<input type="hidden" name="firmver" value="<% nvram_get("firmver"); %>">
203<table class="content" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
204  <tr>
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207	<!--=====Beginning of Main Menu=====-->
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215		<!--===================================Beginning of Main Content===========================================-->
216<table width="98%" border="0" align="left" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
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218		<td align="left" valign="top">
219  <table width="760px" border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" class="FormTitle" id="FormTitle">
220	<tbody>
221	<tr>
222		  <td bgcolor="#4D595D" valign="top"  >
223		  <div>&nbsp;</div>
224		  <div class="formfonttitle"><#menu5_6#> - <#menu_dsl_setting#></div>
225      <div style="margin-left:5px;margin-top:10px;margin-bottom:10px"><img src="/images/New_ui/export/line_export.png"></div>
226      <div class="formfontdesc"><#dslsetting_disc0#></div>
228		<table width="99%" border="1" align="center" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" class="FormTable">
229			<tr>
230				<th>
231					<#dslsetting_disc1#>
232				</th>
233				<td>
234					<select id="" class="input_option" name="dslx_modulation">
235						<option value="0" <% nvram_match("dslx_modulation", "0", "selected"); %>>T1.413</option>
236						<option value="1" <% nvram_match("dslx_modulation", "1", "selected"); %>>G.lite</option>
237						<option value="2" <% nvram_match("dslx_modulation", "2", "selected"); %>>G.Dmt</option>
238						<option value="3" <% nvram_match("dslx_modulation", "3", "selected"); %>>ADSL2</option>
239						<option value="4" <% nvram_match("dslx_modulation", "4", "selected"); %>>ADSL2+</option>
240						<option value="6" <% nvram_match("dslx_modulation", "6", "selected"); %>>VDSL2</option>
241						<option value="5" <% nvram_match("dslx_modulation", "5", "selected"); %>>Auto Sync-Up</option>
242					</select>
243				</td>
244			</tr>
245			<tr>
246				<th>
247					<#dslsetting_disc2#>
248				</th>
249				<td>
250					<select id="" class="input_option" name="dslx_annex">
251						<option value="0" <% nvram_match("dslx_annex", "0", "selected"); %>>ANNEX A</option>
252						<option value="1" <% nvram_match("dslx_annex", "1", "selected"); %>>ANNEX I</option>
253						<option value="2" <% nvram_match("dslx_annex", "2", "selected"); %>>ANNEX A/L</option>
254						<option value="3" <% nvram_match("dslx_annex", "3", "selected"); %>>ANNEX M</option>
255						<option value="4" <% nvram_match("dslx_annex", "4", "selected"); %>>ANNEX A/I/J/L/M</option>
256						<option value="5" <% nvram_match("dslx_annex", "5", "selected"); %>>ANNEX B</option>
257						<option value="6" <% nvram_match("dslx_annex", "6", "selected"); %>>ANNEX B/J</option>
258					</select>
259				</td>
260			</tr>
261			<tr>
262				<th>
263					<a class="hintstyle" href="javascript:void(0);" onClick="openHint(25,10);">Dynamic Line Adjustment (DLA)</a>
264				</th>
265				<td>
266					<select id="" class="input_option" name="dslx_dla_enable" onchange='change_dla(this.value);'>
267						<option value="1" <% nvram_match("dslx_dla_enable", "1", "selected"); %>><#btn_Enabled#></option>
268						<option value="0" <% nvram_match("dslx_dla_enable", "0", "selected"); %>><#btn_Disabled#></option>
269					</select>
270				</td>
271			</tr>
272			<tr>
273				<th>
274					<a class="hintstyle" href="javascript:void(0);" onClick="openHint(25,1);"><#dslsetting_Stability_Adj#> (ADSL)</a>
275				</th>
276				<td>
277					<span id="dslx_snrm_offset_read" name="dslx_snrm_offset_read" style="display:none;color:#FFFFFF;"></span>
278					<select id="dslx_snrm_offset" class="input_option" name="dslx_snrm_offset" style="display:none;">
279						<option value="0" <% nvram_match("dslx_snrm_offset", "0", "selected"); %>><#btn_Disabled#></option>
280						<option value="5120" <% nvram_match("dslx_snrm_offset", "5120", "selected"); %>>10 dB</option>
281						<option value="4608" <% nvram_match("dslx_snrm_offset", "4608", "selected"); %>>9 dB</option>
282						<option value="4096" <% nvram_match("dslx_snrm_offset", "4096", "selected"); %>>8 dB</option>
283						<option value="3584" <% nvram_match("dslx_snrm_offset", "3584", "selected"); %>>7 dB</option>
284						<option value="3072" <% nvram_match("dslx_snrm_offset", "3072", "selected"); %>>6 dB</option>
285						<option value="2560" <% nvram_match("dslx_snrm_offset", "2560", "selected"); %>>5 dB</option>
286						<option value="2048" <% nvram_match("dslx_snrm_offset", "2048", "selected"); %>>4 dB</option>
287						<option value="1536" <% nvram_match("dslx_snrm_offset", "1536", "selected"); %>>3 dB</option>
288						<option value="1024" <% nvram_match("dslx_snrm_offset", "1024", "selected"); %>>2 dB</option>
289						<option value="512" <% nvram_match("dslx_snrm_offset", "512", "selected"); %>>1 dB</option>
290						<option value="-512" <% nvram_match("dslx_snrm_offset", "-512", "selected"); %>>-1 dB</option>
291						<option value="-1024" <% nvram_match("dslx_snrm_offset", "-1024", "selected"); %>>-2 dB</option>
292						<option value="-1536" <% nvram_match("dslx_snrm_offset", "-1536", "selected"); %>>-3 dB</option>
293						<option value="-2048" <% nvram_match("dslx_snrm_offset", "-2048", "selected"); %>>-4 dB</option>
294						<option value="-2560" <% nvram_match("dslx_snrm_offset", "-2560", "selected"); %>>-5 dB</option>
295						<option value="-3072" <% nvram_match("dslx_snrm_offset", "-3072", "selected"); %>>-6 dB</option>
296						<option value="-3584" <% nvram_match("dslx_snrm_offset", "-3584", "selected"); %>>-7 dB</option>
297						<option value="-4096" <% nvram_match("dslx_snrm_offset", "-4096", "selected"); %>>-8 dB</option>
298						<option value="-4608" <% nvram_match("dslx_snrm_offset", "-4608", "selected"); %>>-9 dB</option>
299						<option value="-5120" <% nvram_match("dslx_snrm_offset", "-5120", "selected"); %>>-10 dB</option>
300					</select>
301				</td>
302			</tr>
304			<tr>
305				<th>
306					<a class="hintstyle" href="javascript:void(0);" onClick="openHint(25,13);">Rx AGC GAIN Adjustment (ADSL)</a>
307				</th>
308				<td>
309					<select id="dslx_adsl_rx_agc" class="input_option" name="dslx_adsl_rx_agc">
310						<option value="Default" <% nvram_match("dslx_adsl_rx_agc", "Default", "selected"); %>>Default</option>
311						<option value="Stable" <% nvram_match("dslx_adsl_rx_agc", "Stable", "selected"); %>>Stable</option>
312						<option value="High Performance" <% nvram_match("dslx_adsl_rx_agc", "High Performance", "selected"); %>>High Performance</option>
313					</select>
314				</td>
315			</tr>
317			<tr>
318				<th>
319					<a class="hintstyle" href="javascript:void(0);" onClick="openHint(25,4);"><#dslsetting_Stability_Adj#> (VDSL)</a>
320				</th>
321				<td>
322					<select id="" class="input_option" name="dslx_vdsl_target_snrm">
323						<option value="32767" <% nvram_match("dslx_vdsl_target_snrm", "32767", "selected"); %>><#btn_Disabled#></option>
324						<option value="2048" <% nvram_match("dslx_vdsl_target_snrm", "2048", "selected"); %>>4 dB</option>
325						<option value="2560" <% nvram_match("dslx_vdsl_target_snrm", "2560", "selected"); %>>5 dB</option>
326						<option value="3072" <% nvram_match("dslx_vdsl_target_snrm", "3072", "selected"); %>>6 dB</option>
327						<option value="3584" <% nvram_match("dslx_vdsl_target_snrm", "3584", "selected"); %>>7 dB</option>
328						<option value="4096" <% nvram_match("dslx_vdsl_target_snrm", "4096", "selected"); %>>8 dB</option>
329						<option value="4608" <% nvram_match("dslx_vdsl_target_snrm", "4608", "selected"); %>>9 dB</option>
330						<option value="5120" <% nvram_match("dslx_vdsl_target_snrm", "5120", "selected"); %>>10 dB</option>
331						<option value="5632" <% nvram_match("dslx_vdsl_target_snrm", "5632", "selected"); %>>11 dB</option>
332						<option value="6144" <% nvram_match("dslx_vdsl_target_snrm", "6144", "selected"); %>>12 dB</option>
333						<option value="6656" <% nvram_match("dslx_vdsl_target_snrm", "6656", "selected"); %>>13 dB</option>
334						<option value="7168" <% nvram_match("dslx_vdsl_target_snrm", "7168", "selected"); %>>14 dB</option>
335						<option value="7680" <% nvram_match("dslx_vdsl_target_snrm", "7680", "selected"); %>>15 dB</option>
336						<option value="8192" <% nvram_match("dslx_vdsl_target_snrm", "8192", "selected"); %>>16 dB</option>
337						<option value="8704" <% nvram_match("dslx_vdsl_target_snrm", "8704", "selected"); %>>17 dB</option>
338						<option value="9216" <% nvram_match("dslx_vdsl_target_snrm", "9216", "selected"); %>>18 dB</option>
339						<option value="9728" <% nvram_match("dslx_vdsl_target_snrm", "9728", "selected"); %>>19 dB</option>
340						<option value="10240" <% nvram_match("dslx_vdsl_target_snrm", "10240", "selected"); %>>20 dB</option>
341						<option value="10752" <% nvram_match("dslx_vdsl_target_snrm", "10752", "selected"); %>>21 dB</option>
342						<option value="11264" <% nvram_match("dslx_vdsl_target_snrm", "11264", "selected"); %>>22 dB</option>
343						<option value="11776" <% nvram_match("dslx_vdsl_target_snrm", "11776", "selected"); %>>23 dB</option>
344						<option value="12288" <% nvram_match("dslx_vdsl_target_snrm", "12288", "selected"); %>>24 dB</option>
345						<option value="12800" <% nvram_match("dslx_vdsl_target_snrm", "12800", "selected"); %>>25 dB</option>
346						<option value="13312" <% nvram_match("dslx_vdsl_target_snrm", "13312", "selected"); %>>26 dB</option>
347						<option value="13824" <% nvram_match("dslx_vdsl_target_snrm", "13824", "selected"); %>>27 dB</option>
348						<option value="14336" <% nvram_match("dslx_vdsl_target_snrm", "14336", "selected"); %>>28 dB</option>
349						<option value="14848" <% nvram_match("dslx_vdsl_target_snrm", "14848", "selected"); %>>29 dB</option>
350						<option value="15360" <% nvram_match("dslx_vdsl_target_snrm", "15360", "selected"); %>>30 dB</option>
351					</select>
352				</td>
353			</tr>
355			<!--dslx_vdsl_tx_gain_off-->
356			<!--Ren:Remove Tx Power Control of VDSL.
357			<tr>
358				<th>
359					<a class="hintstyle" href="javascript:void(0);" onClick="openHint(25,5);">Tx Power Control (VDSL)</a>
360				</th>
361				<td>
362					<select id="" class="input_option" name="dslx_vdsl_tx_gain_off">
363						<option value="32767" <% nvram_match("dslx_vdsl_tx_gain_off", "32767", "selected"); %>><#btn_Disabled#></option>
364						<option value="30" <% nvram_match("dslx_vdsl_tx_gain_off", "30", "selected"); %>>3 dB</option>
365						<option value="20" <% nvram_match("dslx_vdsl_tx_gain_off", "20", "selected"); %>>2 dB</option>
366						<option value="10" <% nvram_match("dslx_vdsl_tx_gain_off", "10", "selected"); %>>1 dB</option>
367						<option value="0" <% nvram_match("dslx_vdsl_tx_gain_off", "0", "selected"); %>>0 dB</option>
368						<option value="-10" <% nvram_match("dslx_vdsl_tx_gain_off", "-10", "selected"); %>>-1 dB</option>
369						<option value="-20" <% nvram_match("dslx_vdsl_tx_gain_off", "-20", "selected"); %>>-2 dB</option>
370						<option value="-30" <% nvram_match("dslx_vdsl_tx_gain_off", "-30", "selected"); %>>-3 dB</option>
371						<option value="-40" <% nvram_match("dslx_vdsl_tx_gain_off", "-40", "selected"); %>>-4 dB</option>
372						<option value="-50" <% nvram_match("dslx_vdsl_tx_gain_off", "-50", "selected"); %>>-5 dB</option>
373						<option value="-60" <% nvram_match("dslx_vdsl_tx_gain_off", "-60", "selected"); %>>-6 dB</option>
374						<option value="-70" <% nvram_match("dslx_vdsl_tx_gain_off", "-70", "selected"); %>>-7 dB</option>
375					</select>
376				</td>
377			</tr>
378			-->
380			<!--vdsl_rx_agc-->
381			<tr>
382				<th>
383					<a class="hintstyle" href="javascript:void(0);" onClick="openHint(25,6);">Rx AGC GAIN Adjustment (VDSL)</a>
384				</th>
385				<td>
386					<select id="dslx_vdsl_rx_agc" class="input_option" name="dslx_vdsl_rx_agc">
387						<option value="65535" <% nvram_match("dslx_vdsl_rx_agc", "65535", "selected"); %>>Default</option>
388						<option value="394" <% nvram_match("dslx_vdsl_rx_agc", "394", "selected"); %>>Stable</option>
389						<option value="476" <% nvram_match("dslx_vdsl_rx_agc", "476", "selected"); %>>Balance</option>
390						<option value="550" <% nvram_match("dslx_vdsl_rx_agc", "550", "selected"); %>>High Performance</option>
391					</select>
392				</td>
393			</tr>
395			<!--upbo stands for upstream power back off-->
396			<tr>
397				<th>
398					<a class="hintstyle" href="javascript:void(0);" onClick="openHint(25,7);">UPBO - Upstream Power Back Off (VDSL)</a>
399				</th>
400				<td>
401					<select id="" class="input_option" name="dslx_vdsl_upbo">
402						<option value="auto" <% nvram_match("dslx_vdsl_upbo", "auto", "selected"); %>><#Auto#></option>
403						<option value="on" <% nvram_match("dslx_vdsl_upbo", "on", "selected"); %>><#btn_Enabled#></option>
404						<option value="off" <% nvram_match("dslx_vdsl_upbo", "off", "selected"); %>><#btn_Disabled#></option>
405					</select>
406				</td>
407			</tr>
409			<tr>
410				<th>
411					<a class="hintstyle" href="javascript:void(0);" onClick="openHint(25,16);">ESNP - Enhanced Sudden Noise Protection (VDSL)</a>
412				</th>
413				<td>
414					<span id="dslx_vdsl_esnp_read" name="dslx_vdsl_esnp_read" style="display:none;color:#FFFFFF;"></span>
415					<select id="dslx_vdsl_esnp" class="input_option" name="dslx_vdsl_esnp">
416						<option value="0" <% nvram_match("dslx_vdsl_esnp", "0", "selected"); %>>Default</option>
417						<option value="1" <% nvram_match("dslx_vdsl_esnp", "1", "selected"); %>>Stable</option>
418					</select>
419				</td>
420			</tr>
422			<tr>
423				<th>
424					<a class="hintstyle" href="javascript:void(0);" onClick="openHint(25,2);"><#dslsetting_SRA#></a>
425				</th>
426				<td>
427					<select id="" class="input_option" name="dslx_sra">
428						<option value="1" <% nvram_match("dslx_sra", "1", "selected"); %>><#btn_Enabled#></option>
429						<option value="0" <% nvram_match("dslx_sra", "0", "selected"); %>><#btn_Disabled#></option>
430					</select>
431				</td>
432			</tr>
433			<tr>
434				<th>
435					<a class="hintstyle" href="javascript:void(0);" onClick="openHint(25,3);">Bitswap (ADSL)</a>
436				</th>
437				<td>
438					<select id="" class="input_option" name="dslx_bitswap">
439						<option value="1" <% nvram_match("dslx_bitswap", "1", "selected"); %>><#btn_Enabled#></option>
440						<option value="0" <% nvram_match("dslx_bitswap", "0", "selected"); %>><#btn_Disabled#></option>
441					</select>
442				</td>
443			</tr>
444			<tr>
445				<th>
446					<a class="hintstyle" href="javascript:void(0);" onClick="openHint(25,3);">Bitswap (VDSL)</a>
447				</th>
448				<td>
449					<select id="" class="input_option" name="dslx_vdsl_bitswap">
450						<option value="1" <% nvram_match("dslx_vdsl_bitswap", "1", "selected"); %>><#btn_Enabled#></option>
451						<option value="0" <% nvram_match("dslx_vdsl_bitswap", "0", "selected"); %>><#btn_Disabled#></option>
452					</select>
453				</td>
454			</tr>
455			<tr>
456				<th>
457					<a class="hintstyle" href="javascript:void(0);" onClick="openHint(25,8);">VDSL Profile</a>
458				</th>
459				<td>
460					<select id="" class="input_option" name="dslx_vdsl_profile">
461						<option value="0" <% nvram_match("dslx_vdsl_profile", "0", "selected"); %>>30a multi mode</option>
462						<option value="1" <% nvram_match("dslx_vdsl_profile", "1", "selected"); %>>17a multi mode</option>
463						<option value="2" <% nvram_match("dslx_vdsl_profile", "2", "selected"); %>>12a multi mode</option>
464						<option value="3" <% nvram_match("dslx_vdsl_profile", "3", "selected"); %>>8a multi mode</option>
465					</select>
466				</td>
467			</tr>
468			<tr>
469				<th>
470					<a class="hintstyle" href="javascript:void(0);" onClick="openHint(25,12);">G.INP (G.998.4)</a>
471				</th>
472				<td>
473					<select id="" class="input_option" name="dslx_ginp">
474						<option value="1" <% nvram_match("dslx_ginp", "1", "selected"); %>><#btn_Enabled#></option>
475						<option value="0" <% nvram_match("dslx_ginp", "0", "selected"); %>><#btn_Disabled#></option>
476					</select>
477				</td>
478			</tr>
479			<tr>
480				<th>
481					<a class="hintstyle" href="javascript:void(0);" onClick="openHint(25,14);">G.vector (G.993.5)</a>
482				</th>
483				<td>
484					<select id="" class="input_option" name="dslx_vdsl_vectoring" onchange="hide_nonstd_vectoring(this.value);">
485						<option value="1" <% nvram_match("dslx_vdsl_vectoring", "1", "selected"); %>><#btn_Enabled#></option>
486						<option value="0" <% nvram_match("dslx_vdsl_vectoring", "0", "selected"); %>><#btn_Disabled#></option>
487					</select>
488				</td>
489			</tr>
490			<tr id="nonstd_vectoring">
491				<th>
492					<a class="hintstyle" href="javascript:void(0);" onClick="openHint(25,15);">Non-standard G.vector (G.993.5)</a>
493				</th>
494				<td>
495					<select id="" class="input_option" name="dslx_vdsl_nonstd_vectoring">
496						<option value="1" <% nvram_match("dslx_vdsl_nonstd_vectoring", "1", "selected"); %>><#btn_Enabled#></option>
497						<option value="0" <% nvram_match("dslx_vdsl_nonstd_vectoring", "0", "selected"); %>><#btn_Disabled#></option>
498					</select>
499				</td>
500			</tr>
501		</table>
502		<div class="apply_gen">
503			<input class="button_gen" onclick="applyRule()" type="button" value="<#CTL_apply#>"/>
504		</div>
506	  </td>
507	</tr>
509	</tbody>
510  </table>
512		</td>
513	</form>
514				</tr>
515			</table>
516			<!--===================================End of Main Content===========================================-->
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