4This file, surprisingly enough, contains a list of known outstanding bugs
5in the program. Bugs that get documented here are typically not particularly
6serious, and may never get fixed. Serious bugs will get fixed immediately.
8- RFC compliance: if we get no PORT or PASV, looks like we're supposed to
9assume a PORT to the same IP as control connection, and port 20.
10- RFC compliance: shouldn't include directories in NLST. Note that wu-ftpd
11complies here, almost all other FTPd's don't
12- ls <existing but unreadable dir> should list nothing, but it lists the
13directory name itself
14- In ASCII mode, the SIZE command needs to take into account the size of
15the file _after_ ASCII linefeed mangling?
16- ASCII mode uploads: we're only supposed to remove \r if they preceed \n,
17but I rip them out unconditionally.
18- Security model: vsf_privop_get_ftp_port_sock() should probably do the
19connect() to the remote location itself.
20- If someone has one of the timeouts (command, data) setup, but not the other,
21then timeout will behave whackily.