1# See the file LICENSE for redistribution information.
3# Copyright (c) 2001-2009 Oracle.  All rights reserved.
5# $Id$
7# TEST	si005
8# TEST	Basic secondary index put/delete test with transactions
9proc si005 { methods {nentries 200} {tnum "005"} args } {
10	source ./include.tcl
11	global dict nsecondaries
13	# Primary method/args.
14	set pmethod [lindex $methods 0]
15	set pargs [convert_args $pmethod $args]
16	set pomethod [convert_method $pmethod]
18	# Renumbering recno databases can't be used as primaries.
19	if { [is_rrecno $pmethod] == 1 } {
20		puts "Skipping si$tnum for method $pmethod"
21		return
22	}
24	# Method/args for all the secondaries.  If only one method
25	# was specified, assume the same method (for btree or hash)
26	# and a standard number of secondaries.  If primary is not
27	# btree or hash, force secondaries to be one btree, one hash.
28	set methods [lrange $methods 1 end]
29	if { [llength $methods] == 0 } {
30		for { set i 0 } { $i < $nsecondaries } { incr i } {
31			if { [is_btree $pmethod] || [is_hash $pmethod] } {
32				lappend methods $pmethod
33			} else {
34				if { [expr $i % 2] == 0 } {
35					lappend methods "-btree"
36				} else {
37					lappend methods "-hash"
38				}
39			}
40		}
41	}
43	# Since this is a transaction test, don't allow nentries to be large.
44	if { $nentries > 1000 } {
45		puts "Skipping si005 for large lists (over 1000 items)."
46		return
47	}
49	set argses [convert_argses $methods $args]
50	set omethods [convert_methods $methods]
52	# If we are given an env, use it.  Otherwise, open one.
53	set eindex [lsearch -exact $args "-env"]
54	set txnenv 0
55	if { $eindex == -1 } {
56		env_cleanup $testdir
57		set env [berkdb_env -create -home $testdir -txn]
58		error_check_good env_open [is_valid_env $env] TRUE
59	} else {
60		incr eindex
61		set env [lindex $args $eindex]
62		set txnenv [is_txnenv $env]
63		if { $txnenv == 1 } {
64			append pargs " -auto_commit "
65			append argses " -auto_commit "
66		} else {
67			puts "Skipping si$tnum for non-transactional env."
68			return
69		}
70		set testdir [get_home $env]
71	}
73	cleanup $testdir $env
74	puts "si$tnum \{\[ list $pmethod $methods \]\} $nentries"
75	puts "\twith transactions"
77	set pname "primary$tnum.db"
78	set snamebase "secondary$tnum"
80	# Open the primary.
81	set pdb [eval {berkdb_open -create -auto_commit -env} $env $pomethod \
82	    $pargs $pname]
83	error_check_good primary_open [is_valid_db $pdb] TRUE
85	# Open and associate the secondaries
86	set sdbs {}
87	for { set i 0 } { $i < [llength $omethods] } { incr i } {
88		set sdb [eval {berkdb_open -create -auto_commit -env} $env \
89		    [lindex $omethods $i] [lindex $argses $i] $snamebase.$i.db]
90		error_check_good second_open($i) [is_valid_db $sdb] TRUE
92		error_check_good db_associate($i) \
93		    [$pdb associate [callback_n $i] $sdb] 0
94		lappend sdbs $sdb
95	}
97	puts "\tSi$tnum.a: Put loop"
98	set did [open $dict]
99	for { set n 0 } { [gets $did str] != -1 && $n < $nentries } { incr n } {
100		if { [is_record_based $pmethod] == 1 } {
101			set key [expr $n + 1]
102			set datum $str
103		} else {
104			set key $str
105			gets $did datum
106		}
107		set keys($n) $key
108		set data($n) [pad_data $pmethod $datum]
110		set txn [$env txn]
111		set ret [eval {$pdb put} -txn $txn \
112		    {$key [chop_data $pmethod $datum]}]
113		error_check_good put($n) $ret 0
114		error_check_good txn_commit($n) [$txn commit] 0
115	}
116	close $did
117	check_secondaries $pdb $sdbs $nentries keys data "Si$tnum.a"
119	puts "\tSi$tnum.b: Put/overwrite loop"
120	for { set n 0 } { $n < $nentries } { incr n } {
121		set newd $data($n).$keys($n)
123		set txn [$env txn]
124		set ret [eval {$pdb put} -txn $txn \
125		    {$keys($n) [chop_data $pmethod $newd]}]
126		error_check_good put_overwrite($n) $ret 0
127		set data($n) [pad_data $pmethod $newd]
128		error_check_good txn_commit($n) [$txn commit] 0
129	}
130	check_secondaries $pdb $sdbs $nentries keys data "Si$tnum.b"
132	# Delete the second half of the entries through the primary.
133	# We do the second half so we can just pass keys(0 ... n/2)
134	# to check_secondaries.
135	set half [expr $nentries / 2]
136	puts "\tSi$tnum.c: Primary delete loop: deleting $half entries"
137	for { set n $half } { $n < $nentries } { incr n } {
138		set txn [$env txn]
139		set ret [$pdb del -txn $txn $keys($n)]
140		error_check_good pdel($n) $ret 0
141		error_check_good txn_commit($n) [$txn commit] 0
142	}
143	check_secondaries $pdb $sdbs $half keys data "Si$tnum.c"
145	# Delete half of what's left, through the first secondary.
146	set quar [expr $half / 2]
147	puts "\tSi$tnum.d: Secondary delete loop: deleting $quar entries"
148	set sdb [lindex $sdbs 0]
149	set callback [callback_n 0]
150	for { set n $quar } { $n < $half } { incr n } {
151		set skey [$callback $keys($n) [pad_data $pmethod $data($n)]]
152		set txn [$env txn]
153		set ret [$sdb del -txn $txn $skey]
154		error_check_good sdel($n) $ret 0
155		error_check_good txn_commit($n) [$txn commit] 0
156	}
157	check_secondaries $pdb $sdbs $quar keys data "Si$tnum.d"
159	puts "\tSi$tnum.e: Closing/disassociating primary first"
160	error_check_good primary_close [$pdb close] 0
161	foreach sdb $sdbs {
162		error_check_good secondary_close [$sdb close] 0
163	}
165	# Close the env if it was created within this test.
166	if { $eindex == -1 } {
167		error_check_good env_close [$env close] 0
168	}
169	return