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36      <p>In the Berkeley DB 3.2 release, four application callback functions (the
37callback functions set by <a href="../api_reference/C/dbset_bt_compare.html" class="olink">DB-&gt;set_bt_compare()</a>,
38<a href="../api_reference/C/dbset_bt_prefix.html" class="olink">DB-&gt;set_bt_prefix()</a>, <a href="../api_reference/C/dbset_dup_compare.html" class="olink">DB-&gt;set_dup_compare()</a> and
39<a href="../api_reference/C/dbset_h_hash.html" class="olink">DB-&gt;set_h_hash()</a>) were modified to take a reference to a
40<a href="../api_reference/C/db.html" class="olink">DB</a> object as their first argument.  This change allows the Berkeley DB
41Java API to reasonably support these interfaces.  There is currently no
42need for the callback functions to do anything with this additional
44      <p>C and C++ applications that specify their own Btree key comparison,
45Btree prefix comparison, duplicate data item comparison or Hash
46functions should modify these functions to take a reference to a
47<a href="../api_reference/C/db.html" class="olink">DB</a> structure as their first argument.  No further change is
49      <p>The app_private field of the <a href="../api_reference/C/dbt.html" class="olink">DBT</a> structure (accessible only from
50the Berkeley DB C API) has been removed in the 3.2 release.  It was replaced
51with app_private fields in the <a href="../api_reference/C/env.html" class="olink">DB_ENV</a> handles.
52Applications using this field will have to convert to using one of the
53replacement fields.</p>
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66          <td width="40%" align="left" valign="top">Release 3.2: DB_ENV-&gt;set_flags��</td>
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70          <td width="40%" align="right" valign="top">��Release 3.2: Logically renumbering records</td>
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