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18          <th colspan="3" align="center">Dbstl memory management</th>
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32            <h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a id="stl_memory_mgmt"></a>Dbstl memory management</h2>
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36      <div class="toc">
37        <dl>
38          <dt>
39            <span class="sect2">
40              <a href="stl_memory_mgmt.html#id1602244">Freeing memory</a>
41            </span>
42          </dt>
43          <dt>
44            <span class="sect2">
45              <a href="stl_memory_mgmt.html#id1602395">Type specific notes</a>
46            </span>
47          </dt>
48        </dl>
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50      <div class="sect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
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53            <div>
54              <h3 class="title"><a id="id1602244"></a>Freeing memory</h3>
55            </div>
56          </div>
57        </div>
58        <p>
59        When using dbstl, make sure memory allocated in the heap is
60        released after use.  The rules for this are:
61    </p>
62        <div class="itemizedlist">
63          <ul type="disc">
64            <li>
65              <p>
66            dbstl will free/delete any memory allocated by dbstl itself.
67        </p>
68            </li>
69            <li>
70              <p>
71            You are responsible for freeing/deleting any memory allocated by your code outside of dbstl. 
72        </p>
73            </li>
74          </ul>
75        </div>
76      </div>
77      <div class="sect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
78        <div class="titlepage">
79          <div>
80            <div>
81              <h3 class="title"><a id="id1602395"></a>Type specific notes</h3>
82            </div>
83          </div>
84        </div>
85        <div class="sect3" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
86          <div class="titlepage">
87            <div>
88              <div>
89                <h4 class="title"><a id="id1602915"></a>DbEnv/Db</h4>
90              </div>
91            </div>
92          </div>
93          <p>
94        When you open a <code class="classname">DbEnv</code> or <code class="classname">Db</code> object using
95        <code class="methodname">dbstl::open_env()</code> or <code class="methodname">dbstl::open_db()</code>, you
96        do not need to delete that object. However, if you new'd that object and then opened it
97        without using the <code class="methodname">dbstl::open_env()</code> or
98        <code class="methodname">dbstl::open_db()</code> methods, you are responsible for deleting the
99        object.
100    </p>
101          <p>
102        Note that you must <code class="literal">new</code> the <code class="classname">Db</code> or
103        <code class="classname">DbEnv</code> object, which allocates it on the heap. You can not allocate it
104        on the stack. If you do, the order of destruction is uncontrollable, which makes dbstl
105        unable to work properly.
106    </p>
107          <p>
108        You can call <code class="function">dbstl_exit()</code> before the process exits, to release any
109        memory allocated by dbstl that has to live during the entire process lifetime. Releasing the
110        memory explicitly will not make much difference, because the process is about to exit and so
111        all memory allocated on the heap is going to be returned to the operating system anyway. The
112        only real difference is that your memory leak checker will not report false memory leaks.
113    </p>
114          <p>
115        <code class="function">dbstl_exit()</code> releases any memory allocated by dbstl on the heap.  It
116        also performs other required shutdown operations, such as closing any databases and
117        environments registered to dbstl and shared across the process.
118    </p>
119          <p>
120        If you are calling the <code class="function">dbstl_exit()</code> function, and your
121        <code class="classname">DbEnv</code> or <code class="classname">Db</code> objects are new'd by your code,
122        the <code class="function">dbstl_exit()</code> function should be called before deleting the
123        <code class="classname">DbEnv</code> or <code class="classname">Db</code> objects, because they need to be
124        closed before being deleted.  Alternatively, you can call the
125        <code class="methodname">dbstl::close_env()</code> or <code class="methodname">dbstl::close_db()</code>
126        functions before deleting the <code class="classname">DbEnv</code> or <code class="classname">Db</code>
127        objects in order to explicitly close the databases or environments. If you do this, 
128        can then delete these objects, and then call <code class="function">dbstl_exit()</code>.
129    </p>
130        </div>
131        <div class="sect3" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
132          <div class="titlepage">
133            <div>
134              <div>
135                <h4 class="title"><a id="id1602901"></a>DbstlDbt</h4>
136              </div>
137            </div>
138          </div>
139          <p>
140        Only when you are storing raw bytes (such as a bitmap) do you have to
141        store and retrieve data by using the <code class="classname">DbstlDbt</code> helper class. Although you
142        also can do so simply by using the Berkeley DB <code class="classname">Dbt</code> class, the 
143        <code class="classname">DbstlDbt</code> class offers more convenient memory management behavior.
144    </p>
145          <p>
146        When you are storing <code class="classname">DbstlDbt</code> objects (such as
147        <code class="classname">db_vector&lt;DbstlDbt&gt;</code>), you <span class="emphasis"><em>must</em></span> allocate
148        heap memory explicitly using the <code class="function">malloc()</code> function for the
149        <code class="classname">DbstlDbt</code> object to reference, but you do not need to free the memory
150        ��� it is automatically freed by the <code class="classname">DbstlDbt</code> object that owns it
151        by calling the standard C library <code class="function">free()</code> function.
152    </p>
153          <p>
154        However, because dbstl supports storing any type of object or primitive data, it is rare
155        that you would have to store data using <code class="classname">DbstlDbt</code> objects while using
156        dbstl.  Examples of storing <code class="classname">DbstlDbt</code> objects can be found in the
157        <code class="methodname">TestAssoc::test_arbitrary_object_storage()</code> and
158        <code class="methodname">TestAssoc::test_char_star_string_storage()</code> functions, which are
159        available in the dbstl test suite.
160    </p>
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