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38      <p>When upgrading to a new release of Berkeley DB, it may be necessary to upgrade
39the on-disk format of already-created database files.  <span class="bold"><strong>Berkeley DB
40database upgrades are done in place, and so are potentially
41destructive.</strong></span>  This means that if the system crashes during the upgrade
42procedure, or if the upgrade procedure runs out of disk space, the
43databases may be left in an inconsistent and unrecoverable state.  To
44guard against failure, the procedures outlined in
45<a class="xref" href="upgrade_process.html" title="Upgrading Berkeley DB installations">Upgrading Berkeley DB installations</a>
46should be carefully followed.  If you are not performing catastrophic
47archival as part of your application upgrade process, you should at
48least copy your database to archival media, verify that your archival
49media is error-free and readable, and that copies of your backups are
50stored offsite!</p>
51      <p>The actual database upgrade is done using the <a href="../api_reference/C/dbupgrade.html" class="olink">DB-&gt;upgrade()</a>
52method, or by dumping the database using the old version of the Berkeley DB
53software and reloading it using the current version.</p>
54      <p>After an upgrade, Berkeley DB applications must be recompiled to use the new
55Berkeley DB library before they can access an upgraded database.
56<span class="bold"><strong>There is no guarantee that applications compiled against
57previous releases of Berkeley DB will work correctly with an upgraded database
58format.  Nor is there any guarantee that applications compiled against
59newer releases of Berkeley DB will work correctly with the previous database
60format.</strong></span> We do guarantee that any archived database may be upgraded
61using a current Berkeley DB software release and the <a href="../api_reference/C/dbupgrade.html" class="olink">DB-&gt;upgrade()</a>
62method, and there is no need to step-wise upgrade the database using
63intermediate releases of Berkeley DB.  Sites should consider archiving
64appropriate copies of their application or application sources if they
65may need to access archived databases without first upgrading them.</p>
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82          <td width="40%" align="right" valign="top">��Database verification and salvage</td>
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