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18          <th colspan="3" align="center">Partitioning databases</th>
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34            <h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a id="am_partition"></a>Partitioning databases</h2>
35          </div>
36        </div>
37      </div>
38      <div class="toc">
39        <dl>
40          <dt>
41            <span class="sect2">
42              <a href="am_partition.html#am_partition_keys">Specifying partition keys</a>
43            </span>
44          </dt>
45          <dt>
46            <span class="sect2">
47              <a href="am_partition.html#am_partition_function">Partitioning callback</a>
48            </span>
49          </dt>
50          <dt>
51            <span class="sect2">
52              <a href="am_partition.html#partition_file_placement">Placing partition files</a>
53            </span>
54          </dt>
55        </dl>
56      </div>
57      <p>
58    You can improve concurrency on your database reads and writes by
59    splitting access to a single database into multiple databases. This
60    helps to avoid contention for internal database pages, as well as
61    allowing you to spread your databases across multiple disks,
62    which can help to improve disk I/O.
64      <p>
65    While you can manually do this by creating and using more than one
66    database for your data, DB is capable of partitioning your
67    database for you. When you use DB's built-in database partitioning
68    feature, your access to your data is performed in exactly the same way
69    as if you were only using one database; all the work of knowing which
70    database to use to access a particular record is handled for you under
71    the hood.
73      <p>
74    Only the BTree and Hash access methods are supported for partitioned
75    databases.
77      <p>
78    You indicate that you want your database to be partitioned by calling 
79    <a href="../api_reference/C/dbset_partition.html" class="olink">DB-&gt;set_partition()</a> before opening your database the first time. You can 
80    indicate the directory in which each partition is contained using the
81    <a href="../api_reference/C/dbset_partition_dirs.html" class="olink">DB-&gt;set_partition_dirs()</a> method.
83      <p>
84    Once you have partitioned a database, you cannot change your
85    partitioning scheme.
87      <p>
88    There are two ways to indicate what key/data pairs should go on which
89    partition. The first is by specifying an array of <a href="../api_reference/C/dbt.html" class="olink">DBT</a>s that indicate
90    the minimum key value for a given partition. The second is by providing
91    a callback that returns the number of the partition on which a specified 
92    key is placed.
94      <div class="sect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
95        <div class="titlepage">
96          <div>
97            <div>
98              <h3 class="title"><a id="am_partition_keys"></a>Specifying partition keys</h3>
99            </div>
100          </div>
101        </div>
102        <p>
103            For simple cases, you can partition your database by providing
104            an array of <a href="../api_reference/C/dbt.html" class="olink">DBT</a>s, each element of which provides the minimum
105            key value to be placed on a partition. There must be one fewer
106            elements in this array than you have partitions. The first
107            element of the array indicates the minimum key value for the
108            second partition in your database. Key values that are less
109            than the first key value provided in this array are placed on
110            the first partition (partition 0).
111        </p>
112        <div class="note" style="margin-left: 0.5in; margin-right: 0.5in;">
113          <h3 class="title">Note</h3>
114          <p>
115                You can use partition keys only if you are using the Btree
116                access method.
117            </p>
118        </div>
119        <p>
120            For example, suppose you had a database of fruit, and you want
121            three partitions for your database. Then you need a <a href="../api_reference/C/dbt.html" class="olink">DBT</a> array
122            of size two. The first element in this array indicates the
123            minimum keys that should be placed on partition 1. The second
124            element in this array indicates the minimum key value placed on
125            partition 2. Keys that compare less than the first <a href="../api_reference/C/dbt.html" class="olink">DBT</a> in the
126            array are placed on partition 0.
127        </p>
128        <p>
129            All comparisons are performed according to the lexicographic
130            comparison used by your platform.
131        </p>
132        <p>
133            For example, suppose you want all fruits whose names begin
134            with:
135        </p>
136        <div class="itemizedlist">
137          <ul type="disc">
138            <li>
139              <p>
140                    'a' - 'f' to go on partition 0
141                </p>
142            </li>
143            <li>
144              <p>
145                    'g' - 'p' to go on partition 1
146                </p>
147            </li>
148            <li>
149              <p>
150                    'q' - 'z' to go on partition 2.
151                </p>
152            </li>
153          </ul>
154        </div>
155        <p>
156            Then you would accomplish this with the following code
157            fragment:
158        </p>
159        <div class="note" style="margin-left: 0.5in; margin-right: 0.5in;">
160          <h3 class="title">Note</h3>
161          <p>
162                The <a href="../api_reference/C/dbset_partition.html" class="olink">DB-&gt;set_partition()</a> partition callback parameter must
163                be <code class="literal">NULL</code> if you are using an array of
164                <a href="../api_reference/C/dbt.html" class="olink">DBT</a>s to partition your database.
165            </p>
166        </div>
167        <pre class="programlisting">    DB *dbp = NULL;
168    DB_ENV *envp = NULL;
169    DBT partKeys[2];
170    u_int32_t db_flags;
171    const char *file_name = "mydb.db";
172    int ret;
176    /* Skipping environment open to shorten this example */
179    /* Initialize the DB handle */
180    ret = db_create(&amp;dbp, envp, 0);
181    if (ret != 0) {
182        fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", db_strerror(ret));
183        return (EXIT_FAILURE);
184    }
186    /* Setup the partition keys */
187     memset(&amp;partKeys[0], 0, sizeof(DBT));
188     partKeys[0].data = "g";
189     partKeys[0].size = sizeof("g") - 1;
191     memset(&amp;partKeys[1], 0, sizeof(DBT));
192     partKeys[1].data = "q";
193     partKeys[1].size = sizeof("q") - 1;
195     dbp-&gt;set_partition(dbp, 3, partKeys, NULL);
197    /* Now open the database */
198    db_flags = DB_CREATE;       /* Allow database creation */
200    ret = dbp-&gt;open(dbp,        /* Pointer to the database */
201                    NULL,       /* Txn pointer */
202                    file_name,  /* File name */
203                    NULL,       /* Logical db name */
204                    DB_BTREE,   /* Database type (using btree) */
205                    db_flags,   /* Open flags */
206                    0);         /* File mode. Using defaults */
207    if (ret != 0) {
208        dbp-&gt;err(dbp, ret, "Database '%s' open failed",
209            file_name);
210        return (EXIT_FAILURE);
211    } </pre>
212      </div>
213      <div class="sect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
214        <div class="titlepage">
215          <div>
216            <div>
217              <h3 class="title"><a id="am_partition_function"></a>Partitioning callback</h3>
218            </div>
219          </div>
220        </div>
221        <p>
222            In some cases, a simple lexicographical comparison of key data
223            will not sufficiently support a partitioning scheme. For
224            those situations, you should write a partitioning function.
225            This function accepts a pointer to the <a href="../api_reference/C/db.html" class="olink">DB</a> and the <a href="../api_reference/C/dbt.html" class="olink">DBT</a>, and
226            it returns the number of the partition on which the key
227            belongs.
228        </p>
229        <p>
230            Note that <a href="../api_reference/C/db.html" class="olink">DB</a> actually places the key on the partition
231            calculated by:
232        </p>
233        <pre class="programlisting">returned_partition modulo number_of_partitions</pre>
234        <p>
235            Also, remember that if you use a partitioning function when you
236            create your database, then you must use the same partitioning
237            function every time you open that database in the future.
238        </p>
239        <p>
240            The following code fragment illustrates a partition callback:
241        </p>
242        <pre class="programlisting">u_int32_t db_partition_fn(DB *db, DBT *key) {
243    char *key_data;
244    u_int32_t ret_number;
245    /* Obtain your key data, unpacking it as necessary
246     * Here, we do the very simple thing just for illustrative purposes.
247     */
249    key_data = (char *)key-&gt;data;
251    /* Here you would perform whatever comparison you require to determine
252     * what partition the key belongs on. If you return either 0 or the
253     * number of partitions in the database, the key is placed in the first
254     * database partition. Else, it is placed on:
255     *
256     *       returned_number mod number_of_partitions
257     */
259    ret_number = 0;
261    return ret_number;
262} </pre>
263        <p>
264        You then cause your partition callback to be used by providing it
265        to the <a href="../api_reference/C/dbset_partition.html" class="olink">DB-&gt;set_partition()</a> method, as illustrated by the following
266        code fragment.
267    </p>
268        <div class="note" style="margin-left: 0.5in; margin-right: 0.5in;">
269          <h3 class="title">Note</h3>
270          <p>
271                The <a href="../api_reference/C/dbset_partition.html" class="olink">DB-&gt;set_partition()</a> <a href="../api_reference/C/dbt.html" class="olink">DBT</a> array parameter  must
272                be <code class="literal">NULL</code> if you are using a partition
273                call back to partition your database.
274            </p>
275        </div>
276        <pre class="programlisting">    DB *dbp = NULL;
277    DB_ENV *envp = NULL;
278    u_int32_t db_flags;
279    const char *file_name = "mydb.db";
280    int ret;
284    /* Skipping environment open to shorten this example */
287    /* Initialize the DB handle */
288    ret = db_create(&amp;dbp, envp, 0);
289    if (ret != 0) {
290        fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", db_strerror(ret));
291        return (EXIT_FAILURE);
292    }
294     dbp-&gt;set_partition(dbp, 3, NULL, db_partition_fn);
296    /* Now open the database */
297    db_flags = DB_CREATE;       /* Allow database creation */
299    ret = dbp-&gt;open(dbp,        /* Pointer to the database */
300                    NULL,       /* Txn pointer */
301                    file_name,  /* File name */
302                    NULL,       /* Logical db name */
303                    DB_BTREE,   /* Database type (using btree) */
304                    db_flags,   /* Open flags */
305                    0);         /* File mode. Using defaults */
306    if (ret != 0) {
307        dbp-&gt;err(dbp, ret, "Database '%s' open failed",
308            file_name);
309        return (EXIT_FAILURE);
310    } </pre>
311      </div>
312      <div class="sect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
313        <div class="titlepage">
314          <div>
315            <div>
316              <h3 class="title"><a id="partition_file_placement"></a>Placing partition files</h3>
317            </div>
318          </div>
319        </div>
320        <p>
321            When you partition a database, a database file is created on
322            disk in the same way as if you were not partitioning the
323            database. That is, this file uses the name you provide to the
324            <a href="../api_reference/C/dbopen.html" class="olink">DB-&gt;open()</a> <code class="literal">file</code> parameter.
325        </p>
326        <p>
327            However, DB then also creates a series of database files on
328            disk, one for each partition that you want to use. These
329            partition files share the same name as the database file name,
330            but are also number sequentially. So if you create a database
331            named <code class="filename">mydb.db</code>, and you create 3 partitions
332            for it, then you will see the following database files on disk:
333        </p>
334        <pre class="programlisting">            mydb.db
335            __dbp.mydb.db.000
336            __dbp.mydb.db.001
337            __dbp.mydb.db.002 </pre>
338        <p>
339            All of the database's contents go into the numbered database
340            files. You can cause these files to be placed in different
341            directories (and, hence, different disk partitions or even
342            disks) by using the <a href="../api_reference/C/dbset_partition_dirs.html" class="olink">DB-&gt;set_partition_dirs()</a> method.
343        </p>
344        <p>
345            <a href="../api_reference/C/dbset_partition_dirs.html" class="olink">DB-&gt;set_partition_dirs()</a> takes a NULL-terminated array of
346            strings, each one of which should represent an existing
347            filesystem directory. 
348        </p>
349        <p>
350            If you are using an environment, the directories specified
351            using <a href="../api_reference/C/dbset_partition_dirs.html" class="olink">DB-&gt;set_partition_dirs()</a> must also be included in the
352            environment list specified by <a href="../api_reference/C/envadd_data_dir.html" class="olink">DB_ENV-&gt;add_data_dir()</a>. 
353        </p>
354        <p>
355            If you are not using an environment, then the the directories
356            specified to <a href="../api_reference/C/dbset_partition_dirs.html" class="olink">DB-&gt;set_partition_dirs()</a> can be either complete
357            paths to currently existing directories, or paths relative to
358            the application's current working directory.
359        </p>
360        <p>
361            Ideally, you will provide <a href="../api_reference/C/dbset_partition_dirs.html" class="olink">DB-&gt;set_partition_dirs()</a> with an array
362            that is the same size as the number of partitions you are
363            creating for your database. Partition files are then placed
364            according to the order that directories are contained in the
365            array; partition 0 is placed in directory_array[0], partition 1
366            in directory_array[1], and so forth. However, if you provide an
367            array of directories that is smaller than the number of
368            database partitions, then the directories are used on a
369            round-robin fashion.
370        </p>
371        <p>
372            You must call <a href="../api_reference/C/dbset_partition_dirs.html" class="olink">DB-&gt;set_partition_dirs()</a> before you create your
373            database, and before you open your database each time
374            thereafter. The array provided to <a href="../api_reference/C/dbset_partition_dirs.html" class="olink">DB-&gt;set_partition_dirs()</a> must not
375            change after the database has been created.
376        </p>
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