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32            <h2 class="title"><a id="newbinary"></a>Chapter��2.��Creating a New Berkeley DB Binary</h2>
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36      <div class="toc">
37        <p>
38          <b>Table of Contents</b>
39        </p>
40        <dl>
41          <dt>
42            <span class="sect1">
43              <a href="newbinary.html#basebuild">
44Creating a Base Build of Berkeley DB
46            </span>
47          </dt>
48          <dt>
49            <span class="sect1">
50              <a href="modscope.html">
51Determining the Scope of the Modifications
53            </span>
54          </dt>
55          <dd>
56            <dl>
57              <dt>
58                <span class="sect2">
59                  <a href="modscope.html#osfunc">
60Do Changes Need to be Made to the Operating System Functionality?
62                </span>
63              </dt>
64              <dt>
65                <span class="sect2">
66                  <a href="modscope.html#standardfunc">Are Some Standard Functions Missing on the Target Platform?</a>
67                </span>
68              </dt>
69              <dt>
70                <span class="sect2">
71                  <a href="modscope.html#sharedmem">How Will the Port Handle Shared Memory?</a>
72                </span>
73              </dt>
74              <dt>
75                <span class="sect2">
76                  <a href="modscope.html#typemutex">What Type of Mutexes Will the Port Use?</a>
77                </span>
78              </dt>
79              <dt>
80                <span class="sect2">
81                  <a href="modscope.html#otherchanges">Do Any Other Changes Need to be Made?</a>
82                </span>
83              </dt>
84            </dl>
85          </dd>
86          <dt>
87            <span class="sect1">
88              <a href="buildtarget.html"> Building on the Target Platform</a>
89            </span>
90          </dt>
91        </dl>
92      </div>
93      <p>
94Creating a new Berkeley DB executable on the target platform, involves:
96      <div class="orderedlist">
97        <ol type="1">
98          <li>
99            <p>
100<a class="xref" href="newbinary.html#basebuild" title="Creating a Base Build of Berkeley DB">
101Creating a Base Build of Berkeley DB
104          </li>
105          <li>
106            <p>
107<a class="xref" href="modscope.html" title="Determining the Scope of the Modifications">
108Determining the Scope of the Modifications
111          </li>
112          <li>
113            <p>
114        <a class="xref" href="buildtarget.html" title="Building on the Target Platform"> Building on the Target Platform</a>
116          </li>
117        </ol>
118      </div>
119      <div class="sect1" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
120        <div class="titlepage">
121          <div>
122            <div>
123              <h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a id="basebuild"></a>
124Creating a Base Build of Berkeley DB
126            </div>
127          </div>
128        </div>
129        <p>
130The simplest way to begin a port is to attempt to configure and build Berkeley DB on a UNIX or UNIX-like system. This gives you a list of the files that you needed to build Berkeley DB as well as the configuration files you can use as a starting point for building on your target port.
132        <p>
133To create a base build of Berkeley DB, following the instructions in the
134<em class="citetitle">Berkeley DB Programmer's Reference Guide</em>:
136        <div class="orderedlist">
137          <ol type="1">
138            <li>
139              <p>
140Download a Berkeley DB distribution from
141<a class="ulink" href="http://www.oracle.com/technology/software/products/berkeley-db/db/index.html" target="_top">http://www.oracle.com/technology/software/products/berkeley-db/db/index.html</a>.
143            </li>
144            <li>
145              <p>
146Build Berkeley DB.
148            </li>
149          </ol>
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167Determining the Scope of the Modifications
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