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18          <th colspan="3" align="center"><span class="emphasis"><em>dbc</em></span> put</th>
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34            <h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a id="dbc_put"></a><span class="emphasis"><em>dbc</em></span> put</h2>
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38      <pre class="programlisting">dbc put
39	[-after]
40	[-before]
41	[-current]
42	[-partial {doff dlen}]
43	data
45dbc put
46	[-keyfirst]
47	[-keylast]
48	[-partial {doff dlen}]
49	key data  </pre>
50      <p>
51         The <span class="emphasis"><em>dbc</em></span> <span class="bold"><strong>put</strong></span>
52         command stores the specified key/data pair into the database.  One of
53         the following options must be specified:
54    </p>
55      <div class="itemizedlist">
56        <ul type="disc">
57          <li>
58            <p>
59                 <span class="bold"><strong>-after</strong></span> 
60            </p>
61            <p>
62                 In the case of the Btree and Hash access methods, insert the data
63                 element as a duplicate element of the key to which the cursor refers.
64                 The new element appears immediately after the current cursor position.
65                 It is an error to specify <span class="bold"><strong>-after</strong></span> if
66                 the underlying Btree or Hash database was not created with the
67                 <span class="bold"><strong>-dup</strong></span> option. No key argument should
68                 be specified.     
69             </p>
70            <p>
71                 In the case of the Recno access method, it is an error to specify the
72                 <span class="bold"><strong>-after</strong></span> option if the underlying Recno
73                 database was not created with the <span class="bold"><strong>-renumber</strong></span> option.  If the <span class="bold"><strong>-renumber</strong></span> option was specified, a new key is
74                 created, all records after the inserted item are automatically
75                 renumbered, and the key of the new record is returned in the structure
76                 to which the key argument refers. The initial value of the key
77                 parameter is ignored. See <span class="bold"><strong>berkdb open</strong></span>
78                 for more information.
79            </p>
80            <p>
81                 In the case of the Queue access method, it is always an error to
82                 specify <span class="bold"><strong>-after</strong></span>.
83            </p>
84            <p>
85                 If the current cursor record has already been deleted, and the
86                 underlying access method is Hash, <span class="emphasis"><em>dbc</em></span> <span class="bold"><strong>put</strong></span> will throw a Tcl error. If the underlying
87                 access method is Btree or Recno, the operation will succeed.
88            </p>
89          </li>
90          <li>
91            <p>
92                  <span class="bold"><strong>-before</strong></span> 
93            </p>
94            <p>
95                 In the case of the Btree and Hash access methods, insert the data
96                 element as a duplicate element of the key to which the cursor refers.
97                 The new element appears immediately before the current cursor
98                 position. It is an error to specify <span class="bold"><strong>-before</strong></span> if the underlying Btree or Hash
99                 database was not created with the <span class="bold"><strong>-dup</strong></span> option. No key argument should be
100                 specified.     
101            </p>
102            <p>
103                 In the case of the Recno access method, it is an error to specify
104                 <span class="bold"><strong>-before</strong></span> if the underlying Recno
105                 database was not created with the <span class="bold"><strong>-before</strong></span> option.  If the <span class="bold"><strong>-before</strong></span> option was specified, a new key is
106                 created, the current record and all records after it are automatically
107                 renumbered, and the key of the new record is returned in the structure
108                 to which the key argument refers.  The initial value of the key
109                 parameter is ignored. See <span class="bold"><strong>berkdb open</strong></span>
110                 for more information.
111            </p>
112            <p>
113                 In the case of the Queue access method, it is always an error to
114                 specify <span class="bold"><strong>-before</strong></span>.
115            </p>
116            <p>
117                 If the current cursor record has already been deleted and the
118                 underlying access method is Hash, <span class="emphasis"><em>dbc</em></span> <span class="bold"><strong>put</strong></span> will throw a Tcl error. If the underlying
119                 access method is Btree or Recno, the operation will succeed.
120            </p>
121          </li>
122          <li>
123            <p>
124                  <span class="bold"><strong>-current</strong></span> 
125            </p>
126            <p>
127                 Overwrite the data of the key/data pair to which the cursor refers
128                 with the specified data item.  No key argument should be specified.   
129             </p>
130            <p>
131                 If the <span class="bold"><strong>-dupsort</strong></span> option was specified
132                 to <span class="bold"><strong>berkdb open</strong></span> and the data item of
133                 the key/data pair to which the cursor refers does not compare equally
134                 to the data parameter, <span class="emphasis"><em>dbc</em></span> <span class="bold"><strong>put</strong></span> will throw a Tcl error.
135            </p>
136            <p>
137                 If the current cursor record has already been deleted and the
138                 underlying access method is Hash, <span class="emphasis"><em>dbc</em></span> <span class="bold"><strong>put</strong></span> will throw a Tcl error. If the underlying
139                 access method is Btree, Queue, or Recno, the operation will succeed.
140            </p>
141          </li>
142          <li>
143            <p>
144                  <span class="bold"><strong>-keyfirst</strong></span> 
145            </p>
146            <p>
147                 In the case of the Btree and Hash access methods, insert the specified
148                 key/data pair into the database.     
149             </p>
150            <p>
151                 If the key already exists in the database, and the <span class="bold"><strong>-dupsort</strong></span> option was specified to <span class="bold"><strong>berkdb open</strong></span>, the inserted data item is added in
152                 its sorted location.  If the key already exists in the database, and
153                 the <span class="bold"><strong>-dupsort</strong></span> option was not
154                 specified, the inserted data item is added as the first of the data
155                 items for that key.
156            </p>
157            <p>
158                 The <span class="bold"><strong>-keyfirst</strong></span> option may not be
159                 specified to the Queue or Recno access methods.
160            </p>
161          </li>
162          <li>
163            <p>
164                  <span class="bold"><strong>-keylast</strong></span> 
165            </p>
166            <p>
167                 In the case of the Btree and Hash access methods, insert the specified
168                 key/data pair into the database.     
169             </p>
170            <p>
171                 If the key already exists in the database, and the <span class="bold"><strong>-dupsort</strong></span> option was specified to <span class="bold"><strong>berkdb open</strong></span>, the inserted data item is added in
172                 its sorted location.  If the key already exists in the database, and
173                 the <span class="bold"><strong>-dupsort</strong></span> option was not
174                 specified, the inserted data item is added as the last of the data
175                 items for that key.
176            </p>
177            <p>
178                 The <span class="bold"><strong>-keylast</strong></span> option may not be
179                 specified to the Queue or Recno access methods.
180            </p>
181          </li>
182          <li>
183            <p>
184                  <span class="bold"><strong>-partial {doff dlen}</strong></span> 
185            </p>
186            <p>
187                 The <span class="bold"><strong>dlen</strong></span> bytes starting <span class="bold"><strong>doff</strong></span> bytes from the beginning of the specified
188                 key's data record are replaced by the data specified by the data and
189                 size structure elements.  If <span class="bold"><strong>dlen</strong></span> is
190                 smaller than the length of the supplied data, the record will grow; if
191                 <span class="bold"><strong>dlen</strong></span> is larger than the length of the
192                 supplied data, the record will shrink.  If the specified bytes do not
193                 exist, the record will be extended using nul bytes as necessary, and
194                 the <span class="emphasis"><em>dbc</em></span> <span class="bold"><strong>put</strong></span> call
195                 will succeed.
196            </p>
197            <p>
198                 It is an error to attempt a partial put using the
199                 <span class="emphasis"><em>dbc</em></span> <span class="bold"><strong>put</strong></span> command
200                 in a database that supports duplicate records. Partial puts in
201                 databases supporting duplicate records must be done using a
202                 <span class="emphasis"><em>dbc</em></span> <span class="bold"><strong>put</strong></span> command.
203            </p>
204            <p>
205                 It is an error to attempt a partial put with differing <span class="bold"><strong>dlen</strong></span> and supplied data length values in Queue
206                 or Recno databases with fixed-length records.
207            </p>
208          </li>
209        </ul>
210      </div>
211      <p>
212         If a key is specified, and if the underlying database is a Queue or
213         Recno database, the given key will be interpreted by Tcl as an
214         integer.  For all other database types, the key is interpreted by Tcl
215         as a byte array.
216    </p>
217      <p>
218         If <span class="emphasis"><em>dbc</em></span> <span class="bold"><strong>put</strong></span> fails
219         for any reason, the state of the cursor will be unchanged. If
220         <span class="emphasis"><em>dbc</em></span> <span class="bold"><strong>put</strong></span> succeeds
221         and an item is inserted into the database, the cursor is always
222         positioned to refer to the newly inserted item.
223    </p>
224      <p>
225         The <span class="emphasis"><em>dbc</em></span> <span class="bold"><strong>put</strong></span>
226         command returns 0 on success, and in the case of error, a Tcl error is
227         thrown.
228    </p>
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