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34            <h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a id="mempstat_print"></a>DbEnv::memp_stat_print()</h2>
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38      <pre class="programlisting">#include &lt;db_cxx.h&gt;
41DbEnv::memp_stat_print(u_int32_t flags);</pre>
42      <p>
43         The <code class="methodname">DbEnv::memp_stat_print()</code> method displays cache
44         subsystem statistical information, as described for the 
45         <a class="xref" href="mempstat.html" title="DbEnv::memp_stat()">DbEnv::memp_stat()</a> method. The information is printed to
46         a specified output channel (see the 
47         <a class="xref" href="envset_msgfile.html" title="DbEnv::set_msgfile()">DbEnv::set_msgfile()</a> method for more
48         information), or passed to an application callback function (see the 
49         <a class="xref" href="envset_msgcall.html" title="DbEnv::set_msgcall()">DbEnv::set_msgcall()</a> method for more
50         information).
51    </p>
52      <p>
53         The <code class="methodname">DbEnv::memp_stat_print()</code> method may not be called before the
54         <a class="xref" href="envopen.html" title="DbEnv::open()">DbEnv::open()</a>  method is
55         called.
56    </p>
57      <p>
58         The <code class="methodname">DbEnv::memp_stat_print()</code> <span>
60            <span>
61                method either returns a non-zero error value or throws an
62                exception that encapsulates a non-zero error value on
63                failure, and returns 0 on success.
64            </span>
65        </span>
66    </p>
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71              <h3 class="title"><a id="id1692029"></a>Parameters</h3>
72            </div>
73          </div>
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79                <h4 class="title"><a id="id1692079"></a>flags</h4>
80              </div>
81            </div>
82          </div>
83          <p>
84                          The <span class="bold"><strong>flags</strong></span> parameter must be set to 0
85                          or by bitwise inclusively <span class="bold"><strong>OR</strong></span>'ing
86                          together one or more of the following values:
87                     </p>
88          <div class="itemizedlist">
89            <ul type="disc">
90              <li>
91                <p><a id="stat_print_DB_STAT_ALL"></a>
92                  <code class="literal">DB_STAT_ALL</code>
93            </p>
94                <p>
95                Display all available information.
96            </p>
97              </li>
98              <li>
99                <p><a id="stat_print_DB_STAT_CLEAR"></a>
100                  <code class="literal">DB_STAT_CLEAR</code>
101            </p>
102                <p>
103                Reset statistics after displaying their values.
104            </p>
105              </li>
106              <li>
107                <p><a id="stat_print_DB_STAT_MEMP_HASH"></a>
108                  <code class="literal">DB_STAT_MEMP_HASH</code>
109            </p>
110                <p>
111                Display the buffers with hash chains.
112            </p>
113              </li>
114            </ul>
115          </div>
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122              <h3 class="title"><a id="id1692340"></a>Class</h3>
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126        <p>
127                 <a class="link" href="env.html" title="Chapter��5.�� The DbEnv Handle">DbEnv</a>, <a class="link" href="memp.html" title="Chapter��9.�� The DbMpoolFile Handle">DbMpoolFile</a> 
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134              <h3 class="title"><a id="id1692352"></a>See Also</h3>
135            </div>
136          </div>
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138        <p>
139                     <a class="xref" href="memp.html#memplist" title="Memory Pools and Related Methods">Memory Pools and Related Methods</a> 
140                </p>
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