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18          <th colspan="3" align="center">DB_ENV-&gt;txn_begin()</th>
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22          <th width="60%" align="center">Chapter��12.��
23                The DB_TXN Handle 
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34            <h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a id="txnbegin"></a>DB_ENV-&gt;txn_begin()</h2>
35          </div>
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37      </div>
38      <pre class="programlisting">#include &lt;db.h&gt;
41DB_ENV-&gt;txn_begin(DB_ENV *env,
42    DB_TXN *parent, DB_TXN **tid, u_int32_t flags);  </pre>
43      <p>
44         The <code class="methodname">DB_ENV-&gt;txn_begin()</code> method creates a new transaction in the
45         environment and copies a pointer to a <a class="link" href="txn.html" title="Chapter��12.�� The DB_TXN Handle">DB_TXN</a>  that
46         uniquely identifies it into the memory to which <span class="bold"><strong>tid</strong></span>
47         refers.  Calling the <a class="xref" href="txnabort.html" title="DB_TXN-&gt;abort()">DB_TXN-&gt;abort()</a>, 
48         <a class="xref" href="txncommit.html" title="DB_TXN-&gt;commit()">DB_TXN-&gt;commit()</a>  or 
49         <a class="xref" href="txndiscard.html" title="DB_TXN-&gt;discard()">DB_TXN-&gt;discard()</a>  methods will 
50         discard the returned handle.
51    </p>
52      <div class="note" style="margin-left: 0.5in; margin-right: 0.5in;">
53        <h3 class="title">Note</h3>
54        <p>
55             Transactions may only span threads if they do so serially; that is, each transaction
56             must be active in only a single thread of control at a time.  This restriction holds
57             for parents of nested transactions as well; no two children may be concurrently active
58             in more than one thread of control at any one time.
59        </p>
60      </div>
61      <div class="note" style="margin-left: 0.5in; margin-right: 0.5in;">
62        <h3 class="title">Note</h3>
63        <p>
64            Cursors may not span transactions; that is, each cursor must be opened and closed within
65            a single transaction.
66    </p>
67      </div>
68      <div class="note" style="margin-left: 0.5in; margin-right: 0.5in;">
69        <h3 class="title">Note</h3>
70        <p>
71            A parent transaction may not issue any Berkeley DB operations ��� except for
72            <code class="methodname">DB_ENV-&gt;txn_begin()</code>, 
73            <a class="xref" href="txnabort.html" title="DB_TXN-&gt;abort()">DB_TXN-&gt;abort()</a>  
74            and <a class="xref" href="txncommit.html" title="DB_TXN-&gt;commit()">DB_TXN-&gt;commit()</a>  ��� while it 
75            has active child transactions (child transactions that have not yet
76            been committed or aborted).
77        </p>
78      </div>
79      <p>
80         The <code class="methodname">DB_ENV-&gt;txn_begin()</code> <span>
81            <span>
82                  method returns a non-zero error value on failure and 0 on success.
83            </span>
85        </span>
86    </p>
87      <div class="sect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
88        <div class="titlepage">
89          <div>
90            <div>
91              <h3 class="title"><a id="id1708319"></a>Parameters</h3>
92            </div>
93          </div>
94        </div>
95        <div class="sect3" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
96          <div class="titlepage">
97            <div>
98              <div>
99                <h4 class="title"><a id="id1708353"></a>flags</h4>
100              </div>
101            </div>
102          </div>
103          <p>
104                          The <span class="bold"><strong>flags</strong></span> parameter must be set to 0
105                          or by bitwise inclusively <span class="bold"><strong>OR</strong></span>'ing
106                          together one or more of the following values:
107                     </p>
108          <div class="itemizedlist">
109            <ul type="disc">
110              <li>
111                <p>
112                  <code class="literal">DB_READ_COMMITTED</code>
113            </p>
114                <p>
115                 This transaction will have degree 2 isolation.  This provides for
116                 cursor stability but not repeatable reads.  Data items which have been
117                 previously read by this transaction may be deleted or modified by
118                 other transactions before this transaction completes.
119            </p>
120              </li>
121              <li>
122                <p>
123                  <code class="literal">DB_READ_UNCOMMITTED</code>
124            </p>
125                <p>
126                 This transaction will have degree 1 isolation.  Read operations
127                 performed by the transaction may read modified but not yet committed
128                 data.  Silently ignored if the <code class="literal">DB_READ_UNCOMMITTED</code> 
129                 flag was not specified when the underlying database was opened.
130            </p>
131              </li>
132              <li>
133                <p>
134                  <code class="literal">DB_TXN_NOSYNC</code>
135            </p>
136                <p>
137                 Do not synchronously flush the log when this transaction commits or
138                 prepares. This means the transaction will exhibit the ACI (atomicity,
139                 consistency, and isolation) properties, but not D (durability); that
140                 is, database integrity will be maintained but it is possible that this
141                 transaction may be undone during recovery.
142            </p>
143                <p>
144                 This behavior may be set for a Berkeley DB environment using the
145                 <a class="xref" href="envset_flags.html" title="DB_ENV-&gt;set_flags()">DB_ENV-&gt;set_flags()</a> 
146                 method.  Any value specified to this method overrides that setting.
147            </p>
148              </li>
149              <li>
150                <p><a id="txnbegin_DB_TXN_NOWAIT"></a>
151                  <code class="literal">DB_TXN_NOWAIT</code>
152            </p>
153                <p>
154                 If a lock is unavailable for any Berkeley DB operation performed in
155                 the context of this transaction, cause the operation to return <a href="../../programmer_reference/program_errorret.html#program_errorret.DB_LOCK_DEADLOCK" class="olink">DB_LOCK_DEADLOCK</a>
156                 (or <a href="../../programmer_reference/program_errorret.html#program_errorret.DB_LOCK_NOTGRANTED" class="olink">DB_LOCK_NOTGRANTED</a>
157                    if the database environment has been configured using the 
158                    <a class="link" href="envset_flags.html#envset_flags_DB_TIME_NOTGRANTED">DB_TIME_NOTGRANTED</a> 
159                 flag).
160            </p>
161                <p>
162                 This behavior may be set for a Berkeley DB environment using the
163                 <a class="xref" href="envset_flags.html" title="DB_ENV-&gt;set_flags()">DB_ENV-&gt;set_flags()</a> 
164                 method.  Any value specified to this method overrides that setting.
165            </p>
166              </li>
167              <li>
168                <p><a id="txnbegin_DB_TXN_SNAPSHOT"></a>
169                     <code class="literal">DB_TXN_SNAPSHOT</code>
170            </p>
171                <p>
172                 This transaction will execute with 
173                 <a href="../../programmer_reference/transapp_read.html" class="olink">snapshot isolation</a>.  For
174                databases with the 
175                <a class="link" href="dbopen.html#dbopen_DB_MULTIVERSION">DB_MULTIVERSION</a> 
176                 flag set, data values will be read as they are when the transaction
177                 begins, without taking read locks.  Silently ignored for operations on
178                 databases with 
179                 <a class="link" href="dbopen.html#dbopen_DB_MULTIVERSION">DB_MULTIVERSION</a> 
180                 not set on the underlying database (read locks are acquired).
181            </p>
182                <p>
183                 The error <code class="literal">DB_LOCK_DEADLOCK</code> will be
184                 returned from update operations if a snapshot transaction attempts to
185                 update data which was modified after the snapshot transaction read it.
186            </p>
187              </li>
188              <li>
189                <p>
190                  <code class="literal">DB_TXN_SYNC</code>
191            </p>
192                <p>
193                 Synchronously flush the log when this transaction commits or prepares.
194                 This means the transaction will exhibit all of the ACID (atomicity,
195                 consistency, isolation, and durability) properties.
196            </p>
197                <p>
198                 This behavior is the default for Berkeley DB environments unless the
199                 <code class="literal">DB_TXN_NOSYNC</code> flag was specified to the 
200                 <a class="xref" href="envset_flags.html" title="DB_ENV-&gt;set_flags()">DB_ENV-&gt;set_flags()</a>  method.
201                  Any value specified to this method overrides that setting.
202            </p>
203              </li>
204              <li>
205                <p>
206                  <code class="literal">DB_TXN_WAIT</code>
207            </p>
208                <p>
209                 If a lock is unavailable for any Berkeley DB operation performed in
210                 the context of this transaction, wait for the lock.
211            </p>
212                <p>
213                 This behavior is the default for Berkeley DB environments unless the
214                 <code class="literal">DB_TXN_NOWAIT</code> flag was specified to the 
215                 <a class="xref" href="envset_flags.html" title="DB_ENV-&gt;set_flags()">DB_ENV-&gt;set_flags()</a>  method.
216                  Any value specified to this method overrides that setting.
217            </p>
218              </li>
219              <li>
220                <p>
221                  <code class="literal">DB_TXN_WRITE_NOSYNC</code>
222            </p>
223                <p>
224                 Write, but do not synchronously flush, the log when this transaction
225                 commits.  This means the transaction will exhibit the ACI (atomicity,
226                 consistency, and isolation) properties, but not D (durability); that
227                 is, database integrity will be maintained, but if the system fails, it
228                 is possible some number of the most recently committed transactions
229                 may be undone during recovery.  The number of transactions at risk is
230                 governed by how often the system flushes dirty buffers to disk and how
231                 often the log is flushed or checkpointed.
232            </p>
233                <p>
234                 This behavior may be set for a Berkeley DB environment using the
235                 <a class="xref" href="envset_flags.html" title="DB_ENV-&gt;set_flags()">DB_ENV-&gt;set_flags()</a> 
236                 method.  Any value specified to this method overrides that setting.
237            </p>
238              </li>
239            </ul>
240          </div>
241        </div>
242        <div class="sect3" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
243          <div class="titlepage">
244            <div>
245              <div>
246                <h4 class="title"><a id="id1708596"></a>parent</h4>
247              </div>
248            </div>
249          </div>
250          <p>
251                          If the <span class="bold"><strong>parent</strong></span> parameter is non-NULL,
252                          the new transaction will be a nested transaction, with the transaction
253                          indicated by <span class="bold"><strong>parent</strong></span> as its parent. 
254                          Transactions may be nested to any level. In the presence of
255                          distributed transactions and two-phase commit, only the parental
256                          transaction, that is a transaction without a <span class="bold"><strong>parent</strong></span> specified, should be passed as an
257                          parameter to <a class="xref" href="txnprepare.html" title="DB_TXN-&gt;prepare()">DB_TXN-&gt;prepare()</a>.
258                     </p>
259        </div>
260      </div>
261      <div class="sect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
262        <div class="titlepage">
263          <div>
264            <div>
265              <h3 class="title"><a id="id1708989"></a>Errors</h3>
266            </div>
267          </div>
268        </div>
269        <p>
270                         The <code class="methodname">DB_ENV-&gt;txn_begin()</code> <span>
271            <span>
272                 method may fail and return one of the following non-zero errors:
273            </span>
275        </span>
276                    </p>
277        <div class="sect3" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
278          <div class="titlepage">
279            <div>
280              <div>
281                <h4 class="title"><a id="id1708838"></a> or ENOMEM</h4>
282              </div>
283            </div>
284          </div>
285          <p>
286                The maximum number of concurrent transactions has been
287                reached.
288            </p>
289        </div>
290      </div>
291      <div class="sect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
292        <div class="titlepage">
293          <div>
294            <div>
295              <h3 class="title"><a id="id1708953"></a>Class</h3>
296            </div>
297          </div>
298        </div>
299        <p>
300                 <a class="link" href="env.html" title="Chapter��5.�� The DB_ENV Handle">DB_ENV</a>, <a class="link" href="txn.html" title="Chapter��12.�� The DB_TXN Handle">DB_TXN</a> 
301            </p>
302      </div>
303      <div class="sect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
304        <div class="titlepage">
305          <div>
306            <div>
307              <h3 class="title"><a id="id1708629"></a>See Also</h3>
308            </div>
309          </div>
310        </div>
311        <p>
312                     <a class="xref" href="txn.html#txnlist" title="Transaction Subsystem and Related Methods">Transaction Subsystem and Related Methods</a> 
313                </p>
314      </div>
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