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23          <th colspan="3" align="center">LPRng Reference Manual: 5
24          Sep 2003 (For LPRng-3.8.22)</th>
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42      <h1 class="SECT1"><a name="AEN6660">13.6. Job Hold
43      File</a></h1>
45      <p>Associated with each control file is a hold file that has
46      additional information controlling the printing operations.
47      The entries in this file have the form:</p>
49      <div class="INFORMALEXAMPLE">
50        <a name="AEN6663"></a>
51<pre class="SCREEN">
52    key [value]
54      </div>
55      <br>
56      <br>
58      <p>The following is an example of a hold file:</p>
60      <div class="INFORMALEXAMPLE">
61        <a name="AEN6666"></a>
62<pre class="SCREEN">
63    server 0
64    subserver 0
65    attempt 3
66    error cannot open printer
67    hold 0
68    priority 0
69    remove 0
70    routed 0
72      </div>
73      <br>
74      <br>
76      <p>The <var class="LITERAL">server</var> and <var class=
77      "LITERAL">subserver</var> entry records the process ID of the
78      server process and the subserver process that is printing the
79      job. The <var class="LITERAL">attempt</var> field records the
80      total number of attempts to print the job. The <var class=
81      "LITERAL">error</var> field records any error that would
82      prevent the job from being printed. This information is
83      reported by the <b class="APPLICATION">lpq</b> program.</p>
85      <p>The <var class="LITERAL">hold</var> field is non-zero when
86      the <tt class="COMMAND">lpc hold</tt> command is used to
87      explicitly prevent the job from being printed; <tt class=
88      "COMMAND">lpc release</tt> will clear the field and allow the
89      job to be printed.</p>
91      <p>The <var class="LITERAL">priority</var> field is modified
92      by the <tt class="COMMAND">lpc topq</tt> command and is used
93      to provide an overriding priority to printing the file.</p>
95      <p>The <var class="LITERAL">remove</var> field is non-zero
96      when the file has been printed and should be removed.</p>
98      <p>The <var class="LITERAL">routed</var> field is used to
99      indicate that there is routing information present in the
100      hold file, and that special handling is needed. The routing
101      information is provided by a <a href=
102      "destinations.htm">routing filter</a>. The information is
103      recorded by information in the hold file. The following is an
104      example of routing information. Normally this information is
105      stored in a URL escaped format, with one line per
106      destination, but for clarity this has been broken out into
107      plain text form:</p>
109      <div class="INFORMALEXAMPLE">
110        <a name="AEN6687"></a>
111<pre class="SCREEN">
112    active 0
113    attempt 0
114    done 0
115    hold 0
116    priority 0
117    remove 0
118    routed 880892602
119    route 1
120      dest t1
121      ident papowell@h4+705.1
122      error
123      copies 1
124      copy_done 0
125      status 0
126      active 0
127      attempt 0
128      done 0
129      hold 0
130      sequence 0
131      priority B
132      CB
133      end
134    route 2
135      dest t1
136      ident papowell@h4+705.2
137      error
138      copies 0
139      copy_done 0
140      status 0
141      active 0
142      attempt 0
143      done 0
144      hold 0
145      sequence 1
146      end
148      </div>
149      <br>
150      <br>
152      <p>Routing information lines start with <var class=
153      "LITERAL">route</var> followed by individual routing entry
154      information. The <var class="LITERAL">route</var> <var class=
155      "LITERAL">dest</var>, <var class="LITERAL">copies</var>, <var
156      class="LITERAL">priority</var>, and <var class=
157      "LITERAL">Xnnnn</var> entries are derived from the output of
158      the router program; other fields are used during the printing
159      process. The <var class="LITERAL">copy_done</var> records the
160      numbers of copies done, while the <var class=
161      "LITERAL">done</var> records that the entry has been
162      completed. The <var class="LITERAL">status</var> is the
163      process ID of the server process doing the printing.</p>
165      <p>The output from route filter that generated the above file
166      was:</p>
168      <div class="INFORMALEXAMPLE">
169        <a name="AEN6700"></a>
170<pre class="SCREEN">
171    dest t1
172    copies 1
173    priority B
174    CB
175    end
176    dest t1
177    end
179      </div>
180      <br>
181      <br>
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206          <td width="33%" align="right" valign="top">Job State</td>
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