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24          <th colspan="3" align="center">LPRng Reference Manual: 5
25          Sep 2003 (For LPRng-3.8.22)</th>
26        </tr>
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29          <td width="10%" align="left" valign="bottom"><a href=
30          "x6242.htm" accesskey="P">Prev</a></td>
32          <td width="80%" align="center" valign="bottom">Chapter
33          12. Printcap Database</td>
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36          "spoolqueue.htm" accesskey="N">Next</a></td>
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42    <div class="SECT1">
43      <h1 class="SECT1"><a name="AEN6263">12.22. Solaris, Newsprint
44      and FrameMaker</a></h1>
46      <p>The following is a guide to using <b class=
47      "APPLICATION">LPRng</b> and Sun Microsystems Newsprint by
48      Christopher Hylands, Ptolemy Project Manager of the
49      University of California.</p>
51      <p>The Sun Newsprint printer is actually an OEM version of
52      the Tektronix PhaserII; Sun Microsystems appears to have
53      dropped support for Newsprint, and the recommended migration
54      path is to buy a PostScript printer. If you want more
55      information on using the Newsprint system, notes are
56      available via <tt class=
57      "FILENAME">http://ptolemy.eecs.berkeley.edu/~cxh/lprng.html</tt>.</p>
59      <p>Looking through the mailing list logs, it looks like
60      everyone was having a hard time getting lprng to work with
61      Sun's brain-dead newsprinters. I tried using GhostScript, but
62      the fonts were, IMHO, ugly, so I spent a little time getting
63      the newsprint fonts to work.</p>
65      <p>The key thing was to grab the file <tt class=
66      "FILENAME">/usr/newsprint/lpd/if</tt> from a SunOS4.1.3
67      newsprint installation. If you cannot get this code, then the
68      installation will be extremely difficult.</p>
70      <p>To install lprng on a Solaris2.x machine, you need to
71      first stop the existing print services and install the
72      startup scripts for <b class="APPLICATION">LPRng</b>. Note
73      that if there is a local printer, you may have to also fix
74      the permissions of the device. Typical commands are:</p>
76      <div class="INFORMALEXAMPLE">
77        <a name="AEN6274"></a>
78<pre class="SCREEN">
79    chown daemon /devices/sbus@1,f8000000/SUNW,lpvi@1,300000:lpvi0
81      </div>
82      <br>
83      <br>
85      <p>We use the following simple <var class="LITERAL">:if</var>
86      script.</p>
88      <div class="INFORMALEXAMPLE">
89        <a name="AEN6278"></a>
90<pre class="SCREEN">
91    #/bin/sh
92    # extremely simple filter script
93    /bin/cat
95      </div>
96      <br>
97      <br>
99      <p>The Sparcprinters use licensed fonts from NeWSprint. To
100      use the licensed fonts, you must have the lprng spool
101      directory for the sparcprinter in the same location as spool
102      directory of the brain dead Solaris lp system. If your
103      printer is named xsp524, then this directory would be <tt
104      class="COMMAND">/etc/lp/printers/xsp524</tt>.</p>
106      <p>The printcap entry looks like:</p>
108      <div class="INFORMALEXAMPLE">
109        <a name="AEN6283"></a>
110<pre class="SCREEN">
111    sp524|524:
112        :mx=0
113        :lp=:rm=doppler:rp=xsp524:
114        :sd=/var/spool/lpd/sp524d:
115        :lf=/var/spool/lpd/sp524d/log:
116    xsp524|Sun SPARCprinter NeWSprint printer:
117        :mx=0:rs:
118        :lp=/dev/lpvi0:
119        :sd=/etc/lp/printers/xsp524:
120        :lf=/etc/lp/printers/xsp524/log:
121        :af=/var/spool/lpd/xsp524/acct:
122        :filter=/usr/local/libexec/newsprint/if:
124      </div>
125      <br>
126      <br>
128      <p>The <tt class=
129      "FILENAME">/usr/local/libexec/newsprint/if</tt> was copied
130      from <tt class="FILENAME">/usr/newsprint/lpd/if</tt> in a
131      SunOS4.x installation of the newsprint software.
132      Unfortunately, the newsprint engine is so brain dead that it
133      needs many environment variables set, so it is fairly
134      difficult to come up with a clean script to start the engine.
135      I made the following changes to the file.</p>
137      <ol type="1">
138        <li>
139          <p>First, set the path in the script. You may also need
140          to change defaults to suit your preferences:</p>
142          <div class="INFORMALEXAMPLE">
143            <a name="AEN6291"></a>
144<pre class="SCREEN">
145    PATH=/usr/ucb:/usr/bin:/etc:/usr/etc:\
146      /opt/NeWSprint/bin:/opt/NeWSprint/np/bin:
147    PATH=$PATH:$NPHOME/pl.$ARCH/bin:$NPHOME/np/bin; export PATH
149          </div>
150          <br>
151          <br>
152        </li>
154        <li>
155          <p>You will also need a <tt class=
156          "FILENAME">/etc/lp/printers/printername/.params</tt>
157          file. If you are using the same spooler directory as the
158          directory that the Solaris lp system uses, then the
159          .param file should appear there. If you are using a
160          different spooler directory, then you will need to copy
161          the .param file from elsewhere and edit it
162          accordingly.</p>
163        </li>
165        <li>
166          <p>If you are going to move a license to a new printer,
167          you should probably save the .param file in the old
168          printer spooler directory. Run
169          /opt/NeWSprint/bin/fp_install and remove the license from
170          the old printer and assign it to the new printer. You
171          could run /opt/NeWSprint/bin/rm_np_printer and remove the
172          printer, but that will get rid of the .param file</p>
173        </li>
175        <li>
176          <p>FrameMaker under Solaris2.x uses the lp command. The
177          fix is to edit $FMHOME/fminit/FMlpr and comment out the
178          lp line and add an lpr line</p>
180          <div class="INFORMALEXAMPLE">
181            <a name="AEN6300"></a>
182<pre class="SCREEN">
183    sunxm.s5.sparc)
184        lpr -P"$PRINTER" "$FILE"
185        #lp -c -d"$PRINTER" "$FILE"
187          </div>
188          <br>
189          <br>
190        </li>
191      </ol>
193      <div class="INFORMALEXAMPLE">
194        <a name="AEN6302"></a>
195<pre class="SCREEN">
196    Christopher Hylands, Ptolemy Project Manager  University of California
197    cxh@eecs.berkeley.edu                 US Mail: 558 Cory Hall #1770
198    ph: (510)643-9841 fax:(510)642-2739       Berkeley, CA 94720-1770
199    home: (510)526-4010 (if busy -4068)       (Office: 493 Cory)
201      </div>
202      <br>
203      <br>
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223          <td width="33%" align="left" valign="top">Duplex
224          Printing</td>
226          <td width="34%" align="center" valign="top"><a href=
227          "printcapref.htm" accesskey="U">Up</a></td>
229          <td width="33%" align="right" valign="top">Spool Queues
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