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22        <tr>
23          <th colspan="3" align="center">LPRng Reference Manual: 5
24          Sep 2003 (For LPRng-3.8.22)</th>
25        </tr>
27        <tr>
28          <td width="10%" align="left" valign="bottom"><a href=
29          "normalterm.htm" accesskey="P">Prev</a></td>
31          <td width="80%" align="center" valign="bottom">Chapter
32          15. Job Processing</td>
34          <td width="10%" align="right" valign="bottom"><a href=
35          "bk.htm" accesskey="N">Next</a></td>
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41    <div class="SECT1">
42      <h1 class="SECT1"><a name="ABNORMALTERM">15.10. Abnormal
43      Termination</a></h1>
45      <p>Options used:</p>
47      <ul>
48        <li>
49          <p><var class="LITERAL">mail_from=</var><span class=
50          "emphasis"><i class="EMPHASIS">Mail from user
51          name</i></span></p>
52        </li>
54        <li>
55          <p><var class=
56          "LITERAL">mail_operator_on_error=</var><span class=
57          "emphasis"><i class="EMPHASIS">Mail to operator on
58          error</i></span></p>
59        </li>
61        <li>
62          <p><var class="LITERAL">send_try=</var><span class=
63          "emphasis"><i class="EMPHASIS">Maximum printing or
64          transfer attempts</i></span></p>
65        </li>
67        <li>
68          <p><var class="LITERAL">save_on_error</var> FLAG <span
69          class="emphasis"><i class="EMPHASIS">Do not delete on
70          error</i></span></p>
71        </li>
73        <li>
74          <p><var class="LITERAL">done_jobs=N</var><span class=
75          "emphasis"><i class="EMPHASIS">Save status of last N
76          jobs</i></span></p>
77        </li>
79        <li>
80          <p><var class="LITERAL">done_jobs_max_age=N</var><span
81          class="emphasis"><i class="EMPHASIS">Remove status when
82          older than N seconds</i></span></p>
83        </li>
85        <li>
86          <p><var class="LITERAL">send_failure_action=</var><span
87          class="emphasis"><i class="EMPHASIS">Action on
88          Failure</i></span></p>
89        </li>
91        <li>
92          <p><var class="LITERAL">sendmail=</var><span class=
93          "emphasis"><i class="EMPHASIS">sendmail path name and
94          options</i></span></p>
95        </li>
97        <li>
98          <p><var class="LITERAL">stop_on_abort</var> FLAG <span
99          class="emphasis"><i class="EMPHASIS">Stop processing
100          queue on filter abort</i></span></p>
101        </li>
102      </ul>
103      <br>
104      <br>
106      <p>If the job processing terminates abnormally, the following
107      sequence of events occurs:</p>
109      <ol type="1">
110        <li>
111          <p>The job is marked as having an error during
112          processing.</p>
113        </li>
115        <li>
116          <p>The <b class="APPLICATION">lpd</b> server will attempt
117          to kill all filters and other associated processes by
118          sending a SIGINT and SIGCONT (<tt class="COMMAND">kill
119          -INT</tt> and <tt class="COMMAND">kill -CONT</tt>) to
120          them.</p>
121        </li>
123        <li>
124          <p>If there is a <var class=
125          "LITERAL">mail_operator_on_error</var> value, the
126          specified operator will be mailed an error indication.
127          The <var class="LITERAL">sendmail</var> option specifies
128          the pathname of the <span class="emphasis"><i class=
129          "EMPHASIS">sendmail</i></span> program and the options
130          needed to have it read mail addresses from its standard
131          input. For example, <var class=
132          "LITERAL">sendmail=/usr/sbin/sendmail -oi -t</var> is a
133          commonly used set of options.</p>
134        </li>
136        <li>
137          <p>The <var class="LITERAL">mail_from</var> value
138          specifies the user name used for mail origination. If not
139          specified, the default is to use the print spool queue or
140          printer name.</p>
141        </li>
143        <li>
144          <p>If there is a <var class=
145          "LITERAL">send_failure_action</var> specified, then it is
146          decoded and the corresponding action taken. If the value
147          is <var class="LITERAL">remove</var>, <var class=
148          "LITERAL">hold</var>, <var class="LITERAL">abort</var>,
149          or <var class="LITERAL">retry</var>, then the job is
150          removed, held, aborted, or retried. If the value is <tt
151          class="FILENAME">|/program</tt>, the program is executed
152          and the number of attempts are written to the filter
153          <acronym class="ACRONYM">STDIN</acronym>. The exit status
154          of the filter will be used to determine the consequent
155          actions. That is, JSUCC (0) will be success, and the
156          standard success action will be taken; JFAIL will cause
157          retry, JREMOVE will cause the job to be removed, JHOLD
158          will cause the job to be held, JABORT or other status
159          will abort processing.</p>
160        </li>
162        <li>
163          <p>If the status is ABORT and the <var class=
164          "LITERAL">stop_on_abort</var> flag is set, then further
165          processing of jobs is terminated. The job is not removed
166          from the queue.</p>
167        </li>
169        <li>
170          <p>If the error status indicates removal, the <var class=
171          "LITERAL">save_on_error</var> flag is clear, and the <var
172          class="LITERAL">done_jobs</var> and <var class=
173          "LITERAL">done_jobs_max_age</var> values are zero (0),
174          then the job is removed from the spool queue.</p>
175        </li>
177        <li>
178          <p>If the error status indicates that no further
179          operations should be performed on the queue, then the <b
180          class="APPLICATION">lpd</b> server will stop processing
181          jobs.</p>
182        </li>
184        <li>
185          <p>If the error code indicated that the job should be
186          retried, and the <var class="LITERAL">send_try</var>
187          value is 0 or the number of attempts is less than the
188          <var class="LITERAL">send_try</var> value, then the job
189          is retried. Between each attempt to transfer a job to a
190          remote site. This pause will double after each attempt,
191          reaching a maximum of <var class=
192          "LITERAL">max_connect_interval</var> seconds. If <var
193          class="LITERAL">max_connect_interval</var> is 0, there is
194          no limit on the interval value.</p>
195        </li>
196      </ol>
197      <br>
198      <br>
199    </div>
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207          <td width="33%" align="left" valign="top"><a href=
208          "normalterm.htm" accesskey="P">Prev</a></td>
210          <td width="34%" align="center" valign="top"><a href=
211          "index.htm" accesskey="H">Home</a></td>
213          <td width="33%" align="right" valign="top"><a href=
214          "bk.htm" accesskey="N">Next</a></td>
215        </tr>
217        <tr>
218          <td width="33%" align="left" valign="top">Normal
219          Termination</td>
221          <td width="34%" align="center" valign="top"><a href=
222          "jobsteps.htm" accesskey="U">Up</a></td>
224          <td width="33%" align="right" valign="top">Forwarding
225          Jobs</td>
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