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35<h2 class="chapter">4 Input and Output (<samp><span class="file">stdio.h</span></samp>)</h2>
37<p>This chapter comprises functions to manage files
38or other input/output streams. Among these functions are subroutines
39to generate or scan strings according to specifications from a format string.
41   <p>The underlying facilities for input and output depend on the host
42system, but these functions provide a uniform interface.
44   <p>The corresponding declarations are in <samp><span class="file">stdio.h</span></samp>.
46   <p>The reentrant versions of these functions use macros
48<pre class="example">     _stdin_r(<var>reent</var>)
49     _stdout_r(<var>reent</var>)
50     _stderr_r(<var>reent</var>)
52   <p class="noindent">instead of the globals <code>stdin</code>, <code>stdout</code>, and
53<code>stderr</code>.  The argument &lt;[reent]&gt; is a pointer to a reentrancy
56<ul class="menu">
57<li><a accesskey="1" href="clearerr.html#clearerr">clearerr</a>:     Clear file or stream error indicator
58<li><a accesskey="2" href="diprintf.html#diprintf">diprintf</a>:     Print to a file descriptor (integer only)
59<li><a accesskey="3" href="dprintf.html#dprintf">dprintf</a>:      Print to a file descriptor
60<li><a accesskey="4" href="fclose.html#fclose">fclose</a>:       Close a file
61<li><a accesskey="5" href="fcloseall.html#fcloseall">fcloseall</a>:    Close all files
62<li><a accesskey="6" href="fdopen.html#fdopen">fdopen</a>:       Turn an open file into a stream
63<li><a accesskey="7" href="feof.html#feof">feof</a>:         Test for end of file
64<li><a accesskey="8" href="ferror.html#ferror">ferror</a>:       Test whether read/write error has occurred
65<li><a accesskey="9" href="fflush.html#fflush">fflush</a>:       Flush buffered file output
66<li><a href="fgetc.html#fgetc">fgetc</a>:        Get a character from a file or stream
67<li><a href="fgetpos.html#fgetpos">fgetpos</a>:      Record position in a stream or file
68<li><a href="fgets.html#fgets">fgets</a>:        Get character string from a file or stream
69<li><a href="fgetwc.html#fgetwc">fgetwc</a>:       Get a wide character from a file or stream
70<li><a href="fgetws.html#fgetws">fgetws</a>:       Get a wide character string from a file or stream
71<li><a href="fileno.html#fileno">fileno</a>:       Get file descriptor associated with stream
72<li><a href="fmemopen.html#fmemopen">fmemopen</a>:     Open a stream around a fixed-length buffer
73<li><a href="fopen.html#fopen">fopen</a>:        Open a file
74<li><a href="fopencookie.html#fopencookie">fopencookie</a>:  Open a stream with custom callbacks
75<li><a href="fpurge.html#fpurge">fpurge</a>:       Discard all pending I/O on a stream
76<li><a href="fputc.html#fputc">fputc</a>:        Write a character on a stream or file
77<li><a href="fputs.html#fputs">fputs</a>:        Write a character string in a file or stream
78<li><a href="fputwc.html#fputwc">fputwc</a>:       Write a wide character to a file or stream
79<li><a href="fputws.html#fputws">fputws</a>:       Write a wide character string to a file or stream
80<li><a href="fread.html#fread">fread</a>:        Read array elements from a file
81<li><a href="freopen.html#freopen">freopen</a>:      Open a file using an existing file descriptor
82<li><a href="fseek.html#fseek">fseek</a>:        Set file position
83<li><a href="fsetpos.html#fsetpos">fsetpos</a>:      Restore position of a stream or file
84<li><a href="ftell.html#ftell">ftell</a>:        Return position in a stream or file
85<li><a href="funopen.html#funopen">funopen</a>:      Open a stream with custom callbacks
86<li><a href="fwide.html#fwide">fwide</a>: 	Set and determine the orientation of a FILE stream
87<li><a href="fwrite.html#fwrite">fwrite</a>:       Write array elements from memory to a file or stream
88<li><a href="getc.html#getc">getc</a>:         Get a character from a file or stream (macro)
89<li><a href="getc_005funlocked.html#getc_005funlocked">getc_unlocked</a>: 	Get a character from a file or stream (macro)
90<li><a href="getchar.html#getchar">getchar</a>:      Get a character from standard input (macro)
91<li><a href="getchar_005funlocked.html#getchar_005funlocked">getchar_unlocked</a>: 	Get a character from standard input (macro)
92<li><a href="getdelim.html#getdelim">getdelim</a>:     Get character string from a file or stream
93<li><a href="getline.html#getline">getline</a>:      Get character string from a file or stream
94<li><a href="gets.html#gets">gets</a>:         Get character string from standard input (obsolete)
95<li><a href="getw.html#getw">getw</a>:         Get a word (int) from a file or stream
96<li><a href="getwchar.html#getwchar">getwchar</a>:     Get a wide character from standard input
97<li><a href="mktemp.html#mktemp">mktemp</a>:       Generate unused file name
98<li><a href="open_005fmemstream.html#open_005fmemstream">open_memstream</a>: 	Open a write stream around an arbitrary-length buffer
99<li><a href="perror.html#perror">perror</a>:       Print an error message on standard error
100<li><a href="putc.html#putc">putc</a>:         Write a character on a stream or file (macro)
101<li><a href="putc_005funlocked.html#putc_005funlocked">putc_unlocked</a>: 	Write a character on a stream or file (macro)
102<li><a href="putchar.html#putchar">putchar</a>:      Write a character on standard output (macro)
103<li><a href="putchar_005funlocked.html#putchar_005funlocked">putchar_unlocked</a>: 	Write a character on standard output (macro)
104<li><a href="puts.html#puts">puts</a>:         Write a character string on standard output
105<li><a href="putw.html#putw">putw</a>:         Write a word (int) to a file or stream
106<li><a href="putwchar.html#putwchar">putwchar</a>:     Write a wide character to standard output
107<li><a href="remove.html#remove">remove</a>:       Delete a file's name
108<li><a href="rename.html#rename">rename</a>:       Rename a file
109<li><a href="rewind.html#rewind">rewind</a>:       Reinitialize a file or stream
110<li><a href="setbuf.html#setbuf">setbuf</a>:       Specify full buffering for a file or stream
111<li><a href="setbuffer.html#setbuffer">setbuffer</a>:    Specify full buffering for a file or stream with size
112<li><a href="setlinebuf.html#setlinebuf">setlinebuf</a>:   Specify line buffering for a file or stream
113<li><a href="setvbuf.html#setvbuf">setvbuf</a>:      Specify buffering for a file or stream
114<li><a href="siprintf.html#siprintf">siprintf</a>:     Write formatted output (integer only)
115<li><a href="siscanf.html#siscanf">siscanf</a>:      Scan and format input (integer only)
116<li><a href="sprintf.html#sprintf">sprintf</a>:      Write formatted output
117<li><a href="sscanf.html#sscanf">sscanf</a>:       Scan and format input
118<li><a href="swprintf.html#swprintf">swprintf</a>:     Write formatted wide character output
119<li><a href="swscanf.html#swscanf">swscanf</a>:      Scan and format wide character input
120<li><a href="tmpfile.html#tmpfile">tmpfile</a>:      Create a temporary file
121<li><a href="tmpnam.html#tmpnam">tmpnam</a>:       Generate name for a temporary file
122<li><a href="ungetc.html#ungetc">ungetc</a>:       Push data back into a stream
123<li><a href="ungetwc.html#ungetwc">ungetwc</a>:      Push wide character data back into a stream
124<li><a href="vfprintf.html#vfprintf">vfprintf</a>:     Format variable argument list
125<li><a href="vfscanf.html#vfscanf">vfscanf</a>:      Scan variable argument list
126<li><a href="vfwprintf.html#vfwprintf">vfwprintf</a>:    Format variable wide character argument list
127<li><a href="vfwscanf.html#vfwscanf">vfwscanf</a>:     Scan and format argument list from wide character input
128<li><a href="viprintf.html#viprintf">viprintf</a>:     Format variable argument list (integer only)
129<li><a href="viscanf.html#viscanf">viscanf</a>:      Scan variable format list (integer only)
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